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Fifteen men and 35 women, suffering from a number of psychological and somatic disorders, were taught to relax by biofeedback-assisted deep-diaphragmatic breathing together with guided mental imagery. No instructions were given about rate. Breathing rate and pattern, PETCO2, and EEG were monitored before training and after the first three 2-minute training trials (session 1). In 27 subjects (54%), breathing patterns and rate were noted to resemble those reported by meditation practitioners (3 to 5 b/min). The PETCO2 and EEG changes support a hypothesis of metabolic hypoarousal. Four subjects spontaneously reported experiencing altered awareness. A centrally mediated hypoarousal response is tentatively implicated.  相似文献   

Surfacing frequency (Sf) in obligatory air-breathing fishes is a behavioural index of O2 uptake; as both are interrelated, there is a possibility of predicting one from the other. From the point of cause and effect relationship, feeding (C) is regarded as the cause and Sf and O2 uptake as its effects. Hence, the last two are predictable from the cause. A pathway for predicting the bioenergetics components, feeding (C), metabolism (M) and growth (P) from a behavioural index of surfacing frequency has been proposed. In this model, C occupies the focal point connecting on the horizontal plane Sf on one side and P on the other side and M vertically. The developed multiple regression models predict the bioenergetics components of the fishes,Macropodus cupanus andChanna striatus of different weight classes ex-posed to different rations and temperatures; the percentage of variation accounted for by the equations is over 90. The pathway can also be followed for predicting bioenergetics components of gill-breathing fishes, if feeding rate alone is known. On application of the relevant part of the pathway toSalmo trutta, the percentage of variation accounted by the equations is 95.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To see whether stress could be alleviated in patients being treated for early breast cancer. DESIGN--Controlled randomised trial lasting six weeks. SETTING--Outpatient radiotherapy department in a teaching hospital. PATIENTS--One hundred fifty four women with breast cancer stage I or II after first session of six week course of radiotherapy, of whom 15 dropped out before end of study. INTERVENTION--Patients saw one of two researchers once a week for six weeks. Controls were encouraged to talk about themselves; relaxation group was taught concentration on individual muscle groups; relaxation and imagery group was also taught to imagine peaceful scene of own choice to enhance relaxation. Relaxation and relaxation plus imagery groups were given tape recording repeating instructions and told to practise at least 15 minutes a day. END POINT--Improvement of mood and of depression and anxiety on self rating scales. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Initial scores for profile of mood states and Leeds general scales for depression and anxiety were the same in all groups. At six weeks total mood disturbance score was significantly less in the intervention groups, women in the combined intervention group being more relaxed than those receiving relaxation training only; mood in the control group was worse. Women aged 55 and over benefited most. There was no difference in Leeds scores among the groups. CONCLUSIONS--Patients with early breast cancer benefit from relaxation training.  相似文献   

The spectrum of and changes in motivation activity and the associated heart rate variability (HRV) were evaluated under psychoemotional stress. It was found that psychoemotional stress led to changes in the anxiety and will components of the spectrum, with certain changes in the HRV.  相似文献   

Satellite imagery as a tool for monitoring species diversity: an assessment   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
1. A landscape of 5 × 5·5 km in the Karnataka region of the Western Ghats of India was mapped into seven landscape element types, using field identification of types as well as supervised and unsupervised classification of satellite imagery.
2. Plant communities distributed in these landscape element types were surveyed in the field using 246 quadrats of 10 × 10 m, in order to assess whether these types could be distinguished in terms of species composition. All angiosperms excluding grasses, which could not be identified accurately in the field, were recorded for this purpose.
3. Landscape element types identified in the field harboured significantly distinctive sets of species of flowering plants, and were also by and large distinctive in terms of their species richness.
4. Landscape element types could be identified accurately on the basis of supervised classification: the types thus demarcated harboured distinctive sets of flowering plants.
5. Landscape element types coupled to satellite imagery could then be used to organize a programme of monitoring biodiversity.
6. Unsupervised classification of satellite imagery did not permit classification of landscape element types with a high enough level of accuracy. In consequence, the demarcated landscape element types did not harbour significantly distinctive sets of species of flowering plants. Unsupervised classification is therefore not appropriate in a programme of monitoring biodiversity.  相似文献   

Metabolic rate, heart rate and respiratory rate of three adult moose were monitored simultaneously on selected days between January 1982 and October 1983. Heart rate was successfully monitored using two types of implanted radio transmitters. Metabolic rate was significantly (P less than 0.001) correlated with heart rate for individual animals (r = 0.94-0.98). The relationship was best described by an exponential equation. A mean weighted equation predicted metabolic rate within 9% of individual equations. In adult moose cows, heart rate was a more reliable predictor of energy expenditure than respiratory rate.  相似文献   

Filamentous inclusions composed of the microtubule-associated protein tau are found in Alzheimer disease and other tauopathic neurodegenerative diseases, but the mechanisms underlying their formation from full-length protein monomer under physiological conditions are unclear. To address this issue, the fibrillization of recombinant full-length four-repeat human tau was examined in vitro as a function of time and submicromolar tau concentrations using electron microscopy assay methods and a small-molecule inducer of aggregation, thiazine red. Data were then fit to a simple homogeneous nucleation model with rate constant constraints established from filament dissociation rate, critical concentration, and mass-per-unit length measurements. The model was then tested by comparing the predicted time-dependent evolution of length distributions to experimental data. Results indicated that once assembly-competent conformations were attained, the rate-limiting step in the fibrillization pathway was tau dimer formation. Filament elongation then proceeded by addition of tau monomers to nascent filament ends. Filaments isolated at reaction plateau contained approximately 2 tau protomers/beta-strand spacing on the basis of mass-per-unit length measurements. The model suggests four key steps in the aggregation pathway that must be surmounted for tau filaments to form in disease.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of the dopamine (DA) metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) may be a useful measure of brain HVA production by central DA systems. Even though there is a significant peripheral contribution to plasma HVA, experimental manipulations that alter brain HVA produce parallel changes in plasma HVA levels. This study was designed to assess whether the ability of plasma HVA to reflect haloperidol induced increases in brain HVA could be strengthened by reducing the contribution to plasma HVA from peripheral sources. Debrisoquin sulfate, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor that does not enter the brain, was given in a low dose schedule to rats and lowered the peripheral contribution to plasma HVA by between 42 and 68%, resulting in a situation where between 62 and 87% of plasma HVA derived from brain. Using this dose schedule, rats pretreated with debrisoquin displayed a significant increase in plasma HVA following a lower dose of haloperidol than that required in the vehicle pretreated rats. In the debrisoquin pretreated group, a 71% increase in brain HVA was accompanied by a significant 60% increase in plasma HVA, whereas the vehicle pretreated group required a 136% increase in brain HVA to display a significant 50% increase in plasma. These findings indicate that debrisoquin pretreatment improves the reliability of plasma HVA to reflect changes in brain DA metabolism. Plasma HVA samples obtained from humans following debrisoquin may provide a clinically applicable method for assessing brain DA systems in neurologic and psychiatric illness.  相似文献   

The relationship between body dry weight (W) and shell length (L) of blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, can be expressed by the condition index (CI = W/L 3) which varies from population to population and during the year. Here, we examine the influence of CI on the relationships between maximum filtration rate (F, l h?1), W (g), and L (mm) as described by the equations: F W  = aW b and F L  = cL d , respectively. This is done by using available and new experimental laboratory data on M. edulis obtained by members of the same research team using different methods and controlled diets of cultivated algal cells. For all data, it was found that F W  = 6.773W 0.678 and F L  = 0.00135L 2.088 which are very similar to equations for mussels with ‘medium condition’ (CI = 4–6 mg cm?3): F W  = 6.567W 0.681 and F L  = 0.00150L 2.051, with b- and d-values within a few percent of the theoretically expected of 2/3 and 2, respectively. Further, based on the present data, we propose a correction factor expressed by the empirical relation F W /F L  = 0.3562CI2/3 which implies that F W tends to underestimate the actual filtration rate (F L ) when CI < 4.70 and to overestimate the filtration rate when CI > 4.70.  相似文献   

Given high‐level commitments to reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, there is a pressing need to develop simple and practical indicators to monitor progress. In this context, a biodiversity intactness index (BII) was recently proposed, which provides an overall indicator suitable for policy makers. The index links data on land use with expert assessments of how this impacts the population densities of well‐understood taxonomic groups to estimate current population sizes relative to premodern times. However, when calculated for southern Africa, the resulting BII of 84% suggests a far more positive picture of the state of wild nature than do other large‐scale estimates. Here, we argue that this discrepancy is in part an artefact of the coarseness of the land degradation data used to calculate the BII, and that the overall BII for southern Africa is probably much lower than 84%. In particular, based on two relatively inexpensive, ground‐truthed studies of areas not generally regarded as exceptional in terms of their degradation status, we demonstrate that Scholes and Biggs might have seriously underestimated the extent of land degradation. These differences have substantial bearing on BII scores. Urgent attention should be given to the further development of cost‐effective ground‐truthing methods for quantifying the extent of land degradation in order to provide reliable estimates of biodiversity loss, both in southern Africa and more widely.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Monte Carlo methods are the most effective means of exploring the energy landscapes of protein folding. The rugged topography of folding energy landscapes causes sampling inefficiencies however, particularly at low, physiological temperatures. RESULTS: A hybrid Monte Carlo method, termed density guided importance sampling (DGIS), is presented that overcomes these sampling inefficiencies. The method is shown to be highly accurate and efficient in determining Boltzmann weighted structural metrics of a discrete off-lattice protein model. In comparison to the Metropolis Monte Carlo method, and the hybrid Monte Carlo methods, jump-walking, smart-walking and replica-exchange, the DGIS method is shown to be more efficient, requiring no parameter optimization. The method guides the simulation towards under-sampled regions of the energy spectrum and recognizes when equilibrium has been reached, avoiding arbitrary and excessively long simulation times. AVAILABILITY: Fortran code available from authors upon request. CONTACT: m.j.parker@leeds.ac.uk.  相似文献   

A number of long day breeding rodents depend on seasonal changes in photoperiodic length to synchronize their breeding seasons with the appropriate time of the year. These relationships are particularly conspicuous in the Syrian hamster where day length is vitally important in determining periods of sexual activity and inactivity. The organ in the body whose activity is most closely attuned to the photoperiodic environment is the pineal gland. During periods of darkness the biochemical and secretory activity of the pineal is enhanced with the resultant production of antigonadotrophic principles which are strongly suppressive to reproductive physiology. In this manner, decreasing day lengths of the fall are involved with suppressing sexual capability in male and female hamsters. Throughout the winter months darkness (because of the shorter day lengths and the fact that hamsters remain underground in lightless burrows) holds the gonads in an atrophic condition and thereby prevents hamsters from breeding. As spring approaches the neuroendocrine reproductive axis becomes refractory to the inhibitory effects of darkness and the pineal gland and, as a consequence, the gonads recrudesce allowing the animals to successfully reproduce. The long days of the spring and summer serve to interrupt the refractory period so that when winter approaches shortening day lengths will again, by way of the pineal gland, induce gonadalinvolution. In this scheme both light and darkness are critically important in synchronizing the phases of the annual reproductive cycle of the hamster with the appropriate season of the year. Melatonin may be the pineal hormone which mediates the effects of darkness on reproductive physiology.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

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