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Genetically Modified Pig Models for Human Diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetically modified animal models are important for understanding the pathogenesis of human disease and developing therapeutic strategies.Although genetically modified mice have been widely used to model human diseases,some of these mouse models do not replicate important disease symptoms or pathology.Pigs are more similar to humans than mice in anatomy,physiology,and genome. Thus,pigs are considered to be better animal models to mimic some human diseases.This review describes genetically modified pigs that have been used to model various diseases including neurological,cardiovascular,and diabetic disorders.We also discuss the development in gene modification technology that can facilitate the generation of transgenic pig models for human diseases.  相似文献   


Two types of physical models have been developed for treating DNA molecules whose topology is of interest The two model motifs combine jacks-and-straws molecular representations with flexible tubing in different proportions. Both motifs present a low-resolution construct of DNA that retains helix axes, strand individuality and the distinguishabiity of the major and minor grooves. Molecules whose double helix axes are branched are modelled by stiff double helices and flexible branch sites. Supercoiled and knotted DNA molecules are modelled on a smaller scale, in a system in which a flexible backbone is supported by a series of stiff helical struts; removal of this scaffolding immediately reveals the linking of the strands. The models are light and easy to construct. They may be used either for demonstrations or as a research tool that assists the interpretation data.  相似文献   

PCR has become an essential tool in biological science. However, researchers often encounter problems with difficult targets, inhibitors accompanying the samples, or PCR trouble related to DNA polymerase. Therefore, PCR optimization is necessary to obtain better results. One solution is using modified DNA polymerases with desirable properties for the experiments. In this article, PCR troubleshooting, depending on the DNA polymerase used, is shown. In addition, the reasons that might justify the need for modification of DNA polymerases, type of modifications, and links between modified DNA polymerases and PCR efficiency are described.  相似文献   

DNA与蛋白质结合的荧光测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建了插入λ阻抑蛋白(Rep)的操纵基因(OR)和BglⅡ识别位点的PBR322重组质粒。阻抑蛋白与该质粒的相互作用可用BglⅡ对它的水解作用引起的EB荧光变化来研究。在E.coli中表达的Rep表现了与该重组质粒结合的活力。核苷酸序列具精确二重对称性的OR(ORcons)对Rep的亲和力比天然的OR1小。  相似文献   

Linear polyethylenimine (LPEI) is an effective nonviral gene carrier with transfection levels equal or above branched polyethylenimine (BPEI) and exhibits a lower cytotoxicity profile than BPEI. High molecular weight LPEI M(w) 25 k was modified with cholesterol in three different geometries: linear shaped (L), T-shaped (T), and a combined linear/T-shaped (LT) forming the LPEI-cholesterol (LPC) conjugates LPC-L, LPC-T, and LPC-LT, respectively. Physical characterization of LPC/pDNA complexes included particle size, zeta potential, DNase protection, mIL-12 p70 expression, and cytotoxicity. The particle size was further confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The LPC-T/pDNA complexes were optimal at N/P 10/1 that resulted in a particle size of approximately 250 nm, which was confirmed by AFM, and a surface charge of +10 mV. These complexes also effectively protected the pDNA for up to 180 min in the presence of DNase I. B16-F0 cells transfected with LPC-L and LPC-T showed protein expression levels higher than LPEI alone and twice that of BPEI but without any significant loss in cell viability. These results were confirmed with EGFP flow cytometry and transfection of Renca cells. The differences in rates of transfection of the LPC/pDNA complexes is due in part to conformational changes from the point of complex formation to interaction with the plasma membrane. These conformation changes provide protection for unprotonated secondary amines in the LPEI backbone by hydrophobic protection of the cholesterol moiety that we termed "unprotonated reserves". Finally, we show that LPC conjugates exploit receptor-mediated endocytosis via the LDL-R pathway with transgene expression levels decreasing nearly 20% after saturating the LDL-R sites on MCF-7 cells with hLDL-R-Ab.  相似文献   


Proton ENDOR has been observed from frozen solutions (ca. 38K°) of copper meso-(4-N-tetra-methylpyridyl)porphyrin (CuTMpyP(4)) complexed with Salmon sperm DNA in water and D2O. Lines from exchangeable protons of the DNA bases have been observed in these ENDOR spectra. Analyses of these ENDOR data show that the separations of these DNA protons from the copper atom are between 3.76 and 3.84 A with angles of 19.5 to 22.5 degrees between the Cu-H vectors and the gz axis. A distant ENDOR response has also been observed from phosphorous nuclei in the DNA backbone. We estimate that the phosphorous atoms producing this ENDOR signal are 7.5–10 Å from the copper center of the porphyrin. These ENDOR data combined with results from an earlier NMR investigation (1) have been used to construct a computer simulated model of the binding site in which the porphyrin is partially intercalated and extends into the major groove of DNA. The two GC base pairs at this site are slightly inequivalent. For each, the G imino proton and one of the C amino protons are at appropriate positions to account for the ENDOR signals arising from exchangeable protons. It is unlikely that this inequivalence would persist at room temperature where dynamic processes would give an apparently symmetric interaction. Although the model accounts for all reported experimental data involving tetracationic porphyrin species which have been suggested to be intercalators, it is not a unique solution.  相似文献   

Binding of streptonigrin to DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


A proteolytically modified form of the Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-Binding protein (SSB) has been crystallized from 15% saturated sodium citrate. Crystals as large as 1.0mm × 0.3mm × 0.2mm were obtained and these diffract beyond 3Å resolution. X-ray photographic analysis demonstrated a rhombohedral unit cell of space group R3 with an equivalent triple centered hexagonal unit cell having dimensions of a = b = 62.9 A and c = 264.3A. These crystals were judged to be adequate for a three dimensional structure determination.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries on the presence and location of phosphoinositides in the eukaryotic cell nucleoplasm and nuclear membrane prompted us to study the putative interaction of chromatin components with these lipids in model membranes (liposomes). Turbidimetric studies revealed that a variety of histones and histone combinations (H1, H2AH2B, H3H4, octamers) caused a dose-dependent aggregation of phosphatidylcholine vesicles (large unilamellar vesicle or small unilamellar vesicle) containing negatively charged phospholipids. 5 mol % phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP) was enough to cause extensive aggregation under our conditions, whereas with phosphatidylinositol (PI) at least 20 mol % was necessary to obtain a similar effect. Histone binding to giant unilamellar vesicle and vesicle aggregation was visualized by confocal microscopy. Histone did not cause vesicle aggregation in the presence of DNA, and the latter was able to disassemble the histone-vesicle aggregates. At DNA/H1 weight ratios 0.1–0.5 DNA- and PIP-bound H1 appear to coexist. Isothermal calorimetry studies revealed that the PIP-H1 association constant was one order of magnitude higher than that of PI-H1, and the corresponding lipid/histone stoichiometries were ∼0.5 and ∼1, respectively. The results suggest that, in the nucleoplasm, a complex interplay of histones, DNA, and phosphoinositides may be taking place, particularly at the nucleoplasmic reticula that reach deep within the nucleoplasm, or during somatic and nonsomatic nuclear envelope assembly. The data described here provide a minimal model for analyzing and understanding the mechanism of these interactions.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries on the presence and location of phosphoinositides in the eukaryotic cell nucleoplasm and nuclear membrane prompted us to study the putative interaction of chromatin components with these lipids in model membranes (liposomes). Turbidimetric studies revealed that a variety of histones and histone combinations (H1, H2AH2B, H3H4, octamers) caused a dose-dependent aggregation of phosphatidylcholine vesicles (large unilamellar vesicle or small unilamellar vesicle) containing negatively charged phospholipids. 5 mol % phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP) was enough to cause extensive aggregation under our conditions, whereas with phosphatidylinositol (PI) at least 20 mol % was necessary to obtain a similar effect. Histone binding to giant unilamellar vesicle and vesicle aggregation was visualized by confocal microscopy. Histone did not cause vesicle aggregation in the presence of DNA, and the latter was able to disassemble the histone-vesicle aggregates. At DNA/H1 weight ratios 0.1–0.5 DNA- and PIP-bound H1 appear to coexist. Isothermal calorimetry studies revealed that the PIP-H1 association constant was one order of magnitude higher than that of PI-H1, and the corresponding lipid/histone stoichiometries were ∼0.5 and ∼1, respectively. The results suggest that, in the nucleoplasm, a complex interplay of histones, DNA, and phosphoinositides may be taking place, particularly at the nucleoplasmic reticula that reach deep within the nucleoplasm, or during somatic and nonsomatic nuclear envelope assembly. The data described here provide a minimal model for analyzing and understanding the mechanism of these interactions.  相似文献   

一种改良的质粒DNA小量提取法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对碱裂质粒小量法进行了改进,并且在提取过程中增加了LiCl处理。实验证明这种方法结果稳定,提取的质粒DNA产量高、质量好,符合大多数分子生物学常规实验的要求。  相似文献   

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