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Several variations on the standard primary rat hepatocyte DNA/repair assay were evaluated for their ability to enhance the sensitivity of this genotoxicity test system. The use of hamster hepatocytes proved to be a much more sensitive system than rat hepatocytes for detecting the DNA repair inducing ability of the nitrosamines, dimethylnitrosamine and diethylnitrosamine, and the aromatic amines, 2-acetylaminofuorene, 9-aminoacridine, 1-naphthylamine and benzidine. In addition, hamster hepatocytes were a more sensitive indicator of the genotoxicity of the azo dyes, o-aminoazotoluene, Congo Red and Evans Blue. However, the azo reduction product of the azo dyes Congo Red, Trypan Blue and Evans Blue, benzidine and o-tolidine, respectively, were active in both rat and hamster hepatocytes at concentrations that were 10–100 fold lower than the parent dyes. This suggests that little or no azo reduction of the dyes occurred in the in vitro assay systems. The in vivo-in vitro variation of the rat hepatocytes DNA/repair assay exhibited a positive DNA repair response with the azo dye solvent Yellow S, which was negative in the standard in vitro assay. The in vivo-in vitro hepatocyte DNA repair assay was also more sensitive for detecting the genotoxic activity of Evans Blue, which was positive in the in vivo-in vitro assay and equivocal in the standard in vitro assay. Also, Solvent Yellow 14 was negative in the in vitro assay, but induced an equivocal DNA repair response in the in vivo-in vitro assay system. A treatment/3H-thymidine labeling period of approximately 18 hours, compared to 4 hours, was demonstrated to be superior for detecting the DNA repair elicited by the mutagens 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, mitomycin C, dimethylnitrosamine and methyl methanesulfonate in the in vitro rat hepatocyte assay. There was little or no difference observed between the 4 hour and 18 hour treatment/ labeling incubation periods for the detection of DNA repair induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene, aflatoxin B1, and benzidine. The data suggest that these several variations on the standard rat hepatocyte DNA/ repair assay should be considered when evaluating the genotoxicity of chemicals for safety purposes.Abbreviations 2-AAF 2-acetylaminofluorene - o-AT o-aminoazotoluene - DMN dimethylnitrosamine - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FMN flavin mononucleotide - MMS methyl methanesulfonate - 4-NQO 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide - PRI Pharmakon Research International - RTI Research Triangle Institute  相似文献   

The hepatocyte primary culture/ DNA repair test, originally validated with rat hepatocytes, has been extended to use hepatocytes from other species including mouse, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, monkey and human. Both qualitative and quantitative differences have been observed when chemicals are examined in the hepatocyte primary culture/DNA repair test using hepatocytes from more than one species. Examples are discussed that illustrate that the genotoxicity of a chemical can be a species-specific response and that multi-species testing permits a more complete assessment of genotoxicity.Abbreviations HPC hepatocyte primary culture - MOCA 4,4-methylene-bis-2-chloroaniline  相似文献   

The comet assay for DNA damage and repair   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis) is a simple method for measuring deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand breaks in eukaryotic cells. Cells embedded in agarose on a microscope slide are lysed with detergent and high salt to form nucleoids containing supercoiled loops of DNA linked to the nuclear matrix. Electrophoresis at high pH results in structures resembling comets, observed by fluorescence microscopy; the intensity of the comet tail relative to the head reflects the number of DNA breaks. The likely basis for this is that loops containing a break lose their supercoiling and become free to extend toward the anode. The assay has applications in testing novel chemicals for genotoxicity, monitoring environmental contamination with genotoxins, human biomonitoring and molecular epidemiology, and fundamental research in DNA damage and repair. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay are greatly enhanced if the nucleoids are incubated with bacterial repair endonucleases that recognize specific kinds of damage in the DNA and convert lesions to DNA breaks, increasing the amount of DNA in the comet tail. DNA repair can be monitored by incubating cells after treatment with damaging agent and measuring the damage remaining at intervals. Alternatively, the repair activity in a cell extract can be measured by incubating it with nucleoids containing specific damage.  相似文献   



Single cell gel electrophoresis, or the comet assay, was devised as a sensitive method for detecting DNA strand breaks, at the level of individual cells. A simple modification, incorporating a digestion of DNA with a lesion-specific endonuclease, makes it possible to measure oxidised bases.

Scope of review

With the inclusion of formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase to recognise oxidised purines, or Nth (endonuclease III) to detect oxidised pyrimidines, the comet assay has been used extensively in human biomonitoring to monitor oxidative stress, usually in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Major conclusions

There is evidence to suggest that the enzymic approach is more accurate than chromatographic methods, when applied to low background levels of base oxidation. However, there are potential problems of over-estimation (because the enzymes are not completely specific) or under-estimation (failure to detect lesions that are close together). Attempts have been made to improve the inter-laboratory reproducibility of the comet assay.

General significance

In addition to measuring DNA damage, the assay can be used to monitor the cellular or in vitro repair of strand breaks or oxidised bases. It also has applications in assessing the antioxidant status of cells. In its various forms, the comet assay is now an invaluable tool in human biomonitoring and genotoxicity testing. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   

Most cytotoxic agents exert their action via damage of DNA. Therefore, the repair of such lesions is of major importance for the sensitivity of malignant cells to chemotherapeutic agents. The underlying mechanisms of various DNA repair pathways have extensively been studied in yeast, bacteria and mammalian cells. Sensitive and drug resistant cancer cell lines have provided models for analysis of the contribution of DNA repair to chemosensitivity. However, the validity of results obtained by laboratory experiments with regard to the clinical situation is limited. In both acute and chronic leukaemias, the emergence of drug resistant cells is a major cause for treatment failure. Recently, assays have become available to measure cellular DNA repair capacity in clinical specimens at the single-cell level. Application of these assays to isolated lymphocytes from patients with chronic lymphatic leukaemia (CLL) revealed large interindividual differences in DNA repair rates. Accelerated O6-ethylguanine elimination from DNA and faster processing of repair-induced single-strand breaks were found in CLL lymphocytes from patients nonresponsive to chemotherapy with alkylating agents compared to untreated or treated sensitive patients. Moreover, modulators of DNA repair with different target mechanisms were identified which also influence the sensitivity of cancer cells to alkylating agents. In this article, we review the current knowledge about the contribution of DNA repair to drug resistance in human leukaemia. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

AIM: Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation for drinking water treatment was examined for inactivation and subsequent dark and photo-repair of Mycobacterium terrae. METHODS AND RESULTS: UV sources tested were low pressure (monochromatic, 254 nm) and medium pressure (polychromatic UV output) Hg lamps. UV exposure resulted in inactivation, and was followed by dark or photo-repair experiments. Inactivation and repair were quantified utilizing a molecular-based endonuclease sensitive site (ESS) assay and conventional colony forming unit (CFU) viability assay. Mycobacterium terrae was more resistant to UV disinfection compared to many other bacteria, with approximately 2-log reduction at a UV fluence of 10 mJ cm(-2) ; similar to UV inactivation of M. tuberculosis. There was no difference in inactivation between monochromatic or polychromatic UV lamps. Mycobacterium terrae did not undergo detectable dark repair. Photo-repair resulted in recovery from inactivation by approximately 0.5-log in less than 30 min for both UV lamp systems. CONCLUSIONS: Mycobacterium terrae is able to photo-repair DNA damage within a short timeframe. The number of pyrimidine dimers induced by UV light were similar for Escherichia coli and M. terrae, however, this similarity did not hold true for viability results. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: There is no practical difference between UV sources for disinfection or prevention of DNA repair for M. terrae. The capability of M. terrae to photo-repair UV damage fairly quickly is important for wastewater treatment applications where disinfected effluent is exposed to sunlight. Finally, molecular based assay results should be evaluated with respect to differences in the nucleic acid content of the test micro-organism.  相似文献   

DNA damage was assessed in smoker lymphocytes by subjecting them to the single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay. In addition to the appearance of comet tails, smoker cells exhibited enlarged nuclei when analysed by the comet assay. On comparing basal DNA damage among smokers and a non-smoking control group, smoker lymphocytes showed higher basal DNA damage (smokers, 36.25±8.45 μm; non-smokers, 21.6±2.06 μm). A significant difference in DNA migration lengths was observed between the two groups at 10 min after UV exposure (smokers, 65.5±20.34 μm; non-smokers, 79.2±11.59 μm), but no significant differences were seen at 30 min after UV exposure (smokers, 21.13±10.73 μm; non-smokers, (27.2±4.13 μm). The study thus implies that cigarette smoking perhaps interferes with the incision steps of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) process. There appeared be no correlation between the frequency of smoking and DNA damage or the capacity of the cells to repair UV-induced DNA damage that suggests inherited host factors may be responsible for the inter-individual differences in DNA repair capacities. The study also suggests monitoring NER following UV insult using the SCGE assay is a sensitive and simple method to assess DNA damage and integrity of DNA repair in human cells exposed to chemical mutagens.  相似文献   

Three PCR-based methods are described that allow covalent drug-DNA adducts, and their repair, to be studied at various levels of resolution from gene regions to the individual nucleotide level in single copy genes. A quantitative PCR (QPCR) method measures the total damage on both DNA strands in a gene region, usually between 300 and 3000 base pairs in length. Strand-specific QPCR incorporates adaptations that allow damage to be measured in the same region as QPCR but in a strand-specific manner. Single-strand ligation PCR allows the detection of adduct formation at the level of single nucleotides, on individual strands, in a single copy gene in mammalian cells. If antibodies to the DNA adducts of interest are available, these can be used to capture and isolate adducted DNA for use in single-strand ligation PCR increasing the sensitivity of the assay.  相似文献   

We have examined the concept of genomic instability in relation to the metastatic progression of low (F1) and high metastasis (BL6, ML8) clones of the B16 mouse melanoma, by using a mutation assay, and DNA strand break repair and repair fidelity assays. The frequency of induced ouabain resistant colonies between the variant cell lines was consistent with the difference between their metastatic properties. Survival data for X-irradiation and bleomycin were similar among the 3 cell lines. When X-rays or bleomycin were used to induce strand breakage, no difference was detectable in either the rate or extent of DNA repair using the techniques of alkaline unwinding and alkaline elution for total strand breaks, and neutral elution for double strand breaks. DNA repair fidelity was measured using the PMH16 plasmid. A Kpn I restriction site was used to introduce a break within the gpt gene of the plasmid, prior to transfection. We found that ~ 100% and ~ 65% of the highly metastatic ML8 and BL6 clones, respectively, religated the gene with the required fidelity, compared with only ~ 25% of the low metastasis F1 clones. In summary, the metastatic variants show similar sensitivities to X-irradiation and bleomycin, but a differential response to EMS. This difference is not reflected in any subsequent DNA strand break religation, but the variants do differ in their fidelity of repair. However, although the fidelity of DNA religation is related to metastatic potential, it is not consistent with the mutation frequency data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three chlorinated ethane and ethylene solvent products were examined for their genotoxicity in the Salmonella/microsome mutagenesis and hepatocyte primary culture DNA repair assays using vapor phase exposures. The positive control in this study, monochloroethylene (vinyl chloride), induced reversion mutation of Salmonella tester strains TA100 and TA1535 with enhancement by an exogenous activation system and elicited unscheduled DNA synthesis in rat hepatocytes in culture. Exposures to 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) or 1,1,2-trichloroethylene samples which contained stabilizers resulted in increased recovery of revertant colonies of Salmonella at concentrations causing greater than 96% cell killing. However, these stabilized materials did not induce DNA repair and low-stabilized trichloroethylene did not induce reversion mutation or DNA repair. Exposure of Salmonella tester strains and hepatocytes to highly toxic vapor concentrations of technical grade 1,1,2,2-tetrochloroethylene, low-stabilized and stabilized, increased reversion mutation and elicited DNA repair. Tetrachloroethylene of high purity was not genotoxic. With all of these test products, the presence of an Aroclor-induced rat liver subcellular enzyme preparation in the mutagenesis assay did not have any effect on the results. These observations suggest that stabilizers or unknown impurities normally present at low concentrations in these products are responsible for the positive responses observed at the high exposure concentrations achievable under in vitro test conditions.Abbreviation HPC hepatocyte primary culture  相似文献   


Detrimental effects of ionizing radiation (IR) are correlated to the varying efficiency of IR to induce complex DNA damage. A double strand break (DSB) can be considered the simpler form of complex DNA damage. These types of damage can consist of DSBs, single strand breaks (SSBs) and/or non-DSB lesions such as base damages and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP; abasic) sites in different combinations. Enthralling theoretical (Monte Carlo simulations) and experimental evidence suggests an increase in the complexity of DNA damage and therefore repair resistance with linear energy transfer (LET). In this study, we have measured the induction and processing of DSB and non-DSB oxidative clusters using adaptations of immunofluorescence. Specifically, we applied foci colocalization approaches as the most current methodologies for the in situ detection of clustered DNA lesions in a variety of human normal (FEP18-11-T1) and cancerous cell lines of varying repair efficiency (MCF7, HepG2, A549, MO59K/J) and radiation qualities of increasing LET, that is γ-, X-rays 0.3–1?keV/μm, α-particles 116?keV/μm and 36Ar ions 270?keV/μm. Using γ-H2AX or 53BP1 foci staining as DSB probes, we calculated a DSB apparent rate of 5–16 DSBs/cell/Gy decreasing with LET. A similar trend was measured for non-DSB oxidized base lesions detected using antibodies against the human repair enzymes 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase (OGG1) or AP endonuclease (APE1), that is damage foci as probes for oxidized purines or abasic sites, respectively. In addition, using colocalization parameters previously introduced by our groups, we detected an increasing clustering of damage for DSBs and non-DSBs. We also make correlations of damage complexity with the repair efficiency of each cell line and we discuss the biological importance of these new findings with regard to the severity of IR due to the complex nature of its DNA damage.  相似文献   

The history of the repair of damaged DNA can be traced to the mid-1930s. Since then multiple DNA repair mechanisms, as well as other biological responses to DNA damage, have been discovered and their regulation has been studied. This article briefly recounts the early history of this field.  相似文献   

1-Hydroxyanthraquinone and dihydroxyanthraquinones (alizarin, quinizarin, anthrarufin and chrysazin) were examined for genotoxicity in the hepatocyte/DNA repair test and for effects on oxidative phosphorylation in isolated rat liver mitochondria. Of the anthraquinone compounds tested, 1-hydroxyanthraquinone and 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone (chrysazin) induced DNA repair synthesis in rat hepatocytes, indicating their genotoxic activity. Only 1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone (alizarin) exerted an uncoupling and inhibitory effect on mitochondrial respiration. The possible relationships of the genotoxic potencies and the uncoupling activities of these anthraquinones to their chemical structures are discussed.Abbreviations ADP adenosine-5-diphosphate - ETP electron transport particles - RC respiratory control - TdR thymidine deoxyribonucleotide - UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis  相似文献   

DNA修复酶是一类能保护生物体免受各种DNA损伤的毒性效应和保证遗传信息完整性的重要酶蛋白。近年来对DNA修复酶晶体结构的研究揭示了一些结构基序参与了酶蛋白与特定DNA损伤的识别过程,这些研究结果促进了对修复特定DNA损伤的作用机理和结构基础的认识和了解。本文综述了这方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

The Nbs1 gene is known to code for a protein involved in the hereditary cancer-prone disease, Nijmegen breakage syndrome. This gene is conserved in animals and fungi, but no plant homolog is known. The work reported here describes a homolog of Nbs1 isolated from higher plants. The Nbs1 proteins from both Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa are smaller in size than animal or yeast Nbs1, but both contain the conserved Nbs1 domains such as the FHA/BRCT domain, the Mre11-binding domain, and the Atm-interacting domain in orientations similar to what is seen in animal Nbs1. The OsNbs1 protein interacted not only with plant Mre11, but also with animal Mre11. In plants, OsNbs1 mRNA expression was found to be higher in the shoot apex and young flower, and AtNbs1 expression increased when plants were exposed to 100 Gy of X-rays. These results suggest that plant Nbs1 could participate in a Rad50/Mre11/Nbs1 complex, and could be essential for the regulation of DNA recombination and DNA damage responses.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA is exposed to continuous damage and repair. Cells contain a number of proteins and specific DNA repair systems that help maintain its correct structure. The SOS response was the first DNA repair system described in Escherichia coli induced upon treatment of bacteria with DNA damaging agents arrest DNA replication and cell division. Induction of the SOS response involves more than forty independent SOS genes, most of which encode proteins engaged in protection, repair, replication, mutagenesis and metabolism of DNA. Under normal growth conditions the SOS genes are expressed at a basal level, which increases distinctly upon induction of the SOS response. The SOS-response has been found in many bacterial species (e.g., Salmonella typhimurium, Caulobacter crescentus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis), but not in eukaryotic cells. However, species from all kingdoms contain some SOS-like proteins taking part in DNA repair that exhibit amino acid homology and enzymatic activities related to those found in E. coli. but are not organized in an SOS system. This paper presents a brief up-to-date review describing the discovery of the SOS system, the physiology of SOS induction, methods for its determination, and the role of some SOS-induced genes.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor that plays a central role in the cellular response to genotoxic stress was suggested to be associated with the DNA repair machinery which mostly involves nucleotide excision repair (NER). In the present study we show for the first time that p53 is also directly involved in base excision repair (BER). These experiments were performed with p53 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants that were previously studied in in vivo experimental models. We report here that p53 ts mutants can also acquire wild-type activity under in vitro conditions. Using ts mutants of murine and human origin, it was observed that cell extracts overexpressing p53 exhibited an augmented BER activity measured in an in vitro assay. Depletion of p53 from the nuclear extracts abolished this enhanced activity. Together, this suggests that p53 is involved in more than one DNA repair pathway.  相似文献   

In response to genomic insults cells trigger a signal transduction pathway, known as DNA damage checkpoint, whose role is to help the cell to cope with the damage by coordinating cell cycle progression, DNA replication and DNA repair mechanisms. Accumulating evidence suggests that activation of the first checkpoint kinase in the cascade is not due to the lesion itself, but it requires recognition and initial processing of the lesion by a specific repair mechanism. Repair enzymes likely convert a variety of physically and chemically different lesions to a unique common structure, a ssDNA region, which is the checkpoint triggering signal. Checkpoint kinases can modify the activity of repair mechanisms, allowing for efficient repair, on one side, and modulating the generation of the ssDNA signal, on the other. This strategy may be important to allow the most effective repair and a prompt recovery from the damage condition. Interestingly, at least in some cases, if the damage level is low enough the cell can deal with the lesions and it does not need to activate the checkpoint response. On the other hand if damage level is high or if the lesions are not rapidly repairable, checkpoint mechanisms become important for cell survival and preservation of genome integrity.  相似文献   

Uracil‐DNA glycosylases (UDGs) are evolutionarily conserved DNA repair enzymes that initiate the base excision repair pathway and remove uracil from DNA. The UDG superfamily is classified into six families based on their substrate specificity. This review focuses on the family I enzymes since these are the most extensively studied members of the superfamily. The structural basis for substrate specificity and base recognition as well as for DNA binding, nucleotide flipping and catalytic mechanism is discussed in detail. Other topics include the mechanism of lesion search and molecular mimicry through interaction with uracil‐DNA glycosylase inhibitors. The latest studies and findings detailing structure and function in the UDG superfamily are presented.  相似文献   

Thegenotoxic activity of four mycotoxins has been studied. A high level of somatic mutagenesis in imaginal disks of Drosophila melanogaster larvae and DNA repair synthesis in human embryo and adult rat liver cell cultures was induced only by the strong carcinogen aflatoxin B1. Patulin somewhat elevated the level of somatic mutations in D. melanogaster, but did not elicit DNA repair synthesis. Citrinin and stachybotryotoxin were inactive in both systems.Abbreviations AFB1 aflatoxin B1 - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - 3HTdR tritiated thymidine - SCE sisterchromatid exchange - UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis  相似文献   

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