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A temperature-sensitive mutant of Neurospora was isolated which appeared to be defective in the initiation of protein synthesis. The defect in mutant 34Cts was apparently due to a single gene mutation, and was recessive in heterokaryons. Conidial germination was normal and hyphal growth was nearly so in the mutant at 20 C, but both were greatly inhibited at 35 C. After 15 min at 35 C there was a reduced rate of protein synthesis, followed by decreases in ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis. The percentage of ribosomes in polysomes declined at 35 C and the average size of polysomes decreased. Because the decrease in protein synthesis, it was believed that some part of the translational system may be affected by the mutation. Mutant 34Cts was given the designation psi-1.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa ribosomes contain a species of ribonucleic acid (RNA) of molecular weight 54,000, similar to 5.8S ribosomal RNA previously described for other eukaryotic organisms. The 5.8S RNA from N. crassa was found to be released by heat treatment at 60 C from 25S ribosomal RNA but not from 18S ribosomal RNA. The base composition of N. crassa 5.8S RNA was similar to that of 5.8S RNA from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but differed from animal 5.8S RNA. During the course of this study, it was discovered that N. crassa 25S ribosomal RNA had a number of internal cleavages that may exist in vivo.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to use tritium-suicide enrichment with a mutagenized population of wild-typeNeurospora crassa to isolate cold-sensitive mutants with conditional defects in the production of cytoplasmic ribosomes. Eighty-six cold-sensitive mutant strains were obtained following tritium-suicide enrichment using [5-3H]uridine. Zone sedimentation analysis of cytoplasmic ribosomes produced by the strains at 10°C (the nonpermissive temperature) indicated that one strain,PJ31562, is defective in the accumulation of ribosomal subunits at that temperature. The properties of strainPJ31562 are: (1) At 10°C the growth rate is 28 times slower than at 25°C, whereas the factor for the wild type is 5.1. At 25°C the mutant's growth rate is 90% that of the wild type. (2) At 10°C the mutant accumulates the two ribosomal subunits, 60 and 37 S, in markedly disproportionate amounts apparently as a result of the underproduction of, or an instability of, the 17 S ribosomal RNA component of the small ribosomal subunit. At 25°C the mutant strain still exhibits a disproportionality in ribosomal subunit accumulation but to a much lesser degree than at 10°C. (3) Genetic studies have shown that a single nuclear gene is responsible for both the cold sensitivity and ribosome biosynthesis defect of strainPJ31562. The mutation involved is located in linkage group IV and appears to be closely linked to, and not allelic with, the cold-sensitive mutation carried by strainPJ30201 which has been shown previously to exhibit a similar phenotype with respect to ribosomal subunit accumulation, and which defines thecrib-1 locus. Thus tritium-suicide enrichment can be used to isolate cold-sensitive mutants ofNeurospora among which a relatively low frequency have conditional defects in ribosome production.  相似文献   

Dissociation and association factors of ribosomal particles were detected in extracts from Neurospora crassa at different stages of growth. The dissociation factor was easily released into the S100 supernatant fraction, whereas the association factor remained bound to the ribosomes.  相似文献   

The levels of ribosomes, tRNA molecules, and total protein per genome in Neurospora mycelia have been determined in eight different conditions of exponential growth. By increasing the rate of growth the number of ribosomes per genome increases dramatically while the level of total protein remains almost unchanged and the level of tRNA increases only slightly. The rates of synthesis of each of the macromolecules have been estimated. Increasing the rate of growth (mu) up to 0.5, the ratio between the rates of synthesis of tRNA and rRNA decreases reaching a constant value. The equations that best describe the dependence of the rate of synthesis of the macromolecules on the rate of growth (mu) have been determined. The rate of rRNA synthesis (rr), expressed as nucleotides polymerized, min- minus 1 per genome, is given by the equation: rr equals 6.51 times 10-7 mu-2-19. The rate of protein synthesis (rp), expressed as amino acids polymerized, min- minus 1 per genome is given by the following relationship: rp equals -1.43 times 10-7 + 3.43 times 10-8 mu. The equation describing the tRNA synthesis (rt) expressed as nucleotides, min- minus 1 per genome is rt equals 6.45 times 10-5 times exp 2.30 mu; however, more accurate determinations appear to be required for a firmer assignment of this latter equation. The significance of these equations for the studies on the regulation of rRNA and protein synthesis is discussed. For instance the rate of rRNA synthesis may set the limit for the maximal growth rate attainable by a cell, as the maximal rate of rRNA synthesis that may take place in a given cell is limited by the degree of redundancy of the rRNA genes.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized Neurospora crassa ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA). The rDNA is found as a tandemly repeated 6.0-megadalton sequence. We have mapped a portion of the rDNA repeat unit with respect to its sites for 13 restriction endonucleases and defined those regions coding for the 5. 8S, 17S, and 26S ribosomal ribonucleic acids (rRNA's). We have also isolated several clones containing 5S rRNA sequences. The 5S rRNA coding sequences are not found within the rDNA repeat unit. We found that the sequences surrounding the 5S rRNA coding regions are highly heterogeneous.  相似文献   

J L Epler 《Biochemistry》1969,8(6):2285-2290

1. It has been shown by Datema et al. (Datema, R., Agsteribbe, E. and Kroon, A.M. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 335, 386--395) that Neurospora mitochondria isolated in a Mg2+-containing medium (or after homogenization of the mycelium in this medium and subsequent washing of the mitochondria in EDTA-containing medium) possess 80-S ribosomes; mitochondria homogenized and isolated in EDTA medium yield 73-S ribosomes. The ribosomal proteins of the subunits of 80-S and 73-S ribosomes were compared by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The protein patterns of the large, as well as of the small subunits are very similar but not completely identical; the most conspicuous difference is that the large subunit of 80 S contains about eight more proteins than the large subunit of 73 S. 2. The contamination by Neurospora cytoplasmic 77-S ribosomes in the 80-S preparations, if present, is only minor. 3. Neurospora cytoplasmic ribosomes contain 31 proteins in the large, and 21 proteins in the small subunit. 4. Neurospora 80- mitochondrial ribosomes contain 39 proteins in the large, and 30 proteins in the small subunit 30 proteins. 5. Rat liver mitochondrial ribosomes contain 40 proteins in the large and at least 30 proteins in the small subunit. About 50% of these proteins has an isoelectric point below pH 8.6. 6. The pattern of Paracoccus denitrificans is very similar to that of other bacterial ribosomes, the large subunit contains 29, the small subunit 18 proteins.  相似文献   

Urease defective mutants in Neurospora crassa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A method for isolating urease mutants was developed. It is based on the use of microconidial strains with small and compact colonies. Mutants are detected by their inability to change the color of a pH indicator when they are brought in contact with a solution of urea. The assay is performed in the absence of growth conditions so that the colonies remain separate. Two isolated urease mutants are unable to grow on urea as the sole source of nitrogen, but grow as well as the wild type on other sources of nitrogen. The same two mutants give rise to different acidities in liquid growth medium. The two mutants are also genetically different (K?lmark, 1969 b). The finding that two genetically and physiologically distinct loci participate in the control of one enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

F W Miller  J Ilan 《Parasitology》1978,77(3):345-365
Ribosomes and high molecular weight ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) from the blood stages of Plasmodium berghei parasites were studied in preparations free from host ribosome contamination. Purified malarial ribosomes were isolated in high yield from a population of ultrastructurally intact, viable parasites by hypertonic lysis with Triton X-100 and differential centrifugation. These ribosomes were shown to be derived from active polysomes and could be dissociated into subunits by puromycin-0.5 M KCl treatment. Malarial rRNA extracted from purified 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits was characterized by electrophoretic, sedimentation and base ratio analyses. Like certain other protozoa, the P. berghei 40S ribosomal subunit possessed an exceptionally large RNA species (mol. wt 0.9 X 10(6), while RNA isolated from the parasite's 60S subunit (mol. wt 1.5 X 10(6)) was specifically 'nicked' to produce one large component (mol.wt 1.2 X 10(6)) and one small component (mol.wt 0.3 X 10(6)) in equimolar quantities. These rRNA's migrate identically on polyacrylamide gels after heating to 63 degrees C for 5 min or under denaturing conditions in the presence of formamide, indicating an absence of aggregation and non-specific degradation of the rRNA species. Base composition studies showed P. berghei rRNA to be low in guanosine and cytosine content, as is the case for protozoa generally.  相似文献   

The cel mutant of Neurospora, partially blocked in fatty acid synthesis and lacking temperature compensation of its circadian rhythm below 22 degrees C, had a phospholipid fatty acid composition in liquid shaker culture distinctly different from that of a cel+ control strain. During growth, cel+ exhibited a reproducible increase in its linoleic acid level from about 32 to a plateau at 63 mol%, and a corresponding decrease in its linolenic acid level from about 40 to a plateau at 10 mol%. The level of palmitic acid was constant at 19 mol%. In the cel strain, the linoleic acid level was constant at 54 mol% while the palmitic acid level increased from about 12 to about 23 mol%. Supplementation with palmitic or linoleic acids altered the patterns of fatty acid composition of cel, but did not affect the pattern of cel+. Altered fatty acid composition cosegregated with the cel marker. The mitochondrial phospholipids of cel in liquid culture also had abnormal fatty acid composition, as did the whole mycelial phospholipids on solid medium. These results are consistent with the involvement of membrane homeostasis in the temperature compensation of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

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