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Tropical aquatic environments host a large number of predatory insects including heteropteran water bugs Anisops bouvieri Kirkaldy, 1704 (Heteroptera: Notonectidae), Diplonychus (=Sphaerodema) rusticus Fabricius, 1781 (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae), and Diplonychus (=Sphaerodema) annulatus Fabricius, 1781 (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) feeding on a range of organisms. In tropical and subtropical wetlands, ponds, and temporary pools these predators play a role in regulation of dipteran populations, particularly mosquitoes and chironomids. Their relative abilities to control mosquitoes depend in part on predator preference for mosquitoes in relation to other natural prey, and the predators’ propensities to switch to mosquitoes as mosquito density increases. The prey electivity and switching dynamics of these predatory water bugs were evaluated in the laboratory under various prey densities, using two instars (II and IV) of chironomid and mosquito larvae as prey. Studies of electivity at relatively high densities (20 prey L−1) in small (5 L) vessels demonstrated that all predators showed opportunistic foraging as the mosquito:chironomid ratio changed, with some evidence that mosquito larvae were positively selected over chironomids. In particular, Anisops showed strong electivity for mosquitoes when presented with any ratio of large mosquito and chironomid prey in the high density experiment, although the preference was not expressed in lower density (2.5 prey L−1) treatments executed in 40 L vessels. In these lower density treatments, D. rusticus demonstrated higher electivity for mosquitoes when the mosquito:chironomid ratio was high, consistent with non-significant trends observed in the higher density experiment. The positive electivity of D. rusticus for mosquitoes was reinforced in an experiment executed over 16 days at varying prey ratios, in which D. rusticus mosquito electivity was high and consistent while D. annulatus showed slight avoidance of mosquito larvae, and Anisops remained largely opportunistic in foraging on prey in proportion with availability. Anisops and D. rusticus are potentially good biocontrol agents for mosquito larvae, in that they preferentially consume mosquitoes under many circumstances but can readily forage on other prey when mosquito density is low.  相似文献   

Aspects of the feeding biology of three species of cormorant ( Phalacrocorax melanoleucos , P. sulcirostris and P. varius ) were investigated in the large Peel-Harvey Estuary in south-western Australia in April and October 1986 and January 1987. The duration of dives by each species increased with depth and at each depth was greater in P. varius than in the two smaller species. Differences in the ranges of depths in which the similarly sized P. melanoleucos and P. sulcirostris fed would have reduced any potential interspecific competition for feeding space and food. The dive-rest ratio was similar (2.6–2.8) in all three species. Comparisons between the diet of each cormorant species and the potential prey where foraging occurred demonstrated that all three cormorant species were opportunistic feeders, ingesting predominantly small, slow-swimming, benthic-feeding fish and crustaceans. The small size of the prey was limited by the small dimensions of the gullet. There was no evidence that any of the three cormorant species were likely to exert a pronounced adverse effect on the abundance of the major commercial fish in the estuary or on the food of these teleosts.  相似文献   

Herons generally breed in mixed flocks and their nests are made in shrub wetlands and on islands. Waterbirds can select different tree species in the heronries which can influence the vertical stratification of the heron nests. The aim of the present study was to determine the vertical nest stratification among four Ardeidae species in heronries in southern Brazil. The study was carried out during four breeding seasons between 2004 and 2009. No significant species-specific difference in mean nest height was observed between the three heronries. However, there was some variation in nest heights per species in the four years of the study and among the heron species. Nest height was correlated with the body size of the heron species. The smaller species, Bubulcus ibis, Egretta thula, and Nycticorax nycticorax, occupied mainly the lower stratum and the largest, Ardea alba, the higher stratum. The colonist species B. ibis did not show a clear preference, occupying both Mimosa bimucronata and Cephalanthus glabratus for nest building, while the other three herons selected mainly M. bimucronata if the two tree species were available.  相似文献   

A typical chondrosarcoma is reported from the nictitating membrane of a great white heron (Ardea herodius occidentalis). This is the first report of a neoplasm in a free flying ciconiiform, and was the only one found in a survey of 957 carcasses from Florida.  相似文献   

D. Blake    A. M. Hutson    P. A. Racey    J. Rydell    J. R. Speakman 《Journal of Zoology》1994,234(3):453-462
Roads illuminated by white streetlamps attracted three times more foraging bats (mostly Pipistrellus pipistrellus ) than did roads lit by orange streetlamps or unlit roads (3.2, 1.2 and 0.7 bat passes/km, respectively). More insects flew around white lamps than around orange lamps (mean 0.67 and 0.083 insects per lamp, respectively). The mean number of bat passes recorded in any 1-km section of road was positively correlated to the number of white streetlamps along the section, and also, independently, to the amount of trees and hedgerows. Bat activity was not related to the number of houses along the road, ambient temperature or cloud cover. The attractive effect of the lamps on the bats was diminished in windy weather.  相似文献   

1.  Selective pressures acting on foraging activities constrain the strength of interaction, hence the stability and energetic availability in food webs.
2.  Because such selective pressures are usually measured at the individual level and because most experimental and theoretical works focus on simple settings, linking adaptive foraging with community scale patterns is still a far stretch.
3.  Some recent models incorporate foraging adaptation in diverse communities. The models vary in the way they incorporate adaptation, via evolutionary or behavioural changes, and define individual fitness in various ways.
4.  In spite of these differences, some general results linking adaptation to community structure and functioning emerge. In the present article, I introduce these different models and highlight their common results.
5.  Adaptive foraging provides stability to large food web models and predicts successfully interaction patterns within food webs as well as other topological features such as food chain length.
6.  The relationships between adaptive foraging and other structuring factors particularly depend on how well connected the local community is with surrounding communities (metacommunity aspect).  相似文献   

Two-level evolution of foraging agent communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alfonseca M  de Lara J 《Bio Systems》2002,66(1-2):21-30
This paper presents simulation results of artificial foraging agent communities. The goal of each agent in the community is to find food. Once a food source is found, agents eat portions of it and carry some other portions to the nest (in a manner similar to ants) until the food is depleted. Agents may also communicate food positions when they are near each other. They are given a set of genes that control several characteristics, such as their activity, memory, scepticism, lying, etc. These genes are recombined and propagated by means of sexual reproduction. When one nest is superpopulated with agents, it can break in two nests. Agents can communicate only with those belonging to the same nest, which gives rise to emergent situations of competition and cooperation between the agents in the same nest, as well as competition between different nests. Other emergent phenomena such as the propagation of rumours are also studied.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of three life phases of the parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus was studied on a southern Red Sea fringing reef by comparing availability and consumption of benthic algae during the monsoon hot and cool seasons. Dominant biota covering dead carbonate substrates were in decreasing order of importance: turfs on endoliths, turfs on crustose corallines, and crustose corallines. On the reef crest and shallow fore reef, composition of the biota changed seasonally. Cover of turfs on endoliths and turfs on crustose corallines was higher during the hot season, while crustose corallines and macroalgae (only on reef crest) increased during the cool season. Biota in the deep fore reef did not show seasonal variation. All life phases used similar resources and showed selective feeding in all zones. Turfs on endoliths, followed by turfs on crustose corallines, was the primary feeding substrate. These two sources represented over 92% of bites during both seasons. Crustose corallines, macroalgae, and living corals were negligible components being strongly avoided at all zones and seasons. Resource use varied seasonally on the reef crest and shallow fore reef, while it remained unchanged on the deep fore reef. Turfs on endoliths were consistently preferred in both seasons but their contribution increased from 45% in the cool to 70% of bites in the hot season. Electivity for turfs on crustose corallines shifted from random feeding in the hot (27% of bites) to selection in the cool season (47% of bites). Feeding pattern changed diurnally with more bites taken from crustose corallines and turfs on crustose corallines during morning. During the rest of the day, bites from turfs on endoliths predominate. S. ferrugineus shows limited capacity to exploit seasonal increases in the biomass of foliose and canopy forming macroalgae, despite indications of energetic limitation during the cool season.  相似文献   

Coral associated microorganisms, especially some opportunistic pathogens can utilize quorum-sensing (QS) signals to affect population structure and host health. However, direct evidence about the link between coral bleaching and dysbiotic microbiomes under QS regulation was lacking. Here, using 11 opportunistic bacteria and their QS products (AHLs, acyl-homoserine-lactones), we exposed Pocillopora damicornis to three different treatments: test groups (A and B: mixture of AHLs-producing bacteria and cocktail of AHLs signals respectively); control groups (C and D: group A and B with furanone added respectively); and a blank control (group E: only seawater) for 21 days. The results showed that remarkable bleaching phenomenon was observed in groups A and B. The operational taxonomic units-sequencing analysis shown that the bacterial network interactions and communities composition were significantly changed, becoming especially enhanced in the relative abundances of Vibrio, Edwardsiella, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Aeromonas. Interestingly, the control groups (C and D) were found to have a limited influence upon host microbial composition and reduced bleaching susceptibility of P. damicornis. These results indicate bleaching's initiation and progression may be caused by opportunistic bacteria of resident microbes in a process under regulation by AHLs. These findings add a new dimension to our understanding of the complexity of bleaching mechanisms from a chemoecological perspective.  相似文献   

To elucidate potential ecological and evolutionary processes associated with the assembly of plant communities, there is now widespread use of estimates of phylogenetic diversity that are based on a variety of DNA barcode regions and phylogenetic construction methods. However, relatively few studies consider how estimates of phylogenetic diversity may be influenced by single DNA barcodes incorporated into a sequence matrix (conservative regions vs. hypervariable regions) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny. Here, we use general linear mixed‐effects models to examine the influence of different combinations of core DNA barcodes (rbcL, matK, ITS, and ITS2) and phylogeny construction methods on a series of estimates of community phylogenetic diversity for two subtropical forest plots in Guangdong, southern China. We ask: (a) What are the relative influences of single DNA barcodes on estimates phylogenetic diversity metrics? and (b) What is the effect of using a backbone family‐level phylogeny to estimate topology‐based phylogenetic diversity metrics? The combination of more than one barcode (i.e., rbcL + matK + ITS) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny provided the most parsimonious explanation of variation in estimates of phylogenetic diversity. The use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny showed a stronger effect on phylogenetic diversity metrics that are based on tree topology compared to those that are based on branch lengths. In addition, the variation in the estimates of phylogenetic diversity that was explained by the top‐rank models ranged from 0.1% to 31% and was dependent on the type of phylogenetic community structure metric. Our study underscores the importance of incorporating a multilocus DNA barcode and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny to infer phylogenetic diversity, where the type of DNA barcode employed and the phylogenetic construction method used can serve as a significant source of variation in estimates of phylogenetic community structure.  相似文献   

In avian population, the biological clock is synchronized with the photoperiod as a significant time cue. However, information on feeding behaviour of the Indian Pond Heron, Ardeola grayii at Ratanpur, Chhattisgarh, India is not available. In present study we examined the effect of ‘time of the day’ and ‘photoperiod’ on daytime feeding behaviour of A. grayii at Ratanpur (85º17’E longitude and 22º3’N latitude), Chhattisgarh, India. The different feeding techniques of A. grayii, were recorded for two consecutive days each during long days (May and June 2014) and during short days (December 2014 and January 2015). One-way ANOVA (using SPSS 16.0) was applied to find out the effects of ‘photoperiod’ and ‘time of the day’ on daytime feeding activity with respect to frequency of feeding techniques. The rhythms in daytime feeding activity were evaluated using the Cosinor rhythmometry at 24 h and 12 h. The present study revealed that the A. grayii adopted three major techniques viz., slowly walking, probing and striking on which the slowly walking and striking was popularly used feeding technique as compared to the probing technique during the feeding. Moreover, the A. grayii is found to be bimodal viz., morning and evening type during both of long and short days. Furthermore, bird was more active during short day as compared to the long day.  相似文献   


Our study sought to analyze patterns and overlap in prey items consumed by elasmobranch species in southern Brazil through a complex network analysis. We hypothesized that species with the same habitat use would show greater trophic niche overlap and lower diet specialization than species with different habitat use. We conducted a literature survey of the species recorded in southern Brazil and analyzed publications with quantitative data on the diet of each species. We found records of 103 species in the region, of which 58 had their diets analyzed and had quantitative data to contribute to this analysis. The results suggest nested diet patterns in this community. Nestedness may arise for different reasons, and suggests that species might be balancing their high feeding niche overlap through compensatory mechanisms. There are no prior records of such a pattern in elasmobranch communities, which brings to light important information about their feeding niche. Data on prey consumption and temporal and spatial patterns of elasmobranch feeding may yield further insight into how these species are interacting in the environment and assist the investigation of the processes that shaped the current community’s trophic structure.


M. Singer  J. Stireman 《Oecologia》2001,129(1):98-105
The use of multiple host-plant species by populations of insect herbivores can result from a variety of possible ecological and behavioral mechanisms. An understanding of the foraging mechanisms determining polyphagy in relation to local ecological conditions is therefore essential to understanding the evolutionary ecology of polyphagy. Here, we evaluate patterns of host-plant use by the polyphagous caterpillar Grammia geneura (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in relation to host-plant availability and foraging tactics of individuals. Field surveys of caterpillar feeding and plant abundance carried out across several sites, seasons, and years showed that: (1) G. geneura consistently preferred forbs to grasses and woody plants, (2) forb-feeding was opportunistic, supporting the idea that caterpillars sample locally available host-plants, and (3) there were consistent patterns of host-plant use that were not explained by host-plant availability (electivity). An independent set of 7-h observations of 11 caterpillars showed that electivity for a subset of caterpillar-host associations could be explained by variation in the probability of initiating feeding and the average duration of feeding bouts on different hosts but not by variation in the probability of encountering different hosts, thus providing a behavioral basis for the observed variation in host-plant use. The use of detailed foraging tactics by larvae to explain host-plant use at the population level is a novel contribution of this study.  相似文献   

Does group foraging promote efficient exploitation of resources?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guy Beauchamp 《Oikos》2005,111(2):403-407
Increased avoidance of food patches previously exploited by other companions has been proposed as one adaptive benefit of group foraging. However, does group foraging really represent the most efficient way to exploit non- or slowly-renewing resources? Here, I used simulations to explore the costs and benefits of exploiting non-renewing resources by foragers searching for food patches independently or in groups in habitats with different types of resource distribution. Group foragers exploited resources in a patch more quickly and therefore spent proportionately more time locating new patches. Reduced avoidance of areas already exploited by others failed to overcome the increased time cost of searching for new food patches and group foragers thus obtained food at a lower rate than solitary foragers. Group foraging provided one advantage in terms of a reduction in the variance of food intake rate. On its own, reduced avoidance of exploitation competition through group foraging appears unlikely to increase mean food intake rate when exploiting non-renewing patches but may provide a way to reduce the risk of an energy shortfall.  相似文献   

Although ecologists have spent much effort in analysing the foraging behaviour of animals, the study of plants as foraging organisms is a relatively unexplored subject. There is often, however, much greater potential for analysis of foraging behaviour in plants than in animals. Unlike most animals, many plant species leave permanent or semi-permanent records of their foraging activities because their resource-acquiring structures (primarily leaves and roots), persist for a considerable time, as also do the structures (trunks, branches, stolons, runners or rhizomes) which enable leaves or roots to be projected into particular positions in the habitat. In addition, plant ecologists are not burdened with the difficulties associated with determining how changes in foraging behaviour affect fitness in animals(1), because plant mass (or, in the case of clonal species, number of ramets produced), is usually closely correlated with fitness.  相似文献   

Root foraging for patchy resources in eight herbaceous plant species   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Rajaniemi TK  Reynolds HL 《Oecologia》2004,141(3):519-525
The root foraging strategy of a plant species can be characterized by measuring foraging scale, precision, and rate. Trade-offs among these traits have been predicted to contribute to coexistence of competitors. We tested for trade-offs among root foraging scale (total root mass and length of structural roots), precision (ln-ratio of root lengths in resource-rich and resource-poor patches), and rate (days required for roots to reach a resource-rich patch, or growth rate of roots within a resource-rich patch) in eight co-occurring species. We found that root foraging scale and precision were positively correlated, as were foraging scale and the rate of reaching patches. High relative growth rate of a species did not contribute to greater scale, precision, or rate of root foraging. Introduced species had greater foraging scale, precision, and rate than native species. The positive correlations between foraging scale and foraging precision and rate may give larger species a disproportionate advantage in competition for patchy soil resources, leading to size asymmetric competition below ground.  相似文献   


Melissopalynological analysis of 14 honey samples of Tetragonisca angustula (two), Scaptotrigona mexicana (six), Melipona beecheii (three) and Melipona solani (three) from Soconusco region in Chiapas, Mexico was performed. A total of 79 taxa were identified, being Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Melostomataceae and Rubiaceae the predominant pollen types. Melissopalynological analysis reported a monofloral composition for Melipona beecheii honeys, where the most predominant pollen type was Fabaceae (54.2%). T. angustula, Scaptotrigona mexicana and Melipona solani honey samples were multifloral and predominant pollen types were Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Melastomataceae and Solanaceae. The most frequent polliniferous pollen type were Asteraceae, Bernardia interrupta, Euphorbia heterophyla and Miconia. Shannon–Wiener diversity index (H′) for Melipona beecheii 2016 (2.21) and Melipona solani 2017 (1.64) were lower meanwhile honeys of Melipona beecheii 2017, S. mexicana 2017, Melipona solani 2016 and T. angustula 2017 were considered as fairly diverse, because they visited a wider range of plant species, by preferring shrub and wild strata such as: Asteraceae, Euphorbia, Euphorbiaceae, Miconia and Mimosa. Our results showed that the foraging behaviour of these bee species is polylectic, as no taxa was found to be more than 70% of the counted grains. Since the study of the collection of meliponine flower resources in the southern region of Mexico have not been studied yet, it is not possible to analyse the foraging behaviour, the use of resources and the management of these species in this region.  相似文献   

The use and misuse of public information by foraging red crossbills   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
Group foragers may assess patch quality more efficiently bypaying attention to the sampling behavior of group members foragingin the same patch (i.e., using "public information"). To determinewhether red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) use public informationto aid their patch departure decisions, we conducted experimentsthat compared the sampling behavior of crossbills foraging ona two-patch system (one patch was always empty, one patch containingseeds) when alone, in pairs, and in flocks of three. When foragingalone, crossbills departed from empty patches in a way thatwas qualitatively consistent with energy maximization. We foundevidence for the use of public information when crossbills werepaired with two flock mates, but not when paired with one flockmate. When foraging with two flock mates, crossbills sampledapproximately half the number of cones on the empty patch beforedeparting as compared to when solitary. Furthermore, as expected ifpublic information is used, the variance in both the numberof cones and time spent on the empty patch decreased when crossbillsforaged with two flock mates as compared to when alone. Althoughhigh frequencies of scrounging reduce the availability of publicinformation, scrounging is usually uncommon in crossbills, apparentlybecause they exploit divisible patches. Consequently, publicinformation is likely to be important to crossbills in the wild.We also show that feeding performance is greatly diminishedwhen the feeding performances of flock mates differ. This providesa mechanism that will favor assortative grouping by phenotypewhen phenotypes affect feeding performance, which may in turnpromote speciation in some groups of animals.  相似文献   

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