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Transposable elements (TEs) are present in all organisms and nearly half of the human and mouse genome is derived from ancient transpositions. This fact alone suggests that TEs have played a major role in genome organization and evolution. Studies undertaken over the last two decades or so clearly show that TEs of various kinds have played an important role in organism evolution. Here we review the impact TEs have on the evolution of gene regulation and gene function with an emphasis on humans. Understanding the mechanisms resulting in genomic change is central to our understanding of gene regulation, genetic disease and genome evolution. Full comprehension of these biological processes is not possible without an in depth knowledge of how TEs impact upon the genome.  相似文献   

We have explored the evolution of the alpha-globin gene family by comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses of mammalian alpha-globin genes. Our analyses reveal the existence of a new alpha-globin gene lineage in mammals that is related to the alpha(D)-globin genes of birds, squamates and turtles. The gene is located in the middle of the alpha-globin gene cluster of a marsupial, Sminthopsis macroura and of humans. It exists in a wide variety of additional mammals, including pigs, cows, cats, and dogs, but is a pseudogene in American marsupials. Evolutionary analyses suggest that the gene has generally evolved under purifying selection, indicative of a functional gene. The presence of mRNA products in humans, pigs, and cows also suggest that the gene is expressed and likely to be functional. The analyses support the hypothesis that the alpha(D)-globin gene lineage has an ancient evolutionary origin that predates the divergence of amniotes. The structural similarity of alpha-globin gene clusters of marsupials and humans suggest that an eight gene cluster (5'-zeta2-zeta1-alpha(D)-alpha3-alpha2-alpha1-theta-omega-3'), including seven alpha-like genes and one beta-like globin gene (omega-globin) existed in the common ancestor of all marsupial and eutherian mammals. This basic structure has remained relatively stable in marsupials and in the lineage leading to humans, although omega-globin has been lost from the alpha-globin gene cluster of humans.  相似文献   

Summary The availability of the amino acid sequence for nine different mammalian P1 family protamines and the revised amino acid sequence of the chicken protamine galline (Oliva and Dixon 1989) reveals a much close relationship between mammalian and avian protamines than was previously thought (Nakano et al. 1976). Dot matrix analysis of all protamine genes for which genomic DNA or cDNA sequence is available reveals both marked sequence similarities in the mammalian protamine gene family and internal repeated sequences in the chicken protamine gene. The detailed alignments of the cis-acting regulatory DNA sequences shows several consensus sequence patterns, particularly the conservation of a cAMP response element (CRE) in all the protamine genes and of the regions flanking the TATA box, CAP site, N-terminal coding region, and polyadenylation signal. In addition we have found a high frequency of the CA dinucleotide immediately adjacent to the CRE element of both the protamine genes and the testis transition proteins, a feature not present in other genes, which suggests the existence of an extended CRE motif involved in the coordinate expression of protamine and transition protein genes during spermatogenesis. Overall these findings suggest the existence of an avian-mammalian P1 protamine gene line and are discussed in the context of different hypotheses for protamine gene evolution and regulation.  相似文献   



The lancelet amphioxus (Cephalochordata) is a close relative of vertebrates and thus may enhance our understanding of vertebrate gene and genome evolution. In this context, the globins are one of the best studied models for gene family evolution. Previous biochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of an intracellular globin in notochord tissue and myotome of amphioxus, but the corresponding gene has not yet been identified. Genomic resources of Branchiostoma floridae now facilitate the identification, experimental confirmation and molecular evolutionary analysis of its globin gene repertoire.  相似文献   

Two fetal globin genes (G gamma and A gamma) from one chromosome of a lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) have been sequenced and compared to three human loci (a G gamma-gene and two A gamma-alleles). A comparison of regions of local homology among these five sequences indicates that long after the duplication that produced the two nonallelic gamma-globin loci of catarrhine primates, about 35 million years (Myr) ago, at least one gene conversion event occurred between these loci. This conversion occurred not long before the ancestral divergence (about 6 Myr ago) of Homo and Gorilla. After this ancestral divergence, a minimum of three more gene conversion events occurred in the human lineage. Each human A gamma-allele shares specific sequence features with the gorilla A gamma-gene; one such distinctive allelic feature involves the simple repeated sequence in IVS 2. This suggests that early in the human lineage the A gamma-genes may have undergone a crossing-over event mediated by this simple repeated sequence. The DNA sequences from coding regions of both G gamma- and A gamma-loci, a comparison of 292 codons in the corresponding gorilla and human genes, show an unusually low evolutionary rate, with only two nonsilent differences and, surprisingly, not even one silent substitution. The two nonsynonymous substitutions observed predict a glycine at codon 73 and an arginine at codon 104 in the gorilla A gamma-sequence rather than aspartic acid and lysine, respectively, in human A gamma. Because only arginine has been found at position 104 in gamma-chains of Old World monkeys, it may represent the ancestral residue lost in gorilla and human G gamma-chains and in the human A gamma-chain. Possibly the arginine codon (AGG) was replaced by the lysine codon (AAG) in the G gamma-gene of a common ancestor of Homo and Gorilla and then was transferred to the A gamma-gene by subsequent conversions in the human lineage. DNA sequence conversions, similar to that attributed to the fetal gamma-globin genes, appear to be relatively frequent phenomena and, if widespread throughout the genome, may have profound evolutionary consequences.   相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed the sequences of soybean leghemoglobin genes as an initial step toward understanding their mode of evolution. Alignment of the sequences of plant globin genes with those of animals reveals that (i) based on the proportion of nucleotide substitutions that have occurred at the first, second, and third codon positions, the time of divergence of plant and animal globin gene families appears to be extremely remote (between 900 million and 1.4 billion years ago, if one assumes constancy of evolutionary rate in both the plant and animal lineages) and (ii) in addition to the normal regulatory sequences on the 5 end, an approximately 30-base-pair sequence, specific to globin genes, that surrounds the cap site is conserved between the plant and animal globin genes. Comparison of the leghemoglobin sequences with one another shows that (i) the relative amount of sequence divergence in various coding and noncoding regions is roughly similar to that found for animal globin genes and (ii) as in animal globin genes, the positions of insertions and deletions in the intervening sequences often coincide with the locations of direct repeats. Thus, the mode of evolution of the plant globin genes appears to resemble, in many ways, that of their animal counterparts. We contrast the overall intergenic organization of the plant globin genes with that of animal genes, and discuss the possibility of the concerted evolution of the leghemoglobin genes.  相似文献   

Transposable elements, and retroviral-like elements in particular, are a rich potential source of genetic variation within a host's genome. Many mutations of endogenous genes in phylogenetically diverse organisms are due to insertion of elements that affect gene expression by altering the normal pattern of regulation. While few such associations are known to have been maintained over time, two recently elucidated examples suggest transposable elements may have a significant impact in evolution of gene expression. The first example, concerning the mouse sex-limited protein (Slp), clearly establishes that ancient retroviral enhancer sequences now confer hormonal dependence on the adjacent gene. The second example shows that within the human amylase gene family, salivary specific expression has arisen due to inserted sequences, deriving perhaps from a conjunction of two retrotransposable elements.  相似文献   

microRNA (miRNA) gene clusters are a group of miRNA genes clustered within a proximal distance on a chromosome. Although a large number of miRNA clusters have been uncovered in animal and plant genomes, the functional consequences of this arrangement are still poorly understood. Located in a polycistron, the coexpressed miRNA clusters are pivotal in coordinately regulating multiple processes, including embryonic development, cell cycles and cell differentiation. In this review, based on recent progress, we discuss the genomic diversity of miRNA gene clusters, the coordination of expression and function of the clustered miRNAs, and the evolutionarily adaptive processes with gain and loss of the clustering miRNA genes mediated by duplication and transposition events. Supported by State Key Program of National Natural Science of China(Grant No. 306300130)  相似文献   

Many genes responsible for melanin biosynthesis in fungi were physically linked together. The PKS gene clusters in most of the melanin-producing fungi were regulated by the Cmr1. It was found that a close rearrangement of the PKS gene clusters had evolved in most of the melanin-producing fungi and various functions of melanin in them were beneficial to their adaptation to the changing environments. The melanin-producing fungi had undergone at least five large-scale differentiations, making their PKS gene clusters be quickly evolved and the fungi be adapted to different harsh environments. The recent gene losses and expansion were remarkably frequent in the PKS gene clusters, leading to their rapid evolution and adaptation of their hosts to different environments. The PKS gene and the CMR1 gene in them were subject to a strong co-evolution, but the horizontal gene transfer events might have occurred in the genome-duplicated species, Aspergillus and Penicillium.  相似文献   

Monoallelic gene expression has played a significant role in the evolution of mammals enabling the expansion of a vast repertoire of olfactory receptor types and providing increased sensitivity and diversity. Monoallelic expression of immune receptor genes has also increased diversity for antigen recognition, while the same mechanism that marks a single allele for preferential rearrangement also provides a distinguishing feature for directing hypermutations. Random monoallelic expression of the X chromosome is necessary to balance gene dosage across sexes. In marsupials only the maternal X chromosome is expressed, while in eutherian mammals the paternal X genes are silenced in the developing placenta and early blastocyst. These examples of epigenetic gene regulation commonly employ asynchrony of replication, the binding of polycomb proteins and antisense RNA, and histone modifications to chromatin structure. The same is true for genomic imprinting which among vertebrates is unique to mammals and represents a special kind of epigenetic modification that is heritable according to parent of origin. Genomic imprinting pervades many aspects of mammalian growth and evolution but in particular has played a significant role in the co‐adaptive evolution of the mother and foetus.  相似文献   

Lemur beta-related globin genes have been isolated and sequenced. Orthology of prosimian and human epsilon-, gamma-, and beta-related globin genes was established by dot-matrix analysis. All of these lemur globin genes potentially encode functional beta-related globin polypeptides, though precisely when the gamma-globin gene is expressed remains unknown. The organization of the 18-kb brown lemur beta-globin gene cluster (5' epsilon-gamma-[psi eta-delta]-beta 3') is consistent with its evolution by contraction via unequal crossing-over from the putative ancestral mammalian beta-globin gene cluster (5' epsilon-gamma- eta-delta-beta 3'). The dwarf lemur nonadult globin genes are arranged as in the brown lemur. Similar levels of synonymous (silent) nucleotide substitutions and noncoding DNA sequence differences have accumulated between species in all of these genes, suggesting a uniform rate of noncoding DNA divergence throughout primate beta-globin gene clusters. These differences are comparable with those observed in the nonfunctional psi eta pseudogene and have therefore accumulated at the presumably maximal neutral rate. In contrast, nonsynonymous (replacement) nucleotide substitutions show a significant heterogeneity in distribution for both the same gene in different lineages and different genes in the same lineage. These major fluctuations in replacement but not silent substitution rates cannot be attributed to changes in mutation rate, suggesting that changes in the rate of globin polypeptide evolution in primates is not governed solely by variable mutation rates.   相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of rabbit embryonic globin gene beta 3   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The nucleotide sequence of a rabbit embryonic globin gene, beta 3, has been determined from 161 base pairs (bp) on the 5' side of the mRNA cap site to 209 base pairs beyond the 3' poly A addition site. The 5' and 3' ends of mRNA from both embryonic globin genes beta 3 and beta 4 have been determined by an S1 protection assay. Sequences that are highly conserved in the 5' flanking region of eukaryotic structural genes, AATAAAA and CCAAT, are located -25 to -31 nucleotides and -81 to -85 nucleotides, respectively, before the cap site. The CCAAT sequence is duplicated at -108 to -112 nucleotides, as it is in the human fetal gamma-globin genes. Small (124 bp) and large (817 bp) intervening sequences are located between codons 30 and 31 and between 104 and 105, respectively. The sequence AATAAA precedes the predominant poly(A) addition site by 19 nucleotides. Although rabbit globin gene beta 3 is transcribed and translated almost exclusively in embryonic erythrocytes, it shares striking homology with the human gamma-globin genes which are expressed in erythrocytes from fetal liver. The evolutionary conservation of rabbit beta 3 and human gamma correlates well with their similar chromosomal positions in the two genes families.  相似文献   

A B1 repetitive sequence near the mouse beta-major globin gene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Once called the 'Rosetta stone' of developmental biology, the homeobox continues to fascinate both evolutionary and developmental biologists. The birth of the homeotic, or Hox, gene cluster, and its subsequent evolution, has been crucial in mediating the major transitions in metazoan body plan. Comparative genomics studies indicate that the more recently discovered ParaHox and NK clusters were linked to the Hox cluster early in evolution, and that together they constituted a 'megacluster' of homeobox genes that conspicuously contributed to body-plan evolution.  相似文献   

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