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Only a combination of nutrient load abatement and food-web management proved efficient for the management of water quality in the deep stratifying Wupper Reservoir. Reduction of nutrient loading, was completed in winter 1992/1993, but resulted only in reduced winter/spring mixing of phosphorus concentrations. Since the capacity of the diatom spring bloom to remove nutrients from the trophogenic layer of this slightly eutrophic water-body was never exhausted, the surplus of total phosphorus available to support summer algal growth remained unchanged. Thus, nutrient reduction alone did not improve the water quality, as expected. Subsequent replacement of the smaller Daphnia cucullata by the larger Daphnia galeata-hyalina complex that was attributable to successful food-web management did, however, result in a shift from a turbid to a clear water regime in 1999. Clearly, the zooplankton community, and therefore food-web structure, played an integral role in nutrient recycling and in the repartitioning of the phosphorus pool. As diatom settling and grazing became much more tightly linked with the appearance of the larger-bodied Daphnia galeata-hyalina complex, which exploits lower-level food resources as early as May, daphnids increasingly acted as a sink for phosphorus. This increased export fluxes out of the pelagic zone and leaves a smaller surplus of total phosphorus to support the accumulation of summer algae. Consequently, water transparency and total chlorophyll concentrations in summer improved with food-web restructuring, indicating real oligotrophication of Wupper Reservoir driven by internal feedbacks. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   

In Japan the River Law was amended in 1997 to expand the traditional roles of flood control and water supply in river management to include environmental conservation. Two major multidisciplinary research groups were also founded to address the environmental issues arising from the management of rivers and watershed areas in Japan. One called the River Ecology Research Group was formed in 1995 to search for an ideal dynamic state of rivers to be managed. Six case studies commenced involving measurements of natural and human impacts on representative rivers and their biota selected from different regions of the country. Restoration of natural rivers has also been attempted. The other, called the Watershed Ecology Research Group, was formed in 1998 to study the natural environment surrounding dams. It consists of four groups concerned with forest ecology in the headwaters, raptor management research, reservoir ecology, and flow regime research. The topics include modeling of regeneration dynamics of riparian forests, GIS mapping of endangered raptor habitats, developing measures to reduce eutrophication of reservoir water, and the use of biodiversity of benthic faunas as an indicator of environmental change in the downstream. In both groups, ecologists collaborate with engineers who are responsible for the river infrastructure, to predict future impacts and keep ecological perspectives for the maintenance of the healthy environment of rivers and reservoirs.  相似文献   

Biomanipulation: a useful tool for freshwater wetland mitigation?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Natural wetlands have traditionally been considered as efficient ‘ecological engineers’ for waste water treatment. However, the structure and function of many natural wetlands have been severely altered by the chronic exposure to pollutants, especially nutrients. 2. Despite the similarity of symptoms of eutrophied shallow lakes and wetlands, restoration strategies differ distinctly between these rather similar aquatic systems. Many of the tools applied in shallow lake restoration programs, for example biomanipulation, have received little attention in wetland management and restoration. 3. Although a strong conceptual basis for food web management exists, biotic interactions as influences on wetland communities have been largely neglected by wetland scientists and managers. 4. In this paper we show that biomanipulation may have a strong potential for wetland eutrophication abatement. This potential will be demonstrated by reviewing studies carried out in different wetland types in contrasting climatic regions. 5. We propose four different scenarios for when, where and why biomanipulation may be used to rehabilitate freshwater wetlands. These scenarios reflect different settings of hydrological variability, eutrophication sources and gradients of wind exposure and water colour.  相似文献   

汤溪水库富营养化特征与水质管理对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2003年对广东省汤溪水库水生态学进行调查,分析了该水库的富营养化特征,并从流域管理和水动力学两个方面对水库水质管理对策进行了探讨。汤溪水库为中度富营养化水体,具有明显时空分布差异,丰水期富营养程度高于枯水期,溪头河流区高于新桥河流区。蓝藻是水库浮游植物的主要优势类群,其中引发水华的铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)为优势种。水库上游集水流域分布近30万居民,大量的生活排污和农业污染形成了主要的外源污染源,这些外源污染的输入是水库水体营养盐的主要来源;合理处理上游居民生活垃圾、减少生活污染中磷含量、增加流域和库区周围植被覆盖、合理使用农业化肥是降低水库表层水体中营养盐浓度的主要途径。由于该水库的蓝藻和富营养化水平直接与水体的稳定性有关,利用对水库排水的可控制性调节水库水体的稳定性,可作为控制蓝藻水华发生的有效途径。  相似文献   

A. F. Richter 《Aquatic Ecology》1986,20(1-2):165-172
Biomanipulation as a tool for lake restoration is discussed mainly using literature data. It is based on the exploitation of the interactions both within and between the trophic levels in an aquatic ecosystem. Important among the interactions are: competition for light and nutrients between aquatic macrophytes and phytoplankton and among different phytoplankton species; grazing by planktonic and benthic filter feeders; and size-selective predation by fish. In several case studies biomanipulation has proved to be successful in restorating mildly eutrophic small waterbodies. However, for long-term stability of the restored ecosystems supplementary measures like reducing the external nutrient loadings are needed. The feasibility of the different biomanipulation measures to improve the water quality in shallow Dutch lakes is discussed. Preliminary results on biomanipulation experiments in enclosures withOscillatoria agardhii and the benthic filter feederDreissena polymorpha are given.  相似文献   

Indirect interactions in food webs can strongly influence the net effect of global change on ecological communities yet they are rarely quantified and hence remain poorly understood. Using a 22-year time series, we investigated climate-induced and predator-mediated indirect effects on grazing intensity in the tundra food web of Bylot Island, which experienced a warming trend over the last two decades. We evaluated the relative effects of environmental parameters on the proportion of plant biomass grazed by geese in wetlands and examined the temporal changes in the strength of these cascading effects. Migrating geese are the dominant herbivores on Bylot Island and can consume up to 60% of the annual production of wetland graminoids. Spring North Atlantic Oscillation, mid-summer temperatures and summer abundance of lemmings (prey sharing predators with geese) best-explained annual variation in grazing intensity. Goose grazing impact increased in years with high temperatures and high lemming abundance. However, the strength of these indirect effects on plants changed over time. Grazing intensity was weakly explained by environmental factors in recent years, which were marked by a sharp increase in plant primary production and steady decrease in grazing pressure. Indirect effects do not seem to be reversing the direct positive effect of warming on wetland plants. We suggest that cascading effects on plants may lag considerably behind direct effects in vertebrate dominated arctic communities, especially where key herbivore populations are strongly affected by factors outside of the Arctic [Current Zoology 60 (2): 189-202, 2014].  相似文献   

To assess water quality of reservoirs in lower reaches of Yellow River using the water quality index (WQI) method and try to compare water quality and main contaminations of mountain and Yellow River reservoirs, water samples were carried out over 6 years. Nine water variables were selected to participate WQI calculation by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). WQI values ranged from 17.8 to 77.8 in five reservoirs, which indicated “good” to “very poor” water quality of reservoirs. No significant differences in WQIs were found between mountain and Yellow River reservoirs. A major finding from our study is that mercury was the main contamination in 5 reservoirs, while TP (total phosphorus) and SO4 were another main contaminations in mountain and Yellow River reservoirs, respectively. Application of the WQI is suggested to be a helpful tool that enables the public and decision makers to evaluate water quality of drinking reservoirs in lower reaches of Yellow River.  相似文献   

The Dongjiang River plays an important role in southern China, as a source for irrigation and potable water of Hongkong and the other parts of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). The water quality index (WQI) was calculated to assess the spatial and temporal variability and identify the classification of water quality in the river. In order to simplify the procedure and reduce the analytical costs of the water quality evaluation, a modified WQI (defined as WQImin) was introduced based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlations analyses of the water parameters detected in dry and wet seasons during 2011–2012. Compared with the previous index, similar spatial changing trend and classification of the water quality were obtained by WQImin, which was composed of pH, temperature, total suspended solid, NH4+-N, and NO3-N. The results showed an excellent water quality in the tributary site near the reservoir, a good water quality in the upstream of the river, and medium water quality in the downstream of the river, which suggested that the urban wastewater originated from increasing population size and industry development in the downstream mainly led to the deterioration of water quality along the river. Moreover, WQImin could more adequately reflect the seasonal changes of water quality which was slightly worse in dry season than wet season. Our results also suggest that continuous monitoring should be conducted to prevent pollution from industry and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

The abundance, composition and dynamics of zooplankton were followed in two reservoirs of the River Douro catchment. The Serra Serrada Reservoir is subject to marked fluctuations in water levels. The highest values of total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, nitrate, water colour and chlorophyll a were found during the minimum level phase. Rotifera was dominant except in late summer and autumn when the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia quadrangula or the copepod Tropocyclops prasinus replaced them as the dominant zooplankton. Among the rotifers the most common taxa were Keratella cochlearis, Conochilus sp. and Asplanchna priodonta. Maximum rotifer density was about 80,000 ind m−3 in 2000, 200,000 ind m−3 in 2001 and 100,000 ind m−3 in 2002. Among the crustacean zooplankton C. quadrangula achieved densities of up to 45,000 ind m−3 and T. prasinus, up to 80,000 ind m−3. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed a strong contribution of the variation in the stored water volume, temperature, total phosphorus, chlorophyll, nitrates, and water transparency to the observed, significant association between zooplankton assemblage and environmental variables. In the Azibo Reservoir, fluctuations in water level are smaller. Only total phosphorus, cholorophyll and conductivity varied seasonally. Cladocera and Copepoda were dominant during the whole study period. The most abundant taxa were Ceriodaphnia pulchella, Daphnia longispina, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Bosmina longirostris and Copidodiaptomus numidicus. Cladocera achieved densities of up to 25,000 ind m−3 and Copepoda up to 15,000 ind m−3. Rotifera in general reached densities of up to 6,000 ind m−3. On the basis of canonical correspondence analysis only temperature and conductivity were significantly associated with zooplankton assemblage.  相似文献   

Remote sensing as a tool for assessing water quality in Loosdrecht lakes   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The underwater light field in 7 lakes in the Loosdrecht lake area was measured in situ. Subsurface upwelling irradiance and irradiance reflectance, together with estimations of scattering and laboratory measurements of absorption by aquatic humus and particulate matter, enabled an analysis of the spectral signature of these waters. Aircraft imaging spectrometer measurements of upwelling radiance at 1 km altitude were used to simulate the PMI Chlorophyll #1, the CAESAR Inland Water Mode spectral bandsets and the Thematic Mapper bands 1 to 4. This made it possible to compare the effects of spectral band width and selection on the estimation of water quality parameters. Correlations increased to r > 0.94, at a significance level of 1% for the simulated C-IWM data with the 6 water quality parameters. Images of the PMI Chlorophyll #1 and of the TM were analysed and found to be in accordance with the statistical modelling results.A significant increase in correlation of remote sensing data with water quality parameters can be achieved through the selective use of 10 to 20 nm wide bands in the spectral range of 500 to 720 nm in these eutrophic waters. Sum of chlorophyll a and phaeopigments, seston dry weight, Secchi disc transparency, and coefficients for vertical attenuation of light, absorption and scattering can be estimated accurately. TM image data for water quality assessment is of limited use due to the relatively low spectral and radiometric resolution. However, the revisit capability and relatively low price per area are positive aspects of these satellite images.Abbreviations CAESAR = CCD Airborne Experimental Scanner for Applications in Remote sensing - C-IWM = CAESAR Inland Water Mode - CCD = charge coupled device - EOS-A = Earth Observation System Platform A - PAR = photosynthetically active radiation from 400–700 nm. - PMI = Programmable Multispectral Imager - RSLL = Remote Sensing Loosdrecht Lakes Project - SPOT = Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre - SPOT-HRV = Sensor on board of the SPOT satellite - TM = Thematic Mapper instrument aboard the Landsat 5 satellite  相似文献   

Taxonomic sufficiency has been used mainly to assess benthic condition, based on the assumption that taxa can be identified to a taxonomic level higher than the species level without losing the ability to detect changes related to pollution stress. Identifying taxa to a higher level reduces the expertise and time needed to identify organisms and consequently allows increased spatial and temporal replication. The usefulness of taxonomic sufficiency for typology (identification of water body types) was examined using the benthic communities of the Mondego River estuary (Portugal). Benthic samples were collected seasonally along the Northern branch of the Mondego River estuary from July 2000 to June 2001 and several environmental parameters were measured simultaneously. Cluster analysis of species data indicated three major ecological groups, mainly related to a saline gradient along the estuary. The same groups were found when taxa were aggregated to higher taxonomic levels (genus, family, order, class), except for the phylum level. The overall spatial pattern was driven by: (1) the dominance of bivalves and the occurrence of rare marine species in the Lower Estuary; (2) the dominance of polychaetes in the Middle Estuary; (3) and the dominance of arthropods in the Upper Estuary. The ability of different taxocenes to discriminate the three ecological groups was also examined. Mollusca and Bivalvia were the only taxocenes producing the same groupings, although other taxocenes (Annelida, Polychaeta, Spionidae, Arthropoda) showed a significant ability to discriminate between all three groups. Compared to using all taxa identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, our results indicate that for typology (1) several higher taxonomic levels were sufficient (2) while few taxocenes alone were sufficient. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Biomanipulation is a method of controlling algal blooms in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems. The most common approach has been to enhance herbivores through a reduction of planktivorous fish and introduction of piscivorous fish. The method was originally intended to reduce grazing pressure on zooplankton, thereby increasing grazing pressure on phytoplankton to increase water clarity and promote the growth of aquatic macrophytes. Biomanipulation has received considerable attention since it was proposed in 1975 where innovative approaches and explanations of the processes have been developed. Although many successful biomanipulation exercises have been conducted internationally, it has received comparatively little attention in the Southern Hemisphere and has not been trialled in the southern temperate climate of South Australia. This is a review to speculate upon the criteria for and against the application of biomanipulation in southern temperate Australia using the native species Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) and to suggest future research.  相似文献   

Long-term (~20 year) data on water level, water quality and aquatic biota from four remote research areas in the Laurentian Great Lakes region were compiled to reveal patterns of natural water-level fluctuation (WLF) and associated effects on water quality and aquatic communities. Of the 16 natural lakes (no dam impoundment and lowest possible anthropogenic disturbance) yearly amplitude in water level did not exceed 1.27 m (\( \overline {\text{x}} \) = 0.26 ± 0.15 m) and yearly average water levels did not deviate greater than 0.75 m (\( \overline {\text{x}} \) = 0.10 ± 0.11 m) from the long-term mean. Linear and waveform regression analyses revealed a significant (P ≤ 0.05) decreasing trend in water levels and a 10-year oscillation in WLFs. Similarly, linear regression analysis demonstrated a significant reduction in yearly amplitude WLF over time. Correlation analyses revealed significant correlations with water quality parameters (DOC, Ca2+, Conductivity, pH, SO4 2?) and WLFs in Boreal Shield research areas. Of the long-term biotic information available (periphyton, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish) only macroinvertebrates demonstrated a significant relationship with natural WLFs. Species richness followed a unimodal response (P = 0.002, r 2 = 0.66) with richness decreasing in years when water levels were either higher or lower than the long-term mean. The novel results of this study demonstrate patterns in natural WLF and associated correlations with water quality and biota across multiple lakes within the Laurentian Great Lakes region. The results are congruent with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis and have direct implications for reservoir management and climate change modeling.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are known to produce a wide variety of bioactive, toxic secondary metabolites generally described as hepatotoxins, neurotoxins, cytotoxins, or dermatoxins. In Brazil, the regular monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins has intensified after the death of 65 patients in a hemodialysis clinic in Caruaru in the state of Pernambuco due to microcystin exposure. The primary objective of this study was to use multivariate statistics that incorporated environmental parameters (both biotic and abiotic) to forecast blooms of cyanobacteria and their toxic secondary metabolites in 20 drinking water reservoirs managed by the Water Treatment Company of Ceará (CAGECE) in the semi-arid region of Ceará, Brazil. Across four years (January 2013 to January 2017), 114 different phytoplankton taxa were identified, including 24 cyanobacterial taxa. In general, Ceará reservoirs were dominated by cyanobacteria due to eutrophication but also because of the dry and warm climate found throughout the region. Interestingly, specific cyanobacterial taxa were influenced by different biotic and abiotic factors. For example, nitrogen-to-phosphorus (N:P) and evaporation were positively related to saxitoxin-producing taxa, especially Raphidiopsis raciborskii, while temperature, electrical conductivity, total phosphorus, and transparency (measured as Secchi depth) were positively associated with microcystin-producing taxa, such as Microcystis aeruginosa. Climate forecasts predict higher evaporation and temperatures in the semi-arid Ceará region, which will likely magnify droughts and water scarcity as well as promote toxic cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs in the future. Therefore, understanding the factors associated with algal blooms dominated by specific taxa is paramount for water resource management.  相似文献   

稻田不同水分管理方式对土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
欧伟  李琪  梁文举  姜勇  闻大中 《应用生态学报》2004,15(10):1921-1925
在下辽河平原地区就稻田不同水分管理方式对土壤线虫多度、营养类群、群落组成的影响进行了研究.结果表明,0~10cm土层不同水分管理处理的线虫总数在耙耕前和黄熟期显著低于对照,10~20cm土层各时期处理间线虫总数的差异不显著,20~30cm土层线虫总数在耙耕前和黄熟期差异极显著.北方单季稻水田试验共观察到土壤线虫16科22属.绕线属(Plectus)、垫刃属(Tylenchus)、单宫属(Monhystera)是优势属,绕线属和垫刃属对不同的水分管理比较敏感.在耙耕前和黄熟期不同水分管理方式对0~10cm土壤食细菌线虫能够产生显著影响.稻田土壤中食细菌线虫和植物寄生线虫是优势营养类群,而捕食/杂食性线虫的相对多度最低.  相似文献   

Qualitative reasoning has been successfully used for ecological modelling, particularly when numerical data are not available. However, in order to further explore the potential of this modelling approach, it is important to discuss how to incorporate numerical data, if available, and to develop means to evaluate conceptual aspects and model outputs. This paper describes a study on qualitative model evaluation, in which numerical data about water quality are used to define different scenarios in a water basin, so that the outputs of simulations with the model can be compared to the actual system. The model was evaluated by independent experts, concerning its conceptual and operational aspects, and with respect to its predictive capability. The model was considered valid for the intended use, which is to increase the understanding of non-expert water managers.  相似文献   

Stock enhancement as a fisheries management tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stock enhancement has been viewed as a positive fisheries management tool for over 100 years. However, decisions to undertake such activities in the past have often been technology-based, i.e., driven by the ability to produce fishes, with most stock enhancement projects having limited or no demonstrated success. The reasons for this have been due to an inability to identify and/or control the underlying reasons why a fishery is under-performing or not meeting management objectives. Further, stock enhancement has often been applied in isolation from other fisheries management tools (e.g., effort control). To address these issues and consider stock enhancement in a broader ecosystem perspective, a new approach for stock enhancement is proposed. The proposed model comprises four major steps; a review of all information about an ecosystem/fishery/stock and the setting of clear management targets; a comparison of all relevant fisheries management tools with the potential to meet the management targets; the instigation of a scientifically based, pilot-scale, stock enhancement program with clear objectives, targets, and evaluations; and a full-scale stock enhancement program if the pilot project meets the objectives. The model uses a flow-chart that highlights a broad range of scientific and other information, and the decisions that need to be made in relation to stock enhancement and fisheries management in general. In this way all steps are transparent and all stakeholders (managers, scientists, extractive and non-extractive users, and the general public) can contribute to the information collection and decision making processes. If stock enhancement is subsequently identified as the most-appropriate tool, then the stepwise progression will provide the best possible chance of a positive outcome for a stock enhancement project, while minimizing risks and costs. In this way, stock enhancement may advance as a science and develop as a useful fisheries management tool in appropriate situations.  相似文献   

EARTH University is a small agronomic university with a theme of sustainability in eastern Costa Rica. Several natural and constructed wetlands on its campus are used for research, water quality improvement, and higher education. It has become an important location for research and teaching on humid tropical wetland ecology and management. A 112-ha flow-through Raphia taedigera (Arecaceae) forested wetland is being used for climate change research, focusing on carbon sequestration and methane generation. Methane emissions are measured seasonally and are comparable to rates in tropical wetlands published elsewhere. Carbon sequestration by the wetland appears to be substantially higher than similar flow-through temperate zone wetlands. Treatment wetlands are used on campus to improve water quality of effluents from an animal farm, a dairy plant, a landfill, and a banana paper plant. Water quality was substantially improved in all of these wetlands except the landfill leachate wetland. All of these campus wetlands have been integrated into the four-year education program of EARTH University and 22 undergraduate projects have been completed on wetlands over the past 14 years.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of within-basin tillage can constrain condition andfunction of prairie wetlands even after uplands are restored. Runoff wassignificantly greater to replicate wetlands within tilled basins with orwithoutvegetated buffer strips as compared to Conservation Reserve Program restorationcontrols with revegetated uplands (REST). However, mean water levels for nativeprairie reference sites were higher than for REST controls, becauseinfiltrationrates were lower for native prairie basins, which had no prior history oftillage. Nutrient dynamics changed more in response to changes in water leveland vegetation structure than to increased nutrient inputs in watershed runoff.Dissolved oxygen increased between dry and wet years except in basins or zoneswith dense vegetation. As sediment redox dropped, water-column phosphatedeclined as phosphate likely co-precipitated with iron on the sediment surfacewithin open-water or sparsely vegetated zones. In response, N:P ratios shiftedfrom a region indicating N limitation to P limitation. REST sites, with densevegetation and low DO, also maintained high DOC, which maintains phosphate insolution through chelation of iron and catalysis of photoreduction. Referencesites in native prairie and restored uplands diverged over the course of thewet-dry cycle, emphasizing the importance of considering climatic variation inplanning restoration efforts.  相似文献   

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