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Summary An autolysin produced by young colonies ofPediastrum frees them from the vesicle in which they are formed within 12 hours of release of zoospores from the parent cell. The polysaccharide vesicle is derived from the inner wall layer of the parent cell. Refrigeration delays vesicle disintegration; boiling stops it completely. A purified, lyophilized extract of the vesicle fluid added to boiled vesicled colonies removes the vesicle in 2 hours with the release of reducing sugars and polysaccharides.Biogel P2 and P10 chromatography of the products following incubation of the enzyme preparation and wall showed no more than 1% oligosaccharides; the remaining carbohydrates had a molecular weight of several thousand daltons. Analyses of isolated vesicle wall material (70–85% of the dry weight) showed mannose accounting for approximately 50% of the dry weight, with none of the other neutral sugars present (fucose, xylose, galactose and glucose) representing more than 3%. Uronic acids account for 20–25% of the wall weight, and proteins less than 2%. Pediastrum colonies are thus freed from the vesicles in which they are formed by the action of an autolysin they produce. The autolysin acts on the vesicle wall material to generate reducing sugars and cause it to disintegrate into its constituent polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of low temperature (2 °C) on cell shape and microtubules in zoospores of the green algaChlorosarcinopsis gelatinosa has been investigated. The zoospores are 4–6 times longer than wide with a mean length of 12,5 m and can be kept in the dark for several hours without changes in cell shape. Cell shape changes have been evaluated quantitatively by measuring changes in cell length. Low temperature induces a decrease in cell length which exhibits a two-step kinetic: during the first 30 minutes a rapid rate of decrease in cell length was measured, while during the next 4 hours a slow rate of decrease in cell length was observed. Complete regeneration of zoospore length occurs when cold-treated cells are subjected to the original zoospore induction temperature (30 °C) for two hours. Observation of numbers, disposition and types of microtubules in the zoospore during decrease in cell length has shown that within 30 minutes after cold application the secondary cytoskeletal microtubules (scmt) disappear, while flagellar root microtubules are unaffected. During this period most cells develop a prominent posterior appendage (tail). Sections demonstrate the presence of several microtubules in these tails. Flagellar root microtubules probably extend into the tails and disappearance of scmt starts at the posterior pole of the cell. Regeneration of zoospores to original cell length is coupled with reappearance of scmt starting at the anterior pole of the cell. It is concluded that secondary cytoskeletal microtubules constitute the main cytoskeleton inChlorosarcinopsis zoospores and that flagellar root microtubules contribute to only a minor extent to the cytoskeleton, because they cannot retain the cell shape. The results are discussed with respect to the functional significance of flagellar root microtubules in green algae.  相似文献   

Nine species ofNeochloris can be divided into three groups on the basis of comparative ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus, the cell wall and the pyrenoid of zoospores. In Group I,N. wimmeri andN. minuta, zoospores are thin-walled, pyrenoids are penetrated by stromal channels, and the basal bodies are in the clockwise absolute orientation and connected by the distal and two proximal fibers. In Group II,N. aquatica, N. vigenis, N. terrestris, N. pyenoidosa, andN. pseudostigmatica, zoospores are naked or covered by fuzzy material, pyrenoids are covered by a continuous starch sheath or invaginated by cytoplasmic channels, basal bodies are directly opposed, the distal fiber is differentiated into a ribbed structure at the central region, a striated microtubule-associated component (SMAC) is continuous between opposite two-membered rootlets and connected to the ribbed structure, proximal ends of basal bodies are covered by partial caps, each two-membered rootlet and a basal body are connected by a striated fiber to the X-membered rootlet associated with the opposite basal body, and the basal bodies, when oriented at wide angles, are joined at their proximal ends by core extensions. In Group III,N. pseudoalveolaris andN. cohaerens, zoospores are naked, pyrenoids are traversed by parallel thylakoids, basal bodies are in the counterclockwise absolute orientation and overlapped, and each X-membered rootlet is connected to the end of the opposite basal body by a terminal cap. It is suggested that the genusChlorococcopsis gen. nov. be erected for the Group I species. Group II, which includes the type species,N. aquatica, should be preserved asNeochloris. The group appears to be closely related to the coenobial generaPediastrum, Hydrodictyon, andSorastrum, and to have affinities with the coenocytic generaSphaeroplea andAtractomorpha as well. It is also suggested that the genusParietochloris gen. nov. be erected in thePleurastrophyceae for the species of Group III.  相似文献   

The DNA base compositions of 60 strains ofScenedesmus were determined and found to be a valuable indicator for the differentiation within this genus (except for the very closely related species of the subsect.Desmodesmus). The range for allScenedesmus species was 49.9–69.3 mol% GC for nuclear DNA and 36.8–39.9 mol% GC for chloroplast DNA. The separation of the genusTetradesmus cannot be verified by GC values, becauseS. obliquus andS. (Tetradesmus)wisconsinensis have a similar GC content.S. (Chlorella)ultrasquamata, S. costato-granulatus (sect.Costato-granulati) andS. lunatus are separated clearly from all other species of the genus because of their high GC content.  相似文献   

Zoospore ultrastructure (incl. flagellar apparatus) has been investigated in three species ofTrebouxia (T. glomerata, T. erici, T. pyriformis) and one species ofPseudotrebouxia (P. impressa) using an absolute configuration analysis. Zoospores in all taxa studied are nearly identical in ultrastructure and exhibit a very distinctive disposition of cell organelles: cells are naked, biflagellate and considerably flattened along the plane of flagellar beat, the single contractile vacuole is located anteriorly in the ventral region of the cell, the nucleus is anteriorly to centrally located in the dorsal region of the cell. A single dictyosome is located close to the anterior, ventral edge of the nucleus. The chloroplast occupies a posterior position in the cell and usually has an anterior profile in the left region of the cell. There are two branched mitochondria per cell or a single mitochondrial reticulum with profiles anterior to the nucleus (in the dorsal region of the cell), and posterior to the nucleus. In zoospores ofTrebouxia spp. the posterior mitochondrial profile is associated with a microbody, inP. impressa zoospores the anterior mitochondrial profiles are associated with a microbody. The zoospores contain a distinctive system of three ER-cisternae: one system links to both basal bodies and extends to the nucleus, the other two systems subtend the plasmamembrane on the left and right broad cell surfaces and extend to the posterior region of the cell. The flagellar apparatus is structurally identical to that previously described for zoospores ofFriedmannia israelensis and exhibits basal body displacement by one basal body diameter into the 11/5 o'clock direction, a non-striated distal connecting fiber, a cruciate microtubular root system lacking system I fibers and presence of a single system II fiber which connects the basal bodies with the nucleus and runs parallel to one of the ER-strands. The left flagellar roots (X-roots) are subtended by a complex set of amorphous and striated material that connects each left root with both basal bodies.—This study demonstrates the close systematic relationship between the phycobiontsTrebouxia andPseudotrebouxia and the generaFriedmannia, Pleurastrum, andMicrothamnion and supports recent classification schemes which place all these taxa into a single order separate from otherChlorophyta. Dedicated to Prof. DrElisabeth Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Filaments ofPhymatodocis nordstedtiana Wolle were isolated from a sample of a Texan lake. Cultures were established and examined by light and scanning electron (SEM) as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that the pores apparent on light microscopical examination are not of the cosmaroid type as expected. TEM examination disclosed that they are similar to those found in the generaClosterium Ralfs andPenium Bréb. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated by light and SEM microscopy that the primary cell wall is shed during cell division. The remaining secondary cell wall of the mature cell consists of interwoven bands of parallel microfibrils. A conspicuous overlap of the semicell walls clearly denotes the isthmus region. The significance of these deviations unusual for desmids is discussed. Suggestions are made that the taxonomic position ofPh. nordstedtiana should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Summary The large unicellular flagellate,Gloeomonas kupfferi, has recently been used as an important tool in chlamydomonad cell biology research, especially in studies dealing with the structure and function of the endomembrane system. However, little is known about the main secretory product, the cell wall. This study presents structural, chemical and immunological information about this wall. This 850–900 nm thick matrix is highly elaborate and consists of three distinct layers: an inner stratum (325 nm thick) consisting of tightly interwoven fibers, a medial crystalline layer consisting of 22–23 nm subunits and an outer wall layer (500 nm thick) of outwardlyradiating fibrils. Rapid freeze-deep etch analysis reveals that the 35–40 nm fibers of the outer layer form a quasi-lattice of 160 nm subunits. The outer wall can be removed from whole pellets using the chelator, CDTA. The medial wall complex can be solubilized by perchlorate. SDS-gel electrophoresis reveals that the perchlorate soluble-material consists of five high molecular weight glycoproteins and five major low molecular weight glycoproteins. The electrophoretic profile is roughly similar to that ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Antibodies were successfully raised against the outer wall component and were shown to label the outer wall layer.  相似文献   

Use of light, transmission, and scanning electronmicroscopes revealed that the epidermal cell wall ofthe red algal agarophytes Gracilaria tikvahiaeMcLachlan and G. cornea J. Agardh consists of adecklamelle and outer and inner wall layers. The twospecies differed, with G. cornea having asignificantly thicker outer wall and a more diffusedecklamelle. After induction, the zooids of Ulvalactuca would attach to glass slides and the twospecies of Gracilaria via an adhesion pad. Within a few days, 3–5 celled germlings penetrated thedecklamelle and outer wall layer of both basiphytes. By the time the epiphyte germlings reached the 15celled stage, they had penetrated the inner walllayer. The differences in epidermal cell wallconstruction between the two basiphytes may play arole in the ability of zooids of U. lactuca toattach in nature where epiphytization of G.cornea is infrequent.  相似文献   

Although elongation of epidermal cells in submerged leaves is thought to be a common feature of heterophyllous aquatic plants, such elongation has not been observed in Ludwigia arcuata Walt. (Onagraceae). In this study we found that reduced culture temperature induced the elongation of epidermal cells of submerged leaves in L. arcuata. Since such submerged leaves also showed a reduction in the number of epidermal cells aligned across the leaf transverse axis, these data indicate that heterophyllous leaf formation in L. arcuata is partially temperature sensitive, i.e., the elongation of epidermal cells was temperature sensitive while the reduction in the number of epidermal cells did not show such temperature sensitivity. To clarify the mechanisms that cause such temperature sensitivity, we examined the effects of ethylene, which induced the formation of submerged-type leaves on aerial shoots at the relatively high culture-temperature of 28 degrees C. At 23 degrees C, ethylene induced both cell elongation and reduction in the number of epidermal cells across the leaf transverse axis, while cell elongation was not observed at 28 degrees C. Moreover, both submergence and ethylene treatment induced a change in the arrangement of cortical microtubules (MTs) in epidermal cells of developing leaves at 23 degrees C. Such changes in the arrangement of MTs was not induced at 28 degrees C. Factors involved in the temperature-sensitive response to ethylene would be critical for temperature-sensitive heterophyllous leaf formation in L. arcuata.  相似文献   

Siderocelis irregularis Hindák, representing a genus Siderocelis (Naumann) Fott that is known from European temperate waters, was identified as a common phytoplankter in Lake Tanganyika. It was found aposymbiotic as well as ingested (possibly endosymbiotic) in lake heterotrophs, mainly Strombidium sp. and Vorticella spp. The morphology and ultrastructure of the species, studied with LM, SEM and TEM, are described with emphasis on the structure of the cell wall and the pyrenoid. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

Two substrains of Escherichia coli B/r were grown to steady-state in batch cultures at temperatures between 22 and 42° C in different growth media. The size and shape of the cells were measured from light and electron micrographs and with the Coulter channelizer. The results indicate that cells are shorter and somewhat thicker at the lower temperatures, especially in rich growth media; cell volume is then slightly smaller. A lower temperature was further found to increase the relative duration of the constriction period. The shapes of the cell size distributions are indistinguishable, indicating that the pattern of growth of the cells is the same at all temperatures. The adaptation of the cells to a temperature shift lasted several generations, indicating that the morphological effects of temperature are mediated by the cell's physiology.  相似文献   

Floral evolution in the tribeVeroniceae was examined using phylogenetic analysis combining 24 adult morphology and chromosome number characters with 22 qualitative and quantitative floral development characters. Taxa sampled included nine species ofVeroniceae and as an outgroup one species each ofDigitaleae andVerbasceae. Veronica, Besseya, andSynthyris formed one clade, subtended byPseudolysimachion and then by theHebe group;Veronicastrum orWulfenia represent the basal-most branch of the tribe. The ancestral flowers of theVeroniceae may have been small with moderately short corolla tubes and lobes; long corolla tubes arose four times in the tribe and large corolla lobes twice.  相似文献   

Pyrenoid ultrastructure has been investigated from cultures of all 26 species ofTrebouxia with the aim of establishing pyrenoids as a taxonomic character. Different arrangements and forms of thylakoid lamellae within the pyrenoid matrix allow eight pyrenoid types to be distinguished. Each type is characteristic of a group of species. Thegigantea- andimpressa-type are similar, differing only in the form of the tubules: short, branched tubules mark thegigantea-type; ± long and straight invaginations theimpressa-type. Thearboricola-type is characterized by meandering pyrenoid membranes developing from lamellae parallel with each other in young autospores. Pyrenoids of thegelatinosa-type are traversed by thin parallel-arranged tubules. Few thylakoids with a curved profile are typical of theirregularis-type. Thecorticola-type is different from all others in having a distinct starch sheath closely connected with the pyrenoid matrix and no pyrenoglobuli being associated with the pyrenoid membranes. No true pyrenoids have been found inT. magna andT. erici. Within the chloroplast, they have indistinct areas with pyrenoglobuli, but without differentiated thylakoids. Pyrenoid morphology is stable in culture on different media as well as in phycobionts within lichen thalli. Comparing the pyrenoid of a lichenizedTrebouxia with that from cultured species, the identification of the phycobiont within the lichen thallus is possible, without the need of culturing the algae. This has been shown in species ofParmelia andHypogymnia. New aspects for the taxonomy and systematics ofTrebouxia are discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

Yamamoto M  Nishikawa T  Kajitani H  Kawano S 《Planta》2007,226(4):917-927
Non-flagellated vegetative green algae of the Trebouxiophyceae propagate mainly by autosporulation. In this manner, the mother cell wall is shed following division of the protoplast in each round of cell division. Binary fission type Nannochloris and budding type Marvania are also included in the Trebouxiophyceae. Phylogenetic trees based on the actin sequences of Trebouxiophyceae members revealed that the binary fission type Nannochloris bacillaris and the budding type Marvania geminata are closely related in a distal monophyletic group. Our results suggest that autosporulation is the ancestral mode of cell division in Trebouxiophyceae. To elucidate how non-autosporulative mechanisms such as binary fission and budding evolved, we focused on the cleavage of the mother cell wall. Cell wall development was analyzed using a cell wall-specific fluorescent dye, Fluostain I. Exfoliation of the mother cell wall was not observed in either N. bacillaris or M. geminata. We then compared the two algae by transmission electron microscopy with rapid freeze fixation and freeze substitution; in both algae, the mother cell wall was cleaved at the site of cell division, but remained adhered to the daughter cell wall. In N. bacillaris, the cleaved mother cell wall gradually degenerated and was not observed in the next cell cycle. In contrast, M. geminata daughter cells entered the growth phase of the next cell cycle bearing the mother and grandmother cell walls, causing the uncovered portion of the plane of division to bulge outward. Such a delay in the degeneration and shedding of the mother cell wall probably led to the development of binary fission and budding.  相似文献   

Summary A serial reconstruction ofPyramimonas gelidicola McFadden, Moestrup andWetherbee has revealed a large reticulated mitochondrion branching throughout the cell. The possibility of single mitochondria in other members of thePrasinophyceae and the uniformity of the morphology of this organelle within the class is discussed.  相似文献   

The most recent revision of the genus Chlorella, based on biochemical and SSU rDNA analyses, suggested a reduction to a set of four "true" spherical Chlorella species, while a growing number of morphologically different species such as Micractinium (formerly Micractiniaceae) were found to cluster within the clade of "true"Chlorella. In this study, the generic concept in Chlorellaceae to Chlorella and Micractinium was evaluated by means of combined SSU and ITS-2 rDNA sequence analyses and biotests to induce development of bristles on the cell wall. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of Chlorella and Micractinium strains confirmed their separation into two different genera. In addition, non-homoplasious synapomorphies (NHS) and compensatory base changes (CBC) in the secondary structures of SSU and ITS-2 rDNA sequences were found for both genera using this approach. The Micractinium clade can be differentiated into three different genotypes. Using culture medium of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, phenotypic plasticity in Chlorella and Micractinium was studied. Non-bristled Micractinium cells developed bristles during incubation with Brachionus culture medium, whereas Chlorella did not produce bristles. Grazing experiments with Brachionus showed the rotifer preferred to feed on non-bristled cells. The dominance of colonies versus solitary cells in the Micractinium culture was not correlated with the "Brachionus factor". These results suggest that morphological characteristics like formation of bristles represent phenotypic adaptations to the conditions in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Cell morphogenesis in Closterium acerosum (Schrank) Ehrenberg was greatly influenced by colchicine. Addition of colchicine to the medium led to production of tadpole-shaped cells, by decreasing the length and increasing the thickness of the new semicells. Transversely oriented wall microtubules and microfibrils, characteristic of normally elongating semicells, were not observed in colchicine-treated semicells, randomly oriented microfibrils being present instead. About 3.5 h after septum formation, the randomly oriented microfibrils began to be overlaid by bundles of microfibrils as seen in normal semicells at the later stage of elongation. When colchicine treatment was terminated 1 h after septum formation, cell elongation was partially restored and microfibrils were deposited parallel to each other and transversely to the cell axis, indicating that the effect of colchicine on microfibril arrangement in growing semicells is reversible.  相似文献   

The saline pond microalga, Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teod. maintained in De Walne's (basal) medium under laboratory conditions was confirmed by amplifying the chromosomal DNA of the microalga by PCR with specific primers MA1 and MA2. Seaweed extracts obtained from Sargassum wightii and Ulva lactuca were amended separately at 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% levels to the basal medium in order to assess their potential on the growth and concentration of pigments, viz. Chl a, Chl b and beta-carotene of the alga. beta-Carotene was isolated and visible absorption spectrum was taken at 443 and 475 nm confirmed the presence of 9-cis-beta-carotene and all-trans-beta-carotene isomers. Maximum yield, highest division rate (mu) and highest pigment concentrations were observed in the cells grown in 1.5% S. wightii and 2.0% U. lactuca amended medium and these cells were subjected to DAPI staining. The results of epifluorescence microscopy and image analysis revealed a significant enhancement of the cell and nuclear area of the microalgae.  相似文献   

Summary During regeneration of mechanically amputated flagella, flagellar scales and the subtending membrane accumulate in a villiform scale reservoir in which the scales interact to form patterns on the villi reminiscent of the arrangement they later assume on the flagellum. The reservoir membrane is continuous with the plasmalemma, and the scales, attached directly and indirectly to the membrane, leave the reservoir and migrate toward the developing flagella where they assemble into highly ordered layers. It is proposed that scale-scale interactions induce a process of auto-assembly initiating the complex arrangement of scale tiers on the flagellum and cell body.  相似文献   

Comparative investigations on the morphology, life-history, and reproduction of 3 cultivated strains of the atmophytic green algaApatococcus lobatus are presented. Some ultrastructural features are added to the results of earlier investigations, and comments on the systematics and ecology are given. Morphology and cytology of each strain is variable and shows considerable overlapping. The results support the view thatApatococcus consists of a single variable species (A. lobatus) only. For the epiphytic algal associationPleurococcetum vulgaris the more significant termApatococcetum lobati is proposed.
Herrn Prof. Dr.Lothar Geitler zu seinem 90. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

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