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A 1.2 km2 meadow of Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog was found at Pto. Aldea, Bahia Tongoy, 60 km south of Coquimbo, 30°S on the coast of Chile. This provides documented evidence of seagrass occurrence on the west coast of South America. Since H. tasmanica is widespread throughout southern Australia, the Chilean stock represents a highly disjunct population. It appears from several growth parameters (density, leaf biomass, leaf area index, specific leaf area, δ 13C) that the H. tasmanica meadow at Pto. Aldea is very similar to those found in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The component hydrocarbons, sterols, alcohols, monocarboxylic, α, ω-dicarboxylic and ω-hydroxy acids of the seagrasses Posidonia australis and Heterozostera tasmanica and a sample of P. australis detritus are reported. The fresh leaves of P. australis and P. australis detritus are characterized by a distinctive distribution of solvent-extractable long-chain monocarboxylic, α, ω-dicarboxylic and ω-hydroxy acids. This distinctive pattern should enable these lipid components along with other distinctive components to be used as chemical markers of the seagrass P. australis. H. tasmanica is characterized by (1) higher relative concentrations of 16:2ω6 and 16:3ω3 than P. australis, (2) the absence of the distinctive distribution pattern of long-chain monocarboxylic and ω-hydroxy acids observed for P. australis, (3) the absence of α, ω-diacids and (4) a lower absolute concentration of ω-hydroxy acids than P. australis.  相似文献   

The role of fish predation in structuring assemblages of fish over unvegetated sand and seagrass was examined using enclosure and exclusion cages to manipulate the abundance of predatory fish from November 1998 to January 1999. In our exclusion experiment, piscivorous fish were excluded from patches of unvegetated sand and seagrass to measure how they altered abundances of small fishes, i.e., fish <10 cm in length. Habitats from which piscivorous fish were excluded contained more small fish than those with partial cages, which in turn contained more fish than uncaged areas. These patterns were consistent between unvegetated sand and seagrass areas, although the relative differences between predator treatments varied with habitat. Overall, small fish were more abundant in unvegetated sand than seagrass. Atherinids and syngnathids were the numerically dominant families of small fish and varied in complex ways amongst habitats and cage treatments. The abundance of atherinids varied inconsistently between cage treatments through time. Only during the final two sampling times did the abundance of atherinids vary significantly across cage treatments. Syngnathids were strongly associated with seagrass and were significantly more abundant in caged than uncaged habitats. In our enclosure experiment, five individuals of a single species of transient piscivorous fish, Western Australian salmon (Arripidae: Arripis truttacea Cuvier), were enclosed in cages to provide an estimate of the potential for this species to impact on small fish. The abundance of small fish varied significantly between cage treatments. Small fish were more abundant in enclosure cages and exclusion cages than uncaged areas; however, there was no difference in the abundance of small fish in enclosure cages and partial cages, and no difference between exclusion cages and partial cages. These patterns were consistent amongst habitats. Atherinids and syngnathids were again the numerically dominant families of small fish; atherinids varied more with cage structure while syngnathids did not vary statistically between cages, blocks (locations within which a single replicate of each cage treatment was applied) or habitats. Dietary analysis of caged A. truttacea demonstrated the potential for this species to influence the assemblage structure of small fish through predation - atherinids were consumed more frequently in unvegetated sand than seagrass, and syngnathids were consumed only in seagrass, where they are most abundant. Observations of significant cage or predation effects depended strongly on the time at which sampling was undertaken. In the case of the atherinids, no predation or cage effects were observed during the first two sampling times, but cage effects and predation effects strongly influenced abundances of fish during the third and fourth sampling times, respectively. Our study suggests that transient piscivorous fish may be important in structuring assemblages of small fish in seagrass and unvegetated sand, and seagrass beds may provide a refuge to fishes. But the importance of habitat complexity and predation, in relation to the potentially confounding effects of cage structure, depends strongly on the time at which treatments are sampled, and the periodicity and multiplicity of sampling should be considered in future predation studies.  相似文献   

Chile''s long term social policy has produced very impressive outcomes in general health indicators, with a national health service established as early as 1952. During the years of the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-89) public health institutions were greatly affected, with sharp diminution in financing which affected investment and salaries. The democratic government initiated in 1990 faced a difficult situation, with underpaid staff and decrepit hospitals. The ministry took immediate action to improve salaries and start an ambitious health sector reform including investment in infrastructure, technology, and modern management. Decentralisation and autonomy, changes in payment for service mechanisms, and a public-private mix are the main objectives of this reform, keeping the public role as predominant in the proposed structure. This process has been affected by union unrest and public opinion dissatisfaction, which tend to present obstacles to progress in this complicated issue.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the use of Illumina high-throughput sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) amplicons to explore microbial diversity and community structure in raw and secondary treated wastewater (WW) samples from four municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs A–D) across Australia. Sequence reads were analyzed to determine the abundance and diversity of bacterial communities in raw and secondary treated WW samples across the four WWTPs. In addition, sequence reads were also characterized to phenotypic features and to estimate the abundance of potential pathogenic bacterial genera and antibiotic-resistant genes in total bacterial communities. The mean coverage, Shannon diversity index, observed richness (S obs), and abundance-based coverage estimate (ACE) of richness for raw and secondary treated WW samples did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) among the four WWTPs examined. Generally, raw and secondary treated WW samples were dominated by members of the genera Pseudomonas, Arcobacter, and Bacteroides. Evaluation of source contributions to secondary treated WW, done using SourceTracker, revealed that 8.80–61.4% of the bacterial communities in secondary treated WW samples were attributed to raw WW. Twenty-five bacterial genera were classified as containing potential bacterial pathogens. The abundance of potentially pathogenic genera in raw WW samples was higher than that found in secondary treated WW samples. Among the pathogenic genera identified, Pseudomonas and Arcobacter had the greatest percentage of the sequence reads. The abundances of antibiotic resistance genes were generally low (<0.5%), except for genes encoding ABC transporters, which accounted for approximately 3% of inferred genes. These findings provided a comprehensive profile of bacterial communities, including potential bacterial pathogens and antibiotic-resistant genes, in raw and secondary treated WW samples from four WWTPs across Australia and demonstrated that Illumina high-throughput sequencing can be an alternative approach for monitoring WW quality in order to protect environmental and human health.


In addition to the previously characterized amentoflavone and dihydroamentoflavone, two further biflavonoids have been identified from Isophysis tasmanica: hinokiflavone and podocarpusflavone A. This is the first time these two biflavonoids have been found in the monocotyledons. Amentoflavone has also been discovered in Xerophyta plicata; this constitutes the first record of biflavonoids in Velloziaceae.  相似文献   

West  John A.  Zuccarello  Giuseppe C.  Karsten  Ulf 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):277-282
The red alga Stictosiphonia hookeri is epilithic in shaded habitats of the upper intertidal zone from 30 to 55° S. Thalli of this species from Argentina, Chile, South Africa and Australia, usually without reproductive structures when collected, all developed tetrasporangia in culture. Although good vegetative growth occurred in all nine isolates at 20–25 °C, 12:12 light: dark cycle, 10–30 µmol photons m–2 s–1, none reproduced in these conditions except one isolate from Australia. At 15 °C the four South African (34 °S) isolates developed tetrasporangial stichidia, and three completed a Polysiphonia-type life history. Gametophytes were unisexual or bisexual. At 15 °C one isolate from Chile (36 °S) formed tetrasporangia, but sporelings were not viable. At 10 °C isolates from Argentina and Chile (53 °S and 54 °S) formed tetrasporangia; however, only the Chile isolate completed a Polysiphonia-type life history with unisexual gametophytes. The temperature required to induce sporogenesis correlates with the range of water and air temperatures in the natural habitats of each isolate. In irradiances >50 µmol m–2 s–1 the thalli became yellow- brown within two weeks because of phycobiliprotein loss, but this did not impair growth or reproduction. The Argentina and Chile isolates were resistant to freezing in seawater for at least two days, showing no cell damage. The protein cuticle of the outer cell wall is repeatedly shed in culture. This may serve to minimize the attachment of epiphytes in the field.  相似文献   

We investigated how lichen carbon-based secondary compounds (CBSCs) affect abundance of invertebrates in five lichen species growing on the forest floor (Cladonia rangiferina, Cladonia stellaris) or on tree trunks (Evernia prunastri, Hypogymnia physodes, Pseudevernia furfuracea). To do this, CBSCs were removed by rinsing lichen thalli in acetone (which has no adverse effects on the lichens) and the lichens were re-transplanted in their natural habitat. After 4 months there was higher abundance of mites, springtails and spiders in the three epiphytic lichens that had their CBSC concentrations reduced. The increase in predatory spiders following CBSC reduction suggests that the compounds have multitrophic consequences. The acetone treatment reduced the number of nematodes in four of the lichen species. Given that lichens serve as important habitats for a diverse range of invertebrates, increased knowledge of how lichen CBSCs may regulate their abundance helps us to better understand the role that lichens and their defence compounds play in structuring forest food webs.  相似文献   

Pignatti  Erika  Pignatti  Sandro  Ladd  Philip G. 《Plant Ecology》2002,163(2):177-186
A comparison between fire-prone ecosystems in the Mediterranean basin and Western Australia shows convergent adaptations in structure, life forms and flora evolution. Both areas have in common summer drought and winter rainfall. Reproductive biology is mainly correlated with fire ecology; the different length of human impact and history seem to be responsible for floristic divergency in both areas. The ecological significance of pollination by insects, birds and mammals and problems of the seed banks are discussed.  相似文献   

Haworth  E. Y.  Tyler  P. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):49-56
A species of Cyclotella with an elliptical valve outline has been found in several Tasmanian lakes and is herein described and named C. tasmanica nov. sp. Morphologically, it is similar to C. stelligera and, to a lesser extent, to C. radiosa. The valve has coarse, clearly alveolate, marginal striae and a central rosette. Unlike other elliptical forms, the central area is always more or less circular. The nearest similar species is C. rhomboideo-elliptica.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A comparative analysis by using static headspace (HS) and steam distillation (SD) GC-MS of the volatile and the semi-volatile secondary metabolites from leaves of cultivated Majorana syriaca. METHODS: The essential oils endogenous to cultivated thyme were isolated and identified by HS-GC-MS technology and compared to those from SD-GC-MS. RESULTS: The HS-GC-MS results showed that the Palestinian cultivated thyme is rich in monoterpene hydrocarbons and phenolic monoterpenes such as alpha-phellandrene, alpha-pinene, beta-myrcene, m-cymene, p-cymene, gamma-terpinene, thymol and carvacrol. In all the samples gamma-terpinene, p-cymene, thymol and carvacrol were the most abundant compounds. CONCLUSIONS: HS and SD-GC-MS have proved that most of the cultivated thyme samples examined has thymol isomer as the major phenolic constituent.  相似文献   

Natural ecosystems provide services to agriculture such as pest control, soil nutrients, and key microbial components. These services and others in turn provide essential elements that fuel biomass productivity. Responsible agricultural management and conservation of natural habitats can enhance these ecosystem services. Vineyards are currently driving land‐use changes in many Mediterranean ecosystems. These land‐use changes could have important effects on the supporting ecosystems services related to the soil properties and the microbial communities associated with forests and vineyard soils. Here, we explore soil bacterial and fungal communities present in sclerophyllous forests and organic vineyards from three different wine growing areas in central Chile. We employed terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T‐RFLP) to describe the soil microbial communities inhabiting native forests and vineyards in central Chile. We found that the bacterial community changed between the sampled growing areas; however, the fungal community did not differ. At the local scale, our findings show that fungal communities differed between habitats because fungi species might be more sensitive to land‐use change compared to bacterial species, as bacterial communities did not change between forests and vineyards. We discuss these findings based on the sensitivity of microbial communities to soil properties and land‐use change. Finally, we focus our conclusions on the importance of naturally derived ecosystem services to vineyards.  相似文献   

Plant secondary compounds are recognized deterrents and toxins to a variety of herbivores. The effect of secondary compounds on water balance of herbivores is virtually unexplored, yet secondary compounds could potentially cause a decrease in an animal's ability to maintain water balance. We investigated the effects of secondary compounds, alpha-pinene and creosote resin, on water balance in three species of herbivorous woodrats (Neotoma stephensi, N. albigula, N. lepida). In separate experiments, we measured the effect of these secondary compounds on voluntary water consumption, urine volume and urine osmolarity. In both experiments, water intake and urine volume increased and urine osmolarity decreased compared to controls. Water balance of specialist or experienced woodrats was less affected than generalists and woodrats with less prior experience with particular secondary compounds. Our results suggest that secondary compounds have diuretic-like effects on herbivores. Woodrats live in arid habitats with limited access to freestanding water; thus an increase in water requirements may have profound consequences on foraging behavior and fitness.  相似文献   

Podospora selenospora sp. nov. isolated from soil in Chile is described and illustrated. It belongs to the group of Podospora species with cylindrical asci, and inequilateral or curved ascospores, with a small, quickly evanescent primary appendage and absence of secondary appendages.  相似文献   

Examination of 54 Triatoma infestans from a village near the European Southern Observatory La Silla in Chile and of 9 Triatoma spinolai from the territory of the observatory showed that 10 T. infestans were infected with trypanosomatids. Mice were infected with in vitro cultures initiated with five different trypanosomatid isolates and treated with the immunosuppressive drug cyclophosphamide to increase the parasitemia of the flagellates. Evidence of the presence of T. cruzi was provided by a comparative biometrical analysis of blood trypomastigotes and the occurrence of intracellular amastigotes. Three methods for further identification were used: examination of kDNA ultrastructure, disc electrophoresis of soluble proteins and the Aaptos papillata II lectin induced agglutination. We obtained the following results for all isolates: (1) presence of a central band of the kDNA; (2) T. cruzi specific double bands of the protein patterns; (3) positive reaction with Aaptos papillata II. No differences between the five isolates from Chile and T. cruzi or T. cruzi-like strains from other countries could be observed. Based on these results an infection of the bugs with T. rangeli and T. conorhini could be excluded.  相似文献   

This study aims to characterize salmonid manures and to determine their potential use in agricultural soils. Sampling was carried out below salmon and trout cages in farms located in lakes and in the sea in the South of Chile during 2002-2003. Manure was analyzed for macronutrients, micronutrients and heavy metals. Results showed a high variability between samples and differences between sea and lake manure. Dry matter contents were low averaging c. 12-15%. Manures showed low OM contents with values 相似文献   

Following mineral sand mining near Eneabba, southwestern Australia, rehabilitation managers have the difficult task of restoring shrubland communities of exceptional plant species richness. Species diversity, composition, structure, and key functional attributes in four mined sites rehabilitated 8 (R8) to 24 (R24) years ago were compared with those of typical nearby natural areas classified on the basis of substrate type (Low and High sand Dunes, shallow sand Swales, sand over Laterite, and sand over Limestone). The rehabilitated sites (except R8) had more species (about 140) than natural sites (about 100) in 40 × 40–m plots, with 12–37% species in common with natural sites. Rehabilitated sites were more similar in composition to each other than they were to the natural sites, with two strong colonizers, the fire-killed Acacia blakelyi and the fire-tolerant Melaleuca leuropoma , universally present. Dendrograms and ordinations based on composition and cover showed that rehabilitated sites grouped with each other before they did with the Dune and Swale sites (physically closest), and last with the Laterite and Limestone sites. Plant densities for R16 and R24 were about half those of the High Dune and Limestone, and about a quarter those of the Swale and Laterite. Fire resprouters were under-represented in the rehabilitated sites. Growth form distribution in rehabilitated sites was most similar to those of the dunes, with some woody shrubs up to 2.5 m tall present. Total iron and soil hardness (penetrability) were the only soil factors consistently different (higher) in the rehabilitated sites.  相似文献   

During secondary succession on abandoned agricultural fields the diversity and abundance of insect communities often increases, whereas the performance and nutritional quality of early successional plants often declines. As the diversity and abundance of insects on a single plant are determined by characteristics of the environment as well as of the host plant, it is difficult to predict how insects associated with a single plant species will change during succession. We examined how plant characteristics of the early successional plant species ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris), and the herbivores and parasitoids associated with these plants change during secondary succession. In ten grasslands that differed in time since abandonment (3–26 years), we measured the size and primary and secondary chemistry of individual ragwort plants. For each plant we also recorded the presence of herbivores in flowers, leaves and stems, and reared parasitoids from these plant parts. Ragwort plants were significantly larger but had lower nitrogen concentrations in recently abandoned sites than in older sites. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) composition varied among plants within sites but also differed significantly among sites. However, there was no relationship between the age of a site and PA composition. Even though plant size decreased with time since abandonment, the abundance of stem-boring insects and parasitoids emerging from stems significantly increased with site age. The proportion of plants with flower and leaf herbivory and the number of parasitoids emerging from flowers and leaves was not related to site age. Parasitoid diversity significantly increased with site age. The results of our study show that ragwort and insect characteristics both change during secondary succession, but that insect herbivore and parasitoid abundances are not directly related to plant size or nutritional quality.  相似文献   

For many species, mating is a necessary yet costly activity. The costs involved can have an important influence on the evolution of life histories and senescence. Females of many species mate multiply, and this behaviour can inflict a longevity cost. Most studies investigating the effects of multiple mating on female survival have been conducted on insects, and the effects in other taxa are largely unknown. We investigate the effects of both a single mating and a second mating on longevity in female dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica), a species in which both sexes mate multiply. Through comparing the longevity of virgin, once‐mated and twice‐mated females, we found that a single mating reduced female life span by 15 days on average. A second mating resulted in an additional 8 day (on average) longevity cost, despite no difference in total clutch mass, number of clutches, single egg mass or number of eggs per clutch between once‐mated and twice‐mated females. This demonstrates a cost to multiple mating which may be independent of the cost of egg production. Furthermore, total clutch mass and female life span were positively correlated, whereas female life span decreased with increasing average water temperature. The presence of an additive effect of reproduction on longevity suggests that multiple mating in cephalopods may have benefits that outweigh these costs, or that there is a conflict in optimal mating frequency between males and females.  相似文献   

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