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The distribution of myosin heads on the surface of frog skeletal muscle thick filaments has been determined by computer processing of electron micrographs of isolated filaments stained with tannic acid and uranyl acetate. The heads are arranged in three strands but not in a strictly helical manner and so the structure has cylindrical symmetry. This accounts for the "forbidden" meridional reflections seen in diffraction patterns. Each layer-line therefore represents the sum of terms of Bessel orders 0, +/- 3, +/- 6, +/- 9 and so on. These terms interact so that, unlike a helical object without terms from overlapping Bessel orders, as the azimuth is changed, the amplitude on a layer-line at a particular radius varies substantially and its phase does not alter linearly. Consequently, a three-dimensional reconstruction cannot be produced from a single view. We have therefore used tilt series of three individual filaments to decompose the data on layer-lines 0 to 6 into terms of Bessel orders up to +/- 9 using a least-squares procedure. These data had a least-squares residual of 0.32 and enabled a three-dimensional reconstruction to be obtained at a nominal resolution of 6 nm. This showed, at a radius of about 10 nm, three strands of projecting morphological units with three units spaced along each strand every 42.9 nm axially. We have identified these units with pairs of myosin heads. Successive units along a strand are perturbed axially, azimuthally and radially from the positions expected if the structure was perfectly helical. This may simply be a consequence of steric restrictions in packing the heads on the thick filament surface, but could also reflect an underlying non-helical arrangement of myosin tails, which would be consistent with the thick filament shaft being constructed from three subfilaments in which the tails were arranged regularly. There was also material at a radius of about 6 nm spaced 42.9 nm axially, which we tentatively identified with accessory proteins. The filament shaft had a pronounced pattern of axial staining.  相似文献   

Rapid freezing followed by freeze-substitution has been used to study the ultrastructure of the myosin filaments of live and demembranated frog sartorius muscle in the states of relaxation and rigor. Electron microscopy of longitudinal sections of relaxed specimens showed greatly improved preservation of thick filament ultrastructure compared with conventional fixation. This was revealed by the appearance of a clear helical arrangement of myosin crossbridges along the filament surface and by a series of layer line reflections in computed Fourier transforms of sections, corresponding to the layer lines indexing on a 43 nm repeat in X-ray diffraction patterns of whole, living muscles. Filtered images of single myosin filaments were similar to those of negatively stained, isolated vertebrate filaments and consistent with a three-start helix. M-line and other non-myosin proteins were also very well preserved. Rigor specimens showed, in the region of overlapping myosin and actin filaments, periodicities corresponding to the 36, 24, 14.4 and 5.9 nm repeats detected in X-ray patterns of whole muscle in rigor; in the H-zone they showed a disordered array of crossbridges. Transverse sections, whose Fourier transforms extend to the (3, 0) reflection, supported the view, based on X-ray diffraction and conventional electron microscopy, that in the overlap zone of relaxed muscle most of the crossbridges are detached from the thin filaments while in rigor they are attached. We conclude that the rapid freezing technique preserves the molecular structure of the myofilaments closer to the in vivo state (as monitored by X-ray diffraction) than does normal fixation.  相似文献   

Computer analysis of electron micrographs of negatively stained thick filaments isolated from the telson levator muscle of the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) has shown that they have a four-stranded helical structure. The repeating units along each helix have a bent extended shape (measuring approximately 20 nm × 8 nm × 8 nm) and are inclined at an angle of about 30 ° to the helical path. At the resolution of this study, it was difficult to establish the exact size of the surface subunits, but our results are probably more consistent with each unit representing the two heads of a single myosin molecule rather than larger aggregates.  相似文献   

Thick filaments from leg muscle of tarantula, maintained under relaxing conditions (Mg-ATP and EGTA), were negatively stained and photographed with minimal electron dose. Particles were selected for three-dimensional image reconstruction by general visual appearance and by the strength and symmetry of their optical diffraction patterns, the best of which extend to spacings of 1/5 nm-1. The helical symmetry is such that, on a given layer-line, Bessel function contributions of different orders start to overlap at fairly low resolution and must therefore be separated computationally by combining data from different views. Independent reconstructions agree well and show more detail than previous reconstructions of thick filaments from Limulus and scallop. The strongest feature is a set of four long-pitch right-handed helical ridges (pitch 4 X 43.5 nm) formed by the elongated myosin heads. The long-pitch helices are modulated to give ridges with an axial spacing of 14.5 nm, lying in planes roughly normal to the filament axis and running circumferentially. We suggest that the latter may be formed by the stacking of a subfragment 1 (S1) head from one myosin molecule on an S1 from an axially neighbouring molecule. Internal features in the map indicate an approximate local twofold axis relating the putative heads within a molecule. The heads appear to point in opposite directions along the filament axis and are located very close to the filament backbone. Thus, for the first time, the two heads of the myosin molecule appear to have been visualized in a native thick filament under relaxing conditions.  相似文献   

Structure of short thick filaments from Limulus muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shortened Limulus thick filaments, isolated from stimulated muscle, are structurally similar to long filaments, isolated from unstimulated muscle, except for length. Both have 3-fold screw symmetry with a helical repeat at approximately 43 nm, axial spacing of 14.5 nm between successive crowns of crossbridges and 4-fold rotational symmetry as estimated from the Bessel argument, by analysis of optical transforms of electron micrograph negatives of negatively stained samples. Both short and long filaments also have similar radii for the location of their crossbridges, thus similar diameters. Equal numbers of subunits/helical strand are also apparent on images of metal-shadowed long and short filaments. Since these data argue against molecular reorganization during filament shortening, it is suggested that the change in length of Limulus thick filaments may occur by reversible disaggregation of constituent protein molecules.  相似文献   

Detailed structural analysis of muscles normally used to study myosin cross-bridge behavior (e.g., frog sartorius muscle, insect flight muscle) is extremely difficult due to the statistical disorder inherent in their myosin filament arrays. Bony fish muscle is different from all other muscle types in having a myosin filament (A-Band) array with good three-dimensional (crystalline) regularity that is coherent right across each myofibril. Rigorous structure analysis is feasible with fish muscle. We show that low-angle x-ray diffraction patterns from plaice fin muscle contain characteristic vertebrate layer lines at orders of 429 (+/- 0.2) A, that these layer lines are well sampled by row-lines from a simple hexagonal lattice of a-spacing 470 (+/- 2.0) A at rest length and that there are meridional reflections, due to axial perturbations of the basic helix of myosin heads, similar in position to those from frog muscle but differing in relative intensities. Clear trends based on modeling to a resolution of 130 A of the observed intensities in the low angle x-ray diffraction pattern from relaxed plaice fin muscle suggest that: (a) the pattern out to 130 A is more sensitive to the distribution of the two heads than it is to details of the head shape, (b) both heads in one myosin molecule probably tilt axially in the same direction by approximately 20-40 degrees relative to a normal to the thick filament backbone, (c) the center of mass of the heads is at 145 to 160 A radius, and (d) the two heads form a compact structure by lying closely adjacent to each other and almost parallel. Little rotational disorder of the heads can occur. Because of its crystallinity, bony fish muscle provides a uniquely useful structural probe of myosin cross-bridge behavior in other muscle states such as rigor and active contraction.  相似文献   

It was shown previously that a significant fraction of the myosin crossbridges is attached to actin in the skinned rabbit psoas fibers under relaxed conditions at low ionic strength and low temperature (Brenner, B., M. Schoenberg, J. M. Chalovich, L. E. Greene, and E. Eisenberg. 1982. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 79:7288-7291; Brenner, B., L. C. Lu, and R. J. Podolsky. 1984. Biophys. J. 46:299-306). In the present work, the structure of the attached crossbridges in the relaxed state between ionic strengths of 20 and 100 mM, as compared with that in the rigor state, is further examined by equatorial x-ray diffraction. Mass distributions projected along the fiber axis are reconstructed based on the first five equatorial reflections such that the spatial resolution is 128 A. The fraction of crossbridges attached under relaxed conditions are estimated to be in the range of 30% (at 100 mM ionic strength) and 60% (at 20 mM). The reconstructed density maps suggest that in the relaxed state, upon attachment the part of the crossbridge that centers around the thin filament is small, and the attachment does not significantly alter the center of mass of the myosin head distribution around the thick filament backbone. In contrast, accretion of mass in the rigor state occurs in a wider region surrounding the thin filament. In this case, mass in the surface region of the thick filament backbone is shifted slightly outward, probably by approximately 10 A. A schematic model for interpreting the present data is presented.  相似文献   

The orientation of the backbone structure of myosin filaments of relaxed and rigor fibers of the flight muscles of the housefly, Musca domestica, relative to the actin filaments has been investigated. In relaxed muscles 23% of the myosin filaments have gaps in the wall of their shaft located opposite the surrounding actin filaments, while in 77% the subfilament pairs of the wall are thus located. These are the expected values if the backbone orientation is random. In rigor muscles 40% of the thick filaments have their gaps opposite the actins and 60%, the subfilament pairs are opposite the actins. This increase in the percentage of filaments with gaps opposite the actins therefore results from binding of the crossbridges in rigor with change in rotational orientation of the backbone. The findings are related to a model of Beinbrech et al. (1988) in which two populations of crossbridges have been postulated: one originating at the surface of the thick filaments, the other coming from within the gap between the subfilament pairs.  相似文献   

The structure of muscle projected along the fiber axis was studied by equatorial X-ray diffraction. The clectron-density distributions in axial projection of muscle were derived by the Fourier syntheses to a resolution of 7 nm in the relaxed and rigor states. The structure of the thick filament backbone (diameter about 21.5 nm) has a nearly smooth cylindrical surface and a low electron-density core (diameter about 7 nm) in the center. In the relaxed state, the center of gravity of the myoXXXin heads is situated at a radius of 19.6 nm from the center of the thick filament, lying just between the surface of the thick filament backbone and the surface of the thin filament (diameter about 8.4 nm). From the electron-density distributions in two slates. the amount of mass transfer from the thick filament to the thin filament was estimated. It was in accordance with that predicted from the structure derived bv the X-ray layer-line analyses.  相似文献   

Radial stiffness in various conditions of mechanically skinned fibers of semitendinosus muscle of Rana catesbeiana was determined by compressing the fiber with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30, Mr = 40,000) in incubating solution. The change in width (D) of fibers with increasing and decreasing PVP concentrations was highly reproducible at a range 0-6% PVP. Radial stiffness of relaxed fibers was almost independent of the sarcomere length. On the other hand, radial stiffness of rigor fibers showed a linear relation against the sarcomere length. These results indicate that cross-bridge attachment would be a major factor in the increase of the radial stiffness. Radial stiffness of relaxed and rigor fibers was (2.14 +/- 0.52) X 10(4) N/m2 (mean +/- SD) and (8.76 +/- 2.04) X 10(4) N/m2, respectively, at the relative fiber width (D/D0) of 0.92, where D0 denotes the fiber width in the rigor solution at 0% PVP. Radial stiffness of a fiber in a rigor solution containing pyrophosphate (PPi) was between those of relaxed and rigor fibers, i.e., (4.76 +/- 0.86) X 10(4) N/m2 at D/Do of 0.92. In PPi and rigor solutions, radial stiffness reversibly increased to around 150 and 130%, respectively, in the presence of 10(-6) M Ca2+. To explain these results, especially the Ca2+-induced change in the radial stiffness, some factor in addition to the number of attached cross-bridges has to be taken into account. The variation of radial stiffness under various conditions will be discussed in relation to the possible manner of cross-bridge attachment.  相似文献   

The movement of tropomyosin from actin's outer to its inner domain plays a key role in sterically regulating muscle contraction. This movement, from a low Ca2+ to a Ca2+-induced position has been directly demonstrated by electron microscopy and helical reconstruction. Solution studies, however, suggest that tropomyosin oscillates dynamically between these positions at all Ca2+ levels, and that it is the position of this equilibrium that is controlled by Ca2+. Helical reconstruction reveals only the average position of tropomyosin on the filament, and not information on the local dynamics of tropomyosin in any one Ca2+ state. We have therefore used single particle analysis to analyze short filament segments to reveal local variations in tropomyosin behavior. Segments of Ca2+-free and Ca2+ treated thin filaments were sorted by cross-correlation to low and high Ca2+ models of the thin filament. Most segments from each data set produced reconstructions matching those previously obtained by helical reconstruction, showing low and high Ca2+ tropomyosin positions for low and high Ca2+ filaments. However, approximately 20% of segments from Ca2+-free filaments fitted best to the high Ca2+ model, yielding a corresponding high Ca2+ reconstruction. Conversely, approximately 20% of segments from Ca2+-treated filaments fitted best to the low Ca2+ model and produced a low Ca2+ reconstruction. Hence, tropomyosin position on actin is not fixed in either Ca2+ state. These findings provide direct structural evidence for the equilibration of tropomyosin position in both high and low Ca2+ states, and for the concept that Ca2+ controls the position of this equilibrium. This flexibility in the localization of tropomyosin may provide a means of sterically regulating contraction at low energy cost.  相似文献   

The backbone of the myosin filament is an aggregate of alpha-helical coiled coil myosin rods. Its surface forms a three-stranded helix composed of myosin heads. Currently there is no adequate model to describe the organization of the myosin filament. It is proposed here that, in cross-section the light meromyosin (LMM) of 18 myosin molecules form an outer tube, with nine S2 forming the interior core. At the surface of the thick filament, myosin heads are arranged in three rows, giving the filament a periodicity of 14.3 nm per three myosin molecules. Two of these molecules are organized at an angle of 120 degrees to each other on the same level, while the third is shifted 7.2 nm along the filament axis. This packing gives a striation pattern of 7.2 nm by electron microscopy. An alternative model is also possible, in which the heads of the myosin molecules are uniformly spaced at an interval of 14.3 nm along the filament axis. The packing of individual molecules within the myosin filament is based on a regular pattern of charge on the 28 amino-acid repeat in the rod domain.  相似文献   

Native thick filaments from rabbit psoas muscle have been sequentially dissolved by incremental rises in salt concentration. Three quite separate stages of depolymerization can be detected; these presumably reflect constraints imposed on the disassembly process by variations in the packing of myosin and by the presence of other thick filament proteins.  相似文献   

Frog skeletal muscle thick filaments are three-stranded   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure has been developed for isolating and negatively staining vertebrate skeletal muscle thick filaments that preserves the arrangement of the myosin crossbridges. Electron micrographs of these filaments showed a clear periodicity associated with crossbridges with an axial repeat of 42.9 nm. Optical diffraction patterns of these images showed clear layer lines and were qualitatively similar to published x-ray diffraction patterns, except that the 1/14.3-nm meridional reflection was somewhat weaker. Computer image analysis of negatively stained images of these filaments has enabled the number of strands to be established unequivocally. Both reconstructed images from layer line data and analysis of the phases of the inner maxima of the first layer line are consistent only with a three-stranded structure and cannot be reconciled with either two- or four-stranded models.  相似文献   

Rabbit psoas muscle filaments, isolated in relaxing buffer from non-glycerinated muscle, have been applied to hydrophilic carbon films and stained with uranyl acetate. Electron micrographs were obtained under low-dose conditions to minimize specimen damage. Surrounding the filament backbone, except in the bare zone, is a fringe of clearly identifiable myosin heads. Frequently, both heads of individual myosin molecules are seen, and sometimes a section of the tail can be seen connecting the heads to the backbone. About half the expected number of heads can be counted, and they are uniformly distributed along the filament. The majority of heads appear curved. The remainder could be curved heads viewed from another aspect. Three times as many heads curve in a clockwise sense than in an anticlockwise sense, suggesting a preferential binding of one side of the head to the carbon film. The two heads of myosin molecules exhibit all the possible combinations of clockwise, anticlockwise and straight heads, and analysis of their relative frequencies suggests that the heads rotate freely and independently. The heads also adopt a wide range of angles of attachment to the tail. The lengths of heads cover a range of 14 to 26 nm, with a peak at 19 nm. The average maximum width is 6.5 nm. Both measurements are in excellent agreement with values for shadowed molecules. Since our data are from heads adsorbed to the film in relaxing conditions and the shadowed molecules were free of nucleotide, gross shape changes are not likely to be produced by nucleotide binding. The length of the link between the heads and the backbone was found to vary between 10 nm and 52 nm, with a broad peak at about 25 nm. Thus, the hinge point detected in the tail of isolated molecules was not usually the point from which the crossbridges swung out from the filament surface. The angle made by the link to the filament axis was between 20 degrees and 80 degrees, with a broad maximum around 45 degrees. These lengths and angles concur with our observation of an average limit of the crossbridges from the filament surface of 30 nm. This is sufficient to enable heads in the myofibril lattice to reach out beyond the nearest thin filament and should allow considerable flexibility for stereospecific binding to actin in active muscle.  相似文献   

Light diffraction spectra from single or small bundles of skinned striated muscle fibers show large changes in polarization properties when muscles are placed into rigor. The technique of combining optical diffraction and ellipsometry measurements has previously been shown by Yeh and Pinsky to be a sensitive probe of periodic anisotropic regions of the fiber. In the present work, using this method, the observed spectrum shows marked decrease in the measured phase angle, delta, as the fiber approaches the rigor state. The degree of phase angle change is a function of sarcomere length: Maximum overlap of approximately 2.3 microns gives the most change in delta a delta delta R-R approximately 35 degrees decrease for a bundle of three fibers. At a sarcomere length of 2.9 microns this delta delta R-R value is only 10 degrees. At a nonoverlapping length of approximately 3.8 microns, delta does not vary at all upon the removal of ATP. The rigor state was confirmed by stiffness measurements made after small-amplitude (0.75%), quick length changes. Upon re-relaxation, the stiffness of the skinned fiber decreased to the value of the resting state (4 mM ATP) and the phase angle delta returned to its original value. A model based on either anisotropic subunit-2 (S-2) movements or other cross-bridge-related structural anisotropy (form birefringence) changes during the relaxed-rigor transition is suggested.  相似文献   

Structure and paramyosin content of tarantula thick filaments   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Muscle fibers of the tarantula femur exhibit structural and biochemical characteristics similar to those of other long-sarcomere invertebrate muscles, having long A-bands and long thick filaments. 9-12 thin filaments surround each thick filament. Tarantula muscle has a paramyosin:myosin heavy chain molecular ratio of 0.31 +/- 0.079 SD. We studied the myosin cross-bridge arrangement on the surface of tarantula thick filaments on isolated, negatively stained, and unidirectionally metal-shadowed specimens by electron microscopy and optical diffraction and filtering and found it to be similar to that previously described for the thick filaments of muscle of the closely related chelicerate arthropod, Limulus. Cross-bridges are disposed in a four-stranded right-handed helical arrangement, with 14.5-nm axial spacing between successive levels of four bridges, and a helical repeat period every 43.5 nm. The orientation of cross-bridges on the surface of tarantula filaments is also likely to be very similar to that on Limulus filaments as suggested by the similarity between filtered images of the two types of filaments and the radial distance of the centers of mass of the cross-bridges from the surfaces of both types of filaments. Tarantula filaments, however, have smaller diameters than Limulus filaments, contain less paramyosin, and display structure that probably reflects the organization of the filament backbone which is not as apparent in images of Limulus filaments. We suggest that the similarities between Limulus and tarantula thick filaments may be governed, in part, by the close evolutionary relationship of the two species.  相似文献   

Previous experiments on thick filaments of the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus and the telson-levator muscle of Limulus polyphemus have shown large, reversible length changes up to 23% and 66% of initial length, respectively, within the physiological tension range. Using nanofabricated cantilevers and newly developed high-resolution detection methods, we investigated the dynamics of isolated Mytilus anterior byssus retractor muscle thick filaments. Single thick filaments were suspended between the tips of two microbeams oriented perpendicular to the filament axis: a deflectable cantilever and a stationary beam. Axial stress was applied by translating the base of the deflectable nanolever away from the stationary beam, which bent the nanolever. Tips of flexible nanolevers and stationary beam were imaged onto a photodiode array to track their positions. Filament shortening and lengthening traces, obtained immediately after the motor had imposed stress on the filament, showed steps and pauses. Step sizes were 2.7 nm and integer multiples thereof. Steps of this same size paradigm have been seen both during contraction of single sarcomeres and during active interaction between single isolated actin and myosin filaments, raising the question whether all of these phenomena might be related.  相似文献   

Thick filaments in relaxed, quick-frozen and freeze-etched psoas myofibrils display a prominent helical pattern of projections repeating at 43 +/- 1 nm. These helices are right-handed, and measurement of the pitch angle indicates that the thick filaments are three-stranded. Each half-turn of a helix is composed of three to five projections, 11 to 12 nm in diameter. These projections probably represent individual myosin crossbridges. This is the first direct visualization of the crossbridge helices in vertebrate striated muscle filaments whose three-dimensional structure is preserved without chemical fixation.  相似文献   

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