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The evolutionary relationships within prokaryotes and between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is examined based on protein sequence data. Phylogenies and common signature sequences in some of the most conserved proteins point to a close evolutionary relationship between Archaebacteria and Gram-positive bacteria. The monophyletic nature and distinctness of the Archaebacterial domain is not supported by many of the phylogenies. Within Gram-negative bacteria, cyanobacteria are indicated as the deepest branching lineage, and a clade consisting of Archaebacteria, Gram-positive bacteria and cyanobacteria is supported by signature sequences in many proteins. However, the division within the prokaryotic species viz. Archaebacteria Gram-positive bacteria Cyanobacteria other groups of Gram-negative bacteria, is indicated to be not very rigid but, instead is an evolutionary continuum. It is expected that certain species will be found which represent intermediates in the above transitions. By contrast to the evolutionary relationships within prokaryotes, the eukaryotic species, which are structurally very different, appear to have originated by a very different mechanism. Protein phylogenies and signature sequences provide evidence that the eukaryotic nuclear genome is a chimera which has received major contributions from both an Archaebacterium and a Gram-negative bacterium. To explain these observations, it is suggested that the ancestral eukaryotic cell arose by a symbiotic fusion event between the above parents and that this fusion event led to the origin of both nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. The monophyletic nature of all extant eukaryotic species further suggests that a 'successful primary fusion' between the prokaryotic species that gave rise to the ancestral eukaryotic cell took place only once in the history of this planet.  相似文献   

The Charadriiformes is a large and diverse order of shorebirds currently classified into 19 families, including morphologically aberrant forms that are of uncertain phylogenetic placement within non-passerine birds in general. Recent attempts using morphological characters have failed to recover a well-supported phylogeny depicting higher level relationships within Charadriiformes and the limits to the order, primarily because of inconsistency and homoplasy in these data. Moreover, these trees are incongruent with the relationships presented in the DNA hybridization tapestry of, including the location of the root and the branching order of major clades within the shorebirds. To help clarify this systematic confusion we therefore sequenced the large RAG-1 nuclear exon (2850 bp) from 36 species representing 17 families of shorebirds for which DNA was available. Trees built with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood or Bayesian methods are topologically identical and fully resolved, with high support at basal nodes. This further attests to the phylogenetic utility of the RAG-1 sequences at higher taxonomic levels within birds. The RAG-1 tree is topologically similar to the DNA hybridization tree in depicting three major subordinal clades of shorebirds, the Charadrii (thick-knees, sheathbills, plovers, oystercatchers, and allies), Scolopaci (sandpipers and jacanas) and the Lari (coursers, pratincoles, gulls, terns, skimmers, and skuas). However, the basal split in the RAG-1 tree is between Charadrii and (Scolopaci+Lari), whereas in the DNA hybridization tree Scolopaci is the sister group to the (Charadrii+Lari). Thus in both of these DNA-based trees the Alcidae (auks, murres, and allies) are not basal among shorebirds as hypothesized in morphological trees, but instead are placed as a tip clade within Lari. The enigmatic buttonquails (Turnicidae), variously hypothesized as being allied to either the Galliformes, Gruiformes, or Charadriiformes, are shown to be a basal lineage in the more conventional Lari clade. Divergence times estimated with rate-smoothing methods and minimum time constraints imposed at nodes with key fossils suggest that Charadriiformes originated in Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

Elassoma, the Pygmy Sunfishes, has long proven difficult to classify among the more than 15,000 species of percomorph fishes. Hypotheses dating to the 19th Century include Elassoma in Centrarchidae or in the monogeneric Elassomatidae, and more recent phylogenetic hypotheses have classified Elassoma in Smegmamorpha that also contained Synbranchiformes, Mugiliformes, Gasterosteiformes, and Atherinomorpha. No published phylogenetic analysis of morphological or molecular data has supported the monophyly of Smegmamorpha, or a consistent resolution of Elassoma relationships. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of Elassoma and test the monophyly of Smegmamorpha with a nucleotide dataset comprising 10 protein-coding nuclear genes sampled from 65 percomorph species. Maximum likelihood analyses of each individual gene and the concatenated 10 genes all result in strong support for a clade composed of Elassoma and Centrarchidae, and no analysis supports monophyly of Smegmamorpha. Based on these results, a rank-free phylogenetic definition of Centrarchidae is presented that includes Elassoma, and the continued recognition of Smegmamorpha is discouraged. We discuss the implications of these phylogenetic analyses for relationships of several other percomorph lineages, including Kyphosidae, Terapontidae, Kuhliidae, Cheilodactylidae, Percichthyidae, Howellidae, Enoplosidae, Sinipercidae, and Cirrhitidae.  相似文献   

Discordant phylogenies within the rrn loci of Rhizobia   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
It is evident from complete genome sequencing results that lateral gene transfer and recombination are essential components in the evolutionary process of bacterial genomes. Since this has important implications for bacterial systematics, the primary objective of this study was to compare estimated evolutionary relationships among a representative set of alpha-Proteobacteria by sequencing analysis of three loci within their rrn operons. Tree topologies generated with 16S rRNA gene sequences were significantly different from corresponding trees assembled with 23S rRNA gene and internally transcribed space region sequences. Besides the incongruence in tree topologies, evidence that distinct segments along the 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria currently classified within the genera Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium have a reticulate evolutionary history was also obtained. Our data have important implications for bacterial taxonomy, because currently most taxonomic decisions are based on comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Since phylogenetic placement based on 16S rRNA gene sequence divergence perhaps is questionable, we suggest that the proposals of bacterial nomenclature or changes in their taxonomy that have been made may not necessarily be warranted. Accordingly, a more conservative approach should be taken in the future, in which taxonomic decisions are based on the analysis of a wider variety of loci and comparative analytical methods are used to estimate phylogenetic relationships among the genomes under consideration.  相似文献   

The Cracidae is one of the most endangered and distinctive bird families in the Neotropics, yet the higher relationships among taxa remain uncertain. The molecular phylogeny of its 11 genera was inferred using 10,678 analyzable sites (5,412 from seven different mitochondrial segments and 5,266 sites from four nuclear genes). We performed combinability tests to check conflicts in phylogenetic signals of separate genes and genomes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the unrooted tree of ((curassows, horned guan) (guans, chachalacas)) was favored by most data partitions and that different data partitions provided support for different parts of the tree. In particular, the concatenated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes resolved shallower nodes, whereas the combined nuclear sequences resolved the basal connections among the major clades of curassows, horned guan, chachalacas, and guans. Therefore, we decided that for the Cracidae all data should be combined for phylogenetic analysis. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian analyses of this large data set produced similar trees. The MP tree indicated that guans are the sister group to (horned guan, (curassows, chachalacas)), whereas the ML and Bayesian analysis recovered a tree where the horned guan is a sister clade to curassows, and these two clades had the chachalacas as a sister group. Parametric bootstrapping showed that alternative trees previously proposed for the cracid genera are significantly less likely than our estimate of their relationships. A likelihood ratio test of the hypothesis of a molecular clock for cracid mtDNA sequences using the optimal ML topology did not reject rate constancy of substitutions through time. We estimated cracids to have originated between 64 and 90 million years ago (MYA), with a mean estimate of 76 MYA. Diversification of the genera occurred approximately 41-3 MYA, corresponding with periods of global climate change and other Earth history events that likely promoted divergences of higher level taxa.  相似文献   

Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products is now an expanding area of plant systematics and evolution. Within angiosperms the rbcL gene has been widely sequenced and used for inferring plant phylogenies at higher taxonomic levels. Unfortunately rbcL does not usually contain enough information to resolve relationships between closely related genera, such as Hordeum, Triticum, and Aegilops. One solution to this problem could be to analyze noncoding regions of chloroplast DNA, which are supposed to evolve more rapidly than coding regions. Here we present pairwise comparisons among dicots and monocots for rbcL and two noncoding sequences of cpDNA (the trnL (UAA) intron and the intergenic spacer between the trnL (UAA) 3' exon and the trnF (GAA) gene). It appears that these regions evolve faster (more than three times faster, on average) than rbcL, as previously reported, and that the trnL intron evolves at a rate that is the same as that of the intergenic spacer. By the analysis of these regions, the genera Hordeum, Triticum, and Aegilops clearly could be distinguished. A phylogeny using trnL (UAA) intron sequences is also inferred for some species of the genus Gentiana L., clearly illustrating the phylogenetic utility of these zones at the generic level. The advantages and the disadvantages of the use of these regions to resolve plant phylogenies are discussed, as well as the desirability of a preliminary study before every large-scale analysis.   相似文献   

Working memory is a cognitive function involving the storage and manipulation of latent information over brief intervals of time, thus making it crucial for context-dependent computation. Here, we use a top-down modeling approach to examine network-level mechanisms of working memory, an enigmatic issue and central topic of study in neuroscience. We optimize thousands of recurrent rate-based neural networks on a working memory task and then perform dynamical systems analysis on the ensuing optimized networks, wherein we find that four distinct dynamical mechanisms can emerge. In particular, we show the prevalence of a mechanism in which memories are encoded along slow stable manifolds in the network state space, leading to a phasic neuronal activation profile during memory periods. In contrast to mechanisms in which memories are directly encoded at stable attractors, these networks naturally forget stimuli over time. Despite this seeming functional disadvantage, they are more efficient in terms of how they leverage their attractor landscape and paradoxically, are considerably more robust to noise. Our results provide new hypotheses regarding how working memory function may be encoded within the dynamics of neural circuits.  相似文献   

ITS sequence data resolve higher level relationships among the eucalypts.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA were obtained for 35 species of Eucalyptus s.s. and seven taxa representing five outgroup genera (Allosyncarpia, Angophora, Arillastrum, Corymbia, and Stockwellia). The sequences were analyzed cladistically. The data distinguished clearly between the two major subgenera of Eucalyptus s.s. (Symphyomyrtus and Monocalyptus) but indicated that subgenus Eudesmia may be paraphyletic. ITS sequence data demonstrated the potential to resolve relationships between sections within subgenus Symphyomyrtus. Within sections, however, taxa were poorly differentiated. At the generic level, Corymbia appeared to be paraphyletic due to the exclusion of Angophora. The positions of Allosyncarpia and Arillastrum relative to the ingroup remain unresolved. ITS sequence data may prove valuable for resolving other phylogenetic relationships at higher taxonomic levels within Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

The uropygial gland secretions of Charadriiformes species (Thinocorus rumicivorus, Gallinago gallinago, Scolopax rusticola) were analysed and the quantitative compositions compared with those of other Charadriiformes and Lariformes species. The results are discussed from a chemotaxonomic viewpoint and evidence for a close relationship between Thinocorus and other Charadriiformes is given.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Colchicaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three plastid regions-the rps16 intron, the atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer, and the trnL-F region-in 73 taxa representing all the genera of Colchicaceae except Kuntheria were sequenced to investigate the intrafamilial relationships of the family. In total, the three gene regions, comprising 3830 characters, were analyzed both separately and in a combined matrix. The results did not support the division of the family into two subfamilies, but they did support a core clade of mainly African genera and a grade of Australian, North American, and Asian taxa. One of the four tribes, Iphigenieae, was grossly paraphyletic, and, unexpectedly, Colchicum was nested within Androcymbium. Further, taxa of Gloriosa and Littonia were intermixed.  相似文献   

We have reexamined the phylogeny of the ciliates using alpha-tubulin and phosphoglycerate kinase gene sequences. For alpha-tubulin, we have compared the amino acid and nucleotide sequences of 20 species representing seven of the nine classes of the phylum (Karyorelictea, Heterotrichea, Hypotrichea, Oligohymenophorea, Colpodea, Nassophorea, and Litostomatea). The phylogenetic tree resembles a bush from which three monophyletic lineages can be distinguished which correspond to the three classes Hypotrichea, Oligohymenophorea, and Litostomatea. For phosphoglycerate kinase, we have compared the amino acid sequences from 7 species representing three classes (Heterotrichea, Hypotrichea, and Oligohymenophorea). The branching pattern is resolved in three deeply separated branches with an early emergence of the heterotrich. Our comparative analysis shows that if alpha-tubulin phylogeny is not informative at the interclass level, the preliminary data from the phosphoglycerate kinase molecule appear more promising. Nevertheless, at low taxonomic level and at the class level, the resolved phylogenetic relationships inferred from both protein and rRNA sequence data are congruent.  相似文献   

Unusual mitochondrial genome structures throughout the Euglenozoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Roy J  Faktorová D  Lukes J  Burger G 《Protist》2007,158(3):385-396
Mitochondrial DNA of Kinetoplastea is composed of different chromosomes, the maxicircle (bearing 'regular' genes) and numerous minicircles (specifying guide RNAs involved in RNA editing). In trypanosomes [Kinetoplastea], DNA circles are compacted into a single dense body, the kinetoplast. This report addresses the question whether multi-chromosome mitochondrial genomes and compacted chromosome organization are restricted to Kinetoplastea or rather occur throughout Euglenozoa, i.e., Kinetoplastea, Euglenida and Diplonemea. To this end, we investigated the diplonemid Rhynchopus euleeides and the euglenids Petalomonas cantuscygni, Peranema trichophorum and Entosiphon sulcatum, using light and electron microscopy and molecular techniques. Our findings together with previously published data show that multi-chromosome mitochondrial genomes prevail across Euglenozoa, while kinetoplast-like mtDNA packaging is confined to trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Maslov DA  Yasuhira S  Simpson L 《Protist》1999,150(1):33-42
In order to shed light on the phylogenetic position of diplonemids within the phylum Euglenozoa, we have sequenced small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) genes from Diplonema (syn. Isonema) papillatum and Diplonema sp. We have also analyzed a partial sequence of the mitochondrial gene for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I from D. papillatum. With both markers, the maximum likelihood method favored a closer grouping of diplonemids with kinetoplastids, while the parsimony and distance suggested a closer relationship of diplonemids with euglenoids. In each case, the differences between the best tree and the alternative trees were small. The frequency of codon usage in the partial D. papillatum COI was different from both related groups; however, as is the case in kinetoplastids but not in Euglena, both the non-canonical UGA codon and the canonical UGG codon were used to encode tryptophan in Diplonema.  相似文献   

Microbial eukaryotes living in low oxygen environments often have novel physiological and morphological features that facilitate symbiotic relationships with bacteria and other means for acquiring nutrients. Comparative studies of these features provide evidence for phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history. Postgaardi mariagerensis, for instance, is a euglenozoan that lives in low oxygen environments and is enveloped by episymbiotic bacteria. The general ultrastructure of P. mariagerensis was described more than a decade ago and no further studies have been carried out since, mainly because these cells are difficult to obtain. Postgaardi lacks the diagnostic features found in other major euglenozoan lineages (e.g., pellicle strips and kinetoplast-like mitochondrial inclusions) and no molecular data are available, so the phylogenetic position of this genus within the Euglenozoa remains unclear. We re-examined and reconstructed the ultrastructural organization of the feeding apparatus in Postgaardi by serial sectioning an existing block of resin-embedded cells. Postgaardi possesses distinctive finger-like projections within the feeding apparatus; this system has only been found in one other highly distinctive flagellate, namely the symbiontid Calkinsia. Detailed comparisons of the cytoskeleton in Postgaardi and in two symbiontids, Calkinsia and Bihospites, provided new evidence for phylogenetic relationships and character evolution in all three genera.  相似文献   

Jakobids are free-living, heterotrophic flagellates that might represent early-diverging mitochondrial protists. They share ultrastructural similarities with eukaryotes that occupy basal positions in molecular phylogenies, and their mitochondrial genome architecture is eubacterial-like, suggesting a close affinity with the ancestral alpha-proteobacterial symbiont that gave rise to mitochondria and hydrogenosomes. To elucidate relationships among jakobids and other early-diverging eukaryotic lineages, we characterized alpha- and beta-tubulin genes from four jakobids: Jakoba libera, Jakoba incarcerata, Reclinomonas americana (the "core jakobids"), and Malawimonas jakobiformis. These are the first reports of nuclear genes from these organisms. Phylogenies based on alpha-, beta-, and combined alpha- plus beta-tubulin protein data sets do not support the monophyly of the jakobids. While beta-tubulin and combined alpha- plus beta-tubulin phylogenies showed a sister group relationship between J. libera and R. americana, the two other jakobids, M. jakobiformis and J. incarcerata, had unclear affinities. In all three analyses, J. libera, R. americana, and M. jakobiformis emerged from within a well-supported large "plant-protist" clade that included plants, green algae, cryptophytes, stramenopiles, alveolates, Euglenozoa, Heterolobosea, and several other protist groups, but not animals, fungi, microsporidia, parabasalids, or diplomonads. A preferred branching order within the plant-protist clade was not identified, but there was a tendency for the J. libera-R. americana lineage to group with a clade made up of the heteroloboseid amoeboflagellates and euglenozoan protists. Jakoba incarcerata branched within the plant-protist clade in the beta- and the combined alpha- plus beta-tubulin phylogenies. In alpha- tubulin trees, J. incarcerata occupied an unresolved position, weakly grouping with the animal/fungal/microsporidian group or with amitochondriate parabasalid and diplomonad lineages, depending on the phylogenetic method employed. Tubulin gene phylogenies were in general agreement with mitochondrial gene phylogenies and ultrastructural data in indicating that the "jakobids" may be polyphyletic. Relationships with the putatively deep-branching amitochondriate diplomonads remain uncertain.  相似文献   

Top predators are disappearing worldwide, significantly changing ecosystems that depend on top-down regulation. Conflict with humans remains the primary roadblock for large carnivore conservation, but for the eastern wolf (Canis lycaon), disagreement over its evolutionary origins presents a significant barrier to conservation in Canada and has impeded protection for grey wolves (Canis lupus) in the USA. Here, we use 127 235 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified from restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) of wolves and coyotes, in combination with genomic simulations, to test hypotheses of hybrid origins of Canis types in eastern North America. A principal components analysis revealed no evidence to support eastern wolves, or any other Canis type, as the product of grey wolf × western coyote hybridization. In contrast, simulations that included eastern wolves as a distinct taxon clarified the hybrid origins of Great Lakes-boreal wolves and eastern coyotes. Our results support the eastern wolf as a distinct genomic cluster in North America and help resolve hybrid origins of Great Lakes wolves and eastern coyotes. The data provide timely information that will shed new light on the debate over wolf conservation in eastern North America.  相似文献   

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