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中国蝎目名录(蛛形纲:蝎目)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文根据我国蝎目种类已有的记述,归纳列出5科9属19种和亚种的学名、引证及其地理分布,以供今后研究参考.  相似文献   

本文记述了中国跳蛛科二新种,壮拟蝇虎Plexippoides validus和异形孔蛛Portia heteroides,附有图版及详细文字描述,测量长度单位为毫米(mm)。  相似文献   

我国5种土壤伪蝎记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋大祥 《蛛形学报》1996,5(1):75-80
记述采自我国亚热带土壤的蛛形纲伪蝎目5种:土伪蝎科Chthoniidae的强壮暴伪蝎Tyrannochthonius robustus和北部湾拉伪蝎Lagynochthonius tonkinensis,木伪蝎科Neobisiidae的中国华肉伪蝎Chinocreagris chinensis、巨小肉伪蝎Microcreagirs gigas和东方小肉伪蝎M.orientalis.  相似文献   

首次报道了采自中国贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区一洞穴的多腺巨伪蝎Megachernes glandulosus Mahnert,2009雌性,并对其形态特征进行了详细描述。标本保存于河北大学博物馆(MHBU)。多腺巨伪蝎Megachernes glandulosus Mahnert,2009(图1~3)鉴别特征:该种触肢非常粗短,触肢膝节中央明显具1突起,腿节和膝节着生大量浓密的长羽状刚毛;背甲刚毛正常;基节、第Ⅳ~Ⅸ每半个腹板和触肢螯固定指基部内侧面具大量腺体刚毛,第三步足和第四步足腿节和膝节腹面着生有大量腺体微刚毛。  相似文献   

吉林长白山蝎蛉记述(长翅目:蝎蛉科)   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  

本文记述采自我国云南、湖南两省的4种跳蛛。其中有两个新种:双屏八氏跳蛛Yaginumaella bilaguncula sp.nov.和南岳八氏跳蛛Yaginumaella nanyuensis sp.nov.;2个新记录种是:直管胶跳蛛Gelotia syringopalpis Wanless,1984和山地八氏跳蛛Yaginumaellamontana Zabka,1981。胶跳蛛属Gelot  相似文献   

记述了我国跳蛛科1新种;角拟蝇虎Plexippoides cornntus sp.nov.及两新记录种,荣艾普蛛Epeus glorius Zabka,1985和不丹蝇虎Plexippus bhulani Zabka,1990。测量长度单位为mm。  相似文献   

记述我国湖南省巨蟹蛛科2新种,命名为龙山中遁蛛,新种Sinopoda longshan sp.nov.和石门巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda shimen sp.nov.。  相似文献   

蝎蛉属Panorpa东北一新种(长翅目:蝎蛉科)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文描述产自中国东北辽宁和黑龙江的蝎蛉1新种-刘氏蝎蛉Panorpa liui,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

Following the first records of Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) boldorii Beier, 1934 in central Europe, a species which was previously assumed to occur exclusively in Mediterranean caves, 116 series (595 specimens) of the cryptic taxa C. (E.) boldorii and C. (E.) fuscimanus Simon, 1900 (Syn. C. (E.) austriacus Beier, 1931) were re-examined. Although multivariate analyses suggest specific separation, there is only one unequivocal character for discrimination: the presence or absence of a single isolated tooth on the moveable finger of the chelicerae. The distributions were found to be largely allopatric, therefore it is concluded that the species rank of the two morphospecies is justified. North of the Alps, an almost vicariant pattern emerged: east of 14° E fuscimanus occurs, west of this line boldorii occurs. The results provide a basis for discussing the relevance of minute morphological differences in pseudoscorpion taxonomy.  相似文献   

A key based on bibliographic sources is given for identifying the 15 extant known pseudoscorpion species of the genus Amblyolpium recorded from different localities throughout the world. Species of Amblyolpium mostly occur in the Mediterranean basin, the Near to Far East, and the genus is only recorded with one species from South America. Amblyolpium bellum is redescribed and illustrated based on four males and two females collected for the first time from southern Iran.  相似文献   

Despite the great biodiversity in the Arachnida, some taxa are still now poorly known, mainly in terms of biology, ecology, and behavior. Pseudoscorpions are small arachnids (2–8 mm) that live in cryptic environments, being in general solitary predators of other invertebrates. The most studied Pseudoscorpion species are those from temperate areas, which revealed that Pseudoscorpiones present some level of sociality based on maternal care. Most developed sociality is seen in tropical species. Here, we reviewed this issue, presented examples of social behavior, and suggested the steps involved in the evolution of permanent sociality in the Neotropical Atemnidae genus, Paratemnoides. We discussed that the extended parental care, division of labor, cooperative breeding and feeding, and the tolerance among members dividing the same share could be considered enough to characterize a true social life, same in invertebrates.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the cave pseudoscorpion Maxchernes iporangae Mahnert & Andrade, 1998 (Chernetidae), was studied under laboratory conditions. A total of 24 pairings was observed. Mating was divided into three phases: predeposition (dance), spermatophore deposition and transfer, and posttransfer phase. The mean mating duration was 67.3 min based on 10 observations. Spermatophore morphology is described and consists of a stalk, a drop of fluid, and an -shaped sperm package. Males and females can mate several times in the same reproductive period. However, consecutive mating was not observed between a female and the same or another male.  相似文献   

Minniza persica, which has been described briefly by Beier in 1951 on the basis of specimens from Hormozgan and Mazandaran provinces of Iran, was recently collected again from Hormozgan and Fars provinces and is described and illustrated here. The subspecies M. persica deminuta Beier is regarded as synonymous with the nominate subspecies.  相似文献   

本文对我国优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae(除悬茧峰属Meteorus Haliday以外)的分类研究情况作了总结,并列出我国已知种名录(26属154种)。  相似文献   

The cuticle of arthropods is usually composed of layers of a chitin-protein-microcomposite, a proteinaceous epicuticle and a thin lipid coating. However, in some instances a thick cement layer (cerotegument) covers the cuticle and may produce elaborate microstructures. This has previously been described for millipedes and mites. Here we report the previously unknown presence of a superhydrophobic cerotegument in whip-spiders (Ambypygi) and reveal its variation in ultrastructure and water-repellence between species. We discuss the relevance of found micro-morphological and physical characters for taxonomy and phylogenetics of this group, and the potential biological functions.  相似文献   

A new species of pseudoscorpion, Amblyolpium atropatesi n. sp. is described and illustrated on the basis of the adult specimens extracted from soil by Berlese funnel.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0150B850-E80D-46F5-983C-7E958FE69B87  相似文献   

报道中国荔蝽科目前已知种类,共36种,隶属2亚科12属。其中黄比蝽Pycanum ponderosum Stl,1854和圆肩达蝽Dalcantha inermipes Stl,1863为中国新记录种。提供了各种在中国的地理分布信息。  相似文献   

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