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Binding of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) to its V2 receptor (V2R) in the basolateral membrane of principal cells induces Aquaporin-2-mediated water reabsorption in the kidney. To study the regulation of the V2R by dDAVP in a proper model, a polarized renal cell line stably-expressing V2R-GFP was generated. Labeled AVP-binding studies revealed an equal basolateral vs. apical membrane distribution for V2R-GFP and endogenous V2R. In these cells, GFP-V2R was expressed in its mature form and localized for 75% in the basolateral membrane and for 25% to late endosomes/lysosomes. dDAVP caused a dose- and time-dependent internalization of V2R-GFP, which was completed within 1 h with 100 nM dDAVP, was prevented by coincubation with a V2R antagonist, and which reduced its half-life from 11.5 to 2.8 h. Semiquantification of the V2R-GFP colocalization with E-cadherin (basolateral membrane), early endosomal antigen-1 (EEA-1) and lysosome-associated membrane protein-2 (LAMP-2) in time revealed that most dDAVP-bound V2R was internalized via early endosomes to late endosomes/lysosomes, where it was degraded. The dDAVP-internalized V2R did not recycle to the basolateral membrane. In conclusion, we established the itinerary of the V2R in a polarized cell model that likely resembles the in vivo V2R localization and regulation by AVP to a great extent.  相似文献   

Metabolic acidosis is associated with alteration in fluid and electrolyte reabsorption in a number of nephron segments. However, the effects of metabolic acidosis on urine osmolality and aquaporin-2 (AQP-2) remain poorly understood. In these studies, we examined the effects of chronic metabolic acidosis on water handling by the kidney. Rats were placed in metabolic cages and subjected to water (control) or 280 mM NH4Cl loading for 120 h to induce metabolic acidosis. The results indicated a significant increase in urine osmolality with no change in urine volume or urinary Na+ excretion in acid-loaded animals. This effect was independent of alteration in fluid intake or salt/Cl- loading. Immunoblotting and Northern hybridization studies indicated that AQP-2 protein abundance and mRNA expression levels increased significantly along the collecting duct system of NH4Cl-but not NaCl-loaded animals. RIA results indicated that metabolic acidosis was associated with a fourfold increase in circulating levels of vasopressin (AVP) and a significant increase in brain AVP mRNA expression levels. In conclusion, metabolic acidosis upregulates the expression levels of AQP-2 and increases urine osmolality, suggesting an adaptive increase in water reabsorption in the collecting duct. A concomitant increase in AVP synthesis and secretion likely plays an essential role in the adaptation of AQP-2 in metabolic acidosis. kidney; acid-base; urine osmolality; sodium excretion rate  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that vasopressin increases the water permeability of the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) by inducing trafficking of aquaporin-2 to the apical plasma membrane and that this response is dependent on intracellular calcium mobilization and calmodulin activation. Here, we address the hypothesis that this water permeability response is mediated in part through activation of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and regulation of non-muscle myosin II. Immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry demonstrated the presence of MLCK, the myosin regulatory light chain (MLC), and the IIA and IIB isoforms of the non-muscle myosin heavy chain in rat IMCD cells. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry identified two isoforms of MLC, both of which also exist in phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms. 32P incubation of the inner medulla followed by autoradiography of two-dimensional gels demonstrated increased 32P labeling of both isoforms in response to the V2 receptor agonist [deamino-Cys1,D-Arg8]vasopressin (DDAVP). Time course studies of MLC phosphorylation in IMCD suspensions (using immunoblotting with anti-phospho-MLC antibodies) showed that the increase in phosphorylation could be detected as early as 30 s after exposure to vasopressin. The MLCK inhibitor ML-7 blocked the DDAVP-induced MLC phosphorylation and substantially reduced [Arg8]vasopressin (AVP)-stimulated water permeability. AVP-induced MLC phosphorylation was associated with a rearrangement of actin filaments (Alexa Fluor 568-phalloidin) in primary cultures of IMCD cells. These results demonstrate that MLC phosphorylation by MLCK represents a downstream effect of AVP-activated calcium/calmodulin signaling in IMCD cells and point to a role for non-muscle myosin II in regulation of water permeability by vasopressin.  相似文献   

In the present study, we were particularly interested in distinguishing specific patterns of structural and functional proteins in the collecting duct system of neonatal and adult kidneys and in cultured renal collecting duct epithelia in order to ascertain the degree of differentiation in the cultures. We studied the distribution of specific renal collecting duct cell markers using morphological, immunohistochemical and biochemical procedures. Cultured renal collecting duct epithelium undergoes maturation in vitro. Examples of morphological differentiation include the appearance of cilia and microvilli at the apical cell pole, and a basement membrane at the basal aspect of the epithelium. Tight junctions with five to seven strands separate the wide intercellular spaces from the apical cell surface. Physiological maturation from a 'leaky' to a 'tight' epithelium is evident from the acquisition of the alpha-subunit of Na/K-ATPase and the development of a high transepithelial potential difference and resistance. Biochemical differentiation is revealed by the expression of specific proteins. The simple-epithelium cytokeratins, PKK1 and PKK2, which are typical intracellular-matrix proteins of mature collecting duct epithelium, maintain the same distribution in cell culture as in neonatal and adult kidneys. An indicator of maturation in vitro is the expression of the collecting duct-specific proteins, PCD2 and PCD3. Newly developed monoclonal antibodies against these antigens reacted similarly with cultured cells and cells of the mature collecting duct system, but they did not label the embryonic ampullae in the cortex of neonatal rabbit kidneys. In contrast, a third collecting duct-specific protein, PCD1, is not expressed by the cultured cells, which indicates the retention of an embryonic characteristic in vitro. Embryonic collecting duct ampullae of the neonatal kidney in situ contain laminin during their development. Laminin is, however, absent in cultured collecting duct epithelium. Biochemical stimulation of the adenylate cyclase system by arginine vasopressin resulted in a twofold stimulation of the enzyme activity. This degree of stimulation is similar to that found in maturing kidneys of neonatal rabbits and indicates another embryonic feature of the cultures.  相似文献   

In the present study, we were particularly interested in distinguishing specific patterns of structural and functional proteins in the collecting duct system of neonatal and adult kidneys and in cultured renal collecting duct epithelia in order to ascertain the degree of differentiation in the cultures. We studied the distribution of specific renal collecting duct cell markers using morphological, immuno-histochemical and biochemical procedures. Cultured renal collecting duct epithelium undergoes maturation in vitro. Examples of morphological differentiation include the appearance of cilia and microvilli at the apical cell pole, and a basement membrane at the basal aspect of the epithelium. Tight junctions with five to seven strands separate the wide intercellular spaces from the apical cell surface. Physiological maturation from a ‘leaky’ to a ‘tight’ epithelium is evident from the acquisition of the α-subunit of Na/K-ATPase and the development of a high transepithelial potential difference and resistance. Biochemical differentiation is revealed by the expression of specific proteins. The simple-epithelium cytokeratins. PKK1 and PKK2, which are typical intracellular-matrix proteins of mature collecting duct epithelium, maintain the same distribution in cell culture as in neonatal and adult kidneys. An indicator of maturation in vitro is the expression of the collecting duct-specific proteins, PCD2 and PCD3. Newly developed monoclonal antibodies against these antigens reacted similarly with cultured cells and cells of the mature collecting duct system, but they did not label the embryonic ampullae in the cortex of neonatal rabbit kidneys. In contrast, a third collecting duct-specific protein, PcDl, is not expressed by the cultured cells, which indicates the retention of an embryonic characteristic in vitro. Embryonic collecting duct ampullae of the neonatal kidney in situ contain laminin during their development. Laminin is. however, absent in cultured collecting duct epithelium. Biochemical stimulation of the adenylate cyclase system by arginine vasopressin resulted in a twofold stimulation of the enzyme activity. This degree of stimulation is similar to that found in maturing kidneys of neonatal rabbits and indicates another embryonic feature of the cultures.  相似文献   

1. In the present paper the ion transport function of the renal mammalian collecting duct and its regulation is briefly reviewed. 2. The epithelium is characterized by different cell types: principal cells, intercalated cells, type A, and intercalated cells, type B. 3. Using microelectrodes and various microscopic techniques active Na+ absorption as well as K+ secretion has been localized to the principal cells, while Cl- absorption was found to proceed largely, though not exclusively, through the tight junctions between cells. 4. Intercalated cells of type A, which prevail in the outer medullary collecting duct, secrete H+ and intercalated cells of type B, which are most frequent in the late cortical collecting duct, secrete HCO3-. 5. This specialization of different cells in transporting individual ions provides the basis for the efficient adaptive regulation of urinary ion excretion.  相似文献   

Summary The tight junctions along the medullary collecting duct in the kidneys of the rat and the rabbit were studied with freeze-fracture electron microscopy and quantitated according to the number of strands and the apico-basal depth (nm) of the junctions.The most elaborate tight junctions were found in the inner stripe of the outer medulla; rat: 10.6±0.8 strands and 205±24nm; rabbit: 11.6±2.4 strands and 291±55 nm.The elaboration of the tight junctions decreased continuously towards the papillary tip. Inner zone I; rat: 9.3±2.6 strands and 186±38nm, rabbit: 9.5±2.3 strands and 247±59nm. Inner zone II; rat: 7.1±2.2 strands and 129±32nm, rabbit: 8.5±1.4 strands and 199±26nm. Inner zone III; rat: 6.0±1.6 strands and 111 + 19 nm, rabbit: 7.0±1.5 strands and 183±43 nm. In the inner zone III comprising the papillary tip tight junctions with only 1–3 strands were not infrequently seen. Preliminary findings in the kidney of the golden hamster indicate a similar decline of junctional tightness along the collecting duct.These morphological observations suggest that the permeability of the paracellular pathway of the medullary collecting duct increases towards the tip of the papilla, especially in the rat. The functional implications for the medullary recycling of urea and electrolytes, and for the urinary concentrating mechanism are discussed.In addition, the tight junctions of the papillary epithelium are described.  相似文献   

In the study, the role of PKC and Ca++ in vasopressin regulation of the plasma membrane water permeability was studied in the cells of the mouse kidney collecting duct. Coefficient of osmotic water permeability of total cell surface (Pf) was calculated from the initial rate of cell swelling following the osmotic shock caused by changing the medium osmolarity from isotonic to hypotonic (300 mOsm to 200 mOsm). Desmopressin (dDAVP 1 nM) increased the Pf in hydrated mice from 168.4 +/- 11.8 microm/s up to 231.3 +/- 14.7 microm/s. The Ca++ chelator BAPTA prevented the desmopressin-induced increase in water permeability. Inhibition of PKC (Ro-31-8220 0.1 microM) also abolished the desmopressin-stimulated increase of plasma membrane water permeability, whereas inhibitor of PKC alone did not suppress the stimulation of the water permeability by db-cAMP. The PKC activity and calciumdependent second messengers seem to be important for regulation of water permeability by vasopressin.  相似文献   

W W Minuth  P Gilbert 《Histochemistry》1988,88(3-6):435-441
It is still uncertain whether cell cultures attain the functional maturity of corresponding in vivo cells. The degree of differentiation of cultured collecting-duct (CD) epithelium cells was therefore examined using immunohistochemical procedures. Three monoclonal antibodies (mabs CD1, CD2, and CD3) were raised against proteins (PCD) isolated from the renal papilla. At Western-blot analysis, each of these antibodies reacted with a specific protein that was distinguishable according to its molecular weight [PCD1, 190 kilodaltons (kDa); PCD2, 210 kDa; PCD3, 50 kDa]. Using immunofluorescence, these proteins were found to be localized exclusively in the renal CD system. Other renal structures, such as the proximal or distal tubular portions, the glomeruli and the interstitial network, were not reactive. The mabs, CD2 and CD3, labeled both the cortical and medullary CD in a uniform way, whereas mab CD1 produced heterogeneous immunolabeling along the length of the cortical, medullary, and papillary CD. As revealed by immunohistochemistry, the mabs revealed differences with respect to the expression of the specific renal proteins in cultured CD cells. In polar-differentiated epithelium cultured for 5 days on a specific renal support, mab CD1 was unreactive, whereas mabs CD2 and CD3 were positive. This demonstrated the biochemical immaturity of this cultured epithelium with respect to CD1 reactivity. In morphologically dedifferentiated CD monolayer cells grown on the bottom of a culture dish, only a weak reaction for mab CD3 was observed. The loss of epithelial polarization in CD monolayer cells obviously coincides with the absence of the renal proteins PCD1 and PCD2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary It is still uncertain whether cell cultures attain the functional maturity of corresponding in vivo cells. The degree of differentiation of cultured collecting-duct (CD) epithelium cells was therefore examined using immunohistochemical procedures. Three monoclonal antibodies (mabs CD 1, CD 2, and CD 3) were raised against proteins (PCD) isolated from the renal papilla. At Western-blot analysis, each of these antibodies reacted with a specific protein that was distinguishable according to its molecular weight [PCD1, 190 kilodaltons (kDa); PCD2, 210 kDa; PCD3, 50 kDa]. Using immunofluorescence, these proteins were found to be localized exclusively in the renal CD system. Other renal structures, such as the proximal or distal tubular portions, the glomeruli and the interstitial network, were not reactive. The mabs, CD 2 and CD 3, labeled both the cortical and medullary CD in a uniform way, whereas mab CD 1 produced heterogeneous immunolabeling along the length of the cortical, medullary, and papillary CD. As revealed by immunohistochemistry, the mabs revealed differences with respect to the expression of the specific renal proteins in cultured CD cells. In polar-differentiated epithelium cultured for 5 days on a specific renal support, mab CD 1 was unreactive, whereas mabs CD 2 and CD 3 were positive. This demonstrated the biochemical immaturity of this cultured epithelium with respect to CD 1 reactivity. In morphologically dedifferentiated CD monolayer cells grown on the bottom of a culture dish, only a weak reaction for mab CD 3 was observed. The loss of epithelial polarization in CD monolayer cells obviously coincides with the absence of the renal proteins PCD1 and PCD2. Thus, our mabs proved to be valuable tools for the investigation of the differentiation and dedifferentiation of renal CD cells in culture.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory has demonstrated that the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) expresses a large amount of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity. The present study was designed to characterize the transport of NOS substrate, L-arginine, in a suspension of bulk-isolated IMCD cells from the Sprague-Dawley rat kidney. Biochemical transport studies demonstrated an L-arginine transport system in IMCD cells that was saturable and Na(+) independent (n = 6). L-Arginine uptake by IMCD cells was inhibited by the cationic amino acids L-lysine, L-homoarginine, and L-ornithine (10 mmol/l each) and unaffected by the neutral amino acids L-leucine, L-serine, and L-glutamine. Both L-ornithine (n = 6) and L-lysine (n = 6) inhibited NOS enzymatic activity in a dose-dependent manner in IMCD cells, supporting the important role of L-arginine transport for NO production by this tubular segment. Furthermore, RT-PCR of microdissected IMCD confirmed the presence of cationic amino acid transporter CAT1 mRNA, whereas CAT2A, CAT2B, and CAT3 were not detected. These results indicate that L-arginine uptake by IMCD cells occurs via system y(+), is encoded by CAT1, and may participate in the regulation of NO production in this renal segment.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between cell pH and cGMP production in cultured rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells. The cGMP level, 21 +/- 6, was not different in control vs. alkalinized cells, 49 +/- 17 fmol/mg protein (p greater than 0.5). 10(-11) M atrial natriuretic peptide (ANF) enhanced cGMP production in alkalinized cells, 426 +/- 34 vs. 141 +/- 9*. Conversely, alkalinization inhibited 10(-4)M nitroprusside (SNP) induced cGMP formation, 29 +/- 9 vs. 332 +/- 67*. Phosphodiesterase inhibition abolished the difference in cGMP production by ANF but did not reverse the inhibitory effect of alkalinization on SNP induced cGMP production. In rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells, cellular alkalinization plays a significant role in the regulation of guanylate cyclase mediated cGMP production. * = p less than 0.05).  相似文献   

In the present study, we clarified how the NaCl gradient across the epithelial cells regulates the paracellular ion conductance. Under isotonic conditions, the absorption-directed NaCl gradient elevated the paracellular conductances of Na(+) (G(Na)) and Cl(-) (G(Cl)), while the secretion-directed NaCl gradient diminished the G(Na) and G(Cl). We further investigated the paracellular ionic conductances of NMDG (G(NMDG)) and gluconate (G(gluconate)) by replacing Na(+) with NMDG or Cl(-) with gluconate. The G(NMDG) was lower than the G(Na) and the replacement of Na(+) with NMDG decreased the G(Cl). The G(gluconate) was lower than the G(Cl) and the replacement of Cl(-) with gluconate also decreased the G(Na). These observations suggest the interaction of cations and anions on paracellular ionic conductances; i.e., cations affect paracellular anion conductances and anions affect paracellular cation conductances.  相似文献   

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