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The microtubule-depolymerizing drug Nocodazole has been used to experimentally manipulate the form of PC12 neurites. Both time-lapse photography and serial electron microscopy demonstrate that microtubule depolymerization leads to varicosity formation due to a clustering of membranous organelles in young neurites (nerve growth factor activated within 7 d). Neurites that have been nerve growth factor activated 7 or more d before Nocodazole application are resistant to microtubule depolymerization. These data and data from previous papers has been combined in an attempt to predict quantitatively the volume and the shape of a neurite. The relationship is described mathematically by Vn = 4.52 Vo + 0.0054 MTl, where Vn is local neurite volume, Vo is organelle volume, and MTl is MT length (the constant, 0.0054 is micron2), and 4.52 is the obligatory volume constant derived from serial electron microscopic studies. The equation predicts the total volume of neurites despite alterations of morphology due to Nocodazole and despite changes in morphology during development.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic microtubules and axial unit tubules were studied in both sectioned and negatively-stained material. Walls of microtubules of frog lung-fluke (Haematoloechus medioplexus) spermatozoa have a helical substructure, while those of the flagellate, Trypanosoma lewisi, are composed of ten longitudinally-oriented filaments. Cross-bridges occur between some filaments of trypanosome microtubules. Doublet tubules of axial units in both cell types are structurally similar to the trypanosome microtubules, which may indicate similarity of function. Microtubules of fluke spermatozoa appear to be somewhat rigid, are resistant to sonication, and are considered to be mainly supportive. Circular profiles of wall subunits are seen in transverse sections of microtubules of both cell types and in doublet tubules of the trypanosome. Comparisons are made between sectioned and negatively-stained material; while negative-staining better reveals the fundamental substructure of microtubular elements, some distortion appears to occur. In connection with this research, a brief preliminary article demonstrated the presence of subunits in the walls of cytoplasmic microtubules of fluke spermatozoa (Burton, '66). Also, it was shown that the wall of these tubular elements possesses a helical structure, and a diagrammatic representation of the wall structure was set forth.  相似文献   

The retina of a mouse embryo on day 13 of gestation, the first day when ganglion cells with axons are detectable, has been studied both qualitatively and quantitatively by reconstructing a large number of cells (more than 100) from an electron microscopic serial section series. Direct evidence has been obtained for migration of prophase nuclei of ventricular cells to the ventricle within an intact process which spans the thickness of the retinal wall. At metaphase most of the vitreal process appears to be pinched off, and the cell completely rounds up. After cytokinesis, cells take one two courses: (1) regrowth of their vitreal process to the vitreal surface while keeping their ventricular process attached at the ventricular surface by a junctional complex; these cells will undergo another round of DNA synthesis and division; (2) regrowth of their vitreal process only so far as the marginal layer with detachment of their ventricular process from the junctional complex and beginning migration of their centrioles and cilium away from the ventricle. These changes represent the earliest detectable quantitative or qualitative changes undergone by cells that will subsequently differentiate into ganglion cells. The sequence of events for the formation of unipolar ganglion cells from these early bipolar cells involves transformation of the simple vitreal process ending in the marginal layer into an axonal growth cone insinuating itself between the tangential axons of the marginal layer and growing toward the optic stalk; at the same time the Golgi complex and centrioles migrate to the perikaryon, and the ventricular process completely withdraws. Usually, but not always, both daughter cells of a mitotic division appear to have the same fate, either both remain ventricular cells or both become ganglion cells. This result is used to construct a simple hypothesis explaining some of the apparently contradictory results of neuronal development, both in the retina and in the rest of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

After exposure to nerve growth factor, PC12 cells differentiate within a period of only a few days into cholinergic sympathetic neurons. Using computer-assisted three-dimensional serial electron microscopic reconstruction, we describe the progressive cytoskeletal and structural changes of PC12 neurites at different stages in their differentiation. Developmental changes in these neurites can be characterized by two major transitions. First, microtubules (MTs), which define the longitudinal axis of the neurite, increase in number leading to a more cylindrical and uniform neurite shape. Second, there are major changes in the relative numbers of other organelle types, which reflect the functional specialization of the neurite. These changes do not in themselves seriously affect shape change of the neurite during development, however the presence of these organelles and their associated obligatory volumes (volumes surrounding organelle) account for well over 50% of the neurite's volume at all stages of development. The MT-MT distances and obligatory volumes associated with the organelles remain constant throughout development. Thus, we can conclude that many of the observed changes seen in developing PC12 neurites are due simply to the production of a greater number of MTs in the cell, and that many of the other important parameters that can be measured and contribute to neurite shape remain constant during development.  相似文献   

Mouse superior rectus extraocular muscle was examined in serial section by light and electron microscopy. By such analysis, it was possible to discriminate single versus multiple innervation, characteristics of internal cell morphology, and topographical distribution of the respective fiber populations within the muscle. Singly innervated (SIF) and multiply innervated fibers (MIF) were observed, both in an orbital surface layer and in the underlying global region of the muscle. Five morphologically distinct fiber types (three SIF and two MIF) were discriminable in terms of fiber diameter, mitochondrial richness, development of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and myofibrillar size. Many fibers, both SIF and MIF, terminated variously along the length of the muscle. The diameter of orbital MIF typically varied from one end of the fiber to the other by a factor of about three; the global MIF were of essentially constant diameter. The junctional complexity varied among the respective types of SIF. The MIF of both the global and orbital regions exhibited comparable ranges of complexity in their neuromuscular junctions.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH control in Dictyostelium discoideum: a 31P-NMR analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Satre  G Klein  J B Martin 《Biochimie》1986,68(12):1253-1261
Phosphorus metabolites and intracellular pH have been examined in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum by non-destructive 31P-NMR measurements. In a spectrum from a suspension of aerobic amoebae, the major peaks are inorganic phosphate, nucleotide di- and triphosphates. In the corresponding perchloric acid extract, resonances originating from purine and pyrimidine nucleotides are resolved. Adenine nucleotides are the most abundant components, but the other nucleotides are present in significant amounts. In a spectrum from intact spores in a dormant state, only inorganic phosphate and polyphosphates are detected and nucleotides are no longer present in large amounts. Of particular importance is the ability to observe separately in aerobic amoebae the resonance of inorganic phosphate localized in two different cell compartments: the cytosol and the mitochondria. The cytosolic pH and mitochondrial pH have been measured as 6.7 and 7.7, respectively, on the basis of intracellular inorganic phosphate chemical shifts. They are essentially unaffected over a large range of external pH and they are not modified transiently or permanently during the initiation of the developmental program of the organism. A weak acid, such as propionate, which modifies the progression of differentiation by favoring prestalk cells, perturbs intracellular pH gradients by selectively decreasing mitochondrial pH without any effect on cytosolic pH.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic radioautography was used to examine the changes in the density of silver grains over the serial sections of neurons of the fifth layer of the rat cortex after injection of 3H-uridine. In the majority of the neurons under study, the changes in the density of silver grains over the sections of nucleoli did not correlate with those in the density over the sections of the extranucleolar part of the nucleus. On the basis of these findings the conclusion is drawn that essential differences in the grain density in the neighbouring sections of the nucleolus are caused by non-uniformity of distribution of newly synthesized RNA in the nucleolus rather than by the errors of the method described. Possible reasons for such a non-uniformity are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Retinae from two day old rats were used in this study and the cultures were handled according to standard methods used in this laboratory. In the first few days of cultivation an abundant outgrowth of nerve fibers into the cell-free medium was observed. These fibers later degenerated and by the beginning of the second week they had completely disappeared. In the living cultures, differentiating ganglion cells, bipolar and horizontal neurons could be seen in the main explant in association with various types of glial cells. Rod cells became arranged as epithelial sheets or as clusters of cells which often formed rosettes. The nuclei of these sensory cells possessed a characteristic chromatin pattern by which they always could be differentiated from other cells in the cultures. Cytoplasmic extensions that developed from the free surface of the sensory rod cells were observed within a week following explantation. A limiting membrane separated these extensions from the nucleated part of the rod cells. Morphologic details of the different neuronal cell types could be demonstrated in cultures by Bodian's silver impregnation technique.With the electron microscope, retinal development in culture was observed and compared to the development of the retina of the intact eye. Cilia developed from processes extending from the rod cell free surface. These processes were the rod cell inner segments in which many mitochondria were seen. At the bases of these segments terminal bars developed forming the outer limiting membrane. In the area of the terminal bars microvillous extensions projected between the rod cell inner segments. After twelve days in vitro a bulb-like enlargement containing a lamellar membrane system developed at the end of the cilium. This bulb-like enlargement was a beginning of the rod cell outer segment. The lamellar system did not acquire the symmetry or precise organization during cultivation that was observed in the retina of the intact eye. The distinguishing characteristics of individual neuronal cell types seen in cultivated retinae were the same as those described for their counterparts in the retina in situ, but regular plexiform layers failed to develop. Likewise, there were no indications of typical synapses in the neuropils of the cultures. There were many processes containing vesicles similar to those in presynaptic endings and mitochondria but membrane thickenings were not apparent.The results indicate that the retina cultivated in vitro does not behave as an organized entity. The component cells dissociated more and more with time, and developmental differentiation was observed only at the cellular level.Supported by USPHS Grants 5R01NB03114-06 and 5T01GM00459 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.Sincere appreciation is expressed to Mrs. Eleanor Morris for management of the cultures, and to Mr. E. E. Pitsinger, Jr. for his photographic assistance.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):3023-3033
We have purified a 100-kD rat brain protein that has microtubule cross- linking activity in vitro, and have determined that it is dynamin, a putative microtubule-associated motility protein. We find that dynamin appears to be specific to neuronal tissue where it is present in both soluble and particulate tissue fractions. In the cytosol it is abundant, representing as much as 1.5% of the total extractable protein. Dynamin appears to be in particulate material due to association with a distinct subcellular membrane fraction. Surprisingly, by immunofluorescence analysis of PC12 cells we find that dynamin is distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm with no apparent microtubule association in either interphase, mitotic, or taxol-treated cells. Upon nerve growth factor (NGF) induction of PC12 cell differentiation into neurons, dynamin levels increase approximately twofold. In the cell body, the distribution of dynamin again remains clearly distinct from that of tubulin, and in axons, where microtubules are numerous and ordered into bundles, dynamin staining is sparse and punctate. On the other hand, in the most distal domain of growth cones, where there are relatively few microtubules, dynamin is particularly abundant. The dynamin staining of neurites is abolished by extraction of the cells with detergent under conditions that preserve microtubules, suggesting that dynamin in neurites is associated with membranes. We conclude that dynamin is a neuronal protein that is specifically associated with as yet unidentified vesicles. It is possible, but unproven, that it may link vesicles to microtubules for transport in differentiated axons.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of cardiac myocytes from newborn normal and genetically cardiomyopathic (strain UM-X7.1) hamsters were analyzed by electron microscopy and immunofluorescent staining for myosin, actin, tropomyosin, and alpha-actinin. Antibody staining of these contractile proteins demonstrates that both normal and cardiomyopathic (CM) myocytes contain prominent myofibrils after 3 days in culture, although the CM myofibrils are disarrayed and not aligned as those in normal cells. The disarray becomes even more pronounced in CM cells after 5 days in culture. The immunofluorescent staining patterns of individual myofibrils in normal and CM cells were similar for myosin, actin, and tropomyosin. However, alpha-actinin staining reveals that the CM myofibrils have abnormally wide and irregularly shaped Z bands. Electron microscopy confirms the irregular Z-band appearance as well as the myofibril disarray. Thus, CM cardiomyocytes clearly show an aberrant pattern of myofibril structure and organization in culture.  相似文献   

G S Gray 《Plasmid》1983,9(2):159-181
Plasmid species isolated from aminocyclitol-resistant Staphylococcus aureus have been analyzed by restriction endonuclease digestion and electron microscopy. These plasmids can be divided into two interrelated groups; intergroup variability is due to the gain or loss of defined DNA sequences. Plasmids pSJ1 and pSJ24 are related to staphylococcal penicillinase plasmid pI524 which was first described over 20 years ago. Both pSJ1 and pSJ24 differ from pI524 by the acquisition of 8 and 4 kbp, respectively, and encode additional resistance to the antibiotics erythromycin and kanamycin. The gain of these resistance determinants suggests that the evolution of staphylococcal resistance plasmids parallels that observed for plasmids of gram-negative bacteria and has serious implications for the spread of antibiotic resistance among the staphylococci.  相似文献   

Bhutto IA  Amemiya T 《Life sciences》1999,64(3):PL27-PL39
The effects of the long-term oral angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, cilazapril, on retinal circulation in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive (SHR-SP) rats were assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), corrosion casts and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two groups of 20 male SHR-SP rats were compared. One group was treated with 10 mg/kg/day of cilazapril from 4 to 40 weeks of age, and the other group received no treatment. A third group of male Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats served as age-matched controls. At regular intervals the rats were weighed, and their systolic blood pressure was measured. Cilazapril normalized systolic arterial pressure to 121+/-2.7 mm Hg (SD) in the treated SHR-SP rats. There was no significant difference in body weight between the two groups of SHR-SP. In the 40-week-old SHR-SP rats without treatment corrosion cast and SEM revealed hypertensive retinal vascular changes. In the 40-week-old SHR-SP rats treated with cilazapril, these changes were markedly decreased to the level seen in WKY rats. The differences in caliber of retinal capillaries between the treated SHR-SP and untreated SHR-SP rats were statistically significant (p<.0001). TEM in the cilazapril-treated SHR-SP rats revealed intact basement membranes (0.29+/-0.057 microm) of the endothelial cells and pericytes, but in the untreated SHR-SP rats the basement membrane was thickened (0.51+/-0.123 microm) (p<.0001) and the pericytes damaged. Our results show that the long-term administration of cilazapril decreased systolic arterial pressure to a nearly normal level and prevented hypertensive retinal vascular changes, probably by improving endothelial function. The effects of cilazapril on the retinal vasculature are described for the first time. SEM of corrosion casts is a valuable technique for showing the effects of some drugs on the vasculature easily, precisely and three-dimensionally.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic analysis of U V-irradiated tilapia sperm showed that with irradiation dose of 1800 J m−2 min−1, an irradiation duration of 0.5 min caused decondensation of sperm chromatin. This phenomenon of chromatin decondensation reached a peak after l.5min of irradiation, where ∼ 15% of the sperm showed total decondensation, and was less apparent after 3 min of irradiation or more. Damage to the cytoplasmic membrane and nuclear envelope could be seen in cells that underwent total decondensation. As the duration of irradiation increased, cytoplasmic membrane and nuclear envelope defects appeared more severe, the mitochondria were affected and appeared as empty capsules, and sperm cells tended to lose their tails. Based on these results and others reported in the literature, we propose an explanation for the 'Hertwig curve' obtained in tilapia using UV irradiation. Sperm cells with decondensed chromatin and damaged cytoplasmic membrane and nuclear envelope, activate the 'developmental switch' when they penetrate the egg, but their pronuclei are subjected to cytoplasmic nuclease digestion. Consequently, the maternal pronucleus is the only functional pronucleus in the zygote, and therefore, only haploid embryos with the exclusive maternal genome are formed. If the paternal pronucleus is not digested, these embryos will die due to improper expression of the paternal genes.  相似文献   

Extra- and intracellular distribution of Prostatic Binding Protein (PBP) was studied in the different genital organs of the male rat by immunocytochemistry at the light and electron microscopic levels. PBP was extracted from cytosols of rat ventral prostate and used for immunization of rabbits. The specificity of the antiserum raised was tested by "western blotting" and immunoelectrophoresis. From the different fixatives tested for optimal structural and antigenic preservation of the ventral prostate a mixture containing 2.5% paraformaldehyde, 0.5% glutaraldehyde and 0.5% CaCl2 in cacodylate buffer, 0.05 M, pH 7.3 was selected. Using the immunofluorescence technique and the unlabeled antibody enzyme method PBP-immunoreactivity was detected at the light microscopic level in the luminal secretions of the ventral prostate. No reaction was observed with the seminal vesicle, the coagulating gland, the dorsal and lateral prostates, the epididymis and the testis. Intracellular secretory granules reacting with PBP antiserum were exclusively found in the secretory cells of the ventral prostate. Insufficiently fixed cells showed a diffuse generalized reaction of the cytoplasm indicating a leakage of the antigen from the secretory granules. Such artifacts were common in tissue sections processed with the preembedding-staining procedure. At the ultrastructural level therefore mostly the postembedding staining method was performed using both the unlabeled antibody enzyme method and the ferritin-labeled immunoglobulin technique in osmicated, Epon-embedded tissue. Labeling with either method was intense in the secretory granules and the condensing vacuoles, while the labeling density of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi cisternae was in the background range. Castration experiments showed that secretory material displaying PBP immunoreactivity was retained within the acinar lumen of the gland for several days after castration, but was absent from most secretory cells already by four days after castration. Immunocytochemistry of PBP therefore is a very sensitive method for analysing the secretory activity and its androgen dependence of the prostate of the rat.  相似文献   

Summary Extra- and intracellular distribution of Prostatic Binding Protein (PBP) was studied in the different genital organs of the male rat by immunocytochemistry at the light and electron microscopic levels. PBP was extracted from cytosols of rat ventral prostate and used for immunization of rabbits. The specificity of the antiserum raised was tested by western blotting and immunoelectrophoresis. From the different fixatives tested for optimal structural and antigenic preservation of the ventral prostate a mixture containing 2.5% paraformaldehyde, 0.5% glutaraldehyde and 0.5% CaCl2 in cacodylate buffer, 0.05 M, pH 7.3 was selected. Using the immunofluorescence technique and the unlabeled antibody enzyme method PBP-immunoreactivity was detected at the light microscopic level in the luminal secretions of the ventral prostate. No reaction was observed with the seminal vesicle, the coagulating gland, the dorsal and lateral prostates, the epididymis and the testis. Intracellular secretory granules reacting with PBP antiserum were exclusively found in the secretory cells of the ventral prostate. Insufficiently fixed cells showed a diffuse generalized reaction of the cytoplasm indicating a leakage of the antigen from the secretory granules. Such artifacts were common in tissue sections processed with the preembedding-staining procedure. At the ultrastructural level therefore mostly the postembedding staining method was performed using both the unlabeled antibody enzyme method and the ferritin-labeled immunoglobulin technique in osmicated, Epon-embedded tissue. Labeling with either method was intense in the secretory granules and the condensing vacuoles, while the labeling density of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi cisternae was in the background range. Castration experiments showed that secretory material displaying PBP immunoreactivity was retained within the acinar lumen of the gland for several days after castration, but was absent from most secretory cells already by four days after castration. Immunocytochemistry of PBP therefore is a very sensitive method for analysing the secretory activity and its androgen dependence of the prostate of the rat.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Au 48/7-6) and a grant from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (G 261 A)  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 virion assembly process was studied with pulse-labeling kinetics of virion proteins, CsCl gradient analysis, electron microscopy, and low-salt gel electrophoresis. The results obtained are consistent with the model of gradual addition and organization of capsid proteins around simian virus 40 chromatin. Empty virions, as observed in the CsCl gradient by previous workers, were found to be the dissociation product of immature virus. Histone H1 was found in simian virus 40 chromatin and virion assembly intermediates but not in the mature virion banding at 1.34 g/ml in the CsCl gradient.  相似文献   

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