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DNA sequence influences the position of nucleosomes and chromatin architecture. The extent to which underlying DNA sequence affects nucleosome positioning is currently a topic of considerable discussion and active experimentation. To contribute to the discussion, I will outline a few of the methods, data and arguments that I find compelling and believe will ultimately resolve the question of what positions nucleosomes. Basically, I will give a portrait of my current perspective on what influences the landscape of nucleosome positioning and chromatin architecture.  相似文献   


Nucleosome positioning has been the subject of intense study for many years. The properties of micrococcal nuclease, the enzyme central to these studies, are discussed. The various methods used to determine nucleosome positions in vitro and in vivo are reviewed critically. These include the traditional low resolution method of indirect end-labelling, high resolution methods such as primer extension, monomer extension and nucleosome sequencing, and the high throughput methods for genome-wide analysis (microarray hybridisation and parallel sequencing). It is established that low resolution mapping yields an averaged chromatin structure, whereas high resolution mapping reveals the weighted superposition of all the chromatin states in a cell population. Mapping studies suggest that yeast DNA contains information specifying the positions of nucleosomes and that this code is made use of by the cell. It is proposed that the positioning code facilitates nucleosome spacing by encoding information for multiple alternative overlapping nucleosomal arrays. Such a code might facilitate the shunting of nucleosomes from one array to another by ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling machines.  相似文献   

Packaging of eukaryotic genomes into chromatin affects every process that occurs on DNA. The positioning of nucleosomes on underlying DNA plays a key role in the regulation of these processes, as the nucleosome occludes underlying DNA sequences. Here, we review the literature on mapping nucleosome positions in various organisms, and discuss how nucleosome positions are established, what effect nucleosome positioning has on control of gene expression, and touch on the correlations between chromatin packaging, sequence evolution, and the evolution of gene expression programs.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA is organized into a macromolecular structure called chromatin. The basic repeating unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, which consists of two copies of each of the four core histones and DNA. The nucleosomal organization and the positions of nucleosomes have profound effects on all DNA-dependent processes. Understanding the factors that influence nucleosome positioning is therefore of general interest. Among the many determinants of nucleosome positioning, the DNA sequence has been proposed to have a major role. Here, we analyzed more than 860,000 nucleosomal DNA sequences to identify sequence features that guide the formation of nucleosomes in vivo. We found that both a periodic enrichment of AT base pairs and an out-of-phase oscillating enrichment of GC base pairs as well as the overall preference for GC base pairs are determinants of nucleosome positioning. The preference for GC pairs can be related to a lower energetic cost required for deformation of the DNA to wrap around the histones. In line with this idea, we found that only incorporation of both signal components into a sequence model for nucleosome formation results in maximal predictive performance on a genome-wide scale. In this manner, one achieves greater predictive power than published approaches. Our results confirm the hypothesis that the DNA sequence has a major role in nucleosome positioning in vivo.  相似文献   


Extensive DNA sequence analysis of three eukaryotes, S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, and D. melanogaster, reveals two different AA/TT periodical patterns associated with the nucleosome positioning. The first pattern is the counter-phase oscillation of AA and TT dinucleotides, which has been frequently considered as the nucleosome DNA pattern. This represents the sequence rule I for chromatin structure. The second pattern is the in-phase oscillation of the AA and TT dinucleotides with the same nucleosome DNA period, 10.4 bases. This pattern apparently corresponds to curved DNA, that also participates in the nucleosome formation, and represents the sequence rule II for chromatin. The positional correlations of AA and TT dinucleotides also indicate that the nucleosomes are separated by specific linker sizes (preferably 8, 18,…bases), dictated by the steric exclusion rules. Thus, the sequence positions of the neighboring nucleosomes are correlated, and this represents the sequence rule III.  相似文献   


The computational prediction of nucleosome positioning from DNA sequence now allows for in silico investigation of the molecular evolution of biophysical properties of the DNA molecule responsible for primary chromatin organization in the genome. To discern what signal components driving nucleosome positioning in the yeast genome are potentially targeted by natural selection, we compare the performance of various models predictive of nucleosome positioning within the context of a simple statistical test, the repositioned mutation test. We demonstrate that while nucleosome occupancy is driven largely by translational exclusion in response to AT content, there is also a strong signature of evolutionary conservation of regular patterns within nucleosomal DNA sequence related to the structural organization of the nucleosome core (e.g., 10-bp dinucleotide periodicity). We also use computer simulations to investigate hypothetical coding and regulatory constraints on the ability of sequence properties affecting nucleosome formation to adaptively evolve. Our results demonstrate that natural selection may act independently on different DNA sequence properties responsible for local chromatin organization. Furthermore, at least with respect to the deformation energy of the DNA molecule in the nucleosome, the presence of the genetic code has greatly restricted the ability of sequences to evolve the dynamic nucleosome organization typically observed in promoter regions.  相似文献   


A nucleosome DNA sequence probe is designed that combines recently derived RR/YY counter-phase and AA/TT in-phase periodical patterns. A simple nucleosome mapping procedure is introduced for prediction of the nucleosome positions in the sequence of interest, to serve as a guide for experimental studies of the chromatin structure.  相似文献   

核小体是真核生物染色质的基本组成单位,组蛋白八聚体在DNA 双螺旋上精确位置称为核小体定位.核小体定位已被证实在基因转录调控、DNA复制与修复、调控进化等过程中扮演着重要的角色.随着染色质免疫共沉淀-芯片(ChIP-chip)与染色质免疫共沉淀-测序(ChIP-seq)等高通量技术的出现,已测定了多种模式生物全基因组核小体定位图谱,掀起了一股核小体定位及其功能的研究热潮,并取得了一定的成果.本文介绍了核小体定位的概念,总结了核小体在启动子与编码区域内定位的基本模式.在此基础上,综述了核小体定位在转录起始、转录延伸、基因表达模式多样化以及可变剪接等方面的功能研究进展.  相似文献   

DNA in eukaryotes is packaged into a chromatin complex, the most basic element of which is the nucleosome. The precise positioning of the nucleosome cores allows for selective access to the DNA, and the mechanisms that control this positioning are important pieces of the gene expression puzzle. We describe a large-scale nucleosome pattern that jointly characterizes the nucleosome core and the adjacent linkers and is predominantly characterized by long-range oscillations in the mono, di- and tri-nucleotide content of the DNA sequence, and we show that this pattern can be used to predict nucleosome positions in both Homo sapiens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae more accurately than previously published methods. Surprisingly, in both H. sapiens and S. cerevisiae, the most informative individual features are the mono-nucleotide patterns, although the inclusion of di- and tri-nucleotide features results in improved performance. Our approach combines a much longer pattern than has been previously used to predict nucleosome positioning from sequence—301 base pairs, centered at the position to be scored—with a novel discriminative classification approach that selectively weights the contributions from each of the input features. The resulting scores are relatively insensitive to local AT-content and can be used to accurately discriminate putative dyad positions from adjacent linker regions without requiring an additional dynamic programming step and without the attendant edge effects and assumptions about linker length modeling and overall nucleosome density. Our approach produces the best dyad-linker classification results published to date in H. sapiens, and outperforms two recently published models on a large set of S. cerevisiae nucleosome positions. Our results suggest that in both genomes, a comparable and relatively small fraction of nucleosomes are well-positioned and that these positions are predictable based on sequence alone. We believe that the bulk of the remaining nucleosomes follow a statistical positioning model.  相似文献   

Nucleosome positions on the DNA are determined by the intrinsic affinities of histone proteins to a given DNA sequence and by the ATP-dependent activities of chromatin remodeling complexes that can translocate nucleosomes with respect to the DNA. Here, we report a theoretical approach that takes into account both contributions. In the theoretical analysis two types of experiments have been considered: in vitro experiments with a single reconstituted nucleosome and in vivo genome-scale mapping of nucleosome positions. The effect of chromatin remodelers was described by iteratively redistributing the nucleosomes according to certain rules until a new steady state was reached. Three major classes of remodeler activities were identified: (i) the establishment of a regular nucleosome spacing in the vicinity of a strong positioning signal acting as a boundary, (ii) the enrichment/depletion of nucleosomes through amplification of intrinsic DNA-sequence-encoded signals and (iii) the removal of nucleosomes from high-affinity binding sites. From an analysis of data for nucleosome positions in resting and activated human CD4+ T cells [Schones et al., Cell 132, p. 887] it was concluded that the redistribution of a nucleosome map to a new state is greatly facilitated if the remodeler complex translocates the nucleosome with a preferred directionality.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genomes are packed into chromatin, whose basic repeating unit is the nucleosome. Nucleosome positioning is a widely researched area. A common experimental procedure to determine nucleosome positions involves the use of micrococcal nuclease (MNase). Here, we show that the cutting preference of MNase in combination with size selection generates a sequence-dependent bias in the resulting fragments. This strongly affects nucleosome positioning data and especially sequence-dependent models for nucleosome positioning. As a consequence we see a need to re-evaluate whether the DNA sequence is a major determinant of nucleosome positioning in vivo. More generally, our results show that data generated after MNase digestion of chromatin requires a matched control experiment in order to determine nucleosome positions.  相似文献   


The contribution of histone-DNA interactions to nucleosome positioning in vivo is currently a matter of debate. We argue here that certain nucleosome positions, often in promoter regions, in yeast may be, at least in part, specified by the DNA sequence. In contrast other positions may be poorly specified. Positioning thus has both statistical and DNA-determined components. We further argue that the relative affinity of the octamer for different DNA sequences can vary and therefore the interaction of histones with the DNA is a ‘tunable’ property.  相似文献   

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