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A theoretical method is developed for calculation of melting curves of covalent complexes of DNA with antitumor drugs. The method takes into account all the types of chemical modifications of the double helix caused by platinum compounds and DNA alkylating agents: 1) monofunctional adducts bound to one nucleotide; 2) intrastrand cross-links which appear due to bidentate binding of a drug molecule to two nucleotides that are included into the same DNA strand; 3) interstrand cross-links caused by bidentate binding of a molecule to two nucleotides of different strands. The developed calculation method takes into account the following double helix alterations at sites of chemical modifications: 1) a change in stability of chemically modified base pairs and neighboring ones, that is caused by all the types of chemical modifications; 2) a change in the energy of boundaries between helical and melted regions at sites of chemical modification (local alteration of the factor of cooperativity of DNA melting), that is caused by all the types of chemical modifications, too; 3) a change in the loop entropy factor of melted regions that include interstrand cross-links; 4) the prohibition of divergence of DNA strands in completely melted DNA molecules, which is caused by interstrand cross-links only. General equations are derived, and three calculation methods are proposed to calculate DNA melting curves and the parameters that characterize the helix-coil transition.  相似文献   


DNA interstrand cross-links are usually formed due to bidentate covalent or coordination binding of a cross-linking agent to nucleotides of different strands. However interstrand linkages can be also caused by any type of chemical modification that gives rise to a strong local stabilization of the double helix. These stabilized sites conserve their helical structure and prevent local and total strand separation at temperatures above the melting of ordinary AT and GC base pairs. This local stabilization makes DNA melting fully reversible and independent of strand concentration like ordinary covalent interstrand cross-links. The stabilization can be caused by all the types of chemical modifications (interstrand cross-links, intrastrand cross-links or monofunctional adducts) if they give rise to a strong enough local stabilization of the double helix. Our calculation demonstrates that an increase in stability by 25 to 30 kcal in the free energy of a single base pair of the double helix is sufficient for this “cross-linking effect” (i.e. conserving the helicity of this base pair and preventing strand separation after melting of ordinary base pairs). For the situation where there is more then one stabilized site in a DNA duplex (e.g., 1 stabilized site per 1000 bp), a lower stabilization per site is sufficient for the “cross-linking effect” (18–20 kcal). A substantial increase in DNA stability was found in various experimental studies for some metal-based anti-tumor compounds. These compounds may give rise to the effect described above. If ligand induced stabilization is distributed among several neighboring base pairs, a much lower minimum increase per stabilized base pair is sufficient to produce the cross-linking effect (1 bp- 24.4 kcal; 5 bp- 5.3 kcal; 10 bp- 2.9 kcal, 25 bp- 1.4 kcal; 50 bp- 1.0 kcal). The relatively weak non-covalent binding of histones or protamines that cover long regions of DNA (20–40 bp) can also cause this effect if the salt concentration of the solution is sufficiently low to cause strong local stabilization of the double helix. Stretches of GC pairs more than 25 bp in length inserted into poly(AT) DNA also exhibit properties of stabilizing interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   

超声处理导致交联DNA序列特异性断裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究在交联状态下超声方法处理DNA是否导致DNA随机断裂。方法:通过建立一种新的Clone-Sequencing筛选技术,利用NCBI等相关网站,结合Vector-NTI等软件分析得到不同断裂位点的核苷酸序列,利用SPSS 18.0软件,对不同断裂位点核苷酸序列的分布进行统计学分析。结果:利用Clone-Sequencing技术得到216个来源于不同染色体位置的克隆片段,通过对其正义链和反义链的5’-DNA断裂末端的分析,得到432个超声断裂位点的核苷酸序列信息。对断裂位点核苷酸序列进行统计分析发现,超声处理后,交联DNA的断裂位点并不像过去认为的完全随机分布,而是存在明显的偏性,即对于所有16种不同的二核苷酸组合,超声处理导致交联DNA更易在5’-ApN-3’寡核苷酸中间的磷酸二酯键处断裂,且其相对断裂频率呈现d(ApN)>>d(GpN)>d(CpN)>d(TpN)的趋势。结论:传统的超声方法处理,交联DNA断裂位点并不是完全随机分布,而是存在着明显的序列偏好性,这一新发现提示,对于目前广泛使用的、涉及交联DNA超声处理的ChIP-Chip或ChIP-Seq等高通量及其衍生技术结果的统计分析,需要引入更加合理有效的分析策略。  相似文献   

We report here a novel method for predicting melting temperatures of DNA sequences based on a molecular-level hypothesis on the phenomena underlying the thermal denaturation of DNA. The model presented here attempts to quantify the energetic components stabilizing the structure of DNA such as base pairing, stacking, and ionic environment which are partially disrupted during the process of thermal denaturation. The model gives a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) of ∼0.98 between experimental and predicted melting temperatures for over 300 sequences of varying lengths ranging from 15-mers to genomic level and at different salt concentrations. The approach is implemented as a web tool (www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/chemgenome/Tm_predictor.jsp) for the prediction of melting temperatures of DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Key biological and nano-technological processes require the partial or complete association and dissociation of complementary DNA strands. We present a variant of the Poland-Scheraga model for DNA melting where we introduce a local, sequence-dependent salt correction of the nearest-neighbor parameters. Furthermore, our formulation accounts for capping and interfacial energies of helical and coiled chain sections. We show that the model reproduces experimental data for melting temperatures over the full experimental range of strand length, strand concentration, and ionic strength of the solution. In particular, we reproduce a phenomenological relation by Frank-Kamenetskii for very long chains using a parameterization based on melting curves for short oligomers. However, we also show that the parameters of the Poland-Scheraga model are still not known with sufficient precision to quantitatively predict the fine structure of melting curves. This formulation of the Poland-Scheraga model opens the possibility to overcome this limitation by optimizing parameters with respect to an extended base of experimental data for short-, medium-, and long-chain melting. We argue that the often-discarded melting data for longer oligomers exhibiting non-two-state transitions could play a particularly important role.  相似文献   

HIGH-RESOLUTION AUTORADIOGRAPHY : I. Methods   总被引:3,自引:28,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Methods used in obtaining high resolution in autoradiography, with special emphasis on the technique of electron microscopic autoradiography, are described, together with control experiments designed to establish the optimum conditions or procedures. On the basis of these experiments the emulsion selected was Ilford L-4, with a crystal size slightly larger than 0.1 micron. It is applied to the specimen in the form of a gelled film consisting of a monolayer of silver halide crystals. Background, when present, can be eradicated by a simple method. The preparations can be stored, in presence of a drying agent, at room temperature or in a refrigerator. Photographic development is done in Microdol, or in a special fine grain "physical" developer. For examination in the electron microscope the sections are stained with uranyl or lead stains. These methods give a good localization of the label, at the subcellular level, and good reproducibility in relative grain counts.  相似文献   

Penicillin: I. Methods of assay   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

Seventeen DNA dumbbells were constructed that have duplex sequences ranging in length from 14 to 18 base pairs linked on the ends by T4 single-strand loops. Fifteen of the molecules have the core duplexes with the sequences 5'G-T-A-T-C-C-(W-X-Y-Z)-G-G-A-T-A-C3', where (W-X-Y-Z) represents a unique combination of A.T, T.A, G.C, and C.G base pairs. The remaining two molecules have the central sequence (W-X-Y-Z) = A-C and A-C-A-C-A-C. These duplex sequences were designed such that the central sequences include different combinations of the 10 possible nearest-neighbor (n-n) stacks in DNA. In this sense the set of molecules is complete and serves as a model system for evaluating sequence-dependent local stability of DNA. Optical melting curves of the samples were collected in 25, 55, 85, and 115 mM [Na+], and showed, regardless of solvent ionic strength, that the transition temperatures of the dumbbells vary by as much as 14 degrees for different molecules of the set. Results of melting experiments analyzed in terms of a n-n sequence-dependent model allowed evaluation of nine independent linear combinations of the n-n stacking interactions in DNA as a function of solvent ionic strength. Although there are in principle 10 possible different n-n interactions in DNA, these 10 are not linearly independent and therefore can not be uniquely determined. For molecules with ends, there are 9 linearly independent combinations, as opposed to circular or semiinfinite repeating copolymers where only 8 linear combinations of the 10 possible n-n interactions are linearly independent. The n-n interactions are presented as combinations of the deviations from average stacking for the 5'-3' base-pair doublets, delta Gi, and reveal several interesting features: (1) Titratable changes in the values of delta Gi with changing salt environment are observed. In all salts the most stable unique combination is delta G4 = (delta GGpC+delta GCpG)/2, and the least stable is the GpG/CpC stack, delta G2 = delta GGpG/CpC. (2) The chi 2 values of the fits of the evaluated delta Gi's to experimental data increased with decreasing [Na+], suggesting that significant interactions beyond nearest neighbors become more pronounced, particularly at 25 nM Na+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Melting fine structure of the nuclear DNA isolated from the filamentous fungus Fusarium graminearum Schwabe is presented. Optical melting profiles of nuclear DNA were analyzed by using a combination of curve fitting and derivative techniques. The "melting components" were obtained from the derivative curve by a simple decomposition technique. Differential optical melting curves of unsheared nuclear DNA indicate the presence of 15 "melting components" in filamentous fungus nuclear genome. It should be emphasized that the "melting components" observed here are different from the "thermalites" which can be observed in bacteriophage DNA. The "melting components" reported here represent the separately melting of large "blocks" of fungus nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

The fidelity achieved in first derivative profiles of DNA thermal denaturation is shown to depend on a number of factors including the thermal increment of data gathering, the precision of absorbance readings, and the manner in which data are smoothed prior to calculating the derivative of hyperchromicity. The closeness with which thermal denaturation data can be fitted by a cubic polynomial is carefully considered, and a derivation is presented for the estimated error in calculated values of the derivative of hyperchromicity with respect to temperature. After reviewing both theoretical and experimental evidence for the expected minimum width of a thermal transition in DNA, we conclude that thermal increments of 0.05°C or less are required for an adequate representation of transitions in naturally occurring DNA's. Data gathered under conditions meeting the requirements suggested here for quantitative recording of thermal denaturation profiles (Vizard and Ansevin, submitted for publication) show that virtually all of the high-resolution thermal denaturation profile of a simple, naturally occuring DNA may consist of small subtransitions, which we call thermalites. The finding of substransitions is consistent with current theories of DNA melting. A particularly well-resolved thermalite of λ bacteriophage DNA has a breadth of only 0.30°C (2σ width), and thus is narrower than previously reported thermal transitions for DNA. For this thermalite, the combination of width, shape, and position in the profile suggests that the substransitions observed in accurately recorded DNA thermal denaturation profiles are not described satisfactorily by existing theories. Knowledge of the requirements for the quantitative recording of thermal denaturation profiles should greatly favor the usefulness of denaturation experiments for physical genomic analysis.  相似文献   

A method for the accurate determination of the melting temperature (Tm) of surface-immobilized DNA duplexes that exploits the fluorescence-quenching properties of gold is reported. A thiolated single-stranded DNA probe is chemisorbed onto a gold surface and then hybridized to a fluorophore-labeled complementary sequence. On formation of the duplex, the fluorescence of the label is effectively quenched by the gold surface. As the temperature is increased and the duplex denatures, the fluorophore label moves away from the gold surface and the fluorescence signal is again observed. The increase in fluorescence is measured as the temperature is ramped, and using first-derivative plots, the Tm is determined. To demonstrate the approach, the Tm of the cystic fibrosis DF508 mutation was determined in three different phases: in solution, in suspension immobilized on gold nanoparticles, and immobilized on gold film-coated substrate. The technique was further applied to optimize conditions for differentiation between a surface-immobilized DF508 mutant probe and a mutant/wild-type target exploiting increasing stringency in varying salt and formamide concentrations. The approach has application in optimization of assay conditions for biosensors that use gold substrates as well as in melting curve analysis.  相似文献   

The melting curve for covalently closed supercoiled DNA has been studied by assuming the existence of cruciforms as significant structural perturbations in the pre-melting region. The statistical mechanical treatment used incorporates these cruciform structures through an appropriate sequence generating function. The variation of the effective hydrogen bond energy with temperature is taken into account by an empirical procedure. The results obtained are in close agreement with the corresponding experimental data in TEA solution where the effect of heterogeneity of the base pairs is minimized.  相似文献   

Equations are developed to describe the energy expenditure of the human heart. As well as the external potential and kinetic energy terms, general consideration is given to other possible avenues of energy consumption. Emphasis is placed upon using mathematical variables which are readily available for experimental verification. The errors involved in assuming that mean values for the physiological parameters give reasonable estimations for the external mechanical performance are examined, and a theoretical estimation for the discrepancy in the kinetic component is presented. Logical extension of the mathematical derivation leads to a determination of cardiac external mechanical efficiency and clearly demonstrates the significance of the ventricular pressure-volume loop in this context. Finally, experimental procedures are suggested to clarify further some of the conclusions reached through the theoretical analysis. Supported in part by Grant HE 05125-14 from the National Heart and Lung Institute.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the reversible exchange of THO between the sieve tube lumen and its surrounding phloem tissue is used to explain the difference between the apparent velocities of THO and 14C-sucrose transport observed when both are supplied simultaneously. Theoretically predicted results show a close correlation with those obtained experimentally. This model may be used in evaluating previous work in which THO was used as a tracer. The calculations support the existence of a mass flow of sugars in aqueous solution along the path.  相似文献   

Melting and premelting phenomenon in DNA by laser Raman scattering.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Raman spectra of DNA from calf thymus DNA have been taken over a wide range of temperatures (25°–95°) in both D2O and H2O. A study of the temperature dependence of the Raman spectra shows that the temperature profiles of the intensities and frequencies of the various bands fall into four different categories: (1) base bands that show a reversible increase in intensity prior to the melting region, i.e., a definite premelting phenomenon; (2) base bands that show little or no temperature dependence; (3) deoxyribose-phosphate backbone vibrations that show no temperature dependence up to the melting region, at which point large decreases in intensity occur; and (4) slow frequency changes in certain in-plane vibrations of guanine and adenine due to deuteration of the C-8 hydrogen of these purines in D2O. Certain Raman bands arising from each of the four bases, adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine have been found to undergo a gradual increase in intensity prior to the melting region at which point large, abrupt increases in intensity occur. The carbonyl stretching band of thymine, involved in the interbase hydrogen bonding actually undergoes both a gradual shift to a lower frequency as well as an increase in intensity. These changes provide evidence that some change in the geometry of the bases relative to each other begins to occur around 50°C, well below the melting region of 70°–85°C. From the spectra taken at various temperatures, the DNA appears to remain in the B conformation until the melting point is reached, at which time the DNA progresses into a disordered random-coil form. No A-form conformation is found either in the premelting or the melting region.  相似文献   

MOSS  G. I. 《Annals of botany》1967,31(3):545-553
Methods are described for staining acetic-alcohol fixed, sectionedmaize anther material for DNA (Feulgen), RNA (methyl green-pyronin),and protein (naphthol yellow S) in a quantitative manner formicrodensitometry using the Barr and Stroud Integrating MicrodensitometerModel GN2.  相似文献   

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