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王菲  袁婷  谷守宽  王正银 《生态学报》2016,36(7):2044-2051
研究缓释复合肥不同用量对土壤微生物量碳、氮和群落结构多样性的影响,在农业生产上广泛应用缓释复合肥有着重要意义。试验采用室内长期恒温培养和磷脂脂肪酸法,以化肥和普通复合肥适量施用养分量为对比,研究缓释复合肥适量、高量和超高量施肥水平对土壤微生物PLFA含量的影响规律。结果表明,SRF1、SRF2、SRF3(缓释复合肥适量、高量和超高量)较CK(不施肥)和CF1(化肥适量)显著增加土壤微生物量碳,且较CK、CF1和CCF1(普通复合肥适量)显著增加土壤微生物量氮。土壤微生物量碳、氮随着缓释复合肥施肥水平的增加而增加,但没有随着施肥水平的倍量增加而倍量增加,且SRF2和SRF3无显著差异。缓释复合肥(SRF1、SRF2和SRF3)较CK、CF1和CCF1增加土壤PLFA的种类和含量,且总PLFA含量增加7.4%—26.7%、17.6%—38.7%和12.8%—33.0%,3个施肥水平以SRF2作用效果最好,总PLFA含量最高,分别较SRF1和较SRF3高16.4%和17.9%。土壤细菌、放线菌、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌PLFA含量以SRF1和SRF2显著高于CF1和CCF1。主成分分析和聚类分析显示施肥处理分布较多PLFA的优势种群,SRF3与SRF1和SRF2的PLFA结构差别较大。综上认为,适量施肥水平以缓释复合肥较化肥和普通复合肥对土壤微生物的作用显著,其中缓释复合肥3个施肥水平以高量施肥水平作用最好。  相似文献   

通过室内培养试验,研究了不同浓度氯嘧磺隆(20、200、2000 μg·kg-1土)单一施用及与尿素(120 mg· kg-1土)配合施用情况下,土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和土壤铵态氮、硝态氮随时间的动态变化规律.结果表明:各浓度氯嘧磺隆单独处理在整个培养期(60 d)中对微生物生物量碳、氮均有抑制作用,且浓度越高,后期抑制作用越强;各浓度氯嘧磺隆处理在培养前期对硝态氮、铵态氮没有明显影响,中期(15 d)能显著提高土壤中铵态氮的含量,后期(30 d后)显著提高了土壤中硝态氮的含量.尿素单独施用及与氯嘧磺隆配施均能在短时间内增加微生物生物量碳、氮,但随后配施处理的促进作用减弱;尿素单独和配施均能持久增加土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮含量.  相似文献   

有机物料在维持土壤微生物体氮库中的作用   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
李世清  李生秀 《生态学报》2001,21(1):136-142
采用室内和田间培养试验,研究了有机物料矿化过程中土壤微生物体氮的变化,测定结果表明,有机物料对矿化过程和微生物体氮的影响,既与有机物料本身性质和组成有关,也与土壤肥力水平和施氮与否有关。加入C/N比高的有机物料后,微生物对矿质氮的净固定持续时间长,而加入C/N比小的则固定时间短;高肥力土壤上的固定时间比低肥力土壤短。不同有机物料对土壤微生物体氮的影响不同。从加绿豆茎叶、小麦茎叶、未腐解马粪、腐熟马粪、腐熟猪粪到厩肥,土壤微生物体氮依次减小,提供的有效能源物质丰富(如绿豆茎叶)或C/N比较高(如小麦茎叶)时影响效果突出。土壤肥力不同,有机物料对微生物体的影响效果不同,在低肥力土壤的效果突出,约为高肥力土壤的4倍,因此,在评价有机物料对土壤微生物体氮的影响时,既考虑有有机物料的性质和组成,也考虑土壤力水平、矿质氮含量和培养时期。  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that tree species can influence nutrient cycling processes in soils, effects are not consistently found, nor are the mechanisms behind tree species effects well understood. Our objectives were to gain insights into the mechanism(s) underlying the effects of tree species on soil nitrogen cycling processes, and to determine the consistency of tree species effects across sites. We compared N cycling in soils beneath six tree species (ash, sycamore maple, lime, beech, pedunculate oak, Norway spruce) in common garden experiments planted 42 years earlier at three sites in Denmark with distinct land-use histories (forest and agriculture). We measured: (1) net and gross rates of N transformations using the 15N isotope pool-dilution method, (2) soil microbial community composition through qPCR of fungal ITS, bacterial and archaeal 16S, and (3) abundance of functional genes associated with N cycling processes—for nitrification the archaeal and bacterial ammonia-monooxygenase genes (amoA AOA and amoA AOB, respectively) and for denitrification, the nitrate reductase genes nirK and nirS. Carbon concentrations were higher in soils under spruce than under broadleaves, so N transformation rates were standardized per g soil C. Soil NH4+ parameters (gross ammonification, gross NH4+ consumption, net ammonification (net immobilization in this case), and NH4+ concentrations, per g C) were all lowest in soils under spruce. Soils under spruce also had the lowest gene abundance of bacteria, bacterial:fungal ratio, denitrifying microorganisms, ammonia-oxidizing archaea and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Differences in N-cycling processes and organisms among the five broadleaf species were smaller. The ‘spruce effect’ on soil microbes and N transformations appeared to be driven by its acidifying effect on soil and tighter N cycling, which occurred at the previously forested sites but not at the previously agricultural site. We conclude that existing characteristics of soils, including those resulting from previous land use, mediate the effects of tree species on the soil microbial communities and activities that determine rates of N-cycling processes.  相似文献   

Development and activity of the association of the sulphur cycle bacteria, represented byThiobacillus thioparus andDesulfovibrio sp., were followed in chernozem soil continuously supplemented with sodium thiosulphate. The technique of heterocontinuous cultivation made it possible (i) to determine changes in the individual components of microflora involved in successive metabolic steps, their time and space sequence, (ii) to follow changes in the transformations of substrate and formation of metabolic products, and (iii) to reach a steady state in the system. A possible use of this approach for the evaluation of the effect of ecological factors, for modelling microbiological processes of the sulphur cycle, for the investigation of trophic relationships among microorganisms in natural and artificial association and for the evaluation of the geochemical activity of sulphur bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

The stimulation of bacterial alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) by inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds was investigated in the southern Baltic Sea monthly between February and August 2001, by adding albumin, casein, leucine, ammonium, nitrate, ammonium + glucose or nitrate + glucose to 0.8 µm filtered seawater. The following questions were addressed: (1) Are there seasonal changes in the stimulation of APA by these substances?; (2) Does nitrogen alone stimulate this activity or only in combination with organic carbon?; (3) Is there a relationship between ambient nutrient concentrations and the degree of stimulation? The addition of the mentioned compounds stimulated the APA in bacteria to a high degree, however, there were seasonal variations. Stimulation was low in February and March but high from May to August when the stimulation, e.g., by ammonium + glucose, was up to 6000-fold higher compared with February. In most experiments, the addition of the amino acid leucine and of inorganic nitrogen alone resulted in an inhibition of the bacterial APA. A relationship between ambient nutrient concentrations and the stimulation of the bacterial APA was only observed for albumin, which correlated negatively with dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate concentrations and for casein, which correlated only with DIN. The results indicate that the regulation of bacterial APA and the DOP degradation can be significantly influenced by the availability of nitrogen and organic carbon.  相似文献   

The stimulation of bacterial alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) by inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds was investigated in the southern Baltic Sea monthly between February and August 2001, by adding albumin, casein, leucine, ammonium, nitrate, ammonium + glucose or nitrate + glucose to 0.8 µm filtered seawater. The following questions were addressed: (1) Are there seasonal changes in the stimulation of APA by these substances?; (2) Does nitrogen alone stimulate this activity or only in combination with organic carbon?; (3) Is there a relationship between ambient nutrient concentrations and the degree of stimulation? The addition of the mentioned compounds stimulated the APA in bacteria to a high degree, however, there were seasonal variations. Stimulation was low in February and March but high from May to August when the stimulation, e.g., by ammonium + glucose, was up to 6000-fold higher compared with February. In most experiments, the addition of the amino acid leucine and of inorganic nitrogen alone resulted in an inhibition of the bacterial APA. A relationship between ambient nutrient concentrations and the stimulation of the bacterial APA was only observed for albumin, which correlated negatively with dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate concentrations and for casein, which correlated only with DIN. The results indicate that the regulation of bacterial APA and the DOP degradation can be significantly influenced by the availability of nitrogen and organic carbon.  相似文献   

Current nitrogen (N) deposition rates are considerably higher than during pre-industrial times and the growing interest in forest fertilisation requires better understanding of how the N and carbon (C) cycles interact. This study is based on experimental data showing how Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests respond to single or consecutive pulse doses of N. The data were used to support the implementation of a dynamic feedback mechanism in the Q model, allowing for changes in soil N availability to regulate the rate of decomposer efficiency. Simulations of the long-term effects of slowly increasing N deposition with and without dynamic decomposer efficiency were then compared. Both versions of the model accurately predicted the response of tree growth to N fertilisation. Slowly increasing inputs of N over a century in the modified version acted on the inputs and outputs of soil C in opposing ways: (a) rate of litter input slowed down because more N was retained in the soil and thus not available for tree growth; (b) rate of C output, through soil heterotrophic respiration, was also gradually reduced due to increasing decomposer efficiency, although not enough to sufficiently balance the reduced litter input. Accurate prediction of the amount of added N retained in the ecosystem seems to be one of the key issues for estimating enhanced C sequestration.  相似文献   

S. P. Trehan  A. Wild 《Plant and Soil》1993,151(2):287-294
Cattle slurry supplemented with 15N labelled ammonium sulphate was applied to unplanted soil and to soil planted with sprouted potato tubers. For comparison, there was a similar treatment with 15N labelled ammonium sulphate alone. The pots of soil were kept at 20°C and the plants were harvested after 21, 42, 70 and 98 days. Labelled and unlabelled nitrogen were measured in the plants and, after the same intervals, in the soil as mineral, organic and clay-fixed nitrogen. The recovery of labelled nitrogen in plants plus soil by the end of the experiment was 90% with ammonium sulphate alone and 77% with cattle slurry; the corresponding recoveries in unplanted soil were only 65% and 48%. The greater recoveries of the labelled nitrogen in the planted soil are attributed to its greater protection against gaseous loss when within the plants. Another effect of the plants was to decrease the amount of labelled nitrogen that had been initially fixed by the clay. During the first 21 days with cattle slurry almost half of the labelled nitrogen became immobilized in organic matter. In the same period there was mineralization of unlabelled nitrogen, but the overall reaction was net immobilization. In later periods, immobilized labelled nitrogen in the unplanted soil decreased indicating remineralization. Estimates are given of the rates of gross mineralization, but the periods between sampling occasions were too long to yield reliable values. ei]Section editor: R Merckx  相似文献   

The possibility of the development of the solid phase bioluminescent biotest using aerial mycelium of luminous fungi was investigated. Effect of organic and inorganic toxic compounds (TC) at concentrations from 10−6 to 1 mg/ml on luminescence of aerial mycelia of four species of luminous fungi—Armillaria borealis (Culture Collection of the Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences), A. mellea, A. gallica, and Lampteromyces japonicus (Fungi Collection of the Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)—has been studied. Culture of A. mellea was shown to be most sensitive to solutions of the model TC. It was demonstrated that the sensitivity of the luminous fungi is comparable with the sensitivity of the bacteria that are used for environmental monitoring. Use of the aerial mycelium of luminous fungi on the solid support as a test object is a promising approach in biotesting for the development of continuous biosensors for air monitoring.  相似文献   

施用控释氮肥对稻田土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
罗兰芳  聂军  郑圣先  廖育林  谢坚 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2925-2932
借助农业部望城红壤水稻土生态环境野外观测试验站的控释氮肥试验,研究了施用控释氮肥对水稻不同生育期间稻田土壤微生物生物量碳、氮动态变化的影响。试验共设5个处理:①CK,(不施氮肥);②Urea(施用尿素);③CRNF(施用与处理②等氮量的控释氮肥);④70%CRNF(施用控释氮肥,用氮量为处理②的70%);⑤50%CRNF+M(施用控释氮肥和猪粪,总氮量为处理②的70%,其中控释氮肥用量为处理②的50%,猪粪含氮量为处理②的20%)。结果表明,施肥后10 d,施氮处理土壤微生物生物量碳和氮均达最高,随生育进程推进逐渐下降,成熟期有一定的回升;施肥初期,施用等氮量的控释氮肥处理(CRNF)土壤微生物量碳、氮含量较尿素处理(Urea)分别增加5.4%和22.5%,而水稻生育中后期,控释氮肥处理(CRNF)土壤微生物量碳、氮含量较尿素处理(Urea)下降幅度大,该处理向地上部提供氮素营养较尿素处理高;施氮量较高的CRNF处理,土壤微生物生物量碳低于控释氮肥节氮处理(70%CRNF),但在大多数取样时期,土壤微生物量氮高于控释氮肥节氮处理(70%CRNF);控释氮肥配施有机肥的节氮处理较其他单施化肥处理显著增加土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量。控释氮肥与有机肥配施,不仅能节约氮肥用量,而且能明显地提高土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的含量。  相似文献   

To improve knowledge on the role of microbial processes in phosphorus (P) transformations in highly weathered subtropical soil, dynamics in microbial biomass C (BC) and P (BP), and Olsen-P in a subtropical Ultisol following amendments with glucose at 2 g C kg−1 soil (G2) and rice straw at 2 and 4 g C kg−1 soil (RS2 and RS4) was studied during a 43-day incubation period at 25°C and 45% of soil water-holding capacity. By 3 days, the amount of soil BC had increased about 3.2, 1.7, and 2.6 times for G2, RS2, and RS4, respectively. The amount of soil BC significantly decreased between 3 and 7 days for G2 and 3 and 14 days for RS4, and thereafter remained almost steady throughout the 43-day incubation period, at levels about 1.6–2.4 times larger than for the control (no organic amendment; CK). The amount of soil BP for G2 and RS4 almost doubled by 3 or 7 days, then remained relatively steady, and for RS2, maintained relatively constant (6.7–8.2 mg kg−1 soil) throughout 43-day incubation period, whereas it declined by about 50% for CK. A significant decrease (3.5 mg kg−1 soil) in Olsen-P occurred in G2 by 3 days; indicating a close response of available P to microbial immobilization. Also, the amounts of Al- and Fe-bound P in G2 and Fe-bound-P in RS4 decreased significantly, as determined at 43 days. In conclusion, organic amendment enhances microbial immobilization and transformations of P, but the turnover of BP behaves in different patterns as BC in highly weathered subtropical soil.  相似文献   

秸秆生物有机肥的施用对土壤供氮能力的影响   总被引:56,自引:7,他引:56  
通过盆栽试验研究了秸秆生物有机肥的施用对土壤供氮能力的影响。结果表明,与原始秸秆相比,秸秆生物有以与尿素配合施用能明显提高土壤生物量碳,氮的含量,增幅约为3-4倍;土壤微生物量氮与土壤的供氮能力关系非常密切,前期发生强烈的微生物增殖过程,则中后期必会发生无机氮释放过程,这对作物的生长发育极为重要。同时提高了肥料氮利用率,揭示了秸秆生物有机肥配施无机氮肥改善土壤供氮能力的机理。  相似文献   

Summary Plant dry weight, total N, and total Ca was increased at 0.1 and 1 ppm N-serve. At greater 10 ppm the plants showed visual symptoms of a stunted growth, stem elongation, flowers, and pods failed to form or were aborted, young leaves were curled, and roots were club shaped with many branches. These symptoms were increasingly evident with increasing N-serve application rates. The reason was attributed to an auxin effect. Dry wt and total N in the plant was less than the control at the higher N-serve applications. There was little effect on nitrogenase activity at less than 10 ppm N-serve. Nodulation tended to increase at 0.1 and 1 ppm N-serve.Nitrification was inhibited up to 104 days at 20 ppm N-serve. The soil pH of the high N-serve rates was decreased at 104 days probably due to nitrification. Generally there were little detectable differences among treatments in soil organic N. The average soil organic N from 0 to 104 days decreased by 0.01%. Average increase in total N within each pot at harvest was equivalent to about 138 kg N/ha.  相似文献   

The changes in the structure and activity of a soil microbial community caused by addition of moderate and high rates of the mineral nitrogen fertilizer (KNO3) were studied in a laboratory incubation experiment. The structure of the microbial community was evaluated from the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profile; specific growth rate of the microorganisms was determined by the method of the kinetics of substrate-induced respiration; the total pool of microbial carbon was estimated by the fumigation-extraction method. The amounts of nitrogen fertilizer applied in three treatments of the experiment were 0 (control), 100, and 2000 ??g N/g soil. Even in the absence of additional sources of organic carbon, a considerable portion of the added 15N (up to 74%) was immobilized. No significant increase in the amount of microbial carbon was observed during incubation. The specific growth rate of the microbial community in soil supplemented with glucose decreased twofold after addition of 2000 ??g N/g soil. In this treatment, the ratio of cyclic fatty acids to their monoenoic precursors also increased, indicating the adaptation of microbial cells to extremely high amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. Moreover, considerable changes in the structure of the soil microbial community, such as an increase in the ratio of fungalto bacterial markers and a decrease in the ratio between PLFA of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, were observed in the treatment with addition of 2000 ??g N/g soil. Our data clearly indicate that mineral nitrogen fertilization of soil under carbon limitation has a pronounced impact on the structure and activity of soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

土壤强还原处理(reductive soil disinfestation,RSD)可以有效修复退化设施蔬菜地土壤,但实施过程中亦会存在可溶性有机碳(DOC)与无机氮(NO3--N和NH4+-N)的淋溶风险。本研究选用水稻秸秆及其制备的生物质炭(biochar,BC)作为修复材料,采用BC、RSD以及RSD+BC三种方法修复退化蔬菜地土壤,探究修复过程中土壤基本性质、DOC与无机氮的动态变化。结果表明,与对照土壤相比,BC处理显著提高了土壤pH、EC和DOC含量(P<0.05),但对土壤NO3--N和NH4+-N无显著影响。对于RSD和RSD+BC处理,土壤NO3--N含量在1~3 d内快速下降,之后维持在较低水平;土壤DOC含量呈先上升后下降趋势,在整个培养时段均显著高于对照处理(P<0.05)。方差分析表明,BC与RSD处理对土壤DOC、全碳(TC)、全...  相似文献   

为探究化肥配施不同腐熟度有机肥对土壤微生物生物量氮(MBN)的影响及土壤MBN调控土壤矿质氮的作用,将堆肥过程与土壤培养试验相结合,设置常规化肥对照(CK)、化肥+腐熟度为50%(种子发芽指数为50%,下同)的有机肥(CO1)、化肥+腐熟度为80%的有机肥(CO2)、化肥+腐熟度为100%的有机肥(CO3)共4个处理,测定土壤MBN、矿质氮(NH4+-N、NO3--N)、净硝化速率、微生物生物量碳(MBC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、脲酶和蛋白酶,并揭示土壤MBN对矿质氮的调控作用。结果表明: 到培养结束时,与CK处理相比,有机肥处理(CO1、CO2、CO3)的土壤MBN、NH4+-N含量显著提高50.1%~62.4%、109.9%~147.1%,土壤NO3--N、净硝化速率显著降低23.3%~46.8%、26.2%~51.5%,土壤MBC、DOC含量、脲酶和蛋白酶活性分别显著提高33.8%~69.6%、7.4%~20.8%、11.2%~69.0%、9.4%~25.1%,且CO2、CO3的变化幅度均显著高于CO1。冗余分析和结构方程模型显示,较高腐熟度有机肥(腐熟度≥80%)对MBC、MBN、NH4+-N含量、脲酶和蛋白酶活性具有正向调控作用,对土壤净硝化速率具有负向调控作用。化肥配施较高腐熟度有机肥可以明显增加土壤MBN,提升脲酶、蛋白酶活性,增加NH4+-N含量,降低土壤净硝化速率。因此,在实际应用中,建议采用腐熟度为80%的有机肥与化肥配施,减少有机肥生产成本及时间,实现有机固体废弃物的资源化利用。  相似文献   

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