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To classify mosquito species based on common features of their habitats, samples were obtained fortnightly between June 2001-October 2003 in the subtropical province of Chaco, Argentina. Data on the type of larval habitat, nature of the habitat (artificial or natural), size, depth, location related to sunlight, distance to the neighbouring houses, type of substrate, organic material, vegetation and algae type and their presence were collected. Data on the permanence, temperature, pH, turbidity, colour, odour and movement of the larval habitat's water were also collected. From the cluster analysis, three groups of species associated by their degree of habitat similarity were obtained and are listed below. Group 1 consisted of Aedes aegypti. Group 2 consisted of Culex imitator, Culex davisi, Wyeomyia muehlensi and Toxorhynchites haemorrhoidalis separatus. Within group 3, two subgroups are distinguished: A (Psorophora ferox, Psorophora cyanescens, Psorophora varinervis, Psorophora confinnis, Psorophora cingulata, Ochlerotatus hastatus-oligopistus, Ochlerotatus serratus, Ochlerotatus scapularis, Culex intrincatus, Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex pilosus, Ochlerotatus albifasciatus, Culex bidens) and B (Culex maxi, Culex eduardoi, Culex chidesteri, Uranotaenia lowii, Uranotaenia pulcherrima, Anopheles neomaculipalpus, Anopheles triannulatus, Anopheles albitarsis, Uranotaenia apicalis, Mansonia humeralis and Aedeomyia squamipennis). Principal component analysis indicates that the size of the larval habitats and the presence of aquatic vegetation are the main characteristics that explain the variation among different species. In contrast, water permanence is second in importance. Water temperature, pH and the type of larval habitat are less important in explaining the clustering of species.  相似文献   

The ecology of mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) was studied in areas of the Serra do Mar State Park, State of S?o Paulo, Brazil. The influence of the lunar cycle and the daily biting rhythms of mosquito populations were analyzed. Systematized biweekly human bait collections were made in a silvatic environment for 24 consecutive months (January 1991 to December 1992). A total of 20,591 specimens of adult mosquitoes belonging to 55 species were collected from 545 catches. Sabethini species were captured exclusively during daylight periods, with the exception of Trichoprosopon digitatum, while members of Anophelinae predominated during nocturnal hours. Members of the subfamily Culicinae that were collected primary during nocturnal periods included Culex nigripalpus, Coquillettidia chrysonotum and Cq. venezuelensis while daytime catches included Psorophora ferox and Ps. albipes. Others members of culicines mosquitoes that were collected during both day and night included: Aedes serratus, Ae. scapularis and Ae. fulvus. Lunar cycles did not appear to influence the daily biting rhythms of most mosquito species in the area, but larger numbers of mosquitoes were collected during the new moon. Ae. scapularis were captured mainly during the full moon.  相似文献   

The mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) ecology was studied in areas of Serra do Mar State Park, State of S?o Paulo, Brazil. Systematized biweekly human bait collections were made three times a day, for periods of 2 or 3 h each, in sylvatic and rural areas for 24 consecutive months (January 1991 to December 1992). A total of 24, 943 adult mosquitoes belonging to 57 species were collected during 622 collective periods. Aedes scapularis, Coquillettidia chrysonotum, Cq. venezuelensis, Wyeomyia dyari, Wy. longirostris, Wy. theobaldi and Wy. palmata were more frequently collected at swampy and at flooded areas. Anopheles mediopunctatus, Culex nigripalpus, Ae. serratus, Ae. fulvus, Psorophora ferox, Ps. albipes and the Sabethini in general, were captured almost exclusively in forested areas. An. cruzii, An. oswaldoi and An. fluminensis were captured more frequently in a residence area. However, Cx. quinquefasciatus was the only one truly eusynanthropic. An. cruzii and Ae. scapularis were captured feeding on blood inside and around the residence, indicating that both species, malaria and arbovirus vectors respectively, may be involved in the transmission of these such diseases in rural areas.  相似文献   

The ecology of mosquitoes were studied (Diptera: Culicidae) in areas of Serra do Mar State Park, State of S?o Paulo, Brazil. Systematized monthly human bait collections were made three times a day, for periods of 2 or 3 h each, in sylvatic and rural areas for 24 consecutive months (January 1991 to December 1992). A total of 24, 943 specimens of adult mosquitoes belonging to 57 species were collected during 622 collective periods. Coquillettidia chrysonotum was the most frequent collected mosquito (45.8%) followed by Aedes serratus (6.8%), Cq. venezuelensis (6.5%), Psorophora ferox (5.2) and Ps. albipes (3.1%). The monthly averages of temperature and relative humidity were inserted in the ten-year average limits of maximum and minimum of the previous ten-years. Rainfall accompanied the curve of the ten-year averages. Those climatic factors were influential in the incidence of some species; temperature: Anopheles cruzii, An. mediopunctatus, Ae. scapularis, Ae. fulvus, Cq. chrysonotum, Cq. venezuelensis, Runchomyia reversa, Wyeomyia dyari, Wy. confusa, Wy. shannoni, Wy. theobaldi and Limatus flavisetosus; relative humidity: Ae. serratus, Ae. scapularis, Cq. venezuelensis and Ru. reversa; rainfall: An. cruzii, Ae. scapularis, Ae. fulvus, Cq. venezuelensis Ru. reversa, Wy. theobaldi and Li. flavisetosus.  相似文献   

Mosquito community composition and population dynamics were compared to weather variables and land use/cover data during 2008 to determine which variables affected population dynamics at the J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center in southwestern Georgia. Models relating adult mosquito distributions to weather variables and time of year were compared using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) model selection. Precipitation, temperature, humidity, and Keetch-Byram Drought Index were important factors correlated with mosquito abundance or presence/absence for the species considered. A cluster analysis, which grouped eight sites based on the percentages of land use/cover and hydric soils located in a 1-km radius surrounding collection sites, and an indicator species analysis were used to investigate the associations among 11 mosquito species and sites with similar land use/cover. Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Culex coronator Dyar & Knab, Culex quinquefasciatus Say, and Culex salinarius Coquillett were associated with sites that had the most anthropogenic influence, while Coquillettidia perturbans (Walker) and Psorophora ferox (von Humboldt) were associated with natural land cover such as wetlands and forested land. This study demonstrates that regional climate and land use/cover data can be predictive of the population dynamics of certain mosquito populations and is the first to examine how the distribution of Cx. coronator adults relate to land use/cover in the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

A new monotypic subgenus, Premicrodispulus subgen. n., with the type species Premicrodispus reductus sp. n., and four new species of the nominative subgenus of the mite genus Premicrodispus, P. (Premicrodispus) paradoxus sp. n., P. (P.) heterocaudatus sp. n., P. (P.) obtusisetosus sp. n., and P. (P.) incisus sp. n., collected in soils of Turkmenistan are described. The subgenus Premicrodispulus subgen. n. differs from the nominative subgenus in the presence of 3 setae on genu I (seta l″ absent) and 1 seta on genu II (setae d and l″ absent). Premicrodispus (Premicrodispus) paradoxus sp. n. differs from all the species of the genus in the presence of solenidion on tarsus III. P. (P.) heterocaudatus sp. n. is most similar to P. longisetosus (Mahunka, 1970), but differs in the setae ps3 distinctly longer than ps 1 (in P. longisetosus, ps 3 and ps 1 are similar in length). P. (P.) obtusisetosus sp. n. is most similar to P. montanus Khaustov, 2006, but differs in obtuse setae c 1, e, and f (in P. montanus, these setae are pointed); P. (P.) incisus sp. n. is most closely related to P. longisetosus (Mahunka, 1970), but differs in the presence of distinct excavations on the posterior margin of tergites C and D (in P. longisetosus, excavations are absent).  相似文献   

A new cucullanid, Dichelyne bonacii n. sp., is described from the intestine of the grey snapper Lutjanus griseus and the stomach of the black grouper Mycteroperca bonaci off the coast of Yucatán. The absence of a ventral precloacal sucker and the presence of 11 pairs of caudal papillae in males allocate it to the subgenus Dichelyne. It differs from its congeners in body dimensions and by having two almost equal spicules (left 712-950 and right 722-945m), two intestinal caeca and in the position of the deirids and excretory pore. Apparently, L. griseus acts as definitive host of this species, whereas M. bonaci may be considered as a postcyclic host. This new species represents the first record of a nematode of the subgenus Dichelyne in marine fishes of Mexico.  相似文献   

Lung-dwelling females of Rhabdias (Rhabdiasidae), and possible migrating ceolomic young females were searched for in 46 chameleons, belonging to seven species. Rhabdias chamaeleonis, the single species identified to date in Africa, was found in Chamaeleo (Trioceros) johnstoni and C. (T.) hoehnelii, and redescribed; the sizes of the buccal capsule and oesophagus were stable compared to the length of the female parasiles, which varied from 6 mm to 22 mm in length. A second species, R. jarki n. sp., was identified from one C. (T.) johnstoni; it differed from R. chamaeleonis in the shape of anterior region, the longer and slender oesophagus (ratio bulb diameter-body diameter at that level about 1/5 instead of 1/2), the arrangement of the head papillae, the shape of the buccal capsule, and the anatomy of the genital apparatus: one of the ovaries (the anterior or posterior one according to the specimen) had a band of small cells, among larger ovocytes of the synapsis zone, which were likely to generate the spermatozoa present in the oviducts, whereas these two elements were absent from R. chamaeleonis. The parasitic females of R. jarki thus appeared to be hermaphroditic, whereas those of R. chamaeleonis appeared to be parthenogenetic. The free living phase of these Rhabdias species was heterogonic. The infective larva of R. chamaeleonis was 360-590 microns long, unmolile and at third stage inside the maternal cuticle. The free-living male of R. jarki was described. The numerous infective larvae recovered from cultures of unidentified Rhabdias were all in maternal cuticle (one larva/female instead of two as in R. gemellipara from Calumma parsonii, from Madagascar) and two kinds of larvae were identified, R. chamaeleonis and larvae 700-900 microns long provisionally identified to R. jarki. The behaviour of infective larvae and a few successful infections of insects suggest that, in the field, insect transport hosts are involved in transmission and in preventing infective larvae from drying out.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and classification of tribe Aedini are delineated based on a cladistic analysis of 336 characters from eggs, fourth‐instar larvae, pupae, adult females and males, and immature stage habitat coded for 270 exemplar species, including an outgroup of four species from different non‐aedine genera. Analyses of the data set with all multistate characters treated as unordered under implied weights, implemented by TNT version 1.1, with values of the concavity constant K ranging from 7 to 12 each produced a single most parsimonious cladogram (MPC). The MPCs obtained with K values of 7–9 were identical, and that for K = 10 differed only in small changes in the relationships within one subclade. Because values of K < 7 and > 10 produced large changes in the relationships among the taxa, the stability of relationships exemplified by the MPC obtained from the K = 9 analysis is used to interpret the phylogeny and classification of Aedini. Clade support was assessed using parsimony jackknife and symmetric resampling. Overall, the results reinforce the patterns of relationships obtained previously despite differences in the taxa and characters included in the analyses. With two exceptions, all of the groups represented by two or more species were once again recovered as monophyletic taxa. Thus, the monophyly of the following genera and subgenera is corroborated: Aedes, Albuginosus, Armigeres (and its two subgenera), Ayurakitia, Bothaella, Bruceharrisonius, Christophersiomyia, Collessius (and its two subgenera), Dahliana, Danielsia, Dobrotworskyius, Downsiomyia, Edwardsaedes, Finlaya, Georgecraigius (and its two subgenera), Eretmapodites, Geoskusea, Gilesius, Haemagogus (and its two subgenera), Heizmannia (and subgenus Heizmannia), Hopkinsius (and its two subgenera), Howardina, Hulecoeteomyia, Jarnellius, Kenknightia, Lorrainea, Macleaya, Mucidus (and its two subgenera), Neomelaniconion, Ochlerotatus (subgenera Chrysoconops, Culicelsa, Gilesia, Pholeomyia, Protoculex, Rusticoidus and Pseudoskusea), Opifex, Paraedes, Patmarksia, Phagomyia, Pseudarmigeres, Rhinoskusea, Psorophora (and its three subgenera), Rampamyia, Scutomyia, Stegomyia, Tanakaius, Udaya, Vansomerenis, Verrallina (and subgenera Harbachius and Neomacleaya), Zavortinkius and Zeugnomyia. In addition, the monophyly of Tewarius, newly added to the data set, is confirmed. Heizmannia (Mattinglyia) and Verrallina (Verrallina) were found to be paraphyletic with respect to Heizmannia (Heizmannia) and Verrallina (Neomacleaya), respectively. The analyses were repeated with the 14 characters derived from length measurements treated as ordered. Although somewhat different patterns of relationships among the genera and subgenera were found, all were recovered as monophyletic taxa with the sole exception of Dendroskusea stat. nov. Fifteen additional genera, three of which are new, and 12 additional subgenera, 11 of which are new, are proposed for monophyletic clades, and a few lineages represented by a single species, based on tree topology, the principle of equivalent rank, branch support and the number and nature of the characters that support the branches. Acartomyia stat. nov. , Aedimorphus stat. nov. , Cancraedes stat. nov. , Cornetius stat. nov. , Geoskusea stat. nov. , Levua stat. nov. , Lewnielsenius stat. nov. , Rhinoskusea stat. nov. and Sallumia stat. nov., which were previously recognized as subgenera of various genera, are elevated to generic status. Catageiomyia stat. nov. and Polyleptiomyia stat. nov. are resurrected from synonymy with Aedimorphus, and Catatassomyia stat. nov. and Dendroskusea stat. nov. are resurrected from synonymy with Diceromyia. Bifidistylus gen. nov. (type species: Aedes lamborni Edwards) and Elpeytonius gen. nov. (type species: Ochlerotatus apicoannulatus Edwards) are described as new for species previously included in Aedes (Aedimorphus), and Petermattinglyius gen. nov. (type species: Aedes iyengari Edwards) and Pe. (Aglaonotus) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes whartoni Mattingly) are described as new for species previously included in Aedes (Diceromyia). Four additional subgenera are recognized for species of Ochlerotatus, including Oc. (Culicada) stat. nov. (type species: Culex canadensis Theobald), Oc. (Juppius) subgen. nov. (type species: Grabhamia caballa Theobald), Oc. (Lepidokeneon) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes spilotus Marks) and Oc. (Woodius) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes intrudens Dyar), and seven are proposed for species of Stegomyia: St. (Actinothrix) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia edwardsi Barraud), St. (Bohartius) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes pandani Stone), St. (Heteraspidion) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia annandalei Theobald), St. (Huangmyia) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia mediopunctata Theobald), St. (Mukwaya) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia simpsoni Theobald), St. (Xyele) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia desmotes Giles) and St. (Zoromorphus) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes futunae Belkin). Due to the unavailability of specimens for study, many species of Stegomyia are without subgeneric placement. As is usual with generic‐level groups of Aedini, the newly recognized genera and subgenera are polythetic taxa that are diagnosed by unique combinations of characters. The analysis corroborates the previous observation that ‘Oc. (Protomacleaya)’ is a polyphyletic assemblage of species.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Scottish Blackface ewes (mean weight 50.0 +/- 0.1 kg with ovulation rate 1.3 +/- 0.1) were randomly divided into 4 groups of 6 animals. Under general anesthesia, following the collection of a timed sample of ovarian venous blood, the ovaries of these animals were collected either on Day 10 of the luteal phase or 12, 24, and 48 h after a luteolytic dose of a prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha analogue (cloprostenol 100 micrograms i.m.) administered on Day 10. All follicles greater than 3 mm were dissected from the ovaries and incubated in Medium 199 (M199) at 37 degrees C for 2 h, following which the granulosa cells were harvested and incubated in triplicate for 24 h in M199 with or without ovine FSH or ovine LH. Plasma and culture media samples were assayed for inhibin, estradiol (E2), androstenedione (A4), and testosterone (T) by specific RIA. After correcting for hematocrit, ovarian secretion rates were calculated from the product of the plasma concentration and flow rate. The rate of ovarian inhibin secretion during the luteal phase was similar from ovaries categorized on the basis of presence of luteal tissue (1.0 +/- 0.3 and 0.9 +/- 0.5 ng/min for CL present and absent, respectively), confirming that the ovine CL does not secrete appreciable amounts of inhibin. Inhibin secretion was higher (p less than 0.05) at 12 h after PG-induced luteolysis but not at 24 or 48 h compared to values for luteal phase control ewes. Although ovaries containing large estrogenic follicles (greater than or equal to 4 mm in diameter and classified as estrogenic from in vitro criteria) secreted the most inhibin (55%; p less than 0.05), both ovaries containing large nonestrogenic follicles (33%) and small (11%; less than 4 mm in diameter) follicles secreted appreciable amounts of inhibin. This contrasted strongly with E2 where greater than 80% of the steroid was secreted by large estrogenic follicles. The rate of ovarian inhibin secretion was positively correlated (p less than 0.05) with the rate of E2, A4, and T secretion. Overall, there was no significant effect of stage of cycle on follicular inhibin content after 2 h incubation in vitro, release of inhibin by follicles incubated in vitro, or synthesis of inhibin by granulosa cells cultured in vitro. FSH and LH had no effect on the production of either inhibin or estradiol by cultured granulosa cells. Follicular diameter was positively correlated (p less than 0.001) with follicular inhibin and steroid release. Follicular inhibin content after 2 h incubation in vitro was more highly correlated with inhibin release by incubated follicles (r = 0.7; p less than 0.001) than with inhibin synthesis by granulosa cells in vitro (0.4; p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

中国的(亻莫)鼠(Mimomys)化石   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
本文详细综述了中国的 Mimomys 属材料.分布青海共和、甘肃合水、河北阳原及辽宁林西的 M. (Villanyia) chinensis Kormos、在甘肃合水与 M. gansunicus Zheng 共生,其时代为泥河湾期(或晚维拉方期,相当于 MN 18); 分布陕西渭南、山西平陆、榆社及河北阳原的 M. orientalis Young 和欧洲种 M. stehlini Kormos、分布渭南的 M. youhenicus 和欧洲种 M. kretzoii Fejfar 分别处于大致相同的进化阶段并和一个与 M. banchiaonicus 相似的种类共生, 其时代均为游河期(或早维拉方期,相当于 MN 16); 山西襄汾的 M. peii sp. nov. 的时代为大柴期(或中维拉方期,相当于 MN 17); 山西离石的 M. cf. intermedius (Newton) 的时代为泥河湾期;山西屯留的 Mimomys sp. 的时代可能偏早,为西村期(可能相当于路西南期或 MN 15).  相似文献   

<正> Postschizotherium是我国新生代后期哺乳动物化石中引起过长期争论的一个属。关于这些争论,童永生和黄万波在“山西上新蹄兔一新种”一文中已有概括的介绍。这里想强调指出的一点是,虽然现在一般都倾向于把这个属归入蹄兔目,但化石的正面证据仍嫌不足。事实上,现有的化石并没有超过1939年德日进把这个属归入爪兽科时所掌握的材料。这些材料中头骨保存得太差,在目一级的分类上起不了多大的作用。P~4—M~3倒是保存得较好,发现得也较多。但也正是在这几个上颊齿上,蹄兔和爪兽这两类动物是很相似  相似文献   

Twelve cluster groups of Escherichia coli O26 isolates found in three cattle farms were monitored in space and time. Cluster analysis suggests that only some O26:H11 strains had the potential for long-term persistence in hosts and farms. As judged by their virulence markers, bovine enterohemorrhagic O26:H11 isolates may represent a considerable risk for human infection.Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains comprise a group of zoonotic enteric pathogens (42). In humans, infections with some STEC serotypes result in hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic diarrhea, which can be complicated by hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) (49). These STEC strains are also designated “enterohemorrhagic E. coli” (EHEC). Consequently, EHEC strains represent a subgroup of STEC with a high pathogenic potential for humans. Strains of the E. coli serogroup O26 were originally classified as enteropathogenic E. coli due to their association with outbreaks of infantile diarrhea in the 1940s. In 1977, Konowalchuk et al. (37) recognized that these bacteria produced Stx, and 10 years later, the Stx-producing E. coli O26:H11/H− strains were classified as EHEC. EHEC O26 strains constitute the most common non-O157 EHEC group associated with diarrhea and HUS in Europe (12, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 55, 60). Reports on an association between EHEC O26 and HUS or diarrhea from North America including the United States (15, 30, 33), South America (51, 57), Australia (22), and Asia (31, 32) provide further evidence for the worldwide spread of these organisms. Studies in Germany and Austria (26, 27) on sporadic HUS cases between 1996 and 2003 found that EHEC O26 accounted for 14% of all EHEC strains and for ∼40% of non-O157 EHEC strains obtained from these patients. A proportion of 11% EHEC O26 strains was detected in a case-control study in Germany (59) between 2001 and 2003. In the age group <3 years, the number of EHEC O26 cases was nearly equal to that of EHEC O157 cases, although the incidence of EHEC O26-associated disease is probably underestimated because of diagnostic limitations in comparison to the diagnosis of O157:H7/H− (18, 34). Moreover, EHEC O26 has spread globally (35). Beutin (6) described EHEC O26:H11/H−, among O103:H2, O111:H, O145:H28/H−, and O157:H7/H−, as the well-known pathogenic “gang of five,” and Bettelheim (5) warned that we ignore the non-O157 STEC strains at our peril.EHEC O26 strains produce Stx1, Stx2, or both (15, 63). Moreover, these strains contain the intimin-encoding eae gene (11, 63), a characteristic feature of EHEC (44). In addition, EHEC strains possess other markers associated with virulence, such as a large plasmid that carries further potential virulence genes, e.g., genes coding for EHEC hemolysin (EHEC-hlyA), a catalase-peroxidase (katP), and an extracellular serine protease (espP) (17, 52). The efa1 (E. coli factor for adherence 1) gene was identified as an intestinal colonization factor in EHEC (43). EHEC O26 represents a highly dynamic group of organisms that rapidly generate new pathogenic clones (7, 8, 63).Ruminants, especially cattle, are considered the primary reservoir for human infections with EHEC. Therefore, the aim of this study was the molecular characterization of bovine E. coli field isolates of serogroup O26 using a panel of typical virulence markers. The epidemiological situation in the beef herds from which the isolates were obtained and the spatial and temporal behavior of the clonal distribution of E. coli serogroup O26 were analyzed during the observation period. The potential risk of the isolates inducing disease in humans was assessed.In our study, 56 bovine E. coli O26:H11 isolates and one bovine O26:H32 isolate were analyzed for EHEC virulence-associated factors. The isolates had been obtained from three different beef farms during a long-term study. They were detected in eight different cattle in farm A over a period of 15 months (detected on 10 sampling days), in 3 different animals in farm C over a period of 8 months (detected on 3 sampling days), and in one cow on one sampling day in farm D (Table (Table1)1) (28).


Typing of E. coli O26 isolates
Sampling day, source, and isolateSerotypeVirulence profile by:
fliC PCR-RFLPstx1 genestx2 geneStx1 (toxin)Stx2 (toxin)Subtype(s)
efa1 genebEHEC-hlyA genekatP geneespP genePlasmid size(s) in kbCluster
Day 15
    Animal 6 (farm A)
        WH-01/06/002-1O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 127
        WH-01/06/002-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 127
        WH-01/06/002-3O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 127
    Animal 8 (farm A)
        WH-01/08/002-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 127
    Animal 26 (farm A)
        WH-01/26/001-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 127
        WH-01/26/001-5O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 127
        WH-01/26/001-6O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 127
        WH-01/26/001-7O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/−+++110, 127
Day 29
    Animal 2 (farm A)
        WH-01/02/003-1O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 126
        WH-01/02/003-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 126
        WH-01/02/003-5O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 126
        WH-01/02/003-6O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/+++110, 126
        WH-01/02/003-7O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 126
        WH-01/02/003-8O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ−/++++110, 126
    Animal 26 (farm A)
        WH-01/26/002-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 125
        WH-01/26/002-5O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 125
        WH-01/26/002-8O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 125
        WH-01/26/002-9O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++110, 125
        WH-01/26/002-10O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 125
Day 64
    Animal 20 (farm A)
        WH-01/20/005-3O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/+130, 2.52
Day 78
    Animal 29 (farm A)
        WH-01/29/002-1O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/−+130, 12, 2.54
        WH-01/29/002-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 12, 2.54
        WH-01/29/002-3O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 12, 2.54
        WH-01/29/002-4O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 12, 2.54
        WH-01/29/002-5O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++130, 12, 2.54
Day 106
    Animal 27 (farm A)
        WH-01/27/005-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/−+++145, 110, 123
        WH-01/27/005-5O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 12, 2.55
        WH-01/27/005-6O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/+130, 12, 2.55
Day 113
    Animal 7 (farm C)
        WH-04/07/001-2O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/+++55, 35, 2.511
Day 170
    Animal 22 (farm C)
        WH-04/22/001-1O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 12, 6.312
        WH-04/22/001-4O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 12, 6.312
        WH-04/22/001-5O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 12, 6.312
Day 176
    Animal 14 (farm D)
Day 218
    Animal 27 (farm A)
        WH-01/27/009-1O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/++++110, 129
        WH-01/27/009-2O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/++++110, 129
        WH-01/27/009-3O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/++++110, 128
        WH-01/27/009-8O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/++110, 128
        WH-01/27/009-9O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/++++110, 129
Day 309
    Animal 29 (farm A)
        WH-01/29/010-1O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 35, 124
        WH-01/29/010-2O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++130, 55, 358
        WH-01/29/010-3O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 35, 128
Day 365
    Animal 8 (farm C)
        WH-04/08/008-6O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 5512
Day 379
    Animal 9 (farm A)
        WH-01/09/016-2O26:H32H32++stx1/stx2−/−145, 130, 1.81
    Animal 27 (farm A)
        WH-01/27/014-3O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 129
        WH-01/27/014-4O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 129
        WH-01/27/014-5O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 128
Day 407
    Animal 29 (farm A)
        WH-01/29/013-4O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 12, 2.58
        WH-01/29/013-7O26:H11H11++stx1ββββ+/++++110, 12, 2.58
Day 478
    Animal 27 (farm A)
        WH-01/27/017-1O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/++++110, 128
        WH-01/27/017-5O26:H11H11++++stx1/stx2ββββ+/++++110, 128
        WH-01/27/017-10O26:H11H11+++stx1ββββ+/++++130, 12, 2.58
Open in a separate windowastx1/stx2, gene stx1 or stx2.befa1 was detected by two hybridizations (with lifA1-lifA2 and lifA3-lifA4 probes). +/+, complete gene; +/− or −/+, incomplete gene; −/−, efa1 negative.The serotyping of the O26 isolates was confirmed by the results of the fliC PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis performed according to Fields et al. (25), with slight modifications described by Zhang et al. (62). All O26:H11 isolates showed the H11 pattern described by Zhang et al. (62). In contrast, the O26:H32 isolate demonstrated a different fliC RFLP pattern that was identical to the H32 pattern described by the same authors. It has been demonstrated that EHEC O26:H11 strains belong to at least four different sequence types (STs) in the common clone complex 29 (39). In the multilocus sequence typing analysis for E. coli (61), the tested five EHEC O26:H11 isolates (WH-01/02/003-1, WH-01/20/005-3, WH-01/27/009-9, WH-03/14/004-8, and WH-04/22/001-1) of different farms and clusters were characterized as two sequence types (ST 21 and ST 396). The isolates from farms A and C belong to ST 21, the most frequent ST of EHEC O26:H11 isolates found in humans and animals (39), but the single isolate from farm D was characterized as ST 396.Typing and subtyping of genes (stx1 and/or stx2, eae, tir, espA, espB, EHEC-hlyA, katP, and espP) associated with EHEC were performed with LightCycler fluorescence PCR (48) and different block-cycler PCRs. To identify the subtypes of the stx2 genes and of the locus of enterocyte effacement-encoding genes eae, tir, espA, and espB, the PCR products were digested by different restriction endonucleases (19, 26, 46). The complete pattern of virulence markers was detected in most bovine isolates examined in our study. An stx1 gene was present in all O26 isolates. In addition, an stx2 gene was found in nine O26:H11 isolates in farm A and in three isolates of the same type in farm C, as well as in the O26:H32 isolate. Both Stx1 and Stx2 were closely related to families of Stx1 and Stx2 variants or alleles. EHEC isolates with stx2 genes are significantly more often associated with HUS and other severe disease manifestations than isolates with an stx1 gene, which are more frequently associated with uncomplicated diarrhea and healthy individuals (13). In contrast to STEC strains harboring stx2 gene variants, however, STEC strains of the stx2 genotype were statistically significantly associated with HUS (26). The stx2 genotype was found in all O26 isolates with an stx2 gene, while the GK3/GK4 amplification products after digestion with HaeIII and FokI restriction enzymes showed the typical pattern for this genotype described by Friedrich et al. (26). The nucleotide sequences of the A and B subunits of the stx2 gene of the selected bovine O26:H11 isolate WH-01/27/017-1 (GenBank accession no. EU700491) were identical to the stx2 genes of different sorbitol-fermenting EHEC O157:H− strains associated with human HUS cases and other EHEC infections in Germany (10) and 99.3% identical in their DNA sequences to the stx2 gene of the EHEC type strain EDL933, a typical O157:H7 isolate from an HUS patient. A characteristic stx1 genotype was present in all O26 isolates. The nucleotide sequences of the A and B subunits of the stx1 gene of the tested bovine O26:H11 isolate WH-01/27/017-1 (GenBank accession no. EU700490) were nearly identical to those of the stx1 genes of the EHEC O26:H11 reference type strains H19 and DEC10B, which had been associated with human disease outbreaks in Canada and Australia. Nucleotide exchanges typical for stx1c and stx1d subtypes as described by Kuczius et al. (38) were not found. All bovine O26:H11 strains produced an Stx1 with high cytotoxicity for Vero cells tested by Stx enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Vero cell neutralization assay (53). The Stx2 cytotoxicity for Vero cells was also very high in the O26:H11 isolates.Not only factors influencing the basic and inducible Stx production are important in STEC pathogenesis. It has been suggested that the eae and EHEC-hlyA genes are likely contributors to STEC pathogenicity (2, 3, 13, 50). Ritchie et al. (50) found both genes in all analyzed HUS-associated STEC isolates. In all O26:H11 isolates we obtained, stx genes were present in combination with eae genes. Only the O26:H32 isolate lacked an eae gene. To date, 10 distinct variants of eae have been described (1, 19, 36, 45, 47). Some serotypes were closely associated with a particular intimin variant: the O157 serogroup was linked to γ-eae, the O26 serogroup to β-eae, and the O103 serogroup to ɛ-eae (4, 19, 20, 58). Our study confirms these associations. All bovine O26:H11 isolates were also typed as members of the β-eae subgroup. A translocated intimin receptor gene (tir gene) and the type III secreted proteins encoded by the espA and espB genes were found in all 56 O26:H11 isolates but not in the O26:H32 isolate. These other tested locus of enterocyte effacement-associated genes belonged to the β-subgroups. These results are in accord with the results of China et al. (19), who detected the pathotypes β-eae, β-tir, β-espA, and β-espB in all investigated human O26 strains. Like the eae gene, the EHEC-hlyA gene was found in association with severe clinical disease in humans (52). Aldick et al. (2) showed that EHEC hemolysin is toxic (cytolytic) to human microvascular endothelial cells and may thus contribute to the pathogenesis of HUS. In our study, the EHEC-hlyA gene was detected in 50 of the 56 bovine E. coli O26:H11 isolates which harbored virulence-associated plasmids of different sizes (Table (Table1).1). The presence of virulence-associated plasmids corresponded to the occurrence of additional virulence markers such as the espP and katP genes (17). The katP gene and the espP gene were detected in 49 and 50 of the 56 O26:H11 isolates, respectively. The espP gene was missing in six of the seven bovine O26:H11 isolates in which the katP genes were also absent. Both genes were not found in the O26:H32 isolate (Table (Table1).1). Although we found large plasmids of the same size in O26:H11 isolates, they lacked one or more of the plasmid-associated virulence factors (Table (Table1).1). Two DNA probes were used to detect the efa1 genes by colony hybridization. (DNA probes were labeled with digoxigenin [DIG] with lifA1-lifA2 and lifA3-lifA4 primers [14] using the PCR DIG probe synthesis kit [Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany]; DIG Easy Hyb solution [Roche] was used for prehybridization and hybridization.) Positive results with both DNA probes were obtained for 52 of 56 E. coli O26:H11 isolates. A positive signal was only found in three isolates with the lifA1-lifA2 DNA probe and in one isolate with the lifA3-lifA4 probe. An efa1 gene was not detected in the O26:H32 isolate (Table (Table11).We also analyzed the spatial and temporal behavior of the O26:H11/H32 isolates in the beef herds by cluster analysis (conducted in PAUP* for Windows version 4.0, 2008 [http://paup.csit.fsu.edu/about.html]). This was performed with distance matrices using the neighbor-joining algorithm, an agglomerative cluster method which generates a phylogenetic tree. The distance matrices were calculated by pairwise comparisons of the fragmentation patterns produced by genomic typing through pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis with four restriction endonucleases (XbaI, NotI, BlnI, and SpeI) and the presence or absence of potential virulence markers (Fig. (Fig.11 and Table Table1).1). To this end, the total character difference was used, which counts the pairwise differences between two given patterns. During a monitoring program of 3 years in four cattle farms (29), different O26:H11 cluster groups and one O26:H32 isolate were detected in three different farms. The genetic distance of the O26:H32 isolate was very high relative to the O26:H11 isolates. Therefore, the O26:H32 isolate was outgrouped. The O26:H11 isolates of each farm represented independent cluster groups. The single isolate from farm D fitted better to the isolates from farm C than to those from farm A. This finding is in accord with the geographical distance between the farms. The fact that the farms were located in neighboring villages may suggest that direct or indirect connections between the farms were possible (e.g., by person contacts or animal trade). However, the isolates from farm C and farm D belonged to different sequence types (ST 21 and ST 396), which may argue against a direct connection. Interestingly, O26:H11 isolates with and without stx2 genes were detected in the same clusters. This phenomenon was observed in both farm A and farm C. In farm A, the isolates with additional stx2 genes were found in animal 27 and were grouped in clusters 8 and 9 (day 218). An stx2 gene was repeatedly found (four isolates) in the same animal (animal 27). The isolates grouped in cluster 8 on a later day of sampling (day 478). All other O26:H11 isolates grouped in the same clusters and obtained from the same animals (27 and 29) on different sampling days lacked an stx2 gene. Also, the isolates obtained from animal 27 on previous sampling days, which grouped in clusters 3 and 5, exhibited no stx2 genes. In farm C, the three isolates with additional stx2 genes obtained from animal 7 grouped in clusters 11 and 12. An stx2 gene was absent from all other O26:H11 isolates grouped in the same cluster 12 on later sampling days, and no other isolates of cluster 11 were found later on. However, we detected members of many clusters over relatively long periods (clusters 5, 8, and 9 in farm A and cluster 12 in farm C), but members of other clusters were only found on single occasions. This patchy temporal pattern is apparently not a unique property of O26:H11, as we found similar results for cluster groups of other EHEC serotypes of bovine origin (28). The isolates grouped in the dominant cluster 8 were found on 5 of 9 sampling days over a period of 10 months. In contrast, we found the members of clusters 4, 5, 9, and 12 only on two nonconsecutive sampling days. The period during which isolates of these groups were not detected was particularly long for cluster 4 (231 days). We also observed the coexistence of different clusters over long periods in the same farm and in the same cattle (clusters 8 and 9), while one of the clusters dominated. Transmission of clusters between cattle was also observed. These results suggest that some of the EHEC O26:H11 strains had the potential for a longer persistence in the host population, while others had not. The reasons for this difference are not yet clear. Perhaps the incomplete efa1 gene found in isolates of clusters which were only detected once might explain why some strains disappeared rapidly. Efa1 has been discussed as a potential E. coli colonization factor for the bovine intestine used by non-O157 STEC, including O26 (54, 56). The O165:H25 cluster detected during a longer period in farm B may have disappeared after it had lost its efa1 gene (28). The precise biological activity of Efa1 in EHEC O26 is not yet known, but it has been demonstrated that the molecule is a non-Stx virulence determinant which can increase the virulence of EHEC O26 in humans (8).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Neighbor-joining tree of bovine E. coli O26:H11/H32 strains based on the restriction pattern obtained after digestion with XbaI, NotI, BlnI, and SpeI.We distinguished 12 different clusters, but complete genetic identity was only found in two isolates. The variations in the O26:H11 clusters may be due to increasing competition between the bacterial populations of the various subtypes in the bovine intestine or to potential interactions between EHEC O26:H11 and the host.The ephemeral occurrence of additional stx2 genes in different clusters and farms may be the result of recombination events due to horizontal gene transfer (16). The loss of stx genes may occur rapidly in the course of an infection, but the reincorporation by induction of an stx-carrying bacteriophage into the O26:H11 strains is possible at any time (9, 40). Nevertheless, an additional stx2 gene may increase the dangerousness of the respective EHEC O26:H11 strains. While all patients involved in an outbreak caused by an EHEC O26:H11 strain harboring the gene encoding Stx2 developed HUS (41), the persons affected by another outbreak caused by an EHEC O26:H11 strain that produced exclusively Stx1 had only uncomplicated diarrhea (60).In conclusion, our results showed that bovine O26:H11 isolates can carry virulence factors of EHEC that are strongly associated with EHEC-related disease in humans, particularly with severe clinical manifestations such as hemorrhagic colitis and HUS. Therefore, strains of bovine origin may represent a considerable risk for human infection. Moreover, some clusters of EHEC O26:H11 persisted in cattle and farms over longer periods, which may increase the risk of transmission to other animals and humans even further.  相似文献   

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