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The submersed macrophyte communities of nine high-altitude oligotrophic lakes in the Adirondack Mountain region of upstate New York were characterized in detail in terms of percent cover of each species. The pH of these clear-water lakes ranged from 6.9 to 4.4 and the acid neutralizing capacity ranged from 91 μeq 1?1 to ?38 μeq l?1. The degree of acidity covaried with lower total ion content and nutrient status. The dominant species in the circumneutral lakes and in the acidic lakes were the same, with several Utricularia species being the major component of the bottom cover. Species richness and diversity were lower in the acidic lakes (pH < 5.5). The plants found in the acidic lakes were typical of oligotrophic systems in general, regardless of pH, and similar to those found in lake surveys in Scandinavia and Eastern Canada. Potamogeton confervoides Reichenb., Scirpus subterminalis Torr., Sphagnum spp. and Utricularia geminiscapa Benj. were the only species that were primarily exclusive to the acidic lakes surveyed. In contrast to the results of Scandinavian studies, Sphagnum was found to be a major component of the plant cover in only two of the five acidic lakes.  相似文献   

The submerged aquatic vascular vegetation was studied in the Finger Lakes and in two bays of Lake Ontario in northern New York State, U.S.A. The species composition, structure and biomass of the communities are related to the principal habitat factors such as trophic status of the lakes, bottom slope and substrate, current and stream effects, and depth. A record of the development of changes in the trophic status of the lakes and in the species composition of their submerged vascular vegetation is outlined. An attempt is made to assess the effects of catastrophic events (floods and cloudbursts in the watershed) on the lake vegetation.  相似文献   

Kelley  R. H.  Jack  J. D. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,482(1-3):41-47
Litter decomposition in temporary aquatic environments has not been experimentally studied as much as it has in perennial systems. However, litter is likely a critical resource for organisms inhabiting ephemeral aquatic habitats. In this study, we used litterbags under different conditions of submergence and water physical and chemical properties/characteristics to study mass and nutrient losses of terrestrial materials in an ephemeral karst lake in south-central Kentucky (USA). In the first experiment, which was designed to compare decomposition rates in submerged and dry sites, total mass and carbon declined more rapidly in the litter at fully submerged sites than in dry sites. In the second experiment, which was designed to compare decomposition rates in two different submerged environments, total mass and carbon showed similar decomposition trends between the two submerged areas with different seasonal temperature patterns. Nitrogen patterns were variable but in general nitrogen levels increased in the litter in both experiments over a period of several months. These results are similar to those found in some perennially inundated systems and indicate that litter decomposition dynamics in this temporary lake can be greatly affected by lake hydrology. Year-to-year variations in hydrology may thus have strong impacts on nutrient and energy release within this system, which may affect the organisms within this karst lake and in other areas of the karst ecosystem that are ecologically connected to it.  相似文献   

Diatoms were examined in surface sediments collected from 43 lakes throughout New York State to determine the interrelationships among the abundances of various diatom taxa,' lake productivity and lake morphometry. Diatom ratios, including the A/C, C/P and five new quotients, were not well correlated with lake productivity, probably because of the diversity of the taxa which they employ. The abundance of individual genera or combinations of genera were better indicators of productivity. Cyclotella was the best single indicator of productivity being most abundant in low productivity lakes. Several fairly distinct diatom associations were identified by correlations between all possible pairs of diatom taxa. Finally, lake productivity was found to be significantly correlated with morphometry, being highest in small/shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Turner  R. E.  Dortch  Q.  Justic'  D.  Swenson  E. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,487(1):137-152
We constructed a nitrogen loading budget for the Lake Pontchartrain watershed located north of New Orleans, Louisiana (U.S.A.). Water quality measurements, discharge estimates, and literature values were used to establish the annual and seasonal variations in loading rates for total nitrogen and nitrate. The relatively stable annual loadings (million kg N) are about 10× that of the pre-settlement nitrogen loading, and come from atmosphere (1.3), the watershed (7.8), pumped urban runoff from New Orleans (1.0), and leakage through the Bonnet Carré flood control structure (0.5–0.9). Relatively minor additional amounts come from nitrogen fixation in the Lake. Occasional openings of the Bonnet Carré Spillway (for flood protection) could triple the annual average loading within 1–2 months. Proposed smaller diversions (for wetland restoration) could raise present N loadings by 50%. The results of water quality management, flood protection and wetland restoration may thus have conflicting effects on the Lake's phytoplankton community, which is primarily nitrogen limited. Lowering the total nitrogen loading, however, seems quite possible, especially given that the present loadings are almost all reducible through existing technology, especially sewerage treatment. The analysis demonstrates that the consequences of ecosystem restoration efforts, continued population growth and flood protection to estuarine nitrogen budgets are intertwined with each other, have a seasonal component, and are changing as policies evolve.  相似文献   

Ping Xu  Laura G. Leff 《Hydrobiologia》2004,522(1-3):329-335
To examine spatial differences in bacterial communities along the Mahoning River in Northeast Ohio (USA), sediment samples were collected on two dates from three sites. Downstream portions (sites 2 and 3, in this study) of the Mahoning River have been highly impacted by human activities. Two approaches were used to characterize the bacterial community: fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with taxon specific probes and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Bacterial numbers (per g ash free dry mass), based on staining with DAPI (4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) or FISH with Domain Bacteria, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus or Pseudomonas putida-specific probes, were higher at the most upstream site (site 1) compared to the more disturbed downstream sites (sites 2 and 3). In addition, the number of bands based on DGGE was higher at the upstream site (site 1) compared to the two downstream sites (2 and 3) during spring. However, in summer, the number of bands was similar among sites and the most upstream (1) and the middle site (2) had the same average number of bands. In spring, the percent similarity (based on the presence/absence of bands) among the three sites was relatively low compared to summer. In general, differences in the bacterial community were found among the sites with differing levels of anthropogenic disturbance but varied between the two dates examined.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,29(2):177-194
The distributional patterns of 38 species of submersed macrophytes were studied at 50 sites in the littoral periphery of Lake George, New York. Density measurements (plants per square meter) for each species at depths of 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 m were determined at transects at each site and converted to midsummer shoot biomass estimates (grams dry mass per square meter). These data were then analyzed in terms of 13 different physical, chemical and biological variables to evaluate probable major factors controlling distribution within the lake. Ordination and factor analysis indicated that depth, substrate type and eutrophication status were primary correlative factors. Four major depth classes were evident from cluster analysis of presence-absence data: shallow water, deep water, and cosmopolitan, both with and without preference for deeper waters. Cluster analysis also identified the co-occurrence of several plant species. Geographical grouping of the 50 sites into the various basins of the lake demonstrated important compositional trends in species diversity and dominance within the lake itself. The competitional strategies, ecological requirements and species characteristics are described.  相似文献   

The mid-summer phytoplankton communities of more than 100 Adirondack lakes ranging in pH from 4.0 to 7.2 were characterized in relation to 25 physical-chemical parameters. Phytoplankton species richness declined significantly with increasing acidity. Acidic lakes (pH < 5.0) averaged fewer than 20 species while more circumneutral waters (pH > 6.5) averaged more than 33 species. Phytoplankton abundance was not significantly correlated with any of the measured physical-chemical parameters, but standing crop parameters, i.e., chlorophyll a and phytoplankton biovolume, did correlate significantly with several parameters. Midsummer standing crop correlated best with total phosphorus concentration but acidity status affected the standing crop-phosphorus relationship. Circumneutral waters of low phosphorus content, i.e. < 10 µg·1–1 TP, averaged 3.62 µg·1–1 chlorophyll a whereas acidic lakes of the same phosphorus content averaged only 1.96 µg·1–1 chlorophyll a. The midsummer chlorophyll content of lakes of high phosphorus content, i.e. > 10 µg·1–1 TP, was not significantly affected by acidity status.Adirondack phytoplankton community composition changes with increasing acidity. The numbers of species in midsummer collections within all major taxonomic groups of algae are reduced with increasing acidity. The midsummer phytoplankton communities of acidic Adirondack lakes can generally be characterized into four broad types; 1) the depauperate clear water acid lake assemblage dominated by dinoflagellates, 2) the more diverse oligotrophic acid lake community dominated by cryptomonads, green algae, and chrysophytes, 3) the productive acid lake assemblage dominated by green algae, and 4) the chrysophyte dominated community. The major phytoplankton community types of acid lakes are associated with different levels of nutrients, aluminum concentrations, and humic influences.  相似文献   

Long Lake, Colorado, at an altitude of 3209 m, is oligotrophic and has an annual ice cover of 240 days. Greatest phytoplankton biomass (mostly μ-algae) was attained in April and May under thick ice and snow. The Zooplankton was sparse; Cyclops was most abundant in winter, but cladocerans and rotifers had no seasonal maxima. The lake had a total water replacement of 38.7 times per year. Heavy June runoff flushes cut more than 99% of the plankton. On an annual basis, about twice as much plankton biomass is lost through the outlet as comes in through the inlet. Total monthly organic seston sedimentation (fallout) rates for the whole lake ranged from 16.1 kg in October to 730.8 kg in June. Total annual seston production (balance) was 8.0 g organic matter or 4.24 g carbon/m2.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years of data on asthmatic attacks in New Orleans (covering approximately 170,000 asthma attacks) have been analyzed to identify asthma epidemic days, defined as days on which an unusually high number of asthmatic individuals had attacks. Similar data covering three years was obtained for New York City. A preliminary examination of detailed meteoroligical data revealed a consistent meteorological pattern preceding and associated with such asthma epidemic days which consisted of a cold front preceding an asthma epidemic by one to three days followed by a high pressure system. The significance of these meteorological findings and their relationship to other environmental agents such as natural or man-made atmospheric pollutants that are likely to be associated with asthma attacks will be discussed.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

Big Soda Lake is an alkaline, saline lake with a permanent chemocline at 34.5 m and a mixolimnion that undergoes seasonal changes in temperature structure. During the period of thermal stratification, from summer through fall, the epilimnion has low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients (N, Si) and CH4, and low biomass of phytoplankton (chlorophyll a ca. 1 mgm -3). Dissolved oxygen disappears near the compensation depth for algal photosynthesis (ca. 20 m). Surface water is transparent so that light is present in the anoxic hypolimnion, and a dense plate of purple sulfur photosynthetic bacteria (Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata) is present just below 20 m (Bchl a ca. 200 mgm-3). Concentrations of N H4 +, Si, and CH4 are higher in the hypolimnion than in the epilimnion. As the mixolimnion becomes isothermal in winter, oxygen is mixed down to 28 m. Nutrients (NH4 +, Si) and CH4 are released from the hypolimnion and mix to the surface, and a diatom bloom develops in the upper 20 m (chlorophyll a > 40 mgm-3). The deeper mixing of oxygen and enhanced light attenuation by phytoplankton uncouple the anoxic zone and photic zone, and the plate of photosynthetic bacteria disappears (Bchl a ca.10mgm-3). Hence, seasonal changes in temperature distribution and mixing create conditions such that the primary producer community is alternately dominated by phytoplankton and photosynthetic bacteria: the phytoplankton may be nutrient-limited during periods of stratification and the photosynthetic bacteria are light-limited during periods of mixing.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. During the summer of 1987 we conducted an acidification experiment using large enclosure at Emerald Lake, a dilute, high-elevation lake in the Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A. The experiment was designed to examine the effects of acidification on the zooplankton and zoobenthos assemblages of Sierran lakes.
2. Treatments consisted of a control (pH 6.3) and pH levels of 5.8, 5.4, 5.3, 5.0 and 4.7; each treatment was run in triplicate. The experiment lasted 35 days.
3. The zooplankton assemblage was sensitive to acidification. Daphnia rosea Sars emend. Richard and Diaptomns signicauda Lilljeborg decreased in abundance below pH 5.5–5.8, and virtually disappeared below pH 5.0. Bosmina longirostris (Müller) and Keratella taurocephala Ahlstrom became more abundant with decreasing pH. although B. longirostris was rare in the pH 4.7 treatment. These species might serve as reliable indicators of early acidification in lakes such as Emerald Lake.
4. The elimination of D. rosea in acidified treatments probably allowed the more acid-tolerant taxa to increase in abundance because interspecific competition was reduced. Even slight acidification can therefore alter the structure of the zooplankton assemblage.
5. In contrast to the zooplankton, there was no evidence that the zoobenthos in the enclosures was affected by acidification.  相似文献   

Relatively minor annual amplitudes of change in certain major nutrients, and especially pH and water temperature were measured in the spring-fed system of Montezuma Well, Arizona during a four year study. phytoplankton diversity was low but for the most part, composition was spatially and temporally constant; total seasonal phytoplankton density was significantly correlated with regional incident light. Phytoplankton species composition changed briefly during and for a short period following the summer monsoon. Ultraplankton (<5 µm diam.) numerically comprised nearly 80% of the phytoplankton community throughout most of the year. The limited residence time of water in the Well may have provided a competitive advantage for cells with high surface area:volume ratios and correspondingly rapid division rates. Nannochloris bacillaris Naum. and Coccomyxa minor Skuja were perennial dominants. Diatom populations did not increase with annual increases in vernal solar radiation. Low pH, high dissolved CO2, and limited residence time for metabolic inhibitors are considered to be largely responsible for the reduced blue-green populations in the Well. The only flagellated photosynthetic group present in Montezuma Well was the Cryptophyta. Desmid populations were minimal, even though pH was consistently below circumneutral (6.5) and free CO2 concentrations high. The role of grazing by an amphipod, Hyalella montezuma, on annual phytoplankton abundance is examined.  相似文献   

The abundance patterns of four species of net-spinning caddisflies (Trichoptera : Hydropsychidae) were studied in a Montana (U.S.A.) lake outlet stream. Total Hydropsychidae reached very high densities (X > 1400 / 0.2 m2) near the lake outfall but declined precipitously downstream. Abundance patterns generally agree with a published model of filter-feeder / seston interactions in lake outlets. Larval densities were greater on moss-covered substrates and one species occupied habitats of lower water velocity compared to other species. Seston concentrations increased downstream contrary to expectation. Nutrient quality of seston may be important in predicting abundance of stream filter-feeders.  相似文献   

The Middle Ordovician Harding Sandstone in Colorado, U.S.A. is the oldest formation known to have an environment rich in vertebrate fossils. In order to study the palaeoecology of these oldest vertebrates, a detailed analysis of both the sediments and the associated invertebrate fauna was made. Undulatory quartz, sandstone mineralogy, geochemistry, trace fossils, and ecological implications of the invertebrate fossils have been studied. The type of environment is not a typical one, but was probably a shallow-water marine (intertidal, or shallow subtidal), in a lagoon-like or estuarine—deltaic habitat, with changing salinity, and a generally warm climate.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1986,24(1):91-95
Macrophyte communities of 2 pairs of oligotrophic head-water lakes of different acidity were described. The acidic lakes had fewer species of macrophytes than the circumneutral lakes. Biomass in the circumneutral lakes ranged from 14.0 to 157.86 g m−2; values for the acidic lakes were intermediate (33.8 and 74.6 g m−2).  相似文献   

A new species of Mallomonas, M. connensis sp. nov., is described from a eutrophic locality in Connecticut, U.S.A. with a relatively high pH and specific conductance. Cells are covered with bristles and have scales that are orientated with their longitudinal axes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cell. Each scale of the apical ring is highly asymmetrical with a forward projecting triangular shaped extension; collectively the extensions form an opening through which the flagellum emerges. Body scales possess a prominent Ushaped ridge that transverses the scale near the center and extends forward. A series of more or less concentric ribs cover the U-shaped ridge and dome, and circumscribe a more light and electron transparent region. The combination of characters of the bristles is unique among taxa of Mallomonas .  相似文献   

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