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The MkaH protein from the archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri, an unusual assembly of two histone-fold domains in a single polypeptide chain, demonstrates high structural similarity to eukaryal histones. We studied the DNA binding and self-association properties of MkaH by means of the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), electron microscopy (EM), chemical cross-linking, and analytical gel filtration. EMSA showed an increased mobility of linear DNA complexed with MkaH protein with a maximum at a protein-DNA weight ratio (R(w)) of approximately 3; the mobility decreased at higher protein concentration. EM of the complexes formed at Rw or=9) thickened compact nucleoprotein structures were observed; no individual loops were seen within the complexes. Gel filtration chromatography and chemical fixation indicated that in the absence of DNA the dominant form of the MkaH in solution, unlike other archaeal histones, is a stable dimer (pseudo-tetramer of the histone-fold domain) apparently resembling the eukaryal (H3-H4)(2) tetramer. Similarly, dimers are the dominant form of the protein interacting with DNA. The properties of MkaH supporting the assignment of its intermediate position between other archaeal and eukaryal histones are discussed.  相似文献   

N 5,N 10-Methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase (Mch) is an enzyme involved in methanogenesis from CO2 and H2 which represents the energy metabolism of Methanopyrus kandleri, a methanogenic Archaeon growing at a temperature optimum of 98°C. The gene mch from M. kandleri was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The overproduced enzyme could be purified in yields above 90% in one step by chromatography on phenyl Sepharose in 80% ammonium sulfate. From 3.5 g cells (250 mg protein), approximately 18 mg cyclohydrolase was obtained. The purified enzyme showed essentially the same catalytic properties as the enzyme purified from M. kandleri cells. The primary structure and properties of the cyclohydrolase are compared with those of the enzyme from Methanococcus jannaschii (growth temperature optimum 85°C), from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (65°C), and from Methanosarcina barkeri (37°C). Of the four enzymes, that from M. kandleri has the lowest isoelectric point (3.8) and the lowest hydrophobicity of amino acid composition. Besides, it has the highest relative content of glutamate, leucine, and valine and the lowest relative content of isoleucine, serine, and lysine. Some of these properties are unusual for enzymes from hyperthermophilic organisms. They may reflect the observation that the cyclohydrolase from M. kandleri is not only adapted to hyperthermophilic conditions but also to the high intracellular concentrations of lyotrophic salts prevailing in this organism. Received: July 14, 1997 / Accepted: August 28, 1997  相似文献   

Nucleosomal core particles containing the right- and left-handed conformations of DNA were examined for their ability to support the BZ or ZB transition. Nucleosomes were assembled onto the B- and Z-conformations of poly[d(Gm5C)] and the B-conformation of poly[d(GC)] as previously described (1). Absorbance and circular dichroic spectroscopy indicated that the DNA on all three core particle populations could undergo the conformational BZ transition. Further, the right- to left-handed transition for both poly[d(Gm5C)] and poly[d(GC)] appeared to be facilitated by the DNAs association with the histone octamer. The DNA remained associated with the protein core subsequent to the transition, and electron microscopy and sedimentation velocity analysis indicated that there were no gross changes in nucleosomal structure. However, a change in the sedimentation value of the poly[d(Gm5C)] core particles was detected when the conformation of the DNA was altered from B to Z, resulting in a lower S20,w value for the Z-form particles than for the corresponding B-form particles.  相似文献   

Nucleosome positioning along the genome is partially determined by the intrinsic DNA sequence preferences on histone. RRRRRYYYYY (R5Y5, R?=?Purine and Y?=?Pyrimidine) motif in nucleosome DNA, which was presented based on several theoretical models by Trifonov et al., might be a facilitating sequence pattern for nucleosome assembly. However, there is not a high conformity experimental evidence to support the concept that R5Y5 motif is a key element for the determination of nucleosome positioning. In this work, the ability of the canonical, H2A.Z- and H3.3-containing octamers to assemble nucleosome on DNA templates containing R5Y5 motif and TA repeats within 10.5-bp periodicity was investigated by using salt-dialysis method in vitro. The results showed that the10.5-bp periodical distributions of both R5Y5 motif and TA repeats along DNA templates can significantly promote canonical nucleosome assembly and may be key sequence factors for canonical nucleosome assembly. Compared with TA repeats within 10.5-bp periodicity, R5Y5 motif in DNA templates did not elevate H2A.Z- and H3.3-containing nucleosome formation efficiency in vitro. This result indicates that R5Y5 motif probably isn’t a pivotal factor to regulate nucleosome assembly on histone variants. It is speculated that the regulatory mechanism of nucleosome assembly is different between canonical and variant histone. These conclusions can provide a deeper insight on the mechanism of nucleosome positioning.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Nucleosome-like structures have been efficiently assembled in vitro by interaction of cauliflower histones, pBR322 DNA and cauliflower DNA topoisomerase, as assayed by supercoiling of relaxed circular DNA and by digestion with micrococcal nuclease. The optimum ionic strength for supercoiling was 150 mM KCl and the optimum weight ratio of histone to DNA was approximately 1.0. Four histones, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, were necessary for the optimum assembling conditions, and the nucleosomes assembled protected DNA fragments of approximately 150 bp in length. It was found that cauliflower DNA topoisomerase acts not only as a DNA-relaxing enzyme but also as a chaperon factor for nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

The HAT-B enzyme complex is responsible for acetylating newly synthesized histone H4 on lysines K5 and K12. HAT-B is a multisubunit complex composed of the histone acetyltransferase 1 (Hat1) catalytic subunit and the Hat2 (rbap46) histone chaperone. Hat1 is predominantly localized in the nucleus as a member of a trimeric NuB4 complex containing Hat1, Hat2, and a histone H3-H4 specific histone chaperone called Hif1 (NASP). In addition to Hif1 and Hat2, Hat1 interacts with Asf1 (anti-silencing function 1), a histone chaperone that has been reported to be involved in both replication-dependent and -independent chromatin assembly. To elucidate the molecular roles of the Hif1 and Asf1 histone chaperones in HAT-B histone binding and acetyltransferase activity, we have characterized the stoichiometry and binding mode of Hif1 and Asf1 to HAT-B and the effect of this binding on the enzymatic activity of HAT-B. We find that Hif1 and Asf1 bind through different modes and independently to HAT-B, whereby Hif1 binds directly to Hat2, and Asf1 is only capable of interactions with HAT-B through contacts with histones H3-H4. We also demonstrate that HAT-B is significantly more active against an intact H3-H4 heterodimer over a histone H4 peptide, independent of either Hif1 or Asf1 binding. Mutational studies further demonstrate that HAT-B binding to the histone tail regions is not sufficient for this enhanced activity. Based on these data, we propose a model for HAT-B/histone chaperone assembly and acetylation of H3-H4 complexes.  相似文献   

The fourth reaction step of CO(2)-reduction to methane in methanogenic archaea is catalyzed by coenzyme F(420)-dependent methylenetetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase (Mtd). We have structurally characterized this enzyme in the selenomethionine-labelled form from the hyperthermophilic methanogenic archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri at 1.54A resolution using the single wavelength anomalous dispersion method for phase determination. Mtd was found to be a homohexameric protein complex that is organized as a trimer of dimers. The fold of the individual subunits is composed of two domains: a larger alpha,beta domain and a smaller helix bundle domain with a short C-terminal beta-sheet segment. In the homohexamer the alpha,beta domains are positioned at the outside of the enzyme, whereas, the helix bundle domains assemble towards the inside to form an unusual quarternary structure with a 12-helix bundle around a 3-fold axis. No structural similarities are detectable to other enzymes with F(420) and/or substituted tetrahydropterins as substrates. The substrate binding sites of F(420) and methylenetetrahydromethanopterin are most likely embedded into a crevice between the domains of one subunit, their isoalloxazine and tetrahydropterin rings being placed inside a pocket formed by this crevice and a loop segment of the adjacent monomer of the dimer. Mtd revealed the highest stability at low salt concentrations of all structurally characterized enzymes from M.kandleri. This finding might be due to the compact quaternary structure that buries 36% of the monomer surface and to the large number of ion pairs.  相似文献   

A PCR protocol was used to identify and sequence a gene encoding a DNA ligase from Thermococcus fumicolans (Tfu). The recombinant enzyme, expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) pLysS, was purified to homogeneity and characterized. The optimum temperature and pH of Tfu DNA ligase were 65 degrees C and 7.0, respectively. The optimum concentration of MgCl2, which is indispensable for the enzyme activity, was 2 mM. We showed that Tfu DNA ligase displayed nick joining and blunt-end ligation activity using either ATP or NAD+, as a cofactor. In addition, our results would suggest that Tfu DNA ligase is likely to use the same catalytic residues with the two cofactors. The ability for DNA ligases, to use either ATP or NAD+, as a cofactor, appears to be specific of DNA ligases from Thermococcales, an order of hyperthermophilic microorganisms that belongs to the euryarchaeotal branch of the archaea domain.  相似文献   

The MLL3 (mixed lineage leukemia 3) protein is a member of the human SET1 family of histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferases and contains the conserved WDR5 interaction (Win) motif and the catalytic suppressor of variegation, enhancer of zeste, trithorax (SET) domain. The human SET1 family includes MLL1–4 and SETd1A/B, which all interact with a conserved subcomplex containing WDR5, RbBP5, Ash2L, and DPY-30 (WRAD) to form the minimal core complex required for full methyltransferase activity. However, recent evidence suggests that the WDR5 subunit may not be utilized in an identical manner within all SET1 family core complexes. Although the roles of WDR5 within the MLL1 core complex have been extensively studied, not much is known about the roles of WDR5 in other SET1 family core complexes. In this investigation, we set out to characterize the roles of the WDR5 subunit in the MLL3 core complex. We found that unlike MLL1, the MLL3 SET domain assembles with the RbBP5/Ash2L heterodimer independently of the Win motif-WDR5 interaction. Furthermore, we observed that WDR5 inhibits the monomethylation activity of the MLL3 core complex, which is dependent on the Win motif. We also found evidence suggesting that the WRAD subcomplex catalyzes weak H3K4 monomethylation within the context of the MLL3 core complex. Furthermore, solution structures of the MLL3 core complex assembled with and without WDR5 by small angle x-ray scattering show similar overall topologies. Together, this work demonstrates a unique role for WDR5 in modulating the enzymatic activity of the MLL3 core complex.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(1):257-268.e5
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Eukaryotic histone proteins condense DNA into compact structures called nucleosomes. Nucleosomes were viewed as a distinguishing feature of eukaryotes prior to identification of histone orthologs in methanogens. Although evolutionarily distinct from methanogens, the methane-producing hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri produces a novel, 154-residue histone (HMk). Amino acid sequence comparisons show that HMk differs from both methanogenic and eukaryotic histones, in that it contains two histone-fold ms within a single chain. The two HMk histone-fold ms, N and C terminal, are 28% identical in amino acid sequence to each other and approximately 21% identical in amino acid sequence to other histone proteins. Here we present the 1.37-A-resolution crystal structure of HMk and report that the HMk monomer structure is homologous to the eukaryotic histone heterodimers. In the crystal, HMk forms a dimer homologous to [H3-H4](2) in the eukaryotic nucleosome. Based on the spatial similarities to structural ms found in the eukaryotic nucleosome that are important for DNA-binding, we infer that the Methanopyrus histone binds DNA in a manner similar to the eukaryotic histone tetramer [H3-H4](2).  相似文献   

DNA methylation occurs on CpG sites and is important to form pericentric heterochromatin domains. The satellite 2 sequence, containing seven CpG sites, is located in the pericentric region of human chromosome 1 and is highly methylated in normal cells. In contrast, the satellite 2 region is reportedly hypomethylated in cancer cells, suggesting that the methylation status may affect the chromatin structure around the pericentric regions in tumours. In this study, we mapped the nucleosome positioning on the satellite 2 sequence in vitro and found that DNA methylation modestly affects the distribution of the nucleosome positioning. The micrococcal nuclease assay revealed that the DNA end flexibility of the nucleosomes changes, depending on the DNA methylation status. However, the structures and thermal stabilities of the nucleosomes are unaffected by DNA methylation. These findings provide new information to understand how DNA methylation functions in regulating pericentric heterochromatin formation and maintenance in normal and malignant cells.  相似文献   

MutS homolog 2 (MSH2) is an essential DNA mismatch repair (MMR) protein. It interacts with MSH6 or MSH3 to form the MutSα or MutSβ complex, respectively, which recognize base-base mispairs and insertions/deletions and initiate the repair process. Mutation or dysregulation of MSH2 causes genomic instability that can lead to cancer. MSH2 is acetylated at its C terminus, and histone deacetylase (HDAC6) deacetylates MSH2. However, whether other regions of MSH2 can be acetylated and whether other histone deacetylases (HDACs) and histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are involved in MSH2 deacetylation/acetylation is unknown. Here, we report that MSH2 can be acetylated at Lys-73 near the N terminus. Lys-73 is highly conserved across many species. Although several Class I and II HDACs interact with MSH2, HDAC10 is the major enzyme that deacetylates MSH2 at Lys-73. Histone acetyltransferase HBO1 might acetylate this residue. HDAC10 overexpression in HeLa cells stimulates cellular DNA MMR activity, whereas HDAC10 knockdown decreases DNA MMR activity. Thus, our study identifies an HDAC10-mediated regulatory mechanism controlling the DNA mismatch repair function of MSH2.  相似文献   

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