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In the fly, Dryomyza anilis, males copulate repeatedly withthe same female during oviposition. Each copulation bout consistsof intromission followed by several tapping sequences duringwhich the male touches the external genitalia of the femalewith his claspers. The relative fertilization success of thelast male to mate with the female increases with the numberof tapping sequences. In this study, male benefits of repeatedcopulation bouts were examined by comparing matings with thesame number of tapping sequences in one and several copulationbouts. The relative fertilization success for the last maleincreased with successive copulation bouts. Simulated ovipositionpatterns showed that fertilization success in matings with manycopulation bouts was higher than in matings with one bout onlyif eggs were distributed between bouts in a certain way. Thesepredicted oviposition patterns were compared with natural ones.Although males may benefit from repeated copulation, femalesare likely to prefer matings with quick oviposition. This intersexualconflict may also affect natural oviposition patterns. It issuggested that repeated copulation in D. anilis may have evolvedin connection with males trying to secure their paternity becausefemales can discharge sperm at any moment during mating.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mating success of males and its correlates were investigated in a natural population of the polygynous fluvial sculpinCottus nozawae. Furthermore, the female mate preference of this species was examined experimentally under alternative conditions for mating in a stream. The mating success of individual males (the number of females with which a male mated) ranged between 0 and 8 with a mean of 2.41 in 1983 and 2.52 in 1989, in a population of which the sex ratio was about 1 : 2 in both years, skewed toward females. Mainly due to the excess of nests without egg masses and the few nests with one egg mass, the distribution of male mating success did not fit a Poisson distribution, indicating its non-randomness. Male mating success was not correlated either with the size of the nest rocks or with the male size, suggesting that these two variables are not determinants of mating success. The mate choice experiments demonstrated that females of this species more frequently chose smaller males as mates whose nests already contained eggs than large males without eggs. Additionally, an analysis of stomach contents of guarding males suggested that the parental males ate their own eggs during egg guarding (filial-cannibalism). Based on these results and on a comparison of reproductive characteristics with congeneric species, it is suggested that one of the most important determinants for female mate choice inCottus species may be whether or not parental males are filial egg cannibals.  相似文献   

Whether male competition and female choice act in concert, independently,or in opposition is a critical issue for understanding sexualselection. In complex social systems, the outcomes of pairwiseinteractions may not be accurate indicators of how sexual selectionemerges. We investigated how female choice and male competitioninteract in the bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei, in a 3-stagedexperiment where 1) females could choose between 2 males, 2)those males could interact in the presence of that female, and3) females and males could freely interact and spawn. In thepairwise stages (1 and 2), females displayed pronounced preferencesbetween males and male competition produced a distinctly dominantindividual. None of the morphological traits, including color,measured in males were associated with either female preferenceor male dominance. When all 3 fish interacted (stage 3), maleactivity level was the sole predictor of spawning success. Maleswith elevated activity levels were more aggressive toward malesand females, exhibited intensified courtship, and obtained morespawns. Female preference did not predict the number of spawnswith a male, but it did predict her latency to spawn; femalesspawned more quickly with preferred males. Thus, male competitionand female choice interact to determine reproductive success,but there is evidence for conflict and a cost to females ofassociating with dominant males. Reproductive success in thisspecies is not easily predicted from simple measures of morphologyor female preference and is influenced by complex social interactions,both between males, and between males and females.  相似文献   

In internally fertilizing species male genitalia often show a higher degree of elaboration than required for simply transferring sperm to females. Among the hypotheses proposed to explain such diversity, sexual selection has received the most empirical support, with studies revealing that genital morphology can be targeted by both pre-and postcopulatory sexual selection. Until now, most studies have focused on these two episodes of selection independently. Here, we take an alternative approach by considering both components simultaneously in the livebearing fish, Poecilia reticulata. We allowed females to mate successively (and cooperatively) with two males and determined whether male genital length influenced the female's propensity to mate with a male (precopulatory selection, via female choice) and whether male genital size and shape predicted the relative paternity share of subsequent broods (postcopulatory selection, via sperm competition/cryptic female choice). We found no evidence that either episode of sexual selection targets male genital size or shape. These findings, in conjunction with our recent work exposing a role of genital morphology in mediating unsolicited (forced) matings in guppies, further supports our prior speculation that sexual conflict may be an important broker of genital evolution in this species.  相似文献   

Although most aphidophagous syrphid species lay their eggs close to aphids, Platycheirus peltatus (Meig.), Melanostoma scalare (F.) and M. mellinum (L.) laid freely on uninfested brussels sprout plants. The existence of species that will lay in the absence of aphids may be valuable in biological control and also provides a useful tool for the investigation of non-aphid oviposition stimuli. Plant species and plant appearance were both important factors in P. peltatus oviposition. Particular sites on the plant were chosen for oviposition by Syrphus balteatus (Deg.). The nature of the substrate at the oviposition site affected the size of the egg batches laid there by M. scalare, M. mellinum, P. peltatus and P. clypeatus (Meig.). The possibility is discussed that plant-location is the older-established system of host-finding and that an aphid-location system has gradually superseded it during the evolution of the obligatorily aphidophagous Syrphinae.  相似文献   

In the recent past, application of DNA genotyping techniques has enabled researchers to more accurately test relationships between dominance rank (DR), mating success (MS) and reproductive success (RS). Paternity studies often reveal that reproductive outcome does not always correlate with male DR and/or MS and thus open room for discussion and interpretation of alternative reproductive tactics of both sexes. In this study, we analysed male DR, MS and RS in a group of bonobos at Twycross Zoo (UK). Genetic relationships were determined using 8 tetrameric microsatellite loci. Despite clear and asymmetric dominance relationships, analysed using normalised David's scores based on a dyadic index of dominance among the group's 3 mature males, we found that the most dominant male did not sire the most offspring. In fact, both infants conceived during the observation period were found to be sired by the lower-ranking males. Although the alpha male had almost exclusive mating access to one of the females during the time she was showing a maximal anogenital swelling, her infant was sired by the lowest-ranking male who mostly mated with her when outside the maximal swelling period. This result suggests that either sperm competition operates and/or ovulation is decoupled from the phase of maximal anogenital swelling which could allow greater female choice.  相似文献   

In laboratory and field experiments, stimuli were tested that might affect oviposition decisions by female peach twig borer moths, Anarsia lineatella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). When given a choice between immature green peach fruits, green mature peach fruits and soft-ripe peach fruits, the latter received the fewest eggs. Fuzzy halves of peach fruits received ten times more eggs then shaved hairless halves. Volatiles from both almond and peach shoots induced more oviposition by females than by control stimuli. Similarly, volatiles from immature green peach fruits, mature green or mature hard-ripe peach fruits induced more oviposition than their respective control stimuli. In a choice experiment, volatiles from immature peach fruit stimulated three times more oviposition than those from soft-ripe peach fruit. Discrimination against mature soft-ripe peach fruits as potential oviposition sites may lie in the phenology of A. lineatella and host peach fruits. Larval development to the pupal stage takes 15–27 days. Therefore, any eggs laid on a ripe fruit 14 days before it falls from the tree will not likely develop into adult insects because developing larvae will only reach third or fourth instar before the fruit is decomposed, and only first and second instar larvae can overwinter.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether female brown lemmings would selectively mate with dominant conspecific males. In dyadic encounters, oestrous females paired with dominant males engaged in more frequent lordosis and contact social behaviours than those paired with subordinate males. However, the mount and thrust scores of dominant and subordinate males did not differ significantly. When females had simultaneous access to tethered dominant and subordinate males, they spent more time in close proximity to dominant males and avoided contact with subordinate males. Copulation scores were higher with dominant males. In triadic encounters with free-moving dominant and subordinate males, oestrous females spent more time near, and engaged in more sexual behaviour with, dominant males. Intermale agonistic interactions resulted in ‘privileged access’ to females by dominant males. Sexual behaviour scores were lower and there was a 10-fold increase in intermale aggression in triadic encounters between females and unfamiliar dominant and subordinate males. Both intermale agonistic interactions and female ‘choice’ behaviour accounted for the differential copulatory success of dominant males.  相似文献   

Field observations on the relationship between male mating success and emergence timing in the funnel-web spider,Agelena limbata, were conducted.Agelena limbata is an annual species and adult males appear slightly earlier than adult females in July. As males deposit a copulatory plug at the female epigynum after copulation, copulation with virgin females is important to males. The number of copulations in males with virgin females, which strongly correlates with the longevity of males and the number of females that males courted, did not correlate with the emergence timing of males. Early emerged males and females were significantly larger in size than later ones, but the correlation coefficient between the emerged date and the cephalothorax width was not strong. Males that emerged earlier did not have any advantage in copulating with larger and more fecund females. Furthermore, virgin females first copulated on average 7.9 days after their final molt and the mortality rate of adult males increased after the final molt. These factors may favor the smaller degree of protandry in male emergence timing inA. limbata.  相似文献   

The mating success of individually marked male Mediterranean fruit flies was monitored over 6 consecutive days in the laboratory. Mating frequency was nonrandom, as the numbers of both males that failed to mate and males that mated many (more than four) times were much higher than expected by chance alone. Differential mating success resulted in part from intermale variation in activity level. Male copulatory success was positively correlated with the numbers of courtships performed, attempted copulations (mountings), and females courted. Male-male aggression, on the other hand, and a negligible effect on male mating success. Female choice also appeared to influence male mating frequency. Fewer than 10% of courtships resulted in mating, and in most cases females terminated courtship by simply moving away from the male. Females that did mate generally selected males having higher copulatory scores than previously rejected males.  相似文献   

V. Standen 《Oecologia》1979,38(3):359-374
Summary The roles of thermal and hydric stress in habitat selection by two species of short-horned grasshoppers was investigated through field and laboratory studies and computer simulation experiments. Psoloessa delicatula was found to possess an elaborate repertoire of thermoregulatory postures and shade seeking behavior. This grasshopper was found in habitats in the shortgrass prairie in which bare patches of ground were common. It was found to regulate its body temperature to a relatively constant level over the course of a sunny day. Eritettix simplex was found in patches of dense vegetation, and its body temperature was usually similar to ambient temperature. During controlled laboratory experiments, E. simplex nymphs lost water rapidly and thus were presumed to be restricted to more mesic environments where desiccation stress is less. A thermal energy budget model was constructed and showed that the habitat selected by P. delicatula would allow behavioral thermoregulation whereas the habitat selected by E. simplex should preclude regulation of body temperature by behavioral means.  相似文献   

【目的】利用性诱防控和监测水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的有效性在田间已经得到认可。但雄蛾具有多次交配能力,致使性诱防治二化螟的应用策略一直存在争论。本研究的目的是探索二化螟雄蛾的多次交配及其对雌蛾繁殖力的影响,认识性诱防控害虫的机理。【方法】利用行为学方法调查了雌雄蛾以不同比例配对(1∶1, 4∶1和10∶10)时雄蛾的交配次数和交配持续时间,并结合解剖学方法,观察分析了二化螟雄蛾的交配次数对精巢、交配囊和精包大小以及雌蛾产卵量的影响。【结果】二化螟雌雄蛾按1∶1配对时,交配雄蛾和多次交配雄蛾的比例分别为74.0%和36.0%,平均交配1.7次,首次交配主要发生在0-1日龄,绝大部分具有多次交配能力的雄蛾的首次交配发生在0-1日龄。雌雄蛾按4∶1配对时,交配雄蛾和多次交配雄蛾的比例分别为69.4%和51.3%,平均交配2.1次,显著高于按1∶1配对。雌雄蛾按10∶10配对时,交配雄蛾和多次交配雄蛾的比例分别为65.5%和37.8%,平均交配1.9次。雄蛾第3次交配的持续时间显著长于第1和2次交配,但是交配1-3次雄蛾的精巢体积无显著差异。与不同交配次数雄蛾进行交配的雌...  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent mating success was tested for three pairs of wild-type and mutant strains of Drosophila ananassae, MY and yellow body color (y), PN and claret eye color (ca), and TIR and cut wing (ct). The two strains of each pair were chosen for their approximately equal mating propensities. Multiple-choice experiments, using different experimental procedures, were employed. The tests were carried out by direct observation in Elens-Wattiaux mating chambers with five different sex ratios (4:16, 8:12, 10:10, 12:8, and 16:4). There was no assortative mating and sexual isolation between the strains, based on 2 x 2 contingency chi2 analysis and isolation estimate values. One-sided rare male mating advantages were found in two experiments, one for ca males and the other for wild-type males (TIR). However, no advantage was found for rare males in the experiment with MY and y flies. Mating disadvantages for rare females were found for sex-linked mutants (y and ct). Two different observational methods (removal or direct observation of mating pairs) imparted no overall significant effects on the outcome of the frequency-dependent mating tests.  相似文献   

Abstract. Males of the caddis fly Athripsodes cinereus (Curtis) (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) swarm above the water surface of lakes and streams. Females enter swarms and are pursued until grasped by a male. The pair couple their genitalia in the air, and then the male alone flies the pair to the shore where they settle and complete the copulation. About 8% of the pairs (total n = 384 pairs) dipped in the water soon after the coupling manoeuvre and about 25% of those then separated. Males in dipping pairs ( n = 13) were on average smaller and relatively older than the males that successfully carried their mate to the shore ( n = 54). No differences were found for flight muscle ratio (weight of flight muscles/total body weight) or relative load (total load/flight muscle weight). Males were larger than females (wing length), though typically female Trichoptera are the larger sex. Large male body size in A. cinereus may be an adaptation for flight during pairing; i.e. larger males are more likely to be able to carry larger loads.  相似文献   

Successful mating clearly requires synchronous development of the male and female sexual organs. Evidence is accumulating that this synchrony of development also persists after pollination, with both pollen and pistil following complex, but highly integrated developmental pathways. The timing of the male-female interaction is crucial for the pistil, which, far from being a mature passive structure, is engaged in a continuing programme of development: only being receptive to the advances of the pollen for a relatively short window of time. This developmental programme is most conspicuous in the ovary, and this review focuses on the interaction between the male and female tissues in this structure. The review first considers pollen tube development in the ovary, concentrating of the mechanisms by which its growth is modulated at various control points associated with structures within the ovary. Second, alterations to this 'normal' developmental programme are reviewed and considered in the context of a breakdown of developmental synchrony. Finally, the consequences of male-female developmental synchrony and asynchrony are explored. Clearly, a synchronous male-female relationship leads to a successful fertilization. However, lack of synchrony also occurs, and could emerge as a powerful tool to investigate the regulation of mating.  相似文献   

Epeorus longimanus is a widely distributed mayfly in the western United States that forms relatively large mating swarms. The operational sex ratio of swarms is highly male biased and males are potentially polygynous, suggesting that male-male competition over mates may be intense. We investigated whether body size influenced male mating success in E. longimanus , as evidence of sexual selection. Males collected as mating pairs had significantly greater body lengths compared with males collected randomly from the swarm on each of six sampling dates examined, and had significantly greater head widths than males from random collections on two dates. There was no indication that large males occupied preferred positions within the swarm, and we suspect that the large male advantage may be due to greater success in pursuing females. We found no evidence of size-assortative mating in E. longimanus indicating that males attempt to male with every female encountered, consistent with the brief copulatory period in mayflies and overall low parental investment of males.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):372-379
Male size is known to influence short-term, competitive mating success in the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. Short-term measures of mating success are, however, potentially misleading when considering the influence of sexual selection on male morphology and behaviour. The lifetime mating success of males was investigated in the absence of competition to determine the effects of male size per se on reproductive potential and any effects of female behaviour on male lifetime mating success. The cost of spermatophore production was relatively greater for small males who consequently had a longer refractory period between matings, thus limiting their reproductive potential. Large males had a mating advantage resulting from a differential response of females to the courtship attempts of large and small males. Furthermore, small males were ‘sexually incompetent’ in terms of their ability to attach spermatophores once mounted. There was, therefore, an overall positive relationship between male size and lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

The tropical damselfly Paraphlebia zoe has two male morphs: a black-winged (BW) male which is associated with territorial defense of oviposition sites; and a hyaline-winged (HW) male similar in appearance to females, and, compared to the black morph, less frequently found defending territories. In a wild population of this species, we first assessed the relationship between phenotypic traits [male morph, size and territorial status (being territorial or non-territorial)], their role on mating success, and the degree to which a particular territory may contribute to male mating success. Second, to relate a physiological basis of being territorial we compared both morphs in terms of muscular fat reserves and thoracic muscle, two key traits related to territory defense ability. Males of both morphs defended territories although the BW males were more commonly found doing this. BW males were larger than HW males and size predicted being territorial but only within HW males (territorial males were larger) but not in BW males. Male mating success was related to territorial status (territorial males achieved a higher mating success), but not to morph or size. Furthermore, territory identity also explained mating success with some territories producing more matings than others. The BW morph stored more fat reserves which may explain why this morph was more likely to secure and defend a place than the HW morph. However, the HW morph showed higher relative muscle mass which we have interpreted as a flexible strategy to enable males to defend a territory. These results are distant to what has been found in another male dimorphic damselfly, Mnais pruinosa, where the advantage of the non-territorial morph relies on its longevity to compensate in mating benefits compared to the territorial morph.  相似文献   

  • 1 Multiple mating and its effect on reproductive performance of female Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) moths were studied under controlled conditions.
  • 2 The age at which the moths mated for the first time ranged from the first to the tenth day after emergence, but 71% of first matings were during the first 3 days.
  • 3 The majority (63%) of females had one or two spermatophores in the bursa copulatrix. Some (24%) were found with three to five spermatophores, whereas no successful mating occurred among 13% of individuals. The number of matings was partly dependent on the number of mates available to the female. Between the range of sex ratios of one male to one female and four males to one female maximal mating success occurred at the ratio of three males to one female.
  • 4 Virgin females were capable of egg-laying, but mating stimulated and accelerated oviposition. Mated individuals laid twice as many eggs as unmated ones.
  • 5 The level of copulatory activity did not influence the longevity of females irrespective of the number of males available to them.
  • 6 Sex ratios with greater than one male to a female improved the reproductive success by marginally increasing fecundity and fertility.
  • 7 It is concluded that multiple mating would enhance population growth, and is of particular benefit to populations with a preponderance of females, as is known to occur naturally in this species.

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