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Interactions between taste and irritant sensations elicited by model ice wine solutions were investigated, including the use of U and Γ′ models for predicting the perceived intensity of these sensory interactions. Fifteen solutions of varying ethanol and sugar concentrations representative of commercial ice wine values were evaluated in two trials by a trained sensory panel (n = 12) for perceived sweetness, bitterness and heat intensities. Sweetness perception of lower sugar‐concentration level in ice wine model solution was affected by ethanol concentration. The sweetness intensities of the sugar and ethanol mixtures are higher than the sweetness intensities of sugar solutions. The Γ′ index indicates a slight synergy between ethanol and sugar on sweetness perception. The bitterness intensities elicited by ethanol–sugar mixtures are lower than those elicited by unmixed ethanol solutions. The Γ′ index indicates inhibition of ethanol and sugar perception on bitterness perception. Suppression of heat sensation was found in model base wine solutions across sugar and ethanol concentrations.  相似文献   

在MDA或PNA培养基上,用单孢分离物在试管中进行配对,观测菌丝体上的锁状联合和子实体的形成情况,判定单孢菌株间的亲和性;研究了2个刺芹侧耳菌株PE-11、PE-12和1个糙皮侧耳菌株PO-02的交配系统,以及3个菌株间的亲缘关系;结果表明刺芹侧耳和糙皮侧耳是双因子交配系统。这是一个测定侧耳属的交配系统的新方法。  相似文献   

本文对全国优秀划船运动员进行了肱骨X线摄片与测量,同时,将划船运动员与非运动员以及划船运动各专项运动员分别进行了对比。结果表明:划船运动,尤其是划艇专项训练对肱骨的生长发育具有良好的影响。本文资料可作为体育训练及运动员选材的参考。  相似文献   

Perceived sweetness of sucrose, aspartame, D-tryptophan and thaumatin in a sour, citric acid background was analyzed in terms of the potency of these compounds relative to sucrose-water combinations. Potencies of the sweeteners were determined from (1) maximum intensity using single value and time-intensity (T-I) measurements and (2) average intensity calculated as the ratio of area under the T-I curve and total perceived time. Stevens' law was applied to sweet responses, either in static or dynamic conditions. It was found that the exponent of the concentration-response function reflected the relative capacity of a compound to sweeten a given food and stressed differences of potency among sweeteners. Aspartame, D-tryptophan and thaumatin exhibited a decrease in sweetness potency relative to sucrose as sweetness increased from 10 to 100% of the full scale of response. Across the entire sweetness range, thaumatin showed the greatest potency but its long persistence time led to differentiate this intense sweetener from the other sweeteners evaluated.  相似文献   

裂褶菌深层培养及多糖测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了深层培养裂褶菌Schizophyllum commune Fr.产生多糖,对产多糖的适宜培养基,最佳时间,高产菌株进行了研究。从南京灵谷寺及南京大学校园生长的裂褶菌子实体分离到3株产多糖的裂褶菌菌株,编号南大835,南大843,南大853。对南大843用6种不同培养基进行深层培养,测定和比较了多糖和菌丝产量,其结果表明黄豆粉葡萄糖液体培养基是适于裂褶菌合成多糖的培养基,能培养出密集、白色、均匀的菌球和丰富的多糖。其组成为(g/L):葡萄糖30,黄豆粉5,酵母膏2,KH_2PO_4 1,MgSO_4·7H_2O0.5。pH5.5。最适发酵条件:pH5—5.5,温度26—28℃,振速:100—110次/分,当pH降至4.9—4.7,残糖量在1%以下,5—6天可终止发酵。在培养6天的浓缩滤液中加入等体积的95%乙醇后大量白色粘稠、纤维状的多糖被沉淀下来。在上述发酵条件下,3个菌株比较结果,南大853能明显提高多糖产量,6天的培养液中多糖量可达5.5—6g/L,南大843和南大835分别是5g/L和2.8g/L。  相似文献   

小麦根圈细菌铁载体的检测   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
王平  董飚  李阜棣  胡正嘉   《微生物学通报》1994,21(6):323-326
本文报道微生物铁载体定性与定量测定的方法,以及小麦根圈细菌铁载体的室内检测结果。22株小麦根圈耐寒细菌和2株固氮菌在定性检测平板上产生铁载体,另有3株固氮菌不产。定量测定结果表明:36株水溶性色素产生菌合成铁载体的量在0.715-0.106(A/Ar)之间,其中属于荧光假单胞菌群的25个菌株铁载体产量的测定值(A/Ar)在0.184-0.106之间,达极高量水平。  相似文献   

HPLC法测定麻仁润肠丸大黄素、大黄酚的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用KromacilC18(4 .6mm× 2 5 0mm ,5 μm)色谱柱 ,以甲醇 - 0 .1%磷酸溶液 (85∶15 )为流动相 ,流速为 1mL·min ,柱温为 30℃ ,检测波长为 2 5 4nm ,以外标法测定了麻仁润肠丸中大黄素、大黄酚的含量。大黄素在 8.992× 10 -3 ~ 116 .896× 10 -3 ,大黄酚在 2 1.376× 10 -3 ~ 2 77.85 8× 10 -3 范围内呈线性关系 ,其在制剂中的平均回收率 (n =6 )分别为 10 1.5 6 % (RSD =1.3% )、96 .78% (RSD =1.3% )。  相似文献   

HPLC法测定山茱萸注射液中马钱素和莫诺甙的含量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
山茱萸注射液中有多种有效成分,采用高效液相色谱法对山茱萸注射液中的马钱素(Loganin)和莫诺甙(Morroniside)进行分离定量.色谱柱:Kromasil-100℃_(18)柱.流动相:0.05mol/L磷酸二氢钠缓冲液-乙腈(6.4:1).马钱素和莫诺甙的平均回收率和相对标准偏差分别为99.79%、1.51(n=6)和99.73%、2.75%(n=6).结果满意,可作为山茱萸主射液质量控制的标准方法.  相似文献   

The influence of bite size on sensory mouthfeel and afterfeel sensations was explored in two studies in which single bites of vanilla custard desserts were varied from itollmL (study 1) and in which series of five bites of two different custard desserts were presented consecutively (study 2). In single bites, sensations of perceived creaminess were enhanced with size whereas sensations of astringency and temperature were suppressed. Bite size also affected perceived thickness, but the direction of the effects varied with custard desserts. With multiple bites, creaminess sensations continued to increase, whereas other sensations were unaffected. Switching to a second series of bites of another vanilla custard dessert showed larger sensory effects, especially on astringency sensations but also to a lesser extent on sensations of thickness and fatty afterfeel. Single and multiple bite results are discussed in terms of possible peripheral mechanisms. Switching results are discussed in terms of possible central sensory contrast mechanisms.  相似文献   

低压值下体负压(LBNP)可仅使心肺压力感受器卸荷。采用-2kPaLBNP实验结果表明:LBNP既不引起动脉血压变化,也不引起心率改变,但却引起基础胸阻抗(Z。)从对照的21.8±0.4升高到22.5±0.5Ω(P<0.01),前臂血管阻力(FVR)从12.3±0.9升高到19.9±1.4U(P<0.01),前臂血流(FBF)从对照时7.1±0.5降低到4.3±0.3ml·min ̄(-1)·100ml ̄(-1),心率变异性谱(HRV)未发生任何变化,即心肺压力感受器卸荷时心脏自主神经活动水平与均衡性不受影响。由于FVR和FBF的变化可间接反映外周血管交感传出活动水平,上述实验结果提示,心肺压力感受器对外周血管及心脏自主神经活动的调节可能存在机能分化现象。  相似文献   

吉兰泰杜氏盐藻中类胡萝卜素的分析和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用高压液相色谱(HPLC)技术及IR、^1H NMR、MS、UV等现代测试手段,对吉兰泰杜氏盐藻中的类胡萝卜素等色素及胡萝卜素异构体进行了分析与鉴定。研究结果表明,吉兰泰杜氏盐藻中含有11种类胡萝卜素,其中β-胡萝卜素包含7-顺式、9-顺式、15-顺式、全反式等4种异构体。吉兰泰杜氏盐藻中的这些类胡萝卜素对人体十分有益,具有开发利用的价值。  相似文献   

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