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Several animal viruses were treated with gamma radiation from a 60Co source under conditions which might be found in effluent from an animal disease laboratory. Swine vesicular disease virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, and blue-tongue virus were irradiated in tissues from experimentally infected animals. Pseudorabies virus, fowl plague virus, swine vesicular disease virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus were irradiated in liquid animal feces. All were tested in animals and in vitro. The D10 values, that is, the doses required to reduce infectivity by 1 log10, were not apparently different from those expected from predictions based on other data and theoretical considerations. The existence of the viruses in pieces of tissue or in liquid feces made no difference in the efficacy of the gamma radiation for inactivating them. Under the "worst case" conditions (most protective for virus) simulated in this study, no infectious agents would survive 4.0 Mrads.  相似文献   

Several animal viruses were treated with gamma radiation from a 60Co source under conditions which might be found in effluent from an animal disease laboratory. Swine vesicular disease virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, and blue-tongue virus were irradiated in tissues from experimentally infected animals. Pseudorabies virus, fowl plague virus, swine vesicular disease virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus were irradiated in liquid animal feces. All were tested in animals and in vitro. The D10 values, that is, the doses required to reduce infectivity by 1 log10, were not apparently different from those expected from predictions based on other data and theoretical considerations. The existence of the viruses in pieces of tissue or in liquid feces made no difference in the efficacy of the gamma radiation for inactivating them. Under the "worst case" conditions (most protective for virus) simulated in this study, no infectious agents would survive 4.0 Mrads.  相似文献   

Using a previously developed filter adsorption technique, the inactivation of a human rotavirus, a coxsackievirus B5, and a bovine parvovirus was monitored during sludge treatment processes. During conventional anaerobic mesophilic digestion at 35 to 36 degrees C, only minor inactivation of all three viruses occurred. The k' values measured were 0.314 log10 unit/day for rotavirus, 0.475 log10 unit/day for coxsackievirus B5, and 0.944 log10 unit/day for parvovirus. However, anaerobic thermophilic digestion at 54 to 56 degrees C led to rapid inactivation of rotavirus (k' greater than 8.5 log10 units/h) and of coxsackievirus B5 (k' greater than 0.93 log10 unit/min). Similarly, aerobic thermophilic fermentation at 60 to 61 degrees C rapidly inactivated rotavirus (k' = 0.75 log10 unit/min) and coxsackievirus B5 (k' greater than 1.67 log10 units/min). Infectivity of parvovirus, however, was only reduced by 0.213 log10 unit/h during anaerobic thermophilic digestion and by 0.353 log10 unit/h during aerobic thermophilic fermentation. Furthermore, pasteurization at 70 degrees C for 30 min inactivated the parvovirus by 0.72 log10 unit/30 min. In all experiments the contribution of temperature to the total inactivation was determined separately and was found to be predominant at process temperatures above 54 degrees C. In conclusion, the most favorable treatment to render sludge hygienically safe from the virological point of view would be a thermal treatment (60 degrees C) to inactivate thermolabile viruses, followed by an anaerobic mesophilic digestion to eliminate thermostable viruses that are more sensitive to chemical and microbial inactivations.  相似文献   

Inactivation of animal viruses during sewage sludge treatment.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Using a previously developed filter adsorption technique, the inactivation of a human rotavirus, a coxsackievirus B5, and a bovine parvovirus was monitored during sludge treatment processes. During conventional anaerobic mesophilic digestion at 35 to 36 degrees C, only minor inactivation of all three viruses occurred. The k' values measured were 0.314 log10 unit/day for rotavirus, 0.475 log10 unit/day for coxsackievirus B5, and 0.944 log10 unit/day for parvovirus. However, anaerobic thermophilic digestion at 54 to 56 degrees C led to rapid inactivation of rotavirus (k' greater than 8.5 log10 units/h) and of coxsackievirus B5 (k' greater than 0.93 log10 unit/min). Similarly, aerobic thermophilic fermentation at 60 to 61 degrees C rapidly inactivated rotavirus (k' = 0.75 log10 unit/min) and coxsackievirus B5 (k' greater than 1.67 log10 units/min). Infectivity of parvovirus, however, was only reduced by 0.213 log10 unit/h during anaerobic thermophilic digestion and by 0.353 log10 unit/h during aerobic thermophilic fermentation. Furthermore, pasteurization at 70 degrees C for 30 min inactivated the parvovirus by 0.72 log10 unit/30 min. In all experiments the contribution of temperature to the total inactivation was determined separately and was found to be predominant at process temperatures above 54 degrees C. In conclusion, the most favorable treatment to render sludge hygienically safe from the virological point of view would be a thermal treatment (60 degrees C) to inactivate thermolabile viruses, followed by an anaerobic mesophilic digestion to eliminate thermostable viruses that are more sensitive to chemical and microbial inactivations.  相似文献   

Laboratory animal allergy (LAA) is a form of occupational sensitivity affecting up to one third or more of exposed workers. Symptoms involve the eyes, nose, skin, and lower respiratory tract. Asthma may develop in 20 to 30% of sensitized individuals. An occupational medical history is the primary tool if a diagnosis of LAA is suspected. The diagnosis is confirmed by demonstrating the presence of immunoglobulin E antibodies to laboratory animal allergens by skin testing or in vitro assays. If laboratory animal allergen-induced asthma is suspected, measurements of lung function are necessary for confirmation and assessing the degree of impairment. One approach to the problem is presented in this article. For individuals with LAA, avoidance of exposure is the primary treatment. For individuals who continue to work in the environment, pharmacological treatment of their symptoms may be necessary. Methods to prevent the development of LAA are also discussed.  相似文献   

Factorial experimental designs (FEDs) can be used to study the effects of controllable variables, such as an experimental treatment, sex, strain, age, diet and prior treatment of animals, on some defined response. Such designs have been widely used in optimising manufacturing processes, but have rarely been used in optimising animal experiments in drug discovery. FEDs generally provide more information than the alternative "one-variable-at-a-time" approach, because each animal contributes information on the effect of every factor, and because such designs can highlight any interactions among the variables. Although FEDs can have any number of factors and levels of each factor, where many factors are to be explored, it is common to do an initial experiment using two levels of each factor, and in some cases fractional factorial designs can be used to reduce the total number of treatment combinations to manageable levels. These designs have been used successfully at AstraZeneca in the optimisation of in vivo drug screening experiments, where their use has effectively reduced the numbers of animals used in some routine screens.  相似文献   

The administrators of the only program of its kind in the US explain the demand for a Master's degree in Laboratory Animal Science, the value of the degree, and plans to expand the program to make it available for distance learning.  相似文献   

Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt and R.M. Smith belongs to the Alpinia genus in the Zingiberaceae family. In East Asia, Alpinia zerumbet has been widely used as food and traditional medicine. Previously, we identified proanthocyanidins (PACs), an anti-plant-virus molecule in A. zerumbet, using Nicotiana benthamiana and tomato mosaic virus (ToMV). Here, we found that PACs from A. zerumbet, apple, and green tea effectively inhibited ToMV infection. Additionally, the PACs from A. zerumbet exhibited greater antiviral activity than those from apple and green tea. The PACs from A. zerumbet also effectively inactivated influenza A virus and porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), which acts as a surrogate for human coronaviruses, in a dose-dependent manner. The results from the cytopathic effect assays indicated that 0.1 mg/ml PACs from A. zerumbet decreased the titer of influenza A virus and PEDV by >3 log. These findings suggested that the direct treatment of viruses with PACs from A. zerumbet before inoculation reduced viral activity; thus, PACs might inhibit infections by an influenza virus, coronaviruses, and plant viruses.  相似文献   

The D-values of conidia of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus exposed to 1.74 ppm. ozone in 1 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0 and 5.5) at 25 degrees C were determined. D-values of A. flavus conidia were 1.72 and 1.54 min at pH 5.5 and 7.0, respectively; D-values of A. parasiticus were 2.08 and 1.71 min, respectively. None of these D-values was significantly (P < or = 0.05) different from each other.  相似文献   

Poe E 《Lab animal》2000,29(2):41-46
The unique and challenging nature of work with animals requires special animal care and use training at all levels. Degree programs, certification boards, and continuing education programs ensure that those who work with animals have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide the best care possible.  相似文献   

Antiobiogrammes were made of a number of isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pasteurella pneumotropica derived from rodent, rabbit or minipig colonies never treated with antibiotics. For S. aureus no differences between rats and mice were found in the percentage of resistant isolates. Gentamicin and erythromycin were found to be the most efficient, while the highest percentages of resistance were found to be against penicillins and sulphonamides. In general, the results from antibiogrammes on E. coli were rather uniform, with only slight differences between isolates from different species, except that more vancomycin and tetracycline-resistant minipig isolates were found. In almost all isolates of E. coli, resistance was shown against penicillin, fucidin, macrolides, lincosamides and tiamulin. For a number of antibiotics, mouse isolates of P. pneumotropica were more frequently found to be sensitive than rat isolates. The resistance patterns of E. coli from the minipigs were quite similar to resistance patterns found in farm pigs, but apart from this, the resistance patterns of the bacterial species tested did not resemble human or farm animal patterns in any of the animal species, and, therefore, these studies do not support the theory that S. aureus and E. coli in laboratory animal colonies derive from the normal flora of the human caretakers. The fact that rodent species of E. coli, in contrast to human and farm animal species, are sensitive to ampicillin, tetracyclines, and the combination of sulphonamides and trimethoprim, might be due to the fact that these antibiotics are not used in rodent populations.  相似文献   

Laboratory animal allergy is a serious health problem. We examined several possible allergen-reducing strategies that might be effective in the working mouse room. Ambient allergen concentrations were measured when mice were maintained under several conditions: conventional housing versus ventilated cage racks operated under negative or positive pressure. We found that housing mice in ventilated cages operated under negative pressure and using ventilated changing tables reduced ambient mouse allergen (Mus m 1) concentrations tenfold, compared with values when mice were housed in conventional caging and using a conventional (non-ventilated) changing table. Housing mice in positively pressurized cages versus conventional cages did not reduce ambient allergen values. Cleaning mouse rooms at an accelerated frequency also did not reduce ambient Mus m 1 concentration. We also quantified ambient allergen values in several areas of The Jackson Laboratory. A facility-wide survey of Mus m 1 concentrations indicated that allergen concentrations were undetectable in control areas, but ranged from a mean (+/- SEM) 0.11 +/- 0.02 ng/m3 to 5.40 +/- 0.30 ng/m3 in mouse rooms with different cage types. The percentage of animal caretakers reporting allergy symptoms correlated significantly with ambient allergen concentrations: 12.9% reported symptoms in the rooms with the lowest allergen concentration (0.14 +/- 0.02 ng/m3), but 45.9% reported symptoms in rooms with the highest concentration (2.3 +/- 0.4 ng/m3). These data indicate that existing technology can significantly reduce exposure to laboratory animal allergens and improve the health of animal caretakers.  相似文献   

Laboratory animal allergy (LAA) is a significant occupational disease that may affect up to one third of personnel exposed to laboratory animals. Research has characterized the relative risks of exposure, in terms of intensity, frequency, and duration, associated with given tasks and work areas in the animal facility. Studies have shown that reduced exposure to animal allergens can reduce the incidence of LAA and relieve symptoms among affected workers. A combination of measures to eliminate or control allergen exposure, including engineering and administrative controls and personal protective equipment, have been integral components of effective LAA management programs. The author provides a comprehensive review of exposure control options, considerations, and " best practices" relative to laboratory animal allergen in the context of traditional industrial hygiene methods.  相似文献   

Fielder TJ 《Lab animal》2002,31(10):40-44
Email lists can be invaluable for acquiring information that may not be easily accessible in the published literature. The author discusses the general format and functioning of email lists and describes six lists that can be valuable tools for education, training, and information exchange in the field of laboratory animal science.  相似文献   

Recent advances in nucleic acid diagnostic technologies have revolutionized microbiology by facilitating rapid, sensitive pathogen surveillance and differential diagnosis of infectious diseases. With the expansion and dissemination of genomic sequencing technology scientists are discovering new microbes at an accelerating pace. In this article we review recent progress in the field of pathogen surveillance and discovery with a specific focus on applications in the field of laboratory animal research. We discuss the challenges in proving a causal relationship between the presence of a candidate organism and disease. We also discuss the strengths and limitations of various assay platforms and describe a staged strategy for viral diagnostics. To illustrate the complexity of pursuing pathogen discovery research, we include examples from our own work that are intended to provide insights into the process that led to the selection of particular strategies.  相似文献   

To promote experimental animal welfare, several countries are engaged in establishing local animal research review committees and appointing supervising veterinarians or other experts. However, a number of adverse conditions leading to intercurrent illness or death remains unnoticed or unidentified. Pathological investigation of unexpectedly ill or dead animals proved to be very useful in indicating conditions compromising animal welfare. In addition, such post-mortem findings may be instructive, with respect to welfare, for those involved in experiments with animals.  相似文献   

Laboratory animal allergy (LAA) is a form of occupational allergic disease. The development of laboratory animal allergy is due to the presence of IgE antibodies directed against animal proteins. The process of sensitization (development of IgE antibodies) is a complex process which involves interaction of antigen presenting cells and lymphocytes of the Th-2 cell type. These cells generate a host of cytokines and other factors which lead to immediate hypersensitivity reactions and other factors which lead to immediate hypersensitivity reactions and the generation of allergic inflammation. Typical symptoms of laboratory animal allergy include nasal symptoms, such as sneezing, watery discharge, and congestion. Skin rashes are also common. Asthma, which produces symptoms of cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath, may affect 20-38% of workers who are sensitized to laboratory animal allergens. Rarely a generalized, life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) may occur. The estimated prevalence of laboratory animal allergy is variable depending on the method used for diagnosis, but nonetheless may affect up to 46% of exposed workers. The presence of pre-existing allergies to non-work place allergens (e.g., dust mite, pollens, molds), exposure to laboratory animal allergens, and possibly tobacco smoking are risk factors for the development of laboratory animal allergy. Progress in the understanding of the mechanism and epidemiology of laboratory animal allergy will lead to improved methods for its prevention.  相似文献   

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