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The plasma protein alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) was purified by gel filtration and anion-exchange chromatography from grass carp plasma. The alpha2M consists of two different subunits of molecular weight 95 kDa and 80 kDa, respectively. The characteristics of grass carp alpha2M are similar to mammalian alpha2M, in that grass carp alpha2M exists in two forms: a fast-form and a slow-form. The former is complexed with protease. The sequence of grass carp alpha2M-conserved region and a region containing the bait region was determined by sequence analysis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The deduced amino acid sequence of the conserved region is similar to the alpha2M sequence of common carp, however, the bait region amino acid sequence is dramatically distinct from that of common carp. This may partially explain the differential ability of alpha2M of different species to inhibit different proteases. The alpha2M was able to inhibit Aeromonas hydrophila extracellular protease (AhECPase) and thus may play a role in resistance to infection by this pathogen.  相似文献   

Chicken alpha-macroglobulin (alpha M) and ovomacroglobulin were purified by Ni+2 chelate chromatography. These proteins had similar subunit structure as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Chicken alpha M bound 1.0 mol and ovomacroglobulin bound 0.8 mol 125I-trypsin per mol inhibitor, respectively. Ovomacroglobulin cleared rapidly from the circulation of mice, and the clearance was inhibited by asialoorosomucoid, but native chicken alpha M cleared slowly (t 1/2 greater than 1 h). After reaction with trypsin, this alpha-macroglobulin cleared rapidly (t 1/2 = 3 min), and this clearance was inhibited by a 1000-fold molar excess of human alpha 2M-methylamine. Ovomacroglobulin-trypsin did not inhibit the binding of 0.2 nM 125I-labeled human alpha 2M-methylamine to mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro, but chicken alpha M reacted with trypsin inhibited the binding by 50% at 1.9 nM. A kappa I of 1.1 nM was calculated for the binding of chicken alpha M-trypsin to the mammalian alpha-macroglobulin receptor. This affinity is comparable to that obtained with human and bovine alpha 2M.  相似文献   

Purification of the human placental alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor was solubilized from human placental membranes, purified and characterized. Affinity cross-linking of labelled ligand to intact membranes showed a receptor size compatible with 400-500 kDa. The membranes were solubilized in 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propane sulfonate (CHAPS) and affinity chromatography was performed using Sepharose-immobilized alpha 2-macroglobulin-methylamine with elution in buffer containing 2 mM EDTA, pH 6.0. SDS-PAGE of the resulting receptor preparation showed a predominant approx. 440 kDa band (reducing conditions) and some minor accompanying proteins of 70-90 kDa and 40 kDa. The yield was 400-800 micrograms receptor preparation per placenta. The receptor preparation immobilized on nitrocellulose bound the alpha 2-macroglobulin-trypsin complex with a dissociation constant of about 400 pM. 125I-iodinated receptor preparation bound almost quantitatively to Sepharose-immobilized alpha 2-macroglobulin-methylamine in the presence of CHAPS alone, and bound 70-80% in the presence of 0.2% SDS. The labelled proteins were separated in the presence of 0.2% SDS by gel filtration or SDS-PAGE (unboiled samples). The 440 kDa protein accounted for the major part of the binding, although some approx. 80 kDa proteins, perhaps proteolytic degradation products, also showed binding activity.  相似文献   

Treatment of normal human plasma with methylamine resulted in the discovery of an interleukin-1 beta(IL-1 beta) binding protein. The protein was labeled with 125I-IL-1 beta and the relative molecular mass (Mr) determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein-IL-1 beta complex had a Mr of approximately 400,000 in non-reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis but became dissociated when exposed to beta-mercaptoethanol. The 125I-IL-1 beta labeled protein complex could be immunoprecipitated from plasma by using an anti-alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) antiserum. Similarly, a monoclonal antibody (mAb) specific for electrophoretically fast ("F")alpha 2M was able to adsorb the 125I-IL-1 beta labeled complex from plasma. The mAb was also capable of adsorbing "F" alpha 2M-125I-IL-1 beta complexes from binary reaction mixtures, but failed to adsorb free 125I-IL-1 beta. Experiments carried out with purified plasma alpha 2M established that IL-1 beta became bound to alpha 2M only upon reaction with trypsin or methylamine, which results in the appearance of free thiol groups in alpha 2M ("F" alpha 2M). There was no binding of IL-1 beta to the native form of alpha 2M (electrophoretically slow or "S" alpha 2M), which lacks free thiol groups. Pretreatment of "F" alpha 2M with N-ethylmaleimide or [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)] tetraacetic acid prevented complex formation between "F" alpha 2M and IL-1 beta. In contrast, the yield of "F" alpha 2M IL-1 beta complex formation was increased severalfold in the presence of 2.5 mM Zn2+. These findings indicate that "F" alpha 2M interacts with IL-1 beta through a thiol-disulfide exchange reaction. Zn2+ may play a major role in bringing together the reactive domains of the adjoining peptide backbones into proper orientation. The ready complex formation between "F" alpha 2M and the pleiotropic cytokine IL-1 beta suggests a novel biological role for "F" alpha 2M, since "F" alpha 2M-IL-1 beta complexes, but not "F" alpha 2M alone, retained IL-1-like activity in the thymocyte costimulator bioassay.  相似文献   

alpha(2)-Macroglobulin (alpha(2)M) is a broad-spectrum protease-binding protein abundant in plasma from vertebrates and several invertebrate phyla. This protein was purified from cell-free hemolymph of the white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, using Blue-Sepharose and Phenyl-Sepharose chromatography. The shrimp alpha(2)M is a 380 kDa protein, a homodimer of two apparently identical subunits of approximately 180 kDa linked by disulphide bridges. The amino acid sequence of the N-terminus is similar to the Limulus alpha(2)M counterpart. The shrimp alpha(2)M has a wide inhibition spectrum against different proteinase types including trypsin, leucine amino peptidase, chymotrypsin, elastase and papain. The secondary structure of shrimp alpha(2)M is mainly beta-sheet (36%), with a characteristic minimum elipticity at 217 nm. Evidence for a thiolester-mediated inhibition mechanism of proteases by alpha(2)M was provided by inactivation with methylamine.  相似文献   

Characterization of thrombin binding to alpha 2-macroglobulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation and structural characteristics of the human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M)-thrombin complex were studied by intrinsic protein fluorescence, sulfhydryl group titration, electrophoresis in denaturing and nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel systems, and in macromolecular inhibitor assays. The interaction between alpha 2M and thrombin was also assessed by comparison of sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoretic patterns of peptides produced by Staphylococcus aureus V-8 proteinase digests of denatured alpha 2M-125I-thrombin and alpha 2M-125I-trypsin complexes. In experiments measuring fluorescence changes and sulfhydryl group exposure caused by methylamine, we found that thrombin produced its maximum effects at a mole ratio of approximately 1.3:1 (thrombin:alpha 2M). Measurements of the ability of alpha 2M to bind trypsin after prior reaction with thrombin indicated that thrombin binds rapidly at one site on alpha 2M, but occupies the second site with some difficulty. Intrinsic fluorescence studies of trypsin binding to alpha 2M at pH 5.0, 6.5, and 8.0 not only revealed striking differences in trypsin's behavior over this pH range, but also some similarities between the behavior of thrombin and trypsin not heretofore recognized. Structural studies, using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to measure alpha 2M-125I-thrombin covalent complex formation, indicated that covalency reached a maximum at a mole ratio of approximately 1.5:1. At this ratio, only 1 mol of thrombin is bound covalently per mol of alpha 2M. These gel studies and those of proteolytic digests of denatured alpha 2M-125I-trypsin and alpha 2M-125I-thrombin complexes suggest that proteinases form covalent bonds with uncleaved alpha 2M subunits. The sum of our results is consistent with a mechanism of proteinase binding to alpha 2M in which the affinity of the proteinase for alpha 2M during an initial reversible interaction determines its binding ratio to the inhibitor.  相似文献   

To better understand the structural basis for the binding of proteinase-transformed human alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) to its receptor, we have used three-dimensional multinuclear NMR spectroscopy to determine the secondary structure of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of human alpha2M. Assignment of the backbone NMR resonances of RBD was made using 13C/15-N and 15N-enriched RBD expressed in Escherichia coli. The secondary structure of RBD was determined using 1H and 13C chemical shift indices and inter- and intrachain nuclear Overhauser enhancements. The secondary structure consists of eight strands in beta-conformation and one alpha-helix, which together comprise 44% of the protein. The beta-strands form three regions of antiparallel beta-sheet. The two lysines previously identified as being critical for receptor binding are located in (Lys1374), and immediately adjacent to (Lys1370) the alpha-helix, which also contains an (Arg1378). Secondary structure predictions of other alpha-macroglobulins show the conservation of this alpha-helix and suggest an important role for this helix and for basic residues within it for receptor binding.  相似文献   

These studies explore the role of conformational change and exposed carbohydrate residues in the clearance of alpha 2-macroglobulin-trypsin (alpha 2M-T) complexes in the mouse. Human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) was purified and demonstrated to be homogeneous in the electrophoretic "slow" form. Two conformationally altered derivatives, alpha 2M-T and alpha 2-macroglobulin-methylamine (alpha 2M-MeNH2), were prepared and demonstrated to exist in the electrophoretic "fast" form. Radiolabeled alpha 2M-T and alpha 2M-MeNH2 were cleared rapidly with a half-life of 2-4 min following injection into mice. Radiolabeled native alpha 2M, however, remained in the circulation with a half-life of several hours. Both alpha 2M-T and alpha 2M-MeNH2 bound specifically to mouse peritoneal macrophages at 4 degrees C and occupancy of receptor sites increased with increasing time and radioligand concentration. Excess amounts of unlabeled alpha 2M-T or alpha 2M-MeNH2 cross-completed with trace amounts of the other in both clearance studies and binding assays, indicating that both derivatives were removed by the same receptor pathway. The clearance and binding of alpha 2M-T and alpha 2M-MeNH2 were not inhibited by excess amounts of unlabeled asialoorosomucoid, fucosyl-bovine serum albumin, mannosyl-BSA, or N-acetylglucosaminyl-BSA. Our results indicate that the clearance pathway removing alpha 2M-T complexes from the circulation recognizes a fundamental conformational change in alpha 2M secondary to protease binding, which can also be induced by exposure to methylamine. Therefore, other chemical or physical alterations that occur in alpha 2M upon binding trypsin, apart from the conformational change also present in alpha 2M-MeNH2, do not seem necessary for the recognition of alpha 2M-T by cells in the clearance pathway. In addition, this pathway appears distinct from several systems already described mediating clearance of glycoproteins through recognition of terminal galactose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, or mannose on oligosaccharide side chains.  相似文献   

The alpha 2-adrenergic receptor was purified from rat adrenocortical carcinoma 494 by an affinity chromatographic step using a novel para-aminoclonidine-sepharose resin followed by a gel-permeation high performance liquid chromatographic step. The iodinated receptor protein was homogeneous as evidenced by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by high performance liquid chromatography. Both SDS-PAGE and high performance liquid chromatographic studies revealed that Mr of the protein was 64,000, suggesting the monomeric nature of the receptor protein. The purified protein showed the typical binding characteristics of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

Human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptors have been purified approximately 80,000-fold to apparent homogeneity by a five-step chromatographic procedure. The overall yield starting from the membranes is approximately 2%. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of radioiodinated protein from purified receptor preparations shows a single major band of Mr 64,000. The specific binding activity of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor after four chromatographic steps is 14.5 nmol/mg protein. This value is consistent with the expected theoretical specific activity (15.6 nmol/mg) for a protein with a molecular mass of 64,000 daltons if it is assumed that there is one ligand-binding site/receptor molecule. The purified protein can be covalently labeled with the alkylating alpha-adrenergic ligand, [3H]phenoxybenzamine. This labeling is specific, and it shows that the Mr 64,000 protein contains the ligand binding site of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor. In addition, the competitive binding of ligands to the purified receptor protein shows the proper alpha 2-adrenergic specificity. The alpha 2-adrenergic receptor contains an essential sulfhydryl residue. Thus, exposure of the purified receptor to the sulfhydryl-specific reagent, phenylmercuric chloride, resulted in an 80% loss of binding activity. This loss of binding activity was prevented when exposure to phenylmercuric chloride was done in the presence of alpha 2-adrenergic ligands, and it was reversed by subsequent exposure to dithiothreitol. Partial proteolysis of purified alpha 2-adrenergic receptors was obtained with Staphylococcus aureus V-8 protease, alpha-chymotrypsin, and papain. In a comparison with purified beta 2-adrenergic receptors, no common partial proteolytic products were found.  相似文献   

alpha 1-Adrenergic receptors from a cultured smooth muscle cell line (DDT1 MF-2) have been solubilized with digitonin and purified to apparent homogeneity by sequential chromatography on a biospecific affinity support (Sepharose-A55453 (4-amino-6,7-dimethoxy-2-[4-[5-(4-amino-3-phenyl) pentanoyl]-1-piperazinyl]-quinazoline), an alpha 1 receptor-selective antagonist), a wheat germ agglutinin-agarose gel, and a high performance steric exclusion liquid chromatography column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography of iodinated purified receptor preparations reveals a peptide with an apparent Mr = 80,000 that co-migrates with the peptide labeled by the specific alpha 1-adrenergic receptor photoaffinity probe 4-amino-6,7-dimethoxy-2-[4-[5-(4-azido-3-[125I]iodophenyl)pentanoyl] -1-piperazinyl] quinazoline. The specific activity (approximately 13,600 pmol of ligand binding/mg of protein) of purified receptor preparations is consistent with that expected for a pure peptide of Mr = 80,000 containing a single ligand binding site. Overall yields approximate 14% of initial crude particulate binding. The purified receptor preparations bind agonist and antagonist ligands with appropriate alpha 1-adrenergic specificity, stereoselectivity, and affinity. Peptide maps of the pure alpha 1-adrenergic receptor and the pure human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor (Regan, J.W., Nakata, H., DeMarinis, R.M., Caron, M.G., and Lefkowitz, R.J. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 3894-3900) using several different proteases suggest that these two receptors show little if any structural homology.  相似文献   

The alpha(2-)macroglobulin receptor (alpha(2)MR) has been reported to mediate the internalization of the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) via ligand binding to both receptors. To target malignant uPAR-expressing cells and to determine whether uPAR can internalize without ligand binding to alpha(2)MR, we engineered two recombinant toxins, ATF-PE38 and ATF-PE38KDEL. Each consists of the amino-terminal fragment (ATF) of human urokinase and a truncated form of Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) devoid of domain Ia, which binds alpha(2)MR. ATF-PE38 and ATF-PE38KDEL were cytotoxic toward malignant uPAR-bearing cells, with IC(50) values as low as 0.02 ng/ml (0.3 pM). Cytotoxicity could be blocked using either recombinant urokinase or free ATF, indicating that the cytotoxicity of the recombinant toxins was specific. Radiolabeled ATF-PE38 had high affinity for uPAR (K(d) = 0.4-8 nM) on a variety of different malignant cell types and internalized at a rate similar to that of ATF. The cytotoxicity was not diminished by receptor-associated protein, which binds and shields the alpha(2)MR from other proteins, or by incubation with phorbol myristate acetate, which is known to decrease the number of alpha(2)MRs in U937 cells or by antibodies to alpha(2)MR. Therefore, these recombinant toxins appear to internalize via uPAR without association with the alpha(2)MR.  相似文献   

An alpha 2-macroglobulin with trypsin-like activity has been purified from pleural fluids of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis. The isolation procedure includes ammonium sulphate precipitation, gel-filtration on Sephadex G-200 and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. It gives 46-fold purification of alpha 2-macroglobulin with a 13% recovery. Based on titration experiments with pancreatic inhibitor, the protein from three different patients contained 0.28, 0.46 and 0.80 mol of trypsin-like protease per mol of alpha 2-macroglobulin.  相似文献   

Pregnancy zone protein (PZP) was isolated from late pregnancy serum and examined for binding to normal skin fibroblasts in culture. A high-affinity binding site on these cells is demonstrated for PZP reacted with methylamine. Experiments with alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) and PZP, both modified by methylamine, showed this receptor to be identical to the previously characterized receptor for alpha 2M-proteinase complexes (Van Leuven, F., Cassiman, J.J., and Van den Berghe, H. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 5155-5160). With available monoclonal antibodies directed toward alpha 2M and prepared toward PZP, only a limited cross-reaction was observed. We obtained a monoclonal antibody which defines a neo-antigenic site on PZP-methylamine, completely analogous to the monoclonal antibody F2B2, which was previously shown to define a neo-antigenic site on alpha 2M complexes (Marynen, P., Van Leuven, F., Cassiman, J.J., and Van den Berghe, H. (1981) J. Immunol. 127, 1782-1786). These results provide evidence for the homologous function of alpha 2M and PZP as proteinase scavengers. The need for an extra proteinase inhibitor of the alpha 2M-type in pregnancy is discussed. The monoclonal antibodies now available will prove helpful in quantitation and eventually isolation of proteinase complexes of alpha 2M and PZP.  相似文献   

Human alpha(2)-macroglobulin-proteinase complexes bind to their receptor, the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), through a discrete 138-residue C-terminal receptor binding domain (RBD), which also binds to the beta-amyloid peptide. We have used NMR spectroscopy on recombinantly expressed uniformly (13)C/(15)N-labeled human RBD to determine its three-dimensional structure in solution. Human RBD is a sandwich of two antiparallel beta-sheets, one four-strand and one five-strand, and also contains one alpha-helix of 2.5 turns and an additional 1-turn helical region. The principal alpha-helix contains two lysine residues on the outer face that are known to be essential for receptor binding. A calcium binding site (K(d) approximately 11 mM) is present in the loop region at one end of the beta-sandwich. Calcium binding principally affects this loop region and does not significantly perturb the stable core structure of the domain. The structure and NMR assignments will enable us to examine in solution specific binding of RBD to domains of the receptor and to beta-amyloid peptide.  相似文献   

Ligand affinity chromatography was used to purify a cell surface alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) receptor. Detergent extracts of human placenta were applied to an affinity matrix consisting of alpha 2M, previously reacted with methylamine, coupled to Sepharose. Elution with EDTA specifically released polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 420 and 39 kD. In some preparations, small amounts of a 90-kD polypeptide were observed. The 420- and 39-kD polypeptides appear specific for the forms of alpha 2M activated by reaction with proteinases or methylamine and do not bind to an affinity matrix consisting of native alpha 2M coupled to Sepharose. Separation of these two polypeptides was accomplished by anion exchange chromatography, and binding activity was exclusively associated with the 420-kD polypeptide. The purified 420-kD protein binds to the conformationally altered forms of alpha 2M that are known to specifically interact with alpha 2M receptors and does not bind to native alpha 2M. Binding of the 420-kD polypeptide to immobilized wheat germ agglutinin indicates that this polypeptide is a glycoprotein. The cell surface localization of the 420-kD glycoprotein was confirmed by affinity chromatography of extracts from surface radioiodinated fibroblasts. These properties suggest that the 420-kD polypeptide is a cell surface receptor for the activated forms of alpha 2M.  相似文献   

Pancreatic and urinary kallikreins failed to form the typical serine proteinase complex with alpha2M (alpha2-macroglobulin). Studies were performed to compare this with the binding of trypsin to alpha2M at various molar binding ratios, with the use of Sephadex G-200 gel filtration to separate free and alpha2M-bound enzyme fractions. The subunit conversion was totally absent with pancreatic kallikrein from lhich traces of a binding proteinase had been removed. The lack of binding is believed to be the result of the restricted specificity of the kallikreins.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Macroglobulin and hemopexin were purified by affinity chromatography on a recently introduced chelating matrix, i.e., carboxymethylated aspartic acid agarose, coupled with cobalt(II). Adsorption was performed at neutral pH and the proteins were eluted by lowering the pH to 5.0. An alternative method for desorption as well as comparison with iminodiacetic acid agarose coupled with cobalt(II) is also described.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Macroglobulin receptor was extracted from human diploid fibroblasts and purified by affinity chromatography in a single step. The receptor had mol.wt. 125 000 after sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The isolated receptor was separated by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, transferred on to nitrocellulose sheets and subsequently renatured, as shown by a specific binding test, by incubation with Nonidet P40.  相似文献   

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