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In eukaryotes, the 40 S ribosomal subunit serves as the platform of initiation factor assembly, to place itself precisely on the AUG start codon. Structural arrangement of the 18 S rRNA determines the overall shape of the 40 S subunit. Here, we present genetic evaluation of yeast 18 S rRNA function using 10 point mutations altering the polysome profile. All the mutants reduce the abundance of the mutant 40 S, making it limiting for translation initiation. Two of the isolated mutations, G875A, altering the core of the platform domain that binds eIF1 and eIF2, and A1193U, changing the h31 loop located below the P-site tRNAiMet, show phenotypes indicating defective regulation of AUG selection. Evidence is provided that these mutations reduce the interaction with the components of the preinitiation complex, thereby inhibiting its function at different steps. These results indicate that the 18 S rRNA mutations impair the integrity of scanning-competent preinitiation complex, thereby altering the 40 S subunit response to stringent AUG selection. Interestingly, nine of the mutations alter the body/platform domains of 18 S rRNA, potentially affecting the bridges to the 60 S subunit, but they do not change the level of 18 S rRNA intermediates. Based on these results, we also discuss the mechanism of the selective degradation of the mutant 40 S subunits.  相似文献   

钟智  李宏 《生物物理学报》2008,24(5):379-392
以细菌和古菌基因组5′ UTR序列作为研究对象,分析在5′ UTR 的3个不同阅读框架中三联体AUG的分布,发现无论是细菌还是古菌基因组都在阅读框1中有非常明显的AUG缺失(depletion)。AUG的缺失表明在起始密码子上游的AUG很可能会对基因的翻译起始产生影响。分析得知:绝大部分的AUG都是以uORF(upstream open reading frame)的形式出现的,uAUG(upstream AUG)的数量很少,特别是在阅读框1中,而且在细菌基因组的阅读框1中uAUG较多地出现在了含有SD序列的基因上游。比较发现,uAUG引导的序列在同义密码子使用上的偏好性较真正的编码序列差,这可能表明细菌和古菌在同义密码子使用上的偏好性也是决定基因准确地翻译起始的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

Accurate recognition of the start codon in an mRNA by the eukaryotic translation preinitiation complex (PIC) is essential for proper gene expression. The process is mediated by eukaryotic translation initiation factors (eIFs) in conjunction with the 40 S ribosomal subunit and (initiator) tRNAi. Here, we provide evidence that the C-terminal tail (CTT) of eIF1A, which we previously implicated in start codon recognition, moves closer to the N-terminal domain of eIF5 when the PIC encounters an AUG codon. Importantly, this movement is coupled to dissociation of eIF1 from the PIC, a critical event in start codon recognition, and is dependent on the scanning enhancer elements in the eIF1A CTT. The data further indicate that eIF1 dissociation must be accompanied by the movement of the eIF1A CTT toward eIF5 in order to trigger release of phosphate from eIF2, which converts the latter to its GDP-bound state. Our results also suggest that release of eIF1 from the PIC and movement of the CTT of eIF1A are triggered by the same event, most likely accommodation of tRNAi in the P site of the 40 S subunit driven by base pairing between the start codon in the mRNA and the anticodon in tRNAi. Finally, we show that the C-terminal domain of eIF5 is responsible for the factor''s activity in antagonizing eIF1 binding to the PIC. Together, our data provide a more complete picture of the chain of molecular events that is triggered when the scanning PIC encounters an AUG start codon in the mRNA.  相似文献   

Viruses have evolved a variety of mechanisms to usurp the host cell translation machinery to enable translation of the viral genome in the presence of high levels of cellular mRNAs. Noroviruses, a major cause of gastroenteritis in man, have evolved a mechanism that relies on the interaction of translation initiation factors with the virus-encoded VPg protein covalently linked to the 5′ end of the viral RNA. To further characterize this novel mechanism of translation initiation, we have used proteomics to identify the components of the norovirus translation initiation factor complex. This approach revealed that VPg binds directly to the eIF4F complex, with a high affinity interaction occurring between VPg and eIF4G. Mutational analyses indicated that the C-terminal region of VPg is important for the VPg-eIF4G interaction; viruses with mutations that alter or disrupt this interaction are debilitated or non-viable. Our results shed new light on the unusual mechanisms of protein-directed translation initiation.  相似文献   

Control of translation initiation in a tissue of an intact mammalian organism is a highly complex process requiring the continuous integration of multiple positive and negative stimuli. For a tissue such as skeletal muscle, which has the capacity to undergo dramatic changes in size and protein content, translation initiation contributes importantly to the regulation of global rates of protein synthesis and is controlled by numerous stimuli, including those arising from nutrients and hormones in the circulating blood, as well as from contraction-induced signaling within the tissue. Many of the pathways conveying signals generated by these stimuli converge on mTORC1, a serine-threonine protein kinase that has been termed the nutrient and energy sensor of the cell and that plays a prominent role in the regulation of cell growth. Control of translation initiation by mTORC1 is mediated through phosphorylation of downstream targets that modulate the binding of mRNA to the 43 S preinitiation complex. Control of translation initiation is also mediated through modulation of binding of initiator methionyl-tRNA to the 40 S ribosomal subunit. Together, modulation of these two regulatory steps in translation initiation accounts in large part for changes in protein synthesis in skeletal muscle produced by the integration of inputs from hormones, nutrients, and exercise.  相似文献   

提取并纯化了新疆沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus nanus)叶片总蛋白,得到了适合新疆沙冬青叶片总蛋白提取的最佳缓冲体系;用DEAE52-C分离了各蛋白质组分,并用SDS-PAG测定了纯度和分子量(14~90 kD之间);氨基酸组成分析显示了新疆沙冬青属内种遗传的一致性。对抗冻活性分析讨论证实了与蒙古沙冬青同属的新疆沙冬青中也含有抗冻蛋白(AFPs)。  相似文献   

Recruitment of mRNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit requires the coordinated interaction of a large number of translation initiation factors. In mammals, the direct interaction between eukaryotic initiation factor 4G (eIF4G) and eIF3 is thought to act as the molecular bridge between the mRNA cap-binding complex and the 40S subunit. A discrete ∼90 amino acid domain in eIF4G is responsible for binding to eIF3, but the identity of the eIF3 subunit(s) involved is less clear. The eIF3e subunit has been shown to directly bind eIF4G, but the potential role of other eIF3 subunits in stabilizing this interaction has not been investigated. It is also not clear if the eIF4A helicase plays a role in stabilizing the interaction between eIF4G and eIF3. Here, we have used a fluorescence anisotropy assay to demonstrate that eIF4G binds to eIF3 independently of eIF4A binding to the middle region of eIF4G. By using a site-specific cross-linking approach, we unexpectedly show that the eIF4G-binding surface in eIF3 is comprised of the -c, -d and -e subunits. Screening multiple cross-linker positions reveals that eIF4G contains two distinct eIF3-binding subdomains within the previously identified eIF3-binding domain. Finally, by employing an eIF4G-dependent translation assay, we establish that both of these subdomains are required for efficient mRNA recruitment to the ribosome and stimulate translation. Our study reveals unexpected complexity to the eIF3-eIF4G interaction that provides new insight into the regulation of mRNA recruitment to the human ribosome.  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed the correlation that exists between the GC levels of third and first or second codon position for about 1400 human coding sequences. The linear relationship that was found indicates that the large differences in GC level of third codon positions of human genes are paralleled by smaller differences in GC levels of first and second codon positions. Whereas third codon position differences correspond to very large differences in codon usage within the human genome, the first and second codon position differences correspond to smaller, yet very remarkable, differences in the amino acid composition of encoded proteins. Because GC levels of codon positions are linearly correlated with the GC levels of the isochores harboring the corresponding genes, both codon usage and amino acid composition are different for proteins encoded by genes located in isochores of different GC levels. Furthermore, we have also shown that a linear relationship with a unity slope and a correlation coefficient of 0.77 exists between GC levels of introns and exons from the 238 human genes currently available for this analysis. Introns are, however, about 5% lower in GC, on average, than exons from the same genes.  相似文献   

The effect of ten amino acids as the sole nitrogen source for the growth of Cladosporium herbarum (Link.) Fr. and Trichothecium roseum (Bull.) Link. was studied in order to clarify the fungus-host plant relationship. Special attention was paid to some rare non-protein amino acids of legumes. The best nitrogen sources for both fungi were γ-aminobutyric acid, arginine, serine and proline. Cladosporium could use homoarginine and canavanine, but these two amino acids were not used by Trichothecium when each was given as the only nitrogen source. Both fungi utilized ornithine, homoserine and a,γ-diaminobutyric acid to a limited extent. Pipecolic acid was not growth promoting. The growth-retarding effects of rare non-protein amino acids (homoarginine, canavanine, a,γ-diaminobutyric acid and pipecolic acid) were usually reversed by higher concentrations of their normal analogues. It is possible that rare non-protein amino acids may slightly protect the host plant against fungal infections, but there are clear differences between fungi in their reaction to non-protein amino acids.  相似文献   

Translation of mRNA plays a critical role in consolidation of long-term memory. Here, we report that markers of initiation of mRNA translation are activated during training for contextual memory and that they undergo diurnal oscillation in the mouse hippocampus with maximal activity observed during the daytime (zeitgeber time 4–8 h). Phosphorylation and activation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), eIF4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1), ribosomal protein S6, and eIF4F cap-complex formation, all of which are markers for translation initiation, were higher in the hippocampus during the daytime compared with night. The circadian oscillation in markers of mRNA translation was lost in memory-deficient transgenic mice lacking calmodulin-stimulated adenylyl cyclases. Moreover, disruption of the circadian rhythm blocked diurnal oscillations in eIF4E, 4EBP1, rpS6, Akt, and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and impaired memory consolidation. Furthermore, repeated inhibition of translation in the hippocampus 48 h after contextual training with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin impaired memory persistence. We conclude that repeated activation of markers of translation initiation in hippocampus during the circadian cycle might be critical for memory persistence.  相似文献   

Mammalian eIF3 is composed of 13 subunits and is the largest eukaryotic initiation factor. eIF3 plays a key role in protein biosynthesis. However, it is not fully understood how different subunits contribute to the structural integrity and function of the eIF3 complex. Whether eIF3 is essential for embryonic development and homeostasis is also not known. Here, we show that eIF3m null embryos are lethal at the peri-implantation stage. Compound heterozygotes (eIF3mflox/−) or FABP4-Cre-mediated conditional knock-out mice are lethal at mid-gestation stages. Although the heterozygotes are viable, they show markedly reduced organ size and diminished body weight. Acute ablation of eIF3m in adult mouse liver leads to rapidly decreased body weight and death within 2 weeks; these effects are correlated with a severe decline of protein biogenesis in the liver. Protein analyses reveal that eIF3m deficiency significantly impairs the integrity of the eIF3 complex due to down-regulation of multiple other subunits. Two of the subunits, eIF3f and eIF3h, are stabilized by eIF3m through subcomplex formation. Therefore, eIF3m is required for the structural integrity and translation initiation function of eIF3. Furthermore, not only is eIF3m an essential gene, but its expression level is also important for mouse embryonic development and the control of organ size.  相似文献   

在从成年人正常前列腺组织中获得人94个氨基酸的前列腺分泌蛋白(PSP94)cDNA基础上,利用PL表达系统,实现了人PSP94成熟肽N 末端带有19个外源氨基酸的融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中的表达。目的蛋白在细胞中主要以包涵体形式存在,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的30%,分子量约为16-5kD。表达产物在人前列腺癌细胞PC 3上活性分析表明,该融合蛋白能明显抑制前列腺癌细胞的生长。  相似文献   

The effects of corticostriatal deafferentation (decortication) and destruction of intrinsic neurons (intrastriatal kainate injection) on the extracellular concentration, and veratrine-releasable pools, of endogenous amino acids in the rat striatum were examined using the in vivo brain dialysis technique. Intracellular amino acid content was also determined. Decortication reduced selectively intra- and extracellular levels of glutamate (Glu) and aspartate (Asp). Extracellular changes were more pronounced than those in tissue content. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), taurine (Tau), and phosphoethanolamine (PEA) levels were not affected, whereas nonneuroactive amino acids were increased at 1 week but not at 1 month post-lesion. The intracellular pool of Glu and Asp was also reduced in kainate-lesioned striata. However, extracellular levels of these compounds were not affected significantly by this treatment. The tissue content of all other amino acids was decreased, the most prominent change being in the concentration of GABA. Extracellular GABA concentration was also reduced dramatically, whereas the concentrations of noneuroactive amino acids were increased to varying degrees. These data suggest that transmitter pools of neuroactive amino acids are an important supply for their extracellular pools. Lesion-induced alterations in nonneuroactive amino acids are discussed with regard to the loss of metabolic pools, glial reactivity, and changes in blood-brain barrier transport. Veratrine induced a massive release of neuroactive amino acids such as Glu, Asp, GABA, and Tau into the extracellular fluid, and a delayed increase in PEA. Extracellular levels of neuroactive amino acids were raised slightly. Decortication reduced, selectively, the amounts of Glu and Asp released by veratrine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We sought to identify amino acid neurotransmitter candidates within the nucleus of the solitary tract in rats. Twenty endogenous amino acids were quantified by reverse-phase HPLC with fluorescence detection (30-fmol limit). Micropunches (1 mm) of the intermediate area of the solitary nucleus were prepared, and the amino acid content determined. Of all the components measured, the putative transmitters Glu, Gly, gamma-aminobutyric acid, taurine, Asp, and Ala appeared in greatest concentrations. Bilateral micropunches superfused in vitro with buffered medium containing 56 mM potassium released Glu, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and Gly in a significant manner (p less than 0.05) compared with basal levels. With Glu, 78% was calcium-dependent and, therefore, presumably from nerve endings; 99% of gamma-aminobutyric acid and 42% of Gly were dependent on calcium. After removal of the nodose ganglion, a bilateral decrease in the calcium-dependent release of Glu and gamma-aminobutyric acid, but not Gly, was observed; decreases were significant ipsilateral to the site of ablation. We conclude that (a) Glu is a transmitter of primary afferents in the nucleus of the solitary tract; (b) glutamatergic afferents may interact with gamma-aminobutyric acid system(s) in this region; (c) Gly also may participate in the mediation and/or modulation of cardiovascular or other visceral reflexes; and (d) amino acid neurotransmission may play an integral role in the neurogenic control of arterial pressure.  相似文献   

Evidence was obtained for the release of amino acids by electrical stimulation of slices of regions of the rat medulla oblongata: rostral ventrolateral, caudal ventrolateral and caudal dorsomedial. There was a Ca2+-dependent, tetrodotoxin-sensitive increase in the efflux of aspartate, glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, and beta-alanine in all regions examined. There were distinct regional differences in the relative amounts of amino acids released. These results provide evidence for the possible neurotransmitter role of aspartate, glutamate, GABA, glycine, and beta-alanine in these regions of the rat medulla oblongata.  相似文献   

Missense mutations in the human C10orf2 gene, encoding the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) helicase, co-segregate with mitochondrial diseases such as adult-onset progressive external ophthalmoplegia, hepatocerebral syndrome with mtDNA depletion syndrome, and infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia. To understand the biochemical consequences of C10orf2 mutations, we overproduced wild type and 20 mutant forms of human mtDNA helicase in Escherichia coli and developed novel schemes to purify the recombinant enzymes to near homogeneity. A combination of molecular crowding, non-ionic detergents, Mg2+ ions, and elevated ionic strength was required to combat insolubility and intrinsic instability of certain mutant variants. A systematic biochemical assessment of the enzymes included analysis of DNA binding affinity, DNA helicase activity, the kinetics of nucleotide hydrolysis, and estimates of thermal stability. In contrast to other studies, we found that all 20 mutant variants retain helicase function under optimized in vitro conditions despite partial reductions in DNA binding affinity, nucleotide hydrolysis, or thermal stability for some mutants. Such partial defects are consistent with the delayed presentation of mitochondrial diseases associated with mutation of C10orf2.  相似文献   

The sweet protein brazzein [recombinant protein with sequence identical with the native protein lacking the N-terminal pyroglutamate (the numbering system used has Asp2 as the N-terminal residue)] activates the human sweet receptor, a heterodimeric G-protein-coupled receptor composed of subunits Taste type 1 Receptor 2 (T1R2) and Taste type 1 Receptor 3 (T1R3). In order to elucidate the key amino acid(s) responsible for this interaction, we mutated residues in brazzein and each of the two subunits of the receptor. The effects of brazzein mutations were assayed by a human taste panel and by an in vitro assay involving receptor subunits expressed recombinantly in human embryonic kidney cells; the effects of the receptor mutations were assayed by in vitro assay. We mutated surface residues of brazzein at three putative interaction sites: site 1 (Loop43), site 2 (N- and C-termini and adjacent Glu36, Loop33), and site 3 (Loop9-19). Basic residues in site 1 and acidic residues in site 2 were essential for positive responses from each assay. Mutation of Y39A (site 1) greatly reduced positive responses. A bulky side chain at position 54 (site 2), rather than a side chain with hydrogen-bonding potential, was required for positive responses, as was the presence of the native disulfide bond in Loop9-19 (site 3). Results from mutagenesis and chimeras of the receptor indicated that brazzein interacts with both T1R2 and T1R3 and that the Venus flytrap module of T1R2 is important for brazzein agonism. With one exception, all mutations of receptor residues at putative interaction sites predicted by wedge models failed to yield the expected decrease in brazzein response. The exception, hT1R2 (human T1R2 subunit of the sweet receptor):R217A/hT1R3 (human T1R3 subunit of the sweet receptor), which contained a substitution in lobe 2 at the interface between the two subunits, exhibited a small selective decrease in brazzein activity. However, because the mutation was found to increase the positive cooperativity of binding by multiple ligands proposed to bind both T1R subunits (brazzein, monellin, and sucralose) but not those that bind to a single subunit (neotame and cyclamate), we suggest that this site is involved in subunit-subunit interaction rather than in direct brazzein binding. Results from this study support a multi-point interaction between brazzein and the sweet receptor by some mechanism other than the proposed wedge models.  相似文献   

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