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Consideration has been given to possible sequences of nucleosomes which can produce a ‘thick fibre’-like structure. Only a few basic requirements were imposed: (i) the thick fibre is a regular single helix with about 7 nucleosomes per turn; (ii) the nucleosomes are equidistant along the polynuclesome chain; (iii) the helix is flexible having variable pitch. It was found that in addition to the straightforward sequential arrangement there is only one other nonsequential arrangement which satisfies these requirements. This is a helix with around 8 nucleosomes per turn in which all nucleosomes are identically placed. It is possible in the region of 200 to 218 ± 10 base pairs (b.p.) DNA repeats lengths. The linker DNA is straight or almost straight and crosses the internal ‘hollow’ cylinder which is not occupied by nucleosomes. This structure satisfies the experimental data for the distance distribution function, and the observed mass per unit length and changes noted in the mass per unit length. Further, if it is assumed that the core particle axis of symmetry is in the plane of the two linkers and bisects them then this makes the core particles oblique to the thick fibre radii with alternate angles of ± 20 to 30°. This orientation of the nucleosomes can explain the DNA digestion patterns obtained with DNase II and with DNase I.  相似文献   

Telomeres and centromere are two essential features of all eukaryotic chromosomes. They provide function that is necessary for the stability of chromosomes. We developed a comprehensive database named TeCK, which covers a gamut of sequence and other related information about telomeric patterns, telomere repeat sequences, centromere sequences and centromeric patterns present in chromosomes. It also contains information about telomerase ribo-nucleoprotein complexes, centromere binding protein and centromere DNA-binding protein complexes. The database also includes a collection of all kinetochore-associated proteins including inner, outer and central kinetochore proteins. The database can be searched using a user-friendly web interface. AVAILABILITY: http://www.bioinfosastra.com/services/teck/index.html.  相似文献   

A member of the Tc1 family of transposable elements has been identified in the Central and South American mosquito Anopheles albimanus. The full-length Quetzal element is 1680 base pairs (bp) in length, possesses 236 bp inverted terminal repeats (ITRs), and has a single open reading frame (ORF) with the potential of encoding a 341-amino-acid (aa) protein that is similar to the transposases of other members of the Tc1 family, particularly elements described from three different Drosophila species. The approximately 10–12 copies per genome of Quetzal are found in the euchromatin of all three chromosomes of A. albimanus. One full-length clone, Que27, appears capable of encoding a complete transposase and may represent a functional copy of this element.  相似文献   

Genome assemblies are currently being produced at an impressive rate by consortia and individual laboratories. The low costs and increasing efficiency of sequencing technologies now enable assembling genomes at unprecedented quality and contiguity. However, the difficulty in assembling repeat‐rich and GC‐rich regions (genomic “dark matter”) limits insights into the evolution of genome structure and regulatory networks. Here, we compare the efficiency of currently available sequencing technologies (short/linked/long reads and proximity ligation maps) and combinations thereof in assembling genomic dark matter. By adopting different de novo assembly strategies, we compare individual draft assemblies to a curated multiplatform reference assembly and identify the genomic features that cause gaps within each assembly. We show that a multiplatform assembly implementing long‐read, linked‐read and proximity sequencing technologies performs best at recovering transposable elements, multicopy MHC genes, GC‐rich microchromosomes and the repeat‐rich W chromosome. Telomere‐to‐telomere assemblies are not a reality yet for most organisms, but by leveraging technology choice it is now possible to minimize genome assembly gaps for downstream analysis. We provide a roadmap to tailor sequencing projects for optimized completeness of both the coding and noncoding parts of nonmodel genomes.  相似文献   

In higher eukaryotes, centromeres are typically composed of megabase‐sized arrays of satellite repeats that evolve rapidly and homogenize within a species' genome. Despite the importance of centromeres, our knowledge is limited to a few model species. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) centromeric satellite DNA using genomic data, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), immunofluorescence and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). Two unrelated centromere‐specific satellite repeats, CentPv1 and CentPv2, and the common bean centromere‐specific histone H3 (PvCENH3) were identified. FISH showed that CentPv1 and CentPv2 are predominantly located at subsets of eight and three centromeres, respectively. Immunofluorescence‐ and ChIP‐based assays demonstrated the functional significance of CentPv1 and CentPv2 at centromeres. Genomic analysis revealed several interesting features of CentPv1 and CentPv2: (i) CentPv1 is organized into an higher‐order repeat structure, named Nazca, of 528 bp, whereas CentPv2 is composed of tandemly organized monomers; (ii) CentPv1 and CentPv2 have undergone chromosome‐specific homogenization; and (iii) CentPv1 and CentPv2 are not likely to be commingled in the genome. These findings suggest that two distinct sets of centromere sequences have evolved independently within the common bean genome, and provide insight into centromere satellite evolution.  相似文献   

为弄清天牛的核型特征, 补充我国天牛染色体分类特征和天牛细胞分类学的基础研究空缺, 本文以4种沟胫天牛亚科天牛为研究对象, 选取天牛的分裂旺盛组织精巢(卵巢)和中肠, 在不同的条件下进行天牛染色体玻片的制备和观察。结果显示: 4种天牛染色体数目均为 2n = 20, 性别决定机制为Xyp。其中, 云斑白条天牛Batocera lineolata的核型公式: 4L+5M+Xyp, 大型染色体4对, 中型染色体5对, 性染色体为小型; 榉白背粉天牛Olenecamptus cretaceus marginatus、 中华八星粉天牛Olenecamptus octopustulatus chinensis(粉天牛属)和桑天牛Apriona germari的核型公式均为: 5L+4M+Xyp, 大型染色体5对, 中型染色体4对, 性染色体为中型。粉天牛属的榉白背粉天牛和中华八星粉天牛的核型指数非常相近; 桑天牛的染色体公式虽然与粉天牛属相同, 但长度和着丝粒位置明显不同。  相似文献   

水稻双子房突变体中类copia逆转座子同源序列的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以水稻双子房突变体的总DNA为模板,用简并引物扩增类copia逆转座子的逆转录酶区域。从PCR产物中分离到代表3个不同的类copia逆转座子的片段,其中两个在水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种“窄叶青8号”和“京系17”间产生的多态性杂交带分别定位于水稻7条染色体的9个位点。R33-8含大量的终止码,R33-1及R33-4为连续的编码区,推测的氨基酸序列含81个氨基酸残基。R33-1的拷贝  相似文献   

A secondary mutant, derived from an allele of maize alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (Adh1) carrying a Mutator transposable element (Mu1) in its first intron, was reported to exhibit a threefold decrease in ADH enzymatic activity and steady-state RNA levels compared to the original mutant. The original mutant,Adh1-S3034 (abbreviatedS3034), was previously characterized at the molecular level. The derivative, abbreviatedS3034b, has now been cloned; at the DNA sequence level the insertion and surroundingAdh1 sequences are indistinguishable fromS3034. Furthermore, in our lines there is no difference in relative ADH activities between products of the two putative alleles. A comparison of gene expression in heterozygotes obtained by crossing to different tester lines reveals a correlation between the measured decrease in levels of ADH polypeptide produced by the mutant allele and the background in which it is measured; this effect is distinct from any background-related variation in the expression of the progenitor allele. It does not appear to be attributable to alternative patterns of DNA modification. It appears to reflect a background-associated difference in the level of normalAdh1-RNA produced. Thus the previously reported distinction betweenS3034 andS3034b may be due to differences in the extent to which the mutant allele and a given genetic background interact to produce functionalAdh1-RNA.This research was supported by United States Public Health Service Grant GM38616 and United States Department of Agriculture Grant 87-CRCR-1-2500 to J.S. D.O. was supported by an NIH predoctoral training grant to the Department of Genetics.  相似文献   

In the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) many mutants for body color have been isolated. A typical example is the recessive oculocutaneous albino mutant i, which has amelanotic skin and red-colored eyes with no tyrosinase activity. To cast light on the molecular basis of the albino mechanism, we performed Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from the mutant with an authentic tyrosinase gene probe; the results demonstrate that an extra 1.9 kb fragment is present inside the first exon. The insertion is responsible for the oculocutaneous albinism. About 80 copies of this fragment are present in the genomes of albino-i and wild-type fish; these repeated sequences are here designated Tol1 elements and the particular element found in the tyrosinase gene of albino-i is denoted Tol1-tyr. The nucleotide sequence of Tol1-tyr shows that the fragment (i) carries terminal inverted repeats of 14 bp, and (ii) is flanked by duplicated 8 by segments of the host chromosome. These are properties of DNA-mediated transposable elements. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of Tol1-tyr with other sequences in DNA databases, with special attention to sequences of transposable elements known to date, did not reveal any similarity. Thus, Tol1 constitutes a hitherto unknown family of DNA transposable elements.  相似文献   

Molecular clones of Borrelia burgdorferi, aetiologic agent of Lyme borreliosis, were isolated and analysed by DNA sequence determination. This procedure yielded B. burgdorferi homologues of gidA, gyrB, gyrA, ftsA and ftsZ. The genes were located on the physical map of the B. burgdorferi linear chromosome. Also mapped were the genes fla and p60 while dnaA was mapped using a heterologous probe. gyrA and gyrB were found to be in tandem and were mapped, along with dnaA at the centre of the chromosome. gidA was located close to the left hand extremity of the chromosome. Because gyrB, dnaA and gidA are normally located within 50 kb of the origin of replication (oriC), we propose two possible sites for oriC in the B. burgdorferi linear chromosome.  相似文献   

New Zealand has experienced a complex climatic and geological history since the Pliocene. Thus, identifying the processes most important in having driven the evolution of New Zealand's biota has proven difficult. Here we examine the phylogeography of the New Zealand common skink ( Oligosoma nigriplantare polychroma ) which is distributed throughout much of New Zealand and crosses many putative biogeographical boundaries. Using mitochondrial DNA sequence data, we revealed five geographically distinct lineages that are highly differentiated (pairwise ΦST 0.54–0.80). The phylogeographical pattern and inferred age of the lineages suggests Pliocene mountain building along active fault lines promoted their divergence 3.98–5.45 million years ago. A short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) polymorphism in the myosin gene intron ( MYH-2 ) confirmed a pattern of restricted gene flow between lineages on either side of the mountain ranges associated with the Alpine Fault that runs southwest to northeast across the South Island of New Zealand. An analysis of molecular variance confirmed that ~40% of the genetic differentiation in O. n. polychroma is distributed across this major fault line. The straits between the main islands of New Zealand accounted for much less of the variation found within O. n. polychroma , most likely due to the repeated existence of landbridges between islands during periods of the Pleistocene that allowed migration. Overall, our findings reveal the relative roles of different climatic and geological processes, and in particular, demonstrate the importance of the Alpine Fault in the evolution of New Zealand's biota.  相似文献   

Insects are responsible for the transmission of major infectious diseases. Recent advances in insect genomics and transformation technology provide new strategies for the control of insect borne pathogen transmission and insect pest management. One such strategy is the genetic modification of insects with genes that block pathogen development. Another is to suppress insect populations by releasing either sterile males or males carrying female‐specific dominant lethal genes into the environment. Although significant progress has been made in the laboratory, further research is needed to extend these approaches to the field. These insect control strategies offer several advantages over conventional insecticide‐based strategies. However, the release of genetically modified insects into the environment should proceed with great caution, after ensuring its safety, and acceptance by the target populations.  相似文献   

目前,几乎所有的植物遗传转化中都要使用选择性标记基因诸如抗生素或除草剂抗性基因等来筛选转化子.为了消除由此而引起的公众的安全性顾虑,一种全新的发展策略即获取无选择标记的转基因植物应运而生.无选择标记的转基因植物具有许多独特的优势,如消除大众对转基因植物中含有选择标记基因而引起的恐惧及可以反复地向已转化的植物中叠加外源基因等,因此,这种新策略(无标记)有着巨大的应用潜力.本文对获得无标记转基因植物的一些途径做一综述.  相似文献   

In this study we attempt to differentiate between the effects of the non-histone chromosomal proteins and histone H1 on the structure of the nucleosomes and the chromatin fibre in solution. The properties of chromatin preparations with different histone H1 and non-histone protein compositions were compared using circular dichroism and flow linear dichroism and the following conclusions were drawn. When histone H1 is absent the non-histone proteins partially prevent the unfolding of the nucleosomes at low ionic strength. The complete blocking of this unfolding, however, is accomplished only in the presence of histone H1. The non-histone proteins do not affect the orientation of the nucleosomes along the fibre axis. Only histone H1 can maintain the positive anisotropy of the chromatin fibre.  相似文献   

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