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In group-living species, decisions made by individuals may result in collective behaviours. A central question in understanding collective behaviours is how individual variation in phenotype affects collective behaviours. However, how the personality of individuals affects collective decisions in groups remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the role of boldness on the decision-making process in different-sized groups of barnacle geese. Naive barnacle geese, differing in boldness score, were introduced in a labyrinth in groups with either one or three informed demonstrators. The demonstrators possessed information about the route through the labyrinth. In pairs, the probability of choosing a route prior to the informed demonstrator increased with increasing boldness score: bolder individuals decided more often for themselves where to go compared with shyer individuals, whereas shyer individuals waited more often for the demonstrators to decide and followed this information. In groups of four individuals, however, there was no effect of boldness on decision-making, suggesting that individual differences were less important with increasing group size. Our experimental results show that personality is important in collective decisions in pairs of barnacle geese, and suggest that bolder individuals have a greater influence over the outcome of decisions in groups.  相似文献   

We analysed barnacle Branta leucopsis and pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus summer diets (May–July 2003) based on the proportions of different plant constituents in the faecal material of adult breeding birds in Sassendalen, Svalbard to assess potential inter-specific competition. Diets were highly restricted and overlapped little during pre-nesting and post hatch. During incubation both species showed greatest variety in their diet, reflecting site-specific differences in local food abundance. However, locally the diets of pink-footed and barnacle geese resembled each other most at this time (although still differing significantly). The conflicting needs of nest defence and maintenance of body condition constrains the extent of the feeding resource utilised by nesting pairs and explains slightly greater dietary overlap at this time. Hence, there is little evidence of inter-specific competition (interference or depletion) at present, but this is most likely to be manifest during the incubation period in the future if goose numbers continue to increase. More detailed investigations of the degree of spatial overlap of the two species and their effects on plant structure, quality and community composition are necessary to predict likely outcomes of expected increases in numbers of both goose species.  相似文献   

Competitive ability is a major determinant of fitness, but why individuals vary so much in their competitiveness remains only partially understood. One increasingly prevalent view is that realized competitive ability varies because it represents alternative strategies that arise because of the costs associated with competitiveness. Here we use a population of great tits (Parus major) to explore whether individual differences in competitive ability when foraging can be explained by two traits that have previously been linked to alternative behavioural strategies: the personality trait 'exploration behaviour' and a simple cognitive trait, 'innovative problem-solving performance'. We assayed these traits under standardized conditions in captivity and then measured competitive ability at feeders with restricted access in the wild. Competitive ability was repeatable within individual males across days and correlated positively with exploration behaviour, representing the first such demonstration of a link between a personality trait and both competitive ability and food intake in the wild. Competitive ability was also simultaneously negatively correlated with problem-solving performance; individuals who were poor competitors were good at problem-solving. Rather than being the result of variation in 'individual quality', our results support the hypothesis that individual variation in competitive ability can be explained by alternative behavioural strategies.  相似文献   

In barnacle geese Branta leucopsis, pair-bond members generally remain together every day, each year, often for life. Geesethat maintain long-lasting pair bonds during their lifetimeproduce more offspring than those with shorter pair durations.This result was shown while statistically controlling for thebirds' life span and the proportion of life spent without apartner, two variables that also influence lifetime reproductivesuccess. I argue that continuous partnerships are maintainedin highly competitive goose societies because of the constantneed for female—male cooperation, without which acquiringadequate resources for reproduction would be prohibitive forboth sexes.  相似文献   

After testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the main hormone involved in aggressive behaviour in birds. While the role of DHEA has been verified for wintering territorial passerines, it has not been shown for gregarious species. In wintering geese species, both sexes present very low testosterone levels and aggression in a non-sexual context is not testosterone-related. Therefore, testosterone does not seem to be responsible for aggressive behaviour by geese during winter and the role of DHEA must be explored. We used brent geese (Branta bernicla bernicla) to examine the roles of testosterone and DHEA in dominance relationships. For the first time, we highlighted the presence of plasma DHEA in free-living geese. As the level of DHEA was lower than that of testosterone, and there was no obvious impact of DHEA level on dominance status, our results failed to confirm the role of plasma DHEA in the social hierarchies of this species during winter. Nevertheless, because DHEA levels were greater in singletons than in paired birds, we discuss the need to explore hormonal and/or behavioural mechanisms implicated within dominance status acquisition and maintenance within each reproductive status class, to underline the role of the presence of relatives as a signal of dominance abilities. We also acknowledge and discuss the possibility that the long handling time may have affected DHEA levels and masked subtle differences between individuals.  相似文献   

The prevalence of coccidian parasites in three Octopus tehuelchus populations from San Matías Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina) is compared. The prevalence was similar between sexes, but varied between seasons (being highest during cold months) and sites. Islote Lobos had the highest prevalence (42.7–100%) followed by San Antonio Bay (0–66%) and El Fuerte (0–24.5%). Octopuses under 27 mm of dorsal mantle length showed a low prevalence (less than 50%), which increased with size. We hypothesize that the high prevalence of parasites, which affect the three populations differentially, could account for the observed variability in life-span and growth, size–frequency distributions, reproduction and densities of O. tehuelchus populations.  相似文献   

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