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DNA sequence influences the position of nucleosomes and chromatin architecture. The extent to which underlying DNA sequence affects nucleosome positioning is currently a topic of considerable discussion and active experimentation. To contribute to the discussion, I will outline a few of the methods, data and arguments that I find compelling and believe will ultimately resolve the question of what positions nucleosomes. Basically, I will give a portrait of my current perspective on what influences the landscape of nucleosome positioning and chromatin architecture.  相似文献   

Nucleosomes are important for gene regulation because their arrangement on the genome can control which proteins bind to DNA. Currently, few human nucleosomes are thought to be consistently positioned across cells; however, this has been difficult to assess due to the limited resolution of existing data. We performed paired-end sequencing of micrococcal nuclease-digested chromatin (MNase–seq) from seven lymphoblastoid cell lines and mapped over 3.6 billion MNase–seq fragments to the human genome to create the highest-resolution map of nucleosome occupancy to date in a human cell type. In contrast to previous results, we find that most nucleosomes have more consistent positioning than expected by chance and a substantial fraction (8.7%) of nucleosomes have moderate to strong positioning. In aggregate, nucleosome sequences have 10 bp periodic patterns in dinucleotide frequency and DNase I sensitivity; and, across cells, nucleosomes frequently have translational offsets that are multiples of 10 bp. We estimate that almost half of the genome contains regularly spaced arrays of nucleosomes, which are enriched in active chromatin domains. Single nucleotide polymorphisms that reduce DNase I sensitivity can disrupt the phasing of nucleosome arrays, which indicates that they often result from positioning against a barrier formed by other proteins. However, nucleosome arrays can also be created by DNA sequence alone. The most striking example is an array of over 400 nucleosomes on chromosome 12 that is created by tandem repetition of sequences with strong positioning properties. In summary, a large fraction of nucleosomes are consistently positioned—in some regions because they adopt favored sequence positions, and in other regions because they are forced into specific arrangements by chromatin remodeling or DNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

There is much evidence indicating the importance in gene regulation of the positions of nucleosomes with respect to DNA sequence. Low resolution chromatin structures have been described for many genes, but there is a dearth of detailed high resolution chromatin structures. In the cases where they are available, high resolution maps have revealed much more complex chromatin structures, with multiple alternative nucleosome positions. The discovery that ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling machines are recruited to genes, with their ability to mobilise nucleosomes on DNA and to alter nucleosomal conformation, emphasises the necessity for obtaining high resolution nucleosome maps, so that the details of these remodelling reactions can be defined in vivo. Here, we describe protocols for purifying plasmid chromatin from cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and for mapping nucleosome positions on the plasmid using the monomer extension mapping method. This method requires purified chromatin, but is capable of mapping relatively long stretches of chromatin in great detail. Typically, it reveals very complex chromatin structures.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA is organized into a macromolecular structure called chromatin. The basic repeating unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, which consists of two copies of each of the four core histones and DNA. The nucleosomal organization and the positions of nucleosomes have profound effects on all DNA-dependent processes. Understanding the factors that influence nucleosome positioning is therefore of general interest. Among the many determinants of nucleosome positioning, the DNA sequence has been proposed to have a major role. Here, we analyzed more than 860,000 nucleosomal DNA sequences to identify sequence features that guide the formation of nucleosomes in vivo. We found that both a periodic enrichment of AT base pairs and an out-of-phase oscillating enrichment of GC base pairs as well as the overall preference for GC base pairs are determinants of nucleosome positioning. The preference for GC pairs can be related to a lower energetic cost required for deformation of the DNA to wrap around the histones. In line with this idea, we found that only incorporation of both signal components into a sequence model for nucleosome formation results in maximal predictive performance on a genome-wide scale. In this manner, one achieves greater predictive power than published approaches. Our results confirm the hypothesis that the DNA sequence has a major role in nucleosome positioning in vivo.  相似文献   


Recent studies of genome-wide nucleosomal organization suggest that the DNA sequence is one of the major determinants of nucleosome positioning. Although the search for underlying patterns encoded in nucleosomal DNA has been going on for about 30 years, our knowledge of these patterns still remains limited. Based on our evaluations of DNA deformation energy, we developed new scoring functions to predict nucleosome positioning. There are three principal differences between our approach and earlier studies: (i) we assume that the length of nucleosomal DNA varies from 146 to 147 bp; (ii) we consider the anisotropic flexibility of pyrimidine-purine (YR) dimeric steps in the context of their neighbors (e.g., YYRR versus RYRY); (iii) we postulate that alternating AT-rich and GC-rich motifs reflect sequence-dependent interactions between histone arginines and DNA in the minor groove. Using these functions, we analyzed 20 nucleosome positions mapped in vitro at single nucleotide resolution (including clones 601, 603, 605, the pGUB plasmid, chicken β-globin and three 5S rDNA genes). We predicted 15 of the 20 positions with 1-bp precision, and two positions with 2-bp precision. The predicted position of the ‘601’ nucleosome (i.e., the optimum of the computed score) deviates from the experimentally determined unique position by no more than 1 bp—an accuracy exceeding that of earlier predictions.

Our analysis reveals a clear heterogeneity of the nucleosomal sequences which can be divided into two groups based on the positioning ‘rules’ they follow. The sequences of one group are enriched by highly deformable YR/YYRR motifs at the minor-groove bending sites SHL ±3.5 and ±5.5, which is similar to the α-satellite sequence used in most crystallized nucleosomes. Apparently, the positioning of these nucleosomes is determined by the interactions between histones H2A/H2B and the terminal parts of nucleosomal DNA. In the other group (that includes the ‘601’ clone) the same YR/YYRR motifs occur predominantly at the sites SHL ±1.5. The interaction between the H3/H4 tetramer and the central part of the nucleosomal DNA is likely to be responsible for the positioning of nucleosomes of this group, and the DNA trajectory in these nucleosomes may differ in detail from the published structures.

Thus, from the stereochemical perspective, the in vitro nucleosomes studied here follow either an X-ray-like pattern (with strong deformations in the terminal parts of nucleosomal DNA), or an alternative pattern (with the deformations occurring predominantly in the central part of the nucleosomal DNA). The results presented here may be useful for genome-wide classification of nucleosomes, linking together structural and thermodynamic characteristics of nucleosomes with the underlying DNA sequence patterns guiding their positions.  相似文献   



Chromosome structure, DNA metabolic processes and cell type identity can all be affected by changing the positions of nucleosomes along chromosomal DNA, a reaction that is catalysed by SNF2-type ATP-driven chromatin remodelers. Recently it was suggested that in vivo, more than 50% of the nucleosome positions can be predicted simply by DNA sequence, especially within promoter regions. This seemingly contrasts with remodeler induced nucleosome mobility. The ability of remodeling enzymes to mobilise nucleosomes over short DNA distances is well documented. However, the nucleosome translocation processivity along DNA remains elusive. Furthermore, it is unknown what determines the initial direction of movement and how new nucleosome positions are adopted.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have used AFM imaging and high resolution PAGE of mononucleosomes on 600 and 2500 bp DNA molecules to analyze ATP-dependent nucleosome repositioning by native and recombinant SNF2-type enzymes. We report that the underlying DNA sequence can control the initial direction of translocation, translocation distance, as well as the new positions adopted by nucleosomes upon enzymatic mobilization. Within a strong nucleosomal positioning sequence both recombinant Drosophila Mi-2 (CHD-type) and native RSC from yeast (SWI/SNF-type) repositioned the nucleosome at 10 bp intervals, which are intrinsic to the positioning sequence. Furthermore, RSC-catalyzed nucleosome translocation was noticeably more efficient when beyond the influence of this sequence. Interestingly, under limiting ATP conditions RSC preferred to position the nucleosome with 20 bp intervals within the positioning sequence, suggesting that native RSC preferentially translocates nucleosomes with 15 to 25 bp DNA steps.


Nucleosome repositioning thus appears to be influenced by both remodeler intrinsic and DNA sequence specific properties that interplay to define ATPase-catalyzed repositioning. Here we propose a successive three-step framework consisting of initiation, translocation and release steps to describe SNF2-type enzyme mediated nucleosome translocation along DNA. This conceptual framework helps resolve the apparent paradox between the high abundance of ATP-dependent remodelers per nucleus and the relative success of sequence-based predictions of nucleosome positioning in vivo.  相似文献   

We have mapped in vitro nucleosome positioning on the sheep β-lactoglobulin gene using high-throughput sequencing to characterise the DNA sequences recovered from reconstituted nucleosomes. This methodology surpasses previous approaches for coverage, accuracy and resolution and, most importantly, offers a simple yet rapid and relatively inexpensive method to characterise genomic DNA sequences in terms of nucleosome positioning capacity. We demonstrate an unambiguous correspondence between in vitro and in vivo nucleosome positioning around the promoter of the gene; identify discrete, sequence-specific nucleosomal structures above the level of the canonical core particle—a feature that has implications for regulatory protein access and higher-order chromatin packing; and reveal new insights into the involvement of periodically organised dinucleotide sequence motifs of the type GG and CC and not AA and TT, as determinants of nucleosome positioning—an observation that supports the idea that the core histone octamer can exploit different patterns of sequence organisation, or structural potential, in the DNA to bring about nucleosome positioning.  相似文献   


A nucleosome DNA sequence probe is designed that combines recently derived RR/YY counter-phase and AA/TT in-phase periodical patterns. A simple nucleosome mapping procedure is introduced for prediction of the nucleosome positions in the sequence of interest, to serve as a guide for experimental studies of the chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Chromatin conformation is dynamic and heterogeneous with respect to nucleosome positions, which can be changed by chromatin remodeling complexes in the cell. These molecular machines hydrolyze ATP to translocate or evict nucleosomes, and establish loci with regularly and more irregularly spaced nucleosomes as well as nucleosome-depleted regions. The impact of nucleosome repositioning on the three-dimensional chromatin structure is only poorly understood. Here, we address this issue by using a coarse-grained computer model of arrays of 101 nucleosomes considering several chromatin fiber models with and without linker histones, respectively. We investigated the folding of the chain in dependence of the position of the central nucleosome by changing the length of the adjacent linker DNA in basepair steps. We found in our simulations that these translocations had a strong effect on the shape and properties of chromatin fibers: i), Fiber curvature and flexibility at the center were largely increased and long-range contacts between distant nucleosomes on the chain were promoted. ii), The highest destabilization of the fiber conformation occurred for a nucleosome shifted by two basepairs from regular spacing, whereas effects of linker DNA changes of ∼10 bp in phase with the helical twist of DNA were minimal. iii), A fiber conformation can stabilize a regular spacing of nucleosomes inasmuch as favorable stacking interactions between nucleosomes are facilitated. This can oppose nucleosome translocations and increase the energetic costs for chromatin remodeling. Our computational modeling framework makes it possible to describe the conformational heterogeneity of chromatin in terms of nucleosome positions, and thus advances theoretical models toward a better understanding of how genome compaction and access are regulated within the cell.  相似文献   


The computational prediction of nucleosome positioning from DNA sequence now allows for in silico investigation of the molecular evolution of biophysical properties of the DNA molecule responsible for primary chromatin organization in the genome. To discern what signal components driving nucleosome positioning in the yeast genome are potentially targeted by natural selection, we compare the performance of various models predictive of nucleosome positioning within the context of a simple statistical test, the repositioned mutation test. We demonstrate that while nucleosome occupancy is driven largely by translational exclusion in response to AT content, there is also a strong signature of evolutionary conservation of regular patterns within nucleosomal DNA sequence related to the structural organization of the nucleosome core (e.g., 10-bp dinucleotide periodicity). We also use computer simulations to investigate hypothetical coding and regulatory constraints on the ability of sequence properties affecting nucleosome formation to adaptively evolve. Our results demonstrate that natural selection may act independently on different DNA sequence properties responsible for local chromatin organization. Furthermore, at least with respect to the deformation energy of the DNA molecule in the nucleosome, the presence of the genetic code has greatly restricted the ability of sequences to evolve the dynamic nucleosome organization typically observed in promoter regions.  相似文献   

DNA in eukaryotes is packaged into a chromatin complex, the most basic element of which is the nucleosome. The precise positioning of the nucleosome cores allows for selective access to the DNA, and the mechanisms that control this positioning are important pieces of the gene expression puzzle. We describe a large-scale nucleosome pattern that jointly characterizes the nucleosome core and the adjacent linkers and is predominantly characterized by long-range oscillations in the mono, di- and tri-nucleotide content of the DNA sequence, and we show that this pattern can be used to predict nucleosome positions in both Homo sapiens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae more accurately than previously published methods. Surprisingly, in both H. sapiens and S. cerevisiae, the most informative individual features are the mono-nucleotide patterns, although the inclusion of di- and tri-nucleotide features results in improved performance. Our approach combines a much longer pattern than has been previously used to predict nucleosome positioning from sequence—301 base pairs, centered at the position to be scored—with a novel discriminative classification approach that selectively weights the contributions from each of the input features. The resulting scores are relatively insensitive to local AT-content and can be used to accurately discriminate putative dyad positions from adjacent linker regions without requiring an additional dynamic programming step and without the attendant edge effects and assumptions about linker length modeling and overall nucleosome density. Our approach produces the best dyad-linker classification results published to date in H. sapiens, and outperforms two recently published models on a large set of S. cerevisiae nucleosome positions. Our results suggest that in both genomes, a comparable and relatively small fraction of nucleosomes are well-positioned and that these positions are predictable based on sequence alone. We believe that the bulk of the remaining nucleosomes follow a statistical positioning model.  相似文献   

Using high-throughput sequencing, we have mapped sequence-directed nucleosome positioning in vitro on four plasmid DNAs containing DNA fragments derived from the genomes of sheep, drosophila, human and yeast. Chromatins were prepared by reconstitution using chicken, frog and yeast core histones. We also assembled yeast chromatin in which histone H3 was replaced by the centromere-specific histone variant, Cse4. The positions occupied by recombinant frog and native chicken histones were found to be very similar. In contrast, nucleosomes containing the canonical yeast octamer or, in particular, the Cse4 octamer were assembled at distinct populations of locations, a property that was more apparent on particular genomic DNA fragments. The factors that may contribute to this variation in nucleosome positioning and the implications of the behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromatin conformation is dynamic and heterogeneous with respect to nucleosome positions, which can be changed by chromatin remodeling complexes in the cell. These molecular machines hydrolyze ATP to translocate or evict nucleosomes, and establish loci with regularly and more irregularly spaced nucleosomes as well as nucleosome-depleted regions. The impact of nucleosome repositioning on the three-dimensional chromatin structure is only poorly understood. Here, we address this issue by using a coarse-grained computer model of arrays of 101 nucleosomes considering several chromatin fiber models with and without linker histones, respectively. We investigated the folding of the chain in dependence of the position of the central nucleosome by changing the length of the adjacent linker DNA in basepair steps. We found in our simulations that these translocations had a strong effect on the shape and properties of chromatin fibers: i), Fiber curvature and flexibility at the center were largely increased and long-range contacts between distant nucleosomes on the chain were promoted. ii), The highest destabilization of the fiber conformation occurred for a nucleosome shifted by two basepairs from regular spacing, whereas effects of linker DNA changes of ∼10 bp in phase with the helical twist of DNA were minimal. iii), A fiber conformation can stabilize a regular spacing of nucleosomes inasmuch as favorable stacking interactions between nucleosomes are facilitated. This can oppose nucleosome translocations and increase the energetic costs for chromatin remodeling. Our computational modeling framework makes it possible to describe the conformational heterogeneity of chromatin in terms of nucleosome positions, and thus advances theoretical models toward a better understanding of how genome compaction and access are regulated within the cell.  相似文献   


Extensive DNA sequence analysis of three eukaryotes, S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, and D. melanogaster, reveals two different AA/TT periodical patterns associated with the nucleosome positioning. The first pattern is the counter-phase oscillation of AA and TT dinucleotides, which has been frequently considered as the nucleosome DNA pattern. This represents the sequence rule I for chromatin structure. The second pattern is the in-phase oscillation of the AA and TT dinucleotides with the same nucleosome DNA period, 10.4 bases. This pattern apparently corresponds to curved DNA, that also participates in the nucleosome formation, and represents the sequence rule II for chromatin. The positional correlations of AA and TT dinucleotides also indicate that the nucleosomes are separated by specific linker sizes (preferably 8, 18,…bases), dictated by the steric exclusion rules. Thus, the sequence positions of the neighboring nucleosomes are correlated, and this represents the sequence rule III.  相似文献   

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