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Antibiotic netropsin is known to bind specifically to A and T regions in DNA; the mode of binding being non-intercalative. Obviously, H-bonding between the proton donors of netropsin and acceptors N3 of A and 02 of T comes as a strong possibility which might render this specificity. In netropsin there could be 8 proton donors: four terminal amino groups and four internal imino groups. However, methylation of the terminal amino groups does not alter the binding affinity of netropsin to DNA—but the modification of the internal imino groups significantly lowers the binding affinity. Hence, the logical conclusion is that netropsin may specifically interact with A and T through H-bonding and in order to do so, it should approach the helix from the minor groove. The present paper provides experimental data which verify the conclusion mentioned above.

Using poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) as a model system it was observed following a thorough theoretical stereochemical analysis that netropsin could bind to -(T-A-T) sequence of the polymer in the B-form through the minor groove by forming specific B-bonding. Models could be either right or left-handed B-DNA with a mono or dinucleotide repeat.

By monitoring the 31P signals of free poly(dA-dT) ? poly(dA-dT) and netropsin-poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) complex we show that the drug changes the DNA structure from essentially a mononucleotide repeat to that of very dominant dinucleotide repeat; however the base- pairing in the DNA-drug complex remain to be Watson-Crick. Whether H-bonding is the specific mode of interaction was judged by monitoring the imino protons of netropsin in the presence of poly(dA-dT) ? poly(dA-dT). This experiment was conducted in 90% H2O + 10% D2O Using the time-shared long pulse. It was found that exchangeable imino protons of netropsin appear in the drug-DNA complex and disappear upon increasing the D2O content; thus confirming that H-bonding is indeed the specific mode of interaction. From these and several NOE measurements, we propose a structure for poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT(-netropsin complex.

In summary, experimental data indicate that netropsin binds to poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) by forming specific hydrogen bonds and that the binding interaction causes the structure to adopt a Watson-Crick paired dinucleotide repeat motif. The proposed hydrogen bonds can form only if the drug approaches the DNA from the minor groove. Within the NMR time scale the interaction between the ligand and DNA is a fast one. From the NOE experimental data, it appears that poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) in presence of netropsin exists as an equilibrium mixture of right- and left-handed B-DNA duplexes with a dinucleotide repeat—with a predominance of the left-handed form. The last conclusion is a soft one because it was very difficult to make sure the absence of spin diffusion. In a 400 base pairs long DNA duplex- drug complex (as used in this study), equilibrium between right and left-handed helices can also mean the existence of both helical domains in the same molecule with fast interchange between these domains or/and unhindered motion/propagation of these domains along the helix axis.  相似文献   


Poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) can adopt the B- and D- forms in the fibrous state. Theoretical energy calculations and fiber diffraction analyses suggest that there can be three structural models of poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) in each of these two forms viz right and left-handed Watson Crick models and left-handed Hoogsteen—a total of six possible models. Fiber data for the polymer in the B- or the D-form or energy calculations cannot distinguish any one model from the other. However, a comparison of observed proton chemical shifts with the theoretically computed ones and the NOE studies on exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons suggest that poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) in low salt solution exists predominantly in the left-handed B-conformation.  相似文献   


Poly(dA-dT) poly(dA-dT) structures in aqueous solutions with high NaCl concentrations and in the presence of Ni2+ ions have been studied with resonance Raman spectroscopy (RRS). In low water activity the effects of added 95 mM NiCl2 in solution stabilize the syn geometry of the purines and reorganize the water distribution via local interactions of Ni-water charged complexes with the adenine N7 position. It is shown that RRS provides good marker bands for a left-handed helix: i) a purine ring breathing mode around 630 cm″?1coupled to the deoxyribose vibration in the syn geometry, ii) a 1300-1340 cm?1 region characterizing local chemical interactions of the Ni2+ ions with the adenien N7 position, iii) lines at about 1483-and 1582 cm?1 correlated to the anti/syn reorientation of the adenine residues on B-Z structure transition, iv) marker bands of the thymidine carbonyl group couplings at 1680-and 1733 cm?1 due to the disposition of the thymidine residues in the Z helix specific geometry. Hence poly(dA-dT) poly(dA-dT) can adopt a Z form in solution. The Z form observed in alternate purine-pyrimidine sequences does not require G-C base pairs.  相似文献   


ID NOE 1H NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz was employed to examine the structure of poly(dA)·poly(dT) in solution. NOE experiments were conducted as a function of presaturation pulse length (50, 30, 20 and 10 msec) and.power (19 and 20 db) to distinguish the primary NOEs from spin diffusion. The 10 msec NOE experiments took 49 hrs and over 55,000 scans for each case and the difference spectra were almost free from diffusion.

The spin diffused NOE difference spectra as well as difference NOE spectra in 90% H2O + 10% D2O in which TNH3 was presaturated enabled to make a complete assignment of the base and sugar protons. It is shown that poly(dA) ·poly(dT) melts in a fashion in which single stranded bubbles are formed with increasing temperature.

Extremely strong primary NOEs were observed at H2′/H2″ when AH8 and TH6 were presaturated. The observed NOEs at AH2′ and that AH2″ were very similar as were the NOEs at TH2′ and TH2″. The observed NOEs at AH2′ and AH2″when AH8 was presaturated were very similar to those observed at TH2′ and TH2″ when TH6 was presaturated. In addition, presaturation of H1′ of A and T residues resulted in similar NOEs at AH2′/H2″ and TH2′/H2″ region and these NOEs at H2′ and H2″ were distinctly asymmetric as expected in a C2′-endo sugar pucker. There was not a trace of NOE at AH8 and TH6 when AH3′ and TH3′ were presaturated indicating that C3′-endo, × = 30–40° conformation is not valid for this DNA. From these NOE data, chemical shift shielding calculations and stereochemistry based computer modellings, we conclude that poly(dA)·poly(dT) in solution adopts a right- handed B-DNA duplex in which both dA and dT strands are conformationally equivalent with C2′-endo sugar pucker and a glycosyl torsion, ×, of ?73°, the remaining backbone torsion angles being φ′ = 221°, ω′ = 212°, ω = 310°, φ = 149°, ψ = 42°, ψ′ = 139°. The experimental data are in total disagreement with the heteronomous DNA model of Arnott et. al. proposed for the fibrous state. (Arnott, S., Chandrasekaran, R., Hall, I.H., and Puigjaner, L.C., Nucl. Acid Res. 11, 4141, 1983).  相似文献   


Recent observations that the heteronomous structural model for poly(dA)·poly(dT) is not found in solution and that in this DNA, the two strands are conformationally equivalent (J. Biomole. Str. Dyns. 2, 1057 (1985)), has added a new dimension to the structural dynamics of DNA-netropsin complex. Does the antibiotic somehow distinguish between the two strands and specifically interact with only one of the conformationally equivalent strands?

Model-building studies suggest that netropsin can either bind to the dA-strand in the minor groove such that H-bonds are formed between the imino protons N4-H, N6-H, N8-H of netropsin and N3 atoms of A or can bind to the dT-strand in the minor groove and form H-bonds between the imino-protons N4-H, N6-H, N8-H of netropsin and O2 atoms of T. If netropsin binds to the dA-strand, AH2 atoms of poly(dA)-poly(dT) would be in closer proximity to the imino protrons N4-H, N6-H, N8-H and pyrrole ring protons C5-H, Cll-H of netropsin than they would be, if netropsin binds to the dT-strand. In order to distinguish these possibilities experiments were conducted which involved NOE energy transfer between netropsin and DNA protons in the drug-DNA complex. Difference NOE spectra of netropsin·poly(dA)-poly(dT) complex in which AH2 was irradiated indicate that dominant NOEs were observed at the imino and pyrrole ring protons of netropsin. When the netropsin pyrrole ring protons were irradiated, the magnetization transfer was at AH2 of DNA. These observations suggest that netropsin binds to the dA-strand of poly(dA)-poly(dT) even though dA/dT strands are conformationally equivalent.  相似文献   


The article reviews data indicating that poly(dA-dT)?poly (dA-dT) is able of adopting three distinct double helical structures in solution, of which only the A form conforms to classical notions. The other two structures have dinucleotides as double helical repeats. At low salt concentrations poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) adopts a B-type alternating conformation which is exceptionally variable. Its architecture can gradually move in the limits demarcated by the CD spectra with inverted long wavelength CD bands and the 31P NMR spectra with a very low and a 0.6 ppm separation of two resonances. Contrary to Z-DNA, the 31P NMR spectrum of the limiting alternating B conformation of poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) is characterized by an upfield shift of one resonance. We attribute the exceptional conformational flexibility of the alternating B conformation to the unequal tendency of bases in the dA-dT and dT-dA steps to stack.

However, by assuming the limiting alternating B conformation, the variability of the synthetic DNA is not exhausted. Specific agents make it isomerize into another conformation by a fast, two-state mechanism, which is reflected by a further deepening of the negative long wavelength CD band and a downfield shift of the 31P NMR resonance of poly (dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) that was constant in the course of the gradual alterations of the alternating B conformation. These changes are, however, qualitatively different from the way poly(dG-dC)?poly(dG-dC) behaves in the course of the B-Z isomerization. Poly(dG-dC) ?poly(dG-dC) displays purine-pyrimidine (dGpdC) resonance in the characteristic downfield position, while the downfield resonance of poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) belongs to the pyrimidine-purine (dTpdA) phosphodiester linkages. Consequently, phosphodiester linkages in the purine-pyrimidine steps play a similar role in the appearance of the Z form to the pyrimidine-purine phosphodiesters in the course of the isomerization of poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT). This excludes that the high-salt structures of poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC)?poly(dG-dC) are members of the same conformational family. We call the high-salt conformation of poly(dA-dT)?poly(dA-dT) X-DNA.

It furthermore follows from the review that synthetic molecules of DNA with alternating purine-pyrimidine sequences of bases can adopt either the Z form or the X form, or even both, depending on the environmental conditions. This introduces a new dimension into the DNA double helix conformational variability. The possible biological relevance of the X form is suggested by experiments with linear molecules of natural DNA. These indicate that Arich regions in natural DNAs can isomerize into the X form while the bulk of the molecule remains in the B form. The coexistence of both structures in a single DNA molecule may be understood in view of the favourable kinetic and thermodynamic properties with which the X form appears.  相似文献   


Using CD measurements we show that the interaction of netropsin to poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT) involves two binding modes at low ionic strength. The first and second binding modes are distinguished by a defined shift of the CD maximum and the presence of characteristic isodichroic points in the long wavelength range from 313 nm to 325 nm. The first binding mode is independent of ionic strength and is primarily determined by specific interaction to dA·dT base pairs. Employing a netropsin derivative and different salt conditions it is demonstrated that ionic contacts are essential for the second binding mode. Other alternating duplexes and natural DNA also exhibit more or less a second step in the interaction with netropsin observable at high ratio of ligand per nucleotide. The second binding mode is absent for poly(dA)·poly(dT). The presence of a two-step binding mechanism is also demonstrated in the complex formation of poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT) with the distamycin analog consisting of pentamethylpyrrolecarboxamide. While the binding mode I of netropsin is identical with its localization in the minor groove, for binding mode II we consider two alternative interpretations.  相似文献   


We show that the lithium salt of calf-thymus DNA can assume the C structure in nonoriented, hydrated gels. The transitions between the B and C structures showed little hysteresis and none of the metastable structural states which occur in oriented gels. Therefore crystal-lattice forces are not needed to stabilize the C structure.

The occurrence of the alternative structures of the Li, Na and K salts of poly(dA-dC) · poly(dG-dT) was measured as a function of hydration for nonoriented gels. Poly(dA-dC) · poly(dG-dT) · Li exists in the B structure at high hydrations and in the C structure at moderate hydrations with no A or Z structure at any hydration tested. The Na salt of poly(dA-dC) · poly(dG-dT) exists in the B structure at high hydration, as mixtures of B and C at moderate hydrations and in the A structure at lower hydrations. The potassium salt behaves similarly except that mixtures of the C and A structures exist at lower hydrations.

ZnCl2 and NaNO3, which promote the Z structure in duplex poly(dG-dC), promote the C structure in poly(dA-dC) · poly(dG-dT). Information contained in the sequence of base pairs and not specific ionic interactions appear to determine the stability of the alternative structures of polynucleotides as hydration is changed.  相似文献   


Using Raman spectroscopy, we examined the ribose-phosphate backbone conformation, the hydrogen bonding interactions, and the stacking of the bases of the poly(U)·poly(A) ·poly(U) triple helix. We compared the Raman spectra of poly(U)·poly(A)·poly(U) in H2O and D2O with those obtained for single-stranded poly(A) and poly(U) and for double-stranded poly(A)·poly(U). The presence of a Raman band at 863 cm?1 indicated that the backbone conformations of the two poly(U) chains are different in the triple helix. The sugar conformation of the poly(U) chain held to the poly(A) by Watson-Crick base pairing is C3′ endo; that of the second poly(U) chain may be C2′ endo. Raman hypochromism of the bands associated with base vibrations demonstrated that uracil residues stack to the same extent in double helical poly(A)·poly(U) and in the triple-stranded structure. An increase in the Raman hypochromism of the bands associated with adenine bases indicated that the stacking of adenine residues is greater in the triple helix than in the double helical form. Our data further suggest that the environment of the carbonyls of the uracil residues is different for the different strands.  相似文献   


We study the contribution of various vibrational modes to the melting of poly(dG) · poly(dC). We find that the principal contribution comes from the H-bond breathing modes that have been observed in Raman scattering and that we have associated with helix melting. We show the softening of these modes on approach to melting in agreement with the observed behavior. We also describe the contribution to melting from base rotation modes that others have suggested are important in melting.  相似文献   


The conformation of the tetrapeptide N-Acetyl-Asp7-Glu8-Lys9-Ser10-NH2, a fragment of the type I collagen α-1 chain N-telopeptide, has been studied by 1H and 13C NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The spectroscopic evidence, based on two-dimensional, phase-sensitive NMR techniques such as COSY, ROESY, proton-carbon shift correlation and selective COLOC, indicates a strong dependence of the conformation on the experimental conditions. In CD3OH/H2O (60/40) at ca. neutral pH the tetrapeptide forms a β-turn, stabilized by a hydrogen bond between NH(S10) and CO(D7) and a strong salt-bridge between COO?(E8) and NH3 +(K9). The β-turn is type I and appears to coexist with a non-hydrogen-bonded structure. The coexistence of these two conformers is proven by proton NMR data such as NH-NH ROEs, reduced NH-Hα(E8) coupling constant NH(E8) low-field shift and the temperature coefficient of NH(S10), whereas the conclusion regarding the salt-bridge is based on 13C results. In the same solvent, at a pH below the pKa of the carboxyl groups, no evidence for a conformation other than extended can be found. In aqueous solution at approximately neutral pH, evidence for the E8-K9 charge interaction is observed, but not for a hydrogen bond anywhere in the molecule.  相似文献   


Synthesis of the novel nucleoside analogues containing exocyclic pyrrolo moiety and acyclic side chains attached to the purine ring at N-9 and N-7 is described. The site of alkylation was determined by 1H and 13C NMR on the basis of chemical shifts, C-H coupling constants and connectivity in NOESY and HETCOR spectra. The N-9 substitution of 7 was proved by its X-ray crystallographic analysis.



A refinement of the recent results for poly[d(A)] · poly[d(T)] (Alexeev et al., J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 4, 989 (1987)) involving additional parameters of the base-pair structure and of the sugar- phosphate backbone expands the conformational potential of this polynucleotide of the B type to include the possibility of bifurcated hydrogen bonds of the kind recently discovered in crystalline deoxyoligonucleotide with lone d(A)n · d(T)n stretch (Nelson et al., Nature 330, 221 (1987)).

Still, analysis of the available data and energy calculations do not seem to indicate that the bifurcated H-bonds are a crucial factor responsible for the anomalous structure of the d(A)n · d(T)n sequence. The unique structural properties of poly [d(A)] · poly[d(T)] can hardly be explained without taking into account its interactions with the double-layer hydration spine in the minor groove. In view of the hydration mechanism stabilizing poly [d(A)] · poly [d(T)] and of the polynucleotide's heteronomous prehistory (Arnott et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 4141 (1983)) we suggest that this B-type structure be called Bh.  相似文献   

Understanding of protein–urea interactions is one of the greatest challenges to modern structural protein chemistry. Based in enzyme kinetics experiments and 1H NMR spectroscopic analysis we proposed that urea, at low concentrations, directly interacts with the protonated histidines of the active center of RNase A, following a simple model of competitive inhibition. These results were supported by theoretical analysis based on the frontier molecular orbital theory and suggest that urea might establish a favorable interaction with the cationic amino acids. Our experimental evidence and theoretical analysis indicate that the initials steps of the molecular mechanism of Urea–RNase A interaction passes through the establishment of a three center four electron adduct. Also, our results would explain the observed disruption of the 1H NMR signals corresponding to H12 and H119 (involved in catalysis) of the RNase A studied in the presence of urea. Our interaction model of urea–amino acids (cationic) can be extended to explain the inactivation of other enzymes with cationic amino acids at the active site.  相似文献   


We have studied by X-ray diffraction fibers of complexes of poly(dG)·poly(dC) with N-α-acetyl-L-arginine ethylamide. Although these polynucleotides favour the A form of DNA, in this complex it is never found, thus confirming that arginine prevents the appearance of this form of DNA At high relative humidity the B form is present. Upon dehydration two new structures appear. One of them is a triple helix, most likely formed by poly(dC+) · poly(dG) · poly(dC). The other structure found also has features which indicate a multistranded conformation.  相似文献   

Summary The unnatural duplex oligonucleotide -d(CGCAATTCGC)·-d(GCGTTAAGCG) was analyzed by high-resolution NMR methods. All of the exchangeable imino and nonexchangeable protons of the duplex were assigned. Detection of all 10 of the exchangeable imino protons confirms that a parallel, unsymmetrical duplex is formed. The thermal stability of the parallel duplex is similar to the analogous antiparallel - duplex. The right handedness of the helix is confirmed by inter-residue [H8/H6-H1] and [H8/H6-H2] NOEs to the 5-neighbor in the -strand and [H8/H6-H1] NOEs to the 3-neighbor in the -strand. Intra-residue and inter-residue distances between base protons and deoxyribose protons in both strands were determined using the isolated spin-pair approximation for NOESY cross peaks acquired with mixing times 50 ms or less. The NOE data are consistent with a B-form geometry adopted by the / hybrid decamer.  相似文献   


The non self complementary heptadeoxyribonucleotides d(GTCGTCA) and d(TGACGAC) were synthesized by the phosphotriester method. While complete 1H-NMR assignments of the former were obtained by a combination of one and two-dimensional techniques at room temperature, extensive stacking of the latter under these conditions dictated analysis at 50°C when the lines were sharply resolved. The duplex form of the annealed strands under the conditions of the 1H-NMR experiment was established independently of the NMR evidence by 32P end labeling with T4 polynucleotide kinase followed by butt end joining using the absolute specificity of T4 ligase for double strand DNA. Analysis of the resulting ladder of polymers was performed using gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Complete 1H-NMR assignments of the non-exchangeable protons in the self complementary heptamer was achieved. The assignments were confirmed using NOE differences, and two-dimensional COSY, and HH-INADEQUATE experiments at 400 and 500 MHz. The assignments are in accord with a conformation for the heptamer belonging to the B family of structures.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta peptide (A) is a small peptide present in normal cells and aggregated A is the main constituent of the extracellular amyloid plaques found in Alzheimers disease (AD) brain. Recent studies suggest that soluble A oligomers are neurotoxic rather than amyloid fibrils found in amyloid plaques. This study using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) provides the first direct evidence that alterations in membrane structure can trigger the conversion of soluble -helical monomeric A into oligomeric A in a -sheet conformation.  相似文献   

This study provides comprehensive documentation of silk production in the pest moth Helicoverpa armigera from gland secretion to extrusion of silk thread. The structure of the silk glands, accessory structures and extrusion apparatus are reported. The general schema of the paired silk glands follows that found for Lepidoptera. Morphology of the duct, silk press, muscle attachments and spigot are presented as a three-dimensional reconstruction and the cuticular crescent-shaped profile of the silk press is demonstrated in both open and closed forms with attendant muscle blocks, allowing advances in our knowledge of how the silk press functions to regulate the extrusion of silk. Growth of the spigot across instars is documented showing a distinctive developmental pattern for this extrusion device. Its shape and structure are related to use and load-bearing activity.  相似文献   

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