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We investigated possible pre‐hatching mechanisms of sex‐differential investment by females that may contribute to offspring sex‐ratio adjustment enhancing the fitness return from reproductive effort in the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor). We found a seasonal shift in sex ratio from daughters to sons as the season advances. Furthermore, the probability of breeding at 1‐year old and recruitment into the breeding population in daughters is associated with laying date but not with mass at fledging. The reverse is true for males which rarely bred at 1‐year old. We also found that eggs containing female embryos are significantly heavier than those containing males in spite of the slight sexual dimorphism in favour of males. This suggests maternal control of provisioning, favouring daughters that may balance sibling mortality and competition with their brothers. Our results on seasonal variation in sex ratio and differential egg provisioning are consistent with an adaptive tactic in which mothers increase their reproductive return by enhancing the probability that daughters survive and breed in their first year of life.  相似文献   

Nestling begging in passerine birds is a complex behaviour that is shaped by a multitude of ecological factors and could be physiologically mediated by varying levels of steroid hormones. Previous research has shown links between sibling competition and testosterone and corticosterone in several bird species. The spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) is a medium sized passerine in which nestlings compete intensively for resources, often resulting in marked size hierarchies that can have profound effects on their fitness. We tested the hypothesis that an increase in sibling competition levels would result in increases in testosterone and corticosterone in this species. To this end we conducted a brood size manipulation, creating small, medium and large broods. This manipulation had the expected effect on morphology: nestling size and mass decreased with increasing brood size. Androgen levels varied in response to brood size manipulation but, contrary to expectations, the largest concentrations were found in reduced brood sizes. Corticosterone levels increased with increasing brood size, but this effect disappeared when we corrected for the time taken to process nestlings. Cell-mediated immune response was found to decrease with increasing brood size and testosterone levels. The results suggest that the proposed link between testosterone and corticosterone and sibling competition does not hold in this species, and underlines the diversity of species-specific responsiveness to steroids.  相似文献   

Song in songbirds is a learned secondary sexual behavior, first acquired during a sensitive phase of juvenile development, which is affected by hormones such as testosterone (T). While the latter has received much attention, the potential involvement of T in the adult repertoire changes observed in a number of species is much less understood. Yet, this may prove essential to understand the role of song as a sexually selected trait. We therefore performed a T-implantation experiment during the non-breeding season (when T is basal), using adult male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), a songbird species in which song repertoire size (and composition) changes seasonally and increases with age. Repertoire size increased rapidly in T-males, but not in control males, indicating a role for T in repertoire size changes. This increase resulted from a lower proportion of dropped song types in T-males than in control males, while the proportion of added song types did not differ between both groups. Interestingly, the observed repertoire turnover (adding and removing song types from the repertoire) in both groups, suggests that elevated plasma T levels were not essential for changes in repertoire composition (contrary to repertoire size). Finally, T-males (but not control males) significantly increased their song rate, while neither group showed a significant change in their song bout length and phrase repetition rate. Taken together, our results suggest a role for T in adult song learning and provide new insights into the information content of repertoire size and song bout length as sexually selected traits.  相似文献   

Previous studies in European starlings have concluded that conspecific crowding can be a significant stressor that is capable of simultaneously altering behavior, heart rate, and corticosterone (CORT) concentrations. It was hypothesized that the peptide hormone arginine vasotocin (AVT) has a role in the regulation of these three types of responses to crowding. Four male and four female resident starlings were submitted to nine combinations of 3 crowding treatments (0, 1, or 5 intruder starlings) and 3 subcutaneous injections (1, 4 microg AVT, and saline control). Resident starlings were given a treatment injection, their heart rate and behavior were monitored for 30 min, 0, 1, or 5 intruder Starlings were allowed to enter the residents cage, and HR and behavior were monitored for another 30 min. Blood samples were taken before and after all treatments to assess CORT concentrations. Exogenous AVT decreased the frequency of maintenance behaviors (feeding, drinking, preening, and beak wiping), as well as activity in resident starlings. Although aggressive behaviors upright posture, head feather expansion, and pecking) increased during crowding, these increases were significantly attenuated by AVT. Heart rate was significantly lower during these behavioral effects, and the CORT data indicate that the cardiovascular and behavioral effects are not dependent on significant increases in CORT. These data support the hypothesis that AVT's attenuation of general behavior and crowding induced aggression are modulated by a cardiovascular mechanism.  相似文献   

In studies conducted with fruits of the host plant, Symphoricarpus albus (L.), we examine the influence of egg load on the oviposition behaviour of Rhagoletis zephyria Snow (Diptera:Tephritidae). By altering the availability of exogenous protein, three classes of females with progressively increasing egg loads were produced, while keeping confounding factors such as age, experience, and mating status constant. Flies from all three classes were randomly presented with either a pheromone marked fruit, or with an unmarked fruit. Results indicate that increased egg load led to a greater propensity to accept, or superparasitize, the pheromone marked fruit. Upon dissection it was revealed that females which superparasitized had a mean egg load of 19.5 eggs (n=22), while females which rejected marked fruit had a mean egg load of 13.5 eggs (n=26). These results are consistent with the theory of adaptive superparasitism.  相似文献   

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