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Sivapithecus is a Miocene great ape from South Asia that is orangutan-like cranially but is distinctive postcranially. Work by others shows that the humerus resembles large terrestrial cercopithecoids proximally and suspensory hominoids distally, but most functional interpretations nevertheless situate Sivapithecus in an arboreal setting. We present a new quantitative analysis of the Sivapithecus capitate and hamate. Though the functional morphology of both bones suggests some degree of arboreality, the overall morphology is most similar to knuckle-walking African apes. Other features of the Sivapithecus humerus and hind limb are also functionally consistent with knuckle-walking, and we suggest that this locomotor behavior is a valid alternative functional interpretation of the postcranial morphology. We speculate that knuckle-walking in Sivapithecus would have evolved independently from African apes, perhaps for similar ecological reasons. The discovery of a possible pongine knuckle-walker challenges the hypotheses that (1) knuckle-walking evolved only once in hominoids and (2) knuckle-walking is too highly specialized to be the positional behavior from which human bipedalism evolved. The possibility of knuckle-walking in Sivapithecus may help to explain not only the curious combination of characters that typify the postcranium but also the unique postcranial morphology of extant Pongo. Furthermore, it may clarify the distribution of fossil pongines across many ecological zones in Eurasia in the Miocene and Pleistocene, as well as, independently, the spread of African apes across a diversity of environments in equatorial Africa.  相似文献   

Bone is capable of adapting during life in response to stress. Therefore, variation in locomotor and manipulative behaviours across extant hominoids may be reflected in differences in trabecular bone structure. The hand is a promising region for trabecular analysis, as it is the direct contact between the individual and the environment and joint positions at peak loading vary amongst extant hominoids. Building upon traditional volume of interest-based analyses, we apply a whole-epiphysis analytical approach using high-resolution microtomographic scans of the hominoid third metacarpal to investigate whether trabecular structure reflects differences in hand posture and loading in knuckle-walking (Gorilla, Pan), suspensory (Pongo, Hylobates and Symphalangus) and manipulative (Homo) taxa. Additionally, a comparative phylogenetic method was used to analyse rates of evolutionary changes in trabecular parameters. Results demonstrate that trabecular bone volume distribution and regions of greatest stiffness (i.e., Young''s modulus) correspond with predicted loading of the hand in each behavioural category. In suspensory and manipulative taxa, regions of high bone volume and greatest stiffness are concentrated on the palmar or distopalmar regions of the metacarpal head, whereas knuckle-walking taxa show greater bone volume and stiffness throughout the head, and particularly in the dorsal region; patterns that correspond with the highest predicted joint reaction forces. Trabecular structure in knuckle-walking taxa is characterised by high bone volume fraction and a high degree of anisotropy in contrast to the suspensory brachiators. Humans, in which the hand is used primarily for manipulation, have a low bone volume fraction and a variable degree of anisotropy. Finally, when trabecular parameters are mapped onto a molecular-based phylogeny, we show that the rates of change in trabecular structure vary across the hominoid clade. Our results support a link between inferred behaviour and trabecular structure in extant hominoids that can be informative for reconstructing behaviour in fossil primates.  相似文献   

Knuckle-walking is a pattern of digitigrade locomotion unique to African apes among Primates. Only chimpanzees and gorillas are specially adapted for supporting weight on the dorsal aspects of middle phalanges of flexed hand digits II–V. When forced to the ground, most orangutans assume one of a variety of flexed hand postures, but they cannot knuckle-walk. Some orangutans place their hands in palmigrade postures which are impossible to African apes. The knuckle-walking hands and plantigrade feet of African apes are both morphologically and adaptively distinct from those of Pongo, their nearest relative among extant apes. These features are associated with a common adaptive shift to terrestrial locomotion and support placing chimpanzees and gorillas in the same genus Pan. It is further suggested than Pan comprises the subgenera (a) Pan, including P. troglodytes and pygmy chimpanzees, and (b) Gorilla, including mountain and lowland populations of P. gorilla. African apes probably diverged from ancestral pongids that were specially adapted for distributing their weight in terminal branches of the forest canopy. Early adjustments to terrestrial locomotion may have involved fist-walking which later evolved into knuckle-walking. Orangutans continued to adapt to feeding and locomotion in the forest canopy and their hands and feet became highly specialized for four-digit prehension. Although chimpanzees retained arboreal feeding and nesting habits, they moved from tree to tree by terrestrial routes and became less restricted in habitat. While adapting to a diet of ground plants gorillas increased in size to the point that arboreal nesting is less frequent among them than among chimpanzees and orangutans. Early hominids probably diverged from pongids that had not developed prospective adaptations to knuckle-walking, and therefore did not evolve through a knuckle-walking stage. Initial adjustments to terrestrial quadrupedal locomotion and resting stance probably included palmigrade hand posturing. Their thumbs may have been already well developed as an adaptation for grasping during arboreal climbing. A combination of selection pressures for efficient terrestrial locomotor support and for object manipulation further advanced early hominid hands toward modern human configuration.  相似文献   

The evolution of knuckle-walking has profound implications for our understanding of the emergence of bipedalism. The modern debate surrounding its evolution is concerned with whether or not it is homologous in chimpanzees and gorillas. Here, this problem is approached using the methods of morphological integration to test hypotheses of patterns and magnitudes of integration in the third manual ray and capitate. If knuckle-walking morphologies are highly integrated and evolve in a correlated bundle (i.e., comprising a functional complex), it seems reasonable that they could have been recruited independently relatively easily in gorillas and chimpanzees, thus increasing the likelihood of homoplasy. If, however, there is no evidence for a knuckle-walking complex, then it seems less likely that chimpanzees and gorillas would have evolved knuckle-walking independently. Results indicate that chimpanzees and gorillas are not characterized by high magnitudes of integration or unique patterns of integration that distinguish them from non-knuckle-walking taxa. This does not support the hypothesis of a knuckle-walking complex, nor does it support the contention that knuckle-walking could have been easily evolved independently in chimpanzees and gorillas. Implications for trait analysis and the evolution of bipedalism are discussed, as are recent analyses supporting the independent origins of knuckle-walking.  相似文献   

Primates adopt diverse hand postures during terrestrial and above-branch quadrupedal locomotion--knuckle-walking, digitigrady, and palmigrady--that incorporate varying degrees of wrist dorsiflexion (i.e., extension). Although relationships between hand postures, wrist joint range of motion, and the external properties of wrist bones (e.g., surface morphology) have been examined, the relationship between hand postures and the internal properties of wrist bones (e.g., bone density) remains largely unexplored. Because articular joint surfaces transmit mechanical loads between conjoining limb bones, measures of density (e.g., magnitudes and patterns) in the subchondral cortical plate of bone of the distal radius can be used to evaluate load regimes experienced by the wrist joint in different hand postures. We assessed apparent (i.e. optical) density patterns in several extant catarrhine primate taxa partitioned into different hand posture groups: knuckle-walking apes, digitigrade monkeys, and palmigrade monkeys. Computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM) was used to construct maximum intensity projection (MIP) maps of apparent densities. High apparent density areas were characterized relative to a dorsal-volar reference plane and compared across hand posture groups. All groups had large percentage areas of high apparent density in the dorsal region of the distal radial articular surface. Only knuckle-walking apes, however, had a large percentage area of high apparent density in the volar region of the distal radial articular surface. These patterns are consistent with radiocarpal articulations in specific hand postures as evidenced by available radiographic data and suggest that the different habitual hand postures adopted by monkeys and African apes during quadrupedal locomotion have different stereotypic loading patterns. This has implications for understanding the functional morphology and evolution of knuckle-walking and digitigrade hand postures in primates.  相似文献   

Electromyographic studies on brachial muscles in a gorilla indicate that its elbow joint may be especially adapted for knuckle-walking and suspensory behavior. A close-packed positioning mechanism that minimizes muscular effort during full extension of the elbow joint is indicated by remarkably low levels of EMG in the brachial muscles, particularly during knuckle-walking and suspensory behavior on a trapeze. Extension of the elbow joint is facilitated by reduction of the olecranon process of the ulna, a feature that is attributable initially to aspects of an arboreal heritage in protogorilla and secondarily to selection for efficient knuckle-walking. Although notable differences exist between gorilla and man in known activity of the brachial muscles, the two species are strikingly similar in many basic features. Available evidence suggests that they share a common heritage of arboreal adaptation, including vertical climbing, hauling, hoisting, and suspensory behavior, perhaps more recently than some authors would care to admit. Knuckle-walking probably played an inconsequential role in the protohominid career. Selection for tool use, expecially involving powerful and rapid extension of the elbow joint, is the most reasonable explanation for the relatively more protuberant olecranon process in man by comparison with apes.  相似文献   

Fusion between the os centrale and the scaphoid has played a central role in many functional and phylogenetic interpretations of hominoid evolution. In particular, scaphoid-centrale fusion shared among African apes and humans has been interpreted as an adaptation in knuckle-walkers, an exaptation in hominins, and has been offered as evidence for a knuckle-walking origin of bipedalism. However, discrepancies in the literature concerning the taxa in which this scaphoid-centrale fusion occurs, as well as the timing and/or frequency of this fusion, have confounded the significance of this trait. This study provides an historical review of the literature on scaphoid-centrale fusion in primates and the first formal investigation into the timing and frequency of this character among primates, with a focus on extant hominoids. Results indicate that there is a significant difference in the timing and frequency of scaphoid-centrale fusion in African apes and humans compared to Asian apes, suggesting that prenatal or early postnatal fusion among hominines is a synapomorphy. Scaphoid-centrale fusion does not occur randomly within primates. Instead, only Homininae and some members of Lemuroidea show consistent and ontogenetically early fusion of these carpals. The consistent occurrence of this trait within only two primate clades and a clear heterochronic trend in timing and frequency of scaphoid-centrale fusion among hominines suggest that this character is primarily phylogenetically controlled. We could not falsify the hypothesis that scaphoid-centrale fusion in African apes is indeed related to midcarpal stability in knuckle-walking, but neither were we able to find direct biomechanical or kinematic evidence to support this hypothesis. A more definitive answer to the question of the functional significance of scaphoid-centrale fusion will have to await more detailed analyses of great ape wrist kinematics.  相似文献   

Appeals to synapomorphic features of the wrist and hand in African apes, early hominins, and modern humans as evidence of knuckle-walking ancestry for the hominin lineage rely on accurate interpretations of those features as adaptations to knuckle-walking locomotion. Because Gorilla, Pan, and Homo share a relatively close common ancestor, the interpretation of such features is confounded somewhat by phylogeny. The study presented here examines the evolution of a similar locomotor regime in New World anteaters (order Xenarthra, family Myrmecophagidae) and uses the terrestrial giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) as a convergence test of adaptation for purported knuckle-walking features of the Hominidae. During the stance phase of locomotion, Myrmecophaga transmits loads through flexed digits and a vertical manus, with hyperextension occurring at the metacarpophalangeal joints of the weight-bearing rays. This differs from the locomotion of smaller, arboreal anteaters of outgroup genera Tamandua and Cyclopes that employ extended wrist postures during above-branch quadrupedality. A number of features shared by Myrmecophaga and Pan and Gorilla facilitate load transmission or limit extension, thereby stabilizing the wrist and hand during knuckle-walking, and distinguish these taxa from their respective outgroups. These traits are a distally extended dorsal ridge of the distal radius, proximal expansion of the nonarticular surface of the dorsal capitate, a pronounced articular ridge on the dorsal aspects of the load-bearing metacarpal heads, and metacarpal heads that are wider dorsally than volarly. Only the proximal expansion of the nonarticular area of the dorsal capitate distinguishes knuckle-walkers from digitigrade cercopithecids, but features shared with digitigrade primates might be adaptive to the use of a vertical manus of some sort in the stance phase of terrestrial locomotion. The appearance of capitate nonarticular expansion and the dorsal ridge of the distal radius in the hominin lineage might be indicative of a knuckle-walking ancestry for bipedal hominins if interpreted within the biomechanical and phylogenetic context of hominid locomotor evolution.  相似文献   

We analyze patterns of subchondral bone apparent density in the distal femur of extant primates to reconstruct differences in knee posture, discriminate among extant species with different locomotor preferences, and investigate the knee postures used by subfossil lemur species Hadropithecus stenognathus and Pachylemur insignis. We obtained computed tomographic scans for 164 femora belonging to 39 primate species. We grouped species by locomotor preference into knuckle-walking, arboreal quadruped, terrestrial quadruped, quadrupedal leaper, suspensory and vertical clinging, and leaping categories. We reconstructed knee posture using an experimentally validated procedure of determining the anterior extent of the region of maximal subchondral bone apparent density on a median slice through the medial femoral condyle. We compared subchondral apparent density magnitudes between subfossil and extant specimens to ensure that fossils did not display substantial mineralization or degradation. Subfossil and extant specimens were found to have similar magnitudes of subchondral apparent density, thereby permitting comparisons of the density patterns. We observed significant differences in the position of maximum subchondral apparent density between leaping and nonleaping extant primates, with leaping primates appearing to use much more flexed knee postures than nonleaping species. The anterior placement of the regions of maximum subchondral bone apparent density in the subfossil specimens of Hadropithecus and Pachylemur suggests that both species differed from leaping primates and included in their broad range of knee postures rather extended postures. For Hadropithecus, this result is consistent with other evidence for terrestrial locomotion. Pachylemur, reconstructed on the basis of other evidence as a committed arboreal quadruped, likely employed extended knee postures in other activities such as hindlimb suspension, in addition to occasional terrestrial locomotion.  相似文献   

The importance of knuckle-walking in the locomotor repertoire of African apes raises the possibility that the long digital flexors may be specially adapted more to meet the demands of ground quadrupedalism than those of suspension. To investigate this possibiltiy, the activities of the flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus were studied by means of telemetered electromyography in three chimpanzees. Results clearly indicate that the fasciculi of the muscles to digits bearing weight in knuckle-walking are not called upon to contract in quadrupedal postures or in slow and moderately fast quadrupedal locomotion except to help clear the fingers from the ground as the forelimb begins its recovery stroke. At the most rapid speeds, a slight to moderate level of activity sometimes occurs in the latter half of stance phase. The long digital flexors display maximum and sustained activity during suspension. It is concluded that any role for these muscles in maintenance of stability at the metacarpophalangeal joints during knuckle-walking must be predominantly passive. Prominent markings for insertions of these muscles in a fossil hand (such as O.H. 7) suggest use of the forelimb in suspensory climbing behaviors.  相似文献   

Reconstructing function from hominin fossils is complicated by disagreements over how to interpret primitively inherited, ape-like morphology. This has led to considerable research on aspects of skeletal morphology that may be sensitive to activity levels during life. We quantify trabecular bone morphology in three volumes of interest (dorsal, central, and palmar) in the third metacarpal heads of extant primates that differ in hand function: Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus, Papio anubis, and Homo sapiens. Results show that bone volume within third metacarpal heads generally matches expectations based on differences in function, providing quantitative support to previous studies. Pongo shows significantly low bone volume in the dorsal region of the metacarpal head. Humans show a similar pattern, as manipulative tasks mostly involve flexed and neutral metacarpo-phalangeal joint postures. In contrast, Pan and Papio have relatively high bone volume in dorsal and palmar regions, which are loaded during knuckle-walking/digitigrady and climbing, respectively. Regional variation in degree of anisotropy did not match predictions. Although trabecular morphology may improve behavioral inferences from fossils, more sophisticated quantitative strategies are needed to explore trabecular spatial distributions and their relationships to hand function.  相似文献   

Comparisons of hominoid metacarpals and phalanges reveal differences, many of which are closely linked to locomotor hand postures. The African apes display features of the metacarpals and phalanges which distinguish them from the other Hominoidea. These features are most evident in digits III and IV. The orangutan hand is demonstrably less well adapted to knuckle-walking and is distinctive in its adaptation to power and hook grasping of vertical and horizontal supports, respectively. Orangutan fingers possess a "double-locking" mechanism (Napier, '60), and a slight ulnad shift in the axis of the hand which results in lengthened phalanges of ray IV. Hylobatid apes are more like orangutans in their finger morphology than any of the other Hominoidea, but exhibit unique features of their own. These include elongate phalanges of fingers II-V. Human metacarpals II-V form two sets composed of II-III, and IV-V. The heads of both metacarpals II and III are characterized by axial torsion. This reflects the enhanced manipulatory role of the third finger in humans. Human distal phalanges are unique in the development of pronounced apical tufts. Multivariate analysis of metacarpal III and proximal III yields variables that array the extant apes along an arboreal-terrestrial axis, from hylobatid apes to male gorillas. The positions of taxa on this discriminant concur with observations on the locomotion of free-ranging apes.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological analysis of human and non-human hominoids was conducted in an attempt to determine the mode of locomotion of the protohominid. Although the generalized hominoid anatomy permits variation of locomotion: brachiation, knuckle-walking, etc., minor variations in structure determine which behavior is favored. Arboreal arm swinging requires a flexible forelimb while terrestrial fist or knuckle-walking demands more rigidity of the hand and wrist. It is demonstrated that the large human thumb accompanied by the strong adduction of the thenar, hypothenar, and palmar interosseous muscles offer powerful rigidity to the hand, while fusion of the os centrale with the scaphoid during gestation permits the formation of an arch of carpals which imbue the wrist with the stability necessary for weight bearing. Fascialization of the contrahentes and dorsiepitrochlearis muscles in the human as well as depilation of the middle phalanges; the webbing (syndactyly) of the palm; the direction of the fibers of the interosseous membrane of the forearm; the shape of the puerile annular ligament, and the direction of the human glenoid fossa strongly suggest that the ancestor of man used a knuckle-walking form of locomotion prior to becoming bipedal. A model is presented that suggests that bipedalism was attained through an intermediate stage of tripedalism. The model is based on the fact that man's anatomy is much more asymmetric than that of the great apes. A presumption is made that due to the absence of trees for climbing in the transition from forest to open plain, the protohominid needed to carry tools (stones) at all times for protection. Stones could be carried for long distances on the posterior iliac crest since the weight would be shifted posteriorly over the legs. Pick up, medial rotation and adduction of the stone would employ a two-muscle chain of biceps brachii and latissimus dorsi. On the iliac crest, the stone is posterior to the coronal plane of the glenohumeral joint, and with the contraction of this two-muscle chain, the shoulder on one side is moved posteriorly effecting a semi-erect posture. It is proposed that tripedalism of the protohominid may be an explanation for the handedness unique to hominids.  相似文献   

Cheiridia are valuable indicators of positional behavior, as they directly contact the substrate, but systematic comparison of the structural properties of both metacarpals and metatarsals has never been carried out. Differences in locomotor behavior among the great apes (knuckle-walking vs. quadrumanous climbing) can produce biomechanical differences that may be elucidated by the parallel study of cross-sectional characteristics of metacarpals and metatarsals. The aim of this work is to study the cross-sectional geometric properties of these bones and their correlation with locomotor behavior in large-bodied hominoids. The comparisons between bending moments of metacarpals and metatarsals of the same ray furnished interesting results. Metacarpals III and especially IV of the knuckle-walking African apes were relatively stronger than those of humans and orangutans, and metatarsal V of humans was relatively stronger than those of the great apes. Interestingly, the relative robusticity of the metacarpal IV of the quadrumanous orangutan was between that of the African apes and that of humans. The main conclusions of the study are: 1) cross-sectional dimensions of metacarpals and metatarsals are influenced by locomotor modes in great apes and humans; 2) interlimb comparisons of cross-sectional properties of metacarpals and metatarsals are good indicators of locomotor modes in great apes and humans; and 3) the results of this study are in accord with those of previous analyses of plantar pressure and morphofunctional traits of the same bones, and with behavioral studies. These results provide a data base from which it will be possible to compare the morphology of the fossils in order to gain insight into the locomotor repertoires of extinct taxa.  相似文献   

An adult male orangutan at the Chicago Zoological Park utilizes various knuckle-walking hand postures in terrestrial bipedal-squatting and quadrupedal diagonal-sequence, diagonal-couplet gaits. A study was conducted in order to discern the circumstances surrounding the subject's terrestrial locomotor modes. It was found that various locomotor behaviors correlate with specific conditions of the substrate and the subject's motivation. Biomechanical properties of orangutan knuckle-walking are discussed in terms of their relevance for modelling hominoid phylogeny.  相似文献   

By most accounts, the upper limb of the chimpanzee is primarily adapted to suspensory postures and locomotion. In order to determine how the derived morphology of the chimpanzee forelimb has affected the form of quadrupedal locomotion displayed by these animals, electromyographic activity patterns of 10 shoulder muscles during knuckle-walking in two chimpanzee subjects were analysed and compared to data on the opossum and cat taken from the literature. Telemetered electromyography coupled with simultaneous video recording was employed in order to study unfettered locomotion in the chimpanzee subjects.
Chimpanzees are characterized by a quadrupedal gait in which the hind limb overstrides the ipsilateral forelimb. Forelimb position in the plane of abduction/adduction is significantly affected by whether the hind limb passes inside or outside its ipsilateral forelimb. The degree of abduction adduction of the forelimb, in turn, influences many of the muscle activity patterns. That is, some muscles would be more frequently or less frequently active, depending on whether the arm was relatively abducted or adducted during a stride. Thus, there can be no single motor programme that generates the step cycle in chimpanzees.
While there are some parallels between muscle recruitment patterns for chimpanzee, opossum and cat quadrupedalism, the results of this study also indicate that many aspects of muscle use in chimpanzees have been significantly influenced by factors related to increased mobility of the upper limb. Finally, this study has revealed that moving the arm forward during swing phase of knuckle-walking is not a simple product of muscular elTort. and that other mechanisms must be involved. However, it is unclear at present exactly what these mechanisms may be.  相似文献   



Acquisition of bipedality is a hallmark of human evolution. How bipedality evolved from great ape-like locomotor behaviors, however, is still highly debated. This is mainly because it is difficult to infer locomotor function, and even more so locomotor kinematics, from fossil hominin long bones. Structure-function relationships are complex, as long bone morphology reflects phyletic history, developmental programs, and loading history during an individual’s lifetime. Here we discriminate between these factors by investigating the morphology of long bones in fetal and neonate great apes and humans, before the onset of locomotion.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Comparative morphometric analysis of the femoral diaphysis indicates that its morphology reflects phyletic relationships between hominoid taxa to a greater extent than taxon-specific locomotor adaptations. Diaphyseal morphology in humans and chimpanzees exhibits several shared-derived features, despite substantial differences in locomotor adaptations. Orangutan and gorilla morphologies are largely similar, and likely represent the primitive hominoid state.


These findings are compatible with two possible evolutionary scenarios. Diaphyseal morphology may reflect retained adaptive traits of ancestral taxa, hence human-chimpanzee shared-derived features may be indicative of the locomotor behavior of our last common ancestor. Alternatively, diaphyseal morphology might reflect evolution by genetic drift (neutral evolution) rather than selection, and might thus be more informative about phyletic relationships between taxa than about locomotor adaptations. Both scenarios are consistent with the hypothesis that knuckle-walking in chimpanzees and gorillas resulted from convergent evolution, and that the evolution of human bipedality is unrelated to extant great ape locomotor specializations.  相似文献   

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