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The development of resistance to anti-retroviral drugs targeted against HIV is an increasing clinical problem in the treatment of HIV-1-infected individuals. Many patients develop drug-resistant strains of the virus after treatment with inhibitor cocktails (HAART therapy), which include multiple protease inhibitors. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand the mechanisms by which the viral proteins, in particular HIV-1 protease, develop resistance. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of HIV-1 protease NL4-3 in complex with the potent protease inhibitor TL-3 at 2.0 A resolution. We have also obtained the crystal structures of three mutant forms of NL4-3 protease containing one (V82A), three (V82A, M46I, F53L) and six (V82A, M46I, F53L, V77I, L24I, L63P) point mutations in complex with TL-3. The three protease mutants arose sequentially under ex vivo selective pressure in the presence of TL-3, and exhibit fourfold, 11-fold, and 30-fold resistance to TL-3, respectively. This series of protease crystal structures offers insights into the biochemical and structural mechanisms by which the enzyme can overcome inhibition by TL-3 while recovering some of its native catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The dynamics of HIV-1 protease (HIV-pr), a drug target for HIV infection, has been studied extensively by both computational and experimental methods. The flap dynamics of HIV-pr is considered to be more important for better ligand binding and enzymatic actions. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the drug-induced mutations can change the flap dynamics of HIV-pr affecting the binding affinity of the ligands. Therefore, detailed understanding of flap dynamics is essential for designing better inhibitors. Previous computational investigations observed significant variation in the flap opening in nanosecond time scale indicating that the dynamics is highly sensitive to the simulation protocols. To understand the sensitivity of the flap dynamics on the force field and simulation protocol, molecular dynamics simulations of HIV-pr have been performed with two different AMBER force fields, ff99 and ff02. Two different trajectories (20?ns each) were obtained using the ff99 and ff02 force field. The results showed polarizable force field (ff02) make the flap tighter than the nonpolarizable force field (ff99). Some polar interactions and hydrogen bonds involving flap residues were found to be stronger with ff02 force field. The formation of interchain hydrophobic cluster (between flap tip of one chain and active site wall of another chain) was found to be dominant in the semi-open structures obtained from the simulations irrespective of the force field. It is proposed that an inhibitor, which will promote this interchain hydrophobic clustering, may make the flaps more rigid, and presumably the effect of mutation would be small on ligand binding.  相似文献   

The emergence of drug-resistant variants is a serious side effect associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome therapies based on inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR). In these variants, compensatory mutations, usually located far from the active site, are able to affect the enzymatic activity via molecular mechanisms that have been related to differences in the conformational flexibility, although the detailed mechanistic aspects have not been clarified so far. Here, we perform multinanosecond molecular dynamics simulations on L63P HIV-1 PR, corresponding to the wild type, and one of its most frequently occurring compensatory mutations, M46I, complexed with the substrate and an enzymatic intermediate. The quality of the calculations is established by comparison with the available nuclear magnetic resonance data. Our calculations indicate that the dynamical fluctuations of the mutated enzyme differ from those in the wild type. These differences in the dynamic properties of the adducts with the substrate and with the gem-diol intermediate might be directly related to variations in the enzymatic activity and therefore offer an explanation of the observed changes in catalytic rate between wild type and mutated enzyme. We anticipate that this "flexibility-assisted" mechanism might be effective in the vast majority of compensatory mutations, which do not change the electrostatic properties of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The PR20 HIV-1 protease, a variant with 20 mutations, exhibits high levels of multi-drug resistance; however, to date, there has been no report detailing the impact of these 20 mutations on the conformational and drug binding landscape at a molecular level. In this report, we demonstrate the first account of a comprehensive study designed to elaborate on the impact of these mutations on the dynamic features as well as drug binding and resistance profile, using extensive molecular dynamics analyses. Comparative MD simulations for the wild-type and PR20 HIV proteases, starting from bound and unbound conformations in each case, were performed. Results showed that the apo conformation of the PR20 variant of the HIV protease displayed a tendency to remain in the open conformation for a longer period of time when compared to the wild type. This led to a phenomena in which the inhibitor seated at the active site of PR20 tends to diffuse away from the binding site leading to a significant change in inhibitor–protein association. Calculating the per-residue fluctuation (RMSF) and radius of gyration, further validated these findings. MM/GBSA showed that the occurrence of 20 mutations led to a drop in the calculated binding free energies (ΔGbind) by ~25.17 kcal/mol and ~5 kcal/mol for p2-NC, a natural peptide substrate, and darunavir, respectively, when compared to wild type. Furthermore, the residue interaction network showed a diminished inter-residue hydrogen bond network and changes in inter-residue connections as a result of these mutations. The increased conformational flexibility in PR20 as a result of loss of intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bond interactions and other prominent binding forces led to a loss of protease grip on ligand. It is interesting to note that the difference in conformational flexibility between PR20 and WT conformations was much higher in the case of substrate-bound conformation as compared to DRV. Thus, developing analogues of DRV by retaining its key pharmacophore features will be the way forward in the search for novel protease inhibitors against multi-drug resistant strains.  相似文献   

The emergence of compensatory drug-resistant mutations in HIV-1 protease challenges the common view of the reaction mechanism of this enzyme. Here, we address this issue by performing classical and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations (MD) on a complex between the enzyme and a peptide substrate. The classical MD calculation reveals large-scale protein motions involving the flaps and the cantilever. These motions modulate the conformational properties of the substrate at the cleavage site. The ab initio calculations show in turn that substrate motion modulates the activation free energy barrier of the enzymatic reaction dramatically. Thus, the catalytic power of the enzyme does not arise from the presence of a pre-organized active site but from the protein mechanical fluctuations. The implications of this finding for the emergence of drug-resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Six models of the catalytic site of HIV-1 protease complexed with a reduced peptide inhibitor, MVT-101, were investigated. These studies focused on the details of protonation of the active site, its total net charge and hydrogen bonding pattern, which was consistent with both the observed coplanar configuration of the acidic groups of the catalytic aspartates (Asp-25 and Asp-125) and the observed binding mode of the inhibitor. Molecular dynamic simulations using AMBER 4.0 indicated that the active site should be neutral. The planarity of the aspartate dyad may be due to the formation of two hydrogen bonds: one between the inner Oδ1oxygen atoms of the two catalytic aspartates and another between the Oδ2atom of Asp-125 and the nitrogen atom of the reduced peptide bond of the bound inhibitor. This would require two additional protonations, either of both aspartates, or of one Asp and the amido nitrogen atom of Nle-204. Our results favor the Asp-inhibitor protonation but the other one is not excluded. Implications of these findings for the mechanism of enzymatic catalysis are discussed. Dynamic properties of the hydrogen bond network in the active site and an analysis of the interaction energy between the inhibitor and the protease are presented. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors (PIs) are crucial drugs in highly active antiretroviral therapy for human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infections. However, resistance owing to mutations challenge the long-term efficacy in the medication of HIV-1-infected individuals. Lopinavir (LPV) and darunavir (DRV), two second-generation drugs are the most potent among PIs, hustling the drug resistance when mutations occur in the active and nonactive site of the protease (PR). Herein, we strive for compounds that can stifle the function of wild-type (WT) HIV-1 PR along with four major single mutants (I54M, V82T, I84V, and L90M) instigating resistance to the PIs using in silico approach. Six common compounds are retrieved from six databases using combined pharmacophore-based and structure-based virtual screening methodology. LPV and DRV are docked and the binding free energy is calculated to set the cut-off value for selecting compounds. Further, to gain insight into the stability of the complexes the molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) is carried out, which uncovers two lead molecules namely NCI-524545 and ZINC12866729. Both the lead molecules connect with WT and mutant HIV-1 PRs through strong and stable hydrogen bond interactions when compared with LPV and DRV throughout the trajectory analysis. Interestingly, NCI-524545 and ZINC12866729 exhibit direct interactions with I50/50′ by replacing the conserved water molecule as evidenced by MDS, which indicates the credible potency of these compounds. Hence, we concluded that NCI-524545 and ZINC12866729 have great puissant to restrain the role of drug resistance HIV-1 PR variants, which can also show better activity through in vivo and in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

The emergence of drug-resistant mutants of HIV-1 is a tragic effect associated with conventional long-treatment therapies against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. These mutations frequently involve the aspartic protease encoded by the virus; knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying the conformational changes of HIV-1 protease mutants may be useful in developing more effective and longer lasting treatment regimes. The flap regions of the protease are the target of a particular type of mutations occurring far from the active site. These mutations modify the affinity for both substrate and ligands, thus conferring resistance. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations were performed on a native wild type HIV-1 protease and on the drug-resistant M46I/G51D double mutant. The simulation was carried out for a time of 3.5 ns using the GROMOS96 force field, with implementation of the SPC216 explicit solvation model. The results show that the flaps may exist in an ensemble of conformations between a “closed” and an “open” conformation. The behaviour of the flap tips during simulations is different between the native enzyme and the mutant. The mutation pattern leads to stabilization of the flaps in a semi-open configuration.  相似文献   

Amprenavir is one of six protease inhibitors presently approved for clinical use in the therapeutic treatment of AIDS. Biochemical and clinical studies have shown that, unlike other inhibitors, Amprenavir is severely affected by the protease mutation I50V, located in the flap region of the enzyme. TMC-126 is a second-generation inhibitor, chemically related to Amprenavir, with a reported extremely low susceptibility to existing resistant mutations including I50V. In this paper, we have studied the thermodynamic and molecular origin of the response of these two inhibitors to the I50V mutation and the double active-site mutation V82F/I84V that affects all existing clinical inhibitors. Amprenavir binds to the wild-type HIV-1 protease with high affinity (5.0 x 10(9) M(-1) or 200 pM) in a process equally favored by enthalpic and entropic contributions. The mutations I50V and V82F/I84V lower the binding affinity of Amprenavir by a factor of 147 and 104, respectively. TMC-126, on the other hand, binds to the wild-type protease with extremely high binding affinity (2.6 x 10(11) M(-1) or 3.9 pM) in a process in which enthalpic contributions overpower entropic contributions by almost a factor of 4. The mutations I50V and V82F/I84V lower the binding affinity of TMC-126 by only a factor of 16 and 11, respectively, indicating that the binding affinity of TMC-126 to the drug-resistant mutants is still higher than the affinity of Amprenavir to the wild-type protease. Analysis of the data for TMC-126 and KNI-764, another second-generation inhibitor, indicates that their low susceptibility to mutations is caused by their ability to compensate for the loss of interactions with the mutated target by a more favorable entropy of binding.  相似文献   

The flexibility of different regions of HIV-1 protease was examined by using a database consisting of 73 X-ray structures that differ in terms of sequence, ligands or both. The root-mean-square differences of the backbone for the set of structures were shown to have the same variation with residue number as those obtained from molecular dynamics simulations, normal mode analyses and X-ray B-factors. This supports the idea that observed structural changes provide a measure of the inherent flexibility of the protein, although specific interactions between the protease and the ligand play a secondary role. The results suggest that the potential energy surface of the HIV-1 protease is characterized by many local minima with small energetic differences, some of which are sampled by the different X-ray structures of the HIV-1 protease complexes. Interdomain correlated motions were calculated from the structural fluctuations and the results were also in agreement with molecular dynamics simulations and normal mode analyses. Implications of the results for the drug-resistance engendered by mutations are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The maturation of human immunodeficiency type-1 virions is accomplished through the proteolytic processing of Gag and GagPol precursor proteins by the viral protease (PR). Since virions must be assembled at the cell surface from uncleaved precursor molecules, intracellular activation of PR must be inhibited. We have previously developed a system where the intracellular activity of PR, associated with GagPol, was inhibited by the expression of Gagin trans. The disproportionate synthesis of Gag inhibits the activation of PR in the cytoplasm. Sequences capable of mediating this inhibition were localized to capsid. In this communication, the region of HIV-1 capsid capable of mediating inhibition was further defined and shown to require the major homology region of capsid within Gag.  相似文献   

Yan MC  Sha Y  Wang J  Xiong XQ  Ren JH  Cheng MS 《Proteins》2008,70(3):731-738
HIV-1 protease (HIV-PR) consists of two identical subunits that are united together through a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet formed of the peptide termini of each monomer. Since the active site exists only in the dimer, a strategy that is attracting more and more attention in inhibitor design and which may overcome the serious drug resistance caused by competitive inhibitors is to block the peptide termini of the monomer, thereby interfering with formation of the active dimer. In the present work, we performed several extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the HIV-PR monomer in water to illustrate its solvated conformation and dynamics behavior. We found that the peptide termini usually assembled into beta-sheet after several nanoseconds' simulation, and became much less flexible. This beta-sheet is stabilized by intramolecular interactions and is not easily disaggregated under the present MD simulation conditions. This transformation may be an important transition during the relaxing and equilibrating of the HIV-PR monomer in aqueous solution, and the terminal beta-sheet may be one of the major conformations of the solvated HIV-PR monomer termini in water. This work may provide new insights into the dynamics behavior and dimerization mechanism of HIV-PR, and more significantly, offer a more rational receptor model for the design and discovery of novel dimerization inhibitors than crystalline structures.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease is essential for virus replication and maturation and has been considered as one of the important drug target for the antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection. The majority of HIV infections are caused due to non-B subtypes in developing countries. Subtype AE is spreading rapidly and infecting huge population worldwide. Understanding the interdependence of active and non-active site mutations in conferring drug resistance is crucial for the development effective inhibitors in subtype AE protease. In this work, we have investigated the mechanism of resistance against indinavir (IDV) due to therapy selected active site mutation V82F, non-active site mutations PF82V and their cooperative effects PV82F in subtype AE-protease using molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy calculations. The simulations suggested all the three complexes lead to decrease in binding affinity of IDV, whereas the PF82V complex resulted in an enhanced binding affinity compared to V82F and PV82F complexes. Large positional deviation of IDV was observed in V82F complex. The preservation of hydrogen bonds of IDV with active site Asp25/Asp25′ and flap residue Ile50/50′ via a water molecule is crucial for effective binding. Owing to the close contact of 80s loop with Ile50′ and Asp25, the alteration between residues Thr80 and Val82, further induces conformational change thereby resulting in loss of interactions between IDV and the residues in the active site cavity, leading to drug resistance. Our present study shed light on the effect of active, non-active site mutations and their cooperative effects in AE protease.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Targeting guanine (G)-rich DNA sequences, folded into non-canonical G-quadruplex (G4) structures, by small ligand molecules is a promising strategy for gene therapy of various diseases. There is experimental proposal that, among eight studied ligands, nitidine chloride – NC and a benzo phenanthridine derivative – BPD have the highest binding affinity for such a sequence (5′-T1G2G3C4C5T6G7G8G9C10G11G12G13A14C15T16G17G18G19?3′) in the HIV-1 promoter, indicating that an anti-HIV-1 prodrug may regulate the expression of the promoter. Herein, this experimental indication is elaborated by using molecular docking simulations and by characterizing the modes of binding of the eight natural molecules to the particular G4. Moreover, the configurational entropy, as an upper bound of the true entropy contribution to the free energy in noncovalent binding, is employed to see into the structural changes experienced by the G4-DNA upon ligand binding. For various parts (complete structure, backbone, system of all bases, bases of G-tetrads) of the G4-DNA structure, a subtle molecular dynamics (MD) is exploited to determine the change of asymptotic (for infinitely long MD simulation) configurational entropy, being the thermodynamic consequence of DNA flexibility change upon complex formation. While NC increases rigidity of G4 (mainly through the system of all nucleobases), BPD increases flexibility of G4 (more than 50% stems from the sugar-phosphate backbone). These insights are further dissected and substantiated by considering the configurational entropy contributions at the level of individual base pairs making the two G-tetrads (G2G7G13G17 and G3G8G12G18) and by exploring the estimates of the total intra-base pair and inter-base pair entropies. This work makes the structural origin of enhanced stability of G4-DNA more certain – useful information when attempting to design optimal G4-DNA binders.  相似文献   

The protease from type 1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) is a critical drug target against which many therapeutically useful inhibitors have been developed; however, the set of viral strains in the population has been shifting to become more drug-resistant. Because indirect effects are contributing to drug resistance, an examination of the dynamic structures of a wild-type and a mutant could be insightful. Consequently, this study examined structural properties sampled during 22 nsec, all atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (in explicit water) of both a wild-type and the drug-resistant V82F/I84V mutant of HIV-1 protease. The V82F/I84V mutation significantly decreases the binding affinity of all HIV-1 protease inhibitors currently used clinically. Simulations have shown that the curling of the tips of the active site flaps immediately results in flap opening. In the 22-nsec MD simulations presented here, more frequent and more rapid curling of the mutant's active site flap tips was observed. The mutant protease's flaps also opened farther than the wild-type's flaps did and displayed more flexibility. This suggests that the effect of the mutations on the equilibrium between the semiopen and closed conformations could be one aspect of the mechanism of drug resistance for this mutant. In addition, correlated fluctuations in the active site and periphery were noted that point to a possible binding site for allosteric inhibitors.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease (PR) has been a significant target for design of potent inhibitors curing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Molecular dynamics simulations coupled with molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area method were performed to study interaction modes of four inhibitors MKP56, MKP73, MKP86, and MKP97 with PR. The results suggest that the main force controlling interactions of inhibitors with PR should be contributed by van der Waals interactions between inhibitors and PR. The cross-correlation analyses based on MD trajectories show that inhibitor binding produces significant effect on the flap dynamics of PR. Hydrogen bond analyses indicate that inhibitors can form stable hydrogen bonding interactions with the residues from the catalytic strands of PR. The contributions of separate residues to inhibitor bindings are evaluated by using residue-based free energy decomposition method and the results demonstrate that the CH–π and CH–CH interactions between the hydrophobic groups of inhibitors with residues drive the associations of inhibitors with PR. We expect that this study can provide a significant theoretical aid for design of potent inhibitors targeting PR.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) clade C is the most prevalent subtype and accounts for approximately 50% of all HIV infections worldwide. In China, the prevalent HIV strains are B'/C subtypes, in which the envelope belongs to subtype C. To evaluate potential AIDS vaccines targeting Chinese viral strains in non-human primate models, we constructed an infectious simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) that expresses most of the envelope of a primary HIV strain, which was isolated from a HIV-positive intravenous drug user from XinJiang province in China. The resulting chimeric SHIV-XJ02170 was infectious in human, rhesus monkey and cynomolgus monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and used CCR5 exclusively as coreceptor.  相似文献   

There are many biological steps between viral infection of CD4(+) T cells and the production of HIV-1 virions. Here we incorporate an eclipse phase, representing the stage in which infected T cells have not started to produce new virus, into a simple HIV-1 model. Model calculations suggest that the quicker infected T cells progress from the eclipse stage to the productively infected stage, the more likely that a viral strain will persist. Long-term treatment effectiveness of antiretroviral drugs is often hindered by the frequent emergence of drug resistant virus during therapy. We link drug resistance to both the rate of progression of the eclipse phase and the rate of viral production of the resistant strain, and explore how the resistant strain could evolve to maximize its within-host viral fitness. We obtained the optimal progression rate and the optimal viral production rate, which maximize the fitness of a drug resistant strain in the presence of drugs. We show that the window of opportunity for invasion of drug resistant strains is widened for a higher level of drug efficacy provided that the treatment is not potent enough to eradicate both the sensitive and resistant virus.  相似文献   

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