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Temperature-induced unfolding of Escherichia coli trigger factor (TF) and its domain truncation mutants, NM and MC, were studied by ultra-sensitive differential scanning calorimetry (UC-DSC). Detailed thermodynamic analysis showed that thermal induced unfolding of TF and MC involves population of dimeric intermediates. In contrast, the thermal unfolding of the NM mutant involves population of only monomeric states. Covalent cross-linking experiments confirmed the presence of dimeric intermediates during thermal unfolding of TF and MC. These data not only suggest that the dimeric form of TF is extremely resistant to thermal unfolding, but also provide further evidence that the C-terminal domain of TF plays a vital role in forming and stabilizing the dimeric structure of the TF molecule. Since TF is the first molecular chaperone that nascent polypeptides encounter in eubacteria, the stable dimeric intermediates of TF populated during thermal denaturation might be important in responding to stress damage to the cell, such as heat shock.  相似文献   

The interaction of distamycin with ColE1 DNA was examined by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) taking the helix-coil transition theory of DNA into consideration. Our results here strongly indicate that the affinity of distamycin to DNA, at a low distamycin concentration, depends highly on the DNA sequence, and preferential binding occurs to the sites of four to six successive A-T pairs having two or more successive G-C pairs on both their ends.  相似文献   

Thermal unfolding parameters were determined for a two-domain tetrameric enzyme, phosphorylating D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and for its isolated NAD(+)-binding domain. At pH 8.0, the transition temperatures (t(max)) for the apoforms of the native Bacillus stearothermophilus GAPDH and the isolated domain were 78.3 degrees C and 61.9 degrees C, with calorimetric enthalpies (DeltaH(cal)) of 4415 and 437 kJ/mol (or 30.7 and 22.1 J/g), respectively. In the presence of nearly saturating NAD(+) concentrations, the t(max) and the DeltaH(cal) increased by 13.6 degrees C and by 2365 kJ/mol, respectively, for the native apoenzyme, and by 2.8 degrees C and 109 kJ/mol for the isolated domain. These results indicate that interdomain interactions are essential for NAD(+) to produce its stabilizing effect on the structure of the native enzyme. The thermal stability of the isolated NAD(+)-binding domain increased considerably upon transition from pH 6.0 to 8.0. By contrast, native GAPDH exhibited greater stability at pH 6.0; similar pH-dependencies of thermal stability were displayed by GAPDHs isolated from rabbit muscle and Escherichia coli. The binding of NAD(+) to rabbit muscle apoenzyme increased t(max) and DeltaH(cal) and diminished the widths of the DSC curves; the effect was found to grow progressively with increasing coenzyme concentrations. Alkylation of the essential Cys149 with iodoacetamide destabilized the apoenzyme and altered the effect of NAD(+). Replacement of Cys149 by Ser or by Ala in the B. stearothermophilus GAPDH produced some stabilization, the effect of added NAD(+) being basically similar to that observed with the wild-type enzyme. These data indicate that neither the ion pairing between Cys149 and His176 nor the charge transfer interaction between Cys149 and NAD(+) make any significant contribution to the stabilization of the enzyme's native tertiary structure and the accomplishment of NAD(+)-induced conformational changes. The H176N mutant exhibited dramatically lower heat stability, as reflected in the values of both DeltaH(cal) and t(max). Interestingly, NAD(+) binding resulted in much wider heat capacity curves, suggesting diminished cooperativity of the unfolding transition.  相似文献   

S J Li  A G Marshall 《Biochemistry》1985,24(15):4047-4052
Unfolding of purified wheat germ ribosomal RNA has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) from 15 to 95 degrees C, in the presence and absence of 100 mM NaCl and/or 10 mM MgCl2. The total enthalpy of melting varies from about 290 (no sodium or magnesium) to 480 kcal/mol (Mg2+ only) and precisely accounts for the number and types of base pairs deduced from prior Fourier-transform infrared experiments. The composite DSC curves are analyzed into four individual two-state melting stages. Both Na+ and Mg2+ shift the melting transitions to higher temperature; in addition, Mg2+ causes the individual transitions to merge (i.e., melt cooperatively) and leads to irreversible chain cleavage at high temperature. The results are analyzed according to three general secondary base-pairing models for eukaryotic 5S RNA.  相似文献   

Porcine pancreatic procarboxypeptidase A and its tryptic peptides, carboxypeptidase A and the activation segment, have been studied by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The thermal denaturation of the zymogen and the active enzyme has been carried out at two pH values, 7.5 and 9.0, at different ionic strengths and at different scan rates. The endothermic transitions for these two proteins were always irreversible under all conditions investigated. The denaturation behaviour of both proteins seems to fit very well with the kinetic model for the DSC study of irreversible unfolding of proteins recently proposed by one of our groups. From this model, the activation energies obtained for the denaturation of the pro- and carboxypeptidase were 300 +/- 20 kJ mol-1 and 250 +/- 14 kJ mol-1 respectively. On the other hand, the isolated activation segment appears as a thermostable piece with a highly reversible thermal unfolding which follows a two-state process. The denaturation temperature observed for the isolated segment was always at least 15 K higher than those of the zymogen and the active enzyme.  相似文献   

Riboflavin binding (or carrier) protein (RfBP) is a monomeric, two-domain protein, originally purified from hens' egg white. RfBP contains nine disulfide bridges; as a result, the protein forms a compact structure and undergoes reversible three-state thermal denaturation. This was demonstrated using a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method [Wasylewski M. (2000) J. Prot. Chem. 19(6), 523-528]. It has been shown that the RfBP complex with riboflavin denaturates in a three-state process which may be attributed to sequential unfolding of the RfBP domains. In case of apo RfBP, the ligand binding domain denaturates at a lower temperature than the C-terminal domain. Ligand binding greatly enhances the thermostability of the N-terminal domain, whereas the C-terminal domain thermostability is only slightly affected and, in case of the examined holo RfBPs, the denaturation peaks of both domains merge or cross over. The magnitude of the changes depends on ligand structure. A detailed study of protein concentration effects carried out in this work allowed to estimate not only the thermostability of both domains but also the strength of domain interactions. The DeltaCp, of denaturation was found for C-terminus and N-terminus of RfBP-riboflavin complex to amount to 2.5 and -1.9 kcal mol(-1), respectively. The calculated domain interaction free energy, DeltaGCN, was estimated to be approximately -1580 cal mol(-1) at 67.0 degrees C. This value indicates that the interdomain interaction is of medium strength.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of the B form of double-stranded DNA has been probed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Raman spectroscopy of 160 base pair (bp) fragments of calf thymus DNA. The DSC results indicate a median melting temperature Tm = 75.5 degrees C with calorimetric enthalpy change delta Hcal = 6.7 kcal/mol (bp), van't Hoff enthalpy change delta HVH = 50.4 kcal/mol (cooperative unit), and calorimetric entropy change delta Scal = 19.3 cal/deg.mol (bp), at the experimental conditions of 55 mg DNA/ml in 5 mM sodium cacodylate at pH 6.4. The average cooperative melting unit (nmelt) comprises 7.5 bp. The Raman signature of 160 bp DNA is highly sensitive to temperature. Analyses of several conformation-sensitive Raman bands indicate the following ranges for thermodynamic parameters of melting: 43 < delta HVH < 61 kcal/mol (cooperative unit), 75 < Tm < 80 degrees C and 6 < (nmelt) < 9 bp, consistent with the DSC results. The changes observed in specific Raman band frequencies and intensities as a function of temperature reveal that thermal denaturation is accompanied by disruption of Watson-Crick base pairs, unstacking of the bases and disordering of the B form backbone. These three types of structural change are highly correlated throughout the investigated temperature range of 20 to 93 degrees C. Raman bands diagnostic of purine and pyrimidine unstacking, conformational rearrangements in the deoxyribose-phosphate moieties, and changes in environment of phosphate groups have been identified. Among these, bands at 834 cm-1 (due to a localized vibration of the phosphodiester group), 1240 cm-1 (thymine ring) and 1668 cm-1 (carbonyl groups of dT, dG and dC), are shown by comparison with DSC results to be the most reliable quantitative indicators of DNA melting. Conversely, the intensities of Raman marker bands at 786 cm-1 (cytosine ring), 1014 cm-1 (deoxyribose ring) and 1092 cm-1 (phosphate group) are largely invariant to melting and are proposed as appropriate standards for intensity normalizations.  相似文献   

K Lohner  A F Esser 《Biochemistry》1991,30(26):6620-6625
The thermotropic behavior of purified human complement protein C9 was investigated by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. When dissolved in physiological buffers (pH 7.2, 150 mM NaCl), C9 underwent three endothermic transitions with transition temperatures (Tm) centered at about 32, 48, and 53 degrees C, respectively, and one exothermic transition above 64 degrees C that correlated with protein aggregation. The associated calorimetric enthalpies of the three endothermic transitions were about 45, 60, and 161 kcal/mol with cooperative ratios (delta Hcal/delta HvH) close to unity. The total calorimetric enthalphy for the unfolding process was in the range of 260-280 kcal/mol under all conditions. The exothermic aggregation temperature was strongly pH dependent, changing from 60 degrees C at pH 6.6 to 81.4 degrees C at pH 8.0, whereas none of the three endothermic transitions was significantly affected by pH changes. They were, however, sensitive to addition of calcium ions; most affected was Tm1 which shifted from 32 to 35.8 degrees C in the presence of 3 mM calcium, i.e., the normal blood concentration. Kosmotropic ions stabilized the protein by shifting the endothermic transitions to slightly higher temperatures whereas inclusion of chaotropic ions (such as choline), removal of bound calcium by addition of EDTA, or proteolysis with thrombin lowered the transition temperatures. Previous studies had indicated the formation of at least three different forms of C9 during membrane insertion or during heat polymerization, and it is suggested that the three endothermic transitions reflect the formation of such C9 conformers. Choline, which is present at high concentrations on the surface of biological membranes, and calcium ions have the ability to shift the transition temperatures of the first two transitions to be either close to or below body temperature. Thus, it is very likely that C9 is present in vivo in a partially unfolded state when bound to a membrane surface, and we propose that this facilitates membrane insertion and refolding of the protein into an amphiphilic conformation.  相似文献   

The effects of eight mutations on the thermodynamics of the reversible thermal unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease have been determined over a range of pH and protein concentration by means of differential scanning calorimetry. Variation of the protein concentration was included in our study because we found a significant dependence of the thermodynamics of protein unfolding on concentration. Values for the change in the standard free energy of unfolding, delta delta G0d, produced by the mutations in the pH range 5.0-7.0 varied from 1.9 kcal mol-1 (apparent stabilization) for H124L to -2.8 kcal mol-1 (apparent destabilization) for L25A. As has been observed in numerous other cases, there is no correlation in magnitude or sign between delta delta G0d and the corresponding values for delta delta Hd and T delta delta S0d, the latter quantities being in most cases much larger in magnitude than delta delta G0d. This fact emphasizes the difficulty in attempting to correlate the thermodynamic changes with structural changes observed by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of the thermal dissociation transitions of 10 bp PNA/DNA duplexes and their corresponding DNA/DNA duplexes in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) were determined from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The PNA/DNA transition temperatures ranged from 329 to 343 K and the calorimetric transition enthalpies ranged from 209 +/- 6 to 283 +/- 37 kJ mol(-1). The corresponding DNA/DNA transition temperatures were 7-20 K lower and the transition enthalpies ranged from 72 +/- 29 to 236 +/- 24 kJ mol(-1). Agreement between the DSC and UV monitored melting (UVM) determined transition enthalpies validated analyzing the UVM transitions in terms of a two-state transition model. The transitions exhibited reversibility and were analyzed in terms of an AB = A + B two-state transition model which yielded van't Hoff enthalpies in agreement with the transition enthalpies. Extrapolation of the transition enthalpies and free energy changes to ambient temperatures yielded more negative values than those determined directly from isothermal titration calorimetry measurements on formation of the duplexes. This discrepancy was attributed to thermodynamic differences in the single-strand structures at ambient and at the transition temperatures, as indicated by UVM measurements on single DNA and PNA strands.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism experiments were performed to study structural differences among the common isoforms of human apolipoprotein E (apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4) and their N-terminal, 22-kDa fragments. Here, we examine thermodynamic properties that characterize the structural differences among isoforms, and also differences in their unfolding behavior. The 22-kDa fragments and their full-length counterparts were found to exhibit similar differences in thermal stability (apoE4相似文献   

We have applied circular dichroism (CD), temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to study the properties of novel bioengineered DNA aptamer dimers sensitive to fibrinogen (F) and heparin (H) binding sites of thrombin and compared them with canonical single stranded aptamer sensitive to fibrinogen binding site of thrombin (Fibri). The homodimer (FF) and heterodimer (FH) aptamers were constructed based on hybridization of their supported parts. CD results showed that both FF and FH dimers form stable guanine quadruplexes in the presence of potassium ions like those in Fibri. The thermal stability of aptamer dimers was slightly lower compared to those of canonical aptamers, but sufficient for practical applications. Both FF and FH aptamer dimers exhibited a potassium-dependent inhibitory effect on thrombin-mediated fibrin gel formation, which was on average two-fold higher than those of canonical single stranded Fibri aptamers.  相似文献   

Human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) is a tetrameric enzyme that catalyzes the hydroxylation of L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) to L-tyrosine; a dysfunction of this enzyme causes phenylketonuria. Each subunit in hPAH contains an N-terminal regulatory domain (Ser2-Ser110), a catalytic domain (Asp112-Arg410), and an oligomerization domain (Ser411-Lys452) including dimerization and tetramerization motifs. Two partially overlapping transitions are seen in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms for wild-type hPAH in 0.1 M Na-Hepes buffer, 0.1 M NaCl, pH 7.0. Although these transitions are irreversible, studies on their scan-rate dependence support that the equilibrium thermodynamics analysis is permissible in this case. Comparison with the DSC thermograms for truncated forms of the enzyme, studies on the protein and L-Phe concentration effects on the transitions, and structure-energetic calculations based on a modeled structure support that the thermal denaturation of hPAH occurs in three stages: (i) unfolding of the four regulatory domains, which is responsible for the low-temperature calorimetric transition; (ii) unfolding of two (out of the four) catalytic domains, which is responsible for the high-temperature transition; and (iii) irreversible protein denaturation, which is likely responsible for the observed exothermic distortion in the high-temperature side of the high-temperature transition. Stages 1 and 2 do not appear to be two-state processes. We present an approach to the analysis of ligand effects on DSC transition temperatures, which is based on the general binding polynomial formalism and is not restricted to two-state transitions. Application of this approach to the L-Phe effect on the DSC thermograms for hPAH suggests that (i) there are no binding sites for L-Phe in the regulatory domains; therefore, contrary to the common belief, the activation of PAH by L-Phe seems to be the result of its homotropic cooperative binding to the active sites. (ii) The regulatory domain appears to be involved in cooperativity through its interactions with the catalytic and oligomerization domains; thus, upon regulatory domain unfolding, the cooperativity in the binding of L-Phe to the catalytic domains seems to be lost and the value of the L-Phe concentration corresponding to half-saturation is increased. Overall, our results contribute to the understanding of the conformational stability and the substrate-induced cooperative activation of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

J W Shriver  U Kamath 《Biochemistry》1990,29(10):2556-2564
The thermal unfolding of rabbit skeletal heavy meromyosin (HMM), myosin subfragment 1, and subfragment 2 has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Two distinct endotherms are observed in the DSC scan of heavy meromyosin. The first endotherm, with a Tm of 41 degrees C at pH 7.9 in 0.1 M KCl, is assigned to the unfolding of the subfragment 2 domain of HMM based on scans of isolated subfragment 2. The unfolding of the subfragment 2 domain is reversible both in the isolated form and in HMM. The unfolding of subfragment 2 in HMM can be fit as a single two-state transition with a delta Hvh and delta Hcal of 161 kcal/mol, indicating that subfragment 2 exists as a single domain in HMM. The unfolding of subfragment 2 is characterized by an extraordinarily large delta Cp of approximately 30,000 cal/(deg.mol). In the presence of nucleotides, the high-temperature HMM endotherm with a Tm of 48 degrees C shifts to higher temperature, indicating that this peak corresponds to the unfolding of the subfragment 1 domain. This assignment has been confirmed by comparison with isolated subfragment 1. The stabilizing effect of AMPPNP was significantly greater than that of ADP. The vanadate-trapped ADP species was slightly more stable than M.AMPPNP with a Tm at 58 degrees C. The unfolding of subfragment 1, both in the isolated form and in HMM, was irreversible. Only a single endotherm was noted in the DSC scans of the subfragment 1 domain of HMM and in freshly prepared subfragment 1 complexes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We report an extension of the recently published PMDSC method that permitted synchronous determination of heat capacity and expansibility when using slow, defined pressure formats in a DSC scan. Here we applied continuously opposing pressure changes that are fast compared to the time constants of the DSC instrument to study relaxation kinetics of phospholipids. Investigations of multilamellar vesicles of DPPC or DSPC in water revealed for both lipids relaxation times of about 30 s at the maximum of the main transition peak and about 15 s at the maximum of the pretransition. The relaxation times in the transition range are proportional to heat capacity of main- and pretransition. The molecular origin of the relaxation processes appears to stem from pressure-induced water fluxes between the interbilayer region and the bulk water phase.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of several protein denaturation models (Lumry-Eyring models) that include a rate-limited step leading to an irreversibly denatured state of the protein (the final state) has been carried out. The differential scanning calorimetry transitions predicted for these models can be broadly classified into four groups: situations A, B, C, and C′. (A) The transition is calorimetrically irreversible but the rate-limited, irreversible step takes place with significant rate only at temperatures slightly above those corresponding to the transition. Equilibrium thermodynamics analysis is permissible. (B) The transition is distorted by the occurrence of the rate-limited step; nevertheless, it contains thermodynamic information about the reversible unfolding of the protein, which could be obtained upon the appropriate data treatment. (C) The heat absorption is entirely determined by the kinetics of formation of the final state and no thermodynamic information can be extracted from the calorimetric transition; the rate-determining step is the irreversible process itself. (C′) same as C, but, in this case, the rate-determining step is a previous step in the unfolding pathway. It is shown that ligand and protein concentration effects on transitions corresponding to situation C (strongly rate-limited transitions) are similar to those predicted by equilibrium thermodynamics for simple reversible unfolding models. It has been widely held in recent literature that experimentally observed ligand and protein concentration effects support the applicability of equilibrium thermodynamics to irreversible protein denaturation. The theoretical analysis reported here disfavors this claim.  相似文献   

J F Brandts  L N Lin 《Biochemistry》1990,29(29):6927-6940
Data from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) may be used to estimate very large binding constants that cannot be conveniently measured by more conventional equilibrium techniques. Thermodynamic models have been formulated to describe interacting systems that involve either one thermal transition (protein-ligand) or two thermal transitions (protein-protein) and either 1:1 or higher binding stoichiometry. Methods are described for obtaining binding constants and heats of binding by two different methods: calculation or simulation fitting of data. Extensive DSC data on 2'CMP binding to RNase are presented and analyzed by the two methods. It is found that the methods agree when binding sites are completely saturated, but substantial errors arise in the calculation method when site saturation is incomplete and the transition of liganded molecules overlaps that of unliganded molecules. This arises primarily from an inability to determine TM (i.e., the temperature where concentrations of folded and unfolded protein are equal) under weak-binding conditions. Results from simulation show that the binding constants and heats of binding from the DSC method agree quantitatively with corresponding estimates obtained from equilibrium methods when extrapolated to the same temperature. It was also found from the DSC data that the binding constant decreases with increasing concentration of ligand, which might arise from nonideality effects associated with dimerization of 2'CMP. Simulations show that the DSC method is capable of estimating binding constants for ultratight interactions up to perhaps 10(40) M-1 or higher, while most equilibrium methods fail well below 10(10) M-1. DSC data from the literature on a number of interacting systems (trypsin-soybean trypsin inhibitor, trypsin-ovomucoid, trypsin-pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, chymotrypsin-subtilisin inhibitor, subtilisin BPN-subtilisin inhibitor, RNase S protein-RNase S peptide, avidin-biotin, ovotransferrin-Fe3+, superoxide dismutase-Zn2+, alkaline phosphatase-Zn2+, and assembly of regulatory and catalytic subunits of aspartate transcarbamoylase) were analyzed by simulation fitting or by calculation. Apparent single-site binding constants ranged from ca. 10(5) to 10(20) M-1, while the interaction constant for assembly of aspartate transcarbamoylase was estimated as 10(37) in molarity units. For most of these systems, the DSC interaction constants compared favorably with other literature estimates, for some it did not for reasons unknown, while for still others this represented the first estimate. Simulations show that for proteins having two binding sites for the same ligand within a single cooperative unit, ligand rearrangement will occur spontaneously during a DSC scan as the transition temperature of the unliganded protein is approached.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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