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Zinc is an essential trace element for human nutrition and is critical to the structure, stability, and function of many proteins. Zinc ions were shown to enhance activation of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation but down-regulate the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. The protein C pathway plays a key role in blood coagulation and inflammation. At present there is no information on whether zinc modulates the protein C pathway. In the present study we found that Zn2+ enhanced the binding of protein C/activated protein C (APC) to endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR) on endothelial cells. Binding kinetics revealed that Zn2+ increased the binding affinities of protein C/APC to EPCR. Equilibrium dialysis with 65Zn2+ revealed that Zn2+ bound to the Gla domain as well as sites outside of the Gla domain of protein C/APC. Intrinsic fluorescence measurements suggested that Zn2+ binding induces conformational changes in protein C/APC. Zn2+ binding to APC inhibited the amidolytic activity of APC, but the inhibition was reversed by Ca2+. Zn2+ increased the rate of APC generation on endothelial cells in the presence of physiological concentrations of Ca2+ but did not further enhance increased APC generation obtained in the presence of physiological concentrations of Mg2+ with Ca2+. Zn2+ had no effect on the anticoagulant activity of APC. Zn2+ enhanced APC-mediated activation of protease activated receptor 1 and p44/42 MAPK. Overall, our data show that Zn2+ binds to protein C/APC, which results in conformational changes in protein C/APC that favor their binding to EPCR.  相似文献   

RDL receptors are GABA-activated inhibitory Cys-loop receptors found throughout the insect CNS. They are a key target for insecticides. Here, we characterize the GABA binding site in RDL receptors using computational and electrophysiological techniques. A homology model of the extracellular domain of RDL was generated and GABA docked into the binding site. Molecular dynamics simulations predicted critical GABA binding interactions with aromatic residues F206, Y254, and Y109 and hydrophilic residues E204, S176, R111, R166, S176, and T251. These residues were mutated, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and their functions assessed using electrophysiology. The data support the binding mechanism provided by the simulations, which predict that GABA forms many interactions with binding site residues, the most significant of which are cation-π interactions with F206 and Y254, H-bonds with E204, S205, R111, S176, T251, and ionic interactions with R111 and E204. These findings clarify the roles of a range of residues in binding GABA in the RDL receptor, and also show that molecular dynamics simulations are a useful tool to identify specific interactions in Cys-loop receptors.Abbreviations used: nACh, nicotinic acetylcholine; AChBP, acetylcholine binding protein; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; MD, molecular dynamics; RDL, resistant to dieldrin; RMSD, root mean-square displacement; RMSF, root mean-square fluctuation  相似文献   

Mutations in the second EF-hand (D61N, D63N, D65N, and E72A) of S100B were used to study its Ca2 + binding and dynamic properties in the absence and presence of a bound target, TRTK-12. With D63NS100B as an exception (D63NKD = 50 ± 9 μM), Ca2 + binding to EF2-hand mutants were reduced by more than 8-fold in the absence of TRTK-12 (D61NKD = 412 ± 67 μM, D65NKD = 968 ± 171 μM, and E72AKD = 471 ± 133 μM), when compared to wild-type protein (WTKD = 56 ± 9 μM). For the TRTK-12 complexes, the Ca2 +-binding affinity to wild type (WT + TRTKKD = 12 ± 10 μM) and the EF2 mutants was increased by 5- to 14-fold versus in the absence of target (D61N + TRTKKD = 29 ± 1.2 μM, D63N + TRTKKD = 10 ± 2.2 μM, D65N + TRTKKD = 73 ± 4.4 μM, and E72A + TRTKKD = 18 ± 3.7 μM). In addition, Rex, as measured using relaxation dispersion for side‐chain 15N resonances of Asn63 (D63NS100B), was reduced upon TRTK-12 binding when measured by NMR. Likewise, backbone motions on multiple timescales (picoseconds to milliseconds) throughout wild type, D61NS100B, D63NS100B, and D65NS100B were lowered upon binding TRTK-12. However, the X-ray structures of Ca2 +-bound (2.0 Å) and TRTK-bound (1.2 Å) D63NS100B showed no change in Ca2 + coordination; thus, these and analogous structural data for the wild-type protein could not be used to explain how target binding increased Ca2 +-binding affinity in solution. Therefore, a model for how S100B–TRTK‐12 complex formation increases Ca2 + binding is discussed, which considers changes in protein dynamics upon binding the target TRTK-12.  相似文献   


Bacillus anthracis, a spore-forming infectious bacterium, produces a toxin consisting of three proteins: lethal factor (LF), edema factor (EF), and protective antigen (PA). LF and EF possess intracellular enzymatic functions, the net effect of which is to severely compromise host innate immunity. During an anthrax infection PA plays the critical role of facilitating entry of both EF and LF toxins into host cell cytoplasm. Crystal structures of all three of the anthrax toxins have been determined, as well as the crystal structure of the (human) von Willebrand factor A (integrin VWA/I domain)—an anthrax toxin receptor. A theoretical structure of the complex between VWA/I and PA has also been reported. Here we report on the results of 1,000 psec molecular dynamics (MD) simulations carried out on complexes between the Anthrax Protective Antigen Domain 4 (PA-D4) and the von Willebrand Factor A (VWA/I). MD simulations (using Insight II software) were carried out for complexes containing wildtype (WT) PA-D4, as well as for complexes containing three different mutants of PA-D4, one containing three substitutions in the PA-D4 “small loop” (residues 679–693) (D683A/L685E/Y688C), one containing a single substitution at a key site at the PA-D4—receptor interface (K679A) and another containing a deletion of eleven residues at the C-terminus of PA (A724–735). All three sets of PA mutations have been shown experimentally to result in serious deficiencies in PA function. Our MD results are consistent with these findings. Major disruptions in interactions were observed between the mutant PA-D4 domains and the anthrax receptor during the MD simulations. Many secondary structural features in PA-D4 are also severely compromised when VWA complexes with mutant variants of PA-D4 are subjected to MD simulations. These MD simulation results clearly indicate the importance of the mutated PA-D4 residues in both the “small loop” and at the carboxyl terminus in maintaining a PA conformation that is capable of effective interaction with the anthrax toxin receptor.  相似文献   



Myocilin is a gene linked directly to juvenile- and adult-onset open angle glaucoma. Mutations including Gln368stop (Q368X) and Pro370Leu (P370L) have been identified in patients. The exact role of myocilin and its functional association with glaucoma are still unclear. In the present study, we established tetracycline-inducible (Tet-on) wild type and mutant myocilin-green fluorescence protein (GFP) expressing RGC5 stable cell lines and studied the changes in cell migration and barrier function upon induction.

Methodology/Principal Findings

After several rounds of selection, clones that displayed low, moderate, or high expression of wild type, Q368X or P370L myocilin-GFP upon doxycycline (Dox) induction were obtained. The levels of wild type and mutant myocilin-GFP in various clones were confirmed by Western blotting. Compared to non-induced controls, the cell migration was retarded, the actin stress fibers were fewer and shorter, and the trypsinization time needed for cells to round up was reduced when wild type or mutant myocilin was expressed. The barrier function was in addition aberrant following induced expression of wild type, Q368X or P370L myocilin. Immunoblotting further showed that tight junction protein occludin was downregulated in induced cells.


Tet-on inducible, stable RGC5 cell lines were established. These cell lines, expressing wild type or mutant (Q368X or P370L) myocilin-GFP upon Dox induction, are valuable in facilitating studies such as proteomics, as well as functional and pathogenesis investigations of disease-associated myocilin mutants. The barrier function was found impaired and the migration of cells was hindered with induced expression of wild type and mutant myocilin in RGC5 cell lines. The reduction in barrier function might be related to the declined level of occludin. The retarded cell migration was consistent with demonstrated myocilin phenotypes including the loss of actin stress fibers, lowered RhoA activities and compromised cell-matrix adhesiveness.  相似文献   

The Src homology 2 (SH2) and collagen domain protein Shc plays a pivotal role in signaling via tyrosine kinase receptors, including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Shc binding to phospho-tyrosine residues on activated receptors is mediated by the SH2 and phospho-tyrosine binding (PTB) domains. Subsequent phosphorylation on Tyr-317 within the Shc linker region induces Shc interactions with Grb2-Son of Sevenless that initiate Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. We use molecular dynamics simulations of full-length Shc to examine how Tyr-317 phosphorylation controls Shc conformation and interactions with EGFR. Our simulations reveal that Shc tyrosine phosphorylation results in a significant rearrangement of the relative position of its domains, suggesting a key conformational change. Importantly, computational estimations of binding affinities show that EGFR-derived phosphotyrosyl peptides bind with significantly more strength to unphosphorylated than to phosphorylated Shc. Our results unveil what we believe is a novel structural phenomenon, i.e., tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc within its linker region regulates the binding affinity of SH2 and PTB domains for phosphorylated Shc partners, with important implications for signaling dynamics.  相似文献   

从大鼠的肝脏克隆胰岛素受体底物1(IRS-1)的PH结构域基因并进行谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)融合表达,研究该结构域与蛋白激酶C(PKC)的结合情况,并为进一步寻找其新配基打下基础,研究采用一步法从大鼠新鲜肝组织中提取总RNA,以RT-PCR的方法扩增目的基因片段,测序证明序列正确,再将正确的目的基因片段定向克隆到表达载体pGEX-4T-1中,以IPTG在26℃下诱导,获得与GST的融合表达,表  相似文献   

Mutations on NHR (N-terminal heptad repeat) associated with resistance to fusion inhibitor were observed. In addition, mutations on CHR (C-terminal heptad repeat) accompanied NHR mutations of gp41 are noted in many cases, like N43D/S138A double mutation. In this work, we explored the drug resistant mechanism of N43D mutation and the role of S138A second mutation in drug resistance. The binding modes of the wild type gp41 and the two mutants, N43D and N43D/S138A, with the HIV-1 fusion inhibitor C34, a 34-residue peptide mimicking CHR of gp41, were carried out by using molecular dynamics simulations. Based on the MD simulations, N43D mutation affects not only the stability of C34 binding, but also the binding energy of the inhibitor C34. Because N43D mutation may also affect the stable conformation of 6-HB, we introduced S138A second mutation into CHR of gp41 and determined the impact of this mutation. Through the comparative analysis of MD results of the N43D mutant and the N43D/S138A mutant, we found that CHR with S138A mutation shown more favorable affinity to NHR. Compelling differences in structures have been observed for these two mutants, particularly in the binding modes and in the hydrophobic interactions of the CHR (C34) located near the hydrophobic groove of the NHR. Because the conformational stability of 6-HB is important to HIV-1 infection, we suggested a hypothetical mechanism for the drug resistance: N43D single mutation not only impact the binding of inhibitor, but also affect the affinity between NHR and CHR of gp41, thus may reduce the rate of membrane fusion; compensatory mutation S138A would induce greater hydrophobic interactions between NHR and CHR, and render the CHR more compatible to NHR than inhibitors.  相似文献   

表达纯化了野生型(WT)及F185K突变型HIV-1整合酶核心区蛋白(INC),并对二者的溶解性和活性进行了比较.实验结果表明:F185K 突变后INC溶解性显著提高,活性有一定程度降低.对WT和F185K INC体系进行了1800 ps的分子动力学模拟.模拟结果表明:F185K INC功能loop区柔性和蛋白质整体运动性降低,使蛋白质活性降低,F185K突变后盐桥网络的变化驱动了INC局部构象改变,引起INC表面的部分疏水残基被包埋,亲水残基暴露,相对亲水溶剂可接近面积增大,同时,突变后INC与水之间形成氢键的数量增加,与水之间作用加强,以上变化使INC溶解性提高.分子动力学模拟与实验结果相吻合.为理解蛋白质溶解性和对蛋白质进行可溶性改造提供了一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

As a promising target for the treatment of lung cancer, the MutT Homolog 1 (MTH1) protein can be inhibited by crizotinib. A recent work shows that the inhibitory potency of (S)-crizotinib against MTH1 is about 20 times over that of (R)-crizotinib. But the detailed molecular mechanism remains unclear. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and free energy calculations were used to elucidate the mechanism about the effect of chirality of crizotinib on the inhibitory activity against MTH1. The binding free energy of (S)-crizotinib predicted by the Molecular Mechanics/Generalized Born Surface Area (MM/GBSA) and Adaptive biasing force (ABF) methodologies is much lower than that of (R)-crizotinib, which is consistent with the experimental data. The analysis of the individual energy terms suggests that the van der Waals interactions are important for distinguishing the binding of (S)-crizotinib and (R)-crizotinib. The binding free energy decomposition analysis illustrated that residues Tyr7, Phe27, Phe72 and Trp117 were important for the selective binding of (S)-crizotinib to MTH1. The adaptive biasing force (ABF) method was further employed to elucidate the unbinding process of (S)-crizotinib and (R)-crizotinib from the binding pocket of MTH1. ABF simulation results suggest that the reaction coordinates of the (S)-crizotinib from the binding pocket is different from (R)-crizotinib. The results from our study can reveal the details about the effect of chirality on the inhibition activity of crizotinib to MTH1 and provide valuable information for the design of more potent inhibitors.  相似文献   


Proteins with the ability to specifically bind strontium would potentially be of great use in the field of nuclear waste management. Unfortunately, no such peptides or proteins are known—indeed, it is uncertain whether they exist under natural conditions due to low environmental concentrations of strontium. To investigate the possibility of devising such molecules, one of us (CV), in a previous experimental study [J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 8, 33440 (2003)], proposed starting from an EF-hand motif of the protein calmodulin and mutating some residues to change the motif's specificity for calcium into one for strontium. In this paper, which represents a theoretical complement to the experimental work, we analyzed small-molecule crystallographic structures and performed quantum chemical calculations to identify possible mutations. We then constructed seven mutant sequences of the EF-hand motif and analyzed their dynamical and binding behaviors using molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy calculations (using the MM/PBSA method). As a result of these analyzes we were able to isolate some characteristics that could lead to mutant peptides with enhanced strontium affinity.  相似文献   

Mutant and wild-type LamB proteins (phage λ receptor proteins) were purified by affinity chromatography with immobilized maltose-binding protein, and their transport functions were tested in reconstituted liposomes. Two mutant proteins exhibited a marked decrease in affinity for immobilized maltose-binding protein, as well as altered transport rates.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics of 11 lactococcal 936-type phages combined with host range analysis allowed subgrouping of these phage genomes, particularly with respect to their encoded receptor binding proteins. The so-called pellicle or cell wall polysaccharide of Lactococcus lactis, which has been implicated as a host receptor of (certain) 936-type phages, is specified by a large gene cluster, which, among different lactococcal strains, contains highly conserved regions as well as regions of diversity. The regions of diversity within this cluster on the genomes of lactococcal strains MG1363, SK11, IL1403, KF147, CV56, and UC509.9 were used for the development of a multiplex PCR system to identify the pellicle genotype of lactococcal strains used in this study. The resulting comparative analysis revealed an apparent correlation between the pellicle genotype of a given host strain and the host range of tested 936-type phages. Such a correlation would allow prediction of the intrinsic 936-type phage sensitivity of a particular lactococcal strain and substantiates the notion that the lactococcal pellicle polysaccharide represents the receptor for (certain) 936-type phages while also partially explaining the molecular reasons behind the observed narrow host range of such phages.  相似文献   

姜茜  张震  李颀  肖萍  苏琳  李龙 《现代生物医学进展》2015,15(15):2806-2810
目的:明确先天性巨结肠患者携带的5 个基因错义突变对Semaphorin 3(Sema3)蛋白自身稳定性和受 体亲合力的影响作用。方法:构建Sema3-Neuropilin-Plexin 配体-受体复合物蛋白质模型,对全部5个错义突变进行定位,通过计 算标准能量功能赋值(驻驻G)和复合物界面值(驻I_sc)预测突变对Sema3 的影响作用。将野生型和突变型AP-tagged Sema3 质粒分 别转染HEK293T 细胞,72 h后收集含有融合蛋白的细胞培养液上清并与分别表达Neuropilin 1(Nrp-1)或Neuropilin 2(Nrp-2)的 COS-7 细胞孵育,洗脱未结合的蛋白后加入碱性磷酸酶底物显色拍片,或提取细胞总蛋白,利用融合蛋白N- 末端含有的碱性磷 酸酶在底物PNPP 存在时可以发生颜色变化的特性,对与受体结合的野生型和突变型AP-Sema3 蛋白进行定量。结果:5 个错义突 变中的4 个都会不同程度地影响相应Semaphorin 3蛋白与其受体Neuropilin 的结合(与Nrp-1 的结合:SEMA3C S329G,V337M, SEMA3D H424Q,V457I,P615T 分别与野生型相比:1.12± 0.15,0.37± 0.03,0.56± 0.07,0.51± 0.05,0.66± 0.05;与Nrp-2 的结合: SEMA3C S329G,V337M,SEMA3D H424Q,V457I,P615T 分别与野生型相比:1.18 ± 0.09,0.37 ± 0.03,0.76 ± 0.01,0.65 ± 0.06,0.85± 0.03,n=3,单因素方差分析,差异有统计学意义),说明它们可能通过严重影响分子通路的信号转导而妨碍蛋白功能的 正常行使。结论:先天性巨结肠患者携带的基因错义突变可不同程度影响蛋白与其受体的结合,提示 Semaphorin 3这类经典的神经元轴突导向因子在功能失常的情况下可能参与先天性巨结肠的发生。  相似文献   

目的:明确先天性巨结肠患者携带的5个SEMA3C/SEMA3D基因错义突变对Semaphorin 3(Sema3)蛋白自身稳定性和受体亲合力的影响作用。方法:构建Sema3-Neuropilin-Plexin配体-受体复合物蛋白质模型,对全部5个错义突变进行定位,通过计算标准能量功能赋值(△△G)和复合物界面值(△I_sc)预测突变对Sema3的影响作用。将野生型和突变型AP-tagged Sema3质粒分别转染HEK293T细胞,72 h后收集含有融合蛋白的细胞培养液上清并与分别表达Neuropilin 1(Nrp-1)或Neuropilin 2(Nrp-2)的COS-7细胞孵育,洗脱未结合的蛋白后加入碱性磷酸酶底物显色拍片,或提取细胞总蛋白,利用融合蛋白N-末端含有的碱性磷酸酶在底物PNPP存在时可以发生颜色变化的特性,对与受体结合的野生型和突变型AP-Sema3蛋白进行定量。结果:5个错义突变中的4个都会不同程度地影响相应Semaphorin 3蛋白与其受体Neuropilin的结合(与Nrp-1的结合:SEMA3C S329G,V337M,SEMA3D H424Q,V457I,P615T分别与野生型相比:1.12±0.15,0.37±0.03,0.56±0.07,0.51±0.05,0.66±0.05;与Nrp-2的结合:SEMA3C S329G,V337M,SEMA3D H424Q,V457I,P615T分别与野生型相比:1.18±0.09,0.37±0.03,0.76±0.01,0.65±0.06,0.85±0.03,n=3,单因素方差分析,差异有统计学意义),说明它们可能通过严重影响分子通路的信号转导而妨碍蛋白功能的正常行使。结论:先天性巨结肠患者携带的SEMA3C/SEMA3D基因错义突变可不同程度影响蛋白与其受体的结合,提示Semaphorin 3这类经典的神经元轴突导向因子在功能失常的情况下可能参与先天性巨结肠的发生。  相似文献   

Are protein nonpolar cavities filled with water molecules? Although many experimental and theoretical investigations have been done, particularly for the nonpolar cavity of IL-1β, the results are still conflicting. To study this problem from the thermodynamic point of view, we calculated hydration free energies of four protein nonpolar cavities by means of the molecular dynamics thermodynamic integration method. In addition to the IL-1β cavity (69 Å3), we selected the three largest nonpolar cavities of AvrPphB (81 Å3), Trp repressor (87 Å3), and hemoglobin (108 Å3) from the structural database, in view of the simulation result from another study that showed larger nonpolar cavities are more likely to be hydrated. The calculations were performed with flexible and rigid protein models. The calculated free energy changes were all positive; hydration of the nonpolar cavities was energetically unfavorable for all four cases. Because hydration of smaller cavities should happen more rarely, we conclude that existing protein nonpolar cavities are not likely to be hydrated. Although a possibility remains for much larger nonpolar cavities, such cases are not found experimentally. We present a hypothesis to explain this: hydrated nonpolar cavities are quite unstable and the conformation could not be maintained.  相似文献   

The folate receptor (FR) in HeLa cells was characterized as to ligandbinding mechanism, antigenic properties and membrane anchor in order toobtain information to be used for the design of biological agentstargeting FR in malignant tumors. The receptor displayed the followingbinding characteristics in equilibrium dialysis experiments(37°C, pH 7.4) with [3H] folate: a high-affinity type of bindingthat exhibited positive cooperativity with a Hill coefficient >1.0and an upward convex Scatchard plot, a slow radioligand dissociation atpH 7.4 becoming rapid at pH 3.5 and inhibition in the presence of otherfolates. The molecular size of the receptor was 100 kDa on gel filtrationwith Triton X-100, or similar to that of high molecular weight human milkfolate binding protein (FBP). The latter protein represents a 25 kDamolecule which equipped with a hydrophobic glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor susceptible to cleavage byphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) formsmicelles of 100 kDa size with Triton X-100. The HeLa cell FRimmunoreacted with antibodies against purified human milk FBP inELISA, and in a fluorescence activated cell sorting system, whereHeLa cells exposed to increasing concentrations of antibody showed adose-dependent response. Exposure to PI-PLC decreased the fraction ofimmunolabeled cells indicating a linkage of FR to cell membranes by aGPI anchor. HeLa cells incubated with radiofolate showed a continuousuptake with time, however, with a complete suppression of uptake in thepresence of an excess of cold folate. Prewash of cells at acidic pH toremove endogenous folate increased the uptake. Binding and uptake of [3H]folate was increased in cells grown in a folate-deprived medium. The HeLaFR seems to be epitope related to human milk FBP.  相似文献   


The affinity of the hormone-bound estrogen receptor for single-stranded and double-stranded DNA was compared using isocratic elution chromatography. The receptor bound single-stranded DNA with a two-fold higher affinity than double-stranded DNA (17.9 × 104 M?1 vs. 9.1 × 104 M?1) at 0.2 M KCl. The same number of ions were released when the receptor bound either single-stranded or double-stranded DNA (11.8 vs. 10.6, respectively). These results indicate the hormone-bound estrogen receptor has no strong preference for single-stranded vs. double-stranded nonspecific DNA, and has a similar conformation when bound to either form of DNA at physiological salt concentrations.  相似文献   

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