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Signal transduction networks of different cell types show a large variety in their structural design. In this paper, basic structural properties of signal transduction networks are investigated. For this, such networks with the recently developed method of network expansion are analysed. This method allows for a structural analysis of networks by calculating signal expansion profiles when provided with certain compounds, for example growth factors, inactive kinases and so on (seed compounds), to initiate such an expansion. The presented results may put forth valuable hints on the evolution of signalling networks.  相似文献   

Activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2; p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)) is one of the most extensively studied signaling pathways not least because it occurs downstream of oncogenic RAS. Here, we take advantage of the wealth of experimental data available on the canonical RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway of Bhalla et al. to test the utility of a newly developed nonlinear analysis algorithm designed to predict likelihood of cellular transformation. By using ERK phosphorylation as an "output signal", the method analyzes experimentally determined kinetic data and predicts putative oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene products impacting the RAS/MAPK module using a purely theoretical approach. This analysis identified several modifiers of ERK/MAPK activation described previously. In addition, several novel enzymes are identified which are not previously described to affect ERK/MAPK phosphorylation. Importantly, the nonlinear analysis enables a ranking of modifiers of MAPK activation predicting their relative importance in RAS-dependent oncogenesis. The results are compared with a linearized analysis based on sensitivity analysis about the steady state or metabolic control analysis (MCA). The results are favorable, pointing to the utility of first-order sensitivity analysis and MCA in the analysis of complex signaling networks for oncogenes.  相似文献   

Research in signaling networks contributes to a deeper understanding of organism living activities. With the development of experimental methods in the signal transduction field, more and more mechanisms of signaling pathways have been discovered. This paper introduces such popular bioin-formatics analysis methods for signaling networks as the common mechanism of signaling pathways and database resource on the Internet, summerizes the methods of analyzing the structural properties of networks, including structural Motif finding and automated pathways generation, and discusses the modeling and simulation of signaling networks in detail, as well as the research situation and tendency in this area. Now the investigation of signal transduction is developing from small-scale experiments to large-scale network analysis, and dynamic simulation of networks is closer to the real system. With the investigation going deeper than ever, the bioinformatics analysis of signal transduction would have immense space for development and application.  相似文献   

Large‐scale protein signalling networks are useful for exploring complex biochemical pathways but do not reveal how pathways respond to specific stimuli. Such specificity is critical for understanding disease and designing drugs. Here we describe a computational approach—implemented in the free CNO software—for turning signalling networks into logical models and calibrating the models against experimental data. When a literature‐derived network of 82 proteins covering the immediate‐early responses of human cells to seven cytokines was modelled, we found that training against experimental data dramatically increased predictive power, despite the crudeness of Boolean approximations, while significantly reducing the number of interactions. Thus, many interactions in literature‐derived networks do not appear to be functional in the liver cells from which we collected our data. At the same time, CNO identified several new interactions that improved the match of model to data. Although missing from the starting network, these interactions have literature support. Our approach, therefore, represents a means to generate predictive, cell‐type‐specific models of mammalian signalling from generic protein signalling networks.  相似文献   

Simulating signal transduction in cellular signaling networks provides predictions of network dynamics by quantifying the changes in concentration and activity-level of the individual proteins. Since numerical values of kinetic parameters might be difficult to obtain, it is imperative to develop non-parametric approaches that combine the connectivity of a network with the response of individual proteins to signals which travel through the network. The activity levels of signaling proteins computed through existing non-parametric modeling tools do not show significant correlations with the observed values in experimental results. In this work we developed a non-parametric computational framework to describe the profile of the evolving process and the time course of the proportion of active form of molecules in the signal transduction networks. The model is also capable of incorporating perturbations. The model was validated on four signaling networks showing that it can effectively uncover the activity levels and trends of response during signal transduction process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Spatial signal transduction plays a vital role in many intracellular processes such as eukaryotic chemotaxis, polarity generation, cell division. Furthermore it is being increasingly realized that the spatial dimension to signalling may play an important role in other apparently purely temporal signal transduction processes. It is being recognized that a conceptual basis for studying spatial signal transduction in signalling networks is necessary. RESULTS: In this work we examine spatial signal transduction in a series of standard motifs/networks. These networks include coherent and incoherent feedforward, positive and negative feedback, cyclic motifs, monostable switches, bistable switches and negative feedback oscillators. In all these cases, the driving signal has spatial variation. For each network we consider two cases, one where all elements are essentially non diffusible, and the other where one of the network elements may be highly diffusible. A careful analysis of steady state signal transduction provides many insights into the behaviour of all these modules. While in the non-diffusible case for the most part, spatial signalling reflects the temporal signalling behaviour, in the diffusible cases, we see significant differences between spatial and temporal signalling characteristics. Our results demonstrate that the presence of diffusible elements in the networks provides important constraints and capabilities for signalling. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide a systematic basis for understanding spatial signalling in networks and the role of diffusible elements therein. This provides many insights into the signal transduction capabilities and constraints in such networks and suggests ways in which cellular signalling and information processing is organized to conform to or bypass those constraints. It also provides a framework for starting to understand the organization and regulation of spatial signal transduction in individual processes.  相似文献   

Protein network analysis has witnessed a number of advancements in the past for understanding molecular characteristics for important network topologies in biological systems. The signaling pathway regulates cell cycle progression and anti-apoptotic molecules. This pathway is also involved in maintaining cell survival by modulating the activity of apoptosis through RAS, P13K, AKT and BAD activities. The importance of protein-protein interactions to improve usability of the interactome by scoring and ranking interaction data for proteins in signal transduction networks is illustrated using available data and resources.  相似文献   

The power and scope of chemical synthesis offer considerable opportunities to broaden the lexicon of chemical tools that can be implemented for the study of complex biological systems. To investigate individual signaling proteins and pathways, chemical tools provide a powerful complement to existing genetic, chemical genetic and immunologic methods. In particular, understanding phosphorylation-mediated signaling in real time yields important information about the regulation of cellular function and insights into the origin of disease. Recent advances in the development of photolabile caged analogs of bioactive species and fluorescence-based sensors of protein kinase activities are useful for investigating protein phosphorylation and the roles of phosphoproteins. Photolabile caged analogs allow spatial and temporal control over the release of a compound, while fluorescence-based sensors allow the real-time visualization of kinase activity. Here, we discuss recent advances that have increased the specificity and availability of these tools.  相似文献   

Signal transduction is the process by which the cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another. This involves a sequence of biochemical reactions, carried out by proteins. The dynamic response of complex cell signalling networks can be modelled and simulated in the framework of chemical kinetics. The mathematical formulation of chemical kinetics results in a system of coupled differential equations. Simplifications can arise through assumptions and approximations. The paper provides a critical discussion of frequently employed approximations in dynamic modelling of signal transduction pathways. We discuss the requirements for conservation laws, steady state approximations, and the neglect of components. We show how these approximations simplify the mathematical treatment of biochemical networks but we also demonstrate differences between the complete system and its approximations with respect to the transient and steady state behavior.  相似文献   

Prior work on the dynamics of Boolean networks, including analysis of the state space attractors and the basin of attraction of each attractor, has mainly focused on synchronous update of the nodes’ states. Although the simplicity of synchronous updating makes it very attractive, it fails to take into account the variety of time scales associated with different types of biological processes. Several different asynchronous update methods have been proposed to overcome this limitation, but there have not been any systematic comparisons of the dynamic behaviors displayed by the same system under different update methods. Here we fill this gap by combining theoretical analysis such as solution of scalar equations and Markov chain techniques, as well as numerical simulations to carry out a thorough comparative study on the dynamic behavior of a previously proposed Boolean model of a signal transduction network in plants. Prior evidence suggests that this network admits oscillations, but it is not known whether these oscillations are sustained. We perform an attractor analysis of this system using synchronous and three different asynchronous updating schemes both in the case of the unperturbed (wild-type) and perturbed (node-disrupted) systems. This analysis reveals that while the wild-type system possesses an update-independent fixed point, any oscillations eventually disappear unless strict constraints regarding the timing of certain processes and the initial state of the system are satisfied. Interestingly, in the case of disruption of a particular node all models lead to an extended attractor. Overall, our work provides a roadmap on how Boolean network modeling can be used as a predictive tool to uncover the dynamic patterns of a biological system under various internal and environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Signal transduction networks are crucial for inter- and intra-cellular signaling. Signals are often transmitted via covalent modification of protein structure, with phosphorylation/dephosphorylation as the primary example. In this paper, we apply a recently described method of computational algebra to the modeling of signaling networks, based on time-course protein modification data. Computational algebraic techniques are employed to construct next-state functions. A Monte Carlo method is used to approximate the Deegan-Packel Index of Power corresponding to the respective variables. The Deegan-Packel Index of Power is used to conjecture dependencies in the cellular signaling networks. We apply this method to two examples of protein modification time-course data available in the literature. These experiments identified protein carbonylation upon exposure of cells to sub-lethal concentrations of copper. We demonstrate that this method can identify protein dependencies that might correspond to regulatory mechanisms to shut down glycolysis in a reverse, step-wise fashion in response to copper-induced oxidative stress in yeast. These examples show that the computational algebra approach can identify dependencies that may outline signaling networks involved in the response of glycolytic enzymes to the oxidative stress caused by copper.  相似文献   



A Signal transduction pathway is the chain of processes by which a cell converts an extracellular signal into a response. In most unicellular organisms, the number of signal transduction pathways influences the number of ways the cell can react and respond to the environment. Discovering signal transduction pathways is an arduous problem, even with the use of systematic genomic, proteomic and metabolomic technologies. These techniques lead to an enormous amount of data and how to interpret and process this data becomes a challenging computational problem.  相似文献   

Signal transduction is an important process that transmits signals from the outside of a cell to the inside to mediate sophisticated biological responses. Effective computational models to unravel such a process by taking advantage of high-throughput genomic and proteomic data are needed to understand the essential mechanisms underlying the signaling pathways. In this article, we propose a novel method for uncovering signal transduction networks (STNs) by integrating protein interaction with gene expression data. Specifically, we formulate STN identification problem as an integer linear programming (ILP) model, which can be actually solved by a relaxed linear programming algorithm and is flexible for handling various prior information without any restriction on the network structures. The numerical results on yeast MAPK signaling pathways demonstrate that the proposed ILP model is able to uncover STNs or pathways in an efficient and accurate manner. In particular, the prediction results are found to be in high agreement with current biological knowledge and available information in literature. In addition, the proposed model is simple to be interpreted and easy to be implemented even for a large-scale system.  相似文献   

Astrocytes, a special type of glial cells, were considered to have supporting role in information processing in the brain. However, several recent studies have shown that they can be chemically stimulated by neurotransmitters and use a form of signaling, in which ATP acts as an extracellular messenger. Pathological conditions, such as spreading depression, have been linked to abnormal range of wave propagation in astrocytic cellular networks. Nevertheless, the underlying intra- and inter-cellular signaling mechanisms remain unclear. Motivated by the above, we constructed a model to understand the relationship between single-cell signal transduction mechanisms and wave propagation and blocking in astrocytic networks. The model incorporates ATP-mediated IP3 production, the subsequent Ca2+ release from the ER through IP3R channels and ATP release into the extracellular space. For the latter, two hypotheses were tested: Ca2+- or IP3-dependent ATP release. In the first case, single astrocytes can exhibit excitable behavior and frequency-encoded oscillations. Homogeneous, one-dimensional astrocytic networks can propagate waves with infinite range, while in two dimensions, spiral waves can be generated. However, in the IP3-dependent ATP release case, the specific coupling of the driver ATP-IP3 system with the driven Ca2+ subsystem leads to one- and two-dimensional wave patterns with finite range of propagation.  相似文献   

Wang J  Huang B  Xia X  Sun Z 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(5):L54-L56
We uncover the underlying potential energy landscape for a cellular network. We find that the potential energy landscape of the mitogen-activated protein-kinase signal transduction network is funneled toward the global minimum. The funneled landscape is quite robust against random perturbations. This naturally explains robustness from a physical point of view. The ratio of slope versus roughness of the landscape becomes a quantitative measure of robustness of the network. Funneled landscape is a realization of the Darwinian principle of natural selection at the cellular network level. It provides an optimal criterion for network connections and design. Our approach is general and can be applied to other cellular networks.  相似文献   



Phosphorylation is a ubiquitous and fundamental regulatory mechanism that controls signal transduction in living cells. The number of identified phosphoproteins and their phosphosites is rapidly increasing as a result of recent mass spectrometry-based approaches.  相似文献   

Chemorepulsion is the process by which an organism or a cell moves in the direction of decreasing chemical concentration. While a few experimental studies have been performed, no mathematical models exist for this process. In this paper we have modelled gradient sensing, the first subprocess of chemorepulsion, in Dictyostelium discoideum-a well characterized model eukaryotic system. We take the first steps towards achieving a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of chemorepulsion in this system. We have used, as a basis, the biochemical network of the Keizer-Gunnink et al. (2007) to develop the mathematical modelling framework. This network describes the underlying pathways of chemorepellent gradient sensing in D. discoideum. Working within this modelling framework we address whether the postulated interactions of the pathways and species in this network can lead to a chemorepulsive response. We also analyse the possible role of additional regulatory effects (such as additional receptor regulation of enzymes in this network) and if this is necessary to achieve this behaviour. Thus we have investigated the receptor regulation of important enzymes and feedback effects in the network. This modelling framework generates important insights into and testable predictions regarding the role of key components and feedback loops in regulating chemorepulsive gradient sensing, and what factors might be important for generating a chemorepulsive response; it serves as a first step towards a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of this process.  相似文献   

Although manifestations of O2 adaptation have long been examined, only now are biochemical mechanisms of O2 regulation beginning to be understood. This article comments on the current state of knowledge about proteins that function as direct sensors of molecular oxygen and makes predictions about as yet undiscovered sensors.  相似文献   

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