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The oligonucleotide d(G5T5) can in principle form a fully matched duplex with G.T pairing and/or a tetraplex. Non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism and NMR experiments show that the tetraplex is exclusively formed by this oligomer in solution. In the presence of its complementary strand d(A5C5) at low temperature, d(G5T5) forms the tetraplex over the normally expected Watson-Crick duplex. However, when d(G5T5) and d(A5C5) are mixed together in equimolar amounts and heated for several minutes at 85 degrees C, and then allowed to cool, the product was essentially the Watson-Crick duplex. The lack of resolution in the 500 MHz 1H NMR spectra and the presence of extensive spin diffusion do not allow us to derive a quantitative structure for the tetraplex from the NMR data. However, we find good qualitative agreement between the NOESY and MINSY data and a theoretically derived stereochemically sound structure in which the G's and T's are part of a parallel tetraplex.  相似文献   

单链d(TTTCCTCGCCGGAAA)易溶于水,且由于其本身存在序列特异性,即可形成分子内“发夹”结构,本实验分别测得其在全重水(D2O)、92?O 8%H2O溶液中的一维1H谱,认为环出区域碱基质子的共振峰与其他同种质子的共振峰有明显的区别,主要表现在其共振峰会明显移向高场区。  相似文献   


The double helical structure of the self-complementary DNA-RNA-DNA hybrid d(CG)r(CG) d(CG) was studied in solution by 500 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The non-exchangeable base protons and the (deoxy)ribose H1′, H2′ and H2″ protons were unambiguously assigned using 2D-J-correlated (COSY) and 2D-NOE (NOESY) spectroscopy techniques. A general strategy for the sequential assignment of 1H-NMR spectra of (double) helical DNA and RNA fragments by means of 2D-NMR methods is presented.

Conformational analysis of the sugar rings of d(CG)r(CG)d(CG) at 300 K shows that the central ribonucleotide part of the helix adopts an A-type double helical conformation. The 5′- and 3′-terminal deoxyribose base pairs, however, take up the normal DNA-type conformation. The A-to-B transition in this molecule involves only one (deoxyribose) base pair. It is shown that this A-to-B conformational transition can only be accomodated by two specific sugar pucker combinations for the junction base pair, i.e. N·S (C3′-endo-C2′-endo, 60%, where the pucker given first is that assigned to the junction nucleotide residue of the strand running 5′ → 3′ from A-RNA to B-DNA) and S·S (C2′-endo-C2′-endo, 40%).  相似文献   

8,9-Dihydro-8-(N7-guanyl-[d(ATCGAT)])-9-hydroxyaflatoxin B1.d(ATCGAT) and 8,9-dihydro-8-(N7-guanyl-[d(ATGCAT)])-9-hydroxyaflatoxin B1.8,9-dihydro-8-(N7-guanyl-[d(ATGCAT)])-9-hydroxyaflatoxin B1 were prepared by direct addition of afltoxin B1 8,9-epoxide to d(ATCGAT)2 and d(ATGCAT)2, respectively. In contrast to reaction of aflatoxin B1 8,9-epoxide with d(ATCGAT)2 which exhibits a limiting stoichiometry of 1:1 aflatoxin B1:d(ATCGAT)2 [Gopalakrishnan, S., Stone, M. P., & Harris, T. M. (1989) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 7232-7239], reaction of aflatoxin B1 8,9-epoxide with d(ATGCAT)2 exhibits a limiting stoichiometry of 2:1 aflatoxin B1:d(ATGCAT)2. 1H NOE experiments, nonselective 1H T1 relaxation measurements, and 1H chemical shift perturbations demonstrate that in both modified oligodeoxynucleotides the aflatoxin moiety is intercalated above the 5'-face of the modified guanine. The oligodeoxynucleotides remain right-handed, and perturbation of the B-DNA structure is localized adjacent to the adducted guanine. Aflatoxin-oligodeoxynucleotide 1H NOEs are observed between aflatoxin and the 5'-neighbor base pair and include both the major groove and the minor groove. The aflatoxin methoxy and cyclopentenone ring protons face into the minor groove; the furofuran ring protons face into the major groove. No NOE is observed between the imino proton of the modified base pair and the imino proton of the 5'-neighbor base pair; sequential NOEs between nucleotide base and deoxyribose protons are interrupted in both oligodeoxynucleotide strands on the 5'-side of the modified guanine. The protons at C8 and C9 of the aflatoxin terminal furan ring exhibit slower spin-lattice relaxation as compared to other oligodeoxynucleotide protons, which supports the conclusion that they face into the major groove. Increased shielding is observed for aflatoxin protons; chemical shift perturbations of the oligodeoxynucleotide protons are confined to the immediate vicinity of the adducted base pair. The imidazole proton of the modified guanine exchanges with water and is observed at 9.75 ppm. The difference in reaction stoichiometry is consistent with an intercalated transition-state complex between aflatoxin B1 8,9-epoxide and B-DNA. Insertion of aflatoxin B1-8,9 epoxide above the 5'-face of guanine in d(ATCGAT)2 would prevent the binding of a second molecule of aflatoxin B1 8,9-epoxide. In contrast, two intercalation sites would be available with d(ATGCAT)2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A hairpin structure contains two conformationally distinct domains: a double-helical stem with Watson-Crick base pairs and a single-stranded loop that connects the two arms of the stem. By extensive 1D and 2D 500-MHz 1H NMR studies in H2O and D2O, it has been demonstrated that the DNA oligomers d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) form hairpin structures under conditions of low concentration, 0.5 mM in DNA strand, and low salt (20 mM NaCl, pH 7). From examination of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) between base protons H8/H6 and sugar protons H1' and H2'/H2", it was concluded that in d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) all the nine nucleotides display average (C2'-endo,anti) geometry. The NMR data in conjunction with molecular model building and solvent accessibility studies were used to derive a working model for the hairpins.  相似文献   

The self-association of the synthetic antibiotic actinocyl-bis(3-dimethylaminopropylamine) was studied in aqueous solution by one- and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz. The two-dimensional homonuclear correlation NMR techniques (TOCSY and ROESY) were used to completely assign all the proton signals of the antibiotic and to quantitatively analyze the mutual arrangement of the antibiotic molecules in their aggregates. The concentration and temperature dependences of proton chemical shifts were used to determine the equilibrium constants and the thermodynamic parameters (H and S) of the self-association, as well as the limiting values of proton chemical shifts in associates. The experimental results were analyzed using both the indefinite noncooperative and cooperative models of the molecular self-association. The calculated value of the cooperativity coefficient ( 1.1) for our synthetic antibiotic confirmed a substantially lower anticooperative effect at the aggregation of its molecules in comparison with that of the antitumor antibiotic actinomycin D ( 1.5). We calculated the most favorable structure of the dimeric associate of the synthetic antibiotic in aqueous solution and found that, like in the actinomycin D dimer, the antiparallel orientation of the phenoxazone chromophore planes of interacting molecules is characteristic of its dimer.  相似文献   

The conformations of all the nucleotides in the hexamer d(CGTACG)2 have been determined using time-dependent one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) and the program NUCFIT (see previous article). The glycosidic torsion angles are well determined, the fraction of the C2' endo state for the sugar puckers is less well determined, and the pseudorotation phase angle is poorly determined by the NOEs. The average glycosidic torsion angle is -107 +/- 9 degrees, and the deoxyriboses of the purine residues have a higher fraction of the C2' endo state than those of the pyrimidine residues. There is good agreement between the one- and two-dimensional NOE data. Of the helical parameters, the local rise and twist are moderately well determined, but the roll and tilt of the bases are not well described. The overall structure belongs to the B family of conformations, as previously described by Gronenborn et al. (Biochem. J. (1984) 221, 723-736), but there are significant differences which can be ascribed to the improved treatment of the spin-diffusion and motional averaging possible with the program NUCFIT. The results obtained using NUCFIT are compared with those from restrained energy minimisation calculations using distance restraints obtained from NUCFIT.  相似文献   

1H NMR has been used to investigate the mode of binding to d(AT)5.d(AT)5 of a series of bis(acridine) derivatives connected by different types of linker chains. The length and character (ionic, aliphatic, rigid, and flexible) of the linker chains are found to have a profound effect on the binding of these derivatives to the DNA. Bis(acridine) derivatives with linker chains shorter than 9 A monointercalate under the conditions used in the NMR study, whereas those bis(acridines) with chains of 9.8 A or longer bisintercalate. We find no evidence for the violation of the so-called neighbor exclusion principle. Although all of the bis(acridines) contain the same chromophores, their NMR spectra clearly demonstrate that they form complexes with d(AT)5.d(AT)5 which have different structures. This emphasizes the important effect that the linker chain has on the structure of the intercalation complex.  相似文献   


The coexistence of both A form and B form tracts and formation of an A-B junction in the oligomer d(GGGGGTTTTT)· d(AAAAACCCCC) in saturated sodium chloride solution have been detected by Raman spectroscopy. The entire duplex adopts the familiar B-form conformation in aqueous solution at low salt concentrations (0.1M NaCl). In 6M NaCl the adoption of an A form is observed within the G,C tract while a B-form is maintained in the A,T tract. The experimental results indicate that two different helical forms can co-exist in a rather short oligonucleotide and that formation of an A-B junction can occur over a fairly small span of bases. This is in agreement with recent rules governing the relation between base sequence and secondary structure of DNA published from this laboratory.

The conformational preferences of each of the individual oligomers d(AAAAACCCCC) and d(GGGGGTTTTT) have also been investigated. The oligomer d(AAAAACCCCC) is single stranded but some evidence for base stacking is observed at 2°C. In contrast, a double stranded B-form structure characterized by wobble G-T base pairing is observed for d(GGGGGTTTTT) in 0.1M and 6M NaCl.  相似文献   

The heteroassociation of caffeine (CAF) and the synthetic antibiotic actinocyl-bis(3-dimethylaminopropylamine) (ACT) was studied in aqueous solution by one- and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz. The equilibrium reaction constants, thermodynamic parameters (H and S) of ACT heteroassociation with CAF, the limiting values of proton chemical shifts of their molecules in the heteroassociation complex, and the spatial structure of the ACT–CAF complex were determined from the experimental dependences of proton chemical shifts of the aromatic molecules on concentration and temperature. The parameters of CAF heteroassociation with the phenoxazone antibiotic actinomycin D and its synthetic analogue ACT were comparatively analyzed and conclusions were made on the crucial role of stacking interactions of the chromophores of CAF and the phenoxazone antibiotics in the formation of the heterocomplexes in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The coexistence of both A form and B form tracts and formation of an A-B junction in the oligomer d(GGGGGTTTTT).d(AAAAACCCCC) in saturated sodium chloride solution have been detected by Raman spectroscopy. The entire duplex adopts the familiar B-form conformation in aqueous solution at low salt concentrations (0.1M NaCl). In 6M NaCl the adoption of an A form is observed within the G,C tract while a B-form is maintained in the A.T tract. The experimental results indicate that two different helical forms can co-exist in a rather short oligonucleotide and that formation of an A-B junction can occur over a fairly small span of bases. This is in agreement with recent rules governing the relation between base sequence and secondary structure of DNA published from this laboratory. The conformational preferences of each of the individual oligomers d(AAAAACCCCC) and d(GGGGGTTTTT) have also been investigated. The oligomer d(AAAAACCCCC) is single stranded but some evidence for base stacking is observed at 2 degrees C. In contrast, a double stranded B-form structure characterized by wobble G-T base pairing is observed for d(GGGGGTTTTT) in 0.1M and 6M NaCl.  相似文献   

The conformation of the decanucleotide duplex d(GGTAATTACC)2 has been investigated in solution by one- and two-dimensional proton NMR spectroscopy. Intra- and inter-nucleotide two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement data, recorded at mixing times between 15 and 250 ms, reveal a right-handed B-DNA structure. The data also show that the A-T basepairs of the TAATTA tract are highly propeller twisted and the minor groove is particularly narrow.  相似文献   

The conformations and internal dynamics of the deoxyriboses of d(CGTACG)2 have been determined by NMR measurements at 15°C. The conformations of the sugars were determined using coupling constants and time-dependent NOE measurements. The J-splitting patterns of the H1, H2 and H2 resonances show that the sugars exist as mixtures of conformations near C2 endo (south) and C3 endo (north). The population of the south conformation was larger for the purines than for the pyrimidines. The overall tumbling time of the molecule in 2H2O was determined from measurements of the cross relaxation rate constant for the H6-H5 vectors of the two cytosine residues. Order parameters were determined for the H1-H2, H2-H2 and H2-H3 vectors from measurements of cross relaxation rate constants, making use of multi-spin analysis of the NOE build up rates. These order parameters are weakly dependent of the base sequence, and except for the terminal Cyt 1 residue, the H2-H2 and H2-H3 vectors are near unity, indicating the absence of rapid pseudorotation on the nanosecond time scale. However, the order parameter for the H1-H2 vector is significantly smaller than expected for rapid pseudorotation indicating the presence of other motions of the sugars. This motion must be about an effective axis parallel to the H2-H vector, and to occur with an angular fluctuation of about 30°.The results show that to obtain highly refined structures for nucleic acids by NMR the effects of spin diffusion and motional averaging cannot be ignored.Some of this work was presented as a poster at the 30th Experimental NMR Conference at Asilomar, California 1989  相似文献   


COSY, TOCSY and NOESY experiments have been used to assign sequentially the 1H 500 MHz NMR spectra of the Hydrophobic Protein of Soybean (HPS). Spin systems identification combined with sequential assignment allowed to identify the proton resonances of this 80 residues protein. Analysis of medium range connectivities showed that its secondary structure involved four helical fragments similarly located as in the structure deduced from X-ray diffraction. This work set the basis for a further fine comparison between the crystal and the solution structures and a dynamical study of HPS in solution. In addition, search of secondary structure similarities showed that the global folding of HPS should be rather similar to that found for non specific Lipid Transfer Proteins (ns-LTP) from vegetal origin. Distributions of the helical fragments along the primary sequences of these two classes of proteins were compared.  相似文献   

The deoxyoligonucleotide d(TGCA)3 is a candidate for exhibiting unusual conformations. Its 1H NMR spectrum under low salt conditions has been obtained at 400 MHz and assigned using two-dimensional NMR techniques. The sugar puckers and glycosidic torsions have been determined by inspecting the relative intensities of the intranucleotide NOEs and COSY crosspeaks. At low electrolyte concentration (100 mM NaCl) the molecule exists as a right-handed duplex with twelve Watson-Crick base-pairs and deoxyribose moieties assuming the O1'-endo to C1'-exo pucker.  相似文献   

Measurements of the 1H NMR spectra and relaxation rates were used to study the dynamic properties of 9-aminoacridine (9AA) and four bis(acridine) complexes with d(AT)5.d(AT)5. The behavior of the 9AA (monointercalator) and that of C8 (bisintercalator containing an eight-carbon atom linker chain) are entirely similar. For both compounds, the lifetime of the drug in a particular binding site is 2-3 ms at approximately 20 degrees C, and neither affects the A.T base pair opening rates. The complex with C10 (bisintercalator containing a 10-carbon atom linker chain) is slightly more stable than the C8 complex since its estimated binding site lifetime is 5-10 ms at 29 degrees C. Base pairs adjacent to the bound C10 are destabilized, relative to free d(AT)5.d(AT)5, but other base pairs in the C10 complex are little affected. Bis(acridine) pyrazole (BAPY) and bis(acridine) spermine (BAS) considerably stabilize those base pairs that are sandwiched between the two acridine chromophores, but in the BAS complex proton exchange from the two flanking base pairs appears to be accelerated, relative to free d(AT)5.d(AT)5. The lifetime of these drugs in specific binding sites is too long (>10 ms) to be manifested in increased line widths, at least up to 41 degrees C. An important conclusion from this study is that certain bisintercalators rapidly migrate along DNA, despite having large binding constants (K>10(6) M-1). For C8 and C10 complexes, migration rates are little different from those deduced for 9AA. The rigid linker chain in BAPY and the charge interactions in BAS retard migration of these two bisintercalators. These results provide new parameters that are useful in understanding the biochemical and biological properties of these and other bisintercalating drugs.  相似文献   

A comparison is presented of the imino proton NMR spectra of the double stranded octamer d(GCGTTGCG).d(CGCAACGC) and the same octamer in which the two central thymine residues occur as a cis-syn thymine dimer. Except for the terminal base pairs all imino protons were detected and assigned in the NMR spectrum. The spectra show that in the thymine dimer duplex, contrary to common belief, all base pairs occur in a hydrogen bonded form, although the hydrogen bonds of the two central AT base pairs are substantially weakened. The melting temperature decreases about 13 degrees C on thymine dimer formation.  相似文献   

The 1H NMR spectra of seven branched alpha-cyclodextrins (alpha-CDs) were observed and analyzed in detail. They were compared with spectra of alpha-CD and amylose. Although these branched alpha-CDs consist only of alpha-D-glucose with the same alpha-(1-->4) O-glucosyl binding, aside from one exception, differences in chemical shifts of corresponding signals were significantly large. Especially, differences in the chemical shift in anomeric protons were considerably large. Subtle differences in glucosyl binding directly influences chemical shifts of these protons because anomeric protons are located adjacent to the glucosyl binding sites.  相似文献   

In a low salt buffer (0.011 M Na+) stopped-flow kinetic results for the SDS driven dissociation of an ethidium-Poly d(G-C) X d(G-C) complex are 8.7, 23, and 58.5 s-1 at 20, 30, and 40 degrees C, respectively. These results predict that in NMR experiments at high field strengths, ethidium should be in slow exchange among polymer binding sites. This has been found to be the case for both 31P (109 MHz) and 1H (imino proton spectra in H2O at 270 MHz) experiments. At higher salt, and/or higher temperature, and/or lower field, the bound and free peaks are no longer resolved in the NMR spectra. Good agreement is obtained between the stopped-flow kinetic results and the coalescence temperature observed in NMR experiments. Imino protons in base pairs on both sides of the intercalated ethidium are shifted approximately one ppm upfield while only the phosphate groups at the intercalation site experience large chemical shifts.  相似文献   


Oligonucleotides containing consecutive 2′-deoxyisoguano-sines were synthesized by using building blocks protected with a diphenylcarb-amoyl residue. Parallel duplexes were formed by iGd-dC base pairs and a tetraplex of d(T4iG4T4) was identified by ion exchange HPLC.  相似文献   

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