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Organ-specific CD4+ T cell response during Listeria monocytogenes infection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The immune response against the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes involves both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. We used the MHC class II-presented peptide listeriolysin(189-201) to characterize the organ-specific CD4(+) T cell response during infection. Systemic listeriosis resulted in a strong peptide-specific CD4(+) T cell response with frequencies of 1/100 and 1/30 CD4(+) splenocytes at the peak of primary and secondary response, respectively. This response was not restricted to lymphoid organs, because we detected specific CD4(+) T cells in all tissues analyzed. However, the tissue distribution of the T cell response was dependent on the route of infection. After i.v. infection, the strongest CD4(+) T cell response and the highest levels of memory cells were observed in spleen and liver, the major sites of L. monocytogenes replication. After oral infection, we detected a strong response in the liver, the lamina propria, and the intestinal epithelium. These tissues also harbored the highest frequencies of listeriolysin(189-201)-specific CD4(+) memory T cells 5-8 wk post oral infection. Our results show that kinetics and magnitude of the CD4(+) T cell response and the accumulation of CD4(+) memory T cells depend on the route of infection and are regulated in a tissue-specific way.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells are known to assist the CD8 T cell response by activating APC via CD40-CD40 ligand (L) interactions. However, recent data have shown that bacterial products can directly activate APC through Toll-like receptors, resulting in up-regulation of costimulatory molecules necessary for the efficient priming of naive T cells. It remains unclear what role CD4 T cell help and various costimulation pathways play in the development of CD8 T cell responses during bacterial infection. In this study, we examined these questions using an intracellular bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, as a model of infection. In CD4 T cell-depleted, CD4(-/-), and MHC class II(-/-) mice, L. monocytogenes infection induced CD8 T cell activation and primed epitope-specific CD8 T cells to levels commensurate with those in normal C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, these epitope-specific CD8 T cells established long-term memory in CD4(-/-) mice that was capable of mounting a protective recall response. In vitro analysis showed that L. monocytogenes directly stimulated the activation and maturation of murine dendritic cells. The CD8 T cell response to L. monocytogenes was normal in CD40L(-/-) mice but defective in CD28(-/-) and CD137L(-/-) mice. These data show that in situations where infectious agents or immunogens can directly activate APC, CD8 T cell responses are less dependent on CD4 T cell help via the CD40-CD40L pathway but involve costimulation through CD137-CD137L and B7-CD28 interactions.  相似文献   

The increased potency of high avidity CD8+ T cells for the clearance of viral infections has been well documented. We have previously reported the novel finding that intranasal infection with the paramyxovirus SV5 induces a CD8+ T cell response to the SV5 P protein that is almost exclusively of high avidity. Based on our results that the level of peptide presentation is a critical factor in the selective expansion of high versus low avidity cells in vitro, we hypothesized that the avidity of the anti-viral response generated in vivo could be altered by increasing the turnover of the P protein during viral infection through linkage to ubiquitin (UbP). Infection with a virus expressing UbP (VV-UbP) elicited a significant increase in low avidity cells in both BALB/c and C3H mice compared to the almost exclusively high avidity response elicited by VV-P. Our results are the first demonstration of the control of avidity during the antiviral response through an engineered change to a viral antigen. The implications of our findings for vaccine development are discussed.  相似文献   

In vivo priming of CD8(+) T lymphocytes against exogenously processed model Ags requires CD4(+) T cell help, specifically interactions between CD40 ligand (CD40L) expressed by activated CD4(+) T cells and CD40, which is present on professional APC such as dendritic cells (DCs). To address this issue in the context of bacterial infection, we examined CD40L-CD40 interactions in CD8(+) T cell priming against an exogenously processed, nonsecreted bacterial Ag. CD40L interactions were blocked by in vivo treatment with anti-CD40L mAb MR-1, which inhibited germinal center formation and CD8(+) T cell cross-priming against an exogenous model Ag, OVA. In contrast, MR-1 treatment did not interfere with CD8(+) T cell priming against a nonsecreted or secreted recombinant Ag expressed by Listeria monocytogenes. Memory and secondary responses of CD8(+) T cells against nonsecreted and secreted bacterial Ags were also largely unimpaired by transient MR-1 treatment. When MR-1-treated mice were concurrently immunized with L. monocytogenes and OVA-loaded splenocytes, cross-priming of OVA-specific naive CD8(+) T cells occurred. No significant decline in cross-priming against OVA was measured when either TNF or IFN-gamma was neutralized in L. monocytogenes-infected animals, demonstrating that multiple signals exist to overcome CD40L blockade of CD8(+) T cell cross-priming during bacterial infection. These data support a model in which DCs can be stimulated in vivo through signals other than CD40, becoming APC that can effectively stimulate CD8(+) T cell responses against exogenous Ags during infection.  相似文献   

CD8 T cell immunome analysis of Listeria monocytogenes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The identification of T cell epitopes is crucial for the understanding of the host response during infections with pathogenic microorganisms. Generally, the identification of relevant T cell responses is based on the analysis of T cell lines propagated in vitro. We used an ex vivo approach for the analysis of the CD8 T cell response against Listeria monocytogenes that is based upon the fractionation of naturally processed antigenic peptides and subsequent analysis with T cells in an enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay. Our data indicate that the direct ex vivo ELISPOT analysis of peptides extracted from infected tissues represents a versatile and potent test system for the analysis of the CD8 T cell immunome of microorganisms that furthermore requires neither the knowledge of the microbial genome nor of the specificity of responding T cells.  相似文献   

The intestinal mucosal CD8 T cell response to infection with Listeria monocytogenes was measured using MHC class I tetramers and was compared with the response in peripheral blood, secondary lymphoid tissue, and liver. To assess the vaccination potential of Listeria and to analyze responses in C57BL/6 mouse strains, a recombinant Listeria expressing OVA (rLM-ova) was generated. The response peaked at 9 days postinfection with a much larger fraction of the intestinal mucosa and liver CD8 T cell pool OVA specific, as compared with the spleen. However, these differences were not linked to bacterial titers in each site. The higher responses in lamina propria and liver resulted in a larger CD8 memory population in these tissues. Furthermore, the level of memory induced was dependent on infectious dose and inversely correlated with the magnitude of the recall response after oral challenge. Recall responses in the tissues were most robust in the lamina propria and liver, and reactivated Ag-specific T cells produced IFN-gamma. Infection of CD40- or MHC class II-deficient mice induced poor CD8 T cell responses in the intestinal mucosa, but only partially reduced responses in the spleen and liver. Overall, the results point to novel pathways of tissue-specific regulation of primary and memory antimicrobial CD8 T cell responses.  相似文献   

Little information exists regarding the presentation of antigenic peptides in infected tissues. In this study the in vivo presentation of four different CD8 T cell epitopes of Listeria monocytogenes was monitored. Peptide presentation was measured by a new, highly sensitive, ex vivo Ag presentation assay that was based on the testing of freshly isolated cells from infected spleens with peptide-specific CD8 T cell lines in an IFN-gamma-specific ELISPOT assay. Remarkably, the peptide presentation pattern of splenocytes and that of macrophages purified from spleens of L. monocytogenes-infected mice were different from those of in vitro infected macrophage-like cell lines. The in vivo Ag presentation pattern of splenocytes also exhibited dynamic changes during the first 48 h of infection. In vivo peptide presentation at later time points postinfection was biased toward immunodominant CD8 T cell epitopes, while at an early time point, 6 h postinfection, subdominant and dominant CD8 T cell epitopes were presented with similar strength. In summary, our studies show that Ag presentation during an infection is a highly dynamic process that only can be fully appreciated by the study of cells infected in their physiological environment.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial memory CD8+ T cell responses are not readily expanded by either repeated infections or immunizations. This is a major obstacle to the development of T cell vaccines. Prime-boost immunization with heterologous microbes sharing the same CD8+ epitope can induce a large expansion of the CD8+ response; however, different vectors vary greatly in their ability to boost for reasons that are poorly understood. To investigate how efficient memory T cell expansion can occur, we evaluated immune regulatory events and Ag presentation after secondary immunization with strong and weak boosting vectors. We found that dendritic cells were essential for T cell boosting and that Ag presentation by these cells was regulated by cognate memory CD8+ T cells. When weak boosting vectors were used for secondary immunization, pre-established CD8+ T cells were able to effectively curtail Ag presentation, resulting in limited CD8+ T cell expansion. In contrast, a strong boosting vector, vaccinia virus, induced highly efficient Ag presentation that overcame regulation by cognate T cells and induced large numbers of memory CD8+ T cells to expand. Thus, efficient targeting of Ag to dendritic cells in the face of cognate immunity is an important requirement for T cell expansion.  相似文献   

IL-10 is an important immunoregulatory cytokine that plays a central role in maintaining a balance between protective immunity against infection and limiting proinflammatory responses to self or cross-reactive Ags. We examined the full effects of IL-10 deficiency on the establishment and quality of T cell memory using murine listeriosis as a model system. IL-10(-/-) mice had reduced bacterial loads and a shorter duration of primary infection than did wild-type mice. However, the number of Ag-specific T cells in secondary lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs was diminished in IL-10(-/-) mice, compared with wild-type mice, at the peak of the effector response. Moreover, the frequency and protective capacity of memory T cells also were reduced in IL-10(-/-) mice when assessed up to 100 days postinfection. Remarkably, this effect was more pronounced for CD8 T cells than CD4 T cells. To address whether differences in the number of bacteria and duration of primary infection could explain these findings, both strains of mice were treated with ampicillin 24 hours after primary infection. Despite there being more comparable bacterial loads during primary infection, IL-10(-/-) mice still generated fewer memory CD8 T cells and were less protected against secondary infection than were wild-type mice. Finally, the adoptive transfer of purified CD8 T cells from previously infected wild-type mice into naive recipients conferred better protection than the transfer of CD8 T cells from immune IL-10(-/-) mice. Overall, these data show that IL-10 plays an unexpected role in promoting and/or sustaining CD8 T cell memory following Listeria monocytogenes infection.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with nonviable Listeria monocytogenes generates an insufficient CD8(+) T cell response and consequently only limited protection against subsequent L. monocytogenes infection. We have recently demonstrated that depletion of regulatory CD4(+) T cells during immunization significantly enhances CD8(+) T cell responses. In the present study, we determined the impact of CD4(+) T cell depletion on the CD8(+) T cell response against heat-killed LISTERIA: Treatment of mice with anti-CD4 mAb during boost immunization with heat-killed Listeria significantly increased numbers of Listeria-specific CD8(+) T cells and improved protection against subsequent infection with L. monocytogenes. During challenge infection, numbers of Listeria-specific CD8(+) T cells were enhanced, and these cells expressed effector functions in terms of IFN-gamma production. In summary, we demonstrate that combining nonviable L. monocytogenes vaccination and CD4(+) T cell depletion improves generation of long-lasting and functional Listeria-specific CD8(+) memory T cells.  相似文献   

Deficient immunoregulation by CD4+ T cells is an important susceptibility trait for inflammatory bowel disease, but the role of other regulatory cell types is less understood. This study addresses the role and mechanistic interaction of B cells and CD8+ T cells in controlling immune-mediated colitis. The genetic requirements for B cells and CD8+ T cells to confer protective immunoregulation were assessed by cotransfer with colitogenic Galphai2-/- T cells into immune-deficient mice. Disease activity in Galphai2-/- T cell recipients was evaluated by CD4+ T intestinal lymphocyte abundance, cytokine production levels, and large intestine histology. B cells deficient in B7.1/B7.2, CD40, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II (Abb), or native B cell antigen receptor (MD4) were competent for colitis protection. However, transporter-1-deficient B cells failed to protect, indicating a requirement for peptide MHC I presentation to CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells deficient in native T cell receptor repertoire (OT-1) or cytolysis (perforin-/-) also were nonprotective. These finding reveal an integrated role for antigen-specific perforin-dependent CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity in colitis immunoregulatory and its efficient induction by a subset of mesenteric B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular bacterium that causes systemic infections after traversing the intestinal mucosa. Clearance of infection and long term protective immunity are mediated by L. monocytogenes-specific CD8 T lymphocytes. In this report, we characterize the murine CD8 T cell response in the lamina propria and intestinal epithelium after enteric L. monocytogenes infection. We find that the frequency of MHC class Ia-restricted, L. monocytogenes-specific T cells is approximately 4- to 5-fold greater in the lamina propria than in the spleen of mice after oral or i.v. infection. Although the kinetics of T cell expansion and contraction are similar in spleen, lamina propria, and intestinal epithelium, high frequencies of Ag-specific T cells are detected only in the lamina propria 1 mo after infection. In contrast to MHC class Ia-restricted T cells, the frequency of H2-M3-restricted, L. monocytogenes-specific T cells is decreased in the intestinal mucosa relative to that found in the spleen. In addition to this disparity, we find that MHC class Ia-restricted CD8 T cells specific for a dominant L. monocytogenes epitope have different TCR V beta repertoires in the spleen and intestinal mucosa of individual mice. These findings indicate that the intestinal mucosa is a depot where L. monocytogenes-specific effector CD8 T cells accumulate during and after infection irrespective of immunization route. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that CD8 T cell populations in these two sites, although overlapping in Ag specificity, are distinct in terms of their repertoire.  相似文献   

The T cell response to infection consists of clonal expansion of effector cells, followed by contraction to memory levels. It was previously thought that the duration of infection determines the magnitude and kinetics of the T cell response. However, recent analysis revealed that transition between the expansion and contraction phases of the Ag-specific CD8+ T cell response is not affected by experimental manipulation in the duration of infection or Ag display. We studied whether the duration of infection and Ag display influenced the kinetics of the Ag-specific CD4+ T cell response to Listeria monocytogenes (LM) infection. We found that truncating infection and Ag display with antibiotic treatment as early as 24 h postinfection had minimal impact on the expansion or contraction of CD4+ T cells; however, the magnitudes of the Ag-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses were differentially affected by the timing of antibiotic treatment. Treatment of LM-infected mice with antibiotics at 24 h postinfection did not prevent generation of detectable CD4+ and CD8+ memory T cells at 28 days after infection, vigorous secondary expansion of these memory T cells, or protection against a subsequent LM challenge. These results demonstrate that events within the first few days of infection stimulate CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses that are capable of carrying out the full program of expansion and contraction to functional memory, independently of prolonged infection or Ag display.  相似文献   

The immunologic requirements for generating long-lived protective CD8 T cell memory remain unclear. Memory CD8 populations generated in the absence of CD4 Th cells reportedly have functional defects, and at least a subset of CD8 T cells transiently express CD40 after activation, suggesting that direct CD4-CD8 T cell interactions through CD40 may influence the magnitude and functional quality of memory CD8 populations. To ascertain the role of CD40 in such direct T cell interactions, we investigated CD8 T cell responses in CD40-/- mice after infection with Listeria monocytogenes, an intracellular bacterium that induces APC activation and thus priming of CD8 T cells independently of CD4 Th cell help through CD40. In this study we show that memory CD8 T cells generated in CD40-deficient mice show in vivo cytotoxicity and cytokine production equivalent to CD8 memory T cells from wild-type mice. Upon secondary Listeria infection, CD40-/- memory CD8 T cells expand to greater numbers than seen in wild-type mice. These results indicate that CD40 ligation on CD8 T cells, although reportedly a part of CD8 T cell memory development in an H-Y-directed response, is not needed for the development of functional memory CD8 T cell populations after Listeria infection.  相似文献   

Infection of mice with the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes results in a strong CD8(+) T cell response that is critical for efficient control of infection. We used CD28-deficient mice to characterize the function of CD28 during Listeria infection, with a main emphasis on Listeria-specific CD8(+) T cells. Frequencies and effector functions of these T cells were determined using MHC class I tetramers, single cell IFN-gamma production and Listeria-specific cytotoxicity. During primary Listeria infection of CD28(-/-) mice we observed significantly reduced numbers of Listeria-specific CD8(+) T cells and only marginal levels of specific IFN-gamma production and cytotoxicity. Although frequencies were also reduced in CD28(-/-) mice during secondary response, we detected a considerable population of Listeria-specific CD8(+) T cells in these mice. In parallel, IFN-gamma production and cytotoxicity were observed, revealing that Listeria-specific CD8(+) T cells in CD28(-/-) mice expressed normal effector functions. Consistent with their impaired CD8(+) T cell activation, CD28(-/-) mice suffered from exacerbated listeriosis both after primary and secondary infection. These results demonstrate participation of CD28 signaling in the generation and expansion of Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells in listeriosis. However, Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells generated in the absence of CD28 differentiated into normal effector and memory T cells.  相似文献   

During bacterial multiplication, Listeria monocytogenes (strain EGD) secretes sulfhydryl-dependent cytotoxin, termed listeriolysin O, a virulence factor presumable promoting intracellular growth of this ubiquitous pathogen. The role of this exotoxin in the process of T cell activation was studied in vivo during the course of an experimental infection in the mouse. By using highly purified listeriolysin O, it was found that infection with viable, replicative bacteria induced in vivo the emergence of T cells specifically reacting against this exotoxin, as demonstrated by eliciting the expression of delayed-type hypersensitivity to listeriolysin O in Listeria-immune mice. The kinetics of this inflammatory reaction followed the same pattern as that observed with crude Listeria antigenic preparation classically used for the detection of delayed-type hypersensitivity, with a peak of expression by day 6 and a slow decline over the next 3 wk to a residual level, indicating the presence of memory T cells reacting with the exotoxin. This result, therefore, allowed us to identify for the first time that a pure immunogenic molecule secreted by L. monocytogenes is specifically recognized by sensitized T cells induced during the course of infection by L. monocytogenes. The expression of T cell-mediated immunity to listeriolysin O was generated by very low amounts of replicative bacteria, indicating that the exotoxin released in host tissues during the process of intracellular growth is highly immunogenic. Our data favor the view that the binding of listeriolysin O to the membrane cholesterol might be a critical event potentiating the in vivo expression of delayed sensitivity against this exotoxin. Indeed, the insertion of listeriolysin O into the cell membrane induced resistance to enzymatic proteolysis and membrane-bound listeriolysin O was significantly more effective in inducing delayed inflammatory reaction in Listeria-immune mice.  相似文献   

After priming, naive T cells undergo a program of expansion, contraction, and memory formation. Numerous studies have indicated that only a brief period of antigenic stimulation is required to fully commit CD8+ T cells to this program. Nonetheless, the persistence of Ag may modulate the eventual fate of CD8+ T cells. Using DNA delivery, we showed previously that direct presentation primes high levels of effector CD8+ T cells as compared with cross-presentation. One explanation now revealed is that prolonged cross-presentation limits effector cell expansion and function. To analyze this, we used a drug-responsive system to regulate Ag expression after DNA injection. Reducing expression to a single burst expanded greater numbers of peptide-specific effector CD8+ T cells than sustained Ag. Consequences for memory development were assessed after boosting and showed that, although persistent Ag maintained higher numbers of tetramer-positive CD8+ T cells, these expanded less (approximately 4-fold) than those induced by transient Ag expression (approximately 35-fold). Transient expression at priming therefore led to a net higher secondary response. In terms of vaccine design, we propose that the most effective DNA-based CD8+ T cell vaccines will be those that deliver a short burst of Ag.  相似文献   

IL-15 regulates CD8+ T cell contraction during primary infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During the course of acute infection with an intracellular pathogen, Ag-specific T cells proliferate in the expansion phase, and then most of the T cells die by apoptosis in the following contraction phase, but the few that survive become memory cells and persist for a long period of time. Although IL-15 is known to play an important role in long-term maintenance of memory CD8+ T cells, the potential roles of IL-15 in CD8+ T cell contraction are not known. Using an adoptive transfer system of OT-I cells expressing OVA257-264/Kb-specific TCR into control, IL-15 knockout (KO) and IL-15 transgenic (Tg) mice followed by challenge with recombinant Listeria monocytogenes expressing OVA, we found that the survival of CD44+CD62L-CD127- effector OT-I cells during the contraction phase is critically dependent on IL-15. In correlation with the expression level of Bcl-2 in OT-I cells, the number of OT-I cells was markedly reduced in IL-15 KO mice but remained at a high level in IL-15 Tg mice during the contraction phase, compared with control mice. In vivo administration of rIL-15 during the contraction phase in IL-15 KO mice inhibited the contraction of effector OT-I cells accompanied by up-regulation of Bcl-2 expression. Furthermore, enforced expression of Bcl-2 protected the majority of effector OT-I cells from death in IL-15 KO mice after infection. These results suggest that IL-15 plays a critical role in protecting effector CD8+ T cells from apoptosis during the contraction phase following a microbial infection via inducing antiapoptotic molecules.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T cell responses to persistent infections caused by intracellular pathogens are dominated by resting T effectors and T effector memory cells, with little evidence suggesting that a T central memory (T(CM)) population is generated. Using a model of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, we demonstrate that in contrast to the T effector/T effector memory phenotype of the majority of T. cruzi-specific CD8(+) T cells, a population of cells displaying hallmark characteristics of T(CM) cells is also present during long-term persistent infection. This population expressed the T(CM) marker CD127 and a subset expressed one or more of three other T(CM) markers: CD62L, CCR7, and CD122. Additionally, the majority of CD127(high) cells were KLRG1(low), indicating that they have not been repetitively activated through TCR stimulation. These CD127(high) cells were better maintained than their CD127(low) counterparts following transfer into naive mice, consistent with their observed surface expression of CD127 and CD122, which confer the ability to self-renew in response to IL-7 and IL-15. CD127(high) cells were capable of IFN-gamma production upon peptide restimulation and expanded in response to challenge infection, indicating that these cells are functionally responsive upon Ag re-encounter. These results are in contrast to what is typically observed during many persistent infections and indicate that a stable population of parasite-specific CD8(+) T cells capable of Ag-independent survival is maintained in mice despite the presence of persistent Ag.  相似文献   

The contact of T cells to cross-reactive antigenic determinants expressed by nonpathogenic environmental micro-organisms may contribute to the induction or maintenance of T cell memory. This hypothesis was evaluated in the model of murine Listeria monocytogenes infection. The influence of nonpathogenic L. innocua on the L. monocytogenes p60-specific T cell response was analyzed. We show that some CD4 T cell clones raised against purified p60 from L. monocytogenes cross-react with p60 purified from L. innocua. The L. monocytogenes p60-specific CD4 T cell clone 1A recognized the corresponding L. innocua p60 peptide QAAKPAPAPSTN, which differs only in the first amino acid residue. In vitro experiments revealed that after L. monocytogenes infection of APCs, MHC class I-restricted presentation of p60 occurs, while MHC class II-restricted p60 presentation is inhibited. L. innocua-infected cells presented p60 more weakly but equally well in the context of both MHC class I and MHC class II. In contrast to these in vitro experiments the infection of mice with L. monocytogenes induced a strong p60-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell response, while L. innocua infection failed to induce p60-specific T cells. L. innocua booster infection, however, expanded p60-specific memory T cells induced by previous L. monocytogenes infection. In conclusion, these findings suggest that infection with a frequently occurring environmental bacterium such as L. innocua, which is nonpathogenic and not adapted to intracellular replication, can contribute to the maintenance of memory T cells specific for a related intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

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