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The impact of intramolecular stereoelectronic effects has been examined by comparison of the solution structures of natural oligo-DNA duplex, 5′(1C2G3C4G5A6A7T8T9C10G11C12G)2 3′, and its carbocyclic-nucleotide analogues in which the pentose sugar in 2′-dA residue is replaced with its carbocyclic counterpart (i.e. 2′-deoxyaristeromycin). Based on the NMR evidences, it has been shown, that 2′-deoxyaristeromycin analog exists in a dynamic equilibrium between the two forms of duplexes, one with W-C bp and the second with Hoogsteen bp in ca 1:1 ratio at lower temperature (below 35°C) and as hairpin at higher temperature (from ~40° – 60°C).  相似文献   


The NMR study on the interactions of dGpMe (1), MepdG (2) and dG (3) with Mg2+, Zn2+ and Hg2+ ions in D2O solution has shown that binding of softer metal ions to N7 shifts N ? S pseudorotational equilibrium towards N-type conformations. At the same time the population of the anti conformers is slightly increased.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(17):3203-3216
Many Gram‐negative bacterial species use contact-dependent growth inhibition (CDI) systems to compete with neighboring cells. CDI+ strains express cell-surface CdiA effector proteins, which carry a toxic C-terminal region (CdiA-CT) that is cleaved from the effector upon transfer into the periplasm of target bacteria. The released CdiA-CT consists of two domains. The C-terminal domain is typically a nuclease that inhibits cell growth, and the N-terminal “cytoplasm-entry” domain mediates toxin translocation into the target-cell cytosol. Here, we use NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopic approaches to probe the structure, stability, and dynamics of the cytoplasm-entry domain from Escherichia coli STEC_MHI813. Chemical shift analysis reveals that the CdiA-CTMHI813 entry domain is composed of a C-terminal helical bundle and a dynamic N-terminal region containing two disulfide linkages. Disruption of the disulfides by mutagenesis or chemical reduction destabilizes secondary structure over the N-terminus, but has no effect on the C-terminal helices. Although critical for N-terminal structure, the disulfides have only modest effects on global thermodynamic stability, and the entry domain exhibits characteristics of a molten globule. We find that the disulfides form in vivo as the entry domain dwells in the periplasm of inhibitor cells prior to target-cell recognition. CdiA-CTMHI813 variants lacking either disulfide still kill target bacteria, but disruption of both bonds abrogates growth inhibition activity. We propose that the entry domain's dynamic structural features are critical for function. In its molten globule-like state, the domain resists degradation after delivery, yet remains pliable enough to unfold for membrane translocation.  相似文献   

Missense mutations in alanine 673 of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which corresponds to the second alanine of the amyloid β (Aβ) sequence, have dramatic impact on the risk for Alzheimer disease; A2V is causative, and A2T is protective. Assuming a crucial role of amyloid-Aβ in neurodegeneration, we hypothesized that both A2V and A2T mutations cause distinct changes in Aβ properties that may at least partially explain these completely different phenotypes. Using human APP-overexpressing primary neurons, we observed significantly decreased Aβ production in the A2T mutant along with an enhanced Aβ generation in the A2V mutant confirming earlier data from non-neuronal cell lines. More importantly, thioflavin T fluorescence assays revealed that the mutations, while having little effect on Aβ42 peptide aggregation, dramatically change the properties of the Aβ40 pool with A2V accelerating and A2T delaying aggregation of the Aβ peptides. In line with the kinetic data, Aβ A2T demonstrated an increase in the solubility at equilibrium, an effect that was also observed in all mixtures of the A2T mutant with the wild type Aβ40. We propose that in addition to the reduced β-secretase cleavage of APP, the impaired propensity to aggregate may be part of the protective effect conferred by A2T substitution. The interpretation of the protective effect of this mutation is thus much more complicated than proposed previously.  相似文献   

The connector of bacteriophage φ29 is involved in DNA packaging during viral morphogenesis and we have studied itsin vitrobinding to DNA using either linear or circular DNA. The protein–DNA complexes have been analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and by atomic force microscopy (AFM) of samples directly deposited on mica. TEM showed the presence of a specific binding due to the interaction of the protein with the free ends of the DNA. The study of these samples by AFM showed two major types of morphologies: The interaction of the connector with circular DNA revealed that the strands of DNA that enter and exit the protein complex form an angle with a mean value of 132°. Nevertheless, when the connector was incubated with linear DNA (and later circularized), there was an additional bend angle of about 168°. Further morphological analysis of the latter samples by AFM revealed a structure of the protein–DNA complex consistent with the DNA traversing the connector, probably through the inner channel. On the other hand, images from the samples obtained by incubation of the connector with circular DNA were consistent with an interaction of the DNA with the outer side of the connector.  相似文献   

In 42 patients convalescing from viral hepatitis, the total and 1-minute serum bilirubin levels were measured on the day bilirubin was first demonstrated to be absent from the urine.The levels of total bilirubin ranged from 0.5 to 6.2 per 100 ml. of blood (mean 2.8 mg.), while the levels of the 1-minute bilirubin ranged from 0.3 to 3.3 mg. per 100 ml. of blood (mean 1.5 mg.).The reason for acholuria in the presence of the elevated 1-minute direct van den Bergh measurements is not clear, but may be due to the failure of the van den Bergh reaction to accurately measure the exact concentrations of free and conjugated bilirubin present in the plasma.  相似文献   

Dynamic instability is an essential phenomenon in eukaryotic nuclear division and prokaryotic plasmid R1 segregation. Although the molecular machines used in both systems differ greatly in composition, strong similarities and requisite nuances in dynamics and segregation mechanisms are observed. This brief examination of the current literature provides a functional comparison between prokaryotic and eukaryotic dynamically unstable filaments, specifically ParM and microtubules. Additionally, this mini-review should support the notion that any dynamically unstable filament could serve as the molecular machine driving DNA segregation, but these machines possess auxiliary features to adapt to temporal and spatial disparities in either system.  相似文献   

Fully characterizing the interactions involving biomolecules requires information on the assembly state, affinity, kinetics, and thermodynamics associated with complex formation. The analytical technologies often used to measure biomolecular interactions include analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). In order to evaluate the capabilities of core facilities to implement these technologies, the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) Molecular Interactions Research Group (MIRG) developed a standardized model system and distributed it to a panel of AUC, ITC, and SPR operators. The model system was composed of a well-characterized enzyme-inhibitor pair, namely bovine carbonic anhydrase II (CA II) and 4-carboxybenzenesulfonamide (CBS). Study participants were asked to measure one or more of the following: (1) the molecular mass, homogeneity, and assembly state of CA II by AUC; (2) the affinity and thermodynamics for complex formation by ITC; and (3) the affinity and kinetics of complex formation by SPR. The results from this study provide a benchmark for comparing the capabilities of individual laboratories and for defining the utility of the different instrumentation.  相似文献   

We compared the performances of the candidate loci for moss DNA barcoding and the primers used in amplifying the loci. Primers for three coded loci (matK, rps4 and rbcL a) and four non coded loci (atpB rbcL, atpF H, psbK I and trnH psbA) of the chloroplast genome, one from the mitochondrial genome (nad5), and one from the nucleus genome (ITS2) were evaluated. Seventy four samples representing 14 species belonging to five genera of Trachypodoaceae (or Meteoriaceae) were screened. All primers for matK and a pair of primers for trnH psbA failed. Low successes were encountered with the primers for atpF H and psbK I. The primers for psbK I produced several bands and the PCR products of atpF H were difficult to sequence. The powers of the remaining six loci were compared using the variability, identification success and the resolutions. It was found that ITS2 is the most promising candidate for DNA barcoding for mosses. Among the chloroplast genes, atpB rbcL exhibited the highest resolution. Although trnH psbA is very variable, it is too short to be an ideal barcode alone. Combinations of chloroplast genes were also tried and Ps of both atpB rbcL+trnH psbA and rbcL a++trnH psbA were 64% using NJ method. More additions of loci did not increase the resolution. No barcoding gap exists for all these loci. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out prior to the DNA barcoding evaluation and some taxonomic problems do exist. This study exemplifies the necessity of correct species delimitation and the adoption of both plastid and nuclear loci in plant DNA barcoding.  相似文献   



Bone remodeling has been linked to glucose metabolism in animal studies, but the results of human trials were inconclusive. Bisphosphonates may play a role in glucose metabolism through their impacts on bone remodeling enzymes. In this study, we aimed to examine the influence of alendronate usage on the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) among osteoporotic patients.


A retrospective cohort study was designed to include osteoporotic patients without DM from a population-based cohort containing 1,000,000 subjects. Patients treated with alendronate (exposed group, N=1,011) were compared with those who received no treatment (age and gender matched non-exposed group, N=3,033). Newly diagnosed DM was identified from medical records by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9CM) code. The incidence of DM in both groups was calculated for comparison.


The non-exposed group had a significantly higher incidence of DM (Odds ratio 1.21, 95% confidence interval 1.03~1.41) when compared with the exposed group. In subgroup analysis, the DM risk reduction in exposed group was only significant among those younger than 65 years and those without hypertension or dyslipidemia. Patients who were prescribed alendronate more than or equal to 3 times had demonstrated a significant reduction in DM risk.


Our study showed alendronate might yield a protective effect for incident DM. This effect became insignificant in patients with older age, dyslipidemia or hypertension. The underlying mechanism needs further exploration with prospective data for confirmation of the observed findings.  相似文献   


The crystal structures of five double helical DNA fragments containing non-Watson-Crick complementary base pairs are reviewed. They comprise four fragments containing G·T base pairs: two deoxyoctamers d(GGGGCTCC) and d(GGGGTCCC) which crystallise as A type helices; a deoxydodecamer d(CGCGAATTTGCG) which crystallises in the B-DNA conformation; and the deoxyhexamer d(TGCGCG), which crystallises as a Z-DNA helix. In all four duplexes the G and T bases form wobble base pairs, with bases in the major tautomer forms and hydrogen bonds linking N1 of G with 02 of T and 06 of G with N3 of T. The X-ray analyses establish that the G·T wobble base pair can be accommodated in the A, B or Z double helix with minimal distortion of the global conformation. There are, however, changes in base stacking in the neighbourhood of the mismatched bases. The fifth structure, d(CGCGAATTAGCG), contains the purine purine mismatch G·A where G is in the anti and A in the syn conformation. The results represent the first direct structure determinations of base pair mismatches in DNA fragments and are discussed in relation to the fidelity of replication and mismatch recognition.  相似文献   

It was established for the first time by DFT and MP2 quantum-mechanical (QM) methods either in vacuum, so in the continuum with a low dielectric constant (ε = 4), typical for hydrophobic interfaces of specific protein-nucleic acid interactions, that the repertoire for the tautomerisation of the biologically important adenine·cytosine* (A·C*) mismatched DNA base pair, formed by the amino tautomer of the A and the imino mutagenic tautomer of the C, into the A*·C base mispair (?G = 2.72 kcal?mol?1 obtained at the MP2 level of QM theory in the continuum with ε = 4), formed by the imino mutagenic tautomer of the A and the amino tautomer of the C, proceeds via the asynchronous concerted double proton transfer along two antiparallel H-bonds through the transition state (TSA·C*?A*·C). The limiting stage of the A·C*→A*·C tautomerisation is the final proton transfer along the intermolecular N6H···N4 H-bond. It was found that the A·C*/A*·C DNA base mispairs with Watson–Crick geometry are associated by the N6H?N4/N4H?N6, N3H?N1/N1H?N3 and C2H?O2 H-bonds, respectively, while the TSA·C*?A*·C is joined by the N6–H–N4 covalent bridge and the N1H?N3 and C2H?O2 H-bonds. It was revealed that the A·C*?A*·C tautomerisation is assisted by the true C2H?O2 H-bond, that in contrast to the two others conventional H-bonds exists along the entire intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) range herewith becoming stronger at the transition from vacuum to the continuum with ε = 4. To better understand the behavior of the intermolecular H-bonds and base mispairs along the IRC of the A·C*?A*·C tautomerisation, the profiles of their electron-topological, energetical, geometrical, polar and charge characteristics are reported in this study. It was established based on the profiles of the H-bond energies that all three H-bonds are cooperative, mutually strengthening each other. The nine key points, providing a detailed physicochemical picture of the A·C*?A*·C tautomerisation, were revealed and thoroughly examined along the IRC. It was shown that the A*·C base mispair with the population ~1 % obtained at the MP2 level of QM theory in the continuum with ε = 4 is thermodynamically and dynamically stable structure. Its lifetime was calculated to be 5.76·10?10 s at the MP2 level of QM theory in the continuum with ε = 4. This lifetime, from the one side, enables all six low-frequency intermolecular vibrations to develop, but, from the other side, it is by order less than the time (several ns) required for the replication machinery to forcibly dissociate a base pair into the monomers during DNA replication. This means that the A*·C base mispair “slips away from the hands” of the replication machinery into the A·C* mismatched base pair. Consequently, the authors came to the conclusion that exactly the A·C* base mispair is an active player of the point mutational events and is effectively dissociated by the replication machinery into the A and C* monomers in contrast to the A*·C base mispair, playing the mediated role of a provider of the A·C* base mispair in DNA that is synthesised.  相似文献   


A thermodynamic and proton NMR study has been carried out in order to characterize the behaviour of 2′-deoxyadenylyl-(3′→5′)-2′-deoxyadenosine towards the protonation. Conformational changes occurring following two protonation steps are discussed.  相似文献   


The crystal structure of a DNA. octamer d(GCGTA.CGC) complexed to an antitumor antibiotic, triostin A, has been solved and refined to 2.2 Å resolution by x-ray diffraction analysis. The antibiotic molecule acts as a true bis intercalator surrouding the d(CpG) sequence at either end of the unwound right-handed DNA. double helix. A.s previously observed in the structure of triostin A.—d(CGTA.CG) complex (A.H.-J. Wang, et. al., Science, 225,1115–1121 (1984)), the alanine amino acid residues of the drug molecule form sequence-specific hydrogen bonds to guanines in the minor groove. The two central A · T base pairs are in Hoogsteen configuration with adenine in the syn conformation. In addition, the two terminal G · C base pairs flanking the quinoxaline rings are also held together by Hoogsteen base pairing. This is the first observation in an oligonucleotide of. Hoogsteen G · C base pairs where the cytosine is protonated. The principal functional components of a bis-intercalative compound are discussed.  相似文献   

NMR relaxation dispersion studies indicate that in canonical duplex DNA, Watson–Crick base pairs (bps) exist in dynamic equilibrium with short-lived low abundance excited state Hoogsteen bps. N1-methylated adenine (m1A) and guanine (m1G) are naturally occurring forms of damage that stabilize Hoogsteen bps in duplex DNA. NMR dynamic ensembles of DNA duplexes with m1A–T Hoogsteen bps reveal significant changes in sugar pucker and backbone angles in and around the Hoogsteen bp, as well as kinking of the duplex towards the major groove. Whether these structural changes also occur upon forming excited state Hoogsteen bps in unmodified duplexes remains to be established because prior relaxation dispersion probes provided limited information regarding the sugar-backbone conformation. Here, we demonstrate measurements of C3′ and C4′ spin relaxation in the rotating frame (R1ρ) in uniformly 13C/15N labeled DNA as sensitive probes of the sugar-backbone conformation in DNA excited states. The chemical shifts, combined with structure-based predictions using an automated fragmentation quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics method, show that the dynamic ensemble of DNA duplexes containing m1A–T Hoogsteen bps accurately model the excited state Hoogsteen conformation in two different sequence contexts. Formation of excited state A–T Hoogsteen bps is accompanied by changes in sugar-backbone conformation that allow the flipped syn adenine to form hydrogen-bonds with its partner thymine and this in turn results in overall kinking of the DNA toward the major groove. Results support the assignment of Hoogsteen bps as the excited state observed in canonical duplex DNA, provide an atomic view of DNA dynamics linked to formation of Hoogsteen bps, and lay the groundwork for a potentially general strategy for solving structures of nucleic acid excited states.  相似文献   

In an institution for the mentally retarded, an uncontrolled study was made on the effects of d-amphetamine, d-amphetamine followed by trifluoperazine, and of combined d-amphetamine and trifluoperazine on stuttering. Of 28 patients to whom d-amphetamine was given, 14 showed improvement after one month''s treatment. Eight more showed improvement when trifluoperazine was given for one month to those who did not improve on d-amphetamine. In many cases, improvement was sustained at least six months after treatment was discontinued.Treatment with d-amphetamine was apparently more effective in patients with functional than with organic retardation.  相似文献   

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