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Abstract: Glutamatergic synaptic dysfunction has been proposed as a causal factor in portal-systemic encephalopathy. Increased in vitro and in vivo glutamate release and decreased glutamate binding to NMDA receptors were previously reported in the brains of portacaval-shunted rats. Such changes could lead to alterations in the second messenger systems coupled to glutamate receptors. As NMDA receptors have been shown to act via the nitric oxide/cyclic GMP second messenger system, we studied the activities of constitutive nitric oxide synthase (NOS), in the brains of rats following portacaval shunting. Results demonstrate that NOS activities are significantly increased in cerebellum (by 54%, p < 0.01), cerebral cortex (by 65%, p < 0.01), hippocampus (by 88%, p < 0.01), and striatum (by 64%, p < 0.01) of shunted rats compared with sham-operated controls. As l -arginine transport is a prerequisite for nitric oxide production, we also studied l -[3H]arginine transport into cerebellar and cerebral cortical synaptosomes prepared from the brains of portacaval-shunted and sham-operated rats. l -[3H]Arginine uptake was significantly increased (by ∼50%, p < 0.01) in both cerebellum and cortex. Increased NOS activities of neuronal and/or astrocytic origin and the resultant increased production of nitric oxide in brain could be the consequence of increased NMDA receptor activation following portacaval shunting. Furthermore, increased nitric oxide production could contribute to the increased cerebral blood flow consistently observed following portacaval shunting.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have investigated the effect of endogenous adenosine on the release of [3H]acetylcholine ([3H]ACh) in cultured chick amacrine-like neurons. The release of [3H]ACh evoked by 50 m M KCl was mostly Ca2+ dependent, and it was increased in the presence of adenosine deaminase and in the presence of 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine (DPCPX), an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist. The effect of adenosine on [3H]ACh release was sensitive to pertussis toxin (PTX) and was due to a selective inhibition of N-type Ca2+ channels. Ligand binding studies using [3H]DPCPX confirmed the presence of adenosine A1 receptors in the preparation. Using specific inhibitors of the plasma membrane adenosine carriers and of the ectonucleotidases, we found that the extracellular accumulation of adenosine in response to KCl depolarization was due to the release of endogenous adenosine per se and to the extracellular conversion of released nucleotides into adenosine. Activation of adenosine A1 receptors was without effect on the intracellular levels of cyclic AMP under depolarizing conditions, but it inhibited the accumulation of inositol phosphates. Our results indicate that in cultured amacrine-like neurons, the Ca2+-dependent release of [3H]ACh evoked by KCl is under tonic inhibition by adenosine, which activates A1 receptors. The effect of adenosine on the [3H]ACh release may be due to a direct inhibition of N-type Ca2+ channels and/or secondary to the inhibition of phospholipase C and involves the activation of PTX-sensitive G proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract: Characteristics of the transport of the nitric oxide synthase substrate l -arginine and its inhibitor, N G-nitro- l -arginine ( l -NOARG), into rat cerebellar synaptosomes were studied. Uptake of both l -arginine and l -NOARG was linear with increasing amount of protein (up to 40 µg) and time of incubation (up to 5 min) at 37°C. Uptake of both compounds reached a steady state by 20 min. Maximal uptake of l -NOARG (650 pmol/mg of protein) was three to four times higher than that of l -arginine (170 pmol/mg of protein). l -NOARG uptake showed biphasic kinetics ( K m 1 = 0.72 m M , V max 1 = 0.98 nmol/min/mg of protein; K m 2 = 2.57 m M , V max 2 = 16.25 nmol/min/mg of protein). l -Arginine uptake was monophasic with a K m of 106 µ M and a V max of 0.33 nmol/min/mg of protein. l -NOARG uptake was selectively inhibited by l -NOARG, N G-nitro- l -arginine methyl ester, and branched-chain and aromatic amino acids. l -Alanine and l -serine also inhibited l -NOARG uptake but with less potency. Uptake of l -arginine was selectively inhibited by N G-monomethyl- l -arginine acetate and basic amino acids. These studies suggest that in rat cerebellar synaptosomes, l -NOARG is transported by the neutral amino acid carrier systems T and L with high affinity, whereas l -arginine is transported by the basic amino acid carrier system y+ with high affinity. These data indicate that the concentration of competing amino acids is an important factor in determining the rates of uptake of l -NOARG and l -arginine into synaptosomes and, in this way, may control the activity of nitric oxide synthase.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study explores the role of cyclic AMP in electrically evoked [3H]noradrenaline release and in the α2-adrenergic modulation of this release in chick sympathetic neurons. Along with an increase in stimulation-evoked tritium overflow, applications of forskolin enhanced the formation of intracellular cyclic AMP. Both effects of forskolin were potentiated by the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. The forskolin-induced increase in overflow was abolished by the Rp-diastereomer of cyclic AMP-thioate, an antagonist at cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases, and 1,9-dideoxy-forskolin, an inactive analogue at adenylyl cyclase, had no effect on the evoked overflow. A 24-h pretreatment with either cholera toxin or forskolin reduced the subsequent forskolin-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP and inhibited the stimulation-evoked release. Basal cyclic AMP production, however, remained unaltered after forskolin treatment and was enhanced after 24 h of cholera toxin exposure. The α2-adrenergic agonist bromoxidine did not affect the formation of cyclic AMP stimulated by forskolin but reduced electrically evoked release. However, effects of bromoxidine on 3H overflow were attenuated by forskolin as well as by 8-bromo-cyclic AMP. Effects of bromoxidine on [3H]noradrenaline release were paralleled by an inhibition of voltage-activated Ca2+ currents, primarily through a delayed time course of current activation. This effect was abolished when either forskolin or 8-bromo-cyclic AMP was included in the pipette solution. Both substances, however, failed to affect Ca2+ currents in the absence of bromoxidine. These results suggest that the signaling cascade of the α2-adrenergic inhibition of noradrenaline release involves voltage-activated Ca2+ channels but not cyclic AMP. Elevated levels of cyclic AMP, however, antagonize this α2-adrenergic reduction, apparently through a disinhibition of Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]diazepam and [3H]3-carboethoxy-beta-carboline was examined in rat brain synaptosomal membranes treated with irazepine, an alkylating benzodiazepine. Under incubation conditions that resulted in a 25-33% reduction in the Bmax of [3H]diazepam binding, only modest (less than 8.5%) reductions in the Bmax of [3H]3-carboethoxy-beta-carboline were observed. The differential effects of irazepine on the binding of these two compounds may be explained by the presence of multiple areas or "domains" on the benzodiazepine receptor.  相似文献   

Abstract: Elevated activities of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) have been reported previously in the brains of portacaval-shunted (PCS) rats, a model of chronic hepatic encephalopathy (HE). As l -arginine availability for nitric oxide synthesis depends on a specific uptake mechanism in neurons, we studied the kinetics of l -[3H]-arginine uptake into synaptosomes prepared from the brains of PCS rats. Results demonstrate that l -arginine uptake is significantly increased in cerebellum (60%; p < 0.01), cerebral cortex (42%; p < 0.01), hippocampus (56%; p < 0.01), and striatum (51%; p < 0.01) of PCS rats compared with sham-operated controls. Hyperammonemia in the absence of portacaval shunting also stimulated the transport of l -[3H]arginine; kinetic analysis revealed that the elevated uptake was due to increased uptake capacity ( V max) without any change in affinity ( K m). Incubation of cerebellar synaptosomes with ammonium acetate for 10 min caused a dose-dependent stimulation of l -[3H]arginine uptake. Neither portacaval shunting nor hyperammonemia had any significant effect on the synaptosomal uptake of N G-nitro- l -[3H]arginine. These studies demonstrate that increased NOS activity observed in experimental HE may result from increased availability of l -arginine resulting from a direct stimulatory effect of ammonia on l -arginine transport.  相似文献   

Abstract The binding of [3H]aspartate and [3H]glutamate to membranes prepared from frozen human cerebellar cortex was studied. The binding sites differed in their relative proportions, their inhibition by amino acids and analogues, and by the effects of cations. A proportion (about 30%) of [3H]glutamate binding was to sites similar to those labelled by [3H]aspartate. An additional component of [3H]gluta-mate binding (about 50%) was displaced by quisqualate and aL-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid, and may represent a “quisqualate-preferring” receptor. Neither N-methyl-d-aspartic acid-sensitive nor dl-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid-sensitive [3H]glutamate binding was detected.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]diazepam and [3H]ethyl-beta-carboline carboxylate (beta-CCE) to rat brain membranes has been studied following injection of the ligand via a tail vein. "Ex vivo" binding was avoided by homogenising the tissue in an excess of unlabelled ligand. The dissociation rate constant for [3H]diazepam and [3H]beta-CCE was approximately 0.46 min-1 at 0 degree C. Displacement of [3H]diazepam by beta-CCE in vivo showed regional variation: the dose of beta-CCE required to inhibit 50% of [3H]diazepam binding in the cerebellum was one quarter of that required in the cortex, hippocampus, or striatum. However, when diazepam was used to displace [3H]beta-CCE in vivo the converse occurred: the dose needed for 50% inhibition in the cerebellum was more than four times that required in the other three regions. These findings support suggestions from in vitro experiments that two receptors exist with different affinities for benzodiazepines and beta-carbolines. The benzodiazepine receptor antagonist Ro 15-1788 did not differentiate between the two receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Abstract: cis -4-Aminocrotonic acid (CACA; 100 µ M ), an analogue of GABA in a folded conformation, stimulated the passive release of [3H]GABA from slices of rat cerebellum, cerebral cortex, retina, and spinal cord and of β-[3H]alanine from slices of cerebellum and spinal cord without influencing potassium-evoked release. In contrast, CACA (100 µ M ) did not stimulate the passive release of [3H]taurine from slices of cerebellum and spinal cord or of d -[3H]aspartate from slices of cerebellum and did not influence potassium-evoked release of [3H]taurine from the cerebellum and spinal cord and d -[3H]aspartate from the cerebellum. These results suggest that the effects of CACA on GABA and β-alanine release are due to CACA acting as a substrate for a β-alanine-sensitive GABA transport system, consistent with CACA inhibiting the uptake of β-[3H]alanine into slices of rat cerebellum and cerebral cortex. The observed K i for CACA against β-[3H]alanine uptake in the cerebellum was 750 ± 60 µ M . CACA appears to be 10-fold weaker as a substrate for the transporter system than as an agonist for the GABAc receptor. The effects of CACA on GABA and β-alanine release provide indirect evidence for a GABA transporter in cerebellum, cerebral cortex, retina, and spinal cord that transports GABA, β-alanine, CACA, and nipecotic acid that has a similar pharmacological profile to that of the GABA transporter, GAT-3, cloned from rat CNS. The structural similarities of GABA, β-alanine, CACA, and nipecotic acid are demonstrated by computer-aided molecular modeling, providing information on the possible conformations of these substances being transported by a common carrier protein.  相似文献   

Abstract: Pharmacological and molecular biological studies provide evidence for subtypes of sodium-dependent high-affinity glutamate (Glu) transport in the mammalian CNS. At least some of these transporters appear to be selectively expressed in different brain regions or by different cell types. In the present study, the properties of l -[3H]Glu transport were characterized using astrocyte-enriched cultures prepared from cerebellum and cortex. In both brain regions, the kinetic data for sodium-dependent transport were consistent with a single site with Km values of 91 ± 17 µM in cortical glial cells and 66 ± 23 µM in cerebellar glial cells. The capacities were 6.1 ± 1.6 nmol/mg of protein/min in cortical glial cells and 8.4 ± 0.9 nmol/mg of protein/min in cerebellar glial cells. The potencies of ~40 excitatory amino acid analogues for inhibition of sodium-dependent transport into glial cells prepared from cortex and cerebellum were examined, including compounds that are selective inhibitors of transport in synaptosomes prepared from either cerebellum or cortex. Of the analogues tested, 14 inhibited transport activity by >50% at 1 mM concentrations. Unlike l -[3H]Glu transport in synaptosomes prepared from cerebellum or cortex, there were no large differences between the potencies of compounds for inhibition of transport measured in glial cells prepared from these two brain regions. With the exception of (2S,1′R,2′R)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine and l -α-aminoadipate, all of the compounds examined were ~10–200-fold less potent as inhibitors of l -[3H]Glu transport measured in glial cells than as inhibitors of transport measured in synaptosomes prepared from their respective brain regions. The pharmacology of transport measured in these glial cells differs from the reported pharmacology of the cloned Glu transporters, suggesting the existence of additional uncloned Glu transporters or Glu transporter subunits.  相似文献   

In vivo specific binding of [3H]diazepam was not altered by a single electroconvulsive shock given 5, 30, or 60 min, or 24 h previously, nor 24 h after the last of 10 daily shocks. Similarly, in vivo [3H]ethyl-beta-carboline carboxylate binding was not changed in the brains of animals that had been given a single electroconvulsive shock 30 min previously or a series of 10 daily shocks. Brain areas examined included cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and striatum. However, cortical binding of [3H]diazepam was increased by 32% in animals which were present in the same room while another was being injected and killed. This may represent a response to stress and/or anxiety.  相似文献   

Abstract: [3H]Nemonapride and [3H]spiperone are very widely used to study dopaminergic systems in vitro and in vivo, but it has been reported that [3H]nemonapride and [3H]spiperone give markedly different B max values for preparations of D2 dopamine receptors from recombinant cell lines or animal tissues. We have used the two radioligands in parallel to study a range of dopamine receptors [D2(short), D2(long), and D3] in different buffers. B max values derived using either radioligand differ by an average of <20%, independent of receptor type or buffer conditions. All competition experiments show that the two ligands compete at a single site. It seems that [3H]spiperone and [3H]nemonapride do not differentiate between different forms or populations of D2-like receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study was designed to analyze possible differences in the binding of [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNZP) and [3H]ethyl - β - carboline - 3 - carboxylate ([3H]β-CCE), to rat brain membranes, in various experimental conditions. In cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and orain stem the number of binding sites for [3H]β-CCE was higher than for [3H]FNZP; both were displaced by clonazepam. Until the 7th day of postnatal brain development the numbers of [3H]FNZP and [3H]β-CCE sites were equivalent; but later on, the β-carboline sites increased to a higher level. Noradrenergic denervation by 6-hydroxydopamine was followed in the hippocampal formation. Already after 2 days, there was a decrease in [3H]FNZP sites, which reached 70% of control after 14 days. Similar results were obtained with DSP-4 denervation. This change was only in Bmax and not in KD, In contrast, the [3H]β-CCE sites did not change with denervation. Neonatal injection of l - 2,4,5 - trihydroxyphenylalamine or DSP-4 produced in the adult a decrease in [3H]FNZP sites in the cerebral cortex, in parallel with the noradrenergic denervation. On the other hand, there was an increase in the cerebellum and brain stem, in correspondence with the hyperinnervation by sprouting. In these rats, the number of sites for [3H]β-CCE did not change in the different brain regions. With 0.1% Triton X-100, applied to synaptosomal membranes, [3H]FNZP binding was reduced by 35%, while that of [3H]β-CCE was not significantly changed. These results suggest that there is heterogeneity of binding sites for benzodiazepine receptors in rat brain. A tentative interpretation of the experiments involving noradrenergic denervation and hyperinnervation, as well as those with Triton X-100, is that [3H]FNZP binds to pre- and postsynaptic receptors, while [3H]β-CCE binds mainly to postsynaptic benzodiazepine receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: [3H]Diazepam and [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNP) binding to washed and frozen synaptosomal membranes from rat cerebral cortex were compared. In Tris-citrate buffer, γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and NaCl both increased [3H]diazepam binding more than [3H]FNP binding. GABA and pentobarbital both enhanced this effect of NaCl. Because of the extremely rapid dissociation of [3H]diazepam in the absence of NaCl and GABA, the Bmax (maximal binding capacity) was smaller by the filtration assay than by the centrifugation assay. [3H]FNP, which dissociates more slowly, had the same Bmax in both assays. [3H]Diazepam association had two components, and was faster than [3H]FNP association. [3H]Diazepam dissociation, which also had two components, was faster than that of [3H]FNP, and also had a greater fraction of rapidly dissociating species. [3H]FNP dissociation was similar when initiated by diazepam, flunitrazepam, clonazepam, or Ro15-1788, which is a benzodiazepine antagonist. [3H]Diazepam dissociation with Ro15-1788, flunitrazepam, or clonazepam was slower than with diazepam. GABA and NaCl, but not pentobarbital, increased the percentage of slowly dissociating species. This effect of NaCl was potentiated by GABA and pentobarbital. The results support the cyclic model of benzodiazepine receptors existing in two interconvertible conformations, and suggest that, distinct from their binding affinity, some ligands (like flunitrazepam) are better than others (like diazepam) in inducing the conversion of the receptor to the higher-affinity state.  相似文献   

Abstract: Abstract: [3H]Adenosine transport was characterized in cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes prepared from postmortem human brain using an inhibitor-stop/centrifugation method. The adenosine transport inhibitors dipyridamole and dilazep completely and rapidly blocked transmembrane fluxes of [3H]adenosine. For 5-s incubations, two kinetically distinguishable processes were identified, i.e., a high-affinity adenosine transport system with Kt and Vmax values of 89 μM and 0.98 nmol/min/mg of protein, respectively, and a low-affinity adenosine transport system that did not appear to be saturable. For incubations with 1 μM [3H]adenosine as substrate, intrasynaptoneurosomal concentrations of [3H]adenosine were 0.26 μM at 5 s and 1 μM at 600 s. Metabolism of accumulated [3H]adenosine to adenine nucleotides was 15% for 5-s, 23% for 15-s, 34% for 30-s, 43% for 60-s, and 80% for 600-s incubations. The concentrations (μM) of total accumulated 3H-purines ([3H]-adenosine plus metabolites) at these times were 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.3 and 5.6, respectively. These results indicate that in the presence of extensive metabolism, the intrasynaptoneurosomal accumulation of 3H-purines was higher than the initial concentration of 1 μM [3H]adenosine in the reaction medium. For 5-, 15-, 30-, 60-, and 600-s incubations in the presence of the adenosine deaminase inhibitor EHNA and the adenosine kinase inhibitor 5′-iodotubercidin, metabolism of the transported [3H]adenosine was 14, 14, 16, 14, and 38%, respectively. During these times, total 3H-purine accumulation was 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, and 1.8 μM, respectively. Thus, the apparently “concentrative'’accumulation of 3H-purines can be prevented by inhibition of adenosine metabolism and, taken together, these results suggest that adenosine transport in at least synaptoneurosomes prepared from postmortem human brain is via a nonconcentrative and equilibrative system.  相似文献   

The possible role of cyclic AMP in the presynaptic alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated modulation of [3H]noradrenaline (NA) release induced by 13 mM K+ from superfused rat cerebral cortex slices was investigated. Both dibutyryl-cyclic AMP (db-cAMP) and 8-bromo-cyclic AMP (8-Br-cAMP) dose-dependently (10(-4) - 10(-2) M) enhanced K+-induced (3H]NA release, maximally to about 160% of control. In contrast, db-cAMP had no effect on calcium-induced [3H]NA release in the presence of the calcium ionophore A 23187. Surprisingly, the phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). 7-benzyl-IBMX, 4-(3-cyclopentyloxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-2-pyrrolidone (ZK 62771), and 4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone (Ro 20-1724) appeared to inhibit K+-induced [3H]NA release in a dose-dependent (10(-5) - 10(-3) M) manner. At a concentration of 10(-4) M, AK 62771 caused an inhibition of [3H]NA release by 30%, and this inhibitory effect was not affected by 10(-6) M phentolamine nor by 10(-3) M db-cAMP or 10(-4) M theophylline. Theophylline by itself enhanced [3H]NA release to about 135% of control. The inhibitor effect of the alpha-adrenoceptor agonist oxymetazoline (1 micro M) and the enhancing effect of the antagonist phentolamine (1 micro M) on [3H]NA release were significantly decreased in the presence of 10(-3) M db-cAMP or 8-Br-cAMP, whereas 10(-4) M ZK 62771 had no effect. In the presence of 10(-2) M NaF, a potent activator of adenylate cyclase, the inhibitory effect of oxymetazoline (1 micro M) on [3H]NA release was significantly decreased. The data obtained with the cyclic AMP analogues support the hypothesis that activation of presynaptic alpha-receptors modulating NA release results in an inhibition of a presynaptic adenylate cyclase. Possible causes for the anomalous effects of th PDE inhibitors are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The isolated neurointermediate lobe (NIL) of the rat hypophysis accumulates [3H]dopamine from the incubation medium. Column chromatographic analysis showed that 92% of the tissue radioactivity was contained in the catecholamine fraction. [3H]Dopamine represented 70% and [3H]noradrenaline 30% of the [3H]catecholamines. Desipramine (1 μM) prevented the formation of [3H]noradrenaline without affecting the storage of [3H]dopamine. Nomifensine (10 μM) blocked the storage of [3H]dopamine and [3H]noradrenaline. Thus, in the NIL, [3H]dopamine is taken up into dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurones. In the latter, [3H]dopamine is converted to [3H]noradrenaline, indicating a significant dopamine β-hydroxylase activity in the NIL tissue. A selective labeling of the dopamine stores with [3H]dopamine can be achieved in the presence of desipramine.  相似文献   

The outflow of [3H]choline ([3H]Ch) evoked by electrical field stimulation and the efflux of D-[3H]Asp induced by 35 mM KCl and 1-10 microM ouabain were studied in human and guinea pig cortical slices, kept under identical experimental conditions. [3H]Ch outflow was significantly lower whereas D-[3H]Asp efflux was significantly higher in humans than in guinea pigs. This suggests a different proportion of the two neuronal systems in these two species. Blockade of muscarinic autoreceptors with atropine increased, whereas stimulation of alpha 2 receptors with norepinephrine (NE) reduced, the evoked [3H]Ch outflow to the same extent in human and guinea pig cortical slices. Conversely, NE did not affect ouabain-induced D-[3H]Asp efflux, suggesting that an alpha 2-mediated control is not operative in the glutamatergic cortical structures. Desmethylimipramine, 2-5 microM, was able to increase [3H]Ch outflow through atropine-like mechanisms only in the human. This drug at 20-50 microM inhibited [3H]Ch and D-[3H]Asp efflux in both species, through mechanisms unrelated to its monoamine reuptake blocking properties. Thus, similarities and differences can be detected between humans and guinea pigs with regard to (a) the relative potency of the cholinergic and acidic amino acidergic signals and (b) the modulation of neurotransmitter outflow by drugs acting on auto- and the heteroreceptors.  相似文献   

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