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为探讨维生素E(VE)对中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)幼鳖血清补体C3和C4的影响及补体在酸应激下的变化,在6组(对照组,实验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ组)幼鳖的饵料中依次添加0、50、250、500、1000和5000mg/kg的VE,喂食4周,每组取半数幼鳖经酸应激处理24h。取幼鳖血清,用透射比浊法测定血清补体C3和C4的含量。经和未经酸应激的实验Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ组幼鳖血清补体C3的含量均明显高于对照组,实验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组C4含量也明显高于对照组;经酸应激的幼鳖与未经酸应激的比较,对照组和实验Ⅰ组C3和C4的含量显著下降,其余4组没有变化。分析说明,VE在一定剂量范围内能促进血清补体C3和C4的合成,酸应激能导致其下降;而高剂量的VE对酸应激导致的不利影响有拮抗作用。  相似文献   

Effects of oral vitamin E supplementation on blood malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH) and vitamin E levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) enzyme activities in acute hypothermia of guinea-pigs were investigated. Thirty male guinea pigs, weighing 500-800 g were randomly divided into one of three experimental groups: A (control, without cooling), B (hypothermic) and C (hypothermic with vitamin E supplementation). The guinea-pigs of group C received daily oral supplementation of 460 mg kg(-1) bw vitamin E for 4 days before inducing hypothermia. Twenty-four hours after the last vitamin E supplementation, the guinea-pigs of the B and C groups were cooled by immersion into cold water (10-12 degrees C), and the control guinea-pigs were immersed into water of body temperature (37 degrees C) up to the neck for 5 min without using any anaesthetic or tranquilizer. Rectal body temperatures of groups were measured and blood samples for biochemical analysis were collected immediately after the cooling. The body temperature, GSH and vitamin E levels and GSH-Px enzyme activity of hypothermic guinea-pigs were lower (p < 0.05), but SOD enzyme activity was not different (p > 0.05) from those of control animals. Although, the body temperature of hypothermic with vitamin E supplementation group was lower (p < 0.05), all other parameters of this group were not different (p > 0.05) from the controls. It was concluded that oral supplementation of vitamin E can alleviate the lipid peroxidation-induced disturbances associated with hypothermia by increasing the serum vitamin E level to normal. However, more studies are needed to prove whether this vitamin can improve quality of life during the cold seasons.  相似文献   

不同浓度维生素C对亚油酸微团的促过氧化和抗过氧化作用于颖彦(河北医学院附属第二医院病理科石家庄050000)冈田茂(日本冈山大学医学部病理学教室700)关键词亚油酸,脂质过氧化,铁离子,维生素C维生素O(简称Vc)在人体内除了参与激素、神经传导介质和...  相似文献   

以球等鞭金藻为材料,研究生长抑制物GI对藻细胞生长、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活性和丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量的影响;同时研究4种抗氧化剂(抗坏血酸、柠檬酸、乙二胺四乙酸二钠和3-叔丁基-4-羟基-苯甲醚)对GI抑制效应的抵制作用.结果表明,0.10mg/LGI处理组藻细胞密度、SOD和POD活性明显低于对照组,而MDA含量明显高于对照组.且随着GI浓度的继续增大,细胞密度、SOD和POD活性急剧降低,而MDA含量进一步升高.GI浓度为0.30mg/L时,处理组藻细胞密度、SOD和POD活性以及MDA含量分别为对照组藻细胞密度的0.05倍、SOD活性的0.56倍、POD活性的0.59倍和MDA含量的2.2倍.4种抗氧化剂均能有效地抵制GI对藻细胞的抑制效应,使细胞密度、SOD活性和POD活性提高,MDA含量降低.添加抗氧化剂处理组的藻细胞密度为对照组细胞密度的1.38~1.90倍、SOD和POD活性分别为对照组活性的1.49~2.12倍和1.55~2.13倍,而MDA含量比对照组含量降低57.7%~87.9%.生长抑制物的胁迫使球等鞭金藻细胞体内积累了过量的活性氧,而抗氧化剂通过清除藻细胞体内积累的活性氧,减轻了膜脂过氧化伤害,从而抵制了生长抑制物对藻细胞的抑制效应.  相似文献   

Taking into account the importance role of lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in the prevention and incidence of cancer, the present study was carried out to determine oxidative stress, serum total antioxidant (TAS), and vitamin C levels in cancer patients. Malondialdehyde(MDA), total antioxidant status, and vitamin C levels of 57cancer patients aged 19–80 years and 22 healthy subjects (control group) aged 22–76 years were evaluated. Serum concentrations of MDA as thiobarbitaric acid complexes were measured by fluorometry method, the serum TAS by using commercial test kits from Randox Laboratories, and vitamin C by using spectrocolorimetric method. The mean serum MDA concentrations of all cancer groups except lung cancer were significantly higher than control group (P < 0.004). The mean total antioxidant status was insignificantly higher than control group. The mean serum vitamin C level was significantly lower in patients as compared to the healthy subjects (PV < 0.0001). In conclusion, an alteration in the lipid peroxidation with concomitant changes in antioxidant defense system in cancer patients may be due to excessive oxidative stress. Serum low levels of vitamin C in the different type of cancer patients in spite of adequate daily intake may be due to increased utilization to scavenge lipid peroxides as well as their sequestration by tumor cells.  相似文献   

维生素C和E混合饲喂对中华鳖幼鳖抗酸应激能力的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
来自甲鱼养殖场的60只中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)幼鳖驯养3周后,实验设5组:对照组、处理Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ组。各组设2个平行,依次在饵料中混合添加维生素C(Vc)和E(VE)为0和0、250和50、2500和50、250和250、2500和250mg/kg,喂食4周后,每组取半数幼鳖经酸应激处理24h。取幼鳖血液,用镜检法测定血细胞的吞噬率,透射比浊法测定血清溶菌活力、杀菌活力以及补体C3和C4含量。①经酸应激与未经酸应激处理相比:对照组血细胞吞噬率显著降低,而处理Ⅰ-Ⅳ组无显著变化;对照组和处理Ⅰ组血清溶菌活力和补体C3含量显著下降,而处理Ⅱ-Ⅳ组无显著变化;血清杀菌活力均有显著下降(对照组、处理Ⅰ和Ⅲ组极显著,处理Ⅱ组和Ⅳ组显著);对照组、处理Ⅰ和Ⅲ组血清补体C4显著下降,而处理Ⅱ和Ⅴ组无显著变化。②经酸应激处理,血细胞吞噬率、血清溶菌活力、杀菌活力和补体C3含量,处理Ⅰ~Ⅳ组的均显著高于对照组,处理Ⅳ组显著高于其他4组;血清杀菌活力,处理Ⅱ组又高于处理Ⅰ和Ⅲ组;血清补体C4,对照组显著低于处理Ⅰ-Ⅳ组,而处理Ⅰ-Ⅳ组间无显著相异。Vc和VE混合饲喂对酸应激后中华鳖血细胞吞噬率、血清溶菌活力、杀菌活力和补体C3含量有显著协同促进作用,对血清补体C4的合成无协同作用。说明Vc和VE混合饲喂能显著增强中华鳖抗酸应激能力,缓解或部分缓解酸应激造成的不利影响。  相似文献   

对最近分离到的一株能合成维生素C前体 - 2 -酮基 -L -古龙酸 (2 -KGA)的新产酸菌V6生物学和分子生物学特性进行了初步研究。该菌株为革兰氏阴性菌 ,细胞为短杆状 ,菌体大小为 0 .8- 1.0× 0 .4 - 0 .6 μm ,菌落为淡黄色 ,好氧 ,最适生长温度为 2 8~ 30℃ ,最适pH为 7.0~ 7.8,GCmol%含量为 5 3.1% ,不含质粒 ,能氧化葡萄糖、山梨醇和山梨糖合成 2 -KGA。 16SrDNA同源性分析发现 ,该产酸菌与以前报道的能合成 2 -KGA的三个属Ketogulonigenium属、Gluconobacter属和Acetobacter属的同源性分别是 98.9~ 99.3%、82~ 83%和 81~ 82 %。基于以上特性分析 ,该产酸菌在分类发育学上宜归为Ketogulonigenium属。  相似文献   

目的:探究磷酸肌酸钠配合大剂量维生素C对小儿肺炎支原体感染心肌损害患儿炎症因子的影响。方法:收集我院收治的肺炎支原体感染心肌损害患儿72例,根据治疗方法不同分为对照组和试验组,每组36例。对照组给予磷酸肌酸钠治疗,试验组给予磷酸肌酸钠联合维生素C治疗。观察并比较两组患儿治疗前后心肌酶、心功能、炎症因子水平、临床疗效及不良反应。结果:与治疗前比较,治疗后两组患儿血清心肌酶水平均降低,且试验组低于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。与治疗前比较,治疗后两组患儿心排出量、每搏输出量均升高,且试验组高于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05);与治疗前比较,治疗后两组患儿血清IL-18,IL-6及IL-17水平均降低,且试验组低于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05);与治疗前比较,治疗后两组患儿血清TGF-β水平均升高,且试验组高于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。试验组临床总有效率(91.67%)高于对照组(72.22%),差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:磷酸肌酸钠配合大剂量维生素C治疗小儿肺炎支原体感染心肌损害的临床疗效显著,能够改善心肌功能,抑制炎性反应,安全性较高。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of dietary vitamin E (VE) on oxidative damage to DNA and lipids in the liver a few days after total body irradiation (TBI). ODS rats, which lack vitamin C synthesis, were fed either a low VE diet (4.3 &#117 mg &#117 VE/kg) or a basal VE diet (75.6 &#117 mg &#117 VE/kg) for 5 weeks while vitamin C was supplied in the drinking water. The VE level in the liver of the low VE group was lower and the levels of lipid peroxides were higher compared to those of the basal VE group: the relative levels in the two groups were 1:30 for VE, 18:1 for 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), and 10:1 for hexanal (HA). The level of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG), a marker of oxidative DNA damage, did not differ between the low VE and the basal VE groups. When the rats received TBI at the dose of 3 &#117 Gy and were killed on day 6, the levels of HNE, HA and 8OHdG increased by 2.2-, 2-, and 1.5-times, respectively, in the low VE group, but TBI did not cause such increases in the basal VE group. Changes in antioxidative enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and Cu/Zn-SOD) in the liver could not explain the different responses of the two diet groups to TBI-induced oxidative damage. The concentrations of vitamin C and glutathione in the liver did not differ between the two groups. These results suggest that dietary VE can prevent the oxidative damage to DNA and lipids in the liver which appear a few days after TBI at dose of 3 &#117 Gy.  相似文献   

维生素C和酸应激对中华鳖幼鳖血清补体C3和C4含量的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为研究维生素C对中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)血清补体C3和C4的影响及其在酸应激条件下的变化,我们设置了6个实验组,饵料中维生素C的添加量依次为0、250、500、2500、5000和10000mg/kg,喂食4周后取其血清,用透射比浊法测定酸应激前后中华鳖血清补体C3和C4的含量。结果表明,维生素C添加量为250mg/kg时,血清补体C3的含量与对照组间没有明显不同;维生素C添加量为500、2500、5000和10000mg/kg的4组,血清补体C3的含量明显高于对照组和维生素C添加量为250mg/kg组;维生素C添加量为500mg/kg的一组,血清补体CA含量明显高于其它5组;维生素C添加量为250mg/kg组明显高于10000mg/kg组。酸应激后,补体C3的含量没有明显下降,将维生素C添加量为0、250和500mg/kg的三组并为一组处理,则应激后有明显下降。维生素C添加量为0、250和500mg/kg的3组,血清补体CA的含量在酸应激后明显下降,而维生素C添加量为2500、5000和10000mg/kg的3组,应激后血清补体C4没有明显变化。维生素C和酸应激对中华鳖血清补体C3和CA含量的影响没有交互作用。这说明,维生素C在一定剂量范围内,能提高中华鳖血清补体C3和CA的水平,酸应激能导致其含量降低,而高剂量的维生素C对其下降有颉颃作用[动物学报49(6):769~774,2003]。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨维生素C对万古霉素诱导肾损伤自噬水平的影响。方法:将20只雄性SD大鼠随机分为:对照组、万古霉素组、万古霉素+维生素C组和维生素C组。万古霉素组:连续每天腹腔注射400 mg/kg万古霉素;万古霉素+维生素C组:注射万古霉素之前30 min腹腔注射200 mg/kg维生素C;对照组和维生素C组分别单独注射同体积的生理盐水和200 mg/kg维生素C。连续给药7 d后,通过苏木精-伊红染色(HE)观察大鼠肾组织病理损伤;免疫组化和免疫荧光检测肾组织中LC3B和Beclin 1的表达情况,比较各组之间的表达差异。结果:相对于对照组,万古霉素诱导大鼠肾损伤模型组肾组织出现明显的病理改变,包括肾间质水肿,肾小管细胞质空泡性变化,细胞凋亡坏死等;同时观察到肾组织中LC3B光密度明显升高和Beclin 1的荧光强度显著增强。维生素C处理组,肾组织的病理损伤显著改善并且自噬相关蛋白LC3B和Beclin 1的表达显著降低。相对于对照组,维生素C单独处理组肾组织损伤和自噬相关蛋白的表达无明显变化。结论:维生素C可降低自噬相关蛋白LC3B和Beclin 1的表达,缓解万古霉素诱导的大鼠肾损伤。  相似文献   

Objectives: Oxidative stress induces cellular responses such as cell death, gene activation and cell proliferation, in the liver. Vitamin E (Vit. E) has been found to protect the liver against oxidative stress in animal experiments. Thioredoxin (TRX) is a stress inducible, multifunctional protein, secreted during oxidative stress. This study evaluated effects of Vit. E on serum TRX and aminotransferase levels in hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients, partly non-responsive to initial interferon (IFN), with higher than average level of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) after receiving anti-inflammatory drug treatment. Methods: Seventeen HCV patients (male=3; female=14) of age 62±7.65 years receiving anti-inflammatory drug therapy, at least 6 months prior to Vit. E administration, were given d-α´-tocopherol 500?mg/day, orally, for a period of 3 months. ALT, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), TRX and Vit. E were measured at 0, 1, 2 and 3 months and 1 month after end of treatment. As controls, the same patients biochemical data, 3 months from the start of therapy were used. Patients were divided into three categories: total patients “T”, low ALT group “L” (ALT<70?IU/l) and high ALT group “H”(ALT>70?IU/l), respectively.Results: The ALT level was lowered, significantly in group H, in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 1-month post therapy, compared to the initial value. But group L showed little or no change in ALT. Post Vit. E therapy, in groups T and H, the TRX level was elevated but remained below initial levels, whereas in group L, TRX level remained significantly lower than the pretreatment value. Groups T and L, showed significant reduction (p<0.05) in serum TRX levels in the 2nd and 3rd month. Group H showed a tendency towards TRX reduction, but not significantly. Serum Vit. E levels increased significantly (p<0.0001) from the 1st to 3rd month in all three T, H and L groups. Conclusion: Oxidative stress induced liver damage is reduced by Vit. E in patients with viral hepatitis C, particularly those with initial ALT levels >70?IU/l. Vit. E treatment causes reduction of oxidative stress markers as TRX and ALT in sera. Therefore, Vit. E can act as a supportive therapy to combat liver damage caused by oxidative stress, in such patients with continuously high levels of ALT even after anti-viral and anti-inflammatory drug therapy.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 is destroyed by the addition of substantial amounts of vitamin C in the presence of copper. Effects of carnosine and anserine, natural water-soluble antioxidants, on the destruction of vitamin B12, were studied. Addition of carnosine (l0mM) effectively repressed the destruction of vitamin B12, but anserine had only weak inhibitory effects.  相似文献   

The effect of ascorbate deficiency on carnitine biosynthesis was investigated in young male guinea pigs. Liver and skeletal muscle carnitine levels were reduced in scorbutic animals. Heart and kidney concentrations remained unchanged. 14C-labeled 4-N-trimethylaminobutyrate was administered to control, pair-fed and scorbutic animals and distribution of isotope in compound present in the liver after 30 min was determined. Control and pair-fed animals converted trimethylaminobutyrate to carnitine faster than scorbutic animals. Injection of ascorbate with the [14C]trimethylaminobutyrate reversed the decline in trimethylaminobutyrate hydroxylase (EC activity in scorbutic animals.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to determine the protective effects of melatonin alone and vitamin E with selenium combination against cadmium-induced oxidative damage in rat liver. A total of 60 male rats were equally divided into five groups, one of which acted as control receiving subcutaneous injections of physiological saline. The remaining four groups were treated with subcutaneous injections of cadmium chloride at a dose of 1 mg/kg weight. The first study group received no treatment. The second group was treated with a combination of 60 mg/kg vitamin E and 1 mg/kg sodium selenite. Group 3 was treated with 10 mg/kg melatonin, and the four group received a combination of vitamin E, sodium selenite, and melatonin at the doses mentioned above. After 1 month, the animals were killed, and liver and kidneys were excised for histopathological inspection and determination of tissue malondialdehyde and the activity of superoxide dismutase. The animals receiving no treatment showed significantly higher malondialdehyde levels and reduced activity of superoxide dismutase (p < 0.05). Treatment with antioxidants resulted in a significant reduction in malondialdehyde when compared to nontreated animals (p < 0.05) and increase in the enzyme activity that was almost the same as the controls. The pathological findings were also in parallel with the results of the biochemical analysis. In conclusion, all the agents tested had protective effects against cadmium-induced oxidative damage.  相似文献   

构建了O型口蹄疫病毒China99株结构蛋白P1-2A、非结构蛋白3C以及部分2B基因(P1-2X3C)的植物双元表达载体pBin438/P1-2X3C,通过农杆菌介导法转化番茄子叶,经卡那霉素抗性筛选,获得40余株抗性植株,对得到的抗性植株进行分子生物学检测,65%的再生植株PCR检测阳性;RT-PCR结果证实P1-2X3C基因在转基因番茄中能够有效转录;ELISA和Western blot检测表明转基因植株中表达的目的蛋白具有免疫反应性。转基因番茄叶片蛋白粗提液经肌肉途径免疫豚鼠,于第3次免疫后28d用100ID50/0.2mL的同源强毒攻击,结果表明口蹄疫病毒P1-2X3C基因的转基因番茄表达产物具有良好的免疫原性,豚鼠3免后血清效价可达1:64~1:128,攻毒后两组免疫豚鼠保护率分别达3/5和5/5。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence and possible interactions of dietary vitamin E and C supplementation on vitamin content of both vitamins and oxidative stability of different pork tissues 40 Large White barrows from 25?kg to 106?kg were allocated to four different cereal based diets: Basal diet (B), dl-α-tocopherylacetate?+?200?mg/kg (E), crystalline ascorbic acid?+?300?mg/kg (C) or both vitamins (EC). At slaughtering samples of liver, spleen, heart, kidney, backfat outer layer, ham and M. longissimus dorsi were obtained. Growth performance of the pigs and carcass characteristics were not influenced by feeding treatments. Dietary vitamin E supplementation had a significant effect on the vitamin E and α-tocopherol concentration in all investigated tissues. Backfat outer layer, liver, spleen, kidney and heart had higher vitamin E concentrations than ham and M. longissimus dorsi. Dietary vitamin C supplementation tended towards enhanced vitamin E levels except for ham samples. Therefore, some synergistic actions without dietary vitamin E supplementation between the two vitamins could be shown. The vitamin C concentration and TBARS were increased or at least equal in all tissues due to vitamin C supplementation. Dietary α-tocopherol supplementation resulted in lower TBARS in backfat outer layer (malondialdehyde 0.35?mg/kg in B vs. 0.28?mg/kg in E), but increased in heart and ham. When both vitamins were supplemented (EC) TBARS were lower in M. longissimus dorsi and backfat outer layer, equal in heart and higher in liver and ham compared to a single vitamin C supplementation. Rancimat induction time of backfat outer layer was 0.3?h higher in C compared to B and 0.17?h higher in EC than in E. Correlations between levels of both vitamins were positive for kidney (r?=?0.169), M. longissimus dorsi (r?=?0.499) and ham (r?=?0.361) and negative for heart (r?=???0.350). In liver and spleen no interaction could be found. In backfat outer layer vitamin E was positively correlated with rancimat induction time (r?=?0.550) and negatively with TBARS (r?=???0.202), but provided no evidence that dietary vitamin E supply led to better oxidative stability.  相似文献   

Light- and benzyladenine-induced reversal of the changes in chlorophyll content and catalase activity were studied in the attached first leaf of Oryza sativa L. cv. Bala, kept in darkness for different periods before maturation. Dark treatment caused a decrease in chlorophyll content and catalase activity at all times. Light treatment of dark-incubated seedlings at different periods before maturation reversed the dark-induced effect on chlorophyll content, catalase activity and dry weight and also caused a further rise in chlorophyll content compared to initial values. In darkness, the application of benzyladenine replaced the light effect in maintaining catalase activity. Chlorophyll content was also maintained by initially applied benzyladenine. Benzyladenine did not promote the photoinduced maintenance and increase in chlorophyll content and catalase activity at any time. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide, glycolate and amizol resulted in an accelerated chlorophyll breakdown and had varied effects on catalase levels. Chlorophyll decrease due to peroxide accumulation was to some extent reversible by benzyladenine, but the hormone had no effect on the peroxide-induced decrease in catalase activity. Development of catalase is light dependent. Benzyladenine stabilises the enzyme but has no effect on its synthesis.  相似文献   

Colostrum and milk are natural vehicles for acquiring passive immunity and are valuable tools for decreasing neonatant mortality from diarrheal disease. The effects of recombinant human protein C (rhPC) expression levels on endogenous immunoglobulin and transferrin content of the milk of different lineages of transgenic pigs were studied. The levels of rhPC in the milk ranged from 40 to 1200g/ml. Transgenic pigs with rhPC expression levels less than 500g/ml had no significant differences in milk protein composition with respect to nontransgenic pigs. A line of transgenic pigs having rhPC expression levels of 960–1200g/ml had two- to three-fold higher IgG, IgM, and secretory IgA concentrations compared to other transgenic and nontransgenic pig groups (P<0.05), and four- to five-fold higher transferrin levels than nontransgenic pigs (P<0.05). Changes in milk protein composition were not associated with mastitis or other pathologic disruption of epithelial cell junctions as indicated by normal casein and albumin levels in milk. Since IgG, IgM, secretory IgA, and transferrin are transported into the milk by transcytosis, higher levels of these proteins indicate that transcyctosis in the mammary epithelial cell was likely upregulated in pigs having high rhPC expression levels. This study is the first that shows a statistically significant example that mammary tissue specific expression of a heterologous protein can enhance endogenous phenotypic characteristics of milk.  相似文献   

目的:研究大黄蛰虫胶囊联合维生素C钠治疗黄褐斑的临床疗效及对血清和血液流变学的影响。方法:选取2012年8月到2013年8月我院收治的黄褐斑患者140例,按照随机数字表法平均分成研究组和对照组,每组70例,研究组给予大黄蛰虫胶囊联合维生素C钠治疗,对照组给予大黄蛰虫胶囊治疗,两组均治疗1个月。3个月后比较两组临床疗效,并检测两组患者的血清睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)、过氧化脂质分解产物丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)以及血液流变学水平的变化。结果:研究组总有效率85.7%(60/70)显著高于对照组的57.1%(40/70),两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);与治疗前和对照组相比,治疗后研究组SOD、E2显著升高,MDA、T显著降低,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05);两组P水平均无明显变化;治疗后研究组血液流变学各指标较治疗前和对照组显著下降,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。结论:大黄蛰虫胶囊联合维生素C钠治疗黄褐斑具有较好的临床疗效,可以调节患者的性激素水平,改善患者的血流变学。  相似文献   

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