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Mandibular osteomyelitis in free-ranging cervids is a rare, but eventually fatal, disease. We examined 41,895 defleshed mandibles of roe deer collected throughout Slovenia in 2007. Mandibles from 14,679 fawns had no signs of osteomyelitis, and were excluded from further analysis. Of the remaining 27,216 specimens, chronic osteomyelitis ("lumpy jaw") was found in 113 mandibles (4.2%; 7.0% of adults). The majority of cases were observed from the Mediterranean and subalpine regions, near larger cities and thermal power plants. There was no statistically significant correlation between severity of the mandibular osteomyelitis and body weight. Females were more frequently affected than males. Coarse and abrasive food, and to some extent dental fluorosis, are the most probable triggers for development of lesions.  相似文献   

In most species of vertebrates, teeth play a central role in the long-term performance of individuals. However, patterns of tooth development have been little investigated as an indicator of animal performance. We filled this gap using data collected during long-term capture-mark-recapture monitoring of 1152 roe deer fawns at Chizé, western France. This population fluctuated greatly in size during the 27 years of monitoring, offering a unique opportunity to assess how the eruption patterns of front teeth perform as indicator of animal performance. We used three indices of the eruption of permanent front teeth, the simplest being whether or not incisor I2 has erupted, and the most complex being a 12-level factor distinguishing the different stages of tooth eruption. We also assessed the relevance of these indices as compared to fawn body mass, a widely used indicator of animal performance of deer populations. Dental indices and body mass were positively correlated (all r > 0.62). Similarly to body mass, all indices based on tooth eruption patterns responded to changes of population size and can be reliably used to assess the relationship between roe deer and their environment. We found a linear decrease in body mass with increasing population size (r2 = 0.54) and a simultaneous delay in tooth development (r2 = 0.48–0.55 from the least to the most accurate indicator). However, tooth development would be not further delayed in years with the highest densities (>15 adult roe deer/100 ha). A path analysis supported the population density effect on tooth eruption patterns being mainly determined by the effect of population size on body mass. Our study provides managers with simple indices (e.g., presence-absence of I2) that provide a technically more easy way to standardize measurements of deer density-dependent responses over large geographical and temporal scales than would be possible with body mass.  相似文献   

Roe deer is a seasonal breeder characterised by a short rutting season in summer. Mature males show synchronised cycles of testicular involution and recrudescence. Therefore, this species is a valuable model to study seasonal regulation of spermatogenesis in ruminants. It is hypothesised that a time-dependent production of testicular growth factors is required to regulate seasonal changes in testis growth and spermatogenesis. To identify potential candidates, total RNA from roe deer testis tissue was extracted at three different seasonal periods (April, August, December), and using RT-PCR the presence of several growth factors (aFGF, bFGF, IGF-I, IGF-II, TGF-alpha, TGF-beta1, TGF-beta3 and two isoforms of VEGF) was detected. Sequencing of the growth factor PCR fragments revealed a high sequence homology between cattle and roe deer. To further explore the expression patterns of the identified growth factors in roe deer their expression levels were standardised using glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene expression. The study demonstrates the expression of several growth factors in roe deer testis and supports the assumption of their seasonally diverse regulation. These results provide the basis to investigate the role of growth factors in the regulation of circannual changes of testicular activity.  相似文献   

A retrospective epidemiologic study was conducted to examine causes of mortality of 985 wild roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) submitted to the National Veterinary Institute (SVA; Uppsala, Sweden) from January 1986 to December 1995. Age, sex, body condition, and geographic distribution as related to disease conditions are reported herein. The most common causes of mortality in roe deer were trauma (19%), winter starvation (18%), gastritis/enteritis (15%), bacterial infections (11%), parasitic infection (11%), systemic diseases (11%), neoplasia (2%), congenital disorders (1%), and miscellaneous causes (6%). Cause of death was not determined in 6% of the cases. The distribution of causes of death reported in this study differ from previous works in Sweden in that infectious and parasitic diseases were more common than winter starvation. The pathologic findings in studies like this do not necessarily represent what is occurring in the natural environment, but they do provide a good indication of distribution of diseases over time as well as age and sex structure in relation to disease conditions. Further research and more detailed studies are in progress to better understand specific mortality factors as well as etiologies of certain described diseases in roe deer in Sweden.  相似文献   

The study reports lead concentrations and lead and strontium stable-isotope ratios in mandibular molars of roe deer from three different areas in western Germany. Lead concentrations in third molars ranged between 0.23 and 36.61 μg/g (dry weight). Comparing lead concentrations in first molars and third molars in a group of ca. 1.5- or ca. 2.5-year-old individuals from the same area revealed an effect of tooth age on tooth lead content. The higher lead concentrations in the first molars were attributed to the longer period of lead accumulation by the dentin of these teeth compared with the later-forming third molars. Differences in lead isotopic signatures of the teeth were observed between the three areas, presumably reflecting variation in exposure to different sources of environmental lead. We also found marked variation in the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the teeth, with only a small overlap in values between two of the areas. Strontium isotope analysis alone or in combination with lead isotope analyses can be a useful means of assessing the provenance of deer teeth of unknown geographical origin.  相似文献   

Many previous studies have pointed out that, when resources are limited, the potential for competition should be high among sympatric species that display overlaps in habitat and nutritional niches. However, reliable evidence of competition between red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) has not been yet reported for life history traits directly measuring performance such as body mass, reproduction, or survival. From long-term monitoring of deer populations in the reserve of La Petite Pierre (France), we measured the sex-specific responses of roe deer fawn body mass to changes in red deer density after accounting for possible confounding effects of date of shooting, climatic conditions, and roe deer density. As expected under the hypothesis of competition, red deer density in a given year had a marked negative influence on body mass of roe deer fawns born the same year and the following year. Fawn mass of roe deer males and females responded in similar ways to changes in red deer density. Our study provides the first evidence of a negative response of roe deer performance to high red deer density.  相似文献   

Supernumerary digits on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) have been recorded over many decades in Germany. The case described in this communication is believed to be only the second documented example from the UK. A right hind foot of a buck had three equally developed digits arising from a metatarsal that trifurcated.  相似文献   



The roe deer is the most abundant and widespread wild Eurasian cervid. Its populations are expanding and increasingly in contact with livestock. This may affect the distribution of infectious diseases shared with other wild and domestic ungulates.  相似文献   

A two-year-old roe deer was brought down in the course of a hunt in the north of Spain (Asturias). On physical examination the individual presented well-developed bared antlers, but surprisingly a female external genitalia. Several anatomical, histological and genetic analyses were performed in order to explain the observed phenotype. Necropsy evidenced ovary-like structures with follicles on the surface; histological analyses of testes evidenced positive immunolabel against testosterone in Leydig cells; genetic analyses showed that the sex of the individual was consistent with a female individual. PCR analysis failed to detect SRY sequences; no PIS deletion, which is responsible for XX sex-reversal in goats, was detected. On the basis of its presumptive normal female sexual karyotype (XX) and the presence of two functional abdominal bilateral testes and ovaries, the roe deer was finally diagnosed as possessing an XX hermaphroditism syndrome. However, as in many other cases, the specific reason for the occurrence of this case of hermaphroditism could not be determined.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization is a widespread evolutionary phenomenon which may lead to increased allelic variation at selective neutral loci and to transfer of fitness‐related traits to introgressed lineages. We inferred the population genetic structure of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Poland from mitochondrial (CR and cyt b) and sex‐linked markers (ZFX, SRY, DBY4 and DBY8). Analyses of CR mtDNA sequences from 452 individuals indicated widespread introgression of Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus) mtDNA in the European roe deer genome, 2000 km from the current distribution range of C. pygargus. Introgressed individuals constituted 16.6% of the deer studied. Nearly 75% of them possessed haplotypes belonging to the group which arose 23 kyr ago and have not been detected within the natural range of Siberian roe deer, indicating that majority of present introgression has ancient origin. Unlike the mtDNA results, sex‐specific markers did not show signs of introgression. Species distribution modelling analyses suggested that C. pygargus could have extended its range as far west as Central Europe after last glacial maximum. The main hybridization event was probably associated with range expansion of the most abundant European roe deer lineage from western refugia and took place in Central Europe after the Younger Dryas (10.8–10.0 ka BP). Initially, introgressed mtDNA variants could have spread out on the wave of expansion through the mechanism of gene surfing, reaching high frequencies in European roe deer populations and leading to observed asymmetrical gene flow. Human‐mediated introductions of C. pygargus had minimal effect on the extent of mtDNA introgression.  相似文献   

Environmentalists and authorities responsible for road safety are trying to reduce the number of wildlife collisions with vehicles (WCV) worldwide. Roe deer are the most common large animal involved in WCV in Europe. This article discusses the distribution of 2010 wildlife-vehicle collisions involving roe deer (WVRD) in Lithuania in 2013 and 2014. The collisions were analyzed in terms of monthly and daily data for each month separately, and the results are compared with the time of sunrise and sunset in Lithuania. By analyzing trends of natural factors that influence the number of collisions we show that the frequency of WVRD is strongly correlated with seasonal and yearly changes in sunrise and sunset. This research shows that these natural factors are extremely important for the dynamics of WVRD. Future analysis of these factors and application of appropriate preventative measures should significantly reduce the risk of collision between vehicles and roe deer.  相似文献   

A case of granulocytic ehrlichiosis is described in a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) calf from Norway. The calf was heavily infested with Ixodes ricinus and died from Escherichia coli septicemia. Granulocytic Ehrlichia sp. was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from several organs and sequence determination identified a variant of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) agent. This is the first report of a possible clinical granulocytic Ehrlichia sp. infection in a roe deer.  相似文献   

采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术分析测定了6个狍(Capreolus Pygargus)种群的分子遗传特征.遗传分析表明:狍迎春种群具有较低的单倍型多样性(H=0.622±0.138)和核苷酸多样性(π=0.386±0.00383),图强种群具有较高的单倍型多样性(H=0.857±0.044)和核苷酸多样(π=2.580±0.01914),Tajima'sD和Fu and Li'sD值检测结果表明这6个狍种群相对于中性进化的歧异度并没有明显的偏离(P>0.1);相关性分析表明:狍遗传多样性与纬度(r=0.770)和海拔(r=0.719)呈显著正相关,与年平均气温(r=-0.519)和无霜期(r=-0.652)呈显著负相关,与经度(r=-0.258)和年平均降水量(r=-0.205)呈显著的不相关.  相似文献   

The ectoparasite fauna of reintroduced roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was surveyed in a Mediterranean forest in Israel. Ectoparasites were collected from four female hand-reared deer during 2004 and 2005. Seasonality, predilection sites of infestation, and the apparent effect of the parasites are presented. This is the first study of roe deer parasites in the East Mediterranean. The ectoparasite fauna included three hippoboscid fly (Lipoptena capreoli, Hippobosca equina, and Hippobosca longipennis), four tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Rhipicephalus kohlsi, and Hyalomma marginatum), and one unidentified trombiculid mite species. For most of these ectoparasites, this is the first record on roe deer. All ectoparasite species were documented in Israel prior to the reintroduction program; exotic ectoparasites were not detected.  相似文献   

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