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Catalase CatF of Pseudomonas syringae has been identified phylogenetically as a clade 1 catalase, closely related to plant catalases, a group from which no structure has been determined. The structure of CatF has been refined at 1.8 A resolution by using X-ray synchrotron data collected from a crystal flash-cooled with liquid nitrogen. The crystallographic agreement factors R and R(free) are, respectively, 18.3% and 24.0%. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contains a whole molecule that shows accurate 222-point group symmetry. The crystallized enzyme is a homotetramer of subunits with 484 residues, some 26 residues shorter than predicted from the DNA sequence. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the absence of 26 N-terminal residues, possibly removed by a periplasmic transport system. The core structure of the CatF subunit was closely related to seven other catalases with root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs) of 368 core Calpha atoms of 0.99-1.30 A. The heme component of CatF is heme b in the same orientation that is found in Escherichia coli hydroperoxidase II, an orientation that is flipped 180 degrees with respect the orientation of the heme in bovine liver catalase. NADPH is not found in the structure of CatF because key residues required for nucleotide binding are missing; 2129 water molecules were refined into the model. Water occupancy in the main or perpendicular channel of CatF varied among the four subunits from two to five in the region between the heme and the conserved Asp150. A comparison of the water occupancy in this region with the same region in other catalases reveals significant differences among the catalases.  相似文献   

cDNA coding for N-terminally truncated human annexin I, a member of the family of Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipid binding proteins, has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein is biologically active, and has been purified and crystallized in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions a = 139.36 A, b = 67.50 A, and c = 42.11 A. The crystal structure has been determined by molecular replacement at 3.0 A resolution using the annexin V core structure as the search model. The average backbone deviation between these two structures is 2.34 A. The structure has been refined to an R-factor of 17.7% at 2.5 A resolution. Six calcium sites have been identified in the annexin I structure. Each is located in the loop region of the helix-loop-helix motif. Two of the six calcium sites in annexin I are not occupied in the annexin V structure. The superpositions of the corresponding loop regions in the four domains show that the calcium binding loops in annexin I can be divided into two classes: type II and type III. Both classes are different from the well-known EF-hand motif (type I).  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter in vivo to monitor transformation in Paramecium cells. This is not trivial because of the limited number of strong promoters available for heterologous expression and the very high AT content of the genomic DNA, the consequence of which is a very aberrant codon usage. Taking into account differences in codon usage we selected and modified the original GFP open reading frame (ORF) from Aequorea victoria and placed the altered ORF into the Paramecium expression vector pPXV. Injection of the linearized plasmid into the macronucleus resulted in a cytoplasmic fluorescence signal in the clonal descendants, which was proportional to the number of copies injected. Southern hybridization indicated the establishment and replication of the plasmid during vegetative growth. Expression was also monitored by Northern and Western analysis. The results indicate that the modified GFP can be used in Paramecium as a reporter for transformation as an alternative to selection with antibiotics and that it may also be used to construct and localize fusion proteins.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Following electroshock-induced extrusion of its inserted trichocysts, Paramecium tetraurelia rapidly begins replacement of the population of lost organelles. Light microscopy of the cortical insertion of new trichocysts reveals a series of characteristic motility activities. An uninserted trichocyst in the cyclotic flow of the cell appears to be “captured” and removed to the noncyclotic, subcortical regions. The trichocyst then makes a series of saltatory motions which apparently serve to transport it to the cortex, with proper orientation (tip first) for insertion. Trichocyst saltations end with either cortical insertion of the organelle, or return to cyclosis. If the trichocyst is inserted, it makes a series of unique pivoting movements around the motionless tip. This form of motility, termed “wobble,” continues for a short period of time. After cessation of wobble, the insertion of the trichocyst is apparently complete, since no further motility is observed. With the aid of these observations it was possible to identify saltatory motility as the means for transporting trichocysts to the cortex for insertion, and also to observe a motility of unknown significance (wobble) apparently associated with the process of cortical insertion.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas sp. A1 possesses a high molecular mass (average 25,700 Da) alginate uptake system mediated by a novel pit-dependent ABC transporter. The X-ray crystallographic structure of AlgQ2 (57,200 Da), an alginate-binding protein in the system, was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined at 2.0 A resolution with a final R-factor of 18.3% for 15 to 2.0 A resolution data. The refined structure of AlgQ2 was comprised of 492 amino acid residues, 172 water molecules, and one calcium ion. AlgQ2 was composed of two globular domains with a deep cleft between them, which is expected to be the alginate-binding site. The overall structure is basically similar to that of maltose/maltodextrin-binding protein, except for the presence of an N2-subdomain. The entire calcium ion-binding site is similar to the site in the EF-hand motif, but comprises a ten residue loop. This calcium ion-binding site is about 40 A away from the alginate-binding site.  相似文献   

A search was undertaken for naturally occurring genetic markers for use in clonal aging studies of Paramecium tetraurelia. Clonal age is defined as the number of cell divisions since the last sexual process. Autogamy (self-fertilization) is a sexual process which can occur in aging lines, resulting in homozygosity and initiation of the next generation. Such illicit autogamies must be detected and eliminated from the aged clone. With codominant alleles, heterozygous aging lines can be established which will express a phenotype distinguishable from that of either parental type and autogamy can then be monitored by the appearance of either segregant homozygous phenotype. However, very few codominant alleles are available in this species. Electrophoretic mobilities of malic dehydrogenase (MDH) were assayed in 11 stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nine stocks showed a singlebanded stock 51 type, while stock 174 and stock 29 each exhibited unique mobility. Crosses between stock 51 and the deviant stocks revealed distinct three-banded patterns indicative of heterozygosity of the F1 generation. In the autogamous F2 generation, 1:1 segregation of the parental types were recovered. The pattern of inheritance is consistent with codominant alleles and Mendelian inheritance. These naturally occurring biochemical markers are stable with increasing clonal age and are therefore useful genetic markers for studies of cellular aging.This work was supported by NSF Grant PCM 7704315.  相似文献   

A multigene family encoding R-SNAREs in the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SNARE proteins (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) mediate membrane interactions and are conventionally divided into Q-SNAREs and R-SNAREs according to the possession of a glutamine or arginine residue at the core of their SNARE domain. Here, we describe a set of R-SNAREs from the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia consisting of seven families encoded by 12 genes that are expressed simultaneously. The complexity of the endomembrane system in Paramecium can explain this high number of genes. All P. tetraurelia synaptobrevins (PtSybs) possess a SNARE domain and show homology to the Longin family of R-SNAREs such as Ykt6, Sec22 and tetanus toxin-insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP). We localized four exemplary PtSyb subfamilies with GFP constructs and antibodies on the light and electron microscopic level. PtSyb1-1, PtSyb1-2 and PtSyb3-1 were found in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas PtSyb2 is localized exclusively in the contractile vacuole complex. PtSyb6 was found cytosolic but also resides in regularly arranged structures at the cell cortex (parasomal sacs), the cytoproct and oral apparatus, probably representing endocytotic compartments. With gene silencing, we showed that the R-SNARE of the contractile vacuole complex, PtSyb2, functions to maintain structural integrity as well as functionality of the osmoregulatory system but also affects cell division.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Conjugation in Paramecium tetraurelia can be induced within mating-reactive cultures of a single mating type by treating the cells with solutions of KC1 + acriflavine in culture medium low in Ca2+. Gene mutations with known physiologic effect were used as selective inhibitors of cell surface membrane function to see which functions are necessary for chemical induction of conjugation. The results strongly suggest that a transient increase in the internal concentration of calcium at the very beginning of chemical induction is a necessary but not sufficient step.  相似文献   

Structure of porin refined at 1.8 A resolution.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The crystal structure of porin from Rhodobacter capsulatus has been refined using the simulated annealing method. The final model consists of all 301 amino acid residues well obeying standard geometry, three calcium ions, 274 solvent molecules, three detergent molecules and one unknown ligand modeled as a detergent molecule. The final crystallographic R-factor is 18.6% based on 42,851 independent reflections in the resolution range 10 to 1.8 A. The model is described in detail.  相似文献   

The mtFE mutation isolated in Paramecium tetraurelia affects mating type differentiation, trichocyst excretion, and viability. Its effect on mating type has already been shown to correspond to a restriction to the E mating type interpreted by an inefficiency of nuclear O-determining factors. In this paper we study the other two phenotypic characteristics whose hereditary transmission displays two unusual features. (1) In crosses between a wild-type strain and the mutant strain, the mutant characteristics do not reappear in F2 in the wild-type cytoplasmic lineage but only in F3 after the homozygous clones have undergone an additional nuclear reorganization. (2) Some F2 wild-type clones, in the mutant cytoplasmic lineage, retain some of the phenotypic characteristics of the mutant. We propose that the mtF gene product plays a role in the control of several macronuclearly differentiated functions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Doublet Paramecium tetraurelia would be expected to contain 2 macronuclei if their nuclear complement were strictly analogous to that of singlets. However, most doublets are unimacronucleate. It is shown in this study that dimacronucleate cells are present only in young clones. Unimacronucleate cells arise either through abnormalities in the determination and distribution of macronuclear anlagen during the first cell cycle after conjugation, or from dimacronucleate cells through abnormal division and segregation of macronuclei during the fission process. When a change in the number of macronuclei occurs through abnormalities in the division and segregation of daughter macronuclei, the daughter cells produced typically have DNA contents more similar than those expected from either random segregation of daughter macronuclei, or from the normal segregation pattern in ciliates in which changes in the number of macronuclei in progeny cells do not occur. This suggests that part of the regulation process of macronuclear DNA content in Paramecium may occur through control of the segregation pattern of daughter macronuclei.  相似文献   

Human infection with Toxoplasma gondii is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Protozoan parasites such as T. gondii are incapable of de novo purine biosynthesis and must acquire purines from their host, so the purine salvage pathway offers a number of potential targets for antiparasitic chemotherapy. In T. gondii tachyzoites, adenosine is the predominantly salvaged purine nucleoside, and thus adenosine kinase is a key enzyme in the purine salvage pathway of this parasite. The structure of T. gondii adenosine kinase was solved using molecular replacement and refined by simulated annealing at 1.8 A resolution to an R-factor of 0.214. The overall structure and the active site geometry are similar to human adenosine kinase, although there are significant differences. The T. gondii adenosine kinase has several unique features compared to the human sequence, including a five-residue deletion in one of the four linking segments between the two domains, which is probably responsible for a major change in the orientation of the two domains with respect to each other. These structural differences suggest the possibility of developing specific inhibitors of the parasitic enzyme.  相似文献   

Calmodulin of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has different Ca2+ binding properties from other calmodulins. We previously reported that the maximum number of Ca2+ binding was 3 mol/mol and the fourth binding site was defective, which was different from 4 mol/mol for others. Their macroscopic dissociation constants suggested the cooperative three Ca2+ bindings rather than a pair of cooperative two Ca2+ bindings of ordinary calmodulin. Here we present evidence for yeast calmodulin showing the intramolecular close interaction between the N-terminal half domain and the C-terminal half domain, while the two domains of ordinary calmodulin are independent of each other. We will discuss the relationship of the shape and the shape change caused by the Ca2+ binding to the enzyme activation in yeast. The functional feature of calmodulin in yeast will also be considered, which might be different from the one of vertebrate calmodulin.  相似文献   

Structure of ubiquitin refined at 1.8 A resolution   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The crystal structure of human erythrocytic ubiquitin has been refined at 1.8 A resolution using a restrained least-squares procedure. The crystallographic R-factor for the final model is 0.176. Bond lengths and bond angles in the molecule have root-mean-square deviations from ideal values of 0.016 A and 1.5 degrees, respectively. A total of 58 water molecules per molecule of ubiquitin are included in the final model. The last four residues in the molecule appear to have partial occupancy or large thermal motion. The overall structure of ubiquitin is extremely compact and tightly hydrogen-bonded; approximately 87% of the polypeptide chain is involved in hydrogen-bonded secondary structure. Prominent secondary structural features include three and one-half turns of alpha-helix, a short piece of 3(10)-helix, a mixed beta-sheet that contains five strands, and seven reverse turns. There is a marked hydrophobic core formed between the beta-sheet and alpha-helix. The molecule features a number of unusual secondary structural features, including a parallel G1 beta-bulge, two reverse Asx turns, and a symmetrical hydrogen-bonding region that involves the two helices and two of the reverse turns.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. To establish and grow Paramecium caudatum in mass axenic culture the culture medium of Soldo, Godoy & van Wagtendonk was modified by substituting phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) for TEM-4T and by a 10-fold increase in folic acid. Population densities of 4000 to 6000 cells/ml and a generation time of 20–26 h are regularly obtained. Optimal growth is obtained with PE-stigmasterol ratios between 40:1 to 400:1. Cells from 1-day-old axenic cultures have many lipid bodies aggregated in clumps (which disappear in 2 to 3 days) as well as foci of rough endoplasmic reticulum bordered by dictyosomes. The latter suggests a very active metabolism. Crystalline sheets found in both food vacuoles and lysosomes presumably play a role in digestion. Axenically grown cells also have abundant Golgi bodies (dictyosomes) and by late log phase become filled with lysosomes.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic protozoan, Paramecium, was examined as a model for effects of pulsated electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on cells. A 72-Hz PEMF similar to fields employed clinically increased cell division rates in Paramecium by 8.5%. Two calcium transport mutants of these organisms showed differential responses to the same field. Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, abolished any effect of PEMFs on cell division rates. A fluorescent probe that is thought to sense changes in membrane potential also manifested an altered response in the PEMF-exposed cells whereas a fluorescent lipid bilayer fluidity probe produced evidence of decreased membrane fluidity in the exposed cells. An effect of PEMFs on ion transport mediated by either a direct or indirect effect on the cell membrane is suggested by these studies.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Aberrant discharge of trichocysts in response to picric acid occurs in 8 of the 28 wild stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia. There are at least 4 distinguishable phenotypes: nondischarge, stocks 139, 163, 169, and 242; temperature-sensitive nondischarge, stock 126; leaky nondischarge, stock 203; and a clonally unstable phenotype, stocks 146 and 148. From each of these stocks a single recessive gene causing nondischarge has been isolated by backcrosses to stock 51. The original stocks 126, 146, and 148 possess other genes which affect the extracted genes. The copper resistance locus is ~ 10 centiMorgans from nd169 and nd242, but none of the other nondischarge genes are linked to 6 marker loci. The genes nd169 and nd242 are only 0.5 centiMorgans apart making them the closest known pair of loci in P. tetraurelia. The genes nd126 and nd242 are distinguishable alleles at the same locus and the genes nd146 and nd148 are apparently identical alleles. The large number of loci involved in producing a similar phenotype in different stocks supports the idea that mutation is much more important than gene flow in this highly inbreeding species.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a ubiquitous moderator protein for calcium signaling in all eukaryotic cells. This small calcium‐binding protein exhibits a broad range of structural transitions, including domain opening and folding–unfolding, that allow it to recognize a wide variety of binding partners in vivo. While the static structures of CaM associated with its various binding activities are fairly well‐known, it has been challenging to examine the dynamics of transition between these structures in real‐time, due to a lack of suitable spectroscopic probes of CaM structure. In this article, we examine the potential of ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy for clarifying the nature of structural transitions in CaM. We find that the UVRR spectral change (with 229 nm excitation) due to thermal unfolding of CaM is qualitatively different from that associated with opening of the C‐terminal domain in response to Ca2+ binding. This spectral difference is entirely due to differences in tertiary contacts at the interdomain tyrosine residue Tyr138, toward which other spectroscopic methods are not sensitive. We conclude that UVRR is ideally suited to identifying the different types of structural transitions in CaM and other proteins with conformation‐sensitive tyrosine residues, opening a path to time‐resolved studies of CaM dynamics using Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The pore through which a Paramecium contractile vacuole communicates with the external environment is a 1.2 μm long and 1 μm diameter cylindrical orifice in the pellicle. During diastole, the vacuole:pore junction is closed by a substantial diaphragm which parts to the side at systole. The diaphragm is composed of inner and outer membranes continuous with the vacuole and pore membranes, respectively, and an intervening cytoplasmic layer containing filaments and irregular membranous tubules and vesicles. Microtubules, organized into 2 sets, are an important component of the pore apparatus. One set of ~ 16 microtubules forms an annulus around the pore. These microtubules are organized into a right-handed helix with a pitch of 0.5-0.6 μm, and thus complete slightly more than 2 turns in their course from the level of the diaphragm to the pore outer lip. They appear to be embedded in a layer of dense material immediately adjacent to the pore membrane. The other set consists of 5 or more bands of 10–20 microtubules which radiate in a slight left-handed helix from an insertion at the pore out over the vacuole surface to the ampullae.  相似文献   

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