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Changes in the heart basic rhythm, its rhythmical variations on periodograms, and level of spontaneous motor activity were studied on offspring of white rats from newborn to 3-week age at transition from the state of active wakefulness to narcosis as well as under conditions of blockade of M-cholinoreceptors with atropine. It is shown that the endogenous rhythmical activity can be regulated not only by a change in frequency of basic rhythms, but also by action on all parameters and properties of their rhythmical variations and secondary rhythms. The changes in power of the heart secondary rhythms exceed considerably the frequency oscillations of basic rhythms during blockade of cholinergic innervation or a change in the motor activity level that affects both the basic rhythm circulation and respiration and their variations—secondary rhythms. The atropine blockade of M-cholinoreceptors at the studied ages changes the heart contraction rhythm within the limits of 10% of bradycardia in newborns to tachycardia in the 3-week old animals. At the same time, power of the cardiac rhythm secondary oscillations changes several times. These data indicate that the cholinergic mechanisms play the key role in formation of the secondary rhythms and their correlation with motor activity.  相似文献   

The effects of a photoperiod reduction in the entrainment of circadian rhythms of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR), and spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) were determined in conscious Wistar rats by using radiotelemetry. Two groups of seven rats were maintained in a 12:12-h light-dark (12L/12D) photoperiod for 11 wk and then placed in a reduced photoperiod of 8:16-h light-dark (8L/16D) by advancing a 4-h darkness or by advancing and delaying a 2-h darkness for 6 wk. Finally, they were resynchronized to 12L/12D. Advancing a 4-h dark phase induced a 1-h advance of acrophase for SBP, DBP, and HR, but not for SLA. The percent rhythm, amplitude, and the 12-h mean values of all parameters were significantly decreased by the photoperiod reduction. When symmetrically advancing and delaying a 2-h dark phase, a 1 h 20 min delay of acrophases and a decrease in percent rhythms and amplitudes of SBP, DBP, HR, and SLA were observed. Only the 12-h mean values of HR and SLA were decreased. Our findings show that the cardiovascular parameters differ from SLA in phase-shift response to photoperiod reduction and that the adjustment of circadian rhythms to change from 12L/12D to 8L/16D photoperiod depends on the direction of the extension of the dark period.  相似文献   

In rat fetuses over E17-20 with preserved placental circulation with use of mathematical analysis there were revealed value and character of connections of slow wave oscillations of the heart rhythm with motor activity for 30 min of observation. In the software PowerGraph 3.3.8, normalization and filtration of the studied signals were performed in three frequency diapasons: D1-0.02–0.2 Hz (5–50 s), D2-0.0083-0.02 Hz (50 s-2 min), and D3-0.0017–0.0083 Hz (2–10 min). The EMG curves filtrated by diapasons or piezograms were compared with periodograms in the corresponding diapasons of the heart rhythm variations. In the software “Origin 8.0”, quantitative estimation of the degree of intersystemic interrelations for each frequency diapason was performed by Pearson correlation of coefficient, by the correlation connection value, and by the time shift of maximum of cross-correlation function. It has been established that in the frequency D1, regardless of age, the connection of heart rhythm oscillations with motor activity is expressed weakly. In the frequency diapason D2, the connection in most cases is located in the zone of weak and moderate correlations. In the multiminute diapason (D3), the connection is more pronounced. The number of animals that have a significant value of the correlation connection rises. The fetal motor activity fires in the decasecond diapason in all age groups are accompanied by short-time decelerations of the heart rhythms. In the minute diapason, there is observed a transition from positive connections in E17 and E18 to the negative ones in E19-20. Results of the study are considered in association with age-related changes of ratios of positive and negative oscillations of the heart rhythm change depending on the character of motor activity.  相似文献   

In progeny of Wistar rats aged from birth to 3 week, there was studied participation of sympathetic and parasympathetic mechanisms in regulation of cardiac rhythm and its rhythmic oscillations (secondary cardiac rhythms), whose spectral composition was analyzed using rapid Fourier transformation. Consequences, which changed in the process of development, of blockade of -adrenoreceptors by propranolol, of -adrenoreceptors by phentolamine, and of muscarinic cholinoreceptors by atropine as well as of chronic desympathization by guanethidine (isobarine). It was found that due to heterochronia in establishment of functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, reactions to blockade of adreno- and cholinoreceptors for the first 3 weeks of postnatal ontogenesis changed not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. Blockade of adrenoreceptors in newborn animals leads to an increase of power of the rhythm oscillations in all low-frequency diapasons. The baroreflex function of parasympathetic innervation is well expressed as early as in newborns. Tonic function with respect to frequency of heart rate and power of oscillations in the high-frequency diapason becomes evident only by the 3-week age.Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 69–75.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Bursian, Sizonov, Semenova, Kulaev, Timofeeva, Polyakova, Dmitrieva.  相似文献   

Periodic breathing is common in normal infants, but may be associated with prolonged apnea leading to crib death. The mechanisms of periodic breathing and its relation to normal breathing patterns are unclear. We recorded respiratory and heart rate (HR) patterns of 11 healthy newborn infants during quiet sleep, in both normal and periodic breathing. Spectral analysis of the respiratory pattern revealed a low-frequency (LF) periodicity in normal breathing approximately equal to the frequency of periodic breathing when this occurs. Periodic breathing thus appears to be an exaggeration of an underlying slow amplitude variation which is present in regular breathing. LF periodicity also appeared in the HR pattern in both normal and periodic breathing, suggesting an LF modulation of cardiovascular control as well. The lack of a definite phase relation between HR and ventilation at LF may indicate dominant peripheral, rather than central, interactions between HR and respiration at these frequencies.  相似文献   

AIM: Heart rate variability (HRV) patterns reflect the changing effect of sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation of the autonomic nervous system. While overall and circadian heart rate (HR) and HRV are well characterized by traditional measures, there is currently no method to measure ultradian cycles of HR and HRV. MATERIALS AND METHODS: HR/HRV for each 2-min interval was calculated using normal-to-normal interbeat intervals from overnight polysomnographic ECGs in 113 subjects, aged 58+/-10 years (65 male, 48 female). HR, SDNN2, high-frequency power (HF) and the LF (low-frequency power)/HF ratio were plotted. A curve-fitting algorithm, developed in MatLab, identified cyclic patterns of HR/HRV and extracted parameters to characterize them. Results were compared for older vs. younger patients, males vs. females, with vs. without severe sleep apnea, and for the upper and lower half of sleep efficiency. RESULTS: Ultradian patterns for different HR/HRV indices had variable correspondences with each other and none could be considered surrogates. Differences were seen for all comparison groups, but no one marker was consistently different across comparisons. CONCLUSION: Each HR/HRV parameter has its own rhythm, and the correspondence between these rhythms varies greatly across subjects. Quantification of ultradian patterns of HRV is feasible and could provide new insights into autonomic physiology.  相似文献   

Best parameters of power and coherence spectra of heart rate fluctuations (HR) and respiration rhythms (RR) were established to differentiate sleep states in healthy newborns and newborns-at-risk by means of multivariate variance and discriminant analysis. Nine healthy newborns and 20 newborns with low risk features were examined polygraphically. Long-term-variability of both HR and RR and coherence between HR and RR in the frequency range of 0.26-0.97 Hz, corresponding to Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, allow the best differentiation of neonatal sleep states S 1 and S2. Differentiation of healthy newborns and newborns-at-risk by these parameters was not possible. Thus, in studies dealing with low risk features in newborns sleep states must be previously classified. State 1 and 2 represent different autonomic organisations. State 1 is a neuro-vegetative, relatively stable state. State 2 shows cyclic increases of coherence between HR and RR within the frequency range of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia. These properties are related to autonomic brain stem functions and were absent in 6 out of the 20 newborns-at-risk.  相似文献   

The ATP-synthetase activity, the rate of oxygen uptake under different metabolic conditions, the tightness of coupling of respiration to oxidative phosphorylation and the cytochrome contents in heart mitochondria of rats from different age groups were studied under normal conditions and in hyperthyroidism. It was found that heart mitochondria of aged animals did not practically differ in terms of their functional activity from those of the young animals. Administration of thyroxin to the animals from all age groups produced no significant effects on the state of mitochondria, increasing the rate of ATP synthesis on alpha-glycerophosphate, which was especially well-pronounced in aged animals, and the cytochrome content in 1-month-old rats.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The heart rate and motor activity of lizards (Gallotia galloti) maintained in a light-dark cycle (12:12 hr) and with changing cyclic temperature were recorded. Both variables showed a circadian pattern, motor activity variations leading heart rate by approximately 110 min.
  • 2.2. Results from cross spectral analysis showed that heart rate was highly correlated with temperature and both variables were changing practically in phase. However, motor activity and temperature were less correlated and in this case motor activity led temperature by approximately 100 min.
  • 3.3. In the ultradian range, two periodicities could be distinguished in the power spectra of motor activity and heart rate variations during the day: one between 0.019 and 3.9 × 10−3 cycles/min (central peak around 85 min period) and another, of lower power, between 0.05 and 0.02 cycles/min (central peak around 34 min period). During the night, only the heart rate showed both periodicities but with a lower amplitude.
  • 4.4. The presence of ultradian oscillations in heart rate during the night suggested that they do not depend on motor activity which was almost absent during that daily period.
  • 5.5. Motor activity and heart rate were also highly correlated in the ultradian range, motor activity leading heart rate by around 5 min at the 85 min main peak.

Parameters of motor, respiratory and cardiac activities were studied in rat embryos (E17-20) after changes in activity level of catecholaminergic systems. To produce conditions for excessive level of catecholamines, the animal were administered individually with preparation of L-DOPA at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg. Also studied was action of L-DOPA after blockade of D1-(antagonist - SCH-23390, 0.1 mg/kg), D2-(antagonist - sulpiride, 50 mg/kg) dopaminic, and beta2-(antagonist - propranolol, 1 mg/kg) adrenergic receptors. It was found out in E17-18 that the DOPA administration regardless of dose, while in E19-20 dose-dependently produces continuous generalized activity. Between E18 and E19, ontogenetically new is the appearance in 92 % of embryos of stereotypical head movements (circular movements, lateral and dorso-ventral flexions) following in the nearsecond rhythm. Injection of DOPA to rat embryos increased 2-6 times the number of respiratory movements by the gasping type in E17-20 and decreased the amount of episodes of continuous rhythmical respiration in E19-20. No significant heart rate changes were observed after introduction of DOPA to E17-20. There was noted a tendency for a weak acceleration of the heart rate. The changes in activities of the motor and respiratory systems due to a rise of catecholamine level are not connected with activation of the dopamine system, as they are not reduced by blockade of dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

In the rat prosencephalon it proved possible to differentiate lysosomal ribonuclease from alkaline ribonuclease activity, which could be detected only in the presence of p-chlormercuribenzoate. Acid RNase activity related to the amount of protein in the prosencephalon fell during ontogenesis. It was not significantly affected by four hours' stagnant hypoxia induced by ligation of both carotids. Its release from the lysosomes rose, however (when isotonic homogenates were spun at 20,000 g, acid ribonuclease activity in the supernatants was elevated). The absence of correlation between this activation and the degree of maturity of the nervous tissue refutes the hypothesis that regulation of this enzyme is per se responsible for the known changes induced by hypoxia in the RNA content of the prosencephalon of rats of different ages. On the contrary, the results indirectly support studies which demonstrate changes in the extent of RNA synthesis after hypoxia.  相似文献   

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