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Elevated levels of circulating corticosterone commonly occur in response to stressors in wild vertebrates. A rise in corticosterone, usually in animals of subordinate rank, results in a variety of effects on behavior and physiology. Behavioral and physiological responses to short-term increases in corticosterone are well studied. In contrast, the effects of chronic elevated levels of corticosterone are poorly understood, particularly in lizards. Here, we examined the long-term effects of exogenous corticosterone on locomotor performance, resting and active metabolic rate, and hematocrit in male side-blotched lizards Uta stansburiana. Corticosterone implantation resulted in higher levels of stamina relative to sham-surgery controls. In addition, lizards with elevated corticosterone exhibited lower resting metabolic rates relative to controls. Corticosterone had no effect on peak activity metabolism but did result in faster recovery times following exhaustive exercise. We suggest that elevated levels of corticosterone in response to dominance interactions promote enhanced locomotor abilities, perhaps as a flight response to avoid agonistic interactions. Furthermore, stressed lizards are characterized by lower resting metabolic rates, which may serve as strategy to conserve energy stores and enhance survival.  相似文献   

Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) are associated with strictly entomochoric and mutualistic fungi. We studied the mycobiota associated with Scolytodes unipunctatus, ambrosia beetles that infest Cecropia trees in Central America. Isolates were characterized using morphology and rDNA sequences (ITS region, LSU, and SSU rDNA). Four species are described here: Raffaelea scolytodis sp. nov. (Ophiostomatales), Gondwanamyces scolytodis sp. nov., Custingophora cecropiae sp. nov., and Graphium sp. (Microascales). The genus Custingophora is emended to include Knoxdaviesia anamorphs of Gondwanamyces based on uniformity of DNA sequences and phenotype.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of competitor density in influencing space use patterns of juvenile striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus), a density manipulation experiment was conducted within large (800 m2) field enclosures treated with low (20) and high (60) densities of hatchlings. Enclosures were monitored for 10 months, after which the experiment was replicated. Home range and core area sizes after release of lizards and initial establishment in the fall were significantly reduced in the high-density treatments; fall home range shape, measured as the perimeter-to-area ratio, was significantly reduced in low-density treatments; no significant differences were detected between treatments in core area shape or overlap. During the spring/early summer activity season after the lizard's first winter, no significant differences between density treatments were detected for any of these variables, as enclosure densities had converged between treatments. Individuals in high-density enclosures had increased their space use as competitor density had declined. These results illustrate that competitor density has significant influence on space use by juvenile lizards.  相似文献   

Chemical signals can be the basis of interspecific recognition and speciation in many animals. The Columbretes Islands wall lizard, Podarcis atrata is very close genetically to the mainland Iberian wall lizard Podarcis hispanica. However, a previous study suggested that chemosensory interspecific recognition would avoid reproductive interactions and hybridization between these two species. These results suggested that chemicals used in intraspecific communication might differ in composition and/or proportions between these two species. In this paper, we used gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) to characterize the chemical composition of the lipophilic fraction from femoral gland secretions of male P. atrata and P. hispanica. The analysis showed that chemicals found in femoral secretions varied in composition and proportions between species and between populations. Seven steroids and two unidentified waxy esters, were exclusive of P. atrata lizards from the islands. In contrast, nine steroids and other six compounds were only found in mainland P. hispanica. There were also differences in proportions of shared compounds between species. Moreover, all these differences were higher between P. atrata and P. hispanica than between any population of P. hispanica. Chemical differences might be consequence of genetic differences, but they could also be explained by adaptation to different habitats with different climatic conditions or diet resources. Compounds that are specific of each species, or differences in the pattern of compounds, could explain species recognition. Therefore, these results of chemical composition and previous studies of chemosensory recognition reinforce the fact that the genetic differences between P. hispanica and P. atrata may result in an effective reproductive isolation between these two taxa.  相似文献   

The relationship between male infertility and AZFc micro-deletions that remove multiple genes of the Y chromosome varies among countries and populations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence and the characteristics of different Deleted in azoospermia (DAZ) gene copy deletions and their association with spermatogenic failure and male infertility in Tunisian men. 241 infertile men (30.7% azoospermic (n = 74), 31.5% oligozoospermic (n = 76) and 37.7% normozoospermic (n = 91)) and 115 fertile healthy males who fathered at least one child were included in the study. Three DAZ-specific single nucleotide variant loci and six bi-allelic DAZ-SNVs (I–VI) were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–restriction fragment length polymorphism and PCR. Our findings showed high frequencies of infertile men (73.85%) and controls (78.26%) having only three DAZ gene copies (DAZ1/DAZ2/DAZ3 or DAZ1/DAZ3/DAZ4 variants); so deletion of DAZ2 or DAZ4 were frequent both in infertile (36.5% and 37.3%, respectively) and fertile groups (33.9% and 44.3%, respectively) and removing DAZ4 copy was significantly more frequent in oligospermic than in normospermic men (p = 0.04) in infertile group. We also report for the first time that simultaneous deletion of both DAZ2 and DAZ4 copies was significantly more common in infertile men (12.4%) than in fertile men (4.3%) (p = 0.01). However, deletions of DAZ1/DAZ2 and DAZ3/DAZ4 clusters were very rare. Analysis of DAZ gene copies in Tunisian population, suggested that the simultaneous deletion of DAZ2 and DAZ4 gene copies is associated with male infertility, and that oligospermia seems to be promoted by removing DAZ4 copy.  相似文献   

Beth Szyszka 《BBA》2007,1767(6):789-800
Chlamydomonas raudensis UWO 241 and SAG 49.72 represent the psychrophilic and mesophilic strains of this green algal species. This novel discovery was exploited to assess the role of psychrophily in photoacclimation to growth temperature and growth irradiance. At their optimal growth temperatures of 8 °C and 28 °C respectively, UWO 241 and SAG 49.72 maintained comparable photostasis, that is energy balance, as measured by PSII excitation pressure. Although UWO 241 exhibited higher excitation pressure, measured as 1-qL, at all growth light intensities, the relative changes in 1-qL were similar to that of SAG 49.72 in response to growth light. In response to suboptimal temperatures and increased growth irradiance, SAG 49.72 favoured energy partitioning of excess excitation energy through inducible, down regulatory processes (ΦNPQ) associated with the xanthophyll cycle and antenna quenching, while UWO 241 favoured xanthophyll cycle-independent energy partitioning through constitutive processes involved in energy dissipation (ΦNO). In contrast to SAG 49.72, an elevation in growth temperature induced an increase in PSI/PSII stoichiometry in UWO 241. Furthermore, SAG 49.72 showed typical threonine-phosphorylation of LHCII, whereas UWO 241 exhibited phosphorylation of polypeptides of comparable molecular mass to PSI reaction centres but the absence of LHCII phosphorylation. Thus, although both strains maintain an energy balance irrespective of their differences in optimal growth temperatures, the mechanisms used to maintain photostasis were distinct. We conclude that psychrophily in C. raudensis is complex and appears to involve differential energy partitioning, photosystem stoichiometry and polypeptide phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The metabolites produced by the secretory canals of the root cortex from four Smallanthus species belonging to the yacon group were identified as ent-kaurane-type diterpenes. The dichloromethane root cortex extracts of the four species were treated with diazomethane and analyzed comparatively by GC–MS using a simple and rapid procedure which is very sensitive and reproducible permitting detection of minor components. In all cases, ent-16-kauren-19-oic acid (kaurenoic acid) methyl ester was the main component, differences being observed only in the minor components. The minor components identified were grandiflorenic acid methyl ester, ent-16-kauren-19-al, 16α,17-epoxy-15α-angeloyloxy-kauran-19-oic acid methyl ester and several O-acyl derivatives at C-15 or C-18 of kaurenoic acid. One of the minor components, 18-isobutyroyloxy-ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid is a new kaurenoic acid derivative. Grandiflorenic acid and 15-α-angeloyloxy-16,17-α-epoxy-ent-16-kauren-19-oic acid were present only in Smallanthus sonchifolius and Smallanthus siegesbeckius which showed very similar GC traces. The different GC profile of RC diterpenes from Smallanthus connatus and Smallanthus macroscyphus supports the view that they are different taxa. Some chemotaxonomic aspects of the genus Smallanthus and the subtribe Milleriinae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratory described the in vitro killing of Borrelia burgdorferi when co-cultured with saliva from adult Amblyomma americanum. Borreliacidal activity was not evident using Ixodes scapularis saliva. Mixing trypsin with saliva eliminated the borreliacidal activity of A. americanum saliva, while incorporating a trypsin inhibitor restored all borreliacidal activity, indicating this factor was of protein or peptide origin. One-dimensional PAGE indicated at least 7 major protein differences between I. scapularis and A. americanum saliva. To determine the borreliacidal factor, A. americanum saliva was fractionated by gel filtration and subsequent killing of B. burgdorferi was associated with a single fraction. Two-dimensional gel analysis indicated protein and/or peptide(s) in borreliacidal fractions running between 38 and 64 kDa. Finally, admixing saliva with the phospholipase A2 inhibitor oleyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine completely eliminated the ability of A. americanum saliva to kill B. burgdorferi. These studies indicate the borreliacidal activity found in A. americanum saliva is likely due to phospholipase A2 enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity performance of reptiles is largely temperature dependent and, in harsh environments with short activity periods during the day and throughout the year, plays a vital role in the fitness of the species. This particular study focuses on the performance and the thermal sensitivity for running, at different body temperatures, of the two southernmost species of lizards in the world, Liolaemus sarmientoi and Liolaemus magellanicus, studied at two locations in the south of Santa Cruz province, Argentina (51°S, 70°W and 50°S, 72°W; 133 m asl). The speed of sprint and long runs was measured in the field to determine the physiological performance of lizards at different air temperatures. In both species speed increases with the temperature, and they reach the highest performance at high temperatures. The difference between activity and thermal optima suggests that L. magellanicus has colonized its actual environment recently, and that it has not had enough time for its physiological mechanisms to evolve and achieve a maximum performance at the cold temperatures they have to tolerate at present. In contrast, L. sarmientoi achieved a high performance over a wider range of temperatures that included temperatures lower than the preferred temperatures in the lab, which they can generally find in their environment.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of root nodulating bacteria isolated from Retama sphaerocarpa was studied using BOX-A1R PCR and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA region, as well as the housekeeping genes atpD, glnII and recA. A total of 193 isolates were obtained from eight different sites with different soil and environmental conditions in the Iberian Peninsula. These isolates corresponded to 31 different strains that successfully nodulated R. sphaerocarpa seedlings in reinoculation trials. About one-third of the strains clustered with B. canariense or B. cytisi within Bradyrhizobium group I. The remaining strains clustered with B. elkanii/B. pachyrhizi within Bradyrhizobium group II or in separate clades that could represent new lineages. Based on the 16S rRNA and combined atpD + glnII + recA sequences, two to three lineages of root nodulating bacteria were found at each sampling site, except for Collado Garcia where five species were detected. B. canariense and B. elkanii/B. pachyrhizi were the most abundant species, whereas the least abundant were those related to B. retamae and a putative new lineage. B. canariense was found only in soils with neutral and acid pH, whereas B. retamae was the dominant species in alkaline soils.  相似文献   

Buddleja davidii is a widespread shrub in Asia while B. yunnanensis is a narrowly endemic species limited to Yunnan Province, China. To explore whether floral volatiles, morphological characters of flower and seed and breeding system are correlated with their distributions, we measured length and width of corolla, trichome density at corolla throat, level of stigma/anthers relationship, seed size and weight. The results indicated that these characteristics were significantly different between the two species (P < 0.01). Bagging experiments revealed that B. davidii is a self-incompatible plant while B. yunnanensis is self-compatible. Thick trichome density at the corolla throat may reduce out-crossing in B. yunnanensis. Autogamy plays an important role in fruit production of this species while B. davidii requires pollinators for fruiting. Scents were collected using dynamic headspace adsorption method and identified with coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In total, 27 floral scent compounds were identified. The volatile composition in the two species was very different. We attempted to determine if these features, associated with commonness and with rarity found in these two taxa, could also help to explain the distribution pattern of other species of the genus Buddleja.  相似文献   

In this study we identified a potential pro-apoptotic caspase gene, Bombyx mori(B. mori)ICE-2 (BmICE-2) which encoded a polypeptide of 284 amino acid residues, including a 169QACRG173 sequence which surrounded the catalytic site and contained a p20 and a p10 domain. BmICE-2 expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) exhibited high proteolytic activity for the synthetic human initiator caspase-9 substrates Ac-LEHD-pNA, but little activity towards the effector caspase-3 substrates Ac-DEVD-pNA. When BmICE-2 was transiently expressed in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells, we found that the high proteolytic activity for Ac-LEHD-pNA triggered caspase-3-like protease activity resulting in spontaneous cleavage and apoptosis in these cells. This effect was not replicated in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells. In addition, spontaneous cleavage of endogenous BmICE-2 in BmN-SWU1 cells could be induced by actinomycin D. These results suggest that BmICE-2 may be a novel pro-apoptotic gene with caspase-9 activity which is involved apoptotic processes in BmN-SWU1 silkworm B. mori cells.  相似文献   

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