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Summary In the genus Medicago, it is known that 2n gametes have been important in the evolution and breeding of cultivated alfalfa, which is a natural polysomic polyploid (2n=4x=32), however little is known on the frequency of male and female 2n gametes in diploid relatives of alfalfa. To obtain data on the frequency of 2n gametes, more than 12,000 2x–4x and 4x–2x crosses were made in 1982 at Madison (USA). Diploid parents in crosses were from four populations of M. coerulea, two of M. falcata and one diploid population of cultivated M. sativa which was derived by haploidy. The tetraploid seed parent in the crosses was a male-sterile M. sativa clone and vigorous tetraploid M. sativa plants were used as pollen parents. Each of 274 diploid plants was utilized both as male and as female. Of the 548 cross combinations, 266 crosses produced variable quantities of seeds which were sown in 1983 in a greenhouse at Perugia (Italy); the plants were subsequently space transplanted in the field in 1984. The identification of ploidy level of these genotypes was made on the basis of morphological characters, plant fertility, pollen stainability and chromosome counts.Of the 515 plants analyzed, the majority behaved as normal tetraploids indicating that many diploid plants produced 2n gametes. Diplogynous and diplandrous gamete production was not correlated with each other, which indicated a different genetic control of 2n sporogenesis in the 2 sexes. Only 4 F1 triploid plants confirmed the presence of a very effective triploid block in alfalfa. In consequence, bilateral sexual polyploidization is a more likely alternative for the origin of tetraploid alfalfa than triploid bridges. The present study showed that it is possible to efficiently identify genotypes able to produce high frequencies of 2n gametes within natural populations of diploids Medicago that are useful in alfalfa breeding.Part of this study was conducted at the Agronomy Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis, USA, while one of us (F. Veronesi) was in receipt of financial assistance provided by the National Research Council of Italy; part was conducted at Centro di Studio per il Miglioramento Genetico delie Piante Foraggere, C.N.R., Perugia, Italy. The paper was presented at the Eucarpia Fodder Crops Section Meeting, Svalöv, Sweden, 16–19th September 1985  相似文献   

C S Echt  L A Erdahl  T J McCoy 《Génome》1992,35(1):84-87
Polymerase chain reaction was used, with single 10-mer primers of arbitrary sequence, to amplify random regions of genomic DNA from a diploid cultivated alfalfa backcross population. Segregation of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments was analysed to determine if RAPD markers are suitable for use as genetic markers. Of the 19 primers tested, 13 amplified a total of 37 polymorphic fragments, of which 28 (76%) segregated as dominant Mendelian traits. RAPD markers appear useful for the rapid development of genetic information in species like alfalfa where little information currently exists or is difficult to obtain.  相似文献   

上位性及其在遗传育种研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
上位性引入遗传学已有一个多世纪,直到近些年才受到广泛关注,成为复杂性状遗传研究体系的一个重要组成部分。上位性可分为统计上位性和功能上位性两类,前者具有群体特性,后者属于基因型现象。分子标记技术是研究上位性的一个有力工具,理论与实验研究证实上位性在动植物数量性状的表现中具有重要作用。上位性在作物育种中的应用因作物的繁殖方式,育种方法等不同而异,上位性是杂种优势形成的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   

Y Cui  F Zhang  J Xu  Z Li  S Xu 《Heredity》2015,115(6):538-546
Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is often conducted in line-crossing experiments where a sample of individuals is randomly selected from a pool of all potential progeny. QTLs detected from such an experiment are important for us to understand the genetic mechanisms governing a complex trait, but may not be directly relevant to plant breeding if they are not detected from the breeding population where selection is targeting for. QTLs segregating in one population may not necessarily segregate in another population. To facilitate marker-assisted selection, QTLs must be detected from the very population which the selection is targeting. However, selected breeding populations often have depleted genetic variation with small population sizes, resulting in low power in detecting useful QTLs. On the other hand, if selection is effective, loci controlling the selected trait will deviate from the expected Mendelian segregation ratio. In this study, we proposed to detect QTLs in selected breeding populations via the detection of marker segregation distortion in either a single population or multiple populations using the same selection scheme. Simulation studies showed that QTL can be detected in strong selected populations with selected population sizes as small as 25 plants. We applied the new method to detect QTLs in two breeding populations of rice selected for high grain yield. Seven QTLs were identified, four of which have been validated in advanced generations in a follow-up study. Cloned genes in the vicinity of the four QTLs were also reported in the literatures. This mapping-by-selection approach provides a new avenue for breeders to improve breeding progress. The new method can be applied to breeding programs not only in rice but also in other agricultural species including crops, trees and animals.  相似文献   

Tetrasomic segregation for multiple alleles in alfalfa   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Quiros CF 《Genetics》1982,101(1):117-127
Evidence of tetrasomic inheritance in alfalfa, Medicago sativa L. and M. falcata L., for multiple codominant alleles at three isozymic loci is reported in this study. The locus Prx-1 governing anodal peroxidase and the loci Lap-1 and Lap-2 governing anodal leucine-aminopeptidase were studied by starch gel electrophoresis in seedling root tissue or seeds. The progenies from several di-, tri- or tetra-allelic plants belong to the species M. sativa and M. falcata and their hybrids were studied for the segregation of the three genes. In all cases, tetrasomic inheritance of chromosomal-type segregation was observed. In another progeny resulting from the crossing of two plants involving four different alleles at locus Lap-2, tetrasomic segregation with the possible occurrence of double reduction was observed. This study presents direct evidence of autotetraploidy and the existence of tetra-allelic loci in alfalfa. It also supports the concept that the species M. sativa and M. falcata are genetically close enough to be considered biotypes of a common species.  相似文献   

RFLP variation in diploid and tetraploid alfalfa   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Summary Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a major forage crop throughout the world. Although alfalfa has many desirable traits, continued breeding is required to incorporate pest resistances and other traits. We conducted this study to determine the amount of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) variability present within and between diploid and tetraploid alfalfa populations, and whether or not this variability is sufficient for construction of an RFLP map. Diploid plants from M. sativa ssp. falcata, ssp. coerulea, and ssp. sativa and tetraploid spp. sativa cultivars Apollo, Florida 77, and Spredor 2 were included. A total of 19 cDNA clones was probed onto genomic Southern blots containing DNA digested by EcoRI, HindIII, or BamHI. Phylogenetic trees were produced, based on parsimony analysis of shared restriction fragments. Evidence for extensive gene duplication was found; most probes detected complex patterns of restriction fragments. Large amounts of variation are present within all diploid subspecies. M. sativa ssp. falcata plants formed clusters distinct from ssp. sativa or ssp. coerulea plants, which were not distinctly clustered. Some M. sativa ssp. falcata plants were more similar to the other groups than to other plants within ssp. falcata. Variation among tetraploid cultivars showed that Florida 77 and Apollo had more similarities than either showed with Spredor 2. All three cultivars showed large within-population variation, with Apollo being the most diverse and Spredor 2 the least. Based on these results, development of an RFLP map at the diploid level appears possible. Also, differentiation of cultivars, particularly ones of divergent origin, seems possible based on RFLP patterns.  相似文献   

McCouch  Susan R.  Chen  Xiuli  Panaud  Olivier  Temnykh  Svetlana  Xu  Yunbi  Cho  Yong Gu  Huang  Ning  Ishii  Takashige  Blair  Matthew 《Plant molecular biology》1997,35(1-2):89-99
Microsatellites are simple, tandemly repeated di- to tetra-nucleotide sequence motifs flanked by unique sequences. They are valuable as genetic markers because they are co-dominant, detect high levels of allelic diversity, and are easily and economically assayed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results from screening a rice genomic library suggest that there are an estimated 5700-10 000 microsatellites in rice, with the relative frequency of different repeats decreasing with increasing size of the motif. A map consisting of 120 microsatellite markers demonstrates that they are well distributed throughout the 12 chromosomes of rice. Five multiple copy primer sequences have been identified that could be mapped to independent chromosomal locations. The current level of genome coverage provided by these simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs) in rice is sufficient to be useful for genotype identification, gene and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis, screening of large insert libraries, and marker-assisted selection in breeding. Studies of allelic diversity have documented up to 25 alleles at a single locus in cultivated rice germplasm and provide evidence that amplification in wild relatives of Oryza sativa is generally reliable. The availability of increasing numbers of mapped SSLP markers can be expected to complement existing RFLP and AFLP maps, increasing the power and resolution of genome analysis in rice.  相似文献   

微卫星标记技术一出现,就以其独特的优点引起了动物遗传育种学家的广泛关注,显示出较好的应用前景。本文就微卫星标记的特点及其在动物遗传育种中的应用作以综述。  相似文献   

C B Sharp  A J Hilliker 《Génome》1989,32(5):840-846
Segregation distortion is caused by a group of genetic elements in and near the centric heterochromatin of chromosome 2 of Drosophila melanogaster. These elements promote their preferential recovery in heterozygous males by rendering sperm bearing the homologous chromosome dysfunctional. Previous work has shown that numerous Y-autosome translocations are associated with the suppression of the segregation distorter phenotype. The present study examined the effects of translocations between the major autosomes upon the expression of segregation distortion. Autosomal translocations involving either the segregation distorter chromosome or its sensitive homologue had no significant effect upon the expression of segregation distortion. These results argue that linkage arrangement per se may not have a major effect on segregation distortion. The suppression of SD by specific Y-autosomal translocations may be due to the disruption of elements on the Y chromosome that are important for the expression of SD.  相似文献   

The conditions are found under which the frequency of a new gene altering the recombination fraction between two loci controlling meiotic drive will increase. When the model mimics the recombination reducing effects of a chromosomal rearrangement, such as an inversion or duplication, then the result is that the frequency of the chromosomal rearrangement in the population will increase. This may help explain the presence of inversions and duplications (or insertions) in the segregation-distorter system in Drosophila. In some cases it is found that if the new gene causes any alteration in the recombination fraction between the two loci, the frequency of the gene will increase.  相似文献   

SRAP标记是基于选择性扩增开放性阅读框的新型分子标记,具有简便、高效、重复性好、高共显性等优点,在植物育种中已经得到广泛应用.本文介绍了SRAP标记基本原理和特点,对SRAP标记在遗传多样性研究、遗传连锁图谱构建、比较基因组以及分子标记辅助选择育种等方面的应用进行了综述.  相似文献   

Development of an RFLP map in diploid alfalfa   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
Summary We have developed a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage map in diploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to be used as a tool in alfalfa improvement programs. An F2 mapping population of 86 individuals was produced from a cross between a plant of the W2xiso population (M. sativa ssp. sativa) and a plant from USDA PI440501 (M. sativa ssp. coerulea). The current map contains 108 cDNA markers covering 467.5 centimorgans. The short length of the map is probably due to low recombination in this cross. Marker order may be maintained in other populations even though the distance between clones may change. About 50% of the mapped loci showed segregation distortion, mostly toward excess heterozygotes. This is circumstantial evidence supporting the maximum heterozygote theory which states that relative vigor is dependent on maximizing the number of loci with multiple alleles. The application of the map to tetraploid populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Fundamental improvement was made for genome sequencing since the next-generation sequencing (NGS) came out in the 2000s. The newer technologies make use of the power of massively-parallel short-read DNA sequencing, genome alignment and assembly methods to digitally and rapidly search the genomes on a revolutionary scale, which enable large-scale whole genome sequencing (WGS) accessible and practical for researchers. Nowadays, whole genome sequencing is more and more prevalent in detecting the genetics of diseases, studying causative relations with cancers, making genome-level comparative analysis, reconstruction of human population history, and giving clinical implications and instructions. In this review, we first give a typical pipeline of whole genome sequencing, including the lab template preparation, sequencing, genome assembling and quality control, variants calling and annotations. We compare the difference between whole genome and whole exome sequencing (WES), and explore a wide range of applications of whole genome sequencing for both mendelian diseases and complex diseases in medical genetics. We highlight the impact of whole genome sequencing in cancer studies, regulatory variant analysis, predictive medicine and precision medicine, as well as discuss the challenges of the whole genome sequencing.   相似文献   

基因敲除在工业微生物育种方面的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物育种技术的发展先后经历了自然选育、诱变育种、杂交育种、代谢控制育种和基因工程育种5个阶段,其中基因工程育种技术中的基因敲除技术具有定位性强、经修饰和改造的基因能够随染色体DNA的复制而稳定地复制的特点,使人们可以有目的地去改造生物的遗传物质,从而达到微生物育种的目的,受到人们的广泛关注。就基因敲除技术的几种主要方法及其在改良工业生产菌株中的应用作简要介绍。  相似文献   

Summary The genetic variation for a number of important agronomic characters within a widely based breeding population of Phalaris tuberosa has been analysed, and the interrelationships among the variables characterized.Estimates of heritability for flowering date, seed retention and seed weight were higher than those for cool season growth measured in spaced plants or swards, but all characters showed appreciable additive genetic variation, which offers considerable scope for further selection. There was no evidence of any general loss of adaptation in the widely based population, though flowering date and seed weight tended to show increased environmental variability by comparison with the adapted Australian cultivar.One of the most important changes in the genetic relationship between characters in the breeding population has been the elimination of undesirable ecotypic correlations which were present in the parental material prior to hybridization and recombination.In the advanced breeding population significant intra-population correlations existed between the various estimates of growth made on single plants, but in general, estimates of growth made under these conditions were not significantly correlated with the performance of the same families in swards. Of particular interest, however, were the significant genetic correlations between seedling growth of full-sib families measured in controlled environments, and the growth of the same families as spaced plants and in swards.The predicted response to either direct or indirect selection indicates considerable potential for improvement in a number of important characters including seedling growth, seed retention, and winter growth in swards. Of particular interest is the possibility of increasing sward production as a correlated response to intensive selection for seedling growth.A selection procedure is described involving simultaneous selection in full-sib families grown as swards and spaced plants. This technique provides a useful compromise when progress is desired in a number of characters which are best assessed under one or the other regime.
Zusammenfassung An einer Zuchtpopulation von Phalaris tuberosa, die aus Kreuzungen von 30 Ökotypen mediterraner Herkunft mit einer australischen und einer türkischen Sorte stammte, wurden die genetische Variation einer Anzahl agronomisch wichtiger Merkmale untersucht und die Beziehung zwischen den Variablen charak-terisiert.Die an Einzelpflanzen wie im geschlossenen Bestand ermittelten Schätzungen der Heritabilität für den Blühtermin, die Verringerung des Samenausfalls und das Samengewichtwaren höher als für das Wachstum während der kühlen Jahreszeit; alle Merkmale wiesen aber eine beachtliche additive genetische Variation auf, die Aussichten für eine weitere Selektion eröffnet. Ein allgemeinen Adaptationsverlust war in der umfangreichen Population nicht festzustellen, wenn auch die Merkmale Blütezeit und Samengewicht im Vergleich mit der adaptierten australischen Sorte zu einer erhöhten umweltbedingten Variabilität neigten.Eine der bedeutendsten Veränderungen in den genetischen Beziehungen zwischen Merkmalen der Zuchtpopulation war die Elimination unerwünschter, für die genannten Ökotypen zutreffender Korre-lationen, wie sie im Eltermaterial vor der Hybridi-sierung und Rekombination vorhanden waren. Es gab in der vorgeschrittenen Zuchtpopulation signifikante Intrapopulations-Korrelationen zwischen den ver-schiedenen an Einzelpflanzen ermittelten Wachs-tums-Schätzungen, im allgemeinen waren die unter diesen Bedingungen gemachten Schätzungen aber nicht signifikant mit der Leistung der gleichen Familien im geschlossenen Bestand korreliert. Von besonderem Interesse waren jedoch die signifikanten genetischen Korrelationen zwischen dem Keimlingswachstum von Vollgeschwisterfamilien, die unter kontrollierten Umweltbedingungen gemessen wurden, und dem Wachstum der gleichen Familien als Einzel-pflanzen und im geschlossenen Bestand.Die vorausgesagte Reaktion auf direkte oder indirekte Selektion läßt beträchtliche Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung einer Anzahl wichtiger Merkmale einschl. des Keimlingswachstums, der Verringerung des Samenausfalls und des winterlichen Wachstums im geschlossenen Bestand erwarten.Die Möglichkeit der Steigerung des Bestandsertrages als Folge einer intensiven Selektion auf Keim-lingswachstum ist von besonderer Bedeutung.Es wird ein Selektionsverfahren beschrieben, das eine gleichzeitige Selektion in Vollgeschwisterfamilien ermöglicht, die sowohl im Bestand wie als Einzel-pflanzen angezogen wurden. Diese Technik bietet einen nützlichen Kompromiß, wenn eine Verbesserung einiger Merkmale erzielt werden soll, die sich entweder beim Anbau in der einen oder in der anderen Form am besten abschätzen lassen.

We extend the classical model for selection at an autosomal locus in a sex-differentiated population to include segregation distortion. The equations remain the same, but the fitness parameters are interpreted differently and refer to alleles instead of genotypes. We derive conditions for internal and external stability of the equilibria, i.e., stability with respect to perturbations of alleles that are already present at equilibrium and stability with respect to invasion attempts by newly arising alleles. We show that, in a sex-differentiated population, external stability of an equilibrium can be judged on the basis of Shaw--Mohler criteria. Throughout, we compare the situation in populations with and without sex differentiation. Interestingly, internal stability is more difficult to achieve in a population without sex differentiation than in a population in which selection and segregation distortion are restricted to one sex. In a companion paper we show how the general results of the present paper can lead to new insights into specific systems such as the t complex of the house mouse.  相似文献   

居群遗传学原理及其在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
居群遗传学在珍稀濒危植物保护研究中有着重要的应用价值。本文首先介绍了居群遗传学中的几个重要概念——有效居群大小、近交繁殖、遗传漂变和基因流,然后详细叙述了居群遗传学原理在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用途径和前景。  相似文献   

Summary Complex hybrids containing genomes from three different Solanum tuberosum Groups were synthesized (3-way hybrids), utilizing 2n gametes in 4x–2x crosses. Ten such families were compared to nine analogous two-Group (2-way) hybrid families and nine (1-way) families representing conventional Gp. Tuberosum breeding materials. The three types of crosses, representing three descending levels of heterozygosity, were placed in four field trials.The 3-way hybrids were never significantly superior to the 2-way hybrids for vigor, yield, or tuber type. When yields were adjusted for maturity differences, the 3-way hybrids tended to be inferior to the 2-way hybrids for yield. This suggests that there may be a heterotic threshold in the cultivated potato, beyond which point more heterozygosity does not result in greater vigor or more yield.While the 2-way and 3-way hybrids did not significantly differ from each other, they both dramatically surpassed the conventional 1-way crosses for vigor and yield (42%). The evidence of a possible heterotic threshold indicates that more sophisticated methods such as cell fusion and bilateral sexual polyploidization may not be necessary to exploit the full potential of the hybrid approach in the potato. A simple and direct 2-way hybridization approach may be optimal, or at least would seem comparable with other hybrid approaches, and is a technology ready for immediate and widespread implementation.  相似文献   

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