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The N-terminal beta-hairpin sequence of ubiquitin has been implicated as a folding nucleation site. To extend and stabilise the ubiquitin folding nucleus, we have inserted an autonomously folding 14-residue peptide sequence beta4 which in isolation forms a highly populated beta-hairpin (>70%) stabilised by local interactions. NMR structural analysis of the ubiquitin mutant (Ubeta4) shows that the hairpin finger is fully structured and stabilises ubiquitin by approximately 8kJmol(-1). Protein engineering and kinetic (phi(F)-value) analysis of a series of Ubeta4 mutants shows that the hairpin extension of Ubeta4 is also significantly populated in the transition state (phi(F)-values >0.7) and has the effect of templating the formation of native contacts in the folding nucleus of ubiquitin. However, at low denaturant concentrations the chevron plot of Ubeta4 shows a small deviation from linearity (roll-over effect), indicative of the population of a compact collapsed state, which appears to arise from over-stabilisation of local interactions. Destabilising mutations within the native hairpin sequence and within the engineered hairpin extension, but not elsewhere, eliminate this non-linearity and restore apparent two-state behaviour. The pitfall to stabilising local interactions is to present hurdles to the rapid and efficient folding of small proteins down a smooth folding funnel by trapping partially folded or misfolded states that must unfold or rearrange before refolding.  相似文献   

Factor for inversion stimulation (FIS), a 98-residue homodimeric protein, does not contain tryptophan (Trp) residues but has four tyrosine (Tyr) residues located at positions 38, 51, 69, and 95. The equilibrium denaturation of a P61A mutant of FIS appears to occur via a three-state (N2 ⇆ I2 ⇆ 2U) process involving a dimeric intermediate (I2). Although it was suggested that this intermediate had a denatured C-terminus, direct evidence was lacking. Therefore, three FIS double mutants, P61A/Y38W, P61A/Y69W, and P61A/Y95W were made, and their denaturation was monitored by circular dichroism and Trp fluorescence. Surprisingly, the P61A/Y38W mutant best monitored the N2 ⇆ I2 transition, even though Trp38 is buried within the dimer removed from the C-terminus. In addition, although Trp69 is located on the protein surface, the P61A/Y69W FIS mutant exhibited clearly biphasic denaturation curves. In contrast, P61A/Y95W FIS was the least effective in decoupling the two transitions, exhibiting a monophasic fluorescence transition with modest concentration-dependence. When considering the local environment of the Trp residues and the effect of each mutation on protein stability, these results not only confirm that P61A FIS denatures via a dimeric intermediate involving a disrupted C-terminus but also suggest the occurrence of conformational changes near Tyr38. Thus, the P61A mutation appears to compromise the denaturation cooperativity of FIS by failing to propagate stability to those regions involved mostly in intramolecular interactions. Furthermore, our results highlight the challenge of anticipating the optimal location to engineer a Trp residue for investigating the denaturation mechanism of even small proteins.  相似文献   

Homodimeric archaeal histones and heterodimeric eukaryotic histones share a conserved structure but fold through different kinetic mechanisms, with a correlation between faster folding/association rates and the population of kinetic intermediates. Wild-type hMfB (from Methanothermus fervidus) has no intrinsic fluorophores; Met35, which is Tyr in hyperthermophilic archaeal histones such as hPyA1 (from Pyrococcus strain GB-3A), was mutated to Tyr and Trp. Two Tyr-to-Trp mutants of hPyA1 were also characterized. All fluorophores were introduced into the long, central alpha-helix of the histone fold. Far-UV circular dichroism (CD) indicated that the fluorophores did not significantly alter the helical content of the histones. The equilibrium unfolding transitions of the histone variants were two-state, reversible processes, with DeltaG degrees (H2O) values within 1 kcal/mol of the wild-type dimers. The hPyA1 Trp variants fold by two-state kinetic mechanisms like wild-type hPyA1, but with increased folding and unfolding rates, suggesting that the mutated residues (Tyr-32 and Tyr-36) contribute to transition state structure. Like wild-type hMfB, M35Y and M35W hMfB fold by a three-state mechanism, with a stopped-flow CD burst-phase monomeric intermediate. The M35 mutants populate monomeric intermediates with increased secondary structure and stability but exhibit decreased folding rates; this suggests that nonnative interactions occur from burial of the hydrophobic Tyr and Trp residues in this kinetic intermediate. These results implicate the long central helix as a key component of the structure in the kinetic monomeric intermediates of hMfB as well as the dimerization transition state in the folding of hPyA1.  相似文献   

Comparatively little is known about the role of non-native interactions in protein folding and their role in both folding and stability is controversial. We demonstrate that non-native electrostatic interactions involving specific residues in the denatured state can have a significant effect upon protein stability and can persist in the transition state for folding. Mutation of a single surface exposed residue, Lys12 to Met, in the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (NTL9), significantly increased the stability of the protein and led to faster folding. Structural and energetic studies of the wild-type and K12M mutant show that the 1.9 kcal mol(-1) increase in stability is not due to native state effects, but rather is caused by modulation of specific non-native electrostatic interactions in the denatured state. pH dependent stability measurements confirm that the increased stability of the K12M is due to the elimination of favorable non-native interactions in the denatured state. Kinetic studies show that the non-native electrostatic interactions involving K12 persist in the transition state. The analysis demonstrates that canonical Phi-values can arise from the disruption of non-native interactions as well as from the development of native interactions.  相似文献   

Protein engineering studies suggest that the transition state for the folding of ubiquitin is highly polarised towards the N-terminal part of the sequence and involves a nucleus of residues within the beta-hairpin (residues 1-17) and main alpha-helix (residues 23-34). In contrast, the observation of small phi-values for residues in the C-terminal portion of the sequence (residues 35-76), coupled with a folding topology that results in a much higher contact order, suggests that fast folding of ubiquitin is dependent upon configurational flexibility in the C-terminal part of the polypeptide chain to ensure passage down a relatively smooth folding funnel to the native state. We show that the introduction of a small mini-hairpin motif as an extension of the native 43-50 hairpin stabilises local interactions in the C-terminal part of the sequence, resulting largely in a deceleration of the unfolding kinetics without perturbing the apparent two-state folding mechanism. However, a single-point Leu-->Phe substitution within the engineered hairpin sequence leads to the premature collapse of the denatured ensemble through the stabilisation of non-native interactions and the population of a compact intermediate. Non-linear effects in the kinetic data at low concentrations of denaturant suggest that the collapsed state, which is further stabilised in the presence of cosmotropic salts, may subsequently fold directly to the native state through a "triangular" reaction scheme involving internal rearrangement rather than unfolding and refolding.  相似文献   

The cold shock protein Bc-Csp folds very rapidly in a reaction that is well described by a kinetic two-state mechanism without intermediates. We measured the shortening of six intra-protein distances during folding by F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) in combination with stopped-flow experiments. Single tryptophan residues were engineered into the protein as the donors, and single 5-(((acetylamino)ethyl)amino)naphthalene-1-sulfonate (AEDANS) residues were placed as the acceptors at solvent-exposed sites of Bc-Csp. Their R0 value of about 22 A was well suited for following distance changes during the folding of this protein with a high sensitivity. The mutagenesis and the labeling did not alter the refolding kinetics. The changes in energy transfer during folding were monitored by both donor and acceptor emission and reciprocal effects were found. In two cases the donor-acceptor distances were similar in the unfolded and the folded state and, as a consequence, the kinetic changes in energy transfer upon folding were very small. For four donor/acceptor pairs we found that > or =50% of the increase in energy transfer upon folding occurred prior to the rate-limiting step of folding. This reveals that about half of the shortening of the intra-molecular distances upon folding has occurred already before the rate-limiting step and suggests that the fast two-state folding reaction of Bc-Csp is preceded by a very rapid collapse.  相似文献   

Multiple phases have been observed during the folding and unfolding of intestinal fatty acid binding protein (WT-IFABP) by stopped-flow fluorescence. Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to examine the role of each of the two tryptophans of this protein in these processes. The unfolding and refolding kinetics of the mutant protein containing only tryptophan 82 (W6Y-IFABP) showed that the tryptophan at this location was critical to the fluorescence signal changes observed throughout the unfolding reaction and early in the refolding reaction. However, the kinetic patterns of the mutant protein containing only tryptophan 6 (W82Y-IFABP) indicated that the tryptophan at this location participated in the fluorescence signal changes observed early in the unfolding reaction and late in the refolding reaction. Together, these data suggest that native-like structure was formed first in the vicinity of tryptophan 82, near the center of the hydrophobic core of this beta-sheet protein, prior to formation of native-like structure in the periphery of the protein.  相似文献   

We report the combined use of real-time photo-CIDNP NMR and stopped-flow fluorescence techniques to study the kinetic refolding of a set of mutants of a small globular protein, HPr, in which each of the four phenylalanine residues has in turn been replaced by a tryptophan residue. The results indicate that after refolding is initiated, the protein collapses around at least three, and possibly all four, of the side-chains of these residues, as (i) the observation of transient histidine photo-CIDNP signals during refolding of three of the mutants (F2W, F29W, and F48W) indicates a strong decrease in tryptophan accessibility to the flavin dye; (ii) iodide quenching experiments show that the quenching of the fluorescence of F48W is less efficient for the species formed during the dead-time of the stopped-flow experiment than for the fully native state; and (iii) kinetic fluorescence anisotropy measurements show that the tryptophan side-chain of F48W has lower mobility in the dead-time intermediate state than in both the fully denatured and fully native states. The hydrophobic collapse observed for HPr during the early stages of its folding appears to act primarily to bury hydrophobic residues. This process may be important in preventing the protein from aggregating prior to the acquisition of native-like structure in which hydrophobic residues are exposed in order to play their role in the function of the protein. The phenylalanine residue at position 48 is likely to be of particular interest in this regard as it is involved in the binding to enzymes I and II that mediates the transfer of a phosphoryl group between the two enzymes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli RNase H folds through a partially folded kinetic intermediate that mirrors a rarely populated, partially unfolded form detectable by native-state hydrogen exchange under equilibrium conditions. Residue 53 is at the interface of two helices known to be structured in this intermediate. Kinetic refolding studies on mutant proteins varying in size and hydrophobicity at residue 53 support a contribution of hydrophobicity to the stabilities of the kinetic intermediate and the transition state. Packing interactions also play a significant role in the stability of these two states, though they play a much larger role in the native-state stability. One dramatic mutation, I53D, results in the conversion from a three-state to a two-state folding mechanism, which is explained most easily through a simple destabilization of the kinetic intermediate such that it is no longer stable with respect to the unfolded state. These results demonstrate that interactions that stabilize an intermediate can accelerate folding if these same interactions are present in the transition state. Our results are consistent with a hierarchical model of folding, where the intermediate consists of native-like interactions, is on-pathway, and is productive for folding.  相似文献   

The oxidative folding pathway of leech carboxypeptidase inhibitor (LCI; four disulfide bonds) proceeds through the formation of two major intermediates (III-A and III-B) that contain three native disulfide bonds and act as strong kinetic traps in the folding process. The III-B intermediate lacks the Cys19-Cys43 disulfide bond that links the beta-sheet core with the alpha-helix in wild-type LCI. Here, an analog of this intermediate was constructed by replacing Cys19 and Cys43 with alanine residues. Its oxidative folding follows a rapid sequential flow through one, two, and three disulfide species to reach the native form; the low accumulation of two disulfide intermediates and three disulfide (scrambled) isomers accounts for a highly efficient reaction. The three-dimensional structure of this analog, alone and in complex with carboxypeptidase A (CPA), was determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.2A resolution. Its overall structure is very similar to that of wild-type LCI, although the residues in the region adjacent to the mutation sites show an increased flexibility, which is strongly reduced upon binding to CPA. The structure of the complex also demonstrates that the analog and the wild-type LCI bind to the enzyme in the same manner, as expected by their inhibitory capabilities, which were similar for all enzymes tested. Equilibrium unfolding experiments showed that this mutant is destabilized by approximately 1.5 kcal mol(-1) (40%) relative to the wild-type protein. Together, the data indicate that the fourth disulfide bond provides LCI with both high stability and structural specificity.  相似文献   

By considering the denatured state of a protein as an ensemble of conformations with varying numbers of sequence-specific interactions, the effects on stability, folding kinetics, and aggregation of perturbing these interactions can be predicted from changes in the molecular partition function. From general considerations, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) A perturbation that enhances a native interaction in denatured state conformations always increases the stability of the native state. (2) A perturbation that promotes a non-native interaction in the denatured state always decreases the stability of the native state. (3) A change in the denatured state ensemble can alter the kinetics of aggregation and folding. (4) The loss (or increase) in stability accompanying two mutations, each of which lowers (or raises) the free energy of the denatured state, will be less than the sum of the effects of the single mutations, except in cases where both mutations affect the same set of partially folded conformations. By modeling the denatured state as the ensemble of all non-native conformations of hydrophobic-polar (HP) chains configured on a square lattice, it can be shown that the stabilization obtained from enhancement of native interactions derives in large measure from the avoidance of non-native interactions in the D state. In addition, the kinetic effects of fixing single native contacts in the denatured state or imposing linear gradients in the HH contact probabilities are found, for some sequences, to significantly enhance the efficiency of folding by a simple hydrophobic zippering algorithm. Again, the dominant mechanism appears to be avoidance of non-native interactions. These results suggest stabilization of native interactions and imposition of gradients in the stability of local structure are two plausible mechanisms involving the denatured state that could play a role in the evolution of protein folding and stability.  相似文献   

Tick anticoagulant peptide (TAP) is a factor Xa-specific inhibitor and is structurally homologous to bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). The fully reduced TAP refolds spontaneously to form the native structure under a wide variation of redox buffers. The folding intermediates of TAP consist of at least 22 fractions of one-disulfide, two-disulfide, and three-disulfide scrambled isomers. Three species of well-populated one- and two-disulfide intermediates were isolated and structurally characterized. The predominant one-disulfide species contains TAP-(Cys33—Cys55). Two major two-disulfide isomers were TAP-(Cys33—Cys55, Cys15—Cys39) and TAP-(Cys33—Cys55, Cys5—Cys39). Both Cys33—Cys55 and Cys15—Cys39 are native disulfides of TAP. These three species are structural counterparts of BPTI-(Cys30—Cys51), BPTI-(Cys30—Cys51, Cys14—Cys38), and BPTI-(Cys30—Cys51,Cys5—Cys38), which have been shown to be the major intermediates of BPTI folding. In addition, time-course-trapped folding intermediates of TAP, consisting of about 47% one-disulfide species and 30% two-disulfide species, were collectively digested with thermolysin, and fragmented peptides were analyzed by Edman sequencing and mass spectrometry in order to characterize the disulfide-containing peptides. Among the 15 possible single-disulfide pairings of TAP, 10 (2 native and 8 nonnative) were found as structural components of its one- and two-disulfide folding intermediates. The results demonstrate that the major folding intermediates of TAP bear structural homology to those of BPTI. However, the folding pathway of TAP differs from that of BPTI by (a) a higher degree of heterogeneity of one- and two-disulfide intermediates and (b) the presence of three-disulfide scrambled isomers as folding intermediates. Mechanism(s) that may account for these diversities are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Dong Xie  Ernesto Freire 《Proteins》1994,19(4):291-301
The heat-denatured state of proteins has been usually assumed to be a fully hydrated random coil. It is now evident that under certain solvent conditions or after chemical or genetic modifications, the protein molecule may exhibit a hydrophobic core and residual secondary structure after thermal denaturation. This state of the protein has been called the “compact denatured” or “molten globule” state. Recently is has been shown that α-lactalbumin at pH < 5 denatures into a molten globule state upon increasing the temperature (Griko, Y., Freire, E., Privalov, P. L. Biochemistry 33:1889–1899, 1994). This state has a lower heat capacity and a higher enthalpy at low temperatures than the unfolded state. At those temperatures the stabilization of the molten globule state is of an entropic origin since the enthalpy contributes unfavorably to the Gibbs free energy. Since the molten globule is more structured than the unfolded state and, therefore, is expected to have a lower configurational entropy, the net entropic gain must originate primarily from solvent related entropy arising from the hydrophobic effect, and to a lesser extent from protonation or electrostatic effects. In this work, we have examined a large ensemble of partly folded states derived from the native structure of α-lactalbumin in order to identify those states that satisfy the energetic criteria of the molten globule. It was found that only few states satisfied the experimental constraints and that, furthermore, those states were part of the same structural family. In particular, the regions corresponding to the A, B, and C helices were found to be folded, while the β sheet and the D helix were found to be unfolded. At temperatures below 45°C the states exhibiting those structural characteristics are enthalpically higher than the unfolded state in agreement with the experimental data. Interestingly, those states have a heat capacity close to that observed for the acid pH compact denatured state of α-lactalbumin [980 cal (mol.K)?l]. In addition, the folded regions of these states include those residues found to be highly protected by NMR hydrogen exchange experiments. This work represents an initial attempt to model the structural origin of the thermodynamic properties of partly folded states. The results suggest a number of structural features that are consistent with experimental data. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The folding of the small (56 residues) highly stable B1 immunoglobulin binding domain (GB1) of streptococcal protein G has been investigated by quenched-flow deuterium-hydrogen exchange. This system represents a paradigm for the study of protein folding because it exhibits no complicating features superimposed upon the intrinsic properties of the polypeptide chain. Collapse to a semicompact state exhibiting partial order, reflected in protection factors for ND-NH exchange up to 10-fold higher than that expected for a random coil, occurs within the dead time (< or = 1 ms) of the quenched flow apparatus. This is followed by the formation of the fully native state, as monitored by the fractional proton occupancy of 26 backbone amide groups spread throughout the protein, in a single rapid concerted step with a half-life of 5.2 ms at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the structure of the transition state demonstrate that proteins with the same topology as a rule have similar folding nuclei (the structured formed part of the transition state). In this review discussed are the experimental works showing that the position of folding nuclei is different among proteins with the same topology. These facts emphasize that the folding pathway is sensitive to the details of amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

When considering protein folding with a transient intermediate, a difficulty arises as to determination of the rates of separate transitions. Here we overcome this problem, using the kinetic studies of the unfolding/refolding reactions of the three-state protein apomyoglobin as a model. Amplitudes of the protein refolding kinetic burst phase corresponding to the transition from the unfolded (U) to intermediate (I) state, that occurs prior to the native state (N) formation, allow us to estimate relative populations of the rapidly converting states at various final urea concentrations. On the basis of these proportions, a complicated experimental chevron plot has been deconvolved into the urea-dependent rates of the I<-->N and U<-->N transitions to give the dependence of free energies of the main transition state and of all three (N, I, and U) stable states on urea concentration.  相似文献   

The four-helix protein Im7 folds through an on-pathway intermediate at pH 7.0 and 10 degrees C. By contrast, under these conditions there is no evidence for a populated intermediate in the folding of its more stable homologue, Im9, even in the presence of 0.4 M sodium sulphate. Previous studies using phi-value analysis have shown that the Im7 intermediate is misfolded, in that three of its four native helices are formed, but are docked in a non-native manner. Using knowledge of the structure of the intermediate of Im7, we have used rational design to stabilise an intermediate formed during the folding of Im9 by the introduction of specific stabilising interactions at positions known to stabilise the Im7 folding intermediate through non-native interactions. We show that the redesigned Im9 sequence folds with three-state kinetics at pH 7.0 and have used phi-value analysis to demonstrate that this species resembles the misfolded intermediate populated during Im7 folding. The redesigned Im9 sequence folds 20-fold faster than the wild-type protein under conditions in which folding is two-state. The data show that intermediate formation is an important feature of folding, even for small proteins such as Im9 for which these partially folded states do not become significantly populated. In addition, they show that the introduction of stabilising interactions can lead to rapid refolding, even when the contacts introduced are non-native.  相似文献   

The modulation of the folding mechanism of the small protein single-chain monellin (MNEI) by the Escherichia coli chaperone GroEL has been studied. In the absence of the chaperone, the folding of monellin occurs via three parallel routes. When folding is initiated in the presence of a saturating concentration of GroEL, only 50-60% of monellin molecules fold completely. The remaining 40-50% of the monellin molecules remain bound to the GroEL and are released only upon addition of ATP. It is shown that the basic folding mechanism of monellin is not altered by the presence of GroEL, but that it occurs via only one of the three available routes when folding is initiated in the presence of saturating concentrations of GroEL. Two pathways become nonoperational because GroEL binds very tightly to early intermediates that populate these pathways in a manner that makes the GroEL-bound intermediates incompetent to fold. This accounts for the monellin molecules that remain GroEL-bound at the end of the folding reaction. The third pathway remains operational because the GroEL-bound early intermediate on this pathway is folding-competent, suggesting that this early intermediate binds to GroEL in a manner that is different from that of the binding of the early intermediates on the other two pathways. It appears, therefore, that the same protein can bind GroEL in more than one way. The modulation of the folding energy landscape of monellin by GroEL occurs because GroEL binds folding intermediates on parallel folding pathways, in different ways, and with different affinities. Moreover, when GroEL is added to refolding monellin at different times after commencement of refolding, the unfolding of two late kinetic intermediates on two of the three folding pathways can be observed. It appears that the unfolding of late folding intermediates is enabled by a thermodynamic coupling mechanism, wherein GroEL binds more tightly to an early intermediate than to a late intermediate on a folding pathway, with preferential binding energy being larger than the stability of the late intermediate. Hence, it is shown that GroEL can inadvertently and passively cause, through its ability to bind different folding intermediates differentially, the unfolding of late productive intermediates on folding pathways, and that its unfolding action is not restricted solely to misfolded or kinetically trapped intermediates.  相似文献   

D Amir  S Krausz  E Haas 《Proteins》1992,13(2):162-173
The structure of BPTI and reduced BPTI in concentrated guanidinium HCl (GUHCl) in the presence of glycerol has been probed by measurements of dynamic nonradiative excitation energy transfer between probes attached to its amino groups. Interprobe distance distributions were obtained from analysis of donor fluorescence decay curves and used to characterize local structures in unordered states of the protein. Site specifically fluorescently labeled BPTI derivatives (1-n)BPTI (n = 15, 20, 41, 46) were used, each carrying a 2-methoxy-naphthyl-1-methylenyl group (MNA) at the N-terminal amino group of arg1 and 7-(dimethylamino)-coumarin-4-yl-acetyl residue (DA-coum) at one of its epsilon-NH2 groups of the lysine side chains. Analysis of donor fluorescence decay kinetics gave the interprobe distance distributions in the native and denatured states. The N-terminal-segment, residues 1-15, is in an extended conformation (with an average interprobe distance of 34 +/- 2 A) in the native state. Upon unfolding by reduction with DTT or beta-mercapto ethanol in 6 M GUHCl/glycerol mixture, the conformation of this segment relaxed to a state characterized by a reduced average interprobe distance and a larger width of the distances distribution. The average distance between residues 1 and 26, i.e., between the N-terminus and the turn of the twisted beta sheet element (residues 18-35), increased upon unfolding. At -30 degrees C in the above solvent, the distribution between these two sites was probably composed of two conformational subpopulations. About 45 +/- 20% of the molecules were characterized by a short interprobe distance (like the native state) representing a compact conformation, and 55 +/- 20% of the molecules showed large interprobe distances representing an expanded (unfolded) conformation. Thus local structures seem to exist in reduced denatured BPTI even under denaturing conditions in 6 M GUHCl/glycerol mixtures. Some of those structures are unstable in guanidinium isothiocyanate (GUSCN). The method introduced here is suitable for probing local structures and very long range interactions in unfolded proteins and for search for folding initiation sites (FISs) and early folding intermediates.  相似文献   

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