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We evaluated the contribution of in vivo histone acetylation to the folding of chromatin into its higher-order structures. We have compared high-order folding patterns of hyperacetylat- ed vs. unmodified chromatin in living green monkey kidney cells (CV1 line) using intercalator chloroquine diphospate to induce alterations in the twist of internucleosomal linker DNA. We have shown that histone hyperacetylation induced by antibiotic Trichostatin A significantly alters intercalator-mediated chromatin folding pattern.  相似文献   

We evaluated the contribution of in vivo histone acetylation to the folding of chromatin into its higher-order structures. We have compared high-order folding patterns of hyperacetylated vs. unmodified chromatin in living green monkey kidney cells (CV1 line) using intercalator chloroquine diphospate to induce alterations in the twist of internucleosomal linker DNA. We have shown that histone hyperacetylation induced by antibiotic Trichostatin A significantly alters intercalator-mediated chromatin folding pattern.  相似文献   


We present a reinterpretation of linear dichroism data for the salt induced condensation of chromatin. A conflict between electric and flow linear dichroism data for identical chromatin samples, studied at varying degrees of Mg2+ induced folding, can be solved if the orientation in electric fields is mainly determined through the polarization of counter ions along the linker parts, whereas the orientation in flow is governed by the hydrodynamical response of the entire chromatin fiber. The orientation of a chromatin fiber in an electric field would then depend on the linker tilt angle so that at an angle larger than 55° the fiber would tend to orient perpendicular to the applied field. The different orientation distributions obtained with the two methods of alignment may in this way provide extra information about the structure and folding of chromatin.  相似文献   

Nucleosome-nucleosome interactions drive the folding of nucleosomal arrays into dense chromatin fibers. A better physical account of the folding of chromatin fibers is necessary to understand the role of chromatin in regulating DNA transactions. Here, we studied the unfolding pathway of regular chromatin fibers as a function of single base pair increments in linker length, using both rigid base-pair Monte Carlo simulations and single-molecule force spectroscopy. Both computational and experimental results reveal a periodic variation of the folding energies due to the limited flexibility of the linker DNA. We show that twist is more restrictive for nucleosome stacking than bend, and find the most stable stacking interactions for linker lengths of multiples of 10 bp. We analyzed nucleosomes stacking in both 1- and 2-start topologies and show that stacking preferences are determined by the length of the linker DNA. Moreover, we present evidence that the sequence of the linker DNA also modulates nucleosome stacking and that the effect of the deletion of the H4 tail depends on the linker length. Importantly, these results imply that nucleosome positioning in vivo not only affects the phasing of nucleosomes relative to DNA but also directs the higher-order structure of chromatin.  相似文献   

We present a Monte Carlo simulation study of the distribution and propagation of twist from one DNA linker to another for a two-nucleosome array subjected to externally applied twist. A mesoscopic model of the array that incorporates nucleosome geometry along with the bending and twisting mechanics of the linkers is employed and external twist is applied in stepwise increments to mimic quasistatic twisting of chromatin fibers. Simulation results reveal that the magnitude and sign of the imposed and induced twist on contiguous linkers depend strongly on their relative orientation. Remarkably, the relative direction of the induced and applied twist can become inverted for a subset of linker orientations—a phenomenon we refer to as “twist inversion”. We characterize the twist inversion, as a function of relative linker orientation, in a phase diagram and explain its key features using a simple model based on the geometry of the nucleosome/linker complex. In addition to twist inversion, our simulations reveal “nucleosome flipping”, whereby nucleosomes may undergo sudden flipping in response to applied twist, causing a rapid bending of the linker and a significant change in the overall twist and writhe of the array. Our findings shed light on the underlying mechanisms by which torsional stresses impact chromatin organization.  相似文献   

The basic and intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain (CTD) of the linker histone (LH) is essential for chromatin compaction. However, its conformation upon nucleosome binding and its impact on chromatin organization remain unknown. Our mesoscale chromatin model with a flexible LH CTD captures a dynamic, salt-dependent condensation mechanism driven by charge neutralization between the LH and linker DNA. Namely, at low salt concentration, CTD condenses, but LH only interacts with the nucleosome and one linker DNA, resulting in a semi-open nucleosome configuration; at higher salt, LH interacts with the nucleosome and two linker DNAs, promoting stem formation and chromatin compaction. CTD charge reduction unfolds the domain and decondenses chromatin, a mechanism in consonance with reduced counterion screening in vitro and phosphorylated LH in vivo. Divalent ions counteract this decondensation effect by maintaining nucleosome stems and expelling the CTDs to the fiber exterior. Additionally, we explain that the CTD folding depends on the chromatin fiber size, and we show that the asymmetric structure of the LH globular head is responsible for the uneven interaction observed between the LH and the linker DNAs. All these mechanisms may impact epigenetic regulation and higher levels of chromatin folding.  相似文献   


The optical anisotropy of chromatin with different length of the linker DNA isolated from a variety of sources (Frend erythroleukemia cells, calf thymus, hen erythrocytes and sea urchin sperm) has been studied in a large range of mono- and bivalent cations concentraitons by the use of flow linear dichroism (LD) and electric dichroism.

We have found that all chromatins studied displayed negative LD values in the range of 0.25 mM EDTA—2 mM NaCl and close positive values in the range of 2–100 mM NaCl. Mg2+ cations, in contrast to Na+ cations, induce optically isotropic chromatin fibers. All chromatin samples exhibit positive form effect amounting to 5–10% of LD amplitude observed at 260 nm. This form effect is determined by the anisotropic scattering of polarized light by single chromatin fibers.

The conformational transition at 2 mM NaCl leads to the distortion of chromatin filament structure. The reversibility of this distortion depends on the length of the linker DNA—for chromatins with the linker DNA of 10–30 b.p. it is parially reversible, while for preparations with longer linker DNA it is irreversible.

Relatively low electric field does not affect chromatin structure, while higher electric field (more than 7 kV/cm) distorts the structure of chromatin.

Presented resutls explain the contradictory data obtained by electrooptical and hydrooptical methods.  相似文献   

Chromatin conformation is dynamic and heterogeneous with respect to nucleosome positions, which can be changed by chromatin remodeling complexes in the cell. These molecular machines hydrolyze ATP to translocate or evict nucleosomes, and establish loci with regularly and more irregularly spaced nucleosomes as well as nucleosome-depleted regions. The impact of nucleosome repositioning on the three-dimensional chromatin structure is only poorly understood. Here, we address this issue by using a coarse-grained computer model of arrays of 101 nucleosomes considering several chromatin fiber models with and without linker histones, respectively. We investigated the folding of the chain in dependence of the position of the central nucleosome by changing the length of the adjacent linker DNA in basepair steps. We found in our simulations that these translocations had a strong effect on the shape and properties of chromatin fibers: i), Fiber curvature and flexibility at the center were largely increased and long-range contacts between distant nucleosomes on the chain were promoted. ii), The highest destabilization of the fiber conformation occurred for a nucleosome shifted by two basepairs from regular spacing, whereas effects of linker DNA changes of ∼10 bp in phase with the helical twist of DNA were minimal. iii), A fiber conformation can stabilize a regular spacing of nucleosomes inasmuch as favorable stacking interactions between nucleosomes are facilitated. This can oppose nucleosome translocations and increase the energetic costs for chromatin remodeling. Our computational modeling framework makes it possible to describe the conformational heterogeneity of chromatin in terms of nucleosome positions, and thus advances theoretical models toward a better understanding of how genome compaction and access are regulated within the cell.  相似文献   


We have studied the NaCl-induced condensation of calf thymus chromatin by static light scattering of 90° and shown that the increase in NaCl concentration up to 120–170 mM results in a large increase in scattering intensity of the total chromatin. Histones H1-depleted and trypsinized chromatin preparations do not reveal such a large increase in scattering intensity. The increase in the scattering intensity reflects the folding of the chromatin filaments, but not their aggregation. We have used this effect to monitor the kinetics of the chromatin condensation in response to a jump to higher NaCl concnetrations by means of a stopped-flow technique. The results show that the condensation is a fast complex process consisting of at least two steps. The first step is only partially resolved by the stopped-flow apparatus. The second step has a time constant in the range of 20–50 ms, which does not depend on chromatin concentration.  相似文献   

Chromatin conformation is dynamic and heterogeneous with respect to nucleosome positions, which can be changed by chromatin remodeling complexes in the cell. These molecular machines hydrolyze ATP to translocate or evict nucleosomes, and establish loci with regularly and more irregularly spaced nucleosomes as well as nucleosome-depleted regions. The impact of nucleosome repositioning on the three-dimensional chromatin structure is only poorly understood. Here, we address this issue by using a coarse-grained computer model of arrays of 101 nucleosomes considering several chromatin fiber models with and without linker histones, respectively. We investigated the folding of the chain in dependence of the position of the central nucleosome by changing the length of the adjacent linker DNA in basepair steps. We found in our simulations that these translocations had a strong effect on the shape and properties of chromatin fibers: i), Fiber curvature and flexibility at the center were largely increased and long-range contacts between distant nucleosomes on the chain were promoted. ii), The highest destabilization of the fiber conformation occurred for a nucleosome shifted by two basepairs from regular spacing, whereas effects of linker DNA changes of ∼10 bp in phase with the helical twist of DNA were minimal. iii), A fiber conformation can stabilize a regular spacing of nucleosomes inasmuch as favorable stacking interactions between nucleosomes are facilitated. This can oppose nucleosome translocations and increase the energetic costs for chromatin remodeling. Our computational modeling framework makes it possible to describe the conformational heterogeneity of chromatin in terms of nucleosome positions, and thus advances theoretical models toward a better understanding of how genome compaction and access are regulated within the cell.  相似文献   

DNA wrapped in nucleosomes is sterically occluded from many protein complexes that must act on it; how such complexes gain access to nucleosomal DNA is not known. In vitro studies on isolated nucleosomes show that they undergo spontaneous partial unwrapping conformational transitions, which make the wrapped nucleosomal DNA transiently accessible. Thus, site exposure might provide a general mechanism allowing access of protein complexes to nucleosomal DNA. However, existing quantitative analyses of site exposure focused on single nucleosomes, while the presence of neighbor nucleosomes and concomitant chromatin folding might significantly influence site exposure. In this work, we carried out quantitative studies on the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA in homogeneous nucleosome arrays. Two striking findings emerged. Organization into chromatin fibers changes the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA only modestly, from ∼ 3-fold decreases to ∼ 8-fold increases in accessibility. This means that nucleosome arrays are intrinsically dynamic and accessible even when they are visibly condensed. In contrast, chromatin folding decreases the accessibility of linker DNA by as much as ∼ 50-fold. Thus, nucleosome positioning dramatically influences the accessibility of target sites located inside nucleosomes, while chromatin folding dramatically regulates access to target sites in linker DNA.  相似文献   

The method of velocity sedimentation have been used to investigate ionic-strength-induced compaction of sea urchin sperm chromatin characterized by extremely long linker DNA (100 b.p.). The dependence of sedimentation coefficients of oligonucleosomes on the number of nucleosomes in the chain have been studied in the range of ionic strength from 0.005 to 0.085. Analysis of these data indicates that such structural parameters of sea urchin sperm chromatin fibre as the diameter of the chain and the length of the chain per nucleosome are quite similar to those of chromatin with shorter linker DNA, but the DNA packing ratio is higher. The structure of sea urchin sperm oligonucleosomes agrees well with the model of three-dimensional zig-zag-shaped chain with linker DNA forming a loop. The possible role of alpha-helical regions of the C-terminal domain of sea urchin sperm histone H1 in the long linker DNA folding is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a reinterpretation of linear dichroism data for the salt induced condensation of chromatin. A conflict between electric and flow linear dichroism data for identical chromatin samples, studied at varying degrees of Mg2+ induced folding, can be solved if the orientation in electric fields is mainly determined through the polarization of counter ions along the linker parts, whereas the orientation in flow is governed by the hydrodynamical response of the entire chromatin fiber. The orientation of a chromatin fiber in an electric field would then depend on the linker tilt angle so that at an angle larger than 55 degrees the fiber would tend to orient perpendicular to the applied field. The different orientation distributions obtained with the two methods of alignment may in this way provide extra information about the structure and folding of chromatin.  相似文献   

The folding of a nucleosome array has long been one of the fundamental and unsolved problems in chromatin biology. In this study, we address how nucleosome array folding depends on the length of linker DNA. We performed molecular dynamics simulations of a tri-nucleosome, a minimal model of chromatin folding, with various linker lengths (LLs) ranging from 20 to 40 base pairs (bps). We found that the tri-nucleosome folding strongly depends on LLs, and classified the structure ensemble into five classes, named from trinuc-1 to trinuc-5. As a function of LL, the different classes appear, on average, every 2 bps with a period of 10 bps, and are characterized by distinct inter-nucleosome interactions. The trinuc-1 conformation corresponds to LL ~ 10n, where n is an integer, and is stabilized by the tight packing between the first and the third nucleosomes, consistent with a zigzag fiber form. Structures of the other four classes are more diverse and distributed continuously in the space of possible configurations. Histone-DNA electrostatic interactions in the tri-nucleosome are further analyzed.  相似文献   

Linker histones are involved in chromatin higher-order structure and gene regulation. We have successfully achieved partial phosphorylation of linker histones in chicken erythrocyte soluble chromatin with CDK2, as indicated by HPCE, MALDI-TOF and Tandem MS. We have studied the effects of linker histone partial phosphorylation on secondary structure and chromatin condensation. Infrared spectroscopy analysis showed a gradual increase of β-structure in the phosphorylated samples, concomitant to a decrease in α-helix/turns, with increasing linker histone phosphorylation. This conformational change could act as the first step in the phosphorylation-induced effects on chromatin condensation. A decrease of the sedimentation rate through sucrose gradients of the phosphorylated samples was observed, indicating a global relaxation of the 30-nm fiber following linker histone phosphorylation. Analysis of specific genes, combining nuclease digestion and qPCR, showed that phosphorylated samples were more accessible than unphosphorylated samples, suggesting local chromatin relaxation. Chromatin aggregation was induced by MgCl2 and analyzed by dynamic light scattering (DLS). Phosphorylated chromatin had lower percentages in volume of aggregated molecules and the aggregates had smaller hydrodynamic diameter than unphosphorylated chromatin, indicating that linker histone phosphorylation impaired chromatin aggregation. These findings provide new insights into the effects of linker histone phosphorylation in chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

Torsionally stressed DNA plays a critical role in genome organization and regulation. While the effects of torsional stresses on naked DNA have been well studied, little is known about how these stresses propagate within chromatin and affect its organization. Here we investigate the torsional behavior of nucleosome arrays by means of Brownian dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained model of chromatin. Our simulations reveal a strong dependence of the torsional response on the rotational phase angle Ψ0 between adjacent nucleosomes. Extreme values of Ψ0 lead to asymmetric, bell-shaped extension-rotation profiles with sharp maxima shifted toward positive or negative rotations, depending on the sign of Ψ0, and to fast, irregular propagation of DNA twist. In contrast, moderate Ψ0 yield more symmetric profiles with broad maxima and slow, uniform propagation of twist. The observed behavior is shown to arise from an interplay between nucleosomal transitions into states with crossed and open linker DNAs and global supercoiling of arrays into left- and right-handed coils, where Ψ0 serves to modulate the energy landscape of nucleosomal states. Our results also explain the torsional resilience of chromatin, reconcile differences between experimentally measured extension-rotation profiles, and suggest a role of torsional stresses in regulating chromatin assembly and organization.  相似文献   

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