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Trigeminal ganglion neurons in adult rats adapt to periodic whisker deflections in the range of 1–40?Hz, manifested as a reduction in spike counts to progressively later stimuli in a train of pulsatile or sinusoidal deflections. For high velocity, pulsatile deflections, adaptation is time- and frequency-dependent; as in the case of thalamic and cortical neurons, adaptation is greater at higher stimulus frequencies. With slower velocity, sinusoidal movements, trigeminal ganglion cells differ from central neurons, however, by exhibiting strong adaptation even at low frequencies. For both types of stimuli, effects in trigeminal ganglion neurons were more pronounced in rats maintained during the recording session under neuromuscular blockade than in non-paralysed animals. Results are consistent with previous findings in other systems that frequency-dependent adaptation of cutaneous primary afferent neurons is affected by mechanical properties of the skin. Such effects are likely to vary depending on the nature of the whisker stimuli and physiological states that affect skin viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

Trigeminal ganglion cells supplying the cornea were traced with intra-axonally transported horseradish peroxidase and, subsequently studied for the presence of substance P-like immunoreactivity. Approximately 0%-30% of trigeminal ganglion cells contained immunoreactive substance P. These cells were of a small size (15-50 micrometers in diameter) and were distributed throughout the ganglion. The ganglion cells supplying the cornea were of a relatively small size as well but were confined to the anteromedial part of the ganglion. Some of these cells were found to contain immunoreactive substance P.  相似文献   

Summary Trigeminal ganglion cells supplying the cornea were traced with intra-axonally transported horseradish peroxidase and, subsequently studied for the presence of substance P-like immunoreactivity. Approximately 0%–30% of trigeminal ganglion cells contained immunoreactive substance P. These cells were of a small size (15–50 m in diameter) and were distributed throughout the ganglion. The ganglion cells supplying the cornea were of a relatively small size as well but were confined to the anteromedial part of the ganglion. Some of these cells were found to contain immunoreactive substance P.  相似文献   

目的:观察人胚胎三叉神经节细胞随胎龄增长变化发育规律.方法:取19-32周人胚胎三叉神经节,光镜观察,细胞计数,图像分析仪测量三叉神经节细胞面积、周长、直径.结果:随着胎龄增长三叉神经节细胞数目无显著性变化,直径随胎龄增长而增大,面积和周长明显增大.结论:人胚胎三叉神经节细胞形态发育在7-8个月(32周)时达成年水平.  相似文献   

目的:观察面神经节的形态结构,神经节细胞的分布以及三叉神经节之间的关系.方法:用罗非鱼,进行10%福尔马林灌注固定,观察面神经节的形态,位置及与三叉神经节之间的位置关系,取面神经节,三叉神经节,根及分支进行连续切片,利用计算机制作三维立体图像,再观察神经节细胞的分布.结果:①面神经节的形态接近圆形.②面神经节位于颅腔内而三又神经节位于眼眶与颅腔之间的骨组织中.③从面神经节发出的周围突通过三叉神经节,与三叉神经的分支伴行.④神经节细胞在神经节内成团分布.结论:罗非鱼面神经节位于颅腔内,在三又神经节的内侧.  相似文献   

Responses of cultured rat trigeminal ganglion neurons to bitter tastants   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Liu  L; Simon  SA 《Chemical senses》1998,23(2):125-130
The initial steps in taste and olfaction result from the activation by chemical stimuli of taste receptor cells (TRCs) and olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). In parallel with these two pathways is the chemosensitive trigeminal pathway whose neurons terminate in the oral and nasal cavities and which are activated by many of the same chemical stimuli that activate TRCs and ORNs. In a recent single unit study we investigated the responses of rat chorda tympani and glossopharnygeal neurons to a variety of bitter-tasting alkaloids, including nicotine, yohimbine, quinine, strychnine and caffeine, as well as capsaicin, the pungent ingredient in hot pepper. Here we apply many of these same compounds to cultured rat trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons and measure changes in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i to determine whether TG neurons will respond to these same compounds. Of the 89 neurons tested, 34% responded to 1 mM nicotine, 7% to 1 mM caffeine, 5% to 1 mM denatonium benzoate, 22% to 1 mM quinine hydrochloride, 18% to 1 mM strychnine and 55% to 1 microM capsaicin. These data suggest that neurons from the TG respond to the same bitter-tasting chemical stimuli as do TRCs and are likely to contribute information sent to the higher CNS regarding the perception of bitter/irritating chemical stimuli.   相似文献   

Satellite glial cells (SGCs), a peripheral neuroglial cell, surround neurons and form a complete envelope around individual sensory neurons in the trigeminal ganglia (TG), which may be involved in modulating neurons in inflammation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dental injury and inflammation on SGCs in the TG. Pulp exposure (PX) was performed on the first maxillary molar of 28 rats. The neurons innervating injured tooth in TG were labeled by the retrograde transport of fluoro-gold (FG). Specimens were collected at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after PX and stained immunohistochemically for glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), a marker of SGCs activation, in the TG. We observed that GFAP-immunoreactivity (IR) SGCs enclosed FG-labeled neurons increased in a time-dependent manner after PX. The neurons surrounded by GFAP-IR SGCs were mainly small and medium in size. The GFAP-IR SGCs encircled neurons increased significantly in the maxillary nerve region of the TG at 7–28 days following PX. The results show that dental injury and inflammation induced SGCs activation in the TG. It indicates that activation of SGCs might be implicated in the peripheral mechanisms of pain following dental injury and inflammation.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) are typically defined as cells with telopodes by their ultrastructural features. Their presence was reported in various organs, however little is known about their presence in human trigeminal ganglion. To address this issue, samples of trigeminal ganglia were tested by immunocytochemistry for CD34 and examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We found that TCs are CD34 positive and form networks within the ganglion in close vicinity to microvessels and nerve fibers around the neuronal–glial units (NGUs). TEM examination confirmed the existence of spindle-shaped and bipolar TCs with one or two telopodes measuring between 15 to 53 μm. We propose that TCs are cells with stemness capacity which might contribute in regeneration and repair processes by: modulation of the stem cell activity or by acting as progenitors of other cells present in the normal tissue. In addition, further studies are needed to establish if they might influence the neuronal circuits.  相似文献   

This report describes a simple in vitro method to harvest and study the electrophysiological properties of the trigeminal ganglion of the rat. In suction electrode recordings from the proximal nerve end, two distinct peaks are identified in the compound action potential evoked by electrical stimulation of the distal nerve. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), added to the perfusion fluid, caused a positive shift in the DC potential (depolarization) and a partially selective decrease in the amplitude of the slow-conduction peak. Reversible antagonism of the GABA effect by picrotoxin and bicuculline suggests that both responses are receptor mediated. There was no response to carbamazepine or L-baclofen, suggesting that ganglionic polarization does not play a major role in the action of these drugs in trigeminal neuralgia.  相似文献   

We used controlled whisker deflections to examine the response properties of 208 primary afferent neurons in the trigeminal ganglion of adult mice. Proportions of rapidly adapting (RA, 47%) and slowly adapting (SA, 53%) neurons were equivalent, and most cells had low or no spontaneous activity. We quantified angular tuning and sensitivity to deflection amplitude and velocity. Both RA and SA units fired more frequently to larger deflections and faster deflections, but RA units were more sensitive to differences in velocity whereas SA units were more sensitive to deflection amplitudes. Almost all neurons were tuned for deflection angle, and the average response to the maximally effective direction was more than fourfold greater than the average response in the opposite direction; SA units were more tuned than RA units. Responses of primary afferent whisker-responsive neurons are qualitatively similar to those of the rat. However, average firing rates of both RA and SA neurons in the mouse are less sensitive to differences in deflection velocity, and RA units, unlike those in the rat, display amplitude sensitivity. Subtle observed differences between mice and rats may reflect greater mechanical compliance in mice of the whisker hairs and of the tissue in which they are embedded.  相似文献   

We used controlled whisker deflections to examine the response properties of 208 primary afferent neurons in the trigeminal ganglion of adult mice. Proportions of rapidly adapting (RA, 47%) and slowly adapting (SA, 53%) neurons were equivalent, and most cells had low or no spontaneous activity. We quantified angular tuning and sensitivity to deflection amplitude and velocity. Both RA and SA units fired more frequently to larger deflections and faster deflections, but RA units were more sensitive to differences in velocity whereas SA units were more sensitive to deflection amplitudes. Almost all neurons were tuned for deflection angle, and the average response to the maximally effective direction was more than fourfold greater than the average response in the opposite direction; SA units were more tuned than RA units. Responses of primary afferent whisker-responsive neurons are qualitatively similar to those of the rat. However, average firing rates of both RA and SA neurons in the mouse are less sensitive to differences in deflection velocity, and RA units, unlike those in the rat, display amplitude sensitivity. Subtle observed differences between mice and rats may reflect greater mechanical compliance in mice of the whisker hairs and of the tissue in which they are embedded.  相似文献   

Summary The trigeminal ganglion of rat and guinea pig was studied for the presence of immunoreactive substance-P using fluorescence, light and electronmicroscopy. In untreated animals substance P containing cells, with a diameter of 15 to 50 m, were distributed throughout the ganglion and comprised 10–30% of all ganglion cells. Colchicine, injected intraventricularily to inhibit intra-axonal transport, had no effect on the number of substance P cells; but when the drug was injected directly into the posterior root of the ganglion, the proprotion of these cells increased to as much as 50%. In the electron microscope, immunoreactive substance-P was confined to ganglion cells classified as B type according to the arrangement of subcellular organelles, and to unmyelinated nerve fibers. Subcellularily the immunoreactivity appeared in cytoplasmic vesicles, as well as dispersed in the nerve fibers and the perikarya of neurons. The great number of substance P immunoreactive ganglion cells suggests that they do not comprise a well defined subpopulation of the B-cells.However, the immunoreactivity was restricted to a distinct ultrastructural type of neurons with unmyelinated nerve fibers, suggesting that they also may share some distinct functions.  相似文献   

Summary The immunohistochemical distribution of serotonin-like immunoreactivity (SER-LI) has been established in networks of fine nerve fibers which arborize and wind profusely between non-immunoreactive sensory neurons in the cat trigeminal ganglion. Some of the varicose nerve fibers surround occasional non-immunoreactive sensory neurons like a woven basket. None of the sensory neurons display SER-LI. An extrinsic origin of intraganglionic fine nerve fibers has been suggested.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

In primary sensory afferent neurons, Ca2+ plays a vital role in the regulation of cellular processes including receptor and synaptic plasticity, neurotransmitter and trophic factor release and gene regulation. Current understanding of the mechanisms underlying Ca2+ homeostasis of primary sensory afferent neurons is mostly derived from studies on dorsal root ganglia and nodose ganglia neuron cell bodies. Little is known about Ca2+ homeostasis in trigeminal ganglion neurons (TGNs). To determine what cellular processes contribute to electrically-evoked Ca2+ transients in TGNs, we probed Ca2+ regulatory mechanisms in TGN cell bodies from the ophthalmic division with a panel of pharmacological reagents. Ca2+ transients were evoked in fura-2 loaded TGNs by depolarizing the plasma membrane with brief (500 ms) puffs of 50 mM KCl. Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA; 5 microM), an inhibitor of the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA), significantly decreased the peak amplitude, and slowed the decay, of the KCl-evoked Ca2+ transients in TGNs. The mitochondrial protonophore, carbonyl cyanide 3-chloro-phenylhydrazone (CCCP; 5 microM) significantly increased the peak amplitude of KCl-evoked Ca2+ transients. These data demonstrate that Ca2+ stores do play a major role in Ca2+ homeostasis in TGN cell bodies. To determine the role of the sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) in KCl-evoked Ca2+ transients in TGNs, we inhibited the exchanger with KB-R7943 (10 microM), or by replacing Na+ with Li+. NCX inhibition did not affect either the peak amplitude or the decay kinetics of the KCl-evoked Ca2+ transients. Therefore, the NCX does not play a significant role in removing cytosolic Ca2+ from TGNs. To test whether the plasma membrane calcium-ATPase (PMCA) contributes to Ca2+ extrusion, we inhibited its activity by a shift to alkaline pH (9.0). At pH 9.0, both the peak amplitude and decay time of the KCl-evoked Ca2+ transient were increased significantly. These data suggest that, in TGNs, the PMCA is the major mechanism for removing cytosolic Ca2+ following electrical activity.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical distribution of serotonin-like immunoreactivity (SER-LI) has been established in networks of fine nerve fibers which arborize and wind profusely between non-immunoreactive sensory neurons in the cat trigeminal ganglion. Some of the varicose nerve fibers surround occasional non-immunoreactive sensory neurons like a woven basket. None of the sensory neurons display SER-LI. An extrinsic origin of intraganglionic fine nerve fibers has been suggested.  相似文献   

Satellite glial cells (SGCs) tightly envelop the perikarya of primary sensory neurons in peripheral ganglion and are identified by their morphology and the presence of proteins not found in ganglion neurons. These SGC-unique proteins include the inwardly rectifying K(+) channel Kir4.1, the connexin-43 (Cx43) subunit of gap junctions, the purinergic receptor P2Y4 and soluble guanylate cyclase. We also present evidence that the small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel SK3 is present only in SGCs and that SGCs divide following nerve injury. All the above proteins are involved, either directly or indirectly, in potassium ion (K(+)) buffering and, thus, can influence the level of neuronal excitability, which, in turn, has been associated with neuropathic pain conditions. We used in vivo RNA interference to reduce the expression of Cx43 (present only in SGCs) in the rat trigeminal ganglion and show that this results in the development of spontaneous pain behavior. The pain behavior is present only when Cx43 is reduced and returns to normal when Cx43 concentrations are restored. This finding shows that perturbation of a single SGC-specific protein is sufficient to induce pain responses and demonstrates the importance of PNS glial cell activity in the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

目的:应用逆行追踪法研究罗非鱼三叉神经节细胞体在神经节内的分布特征.方法:罗非鱼浸入140mg/L三卡因间氨苯酸乙脂甲磺酸盐{tricaine methanesulfonate(MS222)}溶液中麻醉,在手术显微镜下暴露神经,通过生物胞素(Biocytin)结晶逆行追踪技术研究定位硬骨鱼类三叉神经节内细胞体的位置.结果:①眼神经、上颌神经、下颌神经的神经节细胞胞体分别位于同侧三又神经节的背侧部、中间部和腹侧部.②上颌神经和下颌神经的细胞在神经节内存在着重叠.结论:罗非鱼三叉神经节细胞在神经节内具有局在性分布.  相似文献   

Neonatal transection results in a marked reduction of the number of trigeminal (V) ganglion cells that contribute axons to the regenerate infraorbital nerve (ION; Jacquin and Rhoades, 1985; Chiaia et al., 1987). Such lesions also produce a profound deafferentation of the V brain stem complex that appears to spare the innervation of layers I and II of subnucleus caudalis (SpC) by substance-P-positive (SP-positive) primary afferents (Jacquin and Rhoades, 1985; Rhoades et al., 1988). In the present study, we combined retrograde tracing with immunocytochemistry to determine whether neonatal transection of the ION alters the percentage of SP-positive V ganglion cells that contribute axons to this V branch upon regeneration. In V ganglia ipsilateral to the intact ION (n = 8), 11.6% +/- 3.2% of the cells labeled after application of true blue (TB) to the ION were also SP-positive. In ganglia ipsilateral to the neonatally damaged nerve (n = 8), 18.6% +/- 4.7% of the cells labeled after application of TB to the regenerate ION were also SP-positive (p less than 0.001). We also compared the SP content of intact ganglia (n = 10) with that of ganglia ipsilateral to the damaged nerve (n = 10) by means of radioimmunoassay. The normal V ganglia contained (mean +/- SD) 3496 +/- 774 pg SP/mg protein. The value for the ganglia ipsilateral to the damaged nerve was 5533 +/- 1746 pg SP/mg protein (p less than 0.01). There was no significant difference between SP levels on the control and partially deafferented sides of the brain stem in neonatally nerve-damaged adult rats. In one additional experiment, we injected TB into both vibrissa pads of seven rats on the day of birth prior to transection of the ION. After an 8-hr delay, the nerve on one side was then cut and allowed to regenerate, and both V ganglia were then processed for immunocytochemistry. On the nerve-damage side, 25.8% of the TB-labeled cells were SP-positive. The value for the intact side was 12.0% (p less than 0.000001). This result demonstrated that the lesion-induced change in the percentage of SP-positive ION cells was not the result of either late-growing axons from SP-positive ganglion cells that may have been missed by our nerve cuts or collateral sprouting into the regenerate ION by undamaged SP-positive ganglion cells.  相似文献   

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