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Photothermal Responses of Flowering in Rice (Oryza sativa)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Durations from sowing to panicle emergence in 16 diverse genotypesof rice (Oryza sativa L.) were recorded in 13 different photothermalregimes, comprising constant and diurnally alternating temperaturesbetween 16 and 32 °C and photoperiods between 10.5 and 15.0h d–1—all provided by controlled-environment growthcabinets. In 11.5 h days and at sub-optimal temperatures, relationsbetween the rate of progress towards panicle emergence and meantemperature were linear in all genotypes, and amongst thesethe base temperature at that photoperiod varied between 6.6and 11.9 °C. In most cases progress was most rapid at 24–26°C, i.e. the optimum temperature was much cooler than expectedfrom previously published values of times to panicle emergencein a less extensive range of photothermal regimes. Only in threecultivars was it warmer than 28 °C, and in these there weresufficient data to establish that relations between rates ofprogress to panicle emergence and photoperiod in the diurnallyalternating temperature regime of 28–20 °C are alsolinear. Also, the responses of these three cultivars provideno evidence of any interaction between the effects of photoperiodand temperature. We conclude, then, that the model in whichrate of development is a linear function of both temperatureand photoperiod with no interaction, which has been shown tobe common to many other species, also applies to rice. Differencesamong genotypes in relative sensitivity of rate of progresstowards panicle emergence to both temperature and to photoperiodwere considerable; japonica cultivars tended to be more sensitiveto temperature and less sensitive to photoperiod than indicacultivars. Four indica cultivars bred and selected at The InternationalRice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines did not differ(P > 0.10) in their relations between rate of progress towardspanicle emergence and sub-optimal temperatures in a daylengthof 11.5 h, but the optimum temperature for cv. IR 36 was appreciablywarmer than that for the cvs IR 5, IR 8 and IR 42. Oryza sativa, rice, flowering, temperature, photoperiod, photothermal responses  相似文献   

Four cultivars of soyabean [Glycine max (L.) Merill] of diverseorigin were grown in pots in a plastic-house maintained at day/nighttemperatures of 30/20°C. Plants were transferred at varioustimes after sowing from short (11·5 h d-1) to long (13·5h d-1) days and vice versa. The times from sowing to first floweringfor control plants grown continuously in short days varied from38 to 53 d, whereas the flowering of plants grown continuouslyin long days was delayed by about 20 d in each cultivar. Theduration of the initial photoperiod-insensitive phase (oftencalled the juvenile phase) varied three-fold between cultivars,i.e. from 11 to 33 d. As expected, the duration of the photoperiod-sensitivephase was greater in long days, but there was comparativelylittle genetic variation in photoperiod-sensitivity as definedin terms of days delay in time to flowering per hour increasein photoperiod (9-11 d h-1). Similarly, there was little variationin the photoperiod-insensitive post-inductive phase; it rangedfrom 15 to 20 d. In consequence, the duration of the initialphotoperiod-insensitive phase was a strong determinant of timeto first flowering in these cultivars. The importance of thisso-called juvenile trait is discussed in terms of preventingthe premature flowering of USA-adapted cultivars when grownin short tropical daylengths and thus improving the adaptationof the crop to the lower latitudes.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Glycine max (L.) Merill, soyabean, photoperiodism, juvenility, flowering  相似文献   

The diurnal and seasonal changes in plant water relations of two Japonica rice ( Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, Nipponbare and Tachiminori, were studied under flooded conditions at Kyoto University. The dryland cv. Tachiminori maintained higher predawn and midday leaf osmotic potentials relative to the wetland cv. Nipponbare during the vegetative stage, but the ranking was reversed after flowering. The relationship between leaf water potential and leaf osmotic potential showed that prior to panicle emergence Nipponbare was able to adjust osmotically to maintain turgor, whereas after heading there was little turgor maintenance. Tachiminori showed little difference in osmotic adjustment before and after panicle emergence. Fertilizer treatment during panicle development also helped to maintain the degree of osmotic adjustment in both cultivars.  相似文献   

Silbernagel has described a test for selecting cultivars ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. which exhibit rapid seedling emergenceat low temperatures, and using this test has identified threecold-tolerant cultivars. We have compared the growth of thesecultivars with that of three control cultivars. Both at 25/20°C and at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures, Silbernagel'scultivars emerged more rapidly than the controls. This was dueto more rapid hypocotyl elongation, not to earlier germination.Rapid hypocotyl elongation was associated with high relativegrowth rates of the seedling axis and rapid loss in weight ofthe cotyledons. After emergence, cotyledons of all cultivarscontinued to lose weight at a constant exponential rate. Relativegrowth rates of the axes were not constant but declined withtime. There was no evidence that genotypic differences in growthrates before emergence were reflected in growth rates afteremergence. A simple quantitative analysis suggested that thedecline in axis relative growth rate after emergence was dueto a declining contribution from cotyledonary reserves. There were significant differences between cultivars in theinitial weight of the seedling axis. Axis weight (A) was notlinearly proportional to seed weight (S), but the curvilinearallometric relationship A = 0.0773 S0.697 satisfactorily accountedfor most of the variation in initial axis weight between cultivars.In all cultivars, axis weights at emergence were smaller inthe cool regime than in the warm, because low temperatures depressedaxis relative growth rates relative to the rate of emergence.The biggest difference between the Q10 of relative growth rate,and of emergence rate, and hence the biggest effect of low temperatureon axis weight at emergence, occurred in the cold-susceptiblecultivar Seafarer. However, genotypic cold tolerance duringthe period when growth is dependent on reserves did not appearto guarantee cold tolerance during the main period of growth. Phaseolus vulgaris, L., bean, seedling growth, temperature, cold tolerance  相似文献   

The duration of the vegetative phase (i.e. days from sowingto panicle initiation) in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]is affected by photoperiod and temperature. Plants of severalcontrasting genotypes of sorghum were grown in controlled-environmentgrowth cabinets with either synchronous or asynchronous photoperiodsand thermoperiods. Apical development was recorded. Diurnalasynchrony between photoperiod and thermoperiod reduced durationsto panicle initiation when the temperature warmed after lightswent on and cooled after lights went off, but increased thesedurations when the temperature warmed before lights went onand cooled before lights went off. These effects were shownin the maturity lines 60M and SM100 and also in the USA cv.RS610 and the Sudanese landrace IS22365, but their magnitudevaried with genotype, photothermal regime, and the degree ofasynchrony. The greatest effect was detected in IS22365 grownat 30/21 °C (12 h/12 h) with a 12 h d-1photoperiod whenthe temperature warmed 2.5 h before lights went on and cooled2.5 h before lights went off, when the duration from sowingto panicle initiation was 69 d compared with 37 d in the control(synchronous photoperiod and thermoperiod in each diurnal cycle). Reciprocal transfers of plants of IS22365 between short andlong days revealed that asynchrony principally affected theduration of the photoperiod-insensitive pre-inductive phaseof development; i.e. asynchrony affected the time (age) at whichthe plants were first able to respond to photoperiod. In thatinvestigation in controlled-environment growth chambers, thesubsequent photoperiod-sensitive inductive phase continued untilpanicle initiation. Subsequent reciprocal transfer experimentsin controlled-environment glasshouses in four different alternatingtemperature regimes employed synchronous photoperiods and thermoperiodsin short (11 h) days with temperature warming 1.5 h after thebeginning of the day in long (12.5 h) days. In those investigations,photoperiod sensitivity ended some time before (2.5–8.1d, mean 5.7 d) panicle initiation in IS22365, Naga White andSeredo. Moreover, whereas the duration of the photoperiod-insensitivepre-inductive phase was affected by temperature, the durationsof the photoperiod-sensitive inductive and the photoperiod-insensitivepost-inductive phases were not. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench; sorghum; asynchrony; photoperiod; thermoperiod; vegetative phase; panicle initiation  相似文献   

Changes in seed quality (assessed by potential longevity, i.e.the value of the seed lot constant K1 of the seed viabilityequation) in three contrasting cultivars of rice (Oryza sativaL.) were monitored during seed development and maturation intwo temperature regimes, viz 28/20°C and 32/24°C (12/12h), provided by controlled environments. Mass maturity (definedas the end of the seed-filling phase) varied only between 18and 20 d after 50% anthesis. In five of the six treatment combinationsmaximum potential longevity was not achieved until 12-19 d aftermass maturity. In contrast, the maximum potential longevityof seeds of a japonica rice cultivar produced in the warmerregime was obtained in the first harvest after mass maturity.After mass maturity, the potential longevity of the japonicarice seed lots produced in the warmer environment was much lessthan that for the cooler environments. Maximum potential longevitywas also consistently greater in the cooler than the warmerregime for the two indica cultivars, although the differencein K1 was small (0·3-0·5). The deleterious effectof increase in temperature on seed quality development was notdetected until after mass maturity. Maximum potential longevityin the cooler regime was greatest in the glutinous indica (K1= 3·9) and least in the japonica cultivar (K1 = 3·1).It is concluded that the japonica cultivar is not as well adaptedto warm seed production regimes as the indica cultivars. Consequently,subject to confirmation, this research suggest that the seedproduction of japonica cultivars for long-term genetic conservationshould be undertaken, whenever possible, in warm temperate environments.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Oryza sativa L., rice, genebanks, seed development, seed storage, seed longevity, temperature  相似文献   

四个水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种"IR72"、"特三矮2号"、"桂朝2号"和"Ⅱ优4480"在田间栽于含35 μmol/mol 和60 μmol/mol CO2的塑料大棚中,自然光照.高浓度CO2下供试水稻品种的光合速率变化表现为提高型("IR72"、"特三矮2号")、稳定型("桂朝2号"的Pn几无变化)和下调型("Ⅱ优4480").生长速率、穗重、由Δ13C计算而得的长期水分利用效率和清除DPPH@自由基的能力皆增加.除"Ⅱ优4480"外,其他3个品种明显增高总生物量.供试品种的穗重/总生物量比不同程度地受到高浓度CO2的改变.叶片段经PEG渗透胁迫后,不同的生长于高浓度CO2者的电解质渗漏率较小.结果表明高浓度CO2可改变水稻的光合作用和水分关系特性,品种间不同的响应显示了选育适于未来高浓度CO2下具有高产和抗逆性品种的可能性.  相似文献   

Flowering in petunias is hastened by long days, but little isknown about when the plants are most sensitive to photoperiod,or how light integral or temperature affect such phases of sensitivity.The effects of these factors on time to flowering was investigatedusing reciprocal transfer experiments between long (16 h d-1)and short days (8 h d-1). The effect of light integral on thephases of photoperiod sensitivity was examined using two sowingdates and a shading treatment (53% transmission). The effectsof temperature were investigated by conducting reciprocal transferexperiments in glasshouse compartments at five temperature regimes(means of 13.7, 19.2, 22.3, 25.0 and 28.7 °C). The lengthof the photoperiod-insensitive juvenile phase of development,when flowering cannot be induced by any environmental stimulus,was sensitive to light integral; low light integrals prolongedthis phase, from 23 d at 2.6 MJ m-2d-1to 36 d at 1.6 MJ m-2d-1(totalsolar radiation). The length of this development phase was shortest(12.5 d) at 21 °C; it was longer under cooler (21 d at 13.5°C) and warmer temperatures (17.6 d at 28.3 °C). Afterthis phase, time to flowering was influenced greatly by photoperiod,with long days hastening flowering by between 28 and 137 d,compared with short days. Plants also showed some sensitivityto both temperature and light integral during this phase, butthe duration of the final phase of flower development, duringwhich plants were photoperiod-insensitive, was dependent primarilyon the temperature at which the plants were grown; at 14.5 °C,33.9 d were required to complete this phase compared with 11.4d at 25.5 °C. The experimental approach gave valuable informationon the phases of sensitivity to photothermal environment duringthe flowering process, and could provide the basis of a morephysiologically-based quantitative model of flowering than hashitherto been attempted. The information is also useful in thescheduling of lighting and temperature treatments to give optimalflowering times of high quality plants.Copyright 1999 Annalsof Botany Company Petunia,Petuniaxhybrida, juvenility, flowering, photoperiod, temperature, light integral, reciprocal transfer.  相似文献   

Photoperiod is a major factor in flower development of the opiumpoppy (Papaver somniferum L. ‘album DC’) which isa long-day plant. Predicting time to flower in field-grown opiumpoppy requires knowledge of which stages of growth are sensitiveto photoperiod and how the rate of flower development is influencedby photoperiod. The objective of this work was to determinewhen poppy plants first become sensitive to photoperiod andhow long photoperiod continues to influence the time to firstflower under consistent temperature conditions. Plants weregrown in artificially-lit growth chambers with either a 16-hphotoperiod (highly flower inductive) or a 9-h photoperiod (non-inductive).Plants were transferred at 1 to 3-d intervals from a 16- toa 9-h photoperiod andvice versa . All chambers were maintainedat a 12-h thermoperiod of 25/20 °C. Poppy plants becamesensitive to photoperiod 4 d after emergence and required aminimum of four inductive cycles (short dark periods) beforethe plant flowered. Additional inductive cycles, up to a maximumof nine, hastened flowering. After 13 inductive cycles, floweringtime was no longer influenced by photoperiod. These resultsindicate that the interval between emergence and first flowercan be divided into four phases: (1) a photoperiod-insensitivejuvenile phase (JP); (2) a photoperiod-sensitive inductive phase(PSP); (3) a photoperiod-sensitive post-inductive phase (PSPP);and (4) a photoperiod-insensitive post-inductive phase (PIPP).The minimum durations of these phases forPapaver somniferum‘album DC’ under the conditions of our experimentwere determined as 4 d, 4 d, 9 d, and 14 d, respectively. Anthesis; days to flowering; flower bud; opium poppy; Papaver somniferum L.; photoperiod; photoperiod sensitivity; predicting time to flowering; transfer  相似文献   

Kinetics of zinc uptake by two rice cultivars   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Rice (Oryzae sativa L.) cultivars differ widely in their susceptibility to zinc (Zn) dificiency. Excised root apices of cv IR26 actively absorbed Zn at a rate twice that of cv M101 roots. This difference in Zn uptake rates could not be attributed to greater root surface area in cv IR26 as compared to cv M101. The maximum rates of Zn uptake (Vmax) and the Km values also differed markedly between these two cultivars. Roots of cv M101 have a two-fold greater affinity for Zn than do those of cv IR26. Leaf blade tissues of IR26 and M101 rice absorbed Zn at similar rates. Rice cv IR26 readily develops Zn deficiency symptoms in hydroponic culture but cv M101 rarely does so.  相似文献   

MENZEL  C. M. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(1):65-69
Tuber formation in intact potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.cv. Sebago) was reduced by high shoot or root temperatures andstrongly inhibited when both were high. When both the shootand root temperatures were high, disbudding strongly promotedtuberization. There was a smaller increase with warm roots andcool shoots, but no response with warm shoots and cool roots.When both the shoots and roots were cool, disbudding reducedtuberization. Exogenous GA3, effectively substituted for thebuds at high temperatures, completely preventing tuberization.In apical cuttings, removal of the terminal bud, but not theroots, reduced the inhibitory effects of high temperatures ontuberization. The experiment indicates that tuber productionmay be controlled by at least three factors: a promoter, whichis not assimilate, produced by the buds at cool temperatures;an inhibitor, derived from the buds, but dependent on warm roottemperatures for its formation; and a second inhibitor derivedfrom the mature leaves and produced in response to warm shoottemperatures. Solanum tuberosumL, potato, tuberization, temperature, disbudding, gibberellic acid  相似文献   

High night temperature (HNT) is a major constraint to sustaining global rice production under future climate. Physiological and biochemical mechanisms were elucidated for HNT‐induced grain yield and quality loss in rice. Contrasting rice cultivars (N22, tolerant; Gharib, susceptible; IR64, high yielding with superior grain quality) were tested under control (23°C) and HNT (29°C) using unique field‐based tents from panicle initiation till physiological maturity. HNT affected 1000 grain weight, grain yield, grain chalk and amylose content in Gharib and IR64. HNT increased night respiration (Rn) accounted for higher carbon losses during post‐flowering phase. Gharib and IR64 recorded 16 and 9% yield reduction with a 63 and 35% increase in average post‐flowering Rn under HNT, respectively. HNT altered sugar accumulation in the rachis and spikelets across the cultivars with Gharib and IR64 recording higher sugar accumulation in the rachis. HNT reduced panicle starch content in Gharib (22%) and IR64 (11%) at physiological maturity, but not in the tolerant N22. At the enzymatic level, HNT reduced sink strength with lower cell wall invertase and sucrose synthase activity in Gharib and IR64, which affected starch accumulation in the developing grain, thereby reducing grain weight and quality. Interestingly, N22 recorded lower Rn‐mediated carbon losses and minimum impact on sink strength under HNT. Mechanistic responses identified will facilitate crop models to precisely estimate HNT‐induced damage under future warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Water deficits at the anthesis stage of rice (Oryza sativa L.)induce a high percentage of spikelet sterility and reduce grainyield. This study attempted to elucidate the direct effectsof water stress on panicle exsertion, spikelet opening, andspikelet desiccation leading to spikelet sterility. A well-wateredtreatment and two water stress levels were imposed in pot-grownplants of IRAT 13 (upland cultivar) and IR20 (lowland cultivar)at the time of flowering under greenhouse conditions A cultivar difference was observed in the flowering responseto water stress with a high sensitivity in IR20. The time courseof panicle exsertion showed an inhibitory effect due to thelow panicle water status. Low panicle water potentials significantlyreduced the number of opened spikelets. Spikelet opening wascompletely inhibited at panicle water potentials below –1·8MPa and –2·3 MPa in IR20 and IRAT 13, respectively.However, the peak spikelet opening time in a day was not influencedby the stress treatment. Spikelets in stressed panicles wereobserved to remain open for a longer period than in the well-wateredpanicles. The role of turgor in spikelet opening is also discussedin the study. At low panicle water potentials, severe desiccationof spikelets and anthers was noted. The deleterious effectsof water deficits on spikelet opening and spikelet water losscontributed to reduced spikelet fertility Oryza sativa L., rice, spikelet sterility, flowering, water stress, panicle water potentials, turgor potentials, desiccation  相似文献   

Twelve rice cultivars with differential resistance to rice blast disease (Magnaporthe oryzae (Hebert) Barr), including Tetep (R), IR36 (MR) and Lijiangxituanhegu (HS), and nine locally planted rice cultivars in Jiangxi helped establish an identification method for rice resistance to neck blast. We describe a new technique of dropping a spore suspension on the panicle segment in vitro (DSSPS). This technique involved rice panicles that were initially 0.5–2 cm in length and then cut into a 7‐ to 8‐cm segment (i.e. an upper node of 1 cm and a lower node of 6–7 cm). The segment was placed into a Petri dish with a stack of sterile water saturated filter paper. The suspension (4 μl 1 × 105spores/ml) was placed at each of three locations on the segment (with an approximate interval of 3 cm). Disease severity was then assessed according to a 0–9 scale after incubating for 9 days with a 12 h/12 h (light/day cycle) at 28°C. Choosing a suitable developmental stage of the rice panicle and blast strains was a key to evaluate resistance accurately. DSSPS is a simple and accurate method of identifying rice resistance to neck blast as compared to injecting the spore suspension into the rice panicle in vivo and resistance identification in natural nurseries. It is stressed that at least 20 single‐spore strains are needed to accurately assess rice resistance to neck blast. We tested 1005 rice cultivars for neck blast resistance in Jiangxi province during 2010–2015, which showed an accuracy of 85.77% by DSSPS as compared with natural nursery data.  相似文献   

Rye (Secale cereale cv. Rheidol) and wheat (Triticum aestivumcv. Mardler) were grown at shoot/root temperatures of 20/20°C (warm grown, WG plants), 8/8 °C (cold grown, CG plants)and 20/8 °C (differential grown, DG plants). Plants fromcontrasting growth temperature regimes were standardized andcompared using a developmental timescale based on accumulatedthermal time (°C d) at the shoot meristem. Accumulationof dry matter, nitrogen and potassium were exponential overthe time period studied (150–550 °C d). In rye, therates of plant dry matter and f. wt accumulation were linearlyrelated to the temperature of the shoot meristem. However, inwheat, although the rates of plant dry matter and f. wt accumulationwere temperature dependent, the linear relationship with shootmeristem temperature was weaker than in rye. The shoot/rootratio of rye was stable irrespective of growth temperature treatment,but the shoot/root ratio of wheat varied with growth temperaturetreatment. The shoot/root ratio of DG wheat was 50% greaterthan WG wheat. In both cereals, nutrient concentrations anddry matter content tended to be greater in organs exposed directlyto low temperatures. The mean specific absorption rates of nutrientswere calculated for the whole period studied for each species/temperaturecombination and were positively correlated with both plant shoot/rootratio and relative growth rate. The data suggest that nutrientuptake rates were influenced primarily by plant demand, withno indication of specific nutrient limitations at low temperatures. Nutrient accumulation, relative growth rate (RGR), rye, Secale cereale cv. Rheidol, temperature, thermal time, Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler, wheat  相似文献   

Seedlings of Secale cereale cv. Rheidol and Triticum aestivumcv. Mardler were grown at shoot/root temperatures of 20/20 °C,20/8 °C and 8/8 °C. During vegetative growth both cerealsproduced leaves, tillers and roots in a defined pattern, ata species-specific rate which was linearly related to the temperatureof the shoot meristem. Thus, plant development could be standardizedon a temperature x time (°C d) basis despite contrastinggrowth-temperature treatments. When compared at a similar developmentalstage, the cooling of whole plants or of plant roots resultedin an increase in the d. wt: f. wt ratio of both shoot and roottissues, a decrease in the length of both the longest shootand root, and the development of broader and thicker leaves.Although the effects of temperature on developmental characteristicscould be accurately predicted by an empirical relationship,the effects on morphological characteristics could not. Development, phyllochron, rye, Secale cereale cv. Rheidol, temperature, thermal time, Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler, wheat  相似文献   

Development up to flowering in opium poppy (Papaver somniferumL.)has been divided into four phases from emergence to anthesiswhich mark changes in its sensitivity to photoperiod: a photoperiod-insensitivejuvenile phase (JP), a photoperiod-sensitive inductive phase(PSP), a photoperiod-sensitive post-inductive phase (PSPP) anda photoperiod-insensitive post-inductive phase (PIPP). To predictflowering time under field conditions, it is essential to knowhow these phases are affected by temperature. Plants were grownin artificially-lit growth chambers and received three differenttemperature treatments: 15/10, 20/15 and 25/20 °C in a 12h thermoperiod. Plants were transferred within each temperatureregime from a non-inductive 9 h to an inductive 16 h photoperiodorvice versaat 1–4 d intervals to determine the durationsof the four phases. Temperature did not affect the durationof the first two phases (i.e. JP lasted 3–4 d and PSPrequired 4–5 d). The most significant effect of temperaturewas on the duration of PSPP which was 28, 20 and 17 d at 15/10,20/15 and 25/20 °C, respectively. The temperature effecton PIPP was small (maximum difference of 3 d between treatments)and the data too variable to indicate a significant trend. Ourresults indicate that PSPP is the only phase that clearly exhibitssensitivity to temperature. Days to flower; opium poppy; Papaver somniferumL.; phases of flower development; photoperiod; temperature  相似文献   

Seeds of a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. ‘Condor’)were vernalized and then grown at 19C in two naturally–litenvironments, one with a moderate (12 h) and the other withlong (18 h) photoperiod. Treatments consisted of transfers ofplants from the moderate to the long photoperiod chamber ondifferent occasions, or for periods of different durations.The main objectives were to determine whether wheat developmentresponds to current and previous photoperiodic environmentsand whether there is a juvenile phase when the plants are insensitiveto photoperiod. Plants under constant 18 h photoperiod had fewerleaves which appeared faster than those under constant 12 hphotoperiod (i.e. phyllochron was increased from 4.4 to 5.1d leaf–1). Plants transferred from 12 h to 18 h photoperiodat terminal spikelet appearance (TSA) reached anthesis 4 d earlierthan plants retained at 12 h, while plants under continuouslong photoperiod (18 h) completed this phase most rapidly. Thus,there was some evidence for a historic effect of photoperiodon development. Exposure to long photoperiod during the first 5 d after plantemergence accelerated the rate of development towards anthesis,suggesting that there was no juvenile period of photoperiodicinsensitivity. There were, however, changes during ontogenyin the degree of sensitivity to long photoperiod, increasingfrom seedling emergence to a maximum c. 15 d later, and thendecreasing again. Although all treatments were imposed beforeTSA, the response was not limited to the pre-TSA phase, suggestingthat well before the terminal spikelet appeared, the plant wasalready committed to the initiation of this spikelet. Spikeletnumber decreased with delayed transfer to long photoperiod witha minimum for plants transferred to long days from 16-20 d afterseedling emergence. Additionally, there was a trend for an increasein the rate of leaf appearance (decrease in phyllochron) whenthe plants were exposed to long days between 10 and 35 d afterseedling emergence. Although the differences were small, whenconsidered in conjunction with the effects on final leaf numberthey become important in explaining differences in time to anthesis. Key words: Development, flowering, leaf number, photoperiod, phyllochron, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

外源GSH对盐胁迫下水稻叶绿体活性氧清除系统的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了外源GSH对盐胁迫下耐盐性不同的水稻品种Pokkali(耐盐)和Peta(盐敏感)叶绿体中抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化剂含量的影响.结果表明:盐胁迫下,外源GSH可以提高水稻叶绿体中活性氧清除系统中SOD、APX、GR的活性以及AsA、GSH的含量,降低叶绿体中H2O2和MDA的含量,从而降低了叶绿体膜脂过氧化的水平,缓解盐胁迫对叶绿体膜的伤害.外源GSH对盐胁迫下盐敏感品种Peta叶绿体中上述指标增加或减少的幅度大于耐盐品种Pokkali.  相似文献   

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