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The growth of Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitchell, as affected by phosphorus supply and water temperature, was studied in a greenhouse using controlled water temperature baths at 16, 19 and 22°C. For significant responses to the phosphorus treatments to be obtained it was found necessary to use P-deficient plant propagules (containing <0.01% P on a dry matter basis). For these plants the highest relative growth rate and dry matter production occurred at 22°C when they received 10.01 mg PO4P l?1, but this was not significantly different from that of plants receiving 1.01 mg PO4-P l?1. Over a period of 21 days for plants receiving 0.02 mg PO4 l?1 the biomass increased 4-fold at 19°C and 6-fold at 22°C. In contrast, for plants receiving 10.01 mg PO4-P l?1 biomass was increased 20-fold at 19°C and 32-fold at 22°C. At the latter temperature, when receiving 60.01 mg PO4-P l?1, plants concentrated up to 1.3% of phosphorus on a dry matter basis, suggesting a possible use as a biological filter and purifier of contaminated waters.  相似文献   

Growth models have been developed using data from recent greenhouse studies on the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and temperature on growth rates of Salvinia molesta Mitchell. Linear transformations were used for estimating Michaelis-Menten kinetic constants and a significant fit of the data was obtained. This has been confirmed by a comparison with field data. The growth models can be used for predicting the potential for Salvinia to remove nutrients from natural and polluted waters. Values thus obtained have a direct bearing on the design and costing of waste-water treatment ponds using Salvinia. Also, by predicting growth rates at particular temperatures and nutrient levels, the likelihood of successful control by biological agents can be assessed.  相似文献   

The seasonal growth of Salvinia molesta Mitchell was recorded during the period March 1978 to April 1979 in floating quadrats established in Lake Moondarra and a nearby sewage lagoon. Primary-form plants were used as inoculum in the quadrats; leaf numbers, fresh weight and percentage cover changes were recorded. These three parameters were significantly correlated. The highest individual rates of increase recorded in the lagoon were 51.4% per day for percentage cover, 50.1% per day for leaf numbers and 38.3% per day for fresh weight. In the lake, the highest values were 19.0% per day, 25.7% per day and 16.6% per day, respectively. A simple growth model for this species, relating growth rate to water temperature, accounted for 76% of the observed variance in leaf number growth rates in the lagoon. The same model, however, only explained 5% of the variance in the lake, suggesting growth limitations by other factors.  相似文献   

The effects of light intensity and temperature on the growth of Salvinia molesta Mitchell were studied under shade and full sunlight conditions. Growth, in terms of increase in fresh weight and number of offshoots produced was significantly different (P<0.001) under the two light conditions; it was highest under shade during May–July, and in August–September under full sunlight. Mean relative growth rate (RGR) varied from 0.01 to 0.07 g g?1 day?1. Increase in the fresh weight had a significant positive nonlinear relationship with light intensity and atmospheric temperature. However, since there was a significant positive relationship between temperature and light intensity, it was not possible to separate their effects through regression analysis.  相似文献   

Release and evaluation studies of the Brazil population of Cyrtobagous salviniae on Salvinia molesta were conducted originally at 18 sites in Texas and Louisiana from 1999 through 2005. However, overall project results could only be continually evaluated at two release and two control sites because the remainder were eventually destroyed or corrupted by floods, droughts, or herbicides. Mean fresh weight biomass of S. molesta ranged from 15.5 kg FW m−2 during the summer to as low as 2.1 kg FW m−2 during the winter prior to the release of C. salviniae. Insect populations established within a year of release and initially spread slowly. Damage to S. molesta increased with increasing C. salviniae detections while S. molesta biomass and surface coverage declined at both release sites by more than 99% while remaining unchanged at the control sites. Water in release sites registered higher levels of dissolved oxygen, higher temperatures, and higher pH than water in control sites. This study provides another example of the effectiveness of C. salviniae against S. molesta even in more temperate climates.  相似文献   

Concentrations of major anions and cations and of NO3N, PO4P and total dissolved Fe are reported for 6 sites in southeast Queensland, Australia. Samples collected from a lake over 40 weeks showed that concentrations of N, P, K an Fe increase rapidly after rain, then decreased rapidly, probably due to uptake by Salvinia molesta Mitchell. Concentrations of Na, Ca, Cl and HCO3 increased slowly during a prolonged dry spell and decreased rapidly after heavy rain. Ionic concentrations in the lake and in streams were similar to those reported from waters infested with S. molesta elsewhere. Concentrations in a sewage lagoon were generally far higher, but there were no indications of toxicity. Comparisons with uninfested waters suggest that S. molesta has not yet occupied all Australian freshwaters suitable for it.  相似文献   

Aquatic ferns (AFs) such as Azolla filiculoides and Salvinia molesta are grown on swine lagoons in the tropics and used in diets for pigs. The present work is aimed at evaluating their potential as feed ingredients for sows. When presented with ad libitum AFs, gilts weighing 110 ± 14 kg (mean ± SD), were able to ingest 9.1–9.7 kg fresh AF per day (from 597 to 630 g dry matter (DM) per day) and from 1240 to 1428 g DM per day when presented in a dry, ground form. A digestibility study was conducted, using sows weighing 213 ± 9 kg (mean ± SD), which were fed diets containing maize, soybean meal and 0, 150 or 300 g AF kg−1 diet. The presence of AFs had a negative impact on the faecal digestibility of the crude protein, NDF and energy content of the whole diet (P<0.001) and on the ileal protein digestibility, especially with 300 g AFs kg−1 diet. The level of AFs in the diet had no effect on stomach weight (P>0.05) but increased the weight of the rest of the gastrointestinal tract (P<0.001). The rate of AF fibre fermentation in the pig large intestine was measured using an in vitro gas test. The rates were much lower than tropical tree foliage, which can also be used in pig diets in the tropics. This could partly explain the low apparent digestibility of AFs in pigs. In conclusion, the inclusion level of AFs in rations for sows should be limited to 150 g AFs kg−1 diet due to the low digestibility and energy density, as well as the negative impact on the digestibility of the whole diet.  相似文献   

Two experiments were done in Saxcil growth cabinets in order to investigate the effects of climatic factors and nitrogen nutrition on the growth, reproductive development and seed yield of soyabean cv. TK5. In the first, plants were grown to maturity in eight environments comprising all combinations of two short daylengths (11 h 40 min and 13 h 20 min), two day (27 and 33oC) and two night (19 and 24oC) temperatures. In the second, day temperature was kept at 33oC but the night temperature was varied (19 and 24oC) as was the mineral nitrogen supply (20 and 197 ppm N) to plants which were either inoculated or not with an effective single strain of Rhizobium. Taller, more branched, later flowering plants were produced in the longer daylength but seed yield was hardly affected because the components of yield did not all respond similarly. In the higher day temperature treatments seed yield per plant was reduced by half because all yield components were adversely affected - pods per plant by 34 %, mean seed dry weight by 24 % and seeds per pod just slightly. There was a marked effect of the higher night temperature which promoted early vegetative growth, induced early flowering and although the number of pods per plant was, overall, reduced by 48 %, seed yield per plant was little affected as mean seed dry weight was increased by 37 % and the number of seeds per pod was also increased slightly. Prior to flowering, nodulated plants obtained about two thirds of their total nitrogen requirement via direct uptake and one third through the symbiotic system. Vegetative dry weight and plant nitrogen content were increased by the higher mineral nitrogen level and, although height was slightly diminished, more branches were produced. Seed yield, however, was only slightly increased. These experiments have shown that night temperature is an environmental factor of major importance for the growth of this soyabean cultivar. They have provided, also, a more rational basis for interpreting seasonal variations in growth and seed yield of soyabean in the tropics where, clearly, day and night temperature effects can override those of daylength and nitrogen nutrition.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, light, and water activity (aw) on the growth and fumitremorgin production of a heat-resistant mold, Neosartorya fischeri, cultured on Czapek Yeast Autolysate agar (CYA) were studied for incubation periods of up to 74 days. Colonies were examined visually, and extracts of mycelia and CYA on which the mold was cultured were analyzed for mycotoxin content by high-performance liquid chromatography. Growth always resulted in the production of the tremorgenic mycotoxins verruculogen and fumitremorgins A and C. The optimum temperatures for the production of verruculogen and fumitremorgins A and C on CYA at pH 7.0 were 25, 30, and 37 degrees C, respectively. The production of fumitremorgin C by N. fischeri has not been previously reported. Fumitremorgin production was retarded at 15 degrees C, but an extension of the incubation period resulted in concentrations approaching those observed at 25 degrees C. Light clearly enhanced fumitremorgin production on CYA (pH 7.0, 25 degrees C), but not as dramatically as did the addition of glucose, fructose, or sucrose to CYA growth medium (pH 3.5, 25 degrees C). Growth and fumitremorgin production was greatest at aw of 0.980 on CYA supplemented with glucose or fructose and at aw of 0.990 on CYA supplemented with sucrose. Growth and fumitremorgin production were observed at aw as low as 0.925 on glucose-supplemented CYA but not at aw lower than 0.970 on CYA supplemented with sucrose. Verruculogen was produced in the highest amount on all test media, followed by fumitremorgin A and fumitremorgin C.  相似文献   

Growth, nodulation and N2 fixation inGlycine max L. Merr., cv. Biison as affected by the relative humidity of air (RH) during the dark period (95 or 50 – 65 %) and day/night root temperature (Tr) (28/28, 25/25, 18/18, 22/28, 22/18 °C) were studied. The growth parameters (plant fresh and dry mass, yield), nodulation (nodule number and fresh mass) and N2 fixation abilities (total nitrogen content, nitrogenase activity) increased significantly with the increasing Tr. In addition, at the same Tr during the day all studied parameters were increased at the higher Tr during the dark period. Growth, nodulation and N2 fixation were significantly enhanced at low RH. The findings indicate that all studied parameters could be regulated by environmental factors during the dark period.  相似文献   

The growth of 22 strains of Azolla pinnata R. Br., 3 strains of A. filiculoides Lam. and one strain each of A. mexicana Presl and A. caroliniana Willd. was tested separately in liquid culture media kept in controlled, artificial light (30 klux) growth cabinets. Three temperature levels were used: 33°C (37/29°C day/night), 29°C (33/25°C) and 22°C (26/18°C)/ Photoperiod was 12 h a day.For most A. pinnata strains (except three) and an A. mexicana strain the maximum weekly relative growth rate was higher at 33°C than at 22°C, but not for A. filiculoides and A. caroliniana. The highest value of maximum relative growth rate corresponded to 1.9 doubling days and in most strains this occurred in the first week. As the plants grew, the growth rate slowed down more severely at higher temperatures. The maximum biomass was higher at 22°C than at 33°C in all strains. At 22°C, it took 30–50 days to attain maximum biomass and the highest value was 14 g N m?2 or 320 g dry m?2 by A. caroliniana, followed by 12 g N m?2 or 290 g dry wt. m?2 by one strain of A. filiculoides. At 29°C, the maximum biomass was attained in 20–35 days. The highest value was 6.3 g N m?2 or 154 g dry wt. m?2 by A. caroliniana. At 33°C, most A. pinnata strains gave a maximum biomass of less than 4 g N m?2 after 13–23 days, while some strains grew up to 30 days, resulting in a higher maximum biomass. The highest maximum biomass at 33°C was 5.5 g N m?2 or 140 g m?2 dry wt. by A. pinnata from Cheng Mai while the maximum biomass of A. filiculoides and A. caroliniana was much less. Azolla filiculoides requires lower temperature than other species for its growth. Azolla pinnata has the best tolerance to high temperatures among the four species. Azolla mexicana could not be discriminated from A. pinnata in its response to temperature. Azolla caroliniana may keep an intermediate position between A. filiculoides and A. pinnata in temperature response.The formation of ammonia in the medium was examined and it occurred mostly under stationary growth conditions, but, at 33°C, some strains of A. pinnata and A. mexicana released or formed ammonia at 0.3–0.8 μg N ml?1 per week during their initial exponential growth stage.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the growth, morphological responses, and N uptake kinetics of Salvinia natans when supplied with nitrogen as NO3, NH4+, or both at equimolar concentrations (500 μM). Plants supplied with only NO3 had lower growth rates (0.17 ± 0.01 g g−1 d−1), shorter roots, smaller leaves with less chlorophyll than plants supplied with NH4+ alone or in combination with NO3 (RGR = 0.28 ± 0.01 g g−1 d−1). Ammonium was the preferred form of N taken up. The maximal rate of NH4+ uptake (Vmax) was 6–14 times higher than the maximal uptake rate of NO3 and the minimum concentration for uptake (Cmin) was lower for NH4+ than for NO3. Plants supplied with NO3 had elevated nitrate reductase activity (NRA) particularly in the roots showing that NO3 was primarily reduced in the roots, but NRA levels were generally low (<4 μmol NO2 g−1 DW h−1). Under natural growth conditions NH4+ is probably the main N source for S. natans, but plants probably also exploit NO3 when NH4+ concentrations are low. This is suggested based on the observation that the plants maintain high NRA in the roots at relatively high NH4+ levels in the water, even though the uptake capacity for NO3 is reduced under these conditions.  相似文献   

C. Sinclair 《Plant and Soil》1969,30(3):423-438
Summary In potassium-deficient barley, the arginine content was increased three-fold above that of controls, while the amines agmatine and putrescine (derived from arginine) increased about 10-fold and 40-fold respectively. From the 6th–7th leaf stage onwards, fluctuations in the level of putrescine were negatively correlated with changes in temperature, while those of arginine and agmatine level were positively correlated. Both a mass action effect of arginine and temperature-induced changes in enzyme activity are postulated as contributory factors towards putrescine accumulation.The youngest fully expanded leaves, which were normally used for analysis, had a lower amine content than older leaves, and a higher content than the stem and roots. Within a leaf, amines and aminoacids increased in concentration from the base to the tip, while potassium and phosphorus showed a gradient in the opposite direction.Mildew infection caused a significant increase in putrescine and agmatine (by about 100 and 50 per cent respectively) in leaves of potassium-deficient barley.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, light, and water activity (aw) on the growth and fumitremorgin production of a heat-resistant mold, Neosartorya fischeri, cultured on Czapek Yeast Autolysate agar (CYA) were studied for incubation periods of up to 74 days. Colonies were examined visually, and extracts of mycelia and CYA on which the mold was cultured were analyzed for mycotoxin content by high-performance liquid chromatography. Growth always resulted in the production of the tremorgenic mycotoxins verruculogen and fumitremorgins A and C. The optimum temperatures for the production of verruculogen and fumitremorgins A and C on CYA at pH 7.0 were 25, 30, and 37 degrees C, respectively. The production of fumitremorgin C by N. fischeri has not been previously reported. Fumitremorgin production was retarded at 15 degrees C, but an extension of the incubation period resulted in concentrations approaching those observed at 25 degrees C. Light clearly enhanced fumitremorgin production on CYA (pH 7.0, 25 degrees C), but not as dramatically as did the addition of glucose, fructose, or sucrose to CYA growth medium (pH 3.5, 25 degrees C). Growth and fumitremorgin production was greatest at aw of 0.980 on CYA supplemented with glucose or fructose and at aw of 0.990 on CYA supplemented with sucrose. Growth and fumitremorgin production were observed at aw as low as 0.925 on glucose-supplemented CYA but not at aw lower than 0.970 on CYA supplemented with sucrose. Verruculogen was produced in the highest amount on all test media, followed by fumitremorgin A and fumitremorgin C.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(2):127-138
Greenhouse and growth chamber studies were conducted to evaluate growth and N utilization by Typha latifolia L. in flooded organic soil under varying temperatures and rates of N additions. Elevation of temperature from 10 to 25°C increased shoot biomass yields by 275%. Root biomass yields were lowest at 10°C and increased linearly as a function of temperature. Shoot/root ratios were low (0.72–0.82) at lower temperatures (10–15°C) and ratios increased by about three times at higher temperatures (20–30°C). Biomass yields were increased by addition of N fertilizers, while the shoot/root ratios were directly related to plant-available N present in the soil.Fertilizer 15N uptake (expressed as % of applied N) by the whole plant was 5.3% at 10°C, 37.5% at 20°C and at 30°C decreased to 20.8%. Fertilizer N accumulation in shoots was 2.1–29.8% of applied N, while roots accumulated 3.2–7.7%. Under greenhouse conditions, N uptake by T. latifolia was found to increase with increased rate of N application. Fertilizer N uptake by both shoots and roots was in the range of 61–77%. Plants cultured in growth chambers were affected by low light conditions resulting in poor growth and low fertilizer 15N uptake, as compared to plants grown under greenhouse conditions. Added fertilizer N was the major source of N during the early part of the growing season, while soil organic N was the major and perhaps the sole source of N during the latter part of the growing season.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of phosphorus (P) and light on the physiological and morphological components of growth of young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Capita). The importance of dry‐mass partitioning and starch accumulation in explaining the effects of P limitation on growth was examined more closely. Plants were grown at a wide range of exponential P supply rates (between 70 and 320 mg g?1 d?1) and one free‐access treatment (1 mm ). Two light levels (70 and 300 µmol m?2 s?1) were applied. Growth response coefficients (GRCs) were calculated to address the importance of different growth parameters in explaining relative growth rate (RGR). At both light levels, net assimilation rate (NAR) was more important than leaf area ratio (LAR) in explaining the effects of P on growth as indicated by GRCs. At less severe P limitation, LAR became more important and NAR less important. Dry‐mass partitioning to both roots and leaves played a minor role in determining the effects of P limitation on growth as indicated by low GRCs. The increase in starch at mild P limitation showed that the assimilate supply was not limiting. At severe P limitation, the rate of photosynthesis was decreased, as suggested by the decrease in starch accumulation.  相似文献   

This study assesses the growth and morphological responses, nitrogen uptake and nutrient allocation in four aquatic macrophytes when supplied with different inorganic nitrogen treatments (1) NH4+, (2) NO3, or (3) both NH4+ and NO3. Two free-floating species (Salvinia cucullata Roxb. ex Bory and Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.) and two emergent species (Cyperus involucratus Rottb. and Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash ex Small) were grown with these N treatments at equimolar concentrations (500 μM). Overall, the plants responded well to NH4+. Growth as RGR was highest in S. cucullata (0.12 ± 0.003 d−1) followed by I. aquatica (0.035 ± 0.002 d−1), C. involucratus (0.03 ± 0.002 d−1) and V. zizanioides (0.02 ± 0.003 d−1). The NH4+ uptake rate was significantly higher than the NO3 uptake rate. The free-floating species had higher nitrogen uptake rates than the emergent species. The N-uptake rate differed between plant species and seemed to be correlated to growth rate. All species had a high NO3 uptake rate when supplied with only NO3. It seems that the NO3 transporters in the plasma membrane of the root cells and nitrate reductase activity were induced by external NO3. Tissue mineral contents varied with species and tissue, but differences between treatments were generally small. We conclude, that the free-floating S. cucullata and I. aquatica are good candidate species for use in constructed wetland systems to remove N from polluted water. The rooted emergent plants can be used in subsurface flow constructed wetland systems as they grow well on any form of nitrogen and as they can develop a deep and dense root system.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of initial biomass, nutrients, herbivory, and competition with Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid on Salvinia minima Baker biomass and density. S. minima populations were subjected to two levels of herbivory (control vs. two adults per plant) from the weevil Cyrtobagous salviniae Calder and Sands and eight levels of competition from S. polyrhiza, while growing in high (5 mg N l−1) or low (0.5 mg N l−1) nutrient conditions. Herbivory was the most important factor in S. minima biomass production while competition or fertility had no measurable impact. In contrast, S. polyrhiza biomass was mediated primarily by nutrients, not competition. There was no herbivory treatment for this plant. S. polyrhiza was superior to S. minima at converting nutrients to biomass but this did not give it a competitive advantage since S. minima biomass was unchanged when herbivory was absent. S. minima can generally overtop S. polyrhiza which, in turn, can form multiple layers within its mat. These characteristics may act to lessen competition between these species, thereby permitting their habitat sharing.  相似文献   

Deficiencies of each macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca. Mg, S, and Fe) decreased the specific activity of nitrate reductase from Triticum aestivum L. seedlings. Nitrate content was decreased by N, P, K, Ca, and Mg deficiencies and unaffected by S and Fe deficiencies. Glutamic acid dehydrogenase activity was decreased by N, P, and S deficiencies, unchanged by K deficiency, and increased by Ca, Mg, and Fe deficiencies. Glutamine synthetase activity closely paralleled nitrate reductase activity and was decreased by deficiencies of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S. Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase was not sensitive to macronutrient deficiencies. High 14C-leucine incorporation into tissue sections of N-, P-, K-, Ca-, and S-deficient seedlings did not appear indicative of protein synthesis rates in intact seedlings. Nutritional deficiencies apparently depleted endogenous amino acid pools and caused less inhibition of exogenous 14C-leucine incorporation into protein.  相似文献   

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